1 " stata.vim -- Vim syntax file for Stata do, ado, and class files.
2 " Language: Stata and/or Mata
3 " Maintainer: Jeff Pitblado <jpitblado@stata.com>
4 " Last Change: 14apr2006
5 " Version: 1.1.1
6 " Location: http://www.stata.com/users/jpitblado/files/vimfiles/syntax/stata.vim
8 " Log:
9 " 14apr2006 renamed syntax groups st* to stata*
10 " 'syntax clear' only under version control
11 " check for 'b:current_syntax', removed 'did_stat_syntax_inits'
13 if version < 600
14 syntax clear
15 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
16 finish
17 endif
19 syntax case match
21 " comments - single line
22 " note that the triple slash continuing line comment comes free
23 syn region stataStarComment start=/^\s*\*/ end=/$/ contains=stataComment oneline
24 syn region stataSlashComment start="\s//" end=/$/ contains=stataComment oneline
25 syn region stataSlashComment start="^//" end=/$/ contains=stataComment oneline
26 " comments - multiple line
27 syn region stataComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=stataComment
29 " global macros - simple case
30 syn match stataGlobal /\$\a\w*/
31 " global macros - general case
32 syn region stataGlobal start=/\${/ end=/}/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
33 " local macros - general case
34 syn region stataLocal start=/`/ end=/'/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
36 " numeric formats
37 syn match stataFormat /%-\=\d\+\.\d\+[efg]c\=/
38 " numeric hex format
39 syn match stataFormat /%-\=21x/
40 " string format
41 syn match stataFormat /%\(\|-\|\~\)\d\+s/
43 " Statements
44 syn keyword stataConditional else if
45 syn keyword stataRepeat foreach
46 syn keyword stataRepeat forv[alues]
47 syn keyword stataRepeat while
49 " Common programming commands
50 syn keyword stataCommand about
51 syn keyword stataCommand adopath
52 syn keyword stataCommand adoupdate
53 syn keyword stataCommand assert
54 syn keyword stataCommand break
55 syn keyword stataCommand by
56 syn keyword stataCommand cap[ture]
57 syn keyword stataCommand cd
58 syn keyword stataCommand chdir
59 syn keyword stataCommand checksum
60 syn keyword stataCommand class
61 syn keyword stataCommand classutil
62 syn keyword stataCommand compress
63 syn keyword stataCommand conf[irm]
64 syn keyword stataCommand conren
65 syn keyword stataCommand continue
66 syn keyword stataCommand cou[nt]
67 syn keyword stataCommand cscript
68 syn keyword stataCommand cscript_log
69 syn keyword stataCommand #delimit
70 syn keyword stataCommand d[escribe]
71 syn keyword stataCommand dir
72 syn keyword stataCommand discard
73 syn keyword stataCommand di[splay]
74 syn keyword stataCommand do
75 syn keyword stataCommand doedit
76 syn keyword stataCommand drop
77 syn keyword stataCommand edit
78 syn keyword stataCommand end
79 syn keyword stataCommand erase
80 syn keyword stataCommand eret[urn]
81 syn keyword stataCommand err[or]
82 syn keyword stataCommand e[xit]
83 syn keyword stataCommand expand
84 syn keyword stataCommand expandcl
85 syn keyword stataCommand file
86 syn keyword stataCommand findfile
87 syn keyword stataCommand format
88 syn keyword stataCommand g[enerate]
89 syn keyword stataCommand gettoken
90 syn keyword stataCommand gl[obal]
91 syn keyword stataCommand help
92 syn keyword stataCommand hexdump
93 syn keyword stataCommand include
94 syn keyword stataCommand infile
95 syn keyword stataCommand infix
96 syn keyword stataCommand input
97 syn keyword stataCommand insheet
98 syn keyword stataCommand joinby
99 syn keyword stataCommand la[bel]
100 syn keyword stataCommand levelsof
101 syn keyword stataCommand list
102 syn keyword stataCommand loc[al]
103 syn keyword stataCommand log
104 syn keyword stataCommand ma[cro]
105 syn keyword stataCommand mark
106 syn keyword stataCommand markout
107 syn keyword stataCommand marksample
108 syn keyword stataCommand mata
109 syn keyword stataCommand matrix
110 syn keyword stataCommand memory
111 syn keyword stataCommand merge
112 syn keyword stataCommand mkdir
113 syn keyword stataCommand more
114 syn keyword stataCommand net
115 syn keyword stataCommand nobreak
116 syn keyword stataCommand n[oisily]
117 syn keyword stataCommand note[s]
118 syn keyword stataCommand numlist
119 syn keyword stataCommand outfile
120 syn keyword stataCommand outsheet
121 syn keyword stataCommand _parse
122 syn keyword stataCommand pause
123 syn keyword stataCommand plugin
124 syn keyword stataCommand post
125 syn keyword stataCommand postclose
126 syn keyword stataCommand postfile
127 syn keyword stataCommand preserve
128 syn keyword stataCommand print
129 syn keyword stataCommand printer
130 syn keyword stataCommand profiler
131 syn keyword stataCommand pr[ogram]
132 syn keyword stataCommand q[uery]
133 syn keyword stataCommand qui[etly]
134 syn keyword stataCommand rcof
135 syn keyword stataCommand reg[ress]
136 syn keyword stataCommand rename
137 syn keyword stataCommand repeat
138 syn keyword stataCommand replace
139 syn keyword stataCommand reshape
140 syn keyword stataCommand ret[urn]
141 syn keyword stataCommand _rmcoll
142 syn keyword stataCommand _rmcoll
143 syn keyword stataCommand _rmcollright
144 syn keyword stataCommand rmdir
145 syn keyword stataCommand _robust
146 syn keyword stataCommand save
147 syn keyword stataCommand sca[lar]
148 syn keyword stataCommand search
149 syn keyword stataCommand serset
150 syn keyword stataCommand set
151 syn keyword stataCommand shell
152 syn keyword stataCommand sleep
153 syn keyword stataCommand sort
154 syn keyword stataCommand split
155 syn keyword stataCommand sret[urn]
156 syn keyword stataCommand ssc
157 syn keyword stataCommand su[mmarize]
158 syn keyword stataCommand syntax
159 syn keyword stataCommand sysdescribe
160 syn keyword stataCommand sysdir
161 syn keyword stataCommand sysuse
162 syn keyword stataCommand token[ize]
163 syn keyword stataCommand translate
164 syn keyword stataCommand type
165 syn keyword stataCommand unab
166 syn keyword stataCommand unabcmd
167 syn keyword stataCommand update
168 syn keyword stataCommand use
169 syn keyword stataCommand vers[ion]
170 syn keyword stataCommand view
171 syn keyword stataCommand viewsource
172 syn keyword stataCommand webdescribe
173 syn keyword stataCommand webseek
174 syn keyword stataCommand webuse
175 syn keyword stataCommand which
176 syn keyword stataCommand who
177 syn keyword stataCommand window
179 " Literals
180 syn match stataQuote /"/
181 syn region stataEString matchgroup=Nothing start=/`"/ end=/"'/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataQuote,stataString,stataEString
182 syn region stataString matchgroup=Nothing start=/"/ end=/"/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
184 " define clusters
185 syn cluster stataFuncGroup contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataFunc,stataString,stataEstring
186 syn cluster stataMacroGroup contains=stataGlobal,stataLocal
187 syn cluster stataParenGroup contains=stataParenError,stataBracketError,stataBraceError,stataSpecial,stataFormat
189 " Stata functions
190 " Math
191 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/abs(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
192 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/acos(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
193 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/asin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
194 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/atan(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
195 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/atan2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
196 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/atanh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
197 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ceil(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
198 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cloglog(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
199 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/comb(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
200 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cos(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
201 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/digamma(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
202 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/exp(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
203 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/floor(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
204 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/int(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
205 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invcloglog(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
206 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invlogit(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
207 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ln(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
208 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnfact(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
209 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnfactorial(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
210 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lngamma(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
211 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/log(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
212 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/log10(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
213 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/logit(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
214 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/max(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
215 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mod(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
216 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/reldif(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
217 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/round(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
218 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sign(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
219 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
220 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sqrt(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
221 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sum(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
222 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tan(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
