changeset 824:8dd456c1e283 v7.0c13

updated for version 7.0c13
author vimboss
date Sun, 09 Apr 2006 21:54:49 +0000
parents 9ab23f1e137f
children 6675076019ae
files runtime/colors/slate.vim runtime/doc/change.txt runtime/doc/eval.txt runtime/doc/help.txt runtime/doc/intro.txt runtime/doc/options.txt runtime/doc/tabpage.txt runtime/doc/tags runtime/doc/todo.txt runtime/doc/usr_41.txt runtime/doc/version7.txt runtime/syntax/sisu.vim src/gui.c src/gui_gtk_x11.c src/gui_motif.c src/gui_w32.c src/gui_w48.c src/option.c src/proto/ src/proto/ src/structs.h src/version.h src/window.c
diffstat 23 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/colors/slate.vim
+++ b/runtime/colors/slate.vim
@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ endif
 :hi Visual gui=none guifg=khaki guibg=olivedrab cterm=reverse
 :hi WarningMsg guifg=salmon ctermfg=1
 :hi String guifg=SkyBlue ctermfg=darkcyan
-:hi Comment guifg=DimGrey ctermfg=darkgrey
+:hi Comment term=bold ctermfg=11 guifg=#80a0ff
 :hi Constant guifg=#ffa0a0 ctermfg=brown
-:hi Special guifg=DarkKhaki ctermfg=brown
-:hi Identifier guifg=salmon ctermfg=darkred
-:hi Include guifg=darkred ctermfg=darkred
-:hi PreProc guifg=olivedrab ctermfg=red
-:hi Operator guifg=CornflowerBlue ctermfg=darkcyan
+:hi Special guifg=green ctermfg=brown
+:hi Identifier guifg=salmon ctermfg=red
+:hi Include guifg=red ctermfg=red
+:hi PreProc guifg=red guibg=white ctermfg=red
+:hi Operator guifg=Red ctermfg=Red
+":hi Operator guifg=CornflowerBlue ctermfg=darkcyan
 :hi Define guifg=gold gui=bold ctermfg=yellow
 :hi Type guifg=darkkhaki ctermfg=2
 :hi Function guifg=navajowhite ctermfg=brown
--- a/runtime/doc/change.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/change.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*change.txt*    For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Mar 16
+*change.txt*    For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -1542,6 +1542,9 @@ found here: |sort()|.
 <			To sort on the text at virtual column 10 (thus
 			ignoring the difference between tabs and spaces): >
 				:sort /.*\%10v/
+<			To sort on the first number in the line, no matter
+			what is in front of it: >
+				:sort /.*\ze\d/
 Note that using ":sort" with ":global" doesn't sort the matching lines, it's
 quite useless.
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 06
+*eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -1549,29 +1549,33 @@ eval( {string})			any	evaluate {string} 
 eventhandler( )			Number	TRUE if inside an event handler
 executable( {expr})		Number	1 if executable {expr} exists
 exists( {expr})			Number	TRUE if {expr} exists
+extend({expr1}, {expr2} [, {expr3}])
+				List/Dict insert items of {expr2} into {expr1}
 expand( {expr})			String	expand special keywords in {expr}
 filereadable( {file})		Number	TRUE if {file} is a readable file
+filewritable( {file})		Number	TRUE if {file} is a writable file
 filter( {expr}, {string})	List/Dict  remove items from {expr} where
 					{string} is 0
 finddir( {name}[, {path}[, {count}]])
-				String	Find directory {name} in {path}
+				String	find directory {name} in {path}
 findfile( {name}[, {path}[, {count}]])
-				String	Find file {name} in {path}
-filewritable( {file})		Number	TRUE if {file} is a writable file
+				String	find file {name} in {path}
 fnamemodify( {fname}, {mods})	String	modify file name
 foldclosed( {lnum})		Number	first line of fold at {lnum} if closed
 foldclosedend( {lnum})		Number	last line of fold at {lnum} if closed
 foldlevel( {lnum})		Number	fold level at {lnum}
 foldtext( )			String	line displayed for closed fold
+foldtextresult( {lnum})		String	text for closed fold at {lnum}
 foreground( )			Number	bring the Vim window to the foreground
 function( {name})		Funcref reference to function {name}
+garbagecollect()		none	free memory, breaking cyclic references
 get( {list}, {idx} [, {def}])	any	get item {idx} from {list} or {def}
 get( {dict}, {key} [, {def}])	any	get item {key} from {dict} or {def}
 getbufline( {expr}, {lnum} [, {end}])
 				List	lines {lnum} to {end} of buffer {expr}
+getbufvar( {expr}, {varname})	any	variable {varname} in buffer {expr}
 getchar( [expr])		Number	get one character from the user
 getcharmod( )			Number	modifiers for the last typed character
-getbufvar( {expr}, {varname})		variable {varname} in buffer {expr}
 getcmdline()			String	return the current command-line
 getcmdpos()			Number	return cursor position in command-line
 getcmdtype()			String	return the current command-line type
@@ -1590,7 +1594,7 @@ getreg( [{regname} [, 1]])	String	conten
 getregtype( [{regname}])	String	type of register
 getwinposx()			Number	X coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
 getwinposy()			Number	Y coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
-getwinvar( {nr}, {varname})		variable {varname} in window {nr}
+getwinvar( {nr}, {varname})	any	variable {varname} in window {nr}
 glob( {expr})			String	expand file wildcards in {expr}
 globpath( {path}, {expr})	String	do glob({expr}) for all dirs in {path}
 has( {feature})			Number	TRUE if feature {feature} supported
@@ -1611,6 +1615,7 @@ index( {list}, {expr} [, {start} [, {ic}
 input( {prompt} [, {text} [, {completion}]])
 				String	get input from the user
 inputdialog( {p} [, {t} [, {c}]]) String  like input() but in a GUI dialog
+inputlist( {textlist})		Number	let the user pick from a choice list
 inputrestore()			Number	restore typeahead
 inputsave()			Number	save and clear typeahead
 inputsecret( {prompt} [, {text}]) String  like input() but hiding the text
@@ -1689,6 +1694,7 @@ setcmdpos( {pos})		Number	set cursor pos
 setline( {lnum}, {line})	Number	set line {lnum} to {line}
 setloclist( {nr}, {list}[, {action}])
 				Number	modify location list using {list}
+setpos( {expr}, {list})		none	set the {expr} position to {list}
 setqflist( {list}[, {action}])	Number	modify quickfix list using {list}
 setreg( {n}, {v}[, {opt}])	Number	set register to value and type
 setwinvar( {nr}, {varname}, {val})	set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
@@ -2730,7 +2736,7 @@ getfontname([{name}])					*getfontname()
 		font name.  If not then an empty string is returned.
