changeset 831:f24a95dae8ee

updated for version 7.0d05
author vimboss
date Sat, 15 Apr 2006 20:25:09 +0000
parents 927afe5f3c9d
children c76f780d4e05
files runtime/autoload/rubycomplete.vim runtime/colors/morning.vim runtime/compiler/eruby.vim runtime/compiler/ruby.vim runtime/doc/eval.txt runtime/doc/tags runtime/doc/usr_41.txt runtime/filetype.vim runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim runtime/indent/eruby.vim runtime/synmenu.vim runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim runtime/syntax/eruby.vim runtime/syntax/ruby.vim runtime/syntax/smcl.vim runtime/syntax/stata.vim src/ex_getln.c src/version.h
diffstat 19 files changed, 1737 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/rubycomplete.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+" Vim completion script
+" Language:				Ruby
+" Maintainer:			Mark Guzman ( segfault AT hasno DOT info )
+" Info:					$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:				See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
+" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Ruby IRB/Complete author: Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if !has('ruby')
+    echo "Error: Required vim compiled with +ruby"
+    finish
+if version < 700
+    echo "Error: Required vim >= 7.0"
+    finish
+func! GetRubyVarType(v)
+	let stopline = 1
+	let vtp = ''
+	let pos = getpos('.')
+	let [lnum,lcol] = searchpos('^\s*#\s*@var\s*'.a:v.'\>\s\+[^ \t]\+\s*$','nb',stopline)
+	if lnum != 0 && lcol != 0
+		call setpos('.',pos)
+		let str = getline(lnum)
+		let vtp = substitute(str,'^\s*#\s*@var\s*'.a:v.'\>\s\+\([^ \t]\+\)\s*$','\1','')
+		return vtp
+	endif
+	call setpos('.',pos)
+	let [lnum,lcol] = searchpos(''.a:v.'\>\s*[+\-*/]*=\s*\([^ \t]\+.\(now\|new\|open\|get_instance\)\>\|[\[{"'']\)','nb',stopline)
+	if lnum != 0 && lcol != 0
+		let str = matchstr(getline(lnum),'=\s*\([^ \t]\+.\(now\|new\|open\|get_instance\)\>\|[\[{"'']\)',lcol)
+		let str = substitute(str,'^=\s*','','')
+		call setpos('.',pos)
+		if str == '"' || str == ''''
+			return 'String'
+		elseif str == '['
+			return 'Array'
+		elseif str == '{'
+			return 'Hash'
+		elseif strlen(str) > 4
+            let l = stridx(str,'.')
+			return str[0:l-1]
+		end
+		return ''
+	endif
+	call setpos('.',pos)
+    return ''
+function! rubycomplete#Complete(findstart, base)
+     "findstart = 1 when we need to get the text length
+    if a:findstart
+        let line = getline('.')
+        let idx = col('.')
+        while idx > 0
+            let idx -= 1
+            let c = line[idx-1]
+            if c =~ '\w'
+                continue
+            elseif ! c =~ '\.'
+                idx = -1
+                break
+            else
+                break
+            endif
+        endwhile
+        return idx
+    "findstart = 0 when we need to return the list of completions
+    else
+        execute "ruby get_completions('" . a:base . "')"
+        return g:rbcomplete_completions
+    endif
+function! s:DefRuby()
+ruby << RUBYEOF
+ReservedWords = [
+      "BEGIN", "END",
+      "alias", "and",
+      "begin", "break",
+      "case", "class",
+      "def", "defined", "do",
+      "else", "elsif", "end", "ensure",
+      "false", "for",
+      "if", "in",
+      "module",
+      "next", "nil", "not",
+      "or",
+      "redo", "rescue", "retry", "return",
+      "self", "super",
+      "then", "true",
+      "undef", "unless", "until",
+      "when", "while",
+      "yield",
+    ]
+Operators = [ "%", "&", "*", "**", "+",  "-",  "/",
+      "<", "<<", "<=", "<=>", "==", "===", "=~", ">", ">=", ">>",
+      "[]", "[]=", "^", ]
+def identify_type(var)
+    @buf = VIM::Buffer.current
+    enum = @buf.line_number
+    snum = (enum-10).abs
+    nums = snum, enum )
+    regxs = '/.*(%s)\s*=(.*)/' % var
+    regx = regxs )
+    nums.each do |x|
+        ln = @buf[x]
+        #print $~ if regx.match( ln )
+    end
+def load_requires
+    @buf = VIM::Buffer.current
+    enum = @buf.line_number
+    nums = 1, enum )
+    nums.each do |x|
+        ln = @buf[x]
+        begin
+            eval( "require %s" % $1 ) if /.*require\s*(.*)$/.match( ln )
+        rescue Exception
+            #ignore?
+        end
+    end
+def get_completions(base)
+    load_requires
+    input = VIM::evaluate('expand("<cWORD>")')
+    input += base
+    message = nil
+    case input
+      when /^(\/[^\/]*\/)\.([^.]*)$/
+        # Regexp
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($2)
+        candidates = Regexp.instance_methods(true)
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+      when /^([^\]]*\])\.([^.]*)$/
+        # Array
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($2)
+        candidates = Array.instance_methods(true)
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+      when /^([^\}]*\})\.([^.]*)$/
+        # Proc or Hash
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($2)
+        candidates = Proc.instance_methods(true) | Hash.instance_methods(true)
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+      when /^(:[^:.]*)$/
+        # Symbol
+        if Symbol.respond_to?(:all_symbols)
+          sym = $1
+          candidates = Symbol.all_symbols.collect{|s| ":" + s.id2name}
+          candidates.grep(/^#{sym}/)
+        else
+          []
+        end
+      when /^::([A-Z][^:\.\(]*)$/
+        # Absolute Constant or class methods
+        receiver = $1
+        candidates = Object.constants
+        candidates.grep(/^#{receiver}/).collect{|e| "::" + e}
+      when /^(((::)?[A-Z][^:.\(]*)+)::?([^:.]*)$/
+        # Constant or class methods
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($4)
+        begin
+          candidates = eval("#{receiver}.constants | #{receiver}.methods")
+        rescue Exception
+          candidates = []
+        end
+        candidates.grep(/^#{message}/).collect{|e| receiver + "::" + e}
+      when /^(:[^:.]+)\.([^.]*)$/
+        # Symbol
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($2)
+        candidates = Symbol.instance_methods(true)
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+      when /^([0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]+)?(e[0-9]+)?)\.([^.]*)$/
+        # Numeric
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($4)
+        begin
+          candidates = eval(receiver).methods
+        rescue Exception
+          candidates
+        end
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+      when /^(\$[^.]*)$/
+	      candidates = global_variables.grep($1)))
+#      when /^(\$?(\.?[^.]+)+)\.([^.]*)$/
+      when /^((\.?[^.]+)+)\.([^.]*)$/
+        # variable
+        receiver = $1
+        message = Regexp.quote($3)
+        cv = eval("self.class.constants")
+        vartype = VIM::evaluate("GetRubyVarType('%s')" % receiver)
+        if vartype != ''
+          candidates = eval("#{vartype}.instance_methods")
+        elsif (cv).include?(receiver)
+          # foo.func and foo is local var.
+          candidates = eval("#{receiver}.methods")
+        elsif /^[A-Z]/ =~ receiver and /\./ !~ receiver
+          # Foo::Bar.func
+          begin
+            candidates = eval("#{receiver}.methods")
+          rescue Exception
+            candidates = []
+          end
+        else
+          # func1.func2
+          candidates = []
+          ObjectSpace.each_object(Module){|m|
+            next if != "IRB::Context" and
+              /^(IRB|SLex|RubyLex|RubyToken)/ =~
+            candidates.concat m.instance_methods(false)
+          }
+          candidates.sort!
+          candidates.uniq!
+        end
+        #identify_type( receiver )
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+    #when /^((\.?[^.]+)+)\.([^.]*)\(\s*\)*$/
+        #function call
+        #obj = $1
+        #func = $3
+      when /^\.([^.]*)$/
+	# unknown(maybe String)
+        receiver = ""
+        message = Regexp.quote($1)
+        candidates = String.instance_methods(true)
+        select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+    else
+      candidates = eval("self.class.constants")
+      (candidates|ReservedWords).grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(input)}/)
+    end
+    #print candidates
+    if message != nil && message.length > 0
+        rexp = '^%s' % message.downcase
+        candidates.delete_if do |c|
+            c.downcase.match( rexp )
+            $~ == nil
+        end
+    end
+    outp = ""
+    #    tags = VIM::evaluate("taglist('^%s$')" %
+    (candidates-Object.instance_methods).each { |c| outp += "{'word':'%s','item':'%s'}," % [ c, c ] }
+    outp.sub!(/,$/, '')
+    VIM::command("let g:rbcomplete_completions = [%s]" % outp)
+def select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+  candidates.grep(/^#{message}/).collect do |e|
+    case e
+      when /^[a-zA-Z_]/
+        receiver + "." + e
+      when /^[0-9]/
+      when *Operators
+        #receiver + " " + e
+    end
+  end
+  candidates.delete_if { |x| x == nil }
+  candidates.uniq!