223 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tanh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
224 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trigamma(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
225 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trunc(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
226 " Probability distriubtions and density functions
227 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/betaden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
228 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/Binomial(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
229 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/binorm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
230 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/binormal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
231 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/chi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
232 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/chi2tail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
233 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapda(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
234 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdada(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
235 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdadx(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
236 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdx(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
237 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdxdx(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
238 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/F(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
239 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/Fden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
240 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/Ftail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
241 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/gammaden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
242 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/gammap(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
243 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
244 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invbinomial(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
245 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
246 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invchi2tail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
247 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invF(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
248 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invFtail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
249 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invgammap(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
250 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
251 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invnchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
252 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invFtail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
253 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
254 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invnorm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
255 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invnormal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
256 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invttail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
257 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnnormal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
258 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnnormalden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
259 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nbetaden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
260 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
261 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nFden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
262 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nFtail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
263 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
264 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/norm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
265 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/normal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
266 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/normalden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
267 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/normden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
268 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/npnchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
269 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
270 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ttail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
271 " Random numbers
272 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/uniform(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
273 " String
274 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/abbrev(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
275 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/hchar(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
276 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/indexnot(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
277 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/itrim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
278 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/length(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
279 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lower(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
280 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ltrim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
281 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/plural(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
282 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/proper(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
283 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/real(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
284 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/regexm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
285 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/regexr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
286 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/regexs(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
287 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/reverse(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
288 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/rtrim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
289 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/string(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
290 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/strlen(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
291 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/strmatch(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
292 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/strpos(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
293 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/subinstr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
294 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/subinword(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
295 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/substr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
296 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
297 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/upper(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
298 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/word(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
299 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/wordcount(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
300 " Programming
301 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/autocode(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
302 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/byteorder(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
303 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/c(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
304 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/_caller(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
305 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/chop(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
306 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/clip(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
307 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cond(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
308 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/e(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
309 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/epsdouble(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
310 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/epsfloat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
311 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/float(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
312 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/has_eprop(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
313 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/has_eprop(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
314 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/inlist(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
315 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/inrange(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
316 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/irecode(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
317 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/matrix(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
318 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxbyte(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
319 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxdouble(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
320 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxfloat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
