changeset 34807:7f709fa537df v9.1.0276

patch 9.1.0276: No pandoc syntax support Commit: Author: Wu, Zhenyu <> Date: Mon Apr 8 20:53:19 2024 +0200 patch 9.1.0276: No pandoc syntax support Problem: No pandoc syntax support Solution: Add pandoc syntax and compiler plugins (Wu, Zhenyu, Konfekt) closes: #14389 Co-authored-by: Konfekt <> Signed-off-by: Wu, Zhenyu <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Mon, 08 Apr 2024 22:00:03 +0200
parents 33cac3f2dec5
children 83de868083f2
files runtime/compiler/pandoc.vim runtime/doc/filetype.txt runtime/doc/syntax.txt runtime/doc/tags runtime/filetype.vim runtime/syntax/pandoc.vim src/testdir/test_filetype.vim src/version.c
diffstat 8 files changed, 874 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/compiler/pandoc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+" Vim compiler file
+" Compiler:     Pandoc
+" Maintainer:   Konfekt
+" Expects output file extension, say `:make html` or `:make pdf`.
+" Passes additional arguments to pandoc, say `:make html --self-contained`.
+if exists("current_compiler")
+  finish
+if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2		" older Vim always used :setlocal
+  command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+let current_compiler = 'pandoc'
+" As of 2024-04-08 pandoc supports the following text input formats with
+" an ftplugin on Github:
+let s:supported_filetypes =
+      \ [ 'bibtex', 'markdown', 'creole', 'json', 'csv', 'tsv', 'docbook',
+      \   'xml', 'fb2', 'html', 'jira', 'tex', 'mediawiki', 'nroff', 'org',
+      \   'rtf', 'rst', 't2t', 'textile', 'twiki', 'typst', 'vimwiki' ]
+" .. and out of those the following are included in Vim's runtime:
+" 'xml', 'tex', 'html', 'rst', 'json', 'nroff', 'markdown'
+silent! function s:PandocFiletype(filetype) abort
+  let ft = a:filetype
+  if ft ==# 'pandoc'
+    return 'markdown'
+  elseif ft ==# 'tex'
+    return 'latex'
+  elseif ft ==# 'xml'
+    " Pandoc does not support XML as a generic input format, but it does support
+    " EndNote XML and Jats XML out of which the latter seems more universal.
+    return 'jats'
+  elseif ft ==# 'text' || empty(ft)
+    return 'markdown'
+  elseif index(s:supported_filetypes, &ft) >= 0
+    return ft
+  else
+    echomsg 'Unsupported filetype: ' . a:filetype ', falling back to Markdown as input format!'
+    return 'markdown'
+  endif
+execute 'CompilerSet makeprg=pandoc\ --standalone' .
+      \ '\ --metadata\ title=%:t:r:S' .
+      \ '\ --metadata\ lang=' . matchstr(&spelllang, '^\a\a') .
+      \ '\ --from=' . s:PandocFiletype(&filetype) .
+      \ '\ --output\ %:r:S.$*\ %:S'
+CompilerSet errorformat="%f",\ line\ %l:\ %m
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
--- a/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*filetype.txt*	For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Apr 03
+*filetype.txt*	For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Apr 08
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ variables can be used to overrule the fi
 	*.inc		g:filetype_inc
 	*.lsl		g:filetype_lsl
 	*.m		g:filetype_m		|ft-mathematica-syntax|
+	*.markdown,*.mdown,*.mkd,*.mkdn,*.mdwn,*.md
+			g:filetype_md		|ft-pandoc-syntax|
 	*.mod		g:filetype_mod
 	*.p		g:filetype_p		|ft-pascal-syntax|
 	*.pl		g:filetype_pl
@@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ variables can be used to overrule the fi
 	*.typ		g:filetype_typ
 	*.v		g:filetype_v
 	*.w		g:filetype_w		|ft-cweb-syntax|
+	*.md		g:pandoc#filetypes#pandoc_markdown
 For a few filetypes the global variable is used only when the filetype could
 not be detected:
--- a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*syntax.txt*	For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Mar 10
+*syntax.txt*	For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Apr 08
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -2467,6 +2467,95 @@ by the camlp4 preprocessor.  Setting the
 prevents highlighting of "end" as error, which is useful when sources
 contain very long structures that Vim does not synchronize anymore.
+PANDOC						*ft-pandoc-syntax*
+By default, markdown files will be detected as filetype "markdown".
+Alternatively, you may want them to be detected as filetype "pandoc" instead.
+To do so, set the following: >
+	:let g:markdown_md = 'pandoc'
+The pandoc syntax plugin uses |conceal| for pretty highlighting. Default is 1 >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 1
+To specify elements that should not be concealed, set the following variable: >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist = []
+This is a list of the rules wich can be used here:
+  - titleblock 
+  - image
+  - block
+  - subscript
+  - superscript
+  - strikeout
+  - atx
+  - codeblock_start
+  - codeblock_delim
+  - footnote
+  - definition
+  - list
+  - newline
+  - dashes
+  - ellipses
+  - quotes
+  - inlinecode
+  - inlinemath
+You can customize the way concealing works. For example, if you prefer to mark
+footnotes with the `*` symbol: >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#cchar_overrides = {"footnote" : "*"}
+To conceal the urls in links, use: >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#urls = 1
+Prevent highlighting specific codeblock types so that they remain Normal.
+Codeblock types include "definition" for codeblocks inside definition blocks
+and "delimited" for delimited codeblocks. Default = [] >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#ignore = ['definition']
+Use embedded highlighting for delimited codeblocks where a language is
+specified. Default = 1 >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#use = 1
+For specify what languages and using what syntax files to highlight embeds. This is a
+list of language names. When the language pandoc and vim use don't match, you
+can use the "PANDOC=VIM" syntax. For example: >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs = ["ruby", "bash=sh"]
+To use italics and strong in emphases. Default = 1 >
+	:let *g:pandoc#syntax#style#emphases = 1
+"0" will add "block" to g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist, because otherwise
+you couldn't tell where the styles are applied.
+To add underline subscript, superscript and strikeout text styles. Default = 1 >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#style#underline_special = 1
+Detect and highlight definition lists. Disabling this can improve performance.