+  candidates.sort!
+call s:DefRuby()
+" vim: set et ts=4:
--- a/runtime/colors/morning.vim
+++ b/runtime/colors/morning.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 " Vim color file
 " Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change:	2006 Apr 14
+" Last Change:	2006 Apr 15
 " This color scheme uses a light grey background.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ hi ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
 hi StatusLine term=reverse,bold cterm=reverse,bold gui=reverse,bold
 hi StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
 hi VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-hi Visual term=reverse ctermbg=grey guibg=grey90
+hi Visual term=reverse ctermbg=grey guibg=grey80
 hi VisualNOS term=underline,bold cterm=underline,bold gui=underline,bold
 hi DiffText term=reverse cterm=bold ctermbg=Red gui=bold guibg=Red
 hi Cursor guibg=Green guifg=NONE
--- a/runtime/compiler/eruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/compiler/eruby.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " Vim compiler file
-" Language:	eRuby
-" Maintainer:	Doug Kearns <djkea2 at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Language:		eRuby
+" Maintainer:		Doug Kearns <>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 if exists("current_compiler")
--- a/runtime/compiler/ruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/compiler/ruby.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 " Vim compiler file
-" Language:	Ruby
-" Function:	Syntax check and/or error reporting
-" Maintainer:	Tim Hammerquist <timh at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
+" Language:		Ruby
+" Function:		Syntax check and/or error reporting
+" Maintainer:		Tim Hammerquist <timh at>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Changelog:
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.0d.  Last change: 2006 Apr 14
+*eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.0d.  Last change: 2006 Apr 15
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -1597,6 +1597,8 @@ getpos( {expr})			List	position of curso
 getqflist()			List	list of quickfix items
 getreg( [{regname} [, 1]])	String	contents of register
 getregtype( [{regname}])	String	type of register
+gettabwinvar( {tabnr}, {winnr}, {name})
+				any	{name} in {winnr} in tab page {tabnr}
 getwinposx()			Number	X coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
 getwinposy()			Number	Y coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
 getwinvar( {nr}, {varname})	any	variable {varname} in window {nr}
@@ -1702,6 +1704,8 @@ setloclist( {nr}, {list}[, {action}])
 setpos( {expr}, {list})		none	set the {expr} position to {list}
 setqflist( {list}[, {action}])	Number	modify quickfix list using {list}
 setreg( {n}, {v}[, {opt}])	Number	set register to value and type
+settabwinvar( {tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val})    set {varname} in window
+					{winnr} in tab page {tabnr} to {val}
 setwinvar( {nr}, {varname}, {val})	set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
 simplify( {filename})		String	simplify filename as much as possible
 sort( {list} [, {func}])	List	sort {list}, using {func} to compare
@@ -2865,6 +2869,20 @@ getregtype([{regname}])					*getregtype(
 		<CTRL-V> is one character with value 0x16.
 		If {regname} is not specified, |v:register| is used.
+gettabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname})		*gettabwinvar()*
+		Get the value of an option or local window variable {varname}
+		in window {winnr} in tab page {tabnr}.
+		Tabs are numbered starting with one.  For the current tabpage
+		use |getwinvar()|.
+		When {winnr} is zero the current window is used.
+		This also works for a global option, buffer-local option and
+		window-local option, but it doesn't work for a global variable
+		or buffer-local variable.
+		Note that the name without "w:" must be used.
+		Examples: >
+			:let list_is_on = gettabwinvar(1, 2, '&list')
+			:echo "myvar = " . gettabwinvar(3, 1, 'myvar')
 getwinposx()	The result is a Number, which is the X coordinate in pixels of
 		the left hand side of the GUI Vim window.  The result will be
@@ -2875,14 +2893,8 @@ getwinposy()	The result is a Number, whi
 		the top of the GUI Vim window.  The result will be -1 if the
 		information is not available.
-getwinvar({nr}, {varname})				*getwinvar()*
-		The result is the value of option or local window variable
-		{varname} in window {nr}.  When {nr} is zero the current
-		window is used.
-		This also works for a global option, buffer-local option and
-		window-local option, but it doesn't work for a global variable
-		or buffer-local variable.
-		Note that the name without "w:" must be used.
+getwinvar({winnr}, {varname})				*getwinvar()*
+		Like |gettabwinvar()| for the current tabpage.
 		Examples: >
 			:let list_is_on = getwinvar(2, '&list')
 			:echo "myvar = " . getwinvar(1, 'myvar')
@@ -4359,17 +4371,28 @@ setreg({regname}, {value} [,{options}])
 		nothing: >
 			:call setreg('a', '', 'al')
-setwinvar({nr}, {varname}, {val})			*setwinvar()*
-		Set option or local variable {varname} in window {nr} to
-		{val}.  When {nr} is zero the current window is used.
+settabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val})	*settabwinvar()*
+		Set option or local variable {varname} in window {winnr} to
+		{val}.
+		Tabs are numbered starting with one.  For the current tabpage
+		use |setwinvar()|.
+		When {winnr} is zero the current window is used.
 		This also works for a global or local buffer option, but it
 		doesn't work for a global or local buffer variable.
 		For a local buffer option the global value is unchanged.
 		Note that the variable name without "w:" must be used.
+		Vim briefly goes to the tab page {tabnr}, this may trigger
+		TabLeave and TabEnter autocommands.
+		Examples: >
+			:call settabwinvar(1, 1, "&list", 0)
+			:call settabwinvar(3, 2, "myvar", "foobar")
+<		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
+setwinvar({nr}, {varname}, {val})			*setwinvar()*
+		Like |settabwinvar()| for the current tab page.
 		Examples: >
 			:call setwinvar(1, "&list", 0)
 			:call setwinvar(2, "myvar", "foobar")
-<		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
 simplify({filename})					*simplify()*
 		Simplify the file name as much as possible without changing
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -4976,6 +4976,8 @@ dos32	os_msdos.txt	/*dos32*
 dosbatch.vim	syntax.txt	/*dosbatch.vim*
 double-click	term.txt	/*double-click*
 download	intro.txt	/*download*
+doxygen-syntax	syntax.txt	/*doxygen-syntax*
+doxygen.vim	syntax.txt	/*doxygen.vim*
 dp	diff.txt	/*dp*
 drag-n-drop	gui.txt	/*drag-n-drop*
 drag-n-drop-win32	gui_w32.txt	/*drag-n-drop-win32*
@@ -5482,6 +5484,7 @@ getreg()	eval.txt	/*getreg()*
 getregtype()	eval.txt	/*getregtype()*
 getscript	getscript.txt	/*getscript*
 getscript.txt	getscript.txt	/*getscript.txt*
+gettabwinvar()	eval.txt	/*gettabwinvar()*
 getwinposx()	eval.txt	/*getwinposx()*
 getwinposy()	eval.txt	/*getwinposy()*
 getwinvar()	eval.txt	/*getwinvar()*
@@ -6788,6 +6791,7 @@ setloclist()	eval.txt	/*setloclist()*
 setpos()	eval.txt	/*setpos()*
 setqflist()	eval.txt	/*setqflist()*
 setreg()	eval.txt	/*setreg()*
+settabwinvar()	eval.txt	/*settabwinvar()*
 setting-guifont	gui.txt	/*setting-guifont*
 setting-guitablabel	tabpage.txt	/*setting-guitablabel*
 setting-tabline	tabpage.txt	/*setting-tabline*
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 7.0d.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
+*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 7.0d.  Last change: 2006 Apr 15
 		     VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -652,8 +652,10 @@ Variables:
 	function()		get a Funcref for a function name
 	getbufvar()		get a variable value from a specific buffer
 	setbufvar()		set a variable in a specific buffer
-	getwinvar()		get a variable value from a specific window
+	getwinvar()		get a variable from specific window
+	gettabwinvar()		get a variable from specific window & tab page
 	setwinvar()		set a variable in a specific window
+	settabwinvar()		set a variable in a specific window & tab page
 	garbagecollect()	possibly free memory
 Cursor and mark position:
--- a/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ b/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " Vim support file to detect file types
 " Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change:	2006 Apr 12
+" Last Change:	2006 Apr 15
 " Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
 if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@@ -1653,6 +1653,12 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead ssh_config,*/.ssh/
 " OpenSSH server configuration
 au BufNewFile,BufRead sshd_config		setf sshdconfig
+" Stata
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ado,*.class,*.do,*.imata,*.mata   setf stata
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hlp,*.ihlp,*.smcl	setf smcl
 " Stored Procedures
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.stp			setf stp
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " Vim filetype plugin
-" Language:	eRuby
-" Maintainer:	Doug Kearns <djkea2 at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Language:		eRuby
+" Maintainer:		Doug Kearns <>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
 if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 " Vim filetype plugin
-" Language:	Ruby
-" Maintainer:	Gavin Sinclair <gsinclair at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
+" Language:		Ruby
+" Maintainer:		Gavin Sinclair <gsinclair at>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Original matchit support thanks to Ned Konz.	See his ftplugin/ruby.vim at