 		Otherwise the actual font name is returned, or {name} if the
 		GUI does not support obtaining the real name.
-		Only works when the GUI is running, thus not you your vimrc or
+		Only works when the GUI is running, thus not in your vimrc or
 		gvimrc file.  Use the |GUIEnter| autocommand to use this
 		function just after the GUI has started.
 		Note that the GTK 2 GUI accepts any font name, thus checking
--- a/runtime/doc/help.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/help.txt
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ Versions ~
 |version4.txt|	Differences between Vim version 3.0 and 4.x
 |version5.txt|	Differences between Vim version 4.6 and 5.x
 |version6.txt|	Differences between Vim version 5.7 and 6.x
+|version7.txt|	Differences between Vim version 6.4 and 7.x
 Remarks about specific systems ~
 |os_390.txt|	OS/390 Unix
@@ -195,12 +196,6 @@ Standard plugins ~
 |pi_zip.txt|	Zip archive explorer
 LOCAL ADDITIONS:				*local-additions*
-|cecutil.txt|	DrChip's Utilities				Jun 11, 2004
-|example.txt|	Example for a locally added help file
-|matchit.txt|   Extended "%" matching
-|test.txt|	Testing the hélp cömmånd nôw
-|typecorr.txt|	Plugin for correcting typing mistakes
-|helpp.txt|	Dummy line to avoid an error message
 *bars*		Bars example
--- a/runtime/doc/intro.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/intro.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*intro.txt*     For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2005 Sep 01
+*intro.txt*     For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -94,13 +94,15 @@ mention that.
 There are several mailing lists for Vim:
 	For discussions about using existing versions of Vim: Useful mappings,
-	questions, answers, where to get a specific version, etc.
+	questions, answers, where to get a specific version, etc.  There are
+	quite a few people watching this list and answering questions, also
+	for beginners.  Don't hesitate to ask your question here.
 <>				*vim-dev* *vimdev*
 	For discussions about changing Vim: New features, porting, patches,
 	beta-test versions, etc.
 <>				*vim-announce*
 	Announcements about new versions of Vim; also for beta-test versions
-	and ports to different systems.
+	and ports to different systems.  This is a read-only list.
 <>				*vim-multibyte*
 	For discussions about using and improving the multi-byte aspects of
--- a/runtime/doc/options.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/options.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*options.txt*	For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 05
+*options.txt*	For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -1442,6 +1442,8 @@ A jump table for the options with a shor
 			{not in Vi}
 	Number of screen lines to use for the command-line.  Helps avoiding
 	|hit-enter| prompts.
+	The value of this option is stored with the tab page, so that each tab
+	page can have a different value.
 						*'cmdwinheight'* *'cwh'*
 'cmdwinheight' 'cwh'	number	(default 7)
@@ -6522,8 +6524,8 @@ A jump table for the options with a shor
 'tagrelative' 'tr'	boolean	(Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
 			{not in Vi}
-	If on and using a tag file in another directory, file names in that
-	tag file are relative to the directory where the tag file is.
+	If on and using a tags file in another directory, file names in that
+	tags file are relative to the directory where the tags file is.
 	NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
 	set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
--- a/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*tabpage.txt*   For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 06
+*tabpage.txt*   For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ files.
 Variables local to a tab page start with "t:". |tabpage-variable|
+Currently there is only one option local to a tab page: 'cmdheight'.
 The TabLeave and TabEnter autocommand events can be used to do something when
 switching from one tab page to another.  The exact order depends on what you
 are doing.  When creating a new tab page this works as if you create a new
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -5611,6 +5611,7 @@ hebrew	hebrew.txt	/*hebrew*
 hebrew.txt	hebrew.txt	/*hebrew.txt*
 help	various.txt	/*help*
 help-context	help.txt	/*help-context*
+help-tags	tags	1
 help-translated	various.txt	/*help-translated*
 help-xterm-window	various.txt	/*help-xterm-window*
 help.txt	help.txt	/*help.txt*
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*todo.txt*      For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 07
+*todo.txt*      For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ be worked on, but only if you sponsor Vi
-":mkspell" still takes too long in Hungarian dictionary.
+":mkspell" still takes much too long in Hungarian dictionary.
 Use ~/tmp/hungarian*.txt to test dictionary with.
@@ -1805,6 +1805,11 @@ 6   Have a look on how Perl handles load
+9   With ":set tags=./tags,../tags" and a tag appears in both tags files it is
+    added twice.  Requires figuring out the actual file name for each found
+    match.  Remove tag_fname from the match and combine it with the fname in
+    the match (without expanding or other things that take time).  When
+    'tagrelative' is off tag_fname isn't needed at all.
 7   Can CTRL-] (jump to tag) include a following "." and "->" to restrict the
     number of possible matches? Check tags file for an item that has members.
     (Flemming Madsen)
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Mar 24
+*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		     VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -577,15 +577,19 @@ used for.  You can find an alphabetical 
 the function name to jump to detailed help on it.
 String manipulation:
+	nr2char()		get a character by its ASCII value
 	char2nr()		get ASCII value of a character
-	nr2char()		get a character by its ASCII value
+	str2nr()		convert a string to a number
+	printf()		format a string according to % items
 	escape()		escape characters in a string with a '\'
+	tr()			translate characters from one set to another
 	strtrans()		translate a string to make it printable
 	tolower()		turn a string to lowercase
 	toupper()		turn a string to uppercase
 	match()			position where a pattern matches in a string
 	matchend()		position where a pattern match ends in a string
 	matchstr()		match of a pattern in a string
+	matchlist()		like matchstr() and also return submatches
 	stridx()		first index of a short string in a long string
 	strridx()		last index of a short string in a long string
 	strlen()		length of a string
@@ -594,6 +598,9 @@ String manipulation:
 	strpart()		get part of a string
 	expand()		expand special keywords
 	iconv()			convert text from one encoding to another
+	byteidx()		byte index of a character in a string
+	repeat()		repeat a string multiple times
+	eval()			evaluate a string expression
 List manipulation:
 	get()			get an item without error for wrong index
@@ -611,12 +618,14 @@ List manipulation:
 	reverse()		reverse the order of a List
 	split()			split a String into a List
 	join()			join List items into a String
+	range()			return a List with a sequence of numbers
 	string()		String representation of a List
 	call()			call a function with List as arguments
 	index()			index of a value in a List
 	max()			maximum value in a List
 	min()			minimum value in a List
 	count()			count number of times a value appears in a List
+	repeat()		repeat a List multiple times
 Dictionary manipulation:
 	get()			get an entry without an error for a wrong key
@@ -637,15 +646,30 @@ Dictionary manipulation:
 	min()			minimum value in a Dictionary
 	count()			count number of times a value appears
-Working with text in the current buffer:
-	byte2line()		get line number at a specific byte count
-	line2byte()		byte count at a specific line
+	type()			type of a variable
+	islocked()		check if a variable is locked
+	function()		get a Funcref for a function name
+	getbufvar()		get a variable value from a specific buffer
+	setbufvar()		set a variable in a specific buffer
+	getwinvar()		get a variable value from a specific window
+	setwinvar()		set a variable in a specific window
+	garbagecollect()	possibly free memory
+Cursor and mark position:
 	col()			column number of the cursor or a mark
 	virtcol()		screen column of the cursor or a mark
 	line()			line number of the cursor or mark
 	wincol()		window column number of the cursor
 	winline()		window line number of the cursor
 	cursor()		position the cursor at a line/column
+	getpos()		get position of cursor, mark, etc.