+Default = 1 (i.e., enabled by default) >
+	:let g:pandoc#syntax#style#use_definition_lists = 1
+The pandoc syntax script also comes with the following commands: >
+	:PandocHighlight LANG
+Enables embedded highlighting for language LANG in codeblocks. Uses the
+syntax for items in g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs. >
+	:PandocUnhighlight LANG
+Disables embedded highlighting for language LANG in codeblocks.
 PAPP						*papp.vim* *ft-papp-syntax*
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -7322,6 +7322,7 @@ ft-nasm-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-nasm-synt
 ft-ncf-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-ncf-syntax*
 ft-nroff-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-nroff-syntax*
 ft-ocaml-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-ocaml-syntax*
+ft-pandoc-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-pandoc-syntax*
 ft-papp-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-papp-syntax*
 ft-pascal-syntax	syntax.txt	/*ft-pascal-syntax*
 ft-pdf-plugin	filetype.txt	/*ft-pdf-plugin*
--- a/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ b/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -1322,7 +1322,12 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mv,*.mpl,*.mws		
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.map			setf map
 " Markdown
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.markdown,*.mdown,*.mkd,*.mkdn,*.mdwn,*.md  setf markdown
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.markdown,*.mdown,*.mkd,*.mkdn,*.mdwn,*.md
+	\ if exists("g:filetype_md") |
+	\   exe "setf " . g:filetype_md |
+	\ else |
+	\   setf markdown |
+	\ endif
 " Mason
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mason,*.mhtml,*.comp	setf mason
@@ -2860,6 +2865,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/hostname.*		
 " Pam conf
 au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/pam.d/*		call s:StarSetf('pamconf')
+" Pandoc
+au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufFilePost *.pandoc,*.pdk,*.pd,*.pdc	setf pandoc
 " Printcap and Termcap
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *printcap*
 	\ if !did_filetype()
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/pandoc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Language:	Pandoc (superset of Markdown)
+" Maintainer:	Felipe Morales <>
+" Maintainer:	Caleb Maclennan <>
+" Upstream:
+" Contributor:	David Sanson <>
+"		Jorge Israel Peña <>
+" Original Author:	Jeremy Schultz <>
+" Version: 5.0
+" Last Change:	2024 Apr 08
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Configuration: {{{1
+" use conceal? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 1
+" what groups not to use conceal in. works as a blacklist {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist = []
+" }}}2
+" cchars used in conceal rules {{{2
+" utf-8 defaults (preferred)
+if &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
+    let s:cchars = {
+                \'newline': '↵',
+                \'image': '▨',
+                \'super': 'ⁿ',
+                \'sub': 'ₙ',
+                \'strike': 'x̶',
+                \'atx': '§',
+                \'codelang': 'λ',
+                \'codeend': '—',
+                \'abbrev': '→',
+                \'footnote': '†',
+                \'definition': ' ',
+                \'li': '•',
+                \'html_c_s': '‹',
+                \'html_c_e': '›',
+                \'quote_s': '“',
+                \'quote_e': '”'}
+    " ascii defaults
+    let s:cchars = {
+                \'newline': ' ',
+                \'image': 'i',
+                \'super': '^',
+                \'sub': '_',
+                \'strike': '~',
+                \'atx': '#',
+                \'codelang': 'l',
+                \'codeend': '-',
+                \'abbrev': 'a',
+                \'footnote': 'f',
+                \'definition': ' ',
+                \'li': '*',
+                \'html_c_s': '+',
+                \'html_c_e': '+'}
+" }}}2
+" if the user has a dictionary with replacements for the default cchars, use those {{{2
+if exists('g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#cchar_overrides')
+    let s:cchars = extend(s:cchars, g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#cchar_overrides)
+" }}}2
+"should the urls in links be concealed? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#urls')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#urls = 0
+" should backslashes in escapes be concealed? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#backslash')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#backslash = 0
+" }}}2
+" leave specified codeblocks as Normal (i.e. 'unhighlighted') {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#ignore')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#ignore = []
+" }}}2
+" use embedded highlighting for delimited codeblocks where a language is specifed. {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#use')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#use = 1
+" }}}2
+" for what languages and using what vim syntax files highlight those embeds. {{{2
+" defaults to None.
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs = []
+" }}}2
+" use italics ? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#style#emphases')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#style#emphases = 1
+" if 0, we don't conceal the emphasis marks, otherwise there wouldn't be a way
+" to tell where the styles apply.
+if g:pandoc#syntax#style#emphases == 0
+    call add(g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist, 'block')
+" }}}2
+" underline subscript, superscript and strikeout? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#style#underline_special')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#style#underline_special = 1
+" }}}2
+" protect code blocks? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#protect#codeblocks')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#protect#codeblocks = 1
+" }}}2
+" use color column? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#colorcolumn')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#colorcolumn = 0
+" }}}2
+" highlight new lines? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#newlines')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#newlines = 1
+" }}}
+" detect roman-numeral list items? {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#roman_lists')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#roman_lists = 0
+" }}}2
+" disable syntax highlighting for definition lists? (better performances) {{{2
+if !exists('g:pandoc#syntax#use_definition_lists')
+    let g:pandoc#syntax#use_definition_lists = 1
+" }}}2
+" }}}1
+" Functions: {{{1
+" EnableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang {{{2
+function! EnableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang(entry)
+    " prevent embedded language syntaxes from changing 'foldmethod' 
+    if has('folding')
+        let s:foldmethod = &l:foldmethod
+        let s:foldtext = &l:foldtext     
+    endif
+    try
+        let s:langname = matchstr(a:entry, '^[^=]*')
+        let s:langsyntaxfile = matchstr(a:entry, '[^=]*$')
+        unlet! b:current_syntax
+        exe 'syn include @'.toupper(s:langname).' syntax/'.s:langsyntaxfile.'.vim'
+        " We might have just turned off spellchecking by including the file,
+        " so we turn it back on here.
+        exe 'syntax spell toplevel'
+        exe 'syn region pandocDelimitedCodeBlock_' . s:langname . ' start=/\(\_^\( \+\|\t\)\=\(`\{3,}`*\|\~\{3,}\~*\)\s*\%({[^.]*\.\)\=' . s:langname . '\>.*\n\)\@<=\_^/' .