@@ -51,7 +52,10 @@ setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+
 setlocal include=^\\s*\\<\\(load\\\|\w*require\\)\\>
 setlocal includeexpr=substitute(substitute(v:fname,'::','/','g'),'$','.rb','')
 setlocal suffixesadd=.rb
-setlocal omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete 
+if version >= 700
+  setlocal omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete
 " TODO:
 "setlocal define=^\\s*def
--- a/runtime/indent/eruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/eruby.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " Vim indent file
-" Language:	Ruby
-" Maintainer:	Doug Kearns <djkea2 at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Language:		Ruby
+" Maintainer:		Doug Kearns <>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
 if exists("b:did_indent")
@@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ if exists("b:did_indent")
 runtime! indent/html.vim
+" vim: nowrap sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 ff=unix:
--- a/runtime/synmenu.vim
+++ b/runtime/synmenu.vim
@@ -420,11 +420,13 @@ an 50.100.520 &Syntax.Sh-S.SQR :cal SetS
 an 50.100.530 &Syntax.Sh-S.Ssh.ssh_config :cal SetSyn("sshconfig")<CR>
 an 50.100.540 &Syntax.Sh-S.Ssh.sshd_config :cal SetSyn("sshdconfig")<CR>
 an 50.100.550 &Syntax.Sh-S.Standard\ ML :cal SetSyn("sml")<CR>
-an 50.100.560 &Syntax.Sh-S.Stored\ Procedures :cal SetSyn("stp")<CR>
-an 50.100.570 &Syntax.Sh-S.Strace :cal SetSyn("strace")<CR>
-an 50.100.580 &Syntax.Sh-S.Subversion\ commit :cal SetSyn("svn")<CR>
-an 50.100.590 &Syntax.Sh-S.Sudoers :cal SetSyn("sudoers")<CR>
-an 50.100.600 &Syntax.Sh-S.Sysctl\.conf :cal SetSyn("sysctl")<CR>
+an 50.100.560 &Syntax.Sh-S.Stata.SMCL :cal SetSyn("smcl")<CR>
+an 50.100.570 &Syntax.Sh-S.Stata.Stata :cal SetSyn("stata")<CR>
+an 50.100.580 &Syntax.Sh-S.Stored\ Procedures :cal SetSyn("stp")<CR>
+an 50.100.590 &Syntax.Sh-S.Strace :cal SetSyn("strace")<CR>
+an 50.100.600 &Syntax.Sh-S.Subversion\ commit :cal SetSyn("svn")<CR>
+an 50.100.610 &Syntax.Sh-S.Sudoers :cal SetSyn("sudoers")<CR>
+an 50.100.620 &Syntax.Sh-S.Sysctl\.conf :cal SetSyn("sysctl")<CR>
 an 50.110.100 &Syntax.TUV.TADS :cal SetSyn("tads")<CR>
 an 50.110.110 &Syntax.TUV.Tags :cal SetSyn("tags")<CR>
 an 50.110.120 &Syntax.TUV.TAK.TAK\ compare :cal SetSyn("takcmp")<CR>
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+" DoxyGen syntax hilighting extension for c/c++/idl/java
+" Language:     doxygen on top of c, cpp, idl, java
+" Maintainer:   Michael Geddes <>
+" Author:       Michael Geddes
+" Last Change:  12 December 2005
+" Version:      1.15
+" Copyright 2004 Michael Geddes
+" Please feel free to use, modify & distribute all or part of this script,
+" providing this copyright message remains.
+" I would appreciate being acknowledged in any derived scripts, and would
+" appreciate and welcome any updates, modifications or suggestions.
+" NOTE:  Comments welcome!
+" There are two variables that control the syntax hilighting produced by this
+" script:
+" doxygen_enhanced_colour  - Use the (non-standard) original colours designed for this hilighting.
+" doxygen_my_rendering     - Disable the HTML bold/italic/underline rendering.
+" A brief description without '.' or '!' will cause the end comment
+" character to be marked as an error.  You can define the colour of this using
+" the highlight doxygenErrorComment.
+" A \link without an \endlink will cause an error hilight on the end-comment.
+" This is defined by doxygenLinkError
+" The variable g:doxygen_codeword_font can be set to the guifont for marking \c
+" words - a 'typewriter' like font normally. Spaces must be escaped.  It can
+" also be set to any hilight attribute. Alternatively, a hilight for doxygenCodeWord
+" can be used to override it.
+" By default, hilighting is done assumng you have the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF
+" setting tunred on in your Doxygen configuration.  If you don't, you
+" can set the variable g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief to 0 to have the
+" hilighting more accurately reflect the way Doxygen will interpret your
+" comments.
+" Special thanks to:  Wu Yongwei, Toby Allsopp
+if exists('b:suppress_doxygen')
+  unlet b:suppress_doxygen
+  finish
+if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax =~ 'doxygen' && !exists('doxygen_debug_script')
+  finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Start of Doxygen syntax hilighting:
+" C/C++ Style line comments
+syn region doxygenComment start=+/\*\(\*/\)\@![*!]+  end=+\*/+ contains=doxygenSyncStart,doxygenStart,doxygenTODO keepend
+syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//[/!]<\@!+me=e-1 end=+$+ contains=doxygenStartL keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenComment2
+syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//[/!]<+me=e-2 end=+$+ contains=doxygenStartL keepend skipwhite skipnl
+syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//@\ze[{}]+ end=+$+ contains=doxygenGroupDefine,doxygenGroupDefineSpecial
+" Single line brief followed by multiline comment.
+syn region doxygenComment2 start=+/\*\(\*/\)\@![*!]+ end=+\*/+ contained contains=doxygenSyncStart2,doxygenStart2,doxygenTODO keepend
+" This helps with sync-ing as for some reason, syncing behaves differently to a normal region, and the start pattern does not get matched.
+syn match doxygenSyncStart2 +[^*/]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenPrev,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenSkipComment,doxygenStartSkip2 skipwhite skipnl
+" Skip empty lines at the start for when comments start on the 2nd/3rd line.
+syn match doxygenStartSkip2 +^\s*\*[^/]+me=e-1 contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip skipwhite skipnl
+syn match doxygenStartSkip2 +^\s*\*$+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenStartSpecial,,doxygenStartSkip skipwhite skipnl
+syn match doxygenStart2 +/\*[*!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenPrev,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip2 skipwhite skipnl
+" Match the Starting pattern (effectively creating the start of a BNF)
+if !exists('g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief') || g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief
+  syn match doxygenStart +/\*[*!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenPrev,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+  syn match doxygenStart +/\*[*!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenPrev,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+syn match doxygenStartL +//[/!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenPrevL,doxygenBriefL,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
+" This helps with sync-ing as for some reason, syncing behaves differently to a normal region, and the start pattern does not get matched.
+syn match doxygenSyncStart +\ze[^*/]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenPrev,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+" Match the first sentence as a brief comment
+if ! exists('g:doxygen_end_punctuation')
+  let g:doxygen_end_punctuation='[.]'
+exe 'syn region doxygenBrief contained start=+[\\@]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@*]+ start=+\(^\s*\)\@<!\*/\@!+ start=+\<\k+ skip=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\S+ end=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'+ end=+\(\s*\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\)[@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\@=+ contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenBriefEndComment,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup,doxygenTODO,doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink  skipnl nextgroup=doxygenBody'
+syn match doxygenBriefEndComment +\*/+ contained
+exe 'syn region doxygenBriefL start=+@\k\@!\|[\\@]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@]+ start=+\<+ skip=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\S+ end=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\|$+ contained contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend'
+syn region doxygenBriefLine contained start=+\<\k+ end=+\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\([@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\|\s*$\)\@=+ contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup,doxygenTODO,doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink  skipwhite keepend
+" Match a '<' for applying a comment to the previous element.
+syn match doxygenPrev +<+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenSpecial,doxygenStartSkip skipwhite
+syn match doxygenPrevL +<+ contained  nextgroup=doxygenBriefL,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
+" These are anti-doxygen comments.  If there are more than two asterisks or 3 '/'s
+" then turn the comments back into normal C comments.
+syn region cComment start="/\*\*\*" end="\*/" contains=@cCommentGroup,cCommentString,cCharacter,cNumbersCom,cSpaceError
+syn region cCommentL start="////" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=@cCommentGroup,cComment2String,cCharacter,cNumbersCom,cSpaceError
+" Special commands at the start of the area:  starting with '@' or '\'
+syn region doxygenStartSpecial contained start=+[@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!+ end=+$+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1  contains=doxygenSpecial nextgroup=doxygenSkipComment skipnl keepend
+syn match doxygenSkipComment contained +^\s*\*/\@!+ nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenPage skipwhite
+"syn region doxygenBodyBit contained start=+$+
+" The main body of a doxygen comment.
