changeset 2908:fd09a9c8468e

Updated runtime files.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sun, 19 Jun 2011 05:09:16 +0200
parents ea75da0af64d
children b65a26a2aa09
files runtime/autoload/getscript.vim runtime/autoload/netrw.vim runtime/autoload/tar.vim runtime/autoload/vimball.vim runtime/autoload/zip.vim runtime/doc/autocmd.txt runtime/doc/change.txt runtime/doc/eval.txt runtime/doc/filetype.txt runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt runtime/doc/indent.txt runtime/doc/map.txt runtime/doc/motion.txt runtime/doc/options.txt runtime/doc/os_win32.txt runtime/doc/pattern.txt runtime/doc/pi_getscript.txt runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt runtime/doc/pi_tar.txt runtime/doc/pi_vimball.txt runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt runtime/doc/quickref.txt runtime/doc/spell.txt runtime/doc/tags runtime/doc/todo.txt runtime/doc/usr_41.txt runtime/doc/various.txt runtime/filetype.vim runtime/indent/fortran.vim runtime/optwin.vim runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim runtime/plugin/tohtml.vim runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim runtime/plugin/zipPlugin.vim runtime/syntax/2html.vim runtime/syntax/automake.vim runtime/syntax/bib.vim runtime/syntax/debchangelog.vim runtime/syntax/debcontrol.vim runtime/syntax/debsources.vim runtime/syntax/gdmo.vim runtime/syntax/jovial.vim runtime/syntax/matlab.vim runtime/syntax/netrw.vim runtime/syntax/xquery.vim
diffstat 47 files changed, 939 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 " getscript.vim
 "  Author:	Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-"  Date:	Dec 28, 2009
-"  Version:	32
+"  Date:	May 31, 2011
+"  Version:	33
 "  Installing:	:help glvs-install
 "  Usage:	:help glvs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 if exists("g:loaded_getscript")
-let g:loaded_getscript= "v32"
+let g:loaded_getscript= "v33"
 if &cp
  echoerr "GetLatestVimScripts is not vi-compatible; not loaded (you need to set nocp)"
@@ -519,6 +519,7 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
    " --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    " AutoInstall: only if doautoinstall has been requested by the plugin itself
    " --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+"   call Decho("checking if plugin requested autoinstall: doautoinstall=".doautoinstall)
    if doautoinstall
 "    call Decho(" ")
 "    call Decho("Autoinstall: getcwd<".getcwd()."> filereadable(".sname.")=".filereadable(sname))
@@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
 "     call Decho("<".sname."> is readable")
 "     call Decho("exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(s:autoinstall))
      exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(s:autoinstall)
-     let curdir    = escape(substitute(getcwd(),'\','/','ge'),"|[]*'\" #")
+     let curdir    = fnameescape(substitute(getcwd(),'\','/','ge'))
      let installdir= curdir."/Installed"
      if !isdirectory(installdir)
       call mkdir(installdir)
@@ -557,6 +558,11 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
       exe "silent !gunzip ".shellescape(sname)
       let sname= substitute(sname,'\.gz$','','')
 "      call Decho("decompress: new sname<".sname."> after gunzip")
+     elseif sname =~ '\.xz$'
+"      call Decho("decompress: attempt to unxz ".sname)
+      exe "silent !unxz ".shellescape(sname)
+      let sname= substitute(sname,'\.xz$','','')
+"      call Decho("decompress: new sname<".sname."> after unxz")
 "      call Decho("no decompression needed")
--- a/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " netrw.vim: Handles file transfer and remote directory listing across
 "            AUTOLOAD SECTION
-" Date:		Apr 01, 2011
-" Version:	141
+" Date:		May 31, 2011
+" Version:	142
 " Maintainer:	Charles E Campbell, Jr <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1075 1 :AutoInstall: netrw.vim
 " Copyright:    Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrw")
-let g:loaded_netrw = "v141"
+let g:loaded_netrw = "v142"
 if v:version < 702
  echohl WarningMsg
  echo "***warning*** this version of netrw needs vim 7.2"
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_timefmt","%c")
 call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_xstrlen",0)
 call s:NetrwInit("g:NetrwTopLvlMenu","Netrw.")
 call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_win95ftp",1)
-call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_winsize",25)
+call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_winsize",50)
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Default values for netrw's script variables: {{{2
 call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_fname_escape",' ?&;%')
@@ -1518,6 +1518,14 @@ endfun
 fun! s:NetrwMethod(choice)
 "   call Dfunc("NetrwMethod(a:choice<".a:choice.">)")
+   " sanity check: choice should have at least three slashes in it
+   if strlen(substitute(a:choice,'[^/]','','g')) < 3
+    call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"not a netrw-style url; netrw uses protocol://[user@]hostname[:port]/[path])",78)
+    let b:netrw_method = -1
+"    call Dret("NetrwMethod : incorrect url format<".a:choice.">")
+    return
+   endif
    " record current g:netrw_machine, if any
    " curmachine used if protocol == ftp and no .netrc
    if exists("g:netrw_machine")
@@ -1813,6 +1821,25 @@ endfun
 " s:NetrwMaps: {{{2
 fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
 "  call Dfunc("s:NetrwMaps(islocal=".a:islocal.") b:netrw_curdir<".b:netrw_curdir.">")
+  " set up Rexplore and [ 2-leftmouse-click -or- c-leftmouse ]
+"  call Decho("set up Rexplore command")
+  com! Rexplore call s:NetrwRexplore(w:netrw_rexlocal,exists("w:netrw_rexdir")? w:netrw_rexdir : ".")
+  if g:netrw_mousemaps && g:netrw_retmap
+"   call Decho("set up Rexplore 2-leftmouse")
+   if !hasmapto("<Plug>NetrwReturn")
+    if maparg("<2-leftmouse>","n") == "" || maparg("<2-leftmouse>","n") =~ '^-$'
+"     call Decho("making map for 2-leftmouse")
+     nmap <unique> <silent> <2-leftmouse>	<Plug>NetrwReturn
+    elseif maparg("<c-leftmouse>","n") == ""
+"     call Decho("making map for c-leftmouse")
+     nmap <unique> <silent> <c-leftmouse>	<Plug>NetrwReturn
+    endif
+   endif
+   nno <silent> <Plug>NetrwReturn	:Rexplore<cr>
+"   call Decho("made <Plug>NetrwReturn map")
+  endif
   if a:islocal
 "   call Decho("make local maps")
    inoremap <buffer> <silent> a		<c-o>:call <SID>NetrwHide(1)<cr>
@@ -1925,15 +1952,22 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
    let mapsafecurdir = escape(b:netrw_curdir, s:netrw_map_escape)
    if g:netrw_mousemaps == 1
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <leftmouse>   <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(1)<cr>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <middlemouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(1)<cr>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-leftmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
-    nmap     <buffer> <silent> <2-leftmouse> -
+    nmap <buffer> <leftmouse>   <Plug>NetrwLeftmouse
+    nno  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>NetrwLeftmouse	<leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(1)<cr>
+    nmap <buffer> <middlemouse>	<Plug>NetrwMiddlemouse
+    nno  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>NetrwMiddlemouse	<leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(1)<cr>
+    nmap <buffer> <s-leftmouse>	<Plug>NetrwSLeftmouse
+    nno  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>NetrwSLeftmouse   <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
+    nmap <buffer> <2-leftmouse>	<Plug>Netrw2Leftmouse
+    nmap <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>Netrw2Leftmouse	-
+    imap <buffer> <leftmouse>	<Plug>ILeftmouse
+    ino  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>ILeftmouse	<c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(1)<cr>
+    imap <buffer> <middlemouse>	<Plug>IMiddlemouse
+    ino  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>IMiddlemouse	<c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(1)<cr>
+    imap <buffer> <s-leftmouse>	<Plug>ISLeftmouse
+    ino  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>ISLeftmouse	<c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
     exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <rightmouse>  <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwLocalRm("'.mapsafecurdir.'")<cr>'
     exe 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <rightmouse>  <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwLocalRm("'.mapsafecurdir.'")<cr>'
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <leftmouse>   <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(1)<cr>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <middlemouse> <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(1)<cr>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-leftmouse> <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
     exe 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <rightmouse>  <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwLocalRm("'.mapsafecurdir.'")<cr>'
    exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <del>	:call <SID>NetrwLocalRm("'.mapsafecurdir.'")<cr>'
@@ -2053,17 +2087,24 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
    let mapsafepath     = escape(s:path, s:netrw_map_escape)
    let mapsafeusermach = escape(s:user.s:machine, s:netrw_map_escape)
-   nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Plug>NetrwRefresh		:call <SID>NetrwRefresh(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))<cr>
+   nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Plug>NetrwRefresh	:call <SID>NetrwRefresh(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))<cr>
    if g:netrw_mousemaps == 1
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <leftmouse>   <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(0)<cr>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <middlemouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(0)<cr>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-leftmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
-    nmap     <buffer> <silent> <2-leftmouse> -
+    nmap <leftmouse>		<Plug>NetrwLeftmouse
+    nno <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>NetrwLeftmouse	<leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(0)<cr>
+    nmap <middlemouse>		<Plug>NetrwMiddlemouse
+    nno  <buffer> <silent>	<middlemouse>		<Plug>NetrwMiddlemouse <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(0)<cr>
+    nmap <buffer> <s-leftmouse>	<Plug>NetrwSLeftmouse
+    nno  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>NetrwSLeftmouse   <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
+    nmap <buffer> <2-leftmouse>	<Plug>Netrw2Leftmouse
+    nmap <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>Netrw2Leftmouse	-
+    imap <buffer> <leftmouse>	<Plug>ILeftmouse
+    ino  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>ILeftmouse	<c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(0)<cr>
+    imap <buffer> <middlemouse>	<Plug>IMiddlemouse
+    ino  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>IMiddlemouse	<c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(0)<cr>
+    imap <buffer> <s-leftmouse>	<Plug>ISLeftmouse
+    ino  <buffer> <silent>	<Plug>ISLeftmouse	<c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
     exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <rightmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwRemoteRm("'.mapsafeusermach.'","'.mapsafepath.'")<cr>'
     exe 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <rightmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>NetrwRemoteRm("'.mapsafeusermach.'","'.mapsafepath.'")<cr>'
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <leftmouse>   <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwLeftmouse(0)<cr>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <middlemouse> <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwPrevWinOpen(0)<cr>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-leftmouse> <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwMarkFile(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
     exe 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <rightmouse> <c-o><leftmouse><c-o>:call <SID>NetrwRemoteRm("'.mapsafeusermach.'","'.mapsafepath.'")<cr>'
    exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <del>	:call <SID>NetrwRemoteRm("'.mapsafeusermach.'","'.mapsafepath.'")<cr>'
@@ -2081,23 +2122,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
    inoremap <buffer> <F1>			<c-o>:he netrw-quickhelp<cr>
-  " set up Rexplore and leftmouse-double-click
-  com! Rexplore call s:NetrwRexplore(w:netrw_rexlocal,exists("w:netrw_rexdir")? w:netrw_rexdir : ".")
-  if g:netrw_mousemaps && g:netrw_retmap
-   if !hasmapto("<Plug>NetrwReturn")
-    if maparg("<2-leftmouse>","n") == "" || maparg("<2-leftmouse>","n") =~ '^-$'
-"     call Decho("making map for 2-leftmouse")
-     nmap <unique> <silent> <2-leftmouse>	<Plug>NetrwReturn
-    elseif maparg("<c-leftmouse>","n") == ""
-"     call Decho("making map for c-leftmouse")
-     nmap <unique> <silent> <c-leftmouse>	<Plug>NetrwReturn
-    endif
-   endif
-   exe 'nnoremap <silent> <Plug>NetrwReturn :Rexplore<cr>'
-"   call Decho("made <Plug>NetrwReturn map")
-  endif
   keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,b:netrw_curdir)
 "  call Dret("s:NetrwMaps")
@@ -3647,34 +3673,40 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,..
   if a:dosplit || &modified || a:style == 6
 "   call Decho("case dosplit=".a:dosplit." modified=".&modified." a:style=".a:style.": dosplit or file has been modified")
    call s:SaveWinVars()
-   let winsize= g:netrw_winsize
+   let winsz= g:netrw_winsize
    if a:indx > 0
-    let winsize= a:indx
+    let winsz= a:indx
    if a:style == 0      " Explore, Sexplore
 "    call Decho("style=0: Explore or Sexplore")
-    exe winsize."wincmd s"
+    let winsz= (winsz*winheight(0))/100
+    exe winsz."wincmd s"
    elseif a:style == 1  "Explore!, Sexplore!
 "    call Decho("style=1: Explore! or Sexplore!")
-    exe winsize."wincmd v"
+    let winsz= (winsz*winheight(0))/100
+    exe winsz."wincmd v"
    elseif a:style == 2  " Hexplore
 "    call Decho("style=2: Hexplore")
-    exe "bel ".winsize."wincmd s"
+    let winsz= (winsz*winheight(0))/100
+    exe "bel ".winsz."wincmd s"
    elseif a:style == 3  " Hexplore!
 "    call Decho("style=3: Hexplore!")
-    exe "abo ".winsize."wincmd s"
+    let winsz= (winsz*winheight(0))/100
+    exe "abo ".winsz."wincmd s"
    elseif a:style == 4  " Vexplore
 "    call Decho("style=4: Vexplore")
-    exe "lefta ".winsize."wincmd v"
+    let winsz= (winsz*winheight(0))/100
+    exe "lefta ".winsz."wincmd v"
    elseif a:style == 5  " Vexplore!
 "    call Decho("style=5: Vexplore!")