+                    \' end=/\_$\n\(\( \+\|\t\)\=\(`\{3,}`*\|\~\{3,}\~*\)\_$\n\_$\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocDelimitedCodeBlock' .
+                    \' contains=@' . toupper(s:langname)
+        exe 'syn region pandocDelimitedCodeBlockinBlockQuote_' . s:langname . ' start=/>\s\(`\{3,}`*\|\~\{3,}\~*\)\s*\%({[^.]*\.\)\=' . s:langname . '\>/' .
+                    \ ' end=/\(`\{3,}`*\|\~\{3,}\~*\)/ contained containedin=pandocDelimitedCodeBlock' .
+                    \' contains=@' . toupper(s:langname) .
+                    \',pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart,pandocDelimitedCodeBlockEnd,pandodDelimitedCodeblockLang,pandocBlockQuoteinDelimitedCodeBlock'
+    catch /E484/
+      echo "No syntax file found for '" . s:langsyntaxfile . "'"
+    endtry
+    if exists('s:foldmethod') && s:foldmethod !=# &l:foldmethod
+        let &l:foldmethod = s:foldmethod
+    endif
+    if exists('s:foldtext') && s:foldtext !=# &l:foldtext
+        let &l:foldtext = s:foldtext
+    endif
+" }}}2
+" DisableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang {{{2
+function! DisableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang(langname)
+    try
+      exe 'syn clear pandocDelimitedCodeBlock_'.a:langname
+      exe 'syn clear pandocDelimitedCodeBlockinBlockQuote_'.a:langname
+    catch /E28/
+      echo "No existing highlight definitions found for '" . a:langname . "'"
+    endtry
+" }}}2
+" WithConceal {{{2
+function! s:WithConceal(rule_group, rule, conceal_rule)
+    let l:rule_tail = ''
+    if g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use != 0
+        if index(g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist, a:rule_group) == -1
+            let l:rule_tail = ' ' . a:conceal_rule
+        endif
+    endif
+    execute a:rule . l:rule_tail
+" }}}2
+" }}}1
+" Commands: {{{1
+command! -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=syntax PandocHighlight call EnableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang(<f-args>)
+command! -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=syntax PandocUnhighlight call DisableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang(<f-args>)
+" }}}1
+" BASE:
+syntax clear
+syntax spell toplevel
+" }}}1
+" Syntax Rules: {{{1
+" Embeds: {{{2
+" prevent embedded language syntaxes from changing 'foldmethod' 
+if has('folding')
+    let s:foldmethod = &l:foldmethod
+" HTML: {{{3
+" Set embedded HTML highlighting
+syn include @HTML syntax/html.vim
+syn match pandocHTML /<\/\?\a\_.\{-}>/ contains=@HTML
+" Support HTML multi line comments
+syn region pandocHTMLComment start=/<!--\s\=/ end=/\s\=-->/ keepend contains=pandocHTMLCommentStart,pandocHTMLCommentEnd
+call s:WithConceal('html_c_s', 'syn match pandocHTMLCommentStart /<!--/ contained', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['html_c_s'])
+call s:WithConceal('html_c_e', 'syn match pandocHTMLCommentEnd /-->/ contained', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['html_c_e'])
+" }}}3
+" LaTeX: {{{3
+" Set embedded LaTex (pandoc extension) highlighting
+" Unset current_syntax so the 2nd include will work
+unlet b:current_syntax
+syn include @LATEX syntax/tex.vim
+if index(g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#blacklist, 'inlinemath') == -1
+    " Can't use WithConceal here because it will mess up all other conceals
+    " when dollar signs are used normally. It must be skipped entirely if
+    " inlinemath is blacklisted
+    syn region pandocLaTeXInlineMath start=/\v\\@<!\$\S@=/ end=/\v\\@<!\$\d@!/ keepend contains=@LATEX
+    syn region pandocLaTeXInlineMath start=/\\\@<!\\(/ end=/\\\@<!\\)/ keepend contains=@LATEX
+syn match pandocEscapedDollar /\\\$/ conceal cchar=$
+syn match pandocProtectedFromInlineLaTeX /\\\@<!\${.*}\(\(\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\([^$]*\|.*\(\\\$.*\)\{2}\)\n\n\|$\)\@=/ display
+" contains=@LATEX
+syn region pandocLaTeXMathBlock start=/\$\$/ end=/\$\$/ keepend contains=@LATEX
+syn region pandocLaTeXMathBlock start=/\\\@<!\\\[/ end=/\\\@<!\\\]/ keepend contains=@LATEX
+syn match pandocLaTeXCommand /\\[[:alpha:]]\+\(\({.\{-}}\)\=\(\[.\{-}\]\)\=\)*/ contains=@LATEX
+syn region pandocLaTeXRegion start=/\\begin{\z(.\{-}\)}/ end=/\\end{\z1}/ keepend contains=@LATEX
+" we rehighlight sectioning commands, because otherwise tex.vim captures all text until EOF or a new sectioning command
+syn region pandocLaTexSection start=/\\\(part\|chapter\|\(sub\)\{,2}section\|\(sub\)\=paragraph\)\*\=\(\[.*\]\)\={/ end=/\}/ keepend
+syn match pandocLaTexSectionCmd /\\\(part\|chapter\|\(sub\)\{,2}section\|\(sub\)\=paragraph\)/ contained containedin=pandocLaTexSection
+syn match pandocLaTeXDelimiter /[[\]{}]/ contained containedin=pandocLaTexSection
+" }}}3
+if exists('s:foldmethod') && s:foldmethod !=# &l:foldmethod
+    let &l:foldmethod = s:foldmethod
+" }}}2
+" Titleblock: {{{2
+syn region pandocTitleBlock start=/\%^%/ end=/\n\n/ contains=pandocReferenceLabel,pandocReferenceURL,pandocNewLine
+call s:WithConceal('titleblock', 'syn match pandocTitleBlockMark /%\ / contained containedin=pandocTitleBlock,pandocTitleBlockTitle', 'conceal')
+syn match pandocTitleBlockTitle /\%^%.*\n/ contained containedin=pandocTitleBlock
+" }}}2
+" Blockquotes: {{{2
+syn match pandocBlockQuote /^\s\{,3}>.*\n\(.*\n\@1<!\n\)*/ contains=@Spell,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocPCite,pandocSuperscript,pandocSubscript,pandocStrikeout,pandocUListItem,pandocNoFormatted,pandocAmpersandEscape,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocLaTeXCommand,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXRegion skipnl
+syn match pandocBlockQuoteMark /\_^\s\{,3}>/ contained containedin=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocPCite,pandocSuperscript,pandocSubscript,pandocStrikeout,pandocUListItem,pandocNoFormatted
+" }}}2
+" Code Blocks: {{{2
+if g:pandoc#syntax#protect#codeblocks == 1
+    syn match pandocCodeblock /\([ ]\{4}\|\t\).*$/
+syn region pandocCodeBlockInsideIndent   start=/\(\(\d\|\a\|*\).*\n\)\@<!\(^\(\s\{8,}\|\t\+\)\).*\n/ end=/.\(\n^\s*\n\)\@=/ contained
+" }}}2
+" Links: {{{2
+" Base: {{{3