+syn region doxygenBody contained start=+.\|$+ matchgroup=doxygenEndComment end=+\*/+re=e-2,me=e-2 contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygenTODO,doxygenSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup
+" These allow the skipping of comment continuation '*' characters.
+syn match doxygenContinueComment contained +^\s*\*/\@!\s*+
+" Catch a Brief comment without punctuation - flag it as an error but
+" make sure the end comment is picked up also.
+syn match doxygenErrorComment contained +\*/+
+" Skip empty lines at the start for when comments start on the 2nd/3rd line.
+if !exists('g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief') || g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief
+  syn match doxygenStartSkip +^\s*\*[^/]+me=e-1 contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+  syn match doxygenStartSkip +^\s*\*$+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+  syn match doxygenStartSkip +^\s*\*[^/]+me=e-1 contained nextgroup=doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage,doxygenBody skipwhite skipnl
+  syn match doxygenStartSkip +^\s*\*$+ contained nextgroup=doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage,doxygenBody skipwhite skipnl
+" Match an [@\]brief so that it moves to body-mode.
+" syn match doxygenBriefLine  contained
+syn match doxygenBriefSpecial contained +[@\\]+ nextgroup=doxygenBriefWord skipwhite
+syn region doxygenFindBriefSpecial start=+[@\\]brief\>+ end=+\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\([@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\|\s*$\)\@=+ keepend contains=doxygenBriefSpecial nextgroup=doxygenBody keepend skipwhite skipnl contained
+" Create the single word matching special identifiers.
+fun! s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial( kword, name )
+  let mx='[-:0-9A-Za-z_%=&+*/!~>|]\@<!\([-0-9A-Za-z_%=+*/!~>|#]\+[-0-9A-Za-z_%=+*/!~>|]\@!\|\\[\\<>&.]@\|[.,][0-9a-zA-Z_]\@=\|::\|([^)]*)\|&[0-9a-zA-Z]\{2,7};\)\+'
+  exe 'syn region doxygenSpecial'.a:name.'Word contained start=+'.a:kword.'+ end=+\(\_s\+'.mx.'\)\@<=[-a-zA-Z_0-9+*/^%|~!=&\\]\@!+ skipwhite contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygen'.a:name.'Word'
+  exe 'syn match doxygen'.a:name.'Word contained "\_s\@<='.mx.'" contains=doxygenHtmlSpecial keepend'
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('p', 'Code')
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('c', 'Code')
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('b', 'Bold')
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('e', 'Emphasised')
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('em', 'Emphasised')
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('a', 'Argument')
+call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('ref', 'Ref')
+delfun s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial
+syn match doxygenSmallSpecial contained +[@\\]\(\<[pcbea]\>\|\<em\>\|\<ref\>\|\<link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@=+ nextgroup=doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,doxygenFormula,doxygenSymbol,doxygenSpecial.*Word
+" Now for special characters
+syn match doxygenSpecial contained +[@\\]\(\<[pcbea]\>\|\<em\>\|\<ref\|\<link\>\>\|\<f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!+ nextgroup=doxygenParam,doxygenRetval,doxygenBriefWord,doxygenBold,doxygenBOther,doxygenOther,doxygenOtherTODO,doxygenOtherWARN,doxygenOtherBUG,doxygenPage,doxygenGroupDefine,doxygenCodeRegion,doxygenVerbatimRegion,doxygenDotRegion
+" doxygenOtherLink,doxygenSymbol,doxygenFormula,doxygenErrorSpecial,doxygenSpecial.*Word
+syn match doxygenGroupDefine contained +@\@<=[{}]+
+syn match doxygenGroupDefineSpecial contained +@\ze[{}]+
+syn match doxygenErrorSpecial contained +\s+
+" Match Parmaters and retvals (hilighting the first word as special).
+syn match doxygenParamDirection contained +\[\(\<in\>\|\<out\>\|,\)\+\]+ nextgroup=doxygenParamName skipwhite
+syn keyword doxygenParam contained param nextgroup=doxygenParamName,doxygenParamDirection skipwhite
+syn match doxygenParamName contained +[A-Za-z0-9_:]\++ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc skipwhite
+syn keyword doxygenRetval contained retval throw exception nextgroup=doxygenParamName skipwhite
+" Match one line identifiers.
+syn keyword doxygenOther contained addindex anchor
+\ dontinclude endhtmlonly endlatexonly showinitializer hideinitializer
+\ example htmlonly image include ingroup internal latexonly line
+\ overload relates relatesalso sa skip skipline
+\ until verbinclude version addtogroup htmlinclude copydoc dotfile
+\ xmlonly endxmlonly
+\ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc
+syn region doxygenCodeRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<code\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<endcode\>+ contains=doxygenCodeRegionSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenErrorComment
+syn match doxygenCodeRegionSpecial contained +[\\@]\(endcode\>\)\@=+
+syn region doxygenVerbatimRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<verbatim\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<endverbatim\>+ contains=doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenErrorComment
+syn match doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial contained +[\\@]\(endverbatim\>\)\@=+
+let b:doxygen_syntax_save=b:current_syntax
+unlet b:current_syntax
+syn include @Dotx syntax/dot.vim
+let b:current_syntax=b:doxygen_syntax_save
+unlet b:doxygen_syntax_save
+syn region doxygenDotRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<dot\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<enddot\>+ contains=doxygenDotRegionSpecial,doxygenErrorComment,doxygenContinueComment,@Dotx
+syn match doxygenDotRegionSpecial contained +[\\@]\(enddot\>\)\@=+
+" Match single line identifiers.
+syn keyword doxygenBOther contained class enum file fn mainpage interface
+\ namespace struct typedef union var def name
+\ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc
+syn keyword doxygenOther contained par nextgroup=doxygenHeaderLine
+syn region doxygenHeaderLine start=+.+ end=+^+ contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+syn keyword doxygenOther contained arg author date deprecated li return see invariant note post pre remarks since test nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+syn keyword doxygenOtherTODO contained todo attention nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+syn keyword doxygenOtherWARN contained warning nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+syn keyword doxygenOtherBUG contained bug nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+" Handle \link, \endlink, hilighting the link-to and the link text bits separately.
+syn region doxygenOtherLink matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+link+ end=+[\@]\@<=endlink\>+ contained contains=doxygenLinkWord,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenLinkError,doxygenEndlinkSpecial
+syn match doxygenEndlinkSpecial contained +[\\@]\zeendlink\>+
+syn match doxygenLinkWord "[_a-zA-Z:#()][_a-z0-9A-Z:#()]*\>" contained skipnl nextgroup=doxygenLinkRest,doxygenContinueLinkComment
+syn match doxygenLinkRest +[^*@\\]\|\*/\@!\|[@\\]\(endlink\>\)\@!+ contained skipnl nextgroup=doxygenLinkRest,doxygenContinueLinkComment
+syn match doxygenContinueLinkComment contained +^\s*\*\=[^/]+me=e-1 nextgroup=doxygenLinkRest
+syn match doxygenLinkError "\*/" contained
+" #Link hilighting.
+syn match doxygenHashLink /\([a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*\)\?#\(\.[0-9a-zA-Z_]\@=\|[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\|::\|()\)\+/ contained contains=doxygenHashSpecial
+syn match doxygenHashSpecial /#/ contained
+syn match doxygenHyperLink /\(\s\|^\s*\*\?\)\@<=\(http\|https\|ftp\):\/\/[-0-9a-zA-Z_?&=+#%/.!':;@]\+/ contained
+" Handle \page.  This does not use doxygenBrief.
+syn match doxygenPage "[\\@]page\>"me=s+1 contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenPagePage
+syn keyword doxygenPagePage page contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenPageIdent
+syn region doxygenPageDesc  start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenBody
+syn match doxygenPageIdent "\<[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>" contained nextgroup=doxygenPageDesc
+" Handle section
+syn keyword doxygenOther defgroup section subsection subsubsection weakgroup contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenSpecialIdent
+syn region doxygenSpecialSectionDesc  start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenContinueComment
+syn match doxygenSpecialIdent "\<[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>" contained nextgroup=doxygenSpecialSectionDesc
+" Does the one-line description for the one-line type identifiers.
+syn region doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc  start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend
+syn region doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc  start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend
+" Handle the multiline description for the multiline type identifiers.
+" Continue until an 'empty' line (can contain a '*' continuation) or until the
+" next whole-line @ command \ command.