-    exe "rightb ".winsize."wincmd v"
+    let winsz= (winsz*winheight(0))/100
+    exe "rightb ".winsz."wincmd v"
    elseif a:style == 6  " Texplore
     call s:SaveBufVars()
@@ -4618,13 +4650,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal)
   " sanity checks
   if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')})
-   keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+   keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
 "   call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy 0")
    return 0
 "  call Decho("sanity chk passed: s:netrwmarkfilelist_".bufnr('%')."<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}))
   if !exists("s:netrwmftgt")
-   keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
+   keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
 "   call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy 0")
    return 0
@@ -6143,7 +6175,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
   if a:mode == 0
    " remote and o
 "   call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd s")
-   exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd s"
+   let winsz= (g:netrw_winsize*winheight(0))/100
+   exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s"
    let s:didsplit= 1
    keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
    keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
@@ -6162,7 +6195,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
   elseif a:mode == 2
    " remote and v
 "   call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd v")
-   exe (g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd v"
+   let winsz= (g:netrw_winsize*winwidth(0))/100
+   exe (g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").winsz."wincmd v"
    let s:didsplit= 1
    keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
    keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
@@ -6171,7 +6205,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
   elseif a:mode == 3
    " local and o
 "   call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd s")
-   exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd s"
+   let winsz= (g:netrw_winsize*winheight(0))/100
+   exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s"
    let s:didsplit= 1
    keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
    keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
@@ -6192,7 +6227,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
   elseif a:mode == 5
    " local and v
 "   call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd v")
-   exe (g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").g:netrw_winsize."wincmd v"
+   let winsz= (g:netrw_winsize*winwidth(0))/100
+   exe (g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").winsz."wincmd v"
    let s:didsplit= 1
    keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
    keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
@@ -6826,8 +6862,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
 "     call Decho("2: exe sil r! ".listcmd)
      exe "sil! keepalt r! ".listcmd
-"     call Decho("3: exe sil r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(s:path,1))
-     exe "sil! keepalt r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(s:path,1)
+"     call Decho("3: exe sil r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1))
+     exe "sil! keepalt r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1)
 "     call Decho("listcmd<".listcmd."> path<".s:path.">")
@@ -7278,12 +7314,12 @@ fun! s:LocalListing()
   " get the list of files contained in the current directory
   let dirname    = b:netrw_curdir
   let dirnamelen = s:Strlen(b:netrw_curdir)
-  let filelist   = glob(s:ComposePath(dirname,"*"))
+  let filelist   = glob(s:ComposePath(fnameescape(dirname),"*"))
 "  call Decho("glob(dirname<".dirname."/*>)=".filelist)
   if filelist != ""
    let filelist= filelist."\n"
-  let filelist= filelist.glob(s:ComposePath(dirname,".*"))
+  let filelist= filelist.glob(s:ComposePath(fnameescape(dirname),".*"))
 "  call Decho("glob(dirname<".dirname."/.*>)=".filelist)
   " Coding choice: either   elide   ./ if present
@@ -7797,7 +7833,7 @@ endfun
 "   0=note     = s:NOTE
 "   1=warning  = s:WARNING
 "   2=error    = s:ERROR
-"  Dec 03, 2009 : max errnum currently is 77
+"  Apr 18, 2011 : max errnum currently is 78
 fun! netrw#ErrorMsg(level,msg,errnum)
 "  call Dfunc("netrw#ErrorMsg(level=".a:level." msg<".a:msg."> errnum=".a:errnum.") g:netrw_use_errorwindow=".g:netrw_use_errorwindow)
@@ -8326,7 +8362,7 @@ endfun
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 " s:RemotePathAnalysis: {{{2
 fun! s:RemotePathAnalysis(dirname)
-"  call Dfunc("s:RemotePathAnalysis()")
+"  call Dfunc("s:RemotePathAnalysis(a:dirname<".a:dirname.">)")
   let dirpat  = '^\(\w\{-}\)://\(\w\+@\)\=\([^/:#]\+\)\%([:#]\(\d\+\)\)\=/\(.*\)$'
   let s:method  = substitute(a:dirname,dirpat,'\1','')
--- a/runtime/autoload/tar.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/tar.vim
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 " tar.vim: Handles browsing tarfiles
 "            AUTOLOAD PORTION
-" Date:			Aug 09, 2010
-" Version:		26
+" Date:			May 31, 2011
+" Version:		27
 " Maintainer:	Charles E Campbell, Jr <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
 " License:		Vim License  (see vim's :help license)
 "	Contains many ideas from Michael Toren's <tar.vim>
-" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
+" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
 "               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
 "               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
 "               notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_tar")
-let g:loaded_tar= "v26"
+let g:loaded_tar= "v27"
 if v:version < 702
  echohl WarningMsg
  echo "***warning*** this version of tar needs vim 7.2"
@@ -47,6 +47,17 @@ endif
 if !exists("g:tar_writeoptions")
  let g:tar_writeoptions= "uf"
+if !exists("g:netrw_cygwin")
+ if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
+  if &shell =~ '\%(\<bash\>\|\<zsh\>\)\%(\.exe\)\=$'
+   let g:netrw_cygwin= 1
+  else
+   let g:netrw_cygwin= 0
+  endif
+ else
+  let g:netrw_cygwin= 0
+ endif
 if !exists("g:tar_copycmd")
  if !exists("g:netrw_localcopycmd")
   if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
@@ -63,17 +74,6 @@ if !exists("g:tar_copycmd")
  let g:tar_copycmd= g:netrw_localcopycmd
-if !exists("g:netrw_cygwin")
- if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
-  if &shell =~ '\%(\<bash\>\|\<zsh\>\)\%(\.exe\)\=$'
-   let g:netrw_cygwin= 1
-  else
-   let g:netrw_cygwin= 0
-  endif
- else
-  let g:netrw_cygwin= 0
- endif
 if !exists("g:tar_extractcmd")
  let g:tar_extractcmd= "tar -xf"
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ fun! tar#Browse(tarfile)
   call setline(lastline+1,'" tar.vim version '.g:loaded_tar)
   call setline(lastline+2,'" Browsing tarfile '.a:tarfile)
   call setline(lastline+3,'" Select a file with cursor and press ENTER')
-  $put =''
-  0d
-  $
+  keepj $put =''
+  keepj 0d
+  keepj $
   let tarfile= a:tarfile
   if has("win32") && executable("cygpath")
@@ -154,26 +154,26 @@ fun! tar#Browse(tarfile)
   let curlast= line("$")
   if tarfile =~# '\.\(gz\|tgz\)$'
 "   call Decho("1: exe silent r! gzip -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
-   exe "silent r! gzip -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+   exe "sil! r! gzip -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.lrp'
 "   call Decho("2: exe silent r! cat -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."|gzip -d -c -|".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
-   exe "silent r! cat -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."|gzip -d -c -|".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+   exe "sil! r! cat -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."|gzip -d -c -|".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.bz2$'
 "   call Decho("3: exe silent r! bzip2 -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
-   exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+   exe "sil! r! bzip2 -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.lzma$'
 "   call Decho("3: exe silent r! lzma -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
-   exe "silent r! lzma -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+   exe "sil! r! lzma -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.\(xz\|txz\)$'
 "   call Decho("3: exe silent r! xz --decompress --stdout -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
-   exe "silent r! xz --decompress --stdout -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+   exe "sil! r! xz --decompress --stdout -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
    if tarfile =~ '^\s*-'
     " A file name starting with a dash is taken as an option.  Prepend ./ to avoid that.
     let tarfile = substitute(tarfile, '-', './-', '')
 "   call Decho("4: exe silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." ".shellescape(tarfile,0))
-   exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." ".shellescape(tarfile,1)
+   exe "sil! r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." ".shellescape(tarfile,1)
   if v:shell_error != 0
@@ -184,12 +184,12 @@ fun! tar#Browse(tarfile)
   if line("$") == curlast || ( line("$") == (curlast + 1) && getline("$") =~ '\c\%(warning\|error\|inappropriate\|unrecognized\)')
    echohl WarningMsg | echo "***warning*** (tar#Browse) ".a:tarfile." doesn't appear to be a tar file" | echohl None
-   silent %d
+   keepj sil! %d
    let eikeep= &ei
    set ei=BufReadCmd,FileReadCmd
    exe "r ".fnameescape(a:tarfile)
    let &ei= eikeep
-   1d
+   keepj sil! 1d
 "   call Dret("tar#Browse : a:tarfile<".a:tarfile.">")
@@ -286,19 +286,19 @@ fun! tar#Read(fname,mode)
   if tarfile =~# '\.bz2$'
 "   call Decho("7: exe silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp)
-   exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
+   exe "sil! r! bzip2 -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.\(gz\|tgz\)$'
 "   call Decho("5: exe silent r! gzip -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd.' -'.g:tar_readoptions.' - '.tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1))
-   exe "silent r! gzip -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
+   exe "sil! r! gzip -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.lrp$'
 "   call Decho("6: exe silent r! cat ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | gzip -d -c - | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp)
-   exe "silent r! cat -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | gzip -d -c - | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
+   exe "sil! r! cat -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | gzip -d -c - | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.lzma$'
 "   call Decho("7: exe silent r! lzma -d -c ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp)
-   exe "silent r! lzma -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
+   exe "sil! r! lzma -d -c -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
   elseif tarfile =~# '\.\(xz\|txz\)$'
 "   call Decho("3: exe silent r! xz --decompress --stdout -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp)
-   exe "silent r! xz --decompress --stdout -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
+   exe "sil! r! xz --decompress --stdout -- ".shellescape(tarfile,1)." | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".tar_secure.shellescape(fname,1).decmp
    if tarfile =~ '^\s*-'
     " A file name starting with a dash is taken as an option.  Prepend ./ to avoid that.
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ fun! tar#Read(fname,mode)
   exe "file tarfile::".fnameescape(fname)
   " cleanup
-  0d
+  keepj sil! 0d
   set nomod
   let &report= repkeep
--- a/runtime/autoload/vimball.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/vimball.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 " vimball.vim : construct a file containing both paths and files
 " Author:	Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-" Date:		Apr 12, 2010
-" Version:	31
+" Date:		Apr 02, 2011
+" Version:	33
 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1502 1 :AutoInstall: vimball.vim
-" Copyright: (c) 2004-2009 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+" Copyright: (c) 2004-2011 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
 "            The VIM LICENSE applies to Vimball.vim, and Vimball.txt
 "            (see |copyright|) except use "Vimball" instead of "Vim".
 "            No warranty, express or implied.
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_vimball")
-let g:loaded_vimball = "v31"
+let g:loaded_vimball = "v33"
 if v:version < 702
  echohl WarningMsg
  echo "***warning*** this version of vimball needs vim 7.2"
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ endif
 " vimball#MkVimball: creates a vimball given a list of paths to files {{{2
 " Input:
 "     line1,line2: a range of lines containing paths to files to be included in the vimball
-"     writelevel : if true, force a write to filename.vba, even if it exists
+"     writelevel : if true, force a write to filename.vmb, even if it exists
 "                  (usually accomplished with :MkVimball! ...
-"     filename   : base name of file to be created (ie. filename.vba)
-" Output: a filename.vba using vimball format:
+"     filename   : base name of file to be created (ie. filename.vmb)
+" Output: a filename.vmb using vimball format:
 "     path
 "     filesize
 "     [file]
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ endif
 fun! vimball#MkVimball(line1,line2,writelevel,...) range
 "  call Dfunc("MkVimball(line1=".a:line1." line2=".a:line2." writelevel=".a:writelevel." vimballname<".a:1.">) a:0=".a:0)
   if a:1 =~ '\.vim$' || a:1 =~ '\.txt$'
-   let vbname= substitute(a:1,'\.\a\{3}$','.vba','')
+   let vbname= substitute(a:1,'\.\a\{3}$','.vmb','')
    let vbname= a:1
-  if vbname !~ '\.vba$'
-   let vbname= vbname.'.vba'
+  if vbname !~ '\.vmb$'
+   let vbname= vbname.'.vmb'
 "  call Decho("vbname<".vbname.">")
   if !a:writelevel && a:1 =~ '[\/]'
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ fun! vimball#MkVimball(line1,line2,write
    " create/switch to mkvimball tab
    if !exists("vbtabnr")
-    silent! file Vimball
+    sil! file Vimball
     let vbtabnr= tabpagenr()
     exe "tabn ".vbtabnr
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ fun! vimball#Vimball(really,...)
 "  call Dfunc("vimball#Vimball(really=".a:really.") a:0=".a:0)
   if v:version < 701 || (v:version == 701 && !exists('*fnameescape'))
-   echoerr "your vim is missing the fnameescape() function"
-"   call Dret("vimball#Vimball : needs 7.1 with patch 299")
+   echoerr "your vim is missing the fnameescape() function (pls upgrade to vim 7.2 or later)"
+"   call Dret("vimball#Vimball : needs 7.1 with patch 299 or later")
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ fun! vimball#Vimball(really,...)