+syn region pandocReferenceLabel matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/!\{,1}\\\@<!\^\@<!\[/ skip=/\(\\\@<!\]\]\@=\|`.*\\\@<!].*`\)/ end=/\\\@<!\]/ keepend display
+if g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#urls == 1
+    syn region pandocReferenceURL matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\]\@1<=(/ end=/)/ keepend conceal
+    syn region pandocReferenceURL matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\]\@1<=(/ end=/)/ keepend
+" let's not consider "a [label] a" as a label, remove formatting - Note: breaks implicit links
+syn match pandocNoLabel /\]\@1<!\(\s\{,3}\|^\)\[[^\[\]]\{-}\]\(\s\+\|$\)[\[(]\@!/ contains=pandocPCite
+syn match pandocLinkTip /\s*".\{-}"/ contained containedin=pandocReferenceURL contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape display
+call s:WithConceal('image', 'syn match pandocImageIcon /!\[\@=/ display', 'conceal cchar='. s:cchars['image'])
+" }}}3
+" Definitions: {{{3
+syn region pandocReferenceDefinition start=/\[.\{-}\]:/ end=/\(\n\s*".*"$\|$\)/ keepend
+syn match pandocReferenceDefinitionLabel /\[\zs.\{-}\ze\]:/ contained containedin=pandocReferenceDefinition display
+syn match pandocReferenceDefinitionAddress /:\s*\zs.*/ contained containedin=pandocReferenceDefinition
+syn match pandocReferenceDefinitionTip /\s*".\{-}"/ contained containedin=pandocReferenceDefinition,pandocReferenceDefinitionAddress contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape
+" }}}3
+" Automatic_links: {{{3
+syn match pandocAutomaticLink /<\(https\{0,1}.\{-}\|[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|}~.]\{-}@[A-Za-z0-9\-]\{-}\.\w\{-}\)>/ contains=NONE
+" }}}3
+" }}}2
+" Citations: {{{2
+" parenthetical citations
+syn match pandocPCite "\^\@<!\[[^\[\]]\{-}-\{0,1}@[[:alnum:]_][[:digit:][:lower:][:upper:]_:.#$%&\-+?<>~/]*.\{-}\]" contains=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocLatex,pandocCiteKey,@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape display
+" in-text citations with location
+syn match pandocICite "@[[:alnum:]_][[:digit:][:lower:][:upper:]_:.#$%&\-+?<>~/]*\s\[.\{-1,}\]" contains=pandocCiteKey,@Spell display
+" cite keys
+syn match pandocCiteKey /\(-\=@[[:alnum:]_][[:digit:][:lower:][:upper:]_:.#$%&\-+?<>~/]*\)/ containedin=pandocPCite,pandocICite contains=@NoSpell display
+syn match pandocCiteAnchor /[-@]/ contained containedin=pandocCiteKey display
+syn match pandocCiteLocator /[\[\]]/ contained containedin=pandocPCite,pandocICite
+" }}}2
+" Text Styles: {{{2
+" Emphasis: {{{3
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@1<!\(\_^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<=\*\S\@=/ skip=/\(\*\*\|__\)/ end=/\*\([[:punct:]]\|\s\|\_$\)\@=/ contains=@Spell,pandocNoFormattedInEmphasis,pandocLatexInlineMath,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@1<!\(\_^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<=_\S\@=/ skip=/\(\*\*\|__\)/ end=/\S\@1<=_\([[:punct:]]\|\s\|\_$\)\@=/ contains=@Spell,pandocNoFormattedInEmphasis,pandocLatexInlineMath,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+" }}}3
+" Strong: {{{3
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocStrong matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\(\\\@<!\*\)\{2}/ end=/\(\\\@<!\*\)\{2}/ contains=@Spell,pandocNoFormattedInStrong,pandocLatexInlineMath,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocStrong matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/__/ end=/__/ contains=@Spell,pandocNoFormattedInStrong,pandocLatexInlineMath,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+" }}}3
+" Strong Emphasis: {{{3
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocStrongEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\*\{3}\(\S[^*]*\(\*\S\|\n[^*]*\*\S\)\)\@=/ end=/\S\@<=\*\{3}/ contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocStrongEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\(___\)\S\@=/ end=/\S\@<=___/ contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+" }}}3
+" Mixed: {{{3
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocStrongInEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\*\*/ end=/\*\*/ contained containedin=pandocEmphasis contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocStrongInEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/__/ end=/__/ contained containedin=pandocEmphasis contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocEmphasisInStrong matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@1<!\(\_^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<=\*\S\@=/ skip=/\(\*\*\|__\)/ end=/\S\@<=\*\([[:punct:]]\|\s\|\_$\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocStrong contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('block', 'syn region pandocEmphasisInStrong matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!\(\_^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<=_\S\@=/ skip=/\(\*\*\|__\)/ end=/\S\@<=_\([[:punct:]]\|\s\|\_$\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocStrong contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape', 'concealends')
+" }}}3
+" Inline Code: {{{3
+" Using single back ticks
+call s:WithConceal('inlinecode', 'syn region pandocNoFormatted matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!`/ end=/\\\@<!`/ nextgroup=pandocNoFormattedAttrs', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('inlinecode', 'syn region pandocNoFormattedInEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!`/ end=/\\\@<!`/ nextgroup=pandocNoFormattedAttrs contained', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('inlinecode', 'syn region pandocNoFormattedInStrong matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!`/ end=/\\\@<!`/ nextgroup=pandocNoFormattedAttrs contained', 'concealends')
+" Using double back ticks
+call s:WithConceal('inlinecode', 'syn region pandocNoFormatted matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!``/ end=/\\\@<!``/ nextgroup=pandocNoFormattedAttrs', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('inlinecode', 'syn region pandocNoFormattedInEmphasis matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!``/ end=/\\\@<!``/ nextgroup=pandocNoFormattedAttrs contained', 'concealends')