+	setpos()		set position of cursor, mark, etc.
+	byte2line()		get line number at a specific byte count
+	line2byte()		byte count at a specific line
+	diff_filler()		get the number of filler lines above a line
+Working with text in the current buffer:
 	getline()		get a line or list of lines from the buffer
 	setline()		replace a line in the buffer
 	append()		append line or list of lines in the buffer
@@ -658,24 +682,27 @@ Working with text in the current buffer:
 	searchpos()		find a match for a pattern
 	searchpair()		find the other end of a start/skip/end
 	searchpairpos()		find the other end of a start/skip/end
+	searchdecl()		search for the declaration of a name
 System functions and manipulation of files:
-	browse()		put up a file requester
 	glob()			expand wildcards
 	globpath()		expand wildcards in a number of directories
+	findfile()		find a file in a list of directories
+	finddir()		find a directory in a list of directories
 	resolve()		find out where a shortcut points to
 	fnamemodify()		modify a file name
+	pathshorten()		shorten directory names in a path
+	simplify()		simplify a path without changing its meaning
 	executable()		check if an executable program exists
 	filereadable()		check if a file can be read
 	filewritable()		check if a file can be written to
-	mkdir()			create a new directory
+	getfperm()		get the permissions of a file
+	getftype()		get the kind of a file
 	isdirectory()		check if a directory exists
-	getcwd()		get the current working directory
 	getfsize()		get the size of a file
-	getftime()		get last modification time of a file
-	localtime()		get current time
-	strftime()		convert time to a string
+	getcwd()		get the current working directory
 	tempname()		get the name of a temporary file
+	mkdir()			create a new directory
 	delete()		delete a file
 	rename()		rename a file
 	system()		get the result of a shell command
@@ -683,6 +710,13 @@ System functions and manipulation of fil
 	readfile()		read a file into a List of lines
 	writefile()		write a List of lines into a file
+Date and Time:
+	getftime()		get last modification time of a file
+	localtime()		get current time in seconds
+	strftime()		convert time to a string
+	reltime()		get the current or elapsed time accurately
+	reltimestr()		convert reltime() result to a string
 Buffers, windows and the argument list:
 	argc()			number of entries in the argument list
 	argidx()		current position in the argument list
@@ -692,27 +726,52 @@ Buffers, windows and the argument list:
 	bufloaded()		check if a buffer exists and is loaded
 	bufname()		get the name of a specific buffer
 	bufnr()			get the buffer number of a specific buffer
+	tabpagebuflist()	return List of buffers in a tab page
+	tabpagenr()		get the number of a tab page
+	tabpagewinnr()		like winnr() for a specified tab page
 	winnr()			get the window number for the current window
 	bufwinnr()		get the window number of a specific buffer
 	winbufnr()		get the buffer number of a specific window
 	getbufline()		get a list of lines from the specified buffer
-	getbufvar()		get a variable value from a specific buffer
-	setbufvar()		set a variable in a specific buffer
-	getwinvar()		get a variable value from a specific window
-	setwinvar()		set a variable in a specific window
+Command line:
+	getcmdline()		get the current command line
+	getcmdpos()		get position of the cursor in the command line
+	setcmdpos()		set position of the cursor in the command line
+	getcmdtype()		return the current command-line type
+Quickfix and location lists:
+	getqflist()		list of quickfix errors
+	setqflist()		modify a quickfix list
+	getloclist()		list of location list items
+	setloclist()		modify a location list
+Insert mode completion:
+	complete()		set found matches
+	complete_add()		add to found matches
+	complete_check()	check if completion should be aborted
+	pumvisible()		check if the popup menu is displayed
 	foldclosed()		check for a closed fold at a specific line
 	foldclosedend()		like foldclosed() but return the last line
 	foldlevel()		check for the fold level at a specific line
 	foldtext()		generate the line displayed for a closed fold
-Syntax highlighting:
+	foldtextresult()	get the text displayed for a closed fold
+Syntax and highlighting:
 	hlexists()		check if a highlight group exists
 	hlID()			get ID of a highlight group
 	synID()			get syntax ID at a specific position
 	synIDattr()		get a specific attribute of a syntax ID
 	synIDtrans()		get translated syntax ID
+	diff_hlID()		get highlight ID for diff mode at a position
+	matcharg()		get info about |:match| arguments
+	spellbadword()		locate badly spelled word at or after cursor
+	spellsuggest()		return suggested spelling corrections
+	soundfold()		return the sound-a-like equivalent of a word
 	histadd()		add an item to a history
@@ -721,15 +780,23 @@ History:
 	histnr()		get highest index of a history list
+	browse()		put up a file requester
+	browsedir()		put up a directory requester
 	confirm()		let the user make a choice
 	getchar()		get a character from the user
 	getcharmod()		get modifiers for the last typed character
 	input()			get a line from the user
+	inputlist()		let the user pick an entry from a list
 	inputsecret()		get a line from the user without showing it
 	inputdialog()		get a line from the user in a dialog
 	inputsave()		save and clear typeahead
 	inputrestore()		restore typeahead
+	getfontname()		get name of current font being used
+	getwinposx()		X position of the GUI Vim window
+	getwinposy()		Y position of the GUI Vim window
 Vim server:
 	serverlist()		return the list of server names
 	remote_send()		send command characters to a Vim server
@@ -740,8 +807,14 @@ Vim server:
 	foreground()		move the Vim window to the foreground
 	remote_foreground()	move the Vim server window to the foreground
+Window size and position:
+	winheight()		get height of a specific window
+	winwidth()		get width of a specific window
+	winrestcmd()		return command to restore window sizes
+	winsaveview()		get view of current window
+	winrestview()		restore saved view of current window
-	type()			type of a variable
 	mode()			get current editing mode
 	visualmode()		last visual mode used
 	hasmapto()		check if a mapping exists
@@ -749,23 +822,20 @@ Various:
 	maparg()		get rhs of a mapping
 	exists()		check if a variable, function, etc. exists
 	has()			check if a feature is supported in Vim
-	getqflist()		list of quickfix errors
-	getloclist()		list of location list items
+	changenr()		return number of most recent change
 	cscope_connection()	check if a cscope connection exists
 	did_filetype()		check if a FileType autocommand was used
 	eventhandler()		check if invoked by an event handler
-	getwinposx()		X position of the GUI Vim window
-	getwinposy()		Y position of the GUI Vim window
-	winheight()		get height of a specific window
-	winwidth()		get width of a specific window
 	libcall()		call a function in an external library
 	libcallnr()		idem, returning a number
 	getreg()		get contents of a register
 	getregtype()		get type of a register
-	setqflist()		modify a quickfix list
-	setloclist()		modify a location list
 	setreg()		set contents and type of a register
 	taglist()		get list of matching tags
+	tagfiles()		get a list of tags files
 *41.7*	Defining a function
--- a/runtime/doc/version7.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*version7.txt*  For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 07
+*version7.txt*  For Vim version 7.0c.  Last change: 2006 Apr 09
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -2411,4 +2411,7 @@ needed on the spell file.