   " set up vimball tab
 "  call Decho("setting up vimball tab")
-  silent! file Vimball
+  sil! file Vimball
   let vbtabnr= tabpagenr()
   let didhelp= ""
@@ -254,11 +254,10 @@ fun! vimball#Vimball(really,...)
   while 1 < linenr && linenr < line("$")
    let fname   = substitute(getline(linenr),'\t\[\[\[1$','','')
    let fname   = substitute(fname,'\\','/','g')
-"   let fsize   = getline(linenr+1)+0
    let fsize   = substitute(getline(linenr+1),'^\(\d\+\).\{-}$','\1','')+0
-   let fenc    = substitute(getline(linenr+1),'^\d\+\s*\(\S\+\)$','\1','')
+   let fenc    = substitute(getline(linenr+1),'^\d\+\s*\(\S\{-}\)$','\1','')
    let filecnt = filecnt + 1
-"   call Decho("fname<".fname."> fsize=".fsize." filecnt=".filecnt)
+"   call Decho("fname<".fname."> fsize=".fsize." filecnt=".filecnt. " fenc=".fenc)
    if a:really
     echomsg "extracted <".fname.">: ".fsize." lines"
@@ -306,20 +305,22 @@ fun! vimball#Vimball(really,...)
    let linenr   = linenr + 2
    let lastline = linenr + fsize - 1
 "   call Decho("exe ".linenr.",".lastline."yank a")
-   exe "silent ".linenr.",".lastline."yank a"
+   " no point in handling a zero-length file
+   if lastline >= linenr
+    exe "silent ".linenr.",".lastline."yank a"
-   " copy "a" buffer into tab
+    " copy "a" buffer into tab
 "   call Decho('copy "a buffer into tab#'.vbtabnr)
-   exe "tabn ".vbtabnr
-   setlocal ma
-   silent! %d
-   silent put a
-   1
-   silent d
+    exe "tabn ".vbtabnr
+    setlocal ma
+    sil! %d
+    silent put a
+    1
+    sil! d
-   " write tab to file
-   if a:really
-    let fnamepath= home."/".fname
+    " write tab to file
+    if a:really
+     let fnamepath= home."/".fname
 "    call Decho("exe w! ".fnameescape(fnamepath))
 	if fenc != ""
 	 exe "silent w! ++enc=".fnameescape(fenc)." ".fnameescape(fnamepath)
@@ -328,17 +329,18 @@ fun! vimball#Vimball(really,...)
 	echo "wrote ".fnameescape(fnamepath)
 	call s:RecordInVar(home,"call delete('".fnamepath."')")
-   endif
+    endif
-   " return to tab with vimball
+    " return to tab with vimball
 "   call Decho("exe tabn ".curtabnr)
-   exe "tabn ".curtabnr
+    exe "tabn ".curtabnr
-   " set up help if its a doc/*.txt file
+    " set up help if its a doc/*.txt file
 "   call Decho("didhelp<".didhelp."> fname<".fname.">")
-   if a:really && didhelp == "" && fname =~ 'doc/[^/]\+\.\(txt\|..x\)$'
-   	let didhelp= substitute(fname,'^\(.*\<doc\)[/\\][^.]*\.\(txt\|..x\)$','\1','')
+    if a:really && didhelp == "" && fname =~ 'doc/[^/]\+\.\(txt\|..x\)$'
+    	let didhelp= substitute(fname,'^\(.*\<doc\)[/\\][^.]*\.\(txt\|..x\)$','\1','')
 "	call Decho("didhelp<".didhelp.">")
+    endif
    " update for next file
@@ -400,7 +402,9 @@ fun! vimball#RmVimball(...)
    let curfile= a:1
 "   call Decho("case a:0=".a:0.": curfile<".curfile.">")
-  if curfile =~ '\.vba$'
+  if curfile =~ '\.vmb$'
+   let curfile= substitute(curfile,'\.vmb','','')
+  elseif curfile =~ '\.vba$'
    let curfile= substitute(curfile,'\.vba','','')
   if a:0 >= 2
@@ -418,13 +422,17 @@ fun! vimball#RmVimball(...)
 "   call Decho(".VimballRecord is readable")
 "   call Decho("curfile<".curfile.">")
    keepalt keepjumps 1split 
-   silent! keepalt keepjumps e .VimballRecord
+   sil! keepalt keepjumps e .VimballRecord
    let keepsrch= @/
 "   call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'.\m: ')
-"   call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'.\mvba: ')
-"   call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'\m[-0-9.]*\.vba: ')
+"   call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'.\m{vba|vmb}: ')
+"   call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'\m[-0-9.]*\.{vba|vmb}: ')
    if search('^\M'.curfile."\m: ".'cw')
 	let foundit= 1
+   elseif search('^\M'.curfile.".\mvmb: ",'cw')
+	let foundit= 2
+   elseif search('^\M'.curfile.'\m[-0-9.]*\.vmb: ','cw')
+	let foundit= 2
    elseif search('^\M'.curfile.".\mvba: ",'cw')
 	let foundit= 1
    elseif search('^\M'.curfile.'\m[-0-9.]*\.vba: ','cw')
@@ -433,25 +441,29 @@ fun! vimball#RmVimball(...)
     let foundit = 0
    if foundit
-	let exestring  = substitute(getline("."),'^\M'.curfile.'\m\S\{-}\.vba: ','','')
+	if foundit == 1
+	 let exestring  = substitute(getline("."),'^\M'.curfile.'\m\S\{-}\.vba: ','','')
+	else
+	 let exestring  = substitute(getline("."),'^\M'.curfile.'\m\S\{-}\.vmb: ','','')
+	endif
     let s:VBRstring= substitute(exestring,'call delete(','','g')
     let s:VBRstring= substitute(s:VBRstring,"[')]",'','g')
 "	call Decho("exe ".exestring)
-	silent! keepalt keepjumps exe exestring
-	silent! keepalt keepjumps d
+	sil! keepalt keepjumps exe exestring
+	sil! keepalt keepjumps d
 	let exestring= strlen(substitute(exestring,'call delete(.\{-})|\=',"D","g"))
 "	call Decho("exestring<".exestring.">")
 	echomsg "removed ".exestring." files"
     let s:VBRstring= ''
-	let curfile    = substitute(curfile,'\.vba','','')
+	let curfile    = substitute(curfile,'\.vmb','','')
 "    call Decho("unable to find <".curfile."> in .VimballRecord")
 	if !exists("s:ok_unablefind")
      call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,"(RmVimball) unable to find <".curfile."> in .VimballRecord")
-   silent! keepalt keepjumps g/^\s*$/d
-   silent! keepalt keepjumps wq!
+   sil! keepalt keepjumps g/^\s*$/d
+   sil! keepalt keepjumps wq!
    let @/= keepsrch
   call s:ChgDir(curdir)
@@ -599,7 +611,7 @@ fun! s:RecordInFile(home)
    let cmd= expand("%:tr").": "
 "   call Decho("cmd<".cmd.">")
-   silent! keepalt keepjumps e .VimballRecord
+   sil! keepalt keepjumps e .VimballRecord
    setlocal ma
    if exists("s:recordfile") && exists("s:recorddir")
@@ -616,8 +628,8 @@ fun! s:RecordInFile(home)
    " put command into buffer, write .VimballRecord `file
    keepalt keepjumps put=cmd
-   silent! keepalt keepjumps g/^\s*$/d
-   silent! keepalt keepjumps wq!
+   sil! keepalt keepjumps g/^\s*$/d
+   sil! keepalt keepjumps wq!
    call s:ChgDir(curdir)
    if exists("s:recorddir")
@@ -693,10 +705,11 @@ fun! vimball#SaveSettings()
   let s:repkeep = &report
   let s:vekeep  = &ve
   let s:ffkeep  = &l:ff
+  let s:swfkeep = &l:swf
   if exists("&acd")
-   setlocal ei=all ve=all noacd nofen noic report=999 nohid bt= ma lz pm= ff=unix
+   setlocal ei=all ve=all noacd nofen noic report=999 nohid bt= ma lz pm= ff=unix noswf
-   setlocal ei=all ve=all       nofen noic report=999 nohid bt= ma lz pm= ff=unix
+   setlocal ei=all ve=all       nofen noic report=999 nohid bt= ma lz pm= ff=unix noswf
   " vimballs should be in unix format
   setlocal ff=unix
--- a/runtime/autoload/zip.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/zip.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " zip.vim: Handles browsing zipfiles
 "            AUTOLOAD PORTION
-" Date:		Apr 12, 2010
-" Version:	23
+" Date:		May 24, 2011
+" Version:	24
 " Maintainer:	Charles E Campbell, Jr <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
 " License:	Vim License  (see vim's :help license)
-" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
+" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
 "               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
 "               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
 "               notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_zip")
-let g:loaded_zip= "v23"
+let g:loaded_zip= "v24"
 if v:version < 702
  echohl WarningMsg
  echo "***warning*** this version of zip needs vim 7.2"
@@ -103,38 +103,26 @@ fun! zip#Browse(zipfile)
   set ft=tar
   " give header
-  let lastline= line("$")
-  call setline(lastline+1,'" zip.vim version '.g:loaded_zip)
-  call setline(lastline+2,'" Browsing zipfile '.a:zipfile)
-  call setline(lastline+3,'" Select a file with cursor and press ENTER')
-  $put =''
-  0d
-  $
+  call append(0, ['" zip.vim version '.g:loaded_zip,
+                \ '" Browsing zipfile '.a:zipfile,
+                \ '" Select a file with cursor and press ENTER'])
+  keepj $
 "  call Decho("exe silent r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -l -- ".s:Escape(a:zipfile,1))
-  exe "silent r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -l -- ".s:Escape(a:zipfile,1)
+  exe "silent r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -Z -1 -- ".s:Escape(a:zipfile,1)
   if v:shell_error != 0
    echohl WarningMsg | echo "***warning*** (zip#Browse) ".fnameescape(a:zipfile)." is not a zip file" | echohl None
 "   call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
-   silent %d
+   keepj sil! %d
    let eikeep= &ei
    set ei=BufReadCmd,FileReadCmd
-   exe "r ".fnameescape(a:zipfile)
+   exe "keepj r ".fnameescape(a:zipfile)
    let &ei= eikeep
-   1d
+   keepj 1d
 "   call Dret("zip#Browse")
-"  call Decho("line 6: ".getline(6))
-  let namecol= stridx(getline(6),'Name') + 1
-"  call Decho("namecol=".namecol)
-  4,$g/^\s*----/d
-  4,$g/^\s*\a/d
-  $d
-  if namecol > 0
-   exe 'silent 4,$s/^.*\%'.namecol.'c//'
-  endif
   setlocal noma nomod ro
   noremap <silent> <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>ZipBrowseSelect()<cr>
@@ -205,11 +193,12 @@ fun! zip#Read(fname,mode)
 "  call Decho("zipfile<".zipfile.">")
 "  call Decho("fname  <".fname.">")
-"  call Decho("exe r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -p -- ".s:Escape(zipfile,1)." ".s:Escape(fname,1))
-  exe "silent r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -p -- ".s:Escape(zipfile,1)." ".s:Escape(fname,1)
+"  call Decho("exe r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -p -- ".s:Escape(zipfile,1)." ".s:Escape(fnameescape(fname),1))
+  exe "keepj sil! r! ".g:zip_unzipcmd." -p -- ".s:Escape(zipfile,1)." ".s:Escape(fnameescape(fname),1)
+  filetype detect
   " cleanup
-  0d
+  keepj 0d
   set nomod
   let &report= repkeep
--- a/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*autocmd.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Apr 26
+*autocmd.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 19
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
--- a/runtime/doc/change.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/change.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*change.txt*    For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 17
+*change.txt*    For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 19
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -717,11 +717,13 @@ Otherwise it works on whole lines anyway
 					*sub-replace-special* *:s\=*
 When the {string} starts with "\=" it is evaluated as an expression, see
-|sub-replace-expression|.  You can use that for any special characters.
+|sub-replace-expression|.  You can use that for complex replacement or special
 Otherwise these characters in {string} have a special meaning:
 When {string} is equal to "%" and '/' is included with the 'cpoptions' option,
-then the {string} of the previous substitute command is used. |cpo-/|
+then the {string} of the previous substitute command is used, see |cpo-/|
 magic	nomagic	  action    ~
   &	  \&	  replaced with the whole matched pattern	     *s/\&*
@@ -756,6 +758,14 @@ magic	nomagic	  action    ~
       \x	  where x is any character not mentioned above:
 		  Reserved for future expansion
+The special meaning is also used inside the third argument {sub} of
+the |substitute()| function with the following exceptions:
+  - A % inserts a percent literally without regard to 'cpoptions'.
+  - magic is always set without regard to 'magic'.
+  - A ~ inserts a tilde literally.
+  - <CR> and \r inserts a carriage-return (CTRL-M).
+  - \<CR> does not have a special meaning. it's just one of \x.
 Examples: >
   :s/a\|b/xxx\0xxx/g		 modifies "a b"	     to "xxxaxxx xxxbxxx"
   :s/\([abc]\)\([efg]\)/\2\1/g	 modifies "af fa bg" to "fa fa gb"
@@ -787,17 +797,19 @@ either the first or second pattern in pa
 Substitute with an expression			*sub-replace-expression*
 When the substitute string starts with "\=" the remainder is interpreted as an
-expression.  This does not work recursively: a substitute() function inside
+expression.  This does not work recursively: a |substitute()| function inside
 the expression cannot use "\=" for the substitute string.
 The special meaning for characters as mentioned at |sub-replace-special| does
-not apply except for "<CR>", "\<CR>" and "\\".  Thus in the result of the
-expression you need to use two backslashes to get one, put a backslash before a
-<CR> you want to insert, and use a <CR> without a backslash where you want to
-break the line.
+not apply except for "<CR>".  A <NL> character is used as a line break, you
+can get one with a double-quote string: "\n".  Prepend a backslash to get a
+real <NL> character (which will be a NUL in the file).
-For convenience a <NL> character is also used as a line break.  Prepend a
-backslash to get a real <NL> character (which will be a NUL in the file).
+The "\=" notation can also be used inside the third argument {sub} of
+|substitute()| function.  In this case, the special meaning for characters as
+mentioned at |sub-replace-special| does not apply at all. Especially, <CR> and
+<NL> are interpreted not as a line break but as a carriage-return and a
+new-line respectively.
 When the result is a |List| then the items are joined with separating line
 breaks.  Thus each item becomes a line, except that they can contain line
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*eval.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 17
+*eval.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 19
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -721,7 +721,8 @@ if it evaluates to true.