+call s:WithConceal('inlinecode', 'syn region pandocNoFormattedInStrong matchgroup=pandocOperator start=/\\\@<!``/ end=/\\\@<!``/ nextgroup=pandocNoFormattedAttrs contained', 'concealends')
+syn match pandocNoFormattedAttrs /{.\{-}}/ contained
+" }}}3
+" Subscripts: {{{3
+syn region pandocSubscript start=/\~\(\([[:graph:]]\(\\ \)\=\)\{-}\~\)\@=/ end=/\~/ keepend
+call s:WithConceal('subscript', 'syn match pandocSubscriptMark /\~/ contained containedin=pandocSubscript', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['sub'])
+" }}}3
+" Superscript: {{{3
+syn region pandocSuperscript start=/\^\(\([[:graph:]]\(\\ \)\=\)\{-}\^\)\@=/ skip=/\\ / end=/\^/ keepend
+call s:WithConceal('superscript', 'syn match pandocSuperscriptMark /\^/ contained containedin=pandocSuperscript', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['super'])
+" }}}3
+" Strikeout: {{{3
+syn region pandocStrikeout start=/\~\~/ end=/\~\~/ contains=@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape keepend
+call s:WithConceal('strikeout', 'syn match pandocStrikeoutMark /\~\~/ contained containedin=pandocStrikeout', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['strike'])
+" }}}3
+" }}}2
+" Headers: {{{2
+syn match pandocAtxHeader /\(\%^\|<.\+>.*\n\|^\s*\n\)\@<=#\{1,6}.*\n/ contains=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocNoFormatted,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape,pandocReferenceLabel,pandocReferenceURL display
+syn match pandocAtxHeaderMark /\(^#\{1,6}\|\\\@<!#\+\(\s*.*$\)\@=\)/ contained containedin=pandocAtxHeader
+call s:WithConceal('atx', 'syn match pandocAtxStart /#/ contained containedin=pandocAtxHeaderMark', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['atx'])
+syn match pandocSetexHeader /^.\+\n[=]\+$/ contains=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocNoFormatted,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape
+syn match pandocSetexHeader /^.\+\n[-]\+$/ contains=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocNoFormatted,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape
+syn match pandocHeaderAttr /{.*}/ contained containedin=pandocAtxHeader,pandocSetexHeader
+syn match pandocHeaderID /#[-_:.[:lower:][:upper:]]*/ contained containedin=pandocHeaderAttr
+" }}}2
+" Line Blocks: {{{2
+syn region pandocLineBlock start=/^|/ end=/\(^|\(.*\n|\@!\)\@=.*\)\@<=\n/ transparent
+syn match pandocLineBlockDelimiter /^|/ contained containedin=pandocLineBlock
+" }}}2
+" Tables: {{{2
+" Simple: {{{3
+syn region pandocSimpleTable start=/\%#=2\(^.*[[:graph:]].*\n\)\@<!\(^.*[[:graph:]].*\n\)\(-\{2,}\s*\)\+\n\n\@!/ end=/\n\n/ containedin=ALLBUT,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart,pandocYAMLHeader keepend
+syn match pandocSimpleTableDelims /\-/ contained containedin=pandocSimpleTable
+syn match pandocSimpleTableHeader /\%#=2\(^.*[[:graph:]].*\n\)\@<!\(^.*[[:graph:]].*\n\)/ contained containedin=pandocSimpleTable
+syn region pandocTable start=/\%#=2^\(-\{2,}\s*\)\+\n\n\@!/ end=/\%#=2^\(-\{2,}\s*\)\+\n\n/ containedin=ALLBUT,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocYAMLHeader keepend
+syn match pandocTableDelims /\-/ contained containedin=pandocTable
+syn region pandocTableMultilineHeader start=/\%#=2\(^-\{2,}\n\)\@<=./ end=/\%#=2\n-\@=/ contained containedin=pandocTable
+" }}}3
+" Grid: {{{3
+syn region pandocGridTable start=/\%#=2\n\@1<=+-/ end=/+\n\n/ containedin=ALLBUT,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocYAMLHeader keepend
+syn match pandocGridTableDelims /[\|=]/ contained containedin=pandocGridTable
+syn match pandocGridTableDelims /\%#=2\([\-+][\-+=]\@=\|[\-+=]\@1<=[\-+]\)/ contained containedin=pandocGridTable
+syn match pandocGridTableHeader /\%#=2\(^.*\n\)\(+=.*\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocGridTable
+" }}}3
+" Pipe: {{{3
+" with beginning and end pipes
+syn region pandocPipeTable start=/\%#=2\([+|]\n\)\@<!\n\@1<=|\(.*|\)\@=/ end=/|.*\n\(\n\|{\)/ containedin=ALLBUT,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocYAMLHeader keepend
+" without beginning and end pipes
+syn region pandocPipeTable start=/\%#=2^.*\n-.\{-}|/ end=/|.*\n\n/ keepend
+syn match pandocPipeTableDelims /[\|\-:+]/ contained containedin=pandocPipeTable
+syn match pandocPipeTableHeader /\(^.*\n\)\(|-\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocPipeTable
+syn match pandocPipeTableHeader /\(^.*\n\)\(-\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocPipeTable
+" }}}3
+syn match pandocTableHeaderWord /\<.\{-}\>/ contained containedin=pandocGridTableHeader,pandocPipeTableHeader contains=@Spell
+" }}}2
+" Delimited Code Blocks: {{{2
+" this is here because we can override strikeouts and subscripts
+syn region pandocDelimitedCodeBlock start=/^\(>\s\)\?\z(\([ ]\+\|\t\)\=\~\{3,}\~*\)/ end=/^\z1\~*/ skipnl contains=pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart,pandocDelimitedCodeBlockEnd keepend
+syn region pandocDelimitedCodeBlock start=/^\(>\s\)\?\z(\([ ]\+\|\t\)\=`\{3,}`*\)/ end=/^\z1`*/ skipnl contains=pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart,pandocDelimitedCodeBlockEnd keepend
+call s:WithConceal('codeblock_start', 'syn match pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart /\(\(\_^\n\_^\|\%^\)\(>\s\)\?\( \+\|\t\)\=\)\@<=\(\~\{3,}\~*\|`\{3,}`*\)/ contained containedin=pandocDelimitedCodeBlock nextgroup=pandocDelimitedCodeBlockLanguage', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['codelang'])
+syn match pandocDelimitedCodeBlockLanguage /\(\s\?\)\@<=.\+\(\_$\)\@=/ contained
+call s:WithConceal('codeblock_delim', 'syn match pandocDelimitedCodeBlockEnd /\(`\{3,}`*\|\~\{3,}\~*\)\(\_$\n\(>\s\)\?\_$\)\@=/ contained containedin=pandocDelimitedCodeBlock', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['codeend'])
+syn match pandocBlockQuoteinDelimitedCodeBlock '^>' contained containedin=pandocDelimitedCodeBlock
+syn match pandocCodePre /<pre>.\{-}<\/pre>/ skipnl
+syn match pandocCodePre /<code>.\{-}<\/code>/ skipnl
+" enable highlighting for embedded region in codeblocks if there exists a
+" g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs *list*.