 glob('/dir/\$ABC/*') didn't work.
+When using several tab pages and changing 'cmdheight' the display could become
+messed up.  Now store the value of 'cmdheight' separately for each tab page.
--- a/runtime/syntax/sisu.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/sisu.vim
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
-"% 12 Errors?
+"% 11 Errors?
 syn match sisu_error contains=sisu_contain,sisu_control,sisu_markpara,sisu_mark,sisu_content_alt,sisu_error_wspace "<![^ei]\S\+!>"
-"% 11 Expression Substitution: and Backslash Notation
 "% 10 Markers: Endnote Identifiers, Pagebreaks etc.: 
 if !exists("sisu_no_identifiers")
   syn match   sisu_mark_endnote   "\~^"
@@ -19,20 +18,16 @@ if !exists("sisu_no_identifiers")
   syn match   sisu_break          "<br>\|<br />"
   syn match   sisu_control        "<p>\|</p>\|<p />\|<:p[bn]>"
   syn match   sisu_html           "<center>\|</center>"
-  syn match   sisu_markpara       "^_\([12]\*\?\|\*\)\s\+"
-  syn match   sisu_markpara       "#[ 1]\|_# "
   syn match   sisu_marktail       "[~-]#"
   syn match   sisu_html           "<td>\|<td \|<tr>\|</td>\|</tr>\|<table>\|<table \|</table>"
   syn match   sisu_control        "\""
-  syn match   sisu_underline      "\(^\| \)_[a-zA-Z0-9]\+_\([ .,]\|$\)"he=e-1
+  syn match   sisu_underline      "\(^\| \)_[a-zA-Z0-9]\+_\([ .,]\|$\)"
+  syn match   sisu_number         "[0-9a-f]\{32\}\|[0-9a-f]\{64\}"
   "metaverse specific
   syn match   sisu_ocn            "<\~\d\+;\w\d\+;\w\d\+>"
-  syn match   sisu_digest         "<[0-9a-f]\{32\}:[0-9a-f]\{32\}>\|<[0-9a-f]\{32\}>"
-  syn match   sisu_digest         "<[0-9a-f]\{64\}:[0-9a-f]\{64\}>\|<[0-9a-f]\{64\}>"
   syn match   sisu_marktail       "<\~#>"
   syn match   sisu_markpara       "<:i[12]>"
   syn match   sisu_link           " \*\~\S\+"
-  syn match   sisu_action         "^<<.\+"
   syn match   sisu_action         "^<:insert\d\+>"
   syn match   sisu_contain        "<:e>"
@@ -46,24 +41,25 @@ syn match sisu_error              "<a hr
 "% 7 Simple Enclosed Markup:
 " Simple Markup:
 "%   header
-syn region sisu_header contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_content_alt,sisu_link,sisu_linked,sisu_break matchgroup=sisu_header start="0\~" end="$"
+syn region sisu_header_content contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_content_alt,sisu_link,sisu_linked,sisu_break matchgroup=sisu_header start="^0\~\(\S\+\|[^-]\)" end="$"
 "%   headings
-syn region sisu_heading contains=sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_marktail,sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_ocn,sisu_digest,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_heading start="[1-8]\~[^-]" end="$"
+syn region sisu_heading contains=sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_marktail,sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_ocn,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_structure start="^[1-8]\~\(\S\+\|[^-]\)" end="$"
 "%   grouped text
 syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_contain start="table{.\+" end="}table"
 syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_contain start="{t\~h}" end="$$"
 syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_link,sisu_mark,sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_contain start="^\(alt\|group\|poem\){" end="^}\(alt\|group\|poem\)"
 syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_contain start="^code{" end="^}code"
 "%   endnotes
-syn region sisu_content_endnote contains=sisu_digest,sisu_link,sisu_strikeout,sisu_underline,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark,sisu_break matchgroup=sisu_mark_endnote start="\~{" end="}\~" skip="\n"
+syn region sisu_content_endnote contains=sisu_link,sisu_strikeout,sisu_underline,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark,sisu_break matchgroup=sisu_mark_endnote start="\~{" end="}\~" skip="\n"
 syn region sisu_content_endnote contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_link,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark,sisu_break matchgroup=sisu_mark_endnote start="\^\~" end="\n\n"
 "%   images
-syn region sisu_linked contains=sisu_fontface,sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_link start="{" end="}\(\(http://\|\.\./\)\S\+\|image\)" oneline
-"syn region sisu_linked contains=sisu_fontface,sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_link start="{" end="}\(\(http://\|\.\./\)\S\+\|image\)" oneline
-"sisu_identifier fix
-""syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_link start="{" end="}\(http\S\+\|image\)" oneline
+syn region sisu_linked contains=sisu_fontface,sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_link start="{" end="}\(\(http://\|\.\./\)\S\+\|image\)" oneline
+"%   line operations
+syn region sisu_link contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_action start="^<<\s*|[a-zA-Z0-9^._-]\+|@|[a-zA-Z0-9^._-]\+|"rs=s+2 end="$"
+syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_identifier,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_control start="\(\(^\| \)!_ \|<:b>\)" end="$"
+syn region sisu_normal contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_identifier,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_markpara start="^_\([12]\*\?\|\*\) " end="$"
+syn region sisu_normal contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_identifier,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_markpara start="^\(#[ 1]\|_# \)" end="$"
 "%   font face curly brackets
-syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_identifier,sisu_content_endnote,sisu_mark_endnote,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_control start="\(\(^\| \)!_ \|<:b>\)" end="$"
 syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_fontface start="\*{" end="}\*"
 syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_fontface start="!{" end="}!"