 			*expr-<#*  *expr-<=#* *expr-=~#* *expr-!~#*
 			*expr-==?* *expr-!=?* *expr->?*  *expr->=?*
 			*expr-<?*  *expr-<=?* *expr-=~?* *expr-!~?*
-			*expr-is*
+			*expr-is* *expr-isnot* *expr-is#* *expr-isnot#*
+			*expr-is?* *expr-isnot?*
 		use 'ignorecase'    match case	   ignore case ~
 equal			==		==#		==?
 not equal		!=		!=#		!=?
@@ -731,8 +732,8 @@ smaller than		<		<#		<?
 smaller than or equal	<=		<=#		<=?
 regexp matches		=~		=~#		=~?
 regexp doesn't match	!~		!~#		!~?
-same instance		is
-different instance	isnot
+same instance		is		is#		is?
+different instance	isnot		isnot#		isnot?
 "abc" ==# "Abc"	  evaluates to 0
@@ -753,12 +754,14 @@ recursively.  Ignoring case means case i
 A |Funcref| can only be compared with a |Funcref| and only "equal" and "not
 equal" can be used.  Case is never ignored.
-When using "is" or "isnot" with a |List| this checks if the expressions are
-referring to the same |List| instance.	A copy of a |List| is different from
-the original |List|.  When using "is" without a |List| it is equivalent to
-using "equal", using "isnot" equivalent to using "not equal".  Except that a
-different type means the values are different.	"4 == '4'" is true, "4 is '4'"
-is false.
+When using "is" or "isnot" with a |List| or a |Dictionary| this checks if the
+expressions are referring to the same |List| or |Dictionary| instance.  A copy
+of a |List| is different from the original |List|.  When using "is" without
+a |List| or a |Dictionary| it is equivalent to using "equal", using "isnot"
+equivalent to using "not equal".  Except that a different type means the
+values are different: "4 == '4'" is true, "4 is '4'" is false and "0 is []" is
+false and not a error. "is#"/"isnot#" and "is?"/"isnot?" can be used to match
+and ignore case.
 When comparing a String with a Number, the String is converted to a Number,
 and the comparison is done on Numbers.	This means that "0 == 'x'" is TRUE,
@@ -1293,7 +1296,7 @@ v:beval_winnr	The number of the window, 
 					*v:char* *char-variable*
 v:char		Argument for evaluating 'formatexpr' and used for the typed
 		character when using <expr> in an abbreviation |:map-<expr>|.
-		It is also used by the |InsertPreChar| event.
+		It is also used by the |InsertCharPre| event.
 			*v:charconvert_from* *charconvert_from-variable*
@@ -1943,7 +1946,7 @@ strridx( {haystack}, {needle} [, {start}
 				Number	last index of {needle} in {haystack}
 strtrans( {expr})		String	translate string to make it printable
 strwidth( {expr})		Number	display cell length of the String {expr}
-submatch( {nr})			String	specific match in ":substitute"
+submatch( {nr})			String	specific match in ":s" or substitute()
 substitute( {expr}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags})
 				String	all {pat} in {expr} replaced with {sub}
 synID( {lnum}, {col}, {trans})	Number	syntax ID at {lnum} and {col}
@@ -5557,9 +5560,11 @@ strwidth({expr})					*strwidth()*
 		Also see |strlen()|, |strdisplaywidth()| and |strchars()|.
 submatch({nr})						*submatch()*
-		Only for an expression in a |:substitute| command.  Returns
-		the {nr}'th submatch of the matched text.  When {nr} is 0
-		the whole matched text is returned.
+		Only for an expression in a |:substitute| command or
+		substitute() function.
+		Returns the {nr}'th submatch of the matched text.  When {nr}
+		is 0 the whole matched text is returned.
+		Also see |sub-replace-expression|.
 		Example: >
 			:s/\d\+/\=submatch(0) + 1/
 <		This finds the first number in the line and adds one to it.
@@ -5567,27 +5572,32 @@ submatch({nr})						*submatch()*
 substitute({expr}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags})		*substitute()*
 		The result is a String, which is a copy of {expr}, in which
-		the first match of {pat} is replaced with {sub}.  This works
-		like the ":substitute" command (without any flags).  But the
-		matching with {pat} is always done like the 'magic' option is
-		set and 'cpoptions' is empty (to make scripts portable).
-		'ignorecase' is still relevant.  'smartcase' is not used.
-		See |string-match| for how {pat} is used.
-		And a "~" in {sub} is not replaced with the previous {sub}.
+		the first match of {pat} is replaced with {sub}.
+		When {flags} is "g", all matches of {pat} in {expr} are
+		replaced.  Otherwise {flags} should be "".
+		This works like the ":substitute" command (without any flags).
+		But the matching with {pat} is always done like the 'magic'
+		option is set and 'cpoptions' is empty (to make scripts
+		portable).  'ignorecase' is still relevant.  'smartcase' is
+		not used.  See |string-match| for how {pat} is used.
+		A "~" in {sub} is not replaced with the previous {sub}.
 		Note that some codes in {sub} have a special meaning
 		|sub-replace-special|.	For example, to replace something with
 		"\n" (two characters), use "\\\\n" or '\\n'.
 		When {pat} does not match in {expr}, {expr} is returned
-		When {flags} is "g", all matches of {pat} in {expr} are
-		replaced.  Otherwise {flags} should be "".
 		Example: >
 			:let &path = substitute(&path, ",\\=[^,]*$", "", "")
 <		This removes the last component of the 'path' option. >
 			:echo substitute("testing", ".*", "\\U\\0", "")
 <		results in "TESTING".
-		The {sub} argument can start with \=, just like with
-		|:substitute|.  Example: >
+		When {sub} starts with "\=", the remainder is interpreted as
+		an expression. See |sub-replace-expression|.  Example: >
 			:echo substitute(s, '%\(\x\x\)',
 			   \ '\=nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))', 'g')
@@ -6226,7 +6236,6 @@ netbeans_enabled	Compiled with support f
 netbeans_intg		Compiled with support for |netbeans|.
 ole			Compiled with OLE automation support for Win32.
 os2			OS/2 version of Vim.
-osfiletype		Compiled with support for osfiletypes |+osfiletype|
 path_extra		Compiled with up/downwards search in 'path' and 'tags'
 perl			Compiled with Perl interface.
 persistent_undo		Compiled with support for persistent undo history.
--- a/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*filetype.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2008 Jul 15
+*filetype.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 19
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -270,6 +270,9 @@ directories!
+NOTE: this code is currently disabled, as the RISC OS implementation was
+removed.  In the future this will use the 'filetype' option.
 On operating systems which support storing a file type with the file, you can
 specify that an autocommand should only be executed if the file is of a
 certain type.
@@ -296,8 +299,6 @@ must both match): >
 This will match files of type "&fff" whose names start with "diff".
-Note that osfiletype checking is skipped if Vim is compiled without the
-|+osfiletype| feature.
 The "plugin" directory can be in any of the directories in the 'runtimepath'
--- a/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*if_cscop.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 Sep 29
+*if_cscop.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 12
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Andy Kahn
@@ -264,19 +264,20 @@ seems to be useful: >
 	:set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-
 							*cscopetag* *cst*
-If 'cscopetag' set, the commands ":tag" and CTRL-] as well as "vim -t" will
-always use |:cstag| instead of the default :tag behavior.  Effectively, by
-setting 'cst', you will always search your cscope databases as well as your
-tag files.  The default is off.  Examples: >
+If 'cscopetag' is set, the commands ":tag" and CTRL-] as well as "vim -t"
+will always use |:cstag| instead of the default :tag behavior.  Effectively,
+by setting 'cst', you will always search your cscope databases as well as
+your tag files.  The default is off.  Examples: >
 	:set cst
 	:set nocst
 							*cscoperelative* *csre*
-If 'cscoperelative' set, then in absence of a prefix given to cscope (prefx
-is the argument to -P option of cscope), basename of cscope.out location
-(usually the project root directory) will be used as the prefix to construt
-absolute path.The default is off. Note: This option is only effective when
-cscope (cscopeprg) is initialized without a prefix path (-P). Examples: >
+If 'cscoperelative' is set, then in absence of a prefix given to cscope
+(prefix is the argument of -P option of cscope), basename of cscope.out
+location (usually the project root directory) will be used as the prefix
+to construct an absolute path.  The default is off.  Note: This option is
+only effective when cscope (cscopeprg) is initialized without a prefix
+path (-P).  Examples: >
 	:set csre
 	:set nocsre
--- a/runtime/doc/indent.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/indent.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*indent.txt*    For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Apr 25
+*indent.txt*    For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 31
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
 FORTRAN							*ft-fortran-indent*
-Block if, select case, and where constructs are indented.  Comments, labelled
-statements and continuation lines are indented if the Fortran is in free
-source form, whereas they are not indented if the Fortran is in fixed source
-form because of the left margin requirements.  Hence manual indent corrections
-will be necessary for labelled statements and continuation lines when fixed
-source form is being used.  For further discussion of the method used for the
-detection of source format see |ft-fortran-syntax|.
+Block if, select case, where, and forall constructs are indented.  So are
+type, interface, associate, block, and enum constructs.  The indenting of
+subroutines, functions, modules, and program blocks is optional.  Comments,
+labelled statements and continuation lines are indented if the Fortran is in
+free source form, whereas they are not indented if the Fortran is in fixed
+source form because of the left margin requirements.  Hence manual indent
+corrections will be necessary for labelled statements and continuation lines
+when fixed source form is being used.  For further discussion of the method
+used for the detection of source format see |ft-fortran-syntax|.
 Do loops ~
 All do loops are left unindented by default.  Do loops can be unstructured in
@@ -594,6 +596,20 @@ autocommand such as >
 to get do loops indented in .f90 files and left alone in Fortran files with
 other extensions such as .for.
+Program units ~
+The indenting of program units (subroutines, functions, modules, and program
+blocks) is enabled by default but can be suppressed if a lighter, screen-width
+preserving indent style is desired.  To suppress the indenting of program
+units for all fortran files set the global fortran_indent_less variable in
+your .vimrc as follows >
+  let fortran_indent_less=1
+A finer level of suppression can be achieved by setting the corresponding
+buffer-local variable as follows >
+  let b:fortran_indent_less=1
 PHP				*ft-php-indent* *php-indent* *php-indenting*
--- a/runtime/doc/map.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/map.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*map.txt*       For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 10
+*map.txt*       For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 13
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ modes.
 :cmapc[lear]			|mapmode-c|		*:cmapc*  *:cmapclear*
 			Remove ALL mappings for the modes where the map
 			command applies.  {not in Vi}
+			Use the <buffer> argument to remove buffer-local
+			mappings |:map-<buffer>|
 			Warning: This also removes the default mappings.
 :map				|mapmode-nvo|
@@ -934,11 +936,12 @@ See |:verbose-cmd| for more information.
 			avoid that a typed {lhs} is expanded, since
 			command-line abbreviations apply here.
-:ab[breviate] [<expr>] {lhs} {rhs}
+:ab[breviate] [<expr>] [<buffer>] {lhs} {rhs}
 			add abbreviation for {lhs} to {rhs}.  If {lhs} already
 			existed it is replaced with the new {rhs}.  {rhs} may
 			contain spaces.
 			See |:map-<expr>| for the optional <expr> argument.
+			See |:map-<buffer>| for the optional <buffer> argument.
 						*:una* *:unabbreviate*
 :una[bbreviate] {lhs}	Remove abbreviation for {lhs} from the list.  If none
@@ -948,12 +951,12 @@ See |:verbose-cmd| for more information.
 			expansion insert a CTRL-V (type it twice).
 						*:norea* *:noreabbrev*
-:norea[bbrev] [<expr>] [lhs] [rhs]
+:norea[bbrev] [<expr>] [<buffer>] [lhs] [rhs]
 			same as ":ab", but no remapping for this {rhs} {not
 			in Vi}
 						*:ca* *:cabbrev*
-:ca[bbrev] [<expr>] [lhs] [rhs]
+:ca[bbrev] [<expr>] [<buffer>] [lhs] [rhs]
 			same as ":ab", but for Command-line mode only.  {not
 			in Vi}
@@ -962,12 +965,12 @@ See |:verbose-cmd| for more information.
 			in Vi}
 						*:cnorea* *:cnoreabbrev*
-:cnorea[bbrev] [<expr>] [lhs] [rhs]
+:cnorea[bbrev] [<expr>] [<buffer>] [lhs] [rhs]
 			same as ":ab", but for Command-line mode only and no
 			remapping for this {rhs} {not in Vi}
 						*:ia* *:iabbrev*
-:ia[bbrev] [<expr>] [lhs] [rhs]
+:ia[bbrev] [<expr>] [<buffer>] [lhs] [rhs]
 			same as ":ab", but for Insert mode only.  {not in Vi}
 						*:iuna* *:iunabbrev*
@@ -975,18 +978,18 @@ See |:verbose-cmd| for more information.
 						*:inorea* *:inoreabbrev*
-:inorea[bbrev] [<expr>] [lhs] [rhs]
+:inorea[bbrev] [<expr>] [<buffer>] [lhs] [rhs]
 			same as ":ab", but for Insert mode only and no
 			remapping for this {rhs} {not in Vi}
 							*:abc* *:abclear*
-:abc[lear]		Remove all abbreviations.  {not in Vi}
+:abc[lear] [<buffer>]	Remove all abbreviations.  {not in Vi}
 							*:iabc* *:iabclear*
-:iabc[lear]		Remove all abbreviations for Insert mode.  {not in Vi}
+:iabc[lear] [<buffer>]	Remove all abbreviations for Insert mode.  {not in Vi}
 							*:cabc* *:cabclear*
-:cabc[lear]		Remove all abbreviations for Command-line mode.  {not
+:cabc[lear] [<buffer>]	Remove all abbreviations for Command-line mode.  {not
 			in Vi}
--- a/runtime/doc/motion.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/motion.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*motion.txt*    For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 May 14
+*motion.txt*    For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 02
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -344,6 +344,8 @@ gg			Goto line [count], default first li
 			last number in it used as the byte count.  End-of-line
 			characters are counted depending on the current
 			'fileformat' setting.