+syn region doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc  start=+.\++ skip=+^\s*\(\*/\@!\s*\)\=\(\<\|[@\\]\<\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\|link\>\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@*]\)+ end=+^+ contained contains=doxygenSpecialContinueComment,doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup  skipwhite keepend
+syn match doxygenSpecialContinueComment contained +^\s*\*/\@!\s*+ nextgroup=doxygenSpecial skipwhite
+" Handle special cases  'bold' and 'group'
+syn keyword doxygenBold contained bold nextgroup=doxygenSpecialHeading
+syn keyword doxygenBriefWord contained brief nextgroup=doxygenBriefLine skipwhite
+syn match doxygenSpecialHeading +.\++ contained skipwhite
+syn keyword doxygenGroup contained group nextgroup=doxygenGroupName skipwhite
+syn keyword doxygenGroupName contained +\k\++ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc skipwhite
+" Handle special symbol identifiers  @$, @\, @$ etc
+syn match doxygenSymbol contained +[$\\&<>#]+
+" Simplistic handling of formula regions
+syn region doxygenFormula contained matchgroup=doxygenFormulaEnds start=+f\$+ end=+[@\\]f\$+ contains=doxygenFormulaSpecial,doxygenFormulaOperator
+syn match doxygenFormulaSpecial contained +[@\\]\(f[^$]\|[^f]\)+me=s+1 nextgroup=doxygenFormulaKeyword,doxygenFormulaEscaped
+syn match doxygenFormulaEscaped contained "."
+syn match doxygenFormulaKeyword contained  "[a-z]\+"
+syn match doxygenFormulaOperator contained +[_^]+
+syn region doxygenFormula contained matchgroup=doxygenFormulaEnds start=+f\[+ end=+[@\\]f]+ contains=doxygenFormulaSpecial,doxygenFormulaOperator,doxygenAtom
+syn region doxygenAtom contained transparent matchgroup=doxygenFormulaOperator start=+{+ end=+}+ contains=doxygenAtom,doxygenFormulaSpecial,doxygenFormulaOperator
+" Add TODO hilighting.
+syn keyword doxygenTODO contained TODO README XXX FIXME
+" Supported HTML subset.  Not perfect, but okay.
+syn case ignore
+syn region doxygenHtmlTag contained matchgroup=doxygenHtmlCh start=+\v\</=\ze([biuap]|em|strong|img|br|center|code|dfn|d[ldt]|hr|h[0-3]|li|[ou]l|pre|small|sub|sup|table|tt|var|caption|src|alt|longdesc|name|height|width|usemap|ismap|href|type)>+ skip=+\\<\|\<\k\+=\("[^"]*"\|'[^']*\)+ end=+>+ contains=doxygenHtmlCmd,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenHtmlVar
+syn keyword doxygenHtmlCmd contained b i em strong u img a br p center code dfn dl dd dt hr h1 h2 h3 li ol ul pre small sub sup table tt var caption nextgroup=doxygenHtmlVar skipwhite
+syn keyword doxygenHtmlVar contained src alt longdesc name height width usemap ismap href type nextgroup=doxygenHtmlEqu skipwhite
+syn match doxygenHtmlEqu contained +=+ nextgroup=doxygenHtmlExpr skipwhite
+syn match doxygenHtmlExpr contained +"\(\\.\|[^"]\)*"\|'\(\\.\|[^']\)*'+ nextgroup=doxygenHtmlVar skipwhite
+syn case match
+syn match doxygenHtmlSpecial contained "&\(copy\|quot\|[AEIOUYaeiouy]uml\|[AEIOUYaeiouy]acute\|[AEIOUaeiouy]grave\|[AEIOUaeiouy]circ\|[ANOano]tilde\|szlig\|[Aa]ring\|nbsp\|gt\|lt\|amp\);"
+syn cluster doxygenHtmlGroup contains=doxygenHtmlCode,doxygenHtmlBold,doxygenHtmlUnderline,doxygenHtmlItalic,doxygenHtmlSpecial,doxygenHtmlTag,doxygenHtmlLink
+syn cluster doxygenHtmlTop contains=@Spell,doxygenHtmlSpecial,doxygenHtmlTag,doxygenContinueComment
+" Html Support
+syn region doxygenHtmlLink contained start=+<[aA]\>\s*\(\n\s*\*\s*\)\=\(\(name\|href\)=\("[^"]*"\|'[^']*'\)\)\=\s*>+ end=+</[aA]>+me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+hi link doxygenHtmlLink Underlined
+syn region doxygenHtmlBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline,doxygenHtmlBoldItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline,doxygenHtmlBoldItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline
+syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline
+syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold,doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,htmUnderlineItalicBold
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,htmUnderlineItalicBold
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBold,doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+syn region doxygenHtmlCode contained start="\c<code\>" end="\c</code>"me=e-7 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
+" Prevent the doxygen contained matches from leaking into the c groups.
+syn cluster cParenGroup add=doxygen.*
+syn cluster cParenGroup remove=doxygenComment,doxygenCommentL
+syn cluster cPreProcGroup add=doxygen.*
+syn cluster cMultiGroup add=doxygen.*
+syn cluster rcParenGroup add=doxygen.*
+syn cluster rcParenGroup remove=doxygenComment,doxygenCommentL
+syn cluster rcGroup add=doxygen.*
+" Trick to force special doxygen hilighting if the background changes (need to
+" syn clear first)
+if exists("did_doxygen_syntax_inits")
+  if did_doxygen_syntax_inits != &background && synIDattr(highlightID('doxygen_Dummy'), 'fg', 'gui')==''
+    command -nargs=+ SynColor hi <args>
+    unlet did_doxygen_syntax_inits
+  endif
+    command -nargs=+ SynColor hi def <args>
+if !exists("did_doxygen_syntax_inits")
+  command -nargs=+ SynLink hi def link <args>
+  let did_doxygen_syntax_inits = &background
+  hi doxygen_Dummy guifg=black
+  fun! s:Doxygen_Hilights_Base()
+    SynLink doxygenHtmlSpecial Special
+    SynLink doxygenHtmlVar Type
+    SynLink doxygenHtmlExpr String
+    SynLink doxygenSmallSpecial SpecialChar
+    SynLink doxygenSpecialCodeWord doxygenSmallSpecial
+    SynLink doxygenSpecialBoldWord doxygenSmallSpecial
+    SynLink doxygenSpecialEmphasisedWord doxygenSmallSpecial
+    SynLink doxygenSpecialArgumentWord doxygenSmallSpecial
+    " SynColor doxygenFormulaKeyword cterm=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=DarkMagenta gui=bold
+    SynLink doxygenFormulaKeyword Keyword
+    "SynColor doxygenFormulaEscaped  ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=DarkMagenta gui=bold
+    SynLink doxygenFormulaEscaped Special
+    SynLink doxygenFormulaOperator Operator
+    SynLink doxygenFormula Statement
+    SynLink doxygenSymbol Constant
+    SynLink doxygenSpecial Special
+    SynLink doxygenFormulaSpecial Special
+    "SynColor doxygenFormulaSpecial ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=DarkBlue
+  endfun
+  call s:Doxygen_Hilights_Base()
+  fun! s:Doxygen_Hilights()
+    " Pick a sensible default for 'codeword'.
+    let font=''
+    if exists('g:doxygen_codeword_font')
+      if g:doxygen_codeword_font !~ '\<\k\+='
+        let font='font='.g:doxygen_codeword_font
+      else
+        let font=g:doxygen_codeword_font
+      endif
+    else
+      " Try and pick a font (only some platforms have been tested).
+      if has('gui_running')
+        if has('gui_gtk2')
+          if &guifont == ''
+            let font="font='FreeSerif 12'"
+          else
+            let font="font='".substitute(&guifont, '^.\{-}\([0-9]\+\)$', 'FreeSerif \1','')."'"
+          endif
+        elseif has('gui_win32') || has('gui_win16') || has('gui_win95')
+          if &guifont == ''
+            let font='font=Lucida_Console:h10'
+          else
+            let font='font='.substitute(&guifont, '^[^:]*', 'Lucida_Console','')
+          endif
+        elseif has('gui_athena') || has('gui_gtk') || &guifont=~'^\(-[^-]\+\)\{14}'
+          if &guifont == ''
+            let font='font=-b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1'
+          else
+          " let font='font='.substitute(&guifont,'^\(-[^-]\+\)\{7}-\([0-9]\+\).*', '-b\&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-\2-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1','')
+          " The above line works, but it is hard to expect the combination of
+          " the two fonts will look good.