 syn region sisu_underline contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_fontface start="_{" end="}_"
@@ -72,23 +68,19 @@ syn region sisu_underline contains=sisu_
 syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_fontface start="\^{" end="}\^"
 syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_fontface start=",{" end="}," 
 syn region sisu_strikeout contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_fontface start="-{" end="}-" 
-syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="<b>" end="</b>" oneline
-syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="<em>" end="</em>" oneline
-syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="<u>" end="</u>" oneline
-syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="<i>" end="</i>" oneline
-syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="<ins>" end="</ins>" skip="\\\\\|\\'" oneline
-syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="<del>" end="</del>" oneline
 syn region sisu_html contains=sisu_error contains=sisu_strikeout matchgroup=sisu_contain start="<a href=\".\{-}\">" end="</a>" oneline
 "%   single words bold italicise etc. "workon
 syn region sisu_control contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_control start="\([ (]\|^\)\*[^\|{\n\~\\]"hs=e-1 end="\*"he=e-0 skip="[a-zA-Z0-9']" oneline
 syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="\([ ]\|^\)/[^{ \|\n\\]"hs=e-1 end="/\[ \.\]" skip="[a-zA-Z0-9']" oneline
-"syn region sisu_underline matchgroup=sisu_underline start="\([ (]\|^\)_\([^ !*{\\][\w]\|[^12][^*]\)"hs=e-2 end="\(_\([ )\.]\|$\)\| \)"he=e-1 skip="[a-zA-Z0-9']" oneline
 "%   html
-syn region sisu_number contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_contain start="<b>" end="</b>" skip="\n"
-syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_contain start="<i>" end="</i>" skip="\n"
-syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_contain start="<u>" end="</u>" skip="\n"
+syn region sisu_number contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_html start="<b>" end="</b>" skip="\n" oneline
+syn region sisu_number contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_html start="<em>" end="</em>" oneline
+syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_html start="<i>" end="</i>" skip="\n" oneline
+syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_html start="<u>" end="</u>" skip="\n" oneline
+syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell,sisu_mark matchgroup=sisu_html start="<ins>" end="</ins>" skip="\\\\\|\\'" oneline
+syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_html start="<del>" end="</del>" oneline
 "%   misc
-syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_content_alt start="\^[^{\|\n\\]" end="\^[ ,.;:'})\\\n]" skip="[a-zA-Z0-9']" oneline
+syn region sisu_identifier contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_fontface start="\^[^ {\|\n\\]"rs=s+1 end="\^[ ,.;:'})\\\n]" skip="[a-zA-Z0-9']" oneline
 "% metaverse
 syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_strikeout,sisu_number,sisu_control,sisu_identifier,sisu_error,sisu_error_spell matchgroup=sisu_contain start="<:Table.\{-}>" end="<:Table[-_]end>"
 syn region sisu_content_alt contains=sisu_error matchgroup=sisu_contain start="<:code>" end="<:code[-_]end>"
@@ -101,8 +93,7 @@ else " not Expensive
   syn region  sisu_content_alt  matchgroup=sisu_control start="^\s*def\s" matchgroup=NONE end="[?!]\|\>" skip="\.\|\(::\)" oneline
 endif " Expensive?
 "% 5 Headers: and Headings (Document Instructions)
-"syn match   sisu_header contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace,sisu_mark "0\~.*"
-syn match   sisu_comment contains=sisu_error "^% .*\|^%% .*"
+syn match   sisu_comment "^% .*\|^%% .*"
 syn match   sisu_control contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace "4\~! \S\+"
 syn region  sisu_markpara contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace start="^=begin" end="^=end.*$"
 "% 4 Errors?
@@ -110,6 +101,7 @@ syn match sisu_error_wspace contains=sis
 syn match sisu_error_wspace contains=sisu_error_wspace "\s\s\+"
 syn match sisu_error_wspace contains=sisu_error_wspace  " \s*$"
 syn match sisu_error contains=sisu_error,sisu_error_wspace "[^ (}]http:\S\+"
+syn match sisu_error contains=sisu_error_wspace "\t\+"
 syn match sisu_error contains=sisu_error "http:\S\+[}><]"
 syn match sisu_error contains=sisu_error "\([!*/_\+,^]\){\([^(\}\1)]\)\{-}\n\n"
 syn match sisu_error contains=sisu_error "^[\-\~]{[^{]\{-}\n\n"
@@ -139,8 +131,11 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sisu_s
     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
 "% 1 Defined
+  HiLink sisu_normal          Normal
   HiLink sisu_header          PreProc
+  HiLink sisu_header_content  Statement
   HiLink sisu_heading         Title
+  HiLink sisu_structure       Operator
   HiLink sisu_contain         Include
   HiLink sisu_mark_endnote    Include
   HiLink sisu_link            NonText
@@ -151,7 +146,6 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sisu_s
   HiLink sisu_content_endnote Special
   HiLink sisu_control         Define
   HiLink sisu_ocn             Include
-  HiLink sisu_digest          Identifier
   HiLink sisu_number          Number
   HiLink sisu_identifier      Function
   HiLink sisu_underline       Underlined
@@ -165,8 +159,6 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sisu_s
   HiLink sisu_error_spell     SpellErrors "line does nothing
   HiLink sisu_error_wspace    Error
   HiLink sisu_error           Error
-  "HiLink sisu_                Statement
-  "HiLink sisu_                Operator
   delcommand HiLink
 let b:current_syntax = "sisu"
--- a/src/gui.c
+++ b/src/gui.c
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ gui_init()
 	/* When 'cmdheight' was set during startup it may not have taken
 	 * effect yet. */
 	if (p_ch != 1L)
-	    command_height(-1L);
+	    command_height();