+			Also see the |line2byte()| function, and the 'o'
+			option in 'statusline'.
 			{not in Vi}
 			{not available when compiled without the
 			|+byte_offset| feature}
--- a/runtime/doc/options.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/options.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*options.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 17
+*options.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 12
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -2933,8 +2933,6 @@ A jump table for the options with a shor
 	This will use the "c" filetype first, then the "doxygen" filetype.
 	This works both for filetype plugins and for syntax files.  More than
 	one dot may appear.
-	Do not confuse this option with 'osfiletype', which is for the file
-	type that is actually stored with the file.
 	This option is not copied to another buffer, independent of the 's' or
 	'S' flag in 'cpoptions'.
 	Only normal file name characters can be used, "/\*?[|<>" are illegal.
@@ -3405,7 +3403,7 @@ A jump table for the options with a shor
 	    :highlight Cursor gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=fg
 					*'guifont'* *'gfn'*
-						   *E235* *E596* *E610* *E611*
+						   *E235* *E596*
 'guifont' 'gfn'		string	(default "")
 			{not in Vi}
@@ -5123,20 +5121,12 @@ A jump table for the options with a shor
 	security reasons.
-					*'osfiletype'* *'oft'* *E366*
-'osfiletype' 'oft'	string (RISC-OS default: "Text",
-				others default: "")
+					*'osfiletype'* *'oft'*
+'osfiletype' 'oft'	string (default: "")
 			local to buffer
 			{not in Vi}
-			{only available when compiled with the |+osfiletype|
-			feature}
-	Some operating systems store extra information about files besides
-	name, datestamp and permissions.  This option contains the extra
-	information, the nature of which will vary between systems.
-	The value of this option is usually set when the file is loaded, and
-	is used to set the operating system file type when file is written.
-	It can affect the pattern matching of the automatic commands.
-	|autocmd-osfiletypes|
+	This option was supported on RISC OS, which has been removed.
 						*'paragraphs'* *'para'*
 'paragraphs' 'para'	string	(default "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp")
--- a/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*os_win32.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 Dec 19
+*os_win32.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 28
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by George Reilly
@@ -321,13 +321,14 @@ A. When using :! to run an external comm
 Q. How do I avoid getting a window for programs that I run asynchronously?
 A. You have two possible solutions depending on what exactly do you want:
-   1) You may use the /min flag that would run program in minimized state with
-      no other changes. It will work equally for console and GUI applications.
-   2) You can use /b flag to run console applications without creating a
+   1) You may use the /min flag in order to run program in a minimized state
+      with no other changes. It will work equally for console and GUI
+      applications.
+   2) You can use the /b flag to run console applications without creating a
       console window for them (GUI applications are not affected). But you
-      should use this flag only if application you run doesn't require any
-      input.  Otherwise it will get an EOF error because it's input stream
-      (stdin) would be redirected to \\.\NUL (stdour and stderr too).
+      should use this flag only if the application you run doesn't require any
+      input.  Otherwise it will get an EOF error because its input stream
+      (stdin) would be redirected to \\.\NUL (stdoud and stderr too).
    Example for a console application, run Exuberant ctags: >
         :!start /min ctags -R .
--- a/runtime/doc/pattern.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pattern.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pattern.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Apr 28
+*pattern.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 25
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -635,7 +635,8 @@ overview.
 	Like '(?!pattern)" in Perl.
 	Example			matches ~
 	foo\(bar\)\@!		any "foo" not followed by "bar"
-	a.\{-}p\@!		"a", "ap", "app", etc. not followed by a "p"
+	a.\{-}p\@!		"a", "ap", "aap", "app", etc. not immediately
+				followed by a "p"
 	if \(\(then\)\@!.\)*$	"if " not followed by "then"
 	Using "\@!" is tricky, because there are many places where a pattern
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_getscript.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_getscript.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-*pi_getscript.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2009 Oct 14
+*pi_getscript.txt*  For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2011 May 31
 		GETSCRIPT REFERENCE MANUAL  by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
 Authors:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamilyA.Mbiz>
 	  (remove NOSPAM from the email address)
-Copyright: (c) 2004-2009 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*glvs-copyright*
+Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*glvs-copyright*
            The VIM LICENSE applies to getscript.vim and
            pi_getscript.txt (see |copyright|) except use
            "getscript" instead of "Vim".  No warranty, express or implied.
@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ Your computer needs to have wget or curl
 3. GetLatestVimScripts Usage				*glvs-usage* *:GLVS*
 Unless it has been defined elsewhere, >
 will invoke GetLatestVimScripts().  If some other plugin has defined that
 command, then you may type
@@ -127,7 +129,8 @@ click on the script's link, you'll see a
 The "40" happens to be a ScriptID that GetLatestVimScripts needs to
-download the associated page.
+download the associated page, and is assigned by itself
+during initial uploading of the plugin.
 The second number on each line gives the script's SourceID.  The SourceID
 records the count of uploaded scripts as determined by; hence it
@@ -151,19 +154,39 @@ This comment line tells getscript.vim to
 script is automatically installable.  Getscript will also use this line to
 help build the GetLatestVimScripts.dat file, by including a line such as: >
-	884 1 AutoAlign.vim
+	884 1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim
-in it an AutoAlign.vim line isn't already in GetLatestVimScripts.dat file.
+assuming that such a line isn't already in GetLatestVimScripts.dat file.
 See |glvs-plugins| for more.  Thus, GetLatestVimScripts thus provides a
 comprehensive ability to keep your plugins up-to-date!
+In summary:
+  * Optionally tell getscript that it is allowed to build/append a
+    GetLatestVimScripts.dat file based upon already installed plugins: >
+	let g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall=1
+  * A line such as >
+	" GetLatestVimScripts: 884  1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim
+<   in an already-downloaded plugin constitutes the concurrence of the
+    plugin author that getscript may do AutoInstall.  Not all plugins
+    may be AutoInstall-able, and the plugin's author is best situated
+    to know whether or not his/her plugin will AutoInstall properly.
+  * A line such as >
+	884 1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim
+<   in your GetLatestVimScripts.dat file constitutes your permission
+    to getscript to do AutoInstall.  AutoInstall requires both your
+    and the plugin author's permission.  See |GetLatestVimScripts_dat|.
 As an example of a <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file:
     ScriptID SourceID Filename
-    294 1 Align.vim
-    120 2 decho.vim
+    294 1 :AutoInstall: Align.vim
+    120 2 Decho.vim
      40 3 DrawIt.tar.gz
     451 4 EasyAccents.vim
     195 5 engspchk.vim
@@ -201,8 +224,8 @@ are, then you may include :AutoInstall: 
-NOTE: :AutoInstall: is a plugin-author option, not a GetLatestVimScripts.dat~
-      entry!~
+NOTE: The :AutoInstall: feature requires both the plugin author's and~
+      the user's permission to operate!~
 GetLatestVimScripts commands for those scripts are then appended, if not
 already present, to the user's GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat file.  It is
@@ -210,7 +233,7 @@ a relatively painless way to automate th
 plugins depend upon.
 Now, as an author, you probably don't want GetLatestVimScripts to download
-your own scripts for you yourself, thereby overwriting your not-yet-released
+your own scripts atop your own copy, thereby overwriting your not-yet-released
 hard work.  GetLatestVimScripts provides a solution for this:  put
 	0 0 yourscriptname
@@ -351,6 +374,9 @@ The AutoInstall process will:
 9. GetLatestVimScripts History		*getscript-history* *glvs-hist* {{{1
+v33 May 31, 2011 : * using fnameescape() instead of escape()
+		   * *.xz support
+v32 Jun 19, 2010 : * (Jan Steffens) added support for xz compression
 v31 Jun 29, 2008 : * (Bill McCarthy) fixed having hls enabled with getscript
 		   * (David Schaefer) the acd option interferes with vimballs
 		     Solution: bypass the acd option
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pi_netrw.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Apr 01
+*pi_netrw.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 31
 	    NETRW REFERENCE MANUAL    by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ SOURCING					*netrw-source* {{{2
 	:Nsource "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"	uses scp
 	:Nsource "sftp://[user@]machine/path"		uses sftp
-DIRECTORY LISTING					*netrw-dirlist* {{{2
+DIRECTORY LISTING				*netrw-trailingslash* *netrw-dirlist* {{{2
 	One may browse a directory to get a listing by simply attempting to
 	edit the directory: >
@@ -281,14 +281,15 @@ DIRECTORY LISTING					*netrw-dirlist* {{
 		:e scp://[user]@hostname/path/
 		:e ftp://[user]@hostname/path/
-	For remote directories (ie. those using scp or ftp), that trailing
-	"/" is necessary (the slash tells netrw to treat the argument as a
-	directory to browse instead of a file to download).
-	However, the Nread command can also be used to accomplish this:
-	:Nread [protocol]://[user]@hostname/path/
+	For remote directory listings (ie. those using scp or ftp), that
+	trailing "/" is necessary (the slash tells netrw to treat the argument
+	as a directory to browse instead of as a file to download).
+	The Nread command may also be used to accomplish this (again, that
+	trailing slash is necessary): >
+		:Nread [protocol]://[user]@hostname/path/
 					*netrw-login* *netrw-password*
 CHANGING USERID AND PASSWORD		*netrw-chgup* *netrw-userpass* {{{2
@@ -2158,8 +2159,8 @@ your browsing preferences.  (see also: |
   *g:netrw_mkdir_cmd*		  command for making a remote directory
 				 default: "ssh USEPORT HOSTNAME mkdir"
-  *g:netrw_mousemaps*		  =1 (default) enables the mouse buttons
-				   while browsing:
+  *g:netrw_mousemaps*		  =1 (default) enables mouse buttons while
+  				   browsing to:
 				     leftmouse       : open file/directory
 				     shift-leftmouse : mark file
 				     middlemouse     : same as P
@@ -2274,8 +2275,11 @@ your browsing preferences.  (see also: |
   *g:netrw_winsize*		  specify initial size of new windows made with
 				"o" (see |netrw-o|), "v" (see |netrw-v|),
-				|:Hexplore| or |:Vexplore|.
-				 default: ""
+				|:Hexplore| or |:Vexplore|.  The g:netrw_winsize
+				is an integer describing the percentage of the
+				current netrw buffer's window to be used for
+				the new window.
+				 default: 50  (for 50%)
   *g:netrw_xstrlen*		  Controls how netrw computes string lengths,
 				including multi-byte characters' string
@@ -2660,7 +2664,7 @@ 10. Problems and Fixes					*netrw-proble
 	P11. I want to have two windows; a thin one on the left and my editing
-	     window on the right.  How can I do this?
+	     window on the right.  How may I accomplish this?
 		* Put the following line in your <.vimrc>:
 			let g:netrw_altv = 1
@@ -2706,7 +2710,45 @@ 10. Problems and Fixes					*netrw-proble
 	    "let g:netrw_sftp_cmd = "d:\\dev\\putty\\PSFTP.exe"
 	    "let g:netrw_scp_cmd = "d:\\dev\\putty\\PSCP.exe"
+								*netrw-p14*
+	P14. I'd would like to speed up writes using Nwrite and scp/ssh
+	     style connections.  How?  (Thomer M. Gil)
+	     Try using ssh's ControlMaster and ControlPath (see the ssh_config
+	     man page) to share multiple ssh connections over a single network
+	     connection. That cuts out the cryptographic handshake on each
+	     file write, sometimes speeding it up by an order of magnitude.
+	     (see
+	     (included by permission)
+	     Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config: >
+		 # you change "*" to the hostname you care about
+		 Host *
+		   ControlMaster auto
+		   ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p
+<	     Then create an ssh connection to the host and leave it running: >
+		 ssh -N
+<	     Now remotely open a file with Vim's Netrw and enjoy the
+	     zippiness: >
+		vim scp://
+								*netrw-p15*
+	P15. How may I use a double-click instead of netrw's usual single click
+	     to open a file or directory?  (Ben Fritz)
+	     First, disable netrw's mapping with >
+		    let g:netrw_mousemaps= 0
+<	     and then create a netrw buffer only mapping in
+	     $HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/netrw.vim: >
+		    nmap <buffer> <2-leftmouse> <CR>
+<	     Note that setting g:netrw_mousemaps to zero will turn off
+	     all netrw's mouse mappings, not just the <leftmouse> one.
+	     (see |g:netrw_mousemaps|)
 11. Debugging Netrw Itself				*netrw-debug* {{{1
@@ -2762,6 +2804,15 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup
 12. History						*netrw-history* {{{1
+	v142: Apr 06, 2011 * I modified NetrwRemoteListing() to use
+			     shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1) for
+			     the benefit of those using scp://.../
+			     with subdirectories having spaces.
+			     Problem reported by: Gilles Charron
+	      Apr 18, 2011 * s:NetrwMethod() attempts to issue an
+	      		     error message when given a malformed url
+	      Apr 29, 2011 * converted most mousemaps to use <Plug>s
+			   * |g:netrw_winsize|'s meaning changed
 	v141: Aug 28, 2010 * added -s:... support for Windows ftp
 			   * restored 2-leftmouse for :Rex-like return
 			   * added balloon help for banner
@@ -2772,6 +2823,9 @@ 12. History						*netrw-history* {{{1
 			     Avoids "... is a directory" message, works
 			     inside a try-catch-endtry clause.
 	      Feb 22, 2011 * for menus, &go =~# used to insure correct case
+	      Apr 01, 2011 * changed g:netrw_cursorcolumn to g:netrw_cursor
+	                     In addition, there's more supported settings for
+			     it.
 	v140: Jul 27, 2010 * (Lech Lorens) unexpected change of window
 	v139: May 14, 2010 * when viewing remote directory listings and
 			     changing listing style, going to tree listing
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_tar.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_tar.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pi_tar.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 Nov 03
+*pi_tar.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 31
 		       | Tar File Interface |
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ 3. Options						*tar-options*
    <.vimrc> file.