+          endif
+        elseif has('gui_kde')
+          " let font='font=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono/12/-1/5/50/0/0/0/0/0'
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if font=='' | let font='gui=bold' | endif
+    exe 'SynColor doxygenCodeWord             term=bold cterm=bold '.font
+    if (exists('g:doxygen_enhanced_color') && g:doxygen_enhanced_color) || (exists('g:doxygen_enhanced_colour') && g:doxygen_enhanced_colour)
+      if &background=='light'
+        SynColor doxygenComment ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=DarkRed
+        SynColor doxygenBrief cterm=bold ctermfg=Cyan guifg=DarkBlue gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenBody ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=DarkBlue
+        SynColor doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc cterm=bold ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=firebrick3 gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenBOther cterm=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=#aa50aa gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenParam ctermfg=DarkGray guifg=#aa50aa
+        SynColor doxygenParamName cterm=italic ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=DeepSkyBlue4 gui=italic,bold
+        SynColor doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc cterm=bold ctermfg=DarkCyan guifg=DodgerBlue3 gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenSpecialHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=DeepSkyBlue4 gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenPrev ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=DarkGreen
+      else
+        SynColor doxygenComment ctermfg=LightRed guifg=LightRed
+        SynColor doxygenBrief cterm=bold ctermfg=Cyan ctermbg=darkgrey guifg=LightBlue gui=Bold,Italic
+        SynColor doxygenBody ctermfg=Cyan guifg=LightBlue
+        SynColor doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc cterm=bold ctermfg=Red guifg=firebrick3 gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenBOther cterm=bold ctermfg=Magenta guifg=#aa50aa gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenParam ctermfg=LightGray guifg=LightGray
+        SynColor doxygenParamName cterm=italic ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=LightBlue gui=italic,bold
+        SynColor doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc cterm=bold ctermfg=LightCyan guifg=LightCyan gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenSpecialHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=LightBlue gui=bold
+        SynColor doxygenPrev ctermfg=LightGreen guifg=LightGreen
+      endif
+    else
+      SynLink doxygenComment SpecialComment
+      SynLink doxygenBrief Statement
+      SynLink doxygenBody Comment
+      SynLink doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc Statement
+      SynLink doxygenBOther Constant
+      SynLink doxygenParam SpecialComment
+      SynLink doxygenParamName Underlined
+      SynLink doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc Statement
+      SynLink doxygenSpecialHeading Statement
+      SynLink doxygenPrev SpecialComment
+    endif
+  endfun
+  call s:Doxygen_Hilights()
+  " This is still a proposal, but won't do any harm.
+  au Syntax UserColor_reset nested call s:Doxygen_Hilights_Base()
+  au Syntax UserColor_{on,reset,enable} nested call s:Doxygen_Hilights()
+  SynLink doxygenBody                   Comment
+  SynLink doxygenTODO                   Todo
+  SynLink doxygenOtherTODO              Todo
+  SynLink doxygenOtherWARN              Todo
+  SynLink doxygenOtherBUG               Todo
+  SynLink doxygenErrorSpecial           Error
+  SynLink doxygenErrorEnd               Error
+  SynLink doxygenErrorComment           Error
+  SynLink doxygenLinkError              Error
+  SynLink doxygenBriefSpecial           doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenHashSpecial            doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenGroupDefineSpecial     doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenEndlinkSpecial         doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenCodeRegionSpecial      doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial  doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenGroupDefine            doxygenParam
+  SynLink doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc   doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc
+  SynLink doxygenFormulaEnds            doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenBold                   doxygenParam
+  SynLink doxygenBriefWord              doxygenParam
+  SynLink doxygenRetval                 doxygenParam
+  SynLink doxygenOther                  doxygenParam
+  SynLink doxygenStart                  doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenStart2                 doxygenStart
+  SynLink doxygenComment2               doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenCommentL               doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenContinueComment        doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenSpecialContinueComment doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenSkipComment            doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenEndComment             doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenStartL                 doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenBriefEndComment        doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenPrevL                  doxygenPrev
+  SynLink doxygenBriefL                 doxygenBrief
+  SynLink doxygenBriefLine              doxygenBrief
+  SynLink doxygenHeaderLine             doxygenSpecialHeading
+  SynLink doxygenStartSkip              doxygenContinueComment
+  SynLink doxygenLinkWord               doxygenParamName
+  SynLink doxygenLinkRest               doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+  SynLink doxygenHyperLink              doxygenLinkWord
+  SynLink doxygenHashLink               doxygenLinkWord
+  SynLink doxygenPage                   doxygenSpecial
+  SynLink doxygenPagePage               doxygenBOther
+  SynLink doxygenPageIdent              doxygenParamName
+  SynLink doxygenPageDesc               doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc
+  SynLink doxygenSpecialIdent           doxygenPageIdent
+  SynLink doxygenSpecialSectionDesc     doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+  SynLink doxygenSpecialRefWord         doxygenOther
+  SynLink doxygenRefWord                doxygenPageIdent
+  SynLink doxygenContinueLinkComment    doxygenComment
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlCh                 Function
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlCmd                Statement
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline     doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold           doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold     doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic     doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline         doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlItalicBold              doxygenHtmlBoldItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline     doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold     doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+  SynLink doxygenHtmlLink                    Underlined
+  SynLink doxygenParamDirection              StorageClass
+  if !exists("doxygen_my_rendering") && !exists("html_my_rendering")
+    SynColor doxygenBoldWord             term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+    SynColor doxygenEmphasisedWord       term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
+    SynLink  doxygenArgumentWord         doxygenEmphasisedWord
+    SynLink  doxygenHtmlCode             doxygenCodeWord
+    SynLink  doxygenHtmlBold             doxygenBoldWord
+    SynColor doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline       term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline gui=bold,underline
+    SynColor doxygenHtmlBoldItalic          term=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic gui=bold,italic
+    SynColor doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic term=bold,italic,underline cterm=bold,italic,underline gui=bold,italic,underline
+    SynColor doxygenHtmlUnderline        term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline
+    SynColor doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic  term=italic,underline cterm=italic,underline gui=italic,underline
+    SynColor doxygenHtmlItalic           term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
+  endif
+  delcommand SynLink
+  delcommand SynColor
+if &syntax=='idl'
+  syn cluster idlCommentable add=doxygenComment,doxygenCommentL
+"syn sync clear
+"syn sync maxlines=500
+"syn sync minlines=50
+if v:version >= 600
+syn sync match doxygenComment groupthere cComment "/\@<!/\*"
+syn sync match doxygenSyncComment grouphere doxygenComment "/\@<!/\*[*!]"
+syn sync match doxygencComment groupthere cComment "/\*"
+syn sync match doxygenSyncComment grouphere doxygenComment "/\*[*!]"
+"syn sync match doxygenSyncComment grouphere doxygenComment "/\*[*!]" contains=doxygenStart,doxygenTODO keepend
+syn sync match doxygenSyncEndComment groupthere NONE "\*/"
+if !exists('b:current_syntax')
+  let b:current_syntax = "doxygen"
+  let b:current_syntax = b:current_syntax.'+doxygen'
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim:et sw=2 sts=2
--- a/runtime/syntax/eruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/eruby.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " Vim syntax file
-" Language:	eRuby
-" Maintainer:	Doug Kearns <djkea2 at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Language:		eRuby
+" Maintainer:		Doug Kearns <>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
--- a/runtime/syntax/ruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/ruby.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 " Vim syntax file
-" Language:	Ruby
-" Maintainer:	Doug Kearns <djkea2 at>
-" Info:		$Id$
-" URL:
-" Anon CVS:	See above site
+" Language:		Ruby
+" Maintainer:		Doug Kearns <>
+" Info:			$Id$
+" URL:
+" Anon CVS:		See above site
+" Release Coordinator:	Doug Kearns <>
 " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Previous Maintainer:	Mirko Nasato
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/smcl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+" stata_smcl.vim -- Vim syntax file for smcl files.