@@ -3497,6 +3497,25 @@ send_tabline_event(nr)
     return TRUE;
+ * Send a tabline menu event
+ */
+    void
+send_tabline_menu_event(tabidx, event)
+    int	    tabidx;
+    int	    event;
+    char_u	    string[3];
+    string[0] = CSI;
+    string[1] = KS_TABMENU;
+    string[2] = KE_FILLER;
+    add_to_input_buf(string, 3);
+    string[0] = tabidx;
+    string[1] = (char_u)(long)event;
+    add_to_input_buf_csi(string, 2);
--- a/src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+++ b/src/gui_gtk_x11.c
@@ -3128,16 +3128,9 @@ static int clicked_page;	    /* page cli
     static void
 tabline_menu_handler(GtkMenuItem *item, gpointer user_data)
-    char_u	string[3];
     /* Add the string cmd into input buffer */
-    string[0] = CSI;
-    string[1] = KS_TABMENU;
-    string[2] = KE_FILLER;
-    add_to_input_buf(string, 3);
-    string[0] = clicked_page;
-    string[1] = (char_u)(long)user_data;
-    add_to_input_buf_csi(string, 2);
+    send_tabline_menu_event(clicked_page, (int)(long)user_data);
     if (gtk_main_level() > 0)
--- a/src/gui_motif.c
+++ b/src/gui_motif.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include <Xm/ToggleBG.h>
 #include <Xm/SeparatoG.h>
 #include <Xm/Notebook.h>
+#include <Xm/XmP.h>
 #include <X11/keysym.h>
 #include <X11/Xatom.h>
@@ -151,19 +152,52 @@ tabline_button_cb(w, client_data, call_d
     Widget	w;
     XtPointer	client_data, call_data;
-    char_u	string[3];
     int		cmd, tab_idx;
     XtVaGetValues(w, XmNuserData, &cmd, NULL);
     XtVaGetValues(tabLine_menu, XmNuserData, &tab_idx, NULL);
-    string[0] = CSI;
-    string[1] = KS_TABMENU;
-    string[2] = KE_FILLER;
-    add_to_input_buf(string, 3);
-    string[0] = tab_idx;
-    string[1] = (char_u)(long)cmd;
-    add_to_input_buf_csi(string, 2);
+    send_tabline_menu_event(tab_idx, cmd);
+ * Tabline single mouse click timeout handler
+ */
+    static void
+motif_tabline_timer_cb (timed_out, interval_id)
+    XtPointer		timed_out;
+    XtIntervalId	*interval_id;
+    *((int *)timed_out) = TRUE;
+ * check if the tabline tab scroller is clicked
+ */
+    static int
+tabline_scroller_clicked(scroller_name, event)
+    char		*scroller_name;
+    XButtonPressedEvent *event;
+    Widget	tab_scroll_w;
+    Position	pos_x, pos_y;
+    Dimension	width, height;
+    tab_scroll_w = XtNameToWidget(tabLine, scroller_name);
+    if (tab_scroll_w != (Widget)0) {
+	XtVaGetValues(tab_scroll_w, XmNx, &pos_x, XmNy, &pos_y, XmNwidth,
+		      &width, XmNheight, &height, NULL);
+	if (pos_x >= 0) {
+	    /* Tab scroller (next) is visible */
+	    if ((event->x >= pos_x) && (event->x <= pos_x + width) &&
+		(event->y >= pos_y) && (event->y <= pos_y + height)) {
+		/* Clicked on the scroller */
+		return TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return FALSE;
@@ -179,15 +213,47 @@ tabline_menu_cb(w, closure, e, continue_
     int				tab_idx = 0;
     WidgetList			children;
     Cardinal			numChildren;
+    static XtIntervalId		timer = (XtIntervalId)0;
+    static int			timed_out = TRUE;
     event = (XButtonPressedEvent *)e;
+    if (event->button == Button1)
+    {
+	if (tabline_scroller_clicked("MajorTabScrollerNext", event)
+	    || tabline_scroller_clicked("MajorTabScrollerPrevious", event))
+	    return;
+	if (!timed_out)
+	{
+	    XtRemoveTimeOut(timer);
+	    timed_out = TRUE;
+	    /*
+	     * Double click on the tabline gutter, add a new tab
+	     */
+	    send_tabline_menu_event(0, TABLINE_MENU_NEW);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    /*
+	     * Single click on the tabline gutter, start a timer to check
+	     * for double clicks
+	     */
+	    timer = XtAppAddTimeOut(app_context, (long_u)p_mouset,
+				    motif_tabline_timer_cb, &timed_out);
+	    timed_out = FALSE;
+	}
+	return;
+    }
     if (event->button != Button3)
     if (event->subwindow != None)
 	tab_w = XtWindowToWidget(XtDisplay(w), event->subwindow);
+	/* LINTED: avoid warning: dubious operation on enum */
 	if (tab_w != (Widget)0 && XmIsPushButton(tab_w))
 	    XtVaGetValues(tab_w, XmNpageNumber, &tab_idx, NULL);
@@ -3169,6 +3235,9 @@ gui_mch_show_tabline(int showit)
 	    XtUnmanageChild(XtNameToWidget(tabLine, "PageScroller"));
+	    XtUnmanageChild(XtNameToWidget(tabLine, "MinorTabScrollerNext"));
+	    XtUnmanageChild(XtNameToWidget(tabLine,
+					   "MinorTabScrollerPrevious"));
 #ifdef FEAT_MENU
 	    if (XtIsManaged(XtParent(toolBar)))
@@ -3237,6 +3306,8 @@ gui_mch_update_tabline(void)
     XmNotebookPageInfo	page_info;
     XmNotebookPageStatus page_status;
     int			last_page, tab_count;
+    XmString		label_str;
+    char		*label_cstr;
     if (tabLine == (Widget)0)
@@ -3265,9 +3336,25 @@ gui_mch_update_tabline(void)
 	    tab = page_info.major_tab_widget;
 	XtVaSetValues(tab, XmNpageNumber, nr, NULL);
-	get_tabline_label(tp);
-	XtVaSetValues(tab, XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString,
-		      NameBuff, STRLEN(NameBuff) + 1, NULL);
+	/*
+	 * Change the label text only if it is different
+	 */
+	XtVaGetValues(tab, XmNlabelString, &label_str, NULL);
+	if (XmStringGetLtoR(label_str, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &label_cstr))
+	{
+	    get_tabline_label(tp);
+	    if (STRCMP(label_cstr, NameBuff) != 0) {
+		XtVaSetValues(tab, XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString,
+			      NameBuff, STRLEN(NameBuff) + 1, NULL);
+		/*
+		 * Force a resize of the tab label button
+		 */
+		XtUnmanageChild(tab);
+		XtManageChild(tab);
+	    }
+	    XtFree(label_cstr);
+	}
     tab_count = nr - 1;
--- a/src/gui_w32.c
+++ b/src/gui_w32.c
@@ -740,17 +740,7 @@ init_mouse_wheel(void)
 		GetWindowRect(s_textArea, &rect);
 		if (pt.y <
-		{
-		    char_u	    string[3];
-		    string[0] = CSI;
-		    string[1] = KS_TABMENU;
-		    string[2] = KE_FILLER;
-		    add_to_input_buf(string, 3);
-		    string[0] = 0;
-		    string[1] = (char_u)(long)TABLINE_MENU_NEW;
-		    add_to_input_buf_csi(string, 2);