    Variable               Value   Explanation
-   *g:tar_browseoptions*    "Ptf"   used to get a list of contents
-   *g:tar_readoptions*      "OPxf"  used to extract a file from a tarball
-   *g:tar_cmd*              "tar"   the name of the tar program
-   *g:tar_nomax*              0     if true, file window will not be maximized
-   *g:tar_secure*           undef   if exists:
+   *g:tar_browseoptions*  "Ptf"   used to get a list of contents
+   *g:tar_readoptions*    "OPxf"  used to extract a file from a tarball
+   *g:tar_cmd*            "tar"   the name of the tar program
+   *g:tar_nomax*            0     if true, file window will not be maximized
+   *g:tar_secure*         undef   if exists:
 					"--"s will be used to prevent unwanted
 					option expansion in tar commands.
 					Please be sure that your tar command
@@ -76,15 +76,19 @@ 3. Options						*tar-options*
 				  Not all tar's support the "--" which is why
 				  it isn't default.
-   *g:tar_writeoptions*     "uf"    used to update/replace a file
+   *g:tar_writeoptions*   "uf"    used to update/replace a file
 4. History						*tar-history*
+   v27 May 31, 2011 * moved cygwin detection before g:tar_copycmd handling
+   		    * inserted additional |:keepj| modifiers
+		    * changed silent  to  sil!  (|:silent|)
    v26 Aug 09, 2010 * uses buffer-local instead of window variables to hold
 		      tarfile name
+		    * inserted keepj before 0d to protect jump list
    v25 Jun 19, 2010 * (Jan Steffens) added support for xz compression
    v24 Apr 07, 2009 * :Untarvim command implemented
        Sep 28, 2009 * Added lzma support
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_vimball.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_vimball.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pi_vimball.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 Apr 12
+*pi_vimball.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Apr 02
 			       Vimball Archiver
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Author:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
 	  (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
-Copyright: (c) 2004-2009 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*Vimball-copyright*
+Copyright: (c) 2004-2011 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*Vimball-copyright*
 	   The VIM LICENSE applies to Vimball.vim, and Vimball.txt
 	   (see |copyright|) except use "Vimball" instead of "Vim".
 	   No warranty, express or implied.
@@ -176,6 +176,22 @@ WINDOWS							*vimball-windows*
 4. Vimball History					*vimball-history* {{{1
+	33 : Apr 02, 2011 * Gave priority to *.vmb over *.vba
+			  * Changed silent! to sil! (shorter)
+			  * Safed |'swf'| setting (during vimball extraction,
+			    its now turned off)
+	32 : May 19, 2010 * (Christian Brabrandt) :so someplugin.vba and
+			    :so someplugin.vba.gz (and the other supported
+			    compression types) now works
+			  * (Jan Steffens) added support for xz compression
+			  * fenc extraction was erroneously picking up the
+			    end of the line number when no file encoding
+			    was present.  Fixed.
+			  * By request, beginning the switchover from the vba
+			    extension to vmb.  Currently both are supported;
+			    MkVimball, however, now will create *.vmb files.
+	     Feb 11, 2011 * motoyakurotsu reported an error with vimball's
+			    handling of zero-length files
 	30 : Dec 08, 2008 * fnameescape() inserted to protect error
 			    messaging using corrupted filenames from
 			    causing problems
@@ -199,6 +215,8 @@ 4. Vimball History					*vimball-history*
 			    causing problems as reported by Zhang Shuhan
 	24 : Nov 15, 2007 * g:vimball_path_escape used by s:Path() to
 	                    prevent certain characters from causing trouble
+			    (defunct: |fnameescape()| and |shellescape()|
+			    now used instead)
 	22 : Mar 21, 2007 * uses setlocal instead of set during BufEnter
 	21 : Nov 27, 2006 * (tnx to Bill McCarthy) vimball had a header
 	                    handling problem and it now changes \s to /s
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pi_zip.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 Sep 14
+*pi_zip.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 24
 				| Zip File Interface |
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Author:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
 	  (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
-Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Charles E Campbell, Jr *zip-copyright*
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Charles E Campbell, Jr *zip-copyright*
            Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
 	   with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
 	   notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Charl
 	   the use of this software.
-1. Contents					*zip* *zip-contents*
+1. Contents						*zip* *zip-contents*
    1. Contents................................................|zip-contents|
    2. Usage...................................................|zip-usage|
    3. Additional Extensions...................................|zip-extension|
    4. History.................................................|zip-history|
-2. Usage					*zip-usage* *zip-manual*
+2. Usage						*zip-usage* *zip-manual*
    When one edits a *.zip file, this plugin will handle displaying a
    contents page.  Select a file to edit by moving the cursor atop
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ 2. Usage					*zip-usage* *zip-manual*
 	let g:loaded_zipPlugin= 1
 	let g:loaded_zip      = 1
 3. Additional Extensions					*zip-extension*
@@ -83,7 +84,11 @@ 3. Additional Extensions					*zip-extens
    should be treated as zip files.
-4. History					*zip-history* {{{1
+4. History							*zip-history* {{{1
+   v24 Jun 21, 2010 * (CĂ©dric Bosdonnat) unzip seems to need its filenames
+		      fnameescape'd as well as shellquote'd
+		    * (Motoya Kurotsu) inserted keepj before 0d to protect
+		      jump list
    v17 May 09, 2008 * arno caught a security bug
    v15 Sep 07, 2007 * &shq now used if not the empty string for g:zip_shq
    v14 May 07, 2007 * using b:zipfile instead of w:zipfile to avoid problem
--- a/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*quickref.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2010 Dec 02
+*quickref.txt*  For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 12
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -657,6 +657,7 @@ Short explanation of each option:		*opti
 'cscopepathcomp'  'cspc'    how many components of the path to show
 'cscopeprg'       'csprg'   command to execute cscope
 'cscopequickfix'  'csqf'    use quickfix window for cscope results
+'cscoperelative'  'csre'    Use cscope.out path basename as prefix
 'cscopetag'       'cst'     use cscope for tag commands
 'cscopetagorder'  'csto'    determines ":cstag" search order
 'cscopeverbose'   'csverb'  give messages when adding a cscope database
@@ -800,7 +801,7 @@ Short explanation of each option:		*opti
 'omnifunc'	  'ofu'     function for filetype-specific completion
 'opendevice'	  'odev'    allow reading/writing devices on MS-Windows
 'operatorfunc'	  'opfunc'  function to be called for |g@| operator
-'osfiletype'	  'oft'     operating system-specific filetype information
+'osfiletype' 	  'oft'     no longer supported
 'paragraphs'	  'para'    nroff macros that separate paragraphs
 'paste'			    allow pasting text
 'pastetoggle'	  'pt'	    key code that causes 'paste' to toggle
--- a/runtime/doc/spell.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/spell.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*spell.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Feb 01
+*spell.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 25
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -1244,6 +1244,7 @@ one or more groups, where each group can
 Optionally this may be followed by:
 	*	the group appears zero or more times, e.g., sm*e
 	+	the group appears one or more times, e.g., c+
+	?	the group appears zero times or once, e.g., x?
 This is similar to the regexp pattern syntax (but not the same!).  A few
 examples with the sequence of word flags they require:
@@ -1251,6 +1252,7 @@ examples with the sequence of word flags
     COMPOUNDRULE yz	    yz
     COMPOUNDRULE x+z	    xz xxz xxxz etc.
     COMPOUNDRULE yx+	    yx yxx yxxx etc.
+    COMPOUNDRULE xy?z	    xz xyz
     COMPOUNDRULE [abc]z    az bz cz
     COMPOUNDRULE [abc]+z   az aaz abaz bz baz bcbz cz caz cbaz etc.
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -154,12 +154,14 @@
 'cscopepathcomp'	options.txt	/*'cscopepathcomp'*
 'cscopeprg'	options.txt	/*'cscopeprg'*
 'cscopequickfix'	options.txt	/*'cscopequickfix'*
+'cscoperelative'	options.txt	/*'cscoperelative'*
 'cscopetag'	options.txt	/*'cscopetag'*
 'cscopetagorder'	options.txt	/*'cscopetagorder'*
 'cscopeverbose'	options.txt	/*'cscopeverbose'*
 'cspc'	options.txt	/*'cspc'*
 'csprg'	options.txt	/*'csprg'*
 'csqf'	options.txt	/*'csqf'*
+'csre'	options.txt	/*'csre'*
 'cst'	options.txt	/*'cst'*
 'csto'	options.txt	/*'csto'*
 'csverb'	options.txt	/*'csverb'*
@@ -1191,7 +1193,6 @@
 +mzscheme/dyn	various.txt	/*+mzscheme\/dyn*
 +netbeans_intg	various.txt	/*+netbeans_intg*
 +ole	various.txt	/*+ole*
-+osfiletype	various.txt	/*+osfiletype*
 +path_extra	various.txt	/*+path_extra*
 +perl	various.txt	/*+perl*
 +perl/dyn	various.txt	/*+perl\/dyn*
@@ -3705,7 +3706,6 @@ E362	term.txt	/*E362*
 E363	options.txt	/*E363*
 E364	eval.txt	/*E364*
 E365	print.txt	/*E365*
-E366	options.txt	/*E366*
 E367	autocmd.txt	/*E367*
 E368	eval.txt	/*E368*
 E369	pattern.txt	/*E369*
@@ -3970,8 +3970,6 @@ E607	eval.txt	/*E607*
 E608	eval.txt	/*E608*
 E609	if_cscop.txt	/*E609*
 E61	pattern.txt	/*E61*
-E610	options.txt	/*E610*
-E611	options.txt	/*E611*
 E612	sign.txt	/*E612*
 E613	print.txt	/*E613*
 E614	editing.txt	/*E614*
@@ -4304,6 +4302,7 @@ IME	mbyte.txt	/*IME*
 Insert	insert.txt	/*Insert*
 Insert-mode	insert.txt	/*Insert-mode*
 InsertChange	autocmd.txt	/*InsertChange*
+InsertCharPre	autocmd.txt	/*InsertCharPre*
 InsertEnter	autocmd.txt	/*InsertEnter*
 InsertLeave	autocmd.txt	/*InsertLeave*
 J	change.txt	/*J*
@@ -4959,6 +4958,40 @@ charset-conversion	mbyte.txt	/*charset-c
 chill.vim	syntax.txt	/*chill.vim*
 cindent()	eval.txt	/*cindent()*
 cinkeys-format	indent.txt	/*cinkeys-format*
+cino-#	indent.txt	/*cino-#*
+cino-(	indent.txt	/*cino-(*
+cino-)	indent.txt	/*cino-)*
+cino-+	indent.txt	/*cino-+*
+cino-/	indent.txt	/*cino-\/*
+cino-2	indent.txt	/*cino-2*
+cino-:	indent.txt	/*cino-:*
+cino-=	indent.txt	/*cino-=*
+cino->	indent.txt	/*cino->*
+cino-C	indent.txt	/*cino-C*
+cino-J	indent.txt	/*cino-J*
+cino-L	indent.txt	/*cino-L*
+cino-M	indent.txt	/*cino-M*
+cino-N	indent.txt	/*cino-N*
+cino-U	indent.txt	/*cino-U*
+cino-W	indent.txt	/*cino-W*
+cino-^	indent.txt	/*cino-^*
+cino-b	indent.txt	/*cino-b*
+cino-c	indent.txt	/*cino-c*
+cino-e	indent.txt	/*cino-e*
+cino-f	indent.txt	/*cino-f*
+cino-g	indent.txt	/*cino-g*
+cino-h	indent.txt	/*cino-h*
+cino-i	indent.txt	/*cino-i*
+cino-j	indent.txt	/*cino-j*
+cino-l	indent.txt	/*cino-l*
+cino-m	indent.txt	/*cino-m*
+cino-n	indent.txt	/*cino-n*
+cino-p	indent.txt	/*cino-p*
+cino-star	indent.txt	/*cino-star*
+cino-t	indent.txt	/*cino-t*
+cino-u	indent.txt	/*cino-u*
+cino-{	indent.txt	/*cino-{*
+cino-}	indent.txt	/*cino-}*
 cinoptions-values	indent.txt	/*cinoptions-values*
 clear-undo	undo.txt	/*clear-undo*
 clearmatches()	eval.txt	/*clearmatches()*
@@ -5132,6 +5165,7 @@ cscope_connection()	eval.txt	/*cscope_co
 cscopepathcomp	if_cscop.txt	/*cscopepathcomp*
 cscopeprg	if_cscop.txt	/*cscopeprg*
 cscopequickfix	if_cscop.txt	/*cscopequickfix*
+cscoperelative	if_cscop.txt	/*cscoperelative*
 cscopetag	if_cscop.txt	/*cscopetag*
 cscopetagorder	if_cscop.txt	/*cscopetagorder*
 cscopeverbose	if_cscop.txt	/*cscopeverbose*
@@ -5139,6 +5173,7 @@ csh.vim	syntax.txt	/*csh.vim*
 cspc	if_cscop.txt	/*cspc*
 csprg	if_cscop.txt	/*csprg*
 csqf	if_cscop.txt	/*csqf*
+csre	if_cscop.txt	/*csre*
 cst	if_cscop.txt	/*cst*
 csto	if_cscop.txt	/*csto*
 csverb	if_cscop.txt	/*csverb*
@@ -5416,6 +5451,11 @@ expr-env	eval.txt	/*expr-env*
 expr-env-expand	eval.txt	/*expr-env-expand*
 expr-function	eval.txt	/*expr-function*
 expr-is	eval.txt	/*expr-is*
+expr-is#	eval.txt	/*expr-is#*
+expr-is?	eval.txt	/*expr-is?*
+expr-isnot	eval.txt	/*expr-isnot*
+expr-isnot#	eval.txt	/*expr-isnot#*
+expr-isnot?	eval.txt	/*expr-isnot?*
 expr-nesting	eval.txt	/*expr-nesting*
 expr-number	eval.txt	/*expr-number*
 expr-option	eval.txt	/*expr-option*
@@ -6807,6 +6847,8 @@ netrw-p10	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p10*
 netrw-p11	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p11*
 netrw-p12	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p12*
 netrw-p13	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p13*
+netrw-p14	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p14*
+netrw-p15	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p15*
 netrw-p2	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p2*
 netrw-p3	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p3*
 netrw-p4	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-p4*
@@ -6855,6 +6897,7 @@ netrw-start	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-start*
 netrw-t	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-t*
 netrw-texplore	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-texplore*
 netrw-todo	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-todo*
+netrw-trailingslash	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-trailingslash*
 netrw-transparent	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-transparent*
 netrw-u	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-u*
 netrw-updir	pi_netrw.txt	/*netrw-updir*
@@ -7279,17 +7322,6 @@ right-justify	change.txt	/*right-justify
 rileft	rileft.txt	/*rileft*
 rileft.txt	rileft.txt	/*rileft.txt*
 riscos	os_risc.txt	/*riscos*
-riscos-commandline	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-commandline*
-riscos-filetypes	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-filetypes*
-riscos-gui	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-gui*
-riscos-interrupt	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-interrupt*
-riscos-locations	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-locations*
-riscos-memory	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-memory*
-riscos-munging	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-munging*
-riscos-porting	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-porting*
-riscos-remote	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-remote*
-riscos-shell	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-shell*
-riscos-temp-files	os_risc.txt	/*riscos-temp-files*
 rot13	change.txt	/*rot13*
 round()	eval.txt	/*round()*
 rsync	pi_netrw.txt	/*rsync*
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*todo.txt*      For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 19
+*todo.txt*      For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 19
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -27,82 +27,20 @@ 1   probably not
 See |develop.txt| for development plans.  You can vote for which items should
 be worked on, but only if you sponsor Vim development.  See |sponsor|.