+" entries in this list are the language code interpreted by pandoc,
+" if this differs from the name of the vim syntax file, append =vimname
+" e.g. let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs = ["haskell", "literatehaskell=lhaskell"]
+if g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#use != 0
+    for l in g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs
+      call EnableEmbedsforCodeblocksWithLang(l)
+    endfor
+" }}}2
+" Abbreviations: {{{2
+syn region pandocAbbreviationDefinition start=/^\*\[.\{-}\]:\s*/ end='$' contains=pandocNoFormatted,@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape
+call s:WithConceal('abbrev', 'syn match pandocAbbreviationSeparator /:/ contained containedin=pandocAbbreviationDefinition', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['abbrev'])
+syn match pandocAbbreviation /\*\[.\{-}\]/ contained containedin=pandocAbbreviationDefinition
+call s:WithConceal('abbrev', 'syn match pandocAbbreviationHead /\*\[/ contained containedin=pandocAbbreviation', 'conceal')
+call s:WithConceal('abbrev', 'syn match pandocAbbreviationTail /\]/ contained containedin=pandocAbbreviation', 'conceal')
+" }}}2
+" Footnotes: {{{2
+" we put these here not to interfere with superscripts.
+syn match pandocFootnoteID /\[\^[^\]]\+\]/ nextgroup=pandocFootnoteDef
+"   Inline footnotes
+syn region pandocFootnoteDef start=/\^\[/ skip=/\[.\{-}]/ end=/\]/ contains=pandocReferenceLabel,pandocReferenceURL,pandocLatex,pandocPCite,pandocCiteKey,pandocStrong,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocNoFormatted,pandocSuperscript,pandocSubscript,pandocStrikeout,pandocEnDash,pandocEmDash,pandocEllipses,pandocBeginQuote,pandocEndQuote,@Spell,pandocAmpersandEscape skipnl keepend
+call s:WithConceal('footnote', 'syn match pandocFootnoteDefHead /\^\[/ contained containedin=pandocFootnoteDef', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['footnote'])
+call s:WithConceal('footnote', 'syn match pandocFootnoteDefTail /\]/ contained containedin=pandocFootnoteDef', 'conceal')
+" regular footnotes
+syn region pandocFootnoteBlock start=/\[\^.\{-}\]:\s*\n*/ end=/^\n^\s\@!/ contains=pandocReferenceLabel,pandocReferenceURL,pandocLatex,pandocPCite,pandocCiteKey,pandocStrong,pandocEmphasis,pandocNoFormatted,pandocSuperscript,pandocSubscript,pandocStrikeout,pandocEnDash,pandocEmDash,pandocNewLine,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocEllipses,pandocBeginQuote,pandocEndQuote,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocLaTeXCommand,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXRegion,pandocAmpersandEscape,@Spell skipnl
+syn match pandocFootnoteBlockSeparator /:/ contained containedin=pandocFootnoteBlock
+syn match pandocFootnoteID /\[\^.\{-}\]/ contained containedin=pandocFootnoteBlock
+call s:WithConceal('footnote', 'syn match pandocFootnoteIDHead /\[\^/ contained containedin=pandocFootnoteID', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['footnote'])
+call s:WithConceal('footnote', 'syn match pandocFootnoteIDTail /\]/ contained containedin=pandocFootnoteID', 'conceal')
+" }}}2
+" List Items: {{{2
+" Unordered lists
+syn match pandocUListItem /^>\=\s*[*+-]\s\+-\@!.*$/ nextgroup=pandocUListItem,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocListItemContinuation contains=@Spell,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocNoFormatted,pandocStrikeout,pandocSubscript,pandocSuperscript,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocPCite,pandocICite,pandocCiteKey,pandocReferenceLabel,pandocLaTeXCommand,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocReferenceURL,pandocAutomaticLink,pandocFootnoteDef,pandocFootnoteBlock,pandocFootnoteID,pandocAmpersandEscape skipempty display
+call s:WithConceal('list', 'syn match pandocUListItemBullet /^>\=\s*\zs[*+-]/ contained containedin=pandocUListItem', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['li'])
+" Ordered lists
+syn match pandocListItem /^\s*(\?\(\d\+\|\l\|\#\|@\)[.)].*$/ nextgroup=pandocListItem,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocListItemContinuation contains=@Spell,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocNoFormatted,pandocStrikeout,pandocSubscript,pandocSuperscript,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocPCite,pandocICite,pandocCiteKey,pandocReferenceLabel,pandocLaTeXCommand,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocAutomaticLink,pandocFootnoteDef,pandocFootnoteBlock,pandocFootnoteID,pandocAmpersandEscape skipempty display
+" support for roman numerals up to 'c'
+if g:pandoc#syntax#roman_lists != 0
+    syn match pandocListItem /^\s*(\?x\=l\=\(i\{,3}[vx]\=\)\{,3}c\{,3}[.)].*$/ nextgroup=pandocListItem,pandocMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocListItemContinuation,pandocAutomaticLink skipempty display
+syn match pandocListItemBullet /^(\?.\{-}[.)]/ contained containedin=pandocListItem
+syn match pandocListItemBulletId /\(\d\+\|\l\|\#\|@.\{-}\|x\=l\=\(i\{,3}[vx]\=\)\{,3}c\{,3}\)/ contained containedin=pandocListItemBullet
+syn match pandocListItemContinuation /^\s\+\([-+*]\s\+\|(\?.\+[).]\)\@<!\([[:upper:][:lower:]_"[]\|\*\S\)\@=.*$/ nextgroup=pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocListItemContinuation,pandocListItem contains=@Spell,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocNoFormatted,pandocStrikeout,pandocSubscript,pandocSuperscript,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocPCite,pandocICite,pandocCiteKey,pandocReferenceLabel,pandocReferenceURL,pandocLaTeXCommand,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocAutomaticLink,pandocFootnoteDef,pandocFootnoteBlock,pandocFootnoteID,pandocAmpersandEscape contained skipempty display