+" Language:	SMCL -- Stata Markup and Control Language
+" Maintainer:	Jeff Pitblado <>
+" Last Change:	14apr2006
+" Version:	1.1.1
+" Location:
+" Log:
+" 20mar2003	updated the match definition for cmdab
+" 14apr2006	'syntax clear' only under version control
+"		check for 'b:current_syntax', removed 'did_smcl_syntax_inits'
+if version < 600
+	syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+	finish
+syntax case match
+syn keyword smclCCLword current_date		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword current_time		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword rmsg_time		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword stata_version		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword version			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword born_date		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword flavor			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword SE			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword mode			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword console			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword os			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword osdtl			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword machine_type		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword byteorder		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_stata		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_updates		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_base		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_site		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_plus		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_personal		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword sysdir_oldplace		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword adopath			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword pwd			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword dirsep			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_N_theory		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_N_current		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_k_theory		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_k_current		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_width_theory	contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_width_current	contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_matsize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword min_matsize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_macrolen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword macrolen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_cmdlen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword cmdlen			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword namelen			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword mindouble		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxdouble		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword epsdouble		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minfloat		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxfloat		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword epsfloat		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minlong			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxlong			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minint			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxint			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minbyte			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxbyte			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxstrvarlen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword memory			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxvar			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword matsize			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword N			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword k			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword width			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword changed			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword filename		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword filedate		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword more			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword rmsg			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword dp			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword linesize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword pagesize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword logtype			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword linegap			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword scrollbufsize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword varlabelpos		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword reventries		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword graphics		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword scheme			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword printcolor		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword adosize			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxdb			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword virtual			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword checksum		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword timeout1		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword timeout2		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxy		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword h_current		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_matsize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword min_matsize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_macrolen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword macrolen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword max_cmdlen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword cmdlen			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword namelen			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword mindouble		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxdouble		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword epsdouble		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minfloat		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxfloat		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword epsfloat		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minlong			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxlong			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minint			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxint			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword minbyte			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxbyte			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxstrvarlen		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword memory			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxvar			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword matsize			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword N			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword k			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword width			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword changed			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword filename		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword filedate		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword more			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword rmsg			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword dp			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword linesize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword pagesize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword logtype			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword linegap			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword scrollbufsize		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword varlabelpos		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword reventries		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword graphics		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword scheme			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword printcolor		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword adosize			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword maxdb			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword virtual			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword checksum		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword timeout1		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword timeout2		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxy		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxyhost		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxyport		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxyauth		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxyuser		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword httpproxypw		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword trace			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword tracedepth		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword tracesep		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword traceindent		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword traceexapnd		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword tracenumber		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword type			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword level			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword seed			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword searchdefault		contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword pi			contained
+syn keyword smclCCLword rc			contained
+" Directive for the contant and current-value class
+syn region smclCCL start=/{ccl / end=/}/ oneline contains=smclCCLword
+" The order of the following syntax definitions is roughly that of the on-line
+" documentation for smcl in Stata, from within Stata see help smcl.
+" Format directives for line and paragraph modes
+syn match smclFormat /{smcl}/
+syn match smclFormat /{sf\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{it\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{bf\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{inp\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{input\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{err\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{error\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{res\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{result\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{txt\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{text\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{com\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{cmd\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{cmdab:[^:}]\+:[^:}()]*\(\|:\|:(\|:()\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{hi\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{hilite\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{ul \(on\|off\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{ul:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{hline\(\| \d\+\| -\d\+\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{dup \d\+:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{c [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{char [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{reset}/
+" Formatting directives for line mode
+syn match smclFormat /{title:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{center:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{centre:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{center \d\+:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{centre \d\+:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{right:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{lalign \d\+:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{ralign \d\+:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{\.\.\.}/
+syn match smclFormat /{col \d\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{space \d\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{tab}/
+" Formatting directives for paragraph mode
+syn match smclFormat /{bind:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{break}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p \d\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p \d\+ \d\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p \d\+ \d\+ \d\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{pstd}/
+syn match smclFormat /{psee}/
+syn match smclFormat /{phang\(\|2\|3\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{pmore\(\|2\|3\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{pin\(\|2\|3\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{opt \w\+\(\|:\w\+\)\(\|([^)}]*)\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{opth \w*\(\|:\w\+\)(\w*)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{opth "\w\+\((\w\+:[^)}]\+)\)"}/
+syn match smclFormat /{opth \w\+:\w\+(\w\+:[^)}]\+)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{dlgtab\s*\(\|\d\+\|\d\+\s\+\d\+\):[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2colset\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2col\s\+:[^{}]*}.*{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2col\s\+:{[^{}]*}}.*{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2coldent\s*:[^{}]*}.*{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2coldent\s*:{[^{}]*}}.*{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2line\s*\(\|\d\+\s\+\d\+\)}/
+syn match smclFormat /{p2colreset}/
+syn match smclFormat /{synoptset\s\+\d\+\s\+\w\+}/
+syn match smclFormat /{synopt\s*:[^{}]*}.*{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{synopt\s*:{[^{}]*}}.*{p_end}/
+syn match smclFormat /{syntab\s*:[^{}]*}/
+syn match smclFormat /{synopthdr}/
+syn match smclFormat /{synoptline}/
+" Link directive for line and paragraph modes
+syn match smclLink /{help [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{helpb [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{help_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{search [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{search_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{browse [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{view [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{view_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{news:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{net [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{net_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{netfrom_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{ado [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{ado_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{update [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{update_d:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{dialog [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{back:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{clearmore:[^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{stata [^}]\+}/
+syn match smclLink /{newvar\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{var\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{varname\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{vars\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{varlist\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{depvar\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{depvars\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{depvarlist\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{indepvars\(\|:[^}]\+\)}/
+syn match smclLink /{dtype}/
+syn match smclLink /{ifin}/
+syn match smclLink /{weight}/
+" Comment
+syn region smclComment start=/{\*/ end=/}/ oneline
+" Strings
+syn region smclString  matchgroup=Nothing start=/"/ end=/"/   oneline
+syn region smclEString matchgroup=Nothing start=/`"/ end=/"'/ oneline contains=smclEString
+" assign highlight groups
+hi def link smclEString		smclString
+hi def link smclCCLword		Statement
+hi def link smclCCL		Type
+hi def link smclFormat		Statement
+hi def link smclLink		Underlined
+hi def link smclComment		Comment
+hi def link smclString		String
+let b:current_syntax = "stata_smcl"
+" vim: ts=8
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/stata.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+" stata.vim -- Vim syntax file for Stata do, ado, and class files.
+" Language:	Stata and/or Mata
+" Maintainer:	Jeff Pitblado <>
+" Last Change:	14apr2006
+" Version:	1.1.1
+" Location:
+" Log:
+" 14apr2006	renamed syntax groups st* to stata*
+"		'syntax clear' only under version control
+"		check for 'b:current_syntax', removed 'did_stat_syntax_inits'
+if version < 600
+	syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+	finish
+syntax case match
+" comments - single line
+" note that the triple slash continuing line comment comes free
+syn region stataStarComment  start=/^\s*\*/ end=/$/    contains=stataComment oneline
+syn region stataSlashComment start="\s//"   end=/$/    contains=stataComment oneline
+syn region stataSlashComment start="^//"    end=/$/    contains=stataComment oneline
+" comments - multiple line
+syn region stataComment      start="/\*"    end="\*/"  contains=stataComment
+" global macros - simple case
+syn match  stataGlobal /\$\a\w*/
+" global macros - general case
+syn region stataGlobal start=/\${/ end=/}/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
+" local macros - general case
+syn region stataLocal  start=/`/ end=/'/   oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
+" numeric formats
+syn match  stataFormat /%-\=\d\+\.\d\+[efg]c\=/
+" numeric hex format
+syn match  stataFormat /%-\=21x/
+" string format
+syn match  stataFormat /%\(\|-\|\~\)\d\+s/
+" Statements
+syn keyword stataConditional else if
+syn keyword stataRepeat      foreach
+syn keyword stataRepeat      forv[alues]
+syn keyword stataRepeat      while
+" Common programming commands
+syn keyword stataCommand about
+syn keyword stataCommand adopath
+syn keyword stataCommand adoupdate
+syn keyword stataCommand assert
+syn keyword stataCommand break
+syn keyword stataCommand by
+syn keyword stataCommand cap[ture]
+syn keyword stataCommand cd
+syn keyword stataCommand chdir
+syn keyword stataCommand checksum
+syn keyword stataCommand class
+syn keyword stataCommand classutil
+syn keyword stataCommand compress
+syn keyword stataCommand conf[irm]
+syn keyword stataCommand conren
+syn keyword stataCommand continue
+syn keyword stataCommand cou[nt]
+syn keyword stataCommand cscript
+syn keyword stataCommand cscript_log
+syn keyword stataCommand #delimit
+syn keyword stataCommand d[escribe]
+syn keyword stataCommand dir
+syn keyword stataCommand discard
+syn keyword stataCommand di[splay]
+syn keyword stataCommand do
+syn keyword stataCommand doedit
+syn keyword stataCommand drop
+syn keyword stataCommand edit
+syn keyword stataCommand end