+Issues can also be entered online:
+Updates will be forwarded to the vim_dev maillist.  Issues entered there will
+not be repeated below, unless there is extra information.
 -------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
 Go through more coverity reports.
-Hong Xu: I think src/Make_ro.mak should also be removed.
-Two patches 2011 May 15
 Crash in autocomplete, valgrind log. (Greg Weber, 2011 Apr 22)
-Ex command ":s/ \?/ /g" splits multi-byte characters into bytes. (Dominique
-Pelle, 2011 May 7).
-In command line window ":close" doesn't work properly. (Tony Mechelynck, 2009
-Jun 1)
-Patch by Jean-Rene David, 2011 Apr 30.
-When "b" is a symlink to directory "a", resolve("b/") doesn't result in "a/".
-(ZyX, 2011 Feb 12)
-Patch by Jean-Rene David, 2011 Apr 30.
-Patch to set v:register default depending on "unnamed" in 'clipboard'. (Ingo
-Karkat, 2011 Jan 16)
-Patch to add 'cscoperelative'. (Raghavendra Prabhu, 2011 Apr 18)
-9   "} else" causes following lines to be indented too much. (Rouben
-    Rostamian, 2008 Aug 30)
-Patch by Lech Lorens, 2011 May 16, with more tests.
-New syntax file for dnsmasq. (Thilo Six, 2011 Apr 18)
 Discussion about canonicalization of Hebrew. (Ron Aaron, 2011 April 10)
-Patch for:
-    InsertCharPre   - user typed character Insert mode, before inserting the
-		      char.  Pattern is matched with text before the cursor.
-		      Set v:char to the character, can be changed.
-		      (not triggered when 'paste' is set).
-(Jakson A. Aquino, 2011 Jan 29)
-Patch for "No errors" showing up after QuickfixCmdPost. (Mike Lundy, 2011 Feb
-Patch for cmdline completion of ":lang".  (Dominique Pelle, 2011 Feb 5)
-Patch for adding 's' option to 'cino', C++ namespace indenting. (Konstantin
-Lepa, 2011 Jan 18)
-Patch to support ":!start /b cmd". (Xaizek, 2010 Dec 22)
-Patch for syntax "extend" not working correctly. (Ben Schmidt, 2011 May 15)
-Patch to build with GTK on Mac. (Ben Schmidt, 2011 Jan 18)
-Use another name instead of FEAT_GUI_ELSEWHERE.
-Patch for xxd makefile to avoid generating .dSYM files. (Ben Schmidt, 2011 Jan
-Patch to show sign for folded text. (Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jan 12)
-Method to reproduce it: Jan 16.
-Patch to improve optwin.vim. (ZyX, 2011 Jan 29)
-Patch for Python 3 support. (lilydjwg, 2011 Feb 24)
-Patch to make putting from clipboard linewise when the text ends in a newline.
-(Sung Pae)  Do we want this?
-Patch to add third dict argument to sort(). (ZyX, 2011 May 15)
-Building the MingW version without clipboard but with multi-byte doesn't
-work. (Bill Lam, 2010 Sep 18)
-Patch for handling of NL in substitute() with \= expression. (Motoya Kurotsu,
-2011 Mar 16)  Update Mar 24.
+Patch to fix gj with count. (James Vega, 2011 Jun 13)
 Patch to disallow fork() when __APPLE__ is defined. (Hisashi T Fujinaka, 2010
 Nov 25)
@@ -111,6 +49,11 @@ 7   Output for ":scriptnames" and ":brea
     use "~/" when possible.
 Patch by Jean-Rene David, 2011 May 1.
+Cindent wrong after patch 7.3.202. (Lech Lorens, issue 9)
+Patch for cindent fix with closing brace placement, including tests.
+(Lech Lorens, issue 10, 2011 Jun 12)
 Patch for better #if 0 syntax highlighting for C code. (Ben Schmidt, 2011 Jan
 Change to C syntax folding to make it work much faster, but a bit less
@@ -124,12 +67,26 @@ Update 2011 Feb 3.
 Patch to use pipes on Win32.  (Vincent Berthoux, 2011 Feb 28)
 Update Mar 1 using 'shelltemp'.
+Patch to fix CTRL-R CTRL-W in the command line when the cursor is not at the
+end. (Tyru, 2011 Jun 6)
 Patch to support UTF-8 for Hangul. (Shawn Y.H. Kim, 2011 May 1)
 Needs more work.
+Patch to make ";" not get stuck on "t" command. (Christian Brabandt, 2011 May
+Patch to do more testing of Javascript indenting.  Some items are srong.
+(Luc Deschenaux, 2011 Jun 14)
 "gh<Del>" deletes the current line, except when it's the last line.
 Hint by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Mar 22
+"echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase'.
+mb_strnicmp() checks for illegal and truncated bytes are wrong.
+Should also not assume that byte length is equal before case folding.
+Patch by Ivan Krasilnikov, 2011 May 27.
 The :z command doesn't work exactly as it should. (ChangZhuo Chen, 2011 Mar 2)
 Compare with how old Vi works and with posix spec.  terminal is 80 x 24,
 'scroll' option set to 11.
@@ -138,6 +95,14 @@ Compare with how old Vi works and with p
 'list' is set.  (Dennis Preiser)
 Patch 7.3.116 was the wrong solution.
+With concealed text mouse click doesn't put the cursor in the right position.
+(Herb Sitz)  Fix by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jun 16.  Doesn't work properly,
+need to make the change in where RET_WIN_BUF_CHARTABSIZE() is called.
+Syntax region with 'concealends' and a 'cchar' value, 'conceallevel' set to 2,
+only one of the two ends gets the cchar displayed. (Brett Stahlman, 2010 Aug
+21, Ben Fritz, 2010 Sep 14)
 When opening file from windows explorer, characters inside [] cause
 problems, even though double quotes are used. (Manuel Stol, 2011 Mar 9)
@@ -149,12 +114,14 @@ Use function to set paste option and res
 Help file foldexpr (ZyX)
-Syntax region with 'concealends' and a 'cchar' value, 'conceallevel' set to 2,
-only one of the two ends gets the cchar displayed. (Brett Stahlman, 2010 Aug
-21, Ben Fritz, 2010 Sep 14)
 Bug in repeating Visual "u". (Lawrence Kesteloot, 2010 Dec 20)
+Patch to automatically get version number into NSIS. (Guopeng Wen, 2011 May
+Patch to make character classes work with multi-byte characters.
+(Dominique Pelle, 2011 May 31)
 In GTK Gvim, setting 'lines' and 'columns' to 99999 causes a crash (Tony
 Mechelynck, 2011 Apr 25).  Can reproduce the crash sometimes:
    gvim -N -u NONE --cmd 'set lines=99999 columns=99999'
@@ -190,6 +157,10 @@ When using a Vim server, a # in the path
 Bug: E685 error for func_unref(). (ZyX, 2010 Aug 5)
+Bug: Windows 7 64 bit system freezes  when 'clipboard' set to "unnamed" and
+doing ":g/test/d".  Putting every delete on the clipboard? (Robert Chan, 2011
+Jun 17)
 Using ":break" or something else that stops executing commands inside a
 ":finally" does not rethrow a previously uncaught exception. (ZyX, 2010 Oct
@@ -235,6 +206,9 @@ Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Mar 19
 Patch to support sorting on floating point number.  (Alex Jakushev, 2010 Oct
+Patch to addd TextDeletePost and TextYankPost events. (Philippe Vaucher, 2011
+May 24)  Update May 26.
 When a script contains "redir => s:foo" but doesn't end redirection, a
 following "redir" command gives an error for not being able to access s:foo.
 (ZyX, 2011 Mar 27)
@@ -244,6 +218,10 @@ Problem with "syn sync gouphere". (Gusta
 Loading autoload script even when usage is inside "if 0". (Christian Brabandt,
 2010 Dec 18)
+With a filler line in diff mode, it isn't displayed in the column with line
+number, but it is in the sign column.  Doesn't look right. (ZyX 2011 Jun 5)
+Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jun 5.  Introduces new problems.
 In the sandbox it's not allowed to do many things, but it's possible to change
 or set variables.  Add a way to prevent variables from being changed in the
 sandbox?  E.g.: ":protect g:restore_settings".
@@ -356,6 +334,9 @@ Echo starts in the wrong column:
 Patch for GVimExt to show an icon. (Dominik Riebeling, 2010 Nov 7)
+GvimExt sets $LANG in the wrong way.  Patch by Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2011 Jun
+15.  This will fix issue no 11.
 When writing a file > 2Gbyte, the reported number of bytes is negative.
 (Antonio Colombo, 2010 Dec 18)
@@ -923,6 +904,9 @@ Gnome improvements: Edward Catmur, 2007 
 New PHP syntax file, use it? (Peter Hodge)
+":echoe" in catch block stops processing, while this doesn't happen outside of
+a catch block. (ZyX, 2011 Jun 2)
 'foldcolumn' in modeline applied to wrong window when using a session. (Teemu
 Likonen, March 19)
@@ -1144,8 +1128,6 @@ if_ruby.c.
 Patch to dynamically load Python on Solaris. (Danek Duvall, 2009 Feb 16)
 Needs more work.
-Python3 interface doesn't handle utf-8 correctly? (Nov 2010, lilydjwg)
 The need_fileinfo flag is messy.  Instead make the message right away and put
 it in keep_msg?
@@ -1370,6 +1352,9 @@ resulting in highlighted "{" in that win
 In mswin.vim: Instead of mapping <C-V> for Insert mode in a complicated way,
 can it be done like ":imap <C-V> <MiddleMouse>" without negative side effects?
+Completion menu disappears when using 'cursorcolumn'. (Sven-Hendrik Haase,
+2011 May 23)
 GTK: when the Tab pages bar appears or disappears while the window is
 maximized the window is no longer maximized.  Patch that has some idea but
 doesn't work from Geoffrey Antos, 2008 May 5.
@@ -3529,6 +3514,8 @@ 7   Support "-visual <type>" command lin
+9   Rework the code from FEAT_OSFILETYPE for autocmd-osfiletypes to use
+    'filetype'.  Only for when the current buffer is known.
 -   Put autocommand event names in a hashtable for faster lookup?
 8   When the SwapExists event is triggered, provide information about the
     swap file, e.g., whether the process is running, file was modified, etc.