+" }}}2
+" Definitions: {{{2
+if g:pandoc#syntax#use_definition_lists == 1
+    syn region pandocDefinitionBlock start=/^\%(\_^\s*\([`~]\)\1\{2,}\)\@!.*\n\(^\s*\n\)\=\s\{0,2}\([:~]\)\(\3\{2,}\3*\)\@!/ skip=/\n\n\zs\s/ end=/\n\n/ contains=pandocDefinitionBlockMark,pandocDefinitionBlockTerm,pandocCodeBlockInsideIndent,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocNoFormatted,pandocStrikeout,pandocSubscript,pandocSuperscript,pandocFootnoteID,pandocReferenceURL,pandocReferenceLabel,pandocLaTeXMathBlock,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocAutomaticLink,pandocEmDash,pandocEnDash,pandocFootnoteDef,pandocFootnoteBlock,pandocFootnoteID
+    syn match pandocDefinitionBlockTerm /^.*\n\(^\s*\n\)\=\(\s*[:~]\)\@=/ contained contains=pandocNoFormatted,pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocLaTeXInlineMath,pandocEscapedDollar,pandocFootnoteDef,pandocFootnoteBlock,pandocFootnoteID nextgroup=pandocDefinitionBlockMark
+    call s:WithConceal('definition', 'syn match pandocDefinitionBlockMark /^\s*[:~]/ contained', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['definition'])
+" }}}2
+" Special: {{{2
+" New_lines: {{{3
+if g:pandoc#syntax#newlines == 1
+  call s:WithConceal('newline', 'syn match pandocNewLine /\%(\%(\S\)\@<= \{2,}\|\\\)$/ display containedin=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocStrongEmphasis,pandocStrongInEmphasis,pandocEmphasisInStrong', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['newline'])
+" }}}3
+" Emdashes: {{{3
+if &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
+  call s:WithConceal('emdashes', 'syn match pandocEllipses /\([^-]\)\@<=---\([^-]\)\@=/ display', 'conceal cchar=—')
+" }}}3
+" Endashes: {{{3
+if &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
+  call s:WithConceal('endashes', 'syn match pandocEllipses /\([^-]\)\@<=--\([^-]\)\@=/ display', 'conceal cchar=–')
+" }}}3
+" Ellipses: {{{3
+if &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
+    call s:WithConceal('ellipses', 'syn match pandocEllipses /\.\.\./ display', 'conceal cchar=…')
+" }}}3
+" Quotes: {{{3
+if &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
+    call s:WithConceal('quotes', 'syn match pandocBeginQuote /"\</  containedin=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocListItem,pandocListItemContinuation,pandocUListItem display', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['quote_s'])
+    call s:WithConceal('quotes', 'syn match pandocEndQuote /\(\>[[:punct:]]*\)\@<="[[:blank:][:punct:]\n]\@=/  containedin=pandocEmphasis,pandocStrong,pandocUListItem,pandocListItem,pandocListItemContinuation display', 'conceal cchar='.s:cchars['quote_e'])
+" }}}3
+" Hrule: {{{3
+syn match pandocHRule /^\s*\([*\-_]\)\s*\%(\1\s*\)\{2,}$/ display
+" }}}3
+" Backslashes: {{{3
+if g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#backslash == 1
+    syn match pandocBackslash /\v\\@<!\\((re)?newcommand)@!/ containedin=ALLBUT,pandocCodeblock,pandocCodeBlockInsideIndent,pandocNoFormatted,pandocNoFormattedInEmphasis,pandocNoFormattedInStrong,pandocDelimitedCodeBlock,pandocLineBlock,pandocYAMLHeader conceal
+" }}}3
+" &-escaped Special Characters: {{{3
+syn match pandocAmpersandEscape /\v\&(#\d+|#x\x+|[[:alnum:]]+)\;/ contains=NoSpell
+" }}}3
+" YAML: {{{2
+    unlet! b:current_syntax
+    syn include @YAML syntax/yaml.vim
+catch /E484/
+syn region pandocYAMLHeader start=/\%(\%^\|\_^\s*\n\)\@<=\_^-\{3}\ze\n.\+/ end=/^\([-.]\)\1\{2}$/ keepend contains=@YAML containedin=TOP
+" }}}2
+" }}}1
+" Styling: {{{1
+function! s:SetupPandocHighlights()
+  hi def link pandocOperator Operator
+  " override this for consistency
+  hi pandocTitleBlock term=italic gui=italic
+  hi def link pandocTitleBlockTitle Directory
+  hi def link pandocAtxHeader Title
+  hi def link pandocAtxStart Operator
+  hi def link pandocSetexHeader Title
+  hi def link pandocHeaderAttr Comment
+  hi def link pandocHeaderID Identifier
+  hi def link pandocLaTexSectionCmd texSection
+  hi def link pandocLaTeXDelimiter texDelimiter
+  hi def link pandocHTMLComment Comment
+  hi def link pandocHTMLCommentStart Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocHTMLCommentEnd Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocBlockQuote Comment
+  hi def link pandocBlockQuoteMark Comment
+  hi def link pandocAmpersandEscape Special
+  " if the user sets g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#ignore to contain
+  " a codeblock type, don't highlight it so that it remains Normal
+  if index(g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#ignore, 'definition') == -1
+    hi def link pandocCodeBlockInsideIndent String
+  endif
+  if index(g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#ignore, 'delimited') == -1
+    hi def link pandocDelimitedCodeBlock Special
+  endif
+  hi def link pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocDelimitedCodeBlockEnd Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocDelimitedCodeBlockLanguage Comment
+  hi def link pandocBlockQuoteinDelimitedCodeBlock pandocBlockQuote