321 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxint(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
322 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxlong(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
323 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mi(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
324 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minbyte(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
325 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mindouble(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
326 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minfloat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
327 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minint(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
328 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minlong(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
329 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/missing(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
330 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/r(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
331 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/recode(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
332 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/replay(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
333 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/return(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
334 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/s(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
335 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/scalar(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
336 " Date
337 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/d(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
338 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/date(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
339 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/day(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
340 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dow(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
341 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/doy(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
342 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/halfyear(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
343 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mdy(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
344 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/month(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
345 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/quarter(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
346 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/week(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
347 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/year(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
348 " Time-series
349 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/daily(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
350 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/halfyearly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
351 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/monthly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
352 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/quarterly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
353 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/weekly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
354 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yearly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
355 "
356 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
357 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ym(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
358 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yq(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
359 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yw(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
360 "
361 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/d(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
362 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/h(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
363 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/m(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
364 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/q(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
365 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/w(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
366 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/y(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
367 "
368 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
369 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
370 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
371 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofq(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
372 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofw(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
373 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofy(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
374 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/hofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
375 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
376 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/qofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
377 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/wofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
378 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
379 "
380 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
381 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/twithin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
382 " Matrix
383 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/colnumb(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
384 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/colsof(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
385 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/det(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
386 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/diag0cnt(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
387 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/el(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
388 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/issymmetric(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
389 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/matmissing(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
390 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mreldif(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
391 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/rownumb(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
392 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/rowsof(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
393 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trace(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
394 "
395 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cholsky(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
396 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/corr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
397 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/diag(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
398 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/get(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
399 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/hadamard(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
400 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/I(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
401 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/inv(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
402 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invsym(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
403 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/J(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
404 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/matuniform(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
405 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nullmat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
406 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sweep(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
407 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/vec(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
408 syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/vecdiag(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
410 " Errors to catch
411 " taken from $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim
412 " catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis, braces and brackets
413 syn region stataParen transparent start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInBracket,stataErrInBrace
414 syn region stataBracket transparent start=/\[/ end=/]/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBrace
415 syn region stataBrace transparent start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBracket
416 syn match stataParenError /[\])}]/
417 syn match stataBracketError /]/
418 syn match stataBraceError /}/
419 syn match stataErrInParen contained /[\]{}]/
420 syn match stataErrInBracket contained /[){}]/
421 syn match stataErrInBrace contained /[)\]]/
423 " assign highlight groups
424 hi def link stataBraceError stataError
425 hi def link stataBracketError stataError
426 hi def link stataErrInBrace stataError
427 hi def link stataErrInBracket stataError
428 hi def link stataErrInParen stataError
429 hi def link stataEString stataString
430 hi def link stataFormat stataSpecial
431 hi def link stataGlobal stataMacro
432 hi def link stataLocal stataMacro
433 hi def link stataParenError stataError
434 hi def link stataSlashComment stataComment
435 hi def link stataStarComment stataComment
437 hi def link stataCommand Define
438 hi def link stataComment Comment
439 hi def link stataConditional Conditional
440 hi def link stataError Error
441 hi def link stataFunc None
442 hi def link stataMacro Define
443 hi def link stataRepeat Repeat
444 hi def link stataSpecial SpecialChar
445 hi def link stataString String
447 let b:current_syntax = "stata"
449 " vim: ts=8