-		}
+		    send_tabline_menu_event(0, TABLINE_MENU_NEW);
 	    return MyWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
--- a/src/gui_w48.c
+++ b/src/gui_w48.c
@@ -1120,6 +1120,7 @@ gui_mch_set_text_area_pos(int x, int y, 
     if (showing_tabline)
 	int	top = 0;
+	RECT	rect;
 	if (vim_strchr(p_go, GO_TOOLBAR) != NULL)
@@ -2191,7 +2192,6 @@ show_tabline_popup_menu(void)
     MENUITEMINFO    minfo;
     long	    rval;
     POINT	    pt;
-    char_u	    string[3];
     tab_pmenu = CreatePopupMenu();
     if (tab_pmenu == NULL)
@@ -2236,13 +2236,7 @@ show_tabline_popup_menu(void)
 	    idx += 1;
-	string[0] = CSI;
-	string[1] = KS_TABMENU;
-	string[2] = KE_FILLER;
-	add_to_input_buf(string, 3);
-	string[0] = idx;
-	string[1] = (char_u)(long)rval;
-	add_to_input_buf_csi(string, 2);
+	send_tabline_menu_event(idx, (int)rval);
--- a/src/option.c
+++ b/src/option.c
@@ -7743,7 +7743,7 @@ set_num_option(opt_idx, varp, value, err
 		&& !gui.starting
-	    command_height(old_value);
+	    command_height();
     /* when 'updatecount' changes from zero to non-zero, open swap files */
--- a/src/proto/
+++ b/src/proto/
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ extern int gui_use_tabline __ARGS((void)
 extern void gui_update_tabline __ARGS((void));
 extern void get_tabline_label __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp));
 extern int send_tabline_event __ARGS((int nr));
+extern void send_tabline_menu_event __ARGS((int tabidx, int event));
 extern void gui_remove_scrollbars __ARGS((void));
 extern void gui_create_scrollbar __ARGS((scrollbar_T *sb, int type, win_T *wp));
 extern scrollbar_T *gui_find_scrollbar __ARGS((long ident));
--- a/src/proto/
+++ b/src/proto/
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
 /* window.c */
-extern void do_window __ARGS((int nchar, long Prenum, int xchar));
-extern int win_split __ARGS((int size, int flags));
-extern int win_valid __ARGS((win_T *win));
-extern int win_count __ARGS((void));
-extern int make_windows __ARGS((int count, int vertical));
-extern void win_move_after __ARGS((win_T *win1, win_T *win2));
-extern void win_equal __ARGS((win_T *next_curwin, int current, int dir));
-extern void close_windows __ARGS((buf_T *buf, int keep_curwin));
-extern void win_close __ARGS((win_T *win, int free_buf));
-extern void win_close_othertab __ARGS((win_T *win, int free_buf, tabpage_T *tp));
-extern void win_free_all __ARGS((void));
-extern void close_others __ARGS((int message, int forceit));
-extern void curwin_init __ARGS((void));
-extern int win_alloc_first __ARGS((void));
-extern void win_init_size __ARGS((void));
-extern int win_new_tabpage __ARGS((int after));
-extern int may_open_tabpage __ARGS((void));
-extern int make_tabpages __ARGS((int maxcount));
-extern int valid_tabpage __ARGS((tabpage_T *tpc));
-extern tabpage_T *find_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
-extern int tabpage_index __ARGS((tabpage_T *ftp));
-extern void goto_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
-extern void goto_tabpage_tp __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp));
-extern void tabpage_move __ARGS((int nr));
-extern void win_goto __ARGS((win_T *wp));
-extern win_T *win_find_nr __ARGS((int winnr));
-extern void win_enter __ARGS((win_T *wp, int undo_sync));
-extern win_T *buf_jump_open_win __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
-extern int win_alloc_lines __ARGS((win_T *wp));
-extern void win_free_lsize __ARGS((win_T *wp));
-extern void shell_new_rows __ARGS((void));
-extern void shell_new_columns __ARGS((void));
-extern void win_size_save __ARGS((garray_T *gap));
-extern void win_size_restore __ARGS((garray_T *gap));
-extern int win_comp_pos __ARGS((void));
-extern void win_setheight __ARGS((int height));
-extern void win_setheight_win __ARGS((int height, win_T *win));
-extern void win_setwidth __ARGS((int width));
-extern void win_setwidth_win __ARGS((int width, win_T *wp));
-extern void win_setminheight __ARGS((void));
-extern void win_drag_status_line __ARGS((win_T *dragwin, int offset));
-extern void win_drag_vsep_line __ARGS((win_T *dragwin, int offset));
-extern void win_comp_scroll __ARGS((win_T *wp));
-extern void command_height __ARGS((long old_p_ch));
-extern void last_status __ARGS((int morewin));
-extern int tabline_height __ARGS((void));
-extern char_u *grab_file_name __ARGS((long count, linenr_T *file_lnum));
-extern char_u *file_name_at_cursor __ARGS((int options, long count, linenr_T *file_lnum));
-extern char_u *file_name_in_line __ARGS((char_u *line, int col, int options, long count, char_u *rel_fname, linenr_T *file_lnum));
-extern char_u *find_file_name_in_path __ARGS((char_u *ptr, int len, int options, long count, char_u *rel_fname));
-extern int path_with_url __ARGS((char_u *fname));
-extern int vim_isAbsName __ARGS((char_u *name));
-extern int vim_FullName __ARGS((char_u *fname, char_u *buf, int len, int force));
-extern int min_rows __ARGS((void));
-extern int only_one_window __ARGS((void));
-extern void check_lnums __ARGS((int do_curwin));
-extern int win_hasvertsplit __ARGS((void));
+void do_window __ARGS((int nchar, long Prenum, int xchar));
+int win_split __ARGS((int size, int flags));
+int win_valid __ARGS((win_T *win));
+int win_count __ARGS((void));
+int make_windows __ARGS((int count, int vertical));
+void win_move_after __ARGS((win_T *win1, win_T *win2));
+void win_equal __ARGS((win_T *next_curwin, int current, int dir));
+void close_windows __ARGS((buf_T *buf, int keep_curwin));
+void win_close __ARGS((win_T *win, int free_buf));
+void win_close_othertab __ARGS((win_T *win, int free_buf, tabpage_T *tp));
+void win_free_all __ARGS((void));
+void close_others __ARGS((int message, int forceit));
+void curwin_init __ARGS((void));
+int win_alloc_first __ARGS((void));
+void win_init_size __ARGS((void));
+int win_new_tabpage __ARGS((int after));
+int may_open_tabpage __ARGS((void));