+syn keyword stataCommand erase
+syn keyword stataCommand eret[urn]
+syn keyword stataCommand err[or]
+syn keyword stataCommand e[xit]
+syn keyword stataCommand expand
+syn keyword stataCommand expandcl
+syn keyword stataCommand file
+syn keyword stataCommand findfile
+syn keyword stataCommand format
+syn keyword stataCommand g[enerate]
+syn keyword stataCommand gettoken
+syn keyword stataCommand gl[obal]
+syn keyword stataCommand help
+syn keyword stataCommand hexdump
+syn keyword stataCommand include
+syn keyword stataCommand infile
+syn keyword stataCommand infix
+syn keyword stataCommand input
+syn keyword stataCommand insheet
+syn keyword stataCommand joinby
+syn keyword stataCommand la[bel]
+syn keyword stataCommand levelsof
+syn keyword stataCommand list
+syn keyword stataCommand loc[al]
+syn keyword stataCommand log
+syn keyword stataCommand ma[cro]
+syn keyword stataCommand mark
+syn keyword stataCommand markout
+syn keyword stataCommand marksample
+syn keyword stataCommand mata
+syn keyword stataCommand matrix
+syn keyword stataCommand memory
+syn keyword stataCommand merge
+syn keyword stataCommand mkdir
+syn keyword stataCommand more
+syn keyword stataCommand net
+syn keyword stataCommand nobreak
+syn keyword stataCommand n[oisily]
+syn keyword stataCommand note[s]
+syn keyword stataCommand numlist
+syn keyword stataCommand outfile
+syn keyword stataCommand outsheet
+syn keyword stataCommand _parse
+syn keyword stataCommand pause
+syn keyword stataCommand plugin
+syn keyword stataCommand post
+syn keyword stataCommand postclose
+syn keyword stataCommand postfile
+syn keyword stataCommand preserve
+syn keyword stataCommand print
+syn keyword stataCommand printer
+syn keyword stataCommand profiler
+syn keyword stataCommand pr[ogram]
+syn keyword stataCommand q[uery]
+syn keyword stataCommand qui[etly]
+syn keyword stataCommand rcof
+syn keyword stataCommand reg[ress]
+syn keyword stataCommand rename
+syn keyword stataCommand repeat
+syn keyword stataCommand replace
+syn keyword stataCommand reshape
+syn keyword stataCommand ret[urn]
+syn keyword stataCommand _rmcoll
+syn keyword stataCommand _rmcoll
+syn keyword stataCommand _rmcollright
+syn keyword stataCommand rmdir
+syn keyword stataCommand _robust
+syn keyword stataCommand save
+syn keyword stataCommand sca[lar]
+syn keyword stataCommand search
+syn keyword stataCommand serset
+syn keyword stataCommand set
+syn keyword stataCommand shell
+syn keyword stataCommand sleep
+syn keyword stataCommand sort
+syn keyword stataCommand split
+syn keyword stataCommand sret[urn]
+syn keyword stataCommand ssc
+syn keyword stataCommand su[mmarize]
+syn keyword stataCommand syntax
+syn keyword stataCommand sysdescribe
+syn keyword stataCommand sysdir
+syn keyword stataCommand sysuse
+syn keyword stataCommand token[ize]
+syn keyword stataCommand translate
+syn keyword stataCommand type
+syn keyword stataCommand unab
+syn keyword stataCommand unabcmd
+syn keyword stataCommand update
+syn keyword stataCommand use
+syn keyword stataCommand vers[ion]
+syn keyword stataCommand view
+syn keyword stataCommand viewsource
+syn keyword stataCommand webdescribe
+syn keyword stataCommand webseek
+syn keyword stataCommand webuse
+syn keyword stataCommand which
+syn keyword stataCommand who
+syn keyword stataCommand window
+" Literals
+syn match  stataQuote   /"/
+syn region stataEString matchgroup=Nothing start=/`"/ end=/"'/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataQuote,stataString,stataEString
+syn region stataString  matchgroup=Nothing start=/"/ end=/"/   oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
+" define clusters
+syn cluster stataFuncGroup contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataFunc,stataString,stataEstring
+syn cluster stataMacroGroup contains=stataGlobal,stataLocal
+syn cluster stataParenGroup contains=stataParenError,stataBracketError,stataBraceError,stataSpecial,stataFormat
+" Stata functions
+" Math
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/abs(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/acos(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/asin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/atan(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/atan2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/atanh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ceil(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cloglog(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/comb(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cos(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/digamma(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/exp(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/floor(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/int(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invcloglog(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invlogit(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ln(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnfact(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnfactorial(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lngamma(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/log(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/log10(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/logit(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/max(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mod(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/reldif(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/round(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sign(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sqrt(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sum(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tan(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tanh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trigamma(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trunc(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Probability distriubtions and density functions
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/betaden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/Binomial(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/binorm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/binormal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/chi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/chi2tail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapda(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdada(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdadx(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdx(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dgammapdxdx(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/F(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/Fden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/Ftail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/gammaden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/gammap(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invbinomial(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invchi2tail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invF(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invFtail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invgammap(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invnchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invFtail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invnorm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invnormal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invttail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnnormal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lnnormalden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nbetaden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nFden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nFtail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nibeta(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/norm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/normal(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/normalden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/normden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/npnchi2(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tden(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ttail(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Random numbers
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/uniform(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" String
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/abbrev(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/hchar(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/indexnot(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/itrim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/length(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/lower(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ltrim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/plural(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/proper(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/real(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/regexm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/regexr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/regexs(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/reverse(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/rtrim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/string(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/strlen(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/strmatch(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/strpos(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/subinstr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/subinword(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/substr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trim(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/upper(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/word(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/wordcount(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Programming
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/autocode(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/byteorder(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/c(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/_caller(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/chop(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/clip(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cond(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/e(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/epsdouble(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/epsfloat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/float(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/has_eprop(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/has_eprop(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/inlist(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/inrange(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/irecode(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/matrix(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxbyte(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxdouble(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxfloat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxint(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/maxlong(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mi(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minbyte(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mindouble(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minfloat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minint(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/minlong(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/missing(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/r(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/recode(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/replay(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/return(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/s(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/scalar(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Date
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/d(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/date(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/day(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dow(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/doy(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/halfyear(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mdy(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/month(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/quarter(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/week(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/year(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Time-series
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/daily(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/halfyearly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/monthly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/quarterly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/weekly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yearly(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/ym(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yq(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yw(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/d(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/h(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/m(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/q(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/w(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/y(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofh(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofm(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofq(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofw(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/dofy(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/hofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/qofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/wofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/yofd(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/tin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/twithin(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Matrix
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/colnumb(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/colsof(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/det(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/diag0cnt(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/el(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/issymmetric(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/matmissing(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/mreldif(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/rownumb(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/rowsof(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/trace(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/cholsky(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/corr(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/diag(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/get(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/hadamard(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/I(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/inv(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/invsym(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/J(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/matuniform(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/nullmat(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/sweep(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/vec(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/vecdiag(/ end=/)/ contains=@stataFuncGroup
+" Errors to catch
+" taken from $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim 
+" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis, braces and brackets
+syn region	stataParen		transparent start=/(/ end=/)/  contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInBracket,stataErrInBrace
+syn region	stataBracket	transparent start=/\[/ end=/]/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBrace
+syn region	stataBrace		transparent start=/{/ end=/}/  contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBracket
+syn match	stataParenError	/[\])}]/
+syn match	stataBracketError	/]/
+syn match	stataBraceError	/}/
+syn match	stataErrInParen	contained /[\]{}]/
+syn match	stataErrInBracket	contained /[){}]/
+syn match	stataErrInBrace	contained /[)\]]/
+" assign highlight groups
+hi def link stataBraceError	stataError
+hi def link stataBracketError	stataError
+hi def link stataErrInBrace	stataError
+hi def link stataErrInBracket	stataError
+hi def link stataErrInParen	stataError
+hi def link stataEString	stataString
+hi def link stataFormat		stataSpecial
+hi def link stataGlobal		stataMacro
+hi def link stataLocal		stataMacro
+hi def link stataParenError	stataError
+hi def link stataSlashComment	stataComment
+hi def link stataStarComment	stataComment
+hi def link stataCommand	Define
+hi def link stataComment	Comment
+hi def link stataConditional	Conditional
+hi def link stataError		Error
+hi def link stataFunc		None
+hi def link stataMacro		Define
+hi def link stataRepeat		Repeat
+hi def link stataSpecial	SpecialChar
+hi def link stataString		String
+let b:current_syntax = "stata"
+" vim: ts=8
--- a/src/ex_getln.c
+++ b/src/ex_getln.c
@@ -3997,13 +3997,15 @@ addstar(fname, len, context)
 	    vim_strncpy(retval, fname, len);
-	     * Don't add a star to ~, ~user, $var or `cmd`.
+	     * Don't add a star to *, ~, ~user, $var or `cmd`.
+	     * * would become **, which walks the whole tree.
 	     * ~ would be at the start of the file name, but not the tail.
 	     * $ could be anywhere in the tail.
 	     * ` could be anywhere in the file name.
 	    tail = gettail(retval);
 	    if ((*retval != '~' || tail != retval)
+		    && (len == 0 || retval[len - 1] != '*')
 		    && vim_strchr(tail, '$') == NULL
 		    && vim_strchr(retval, '`') == NULL)
 		retval[len++] = '*';
--- a/src/version.h
+++ b/src/version.h
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@
 #define VIM_VERSION_NODOT	"vim70d"
 #define VIM_VERSION_SHORT	"7.0d"
-#define VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM	"7.0d04 BETA"
-#define VIM_VERSION_LONG	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0d04 BETA (2006 Apr 14)"
-#define VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0d04 BETA (2006 Apr 14, compiled "
+#define VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM	"7.0d05 BETA"
+#define VIM_VERSION_LONG	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0d05 BETA (2006 Apr 15)"
+#define VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0d05 BETA (2006 Apr 15, compiled "