+  hi def link pandocCodePre String
+  hi def link pandocLineBlockDelimiter Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocListItemBullet Operator
+  hi def link pandocUListItemBullet Operator
+  hi def link pandocListItemBulletId Identifier
+  hi def link pandocReferenceLabel Label
+  hi def link pandocReferenceURL Underlined
+  hi def link pandocLinkTip Identifier
+  hi def link pandocImageIcon Operator
+  hi def link pandocReferenceDefinition Operator
+  hi def link pandocReferenceDefinitionLabel Label
+  hi def link pandocReferenceDefinitionAddress Underlined
+  hi def link pandocReferenceDefinitionTip Identifier
+  hi def link pandocAutomaticLink Underlined
+  hi def link pandocDefinitionBlockTerm Identifier
+  hi def link pandocDefinitionBlockMark Operator
+  hi def link pandocSimpleTableDelims Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocSimpleTableHeader pandocStrong
+  hi def link pandocTableMultilineHeader pandocStrong
+  hi def link pandocTableDelims Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocGridTableDelims Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocGridTableHeader Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocPipeTableDelims Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocPipeTableHeader Delimiter
+  hi def link pandocTableHeaderWord pandocStrong
+  hi def link pandocAbbreviationHead Type
+  hi def link pandocAbbreviation Label
+  hi def link pandocAbbreviationTail Type
+  hi def link pandocAbbreviationSeparator Identifier
+  hi def link pandocAbbreviationDefinition Comment
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteID Label
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteIDHead Type
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteIDTail Type
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteDef Comment
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteDefHead Type
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteDefTail Type
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteBlock Comment
+  hi def link pandocFootnoteBlockSeparator Operator
+  hi def link pandocPCite Operator
+  hi def link pandocICite Operator
+  hi def link pandocCiteKey Label
+  hi def link pandocCiteAnchor Operator
+  hi def link pandocCiteLocator Operator
+  if g:pandoc#syntax#style#emphases == 1
+      hi pandocEmphasis gui=italic cterm=italic
+      hi pandocStrong gui=bold cterm=bold
+      hi pandocStrongEmphasis gui=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic
+      hi pandocStrongInEmphasis gui=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic
+      hi pandocEmphasisInStrong gui=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic
+      if !exists('s:hi_tail')
+          let s:fg = '' " Vint can't figure ou these get set dynamically
+          let s:bg = '' " so initialize them manually first
+          for s:i in ['fg', 'bg']
+              let s:tmp_val = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('String')), s:i)
+              let s:tmp_ui =  has('gui_running') || (has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
+              if !empty(s:tmp_val) && s:tmp_val != -1
+                  exe 'let s:'.s:i . ' = "'.s:tmp_ui.s:i.'='.s:tmp_val.'"'
+              else
+                  exe 'let s:'.s:i . ' = ""'
+              endif
+          endfor
+          let s:hi_tail = ' '.s:fg.' '.s:bg
+      endif
+      exe 'hi pandocNoFormattedInEmphasis gui=italic cterm=italic'.s:hi_tail
+      exe 'hi pandocNoFormattedInStrong gui=bold cterm=bold'.s:hi_tail
+  endif
+  hi def link pandocNoFormatted String
+  hi def link pandocNoFormattedAttrs Comment
+  hi def link pandocSubscriptMark Operator
+  hi def link pandocSuperscriptMark Operator
+  hi def link pandocStrikeoutMark Operator
+  if g:pandoc#syntax#style#underline_special == 1
+      hi pandocSubscript gui=underline cterm=underline
+      hi pandocSuperscript gui=underline cterm=underline
+      hi pandocStrikeout gui=underline cterm=underline
+  endif
+  hi def link pandocNewLine Error
+  hi def link pandocHRule Delimiter
+call s:SetupPandocHighlights()
+" }}}1
+let b:current_syntax = 'pandoc'
+syntax sync clear
+syntax sync minlines=1000
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: set fdm=marker foldlevel=0:
--- a/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
@@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ def s:GetFilenameChecks(): dict<list<str
     pacmanlog: ['pacman.log'],
     pamconf: ['/etc/pam.conf', '/etc/pam.d/file', 'any/etc/pam.conf', 'any/etc/pam.d/file'],
     pamenv: ['/etc/security/pam_env.conf', '/home/user/.pam_environment', '.pam_environment', 'pam_env.conf'],
+    pandoc: ['file.pandoc', 'file.pdk', 'file.pd', 'file.pdc'],
     papp: ['file.papp', 'file.pxml', 'file.pxsl'],
     pascal: ['file.pas', 'file.dpr', 'file.lpr'],
     passwd: ['any/etc/passwd', 'any/etc/passwd-', 'any/etc/passwd.edit', 'any/etc/shadow', 'any/etc/shadow-', 'any/etc/shadow.edit', 'any/var/backups/passwd.bak', 'any/var/backups/shadow.bak', '/etc/passwd', '/etc/passwd-', '/etc/passwd.edit', '/etc/shadow', '/etc/shadow-', '/etc/shadow.edit', '/var/backups/passwd.bak', '/var/backups/shadow.bak'],
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -705,6 +705,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
 static int included_patches[] =
 {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+    276,