+int make_tabpages __ARGS((int maxcount));
+int valid_tabpage __ARGS((tabpage_T *tpc));
+tabpage_T *find_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
+int tabpage_index __ARGS((tabpage_T *ftp));
+void goto_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
+void goto_tabpage_tp __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp));
+void tabpage_move __ARGS((int nr));
+void win_goto __ARGS((win_T *wp));
+win_T *win_find_nr __ARGS((int winnr));
+void win_enter __ARGS((win_T *wp, int undo_sync));
+win_T *buf_jump_open_win __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
+int win_alloc_lines __ARGS((win_T *wp));
+void win_free_lsize __ARGS((win_T *wp));
+void shell_new_rows __ARGS((void));
+void shell_new_columns __ARGS((void));
+void win_size_save __ARGS((garray_T *gap));
+void win_size_restore __ARGS((garray_T *gap));
+int win_comp_pos __ARGS((void));
+void win_setheight __ARGS((int height));
+void win_setheight_win __ARGS((int height, win_T *win));
+void win_setwidth __ARGS((int width));
+void win_setwidth_win __ARGS((int width, win_T *wp));
+void win_setminheight __ARGS((void));
+void win_drag_status_line __ARGS((win_T *dragwin, int offset));
+void win_drag_vsep_line __ARGS((win_T *dragwin, int offset));
+void win_comp_scroll __ARGS((win_T *wp));
+void command_height __ARGS((void));
+void last_status __ARGS((int morewin));
+int tabline_height __ARGS((void));
+char_u *grab_file_name __ARGS((long count, linenr_T *file_lnum));
+char_u *file_name_at_cursor __ARGS((int options, long count, linenr_T *file_lnum));
+char_u *file_name_in_line __ARGS((char_u *line, int col, int options, long count, char_u *rel_fname, linenr_T *file_lnum));
+char_u *find_file_name_in_path __ARGS((char_u *ptr, int len, int options, long count, char_u *rel_fname));
+int path_with_url __ARGS((char_u *fname));
+int vim_isAbsName __ARGS((char_u *name));
+int vim_FullName __ARGS((char_u *fname, char_u *buf, int len, int force));
+int min_rows __ARGS((void));
+int only_one_window __ARGS((void));
+void check_lnums __ARGS((int do_curwin));
+int win_hasvertsplit __ARGS((void));
 /* vim: set ft=c : */
--- a/src/structs.h
+++ b/src/structs.h
@@ -1625,6 +1625,8 @@ struct tabpage_S
     win_T	    *tp_lastwin;    /* last window in this Tab page */
     long	    tp_old_Rows;    /* Rows when Tab page was left */
     long	    tp_old_Columns; /* Columns when Tab page was left */
+    long	    tp_ch_used;	    /* value of 'cmdheight' when frame size
+				       was set */
 #ifdef FEAT_GUI
     int		    tp_prev_which_scrollbars[3];
 				    /* previous value of which_scrollbars */
--- a/src/version.h
+++ b/src/version.h
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@
 #define VIM_VERSION_NODOT	"vim70c"
 #define VIM_VERSION_SHORT	"7.0c"
-#define VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM	"7.0c12 BETA"
-#define VIM_VERSION_LONG	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0c12 BETA (2006 Apr 7)"
-#define VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0c12 BETA (2006 Apr 7, compiled "
+#define VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM	"7.0c13 BETA"
+#define VIM_VERSION_LONG	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0c13 BETA (2006 Apr 8)"
+#define VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE	"VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0c13 BETA (2006 Apr 8, compiled "
--- a/src/window.c
+++ b/src/window.c
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ static void win_new_height __ARGS((win_T
 #define NOWIN		(win_T *)-1	/* non-exisiting window */
-static long p_ch_used = 1L;		/* value of 'cmdheight' when frame
-					   size was set */
 # define ROWS_AVAIL (Rows - p_ch - tabline_height())
 # define ROWS_AVAIL (Rows - p_ch)
@@ -3087,9 +3085,6 @@ win_alloc_firstwin(oldwin)
     topframe->fr_width = Columns;
     topframe->fr_height = Rows - p_ch;
-    p_ch_used = p_ch;
     topframe->fr_win = curwin;
     curwin->w_frame = topframe;
@@ -3137,6 +3132,7 @@ alloc_tabpage()
 	/* init t: variables */
 	init_var_dict(&tp->tp_vars, &tp->tp_winvar);
+	tp->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
     return tp;
@@ -3419,7 +3415,9 @@ enter_tabpage(tp, old_curbuf)
     /* The tabpage line may have appeared or disappeared, may need to resize
      * the frames for that.  When the Vim window was resized need to update
-     * frame sizes too. */
+     * frame sizes too.  Use the stored value of p_ch, so that it can be
+     * different for each tab page. */
+    p_ch = curtab->tp_ch_used;
     if (curtab->tp_old_Rows != Rows || (old_off != firstwin->w_winrow
 			    && !gui_use_tabline()
@@ -4215,7 +4213,7 @@ shell_new_rows()
-    p_ch_used = p_ch;
+    curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
 #if 0
@@ -4961,6 +4959,7 @@ win_drag_status_line(dragwin, offset)
     p_ch = Rows - cmdline_row;
     if (p_ch < 1)
 	p_ch = 1;
+    curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
@@ -5257,19 +5256,17 @@ win_comp_scroll(wp)
  * command_height: called whenever p_ch has been changed
-    long	old_p_ch;
     int		h;
     frame_T	*frp;
-    /* When passed a negative value use the value of p_ch that we remembered.
-     * This is needed for when the GUI starts up, we can't be sure in what
-     * order things happen. */
-    if (old_p_ch < 0)
-	old_p_ch = p_ch_used;
-    p_ch_used = p_ch;
+    int		old_p_ch = curtab->tp_ch_used;
+    /* Use the value of p_ch that we remembered.  This is needed for when the
+     * GUI starts up, we can't be sure in what order things happen.  And when
+     * p_ch was changed in another tab page. */
+    curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
     /* Find bottom frame with width of screen. */
     frp = lastwin->w_frame;
@@ -5328,8 +5325,8 @@ command_height(old_p_ch)
     if (frp != lastwin->w_frame)
-    win_setheight((int)(firstwin->w_height + old_p_ch - p_ch));
     cmdline_row = Rows - p_ch;
+    win_setheight(cmdline_row);