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Feb 15
+*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Jun 19
 		     VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ String manipulation:					*string-functio
 	strridx()		last index of a short string in a long string
 	strlen()		length of a string
 	substitute()		substitute a pattern match with a string
-	submatch()		get a specific match in a ":substitute"
+	submatch()		get a specific match in ":s" and substitute()
 	strpart()		get part of a string
 	expand()		expand special keywords
 	iconv()			convert text from one encoding to another
--- a/runtime/doc/various.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/various.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*various.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 Mar 03
+*various.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2011 May 19
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -360,8 +360,6 @@ m  *+mzscheme*		Mzscheme interface |mzsc
 m  *+mzscheme/dyn*	Mzscheme interface |mzscheme-dynamic| |/dyn|
 m  *+netbeans_intg*	|netbeans|
 m  *+ole*		Win32 GUI only: |ole-interface|
-   *+osfiletype*	Support for the 'osfiletype' option and filetype
-			checking in automatic commands.  |autocmd-osfiletypes|
 N  *+path_extra*	Up/downwards search in 'path' and 'tags'
 m  *+perl*		Perl interface |perl|
 m  *+perl/dyn*		Perl interface |perl-dynamic| |/dyn|
--- a/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ b/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " Vim support file to detect file types
 " Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change:	2011 May 19
+" Last Change:	2011 Jun 13
 " Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
 if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@@ -937,6 +937,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clp			setf jess
 " Jgraph
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jgr			setf jgraph
+" Jovial
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jov,*.j73,*.jovial	setf jovial
 " Kixtart
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.kix			setf kix
--- a/runtime/indent/fortran.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/fortran.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " Vim indent file
 " Language:	Fortran95 (and Fortran90, Fortran77, F and elf90)
-" Version:	0.38
-" Last Change:	2010 July 21
+" Version:	0.39
+" Last Change:	2011 May 30
 " Maintainer:	Ajit J. Thakkar <>; <>
 " Usage:	Do :help fortran-indent from Vim
@@ -12,8 +12,14 @@ endif
 let b:did_indent = 1
 setlocal indentkeys+==~end,=~case,=~if,=~else,=~do,=~where,=~elsewhere,=~select
-setlocal indentkeys+==~endif,=~enddo,=~endwhere,=~endselect
-setlocal indentkeys+==~type,=~interface
+setlocal indentkeys+==~endif,=~enddo,=~endwhere,=~endselect,=~elseif
+setlocal indentkeys+==~type,=~interface,=~forall,=~associate,=~block,=~enum
+setlocal indentkeys+==~endforall,=~endassociate,=~endblock,=~endenum
+if exists("b:fortran_indent_more") || exists("g:fortran_indent_more")
+  setlocal indentkeys+==~function,=~subroutine,=~module,=~contains,=~program
+  setlocal indentkeys+==~endfunction,=~endsubroutine,=~endmodule
+  setlocal indentkeys+==~endprogram
 " Determine whether this is a fixed or free format source file
 " if this hasn't been done yet
@@ -69,6 +75,8 @@ function FortranGetIndent(lnum)
   let prevline=getline(a:lnum)
   " Strip tail comment
   let prevstat=substitute(prevline, '!.*$', '', '')
+  let prev2line=getline(a:lnum-1)
+  let prev2stat=substitute(prev2line, '!.*$', '', '')
   "Indent do loops only if they are all guaranteed to be of do/end do type
   if exists("b:fortran_do_enddo") || exists("g:fortran_do_enddo")
@@ -80,33 +88,64 @@ function FortranGetIndent(lnum)
-  "Add a shiftwidth to statements following if, else, case,
-  "where, elsewhere, type and interface statements
-  if prevstat =~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*\(else\|case\|where\|elsewhere\)\>'
-	\ ||prevstat =~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*\(type\|interface\)\>'
-	\ || prevstat =~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*\(\a\w*\s*:\)\=\s*if\>'
+  "Add a shiftwidth to statements following if, else, else if, case,
+  "where, else where, forall, type, interface and associate statements
+  if prevstat =~? '^\s*\(case\|else\|else\s*if\|else\s*where\)\>'
+	\ ||prevstat=~? '^\s*\(type\|interface\|associate\|enum\)\>'
+	\ ||prevstat=~?'^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*\(\a\w*\s*:\)\=\s*\(forall\|where\|block\)\>'
+	\ ||prevstat=~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*\(\a\w*\s*:\)\=\s*if\>'
      let ind = ind + &sw
     " Remove unwanted indent after logical and arithmetic ifs
     if prevstat =~? '\<if\>' && prevstat !~? '\<then\>'
       let ind = ind - &sw
     " Remove unwanted indent after type( statements
-    if prevstat =~? '\<type\s*('
+    if prevstat =~? '^\s*type\s*('
       let ind = ind - &sw
-  "Subtract a shiftwidth from else, elsewhere, case, end if,
-  " end where, end select, end interface and end type statements
+  "Indent program units unless instructed otherwise
+  if !exists("b:fortran_indent_less") && !exists("g:fortran_indent_less")
+    let prefix='\(\(pure\|impure\|elemental\|recursive\)\s\+\)\{,2}'
+    let type='\(\(integer\|real\|double\s\+precision\|complex\|logical'
+          \.'\|character\|type\|class\)\s*\S*\s\+\)\='
+    if prevstat =~? '^\s*\(module\|contains\|program\)\>'
+            \ ||prevstat =~? '^\s*'.prefix.'subroutine\>'
+            \ ||prevstat =~? '^\s*'.prefix.type.'function\>'
+            \ ||prevstat =~? '^\s*'.type.prefix.'function\>'
+      let ind = ind + &sw
+    endif
+    if getline(v:lnum) =~? '^\s*contains\>'
+          \ ||getline(v:lnum)=~? '^\s*end\s*'
+          \ .'\(function\|subroutine\|module\|program\)\>'
+      let ind = ind - &sw
+    endif
+  endif
+  "Subtract a shiftwidth from else, else if, elsewhere, case, end if,
+  " end where, end select, end forall, end interface, end associate,
+  " end enum, and end type statements
   if getline(v:lnum) =~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*'
-	\. '\(else\|elsewhere\|case\|end\s*\(if\|where\|select\|interface\|type\)\)\>'
+        \. '\(else\|else\s*if\|else\s*where\|case\|'
+        \. 'end\s*\(if\|where\|select\|interface\|'
+        \. 'type\|forall\|associate\|enum\)\)\>'
     let ind = ind - &sw
     " Fix indent for case statement immediately after select
-    if prevstat =~? '\<select\>'
+    if prevstat =~? '\<select\s\+\(case\|type\)\>'
       let ind = ind + &sw
+  "First continuation line
+  if prevstat =~ '&\s*$' && prev2stat !~ '&\s*$'
+    let ind = ind + &sw
+  endif
+  "Line after last continuation line
+  if prevstat !~ '&\s*$' && prev2stat =~ '&\s*$'
+    let ind = ind - &sw
+  endif
   return ind
--- a/runtime/optwin.vim
+++ b/runtime/optwin.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " These commands create the option window.
 " Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change:	2010 Dec 02
+" Last Change:	2011 Jun 13
 " If there already is an option window, jump to that one.
 if bufwinnr("option-window") > 0
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if bufwinnr("option-window") > 0
     if @% == "option-window"
-    exe "norm! \<C-W>w"
+    wincmd w
     if s:thiswin == winnr()
@@ -26,12 +26,8 @@ set cpo&vim
 fun! <SID>CR()
   " If on a continued comment line, go back to the first comment line
-  let lnum = line(".")
+  let lnum = search("^[^\t]", 'bWcn')
   let line = getline(lnum)
-  while line[0] == "\t"
-    let lnum = lnum - 1
-    let line = getline(lnum)
-  endwhile
   " <CR> on a "set" line executes the option line
   if match(line, "^ \tset ") >= 0
@@ -82,11 +78,11 @@ fun! <SID>Find(lnum)
     if getline(a:lnum - 1) =~ "(local to"
       let local = 1
       let thiswin = winnr()
-      exe "norm! \<C-W>p"
+      wincmd p
       if exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "help"
-	exe "norm! \<C-W>j"
+	wincmd j
 	if winnr() == thiswin
-	  exe "norm! \<C-W>j"
+	  wincmd j
@@ -111,10 +107,10 @@ fun! <SID>Update(lnum, line, local, this
   if name == "pt" && &pt =~ "\x80"
     let val = <SID>PTvalue()
-    exe "let val = substitute(&" . name . ', "[ \\t\\\\\"|]", "\\\\\\0", "g")'
+    let val = escape(eval('&' . name), " \t\\\"|")
   if a:local
-    exe "norm! " . a:thiswin . "\<C-W>w"
+    exe a:thiswin . "wincmd w"
   if match(a:line, "=") >= 0 || (val != "0" && val != "1")
     call setline(a:lnum, " \tset " . name . "=" . val)
@@ -139,7 +135,7 @@ set notitle noicon nosc noru
 " Relies on syntax highlighting to be switched on.
 let s:thiswin = winnr()
 while exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "help"
-  exe "norm! \<C-W>w"
+  wincmd w
   if s:thiswin == winnr()
@@ -147,7 +143,7 @@ endwhile
 " Open the window
 new option-window
-setlocal ts=15 tw=0 noro
+setlocal ts=15 tw=0 noro buftype=nofile
 " Insert help and a "set" command for each option.
 call append(0, '" Each "set" line shows the current value of an option (on the left).')
@@ -162,9 +158,7 @@ call append(6, '" Hit <Space> on a "set"
 " Init a local binary option
 fun! <SID>BinOptionL(name)
-  exe "norm! \<C-W>p"
-  exe "let val = &" . a:name
-  exe "norm! \<C-W>p"
+  let val = getwinvar(winnr('#'), '&' . a:name)
   call append("$", substitute(substitute(" \tset " . val . a:name . "\t" .
 	\!val . a:name, "0", "no", ""), "1", "", ""))
@@ -177,16 +171,13 @@ endfun
 " Init a local string option
 fun! <SID>OptionL(name)
-  exe "norm! \<C-W>p"
-  exe "let val = substitute(&" . a:name . ', "[ \\t\\\\\"|]", "\\\\\\0", "g")'
-  exe "norm! \<C-W>p"
+  let val = escape(getwinvar(winnr('#'), '&' . a:name), " \t\\\"|")
   call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . val)
 " Init a global string option
 fun! <SID>OptionG(name, val)
-  call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . substitute(a:val, '[ \t\\"|]',
-	\ '\\\0', "g"))
+  call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . escape(a:val, " \t\\\"|"))
 let s:idx = 1
@@ -315,6 +306,8 @@ if has("cscope")
   call append("$", " \tset cspc=" . &cspc)
   call append("$", "cscopequickfix\twhen to open a quickfix window for cscope")
   call <SID>OptionG("csqf", &csqf)
+  call append("$", "cscoperelative\tfile names in a cscope file are relative to that file")
+  call <SID>BinOptionG("csre", &csre)
@@ -1342,3 +1335,5 @@ let &ru = s:old_ru
 let &sc = s:old_sc
 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
 unlet s:old_title s:old_icon s:old_ru s:old_sc s:cpo_save s:idx s:lnum
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2
--- a/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if &cp || exists("g:loaded_getscriptPlug
-let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = "v32"
+let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = "v33"
 let s:keepcpo                = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
--- a/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
-let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v141"
+let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v142"
 if v:version < 702
  echohl WarningMsg | echo "***netrw*** you need vim version 7.2 for this version of netrw" | echohl None
--- a/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_tarPlugin")
-let g:loaded_tarPlugin = "v26"
+let g:loaded_tarPlugin = "v27"
 let s:keepcpo          = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
--- a/runtime/plugin/tohtml.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/tohtml.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 " Vim plugin for converting a syntax highlighted file to HTML.
 " Maintainer: Ben Fritz <>
-" Last Change: 2011 Apr 09
+" Last Change: 2011 May 26
 " The core of the code is in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/tohtml.vim and
 " $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim
@@ -26,56 +26,61 @@
 "     buffer before we're done (5000 or so lines should do it)
 "   * TODO comments for code cleanup scattered throughout
-" Changelog:
-"   7.3_v9 (this version): Add html_pre_wrap option active with html_use_css and
-"                          without html_no_pre, default value same as 'wrap'
-"                          option, (Andy Spencer). Don't use 'fileencoding' for
-"                          converted document encoding if 'buftype' indicates a
-"                          special buffer which isn't written.
-"   7.3_v8 (85c5a72551e2): Add html_expand_tabs option to allow leaving tab
-"                          characters in generated output (Andy Spencer). Escape
-"                          text that looks like a modeline so Vim doesn't use
-"                          anything in the converted HTML as a modeline.
-"                          Bugfixes: Fix folding when a fold starts before the
-"                          conversion range. Remove fold column when there are
-"                          no folds.
-"   7.3_v7 (840c3cadb842): see betas released on vim_dev below:
-"                7.3_v7b3: Fixed bug, convert Unicode to UTF-8 all the way.
-"                7.3_v7b2: Remove automatic detection of encodings that are not
-"                          supported by all major browsers according to
-"                 and convert
-"                          to UTF-8 for all Unicode encodings. Make HTML
-"                          encoding to Vim encoding detection be
-"                          case-insensitive for built-in pairs.
-"                7.3_v7b1: Remove use of setwinvar() function which cannot be
-"                          called in restricted mode (Andy Spencer). Use
-"                          'fencoding' instead of 'encoding' to determine by
-"                          charset, and make sure the 'fenc' of the generated
-"                          file matches its indicated charset. Add charsets for
-"                          all of Vim's natively supported encodings.
-"   7.3_v6 (0d3f0e3d289b): Really fix bug with 'nowrapscan', 'magic' and other
-"                          user settings interfering with diff mode generation,
-"                          trailing whitespace (e.g. line number column) when
-"                          using html_no_pre, and bugs when using
-"                          html_hover_unfold.
-"   7.3_v5 ( unreleased ): Fix bug with 'nowrapscan' and also with out-of-sync
-"                          folds in diff mode when first line was folded.
-"   7.3_v4 (7e008c174cc3): Bugfixes, especially for xhtml markup, and diff mode.
-"   7.3_v3 (a29075150aee): Refactor option handling and make html_use_css
-"                          default to true when not set to anything. Use strict
-"                          doctypes where possible. Rename use_xhtml option to
-"                          html_use_xhtml for consistency. Use .xhtml extension
-"                          when using this option. Add meta tag for settings.
-"   7.3_v2 (80229a724a11): Fix syntax highlighting in diff mode to use both the
-"                          diff colors and the normal syntax colors
-"   7.3_v1 (e7751177126b): Add conceal support and meta tags in output
-"   Pre-v1 baseline: Mercurial changeset 3c9324c0800e
 if exists('g:loaded_2html_plugin')
-let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 'vim7.3_v9'
+let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 'vim7.3_v10'
+" Changelog:
+"   7.3_v10 (this version): Fix error E684 when converting a range wholly inside
+"                           multiple nested folds with dynamic folding on.
+"                           Also fix problem with foldtext in this situation.
+"   7.3_v9  (0877b8d6370e): Add html_pre_wrap option active with html_use_css
+"                           and without html_no_pre, default value same as
+"                           'wrap' option, (Andy Spencer). Don't use
+"                           'fileencoding' for converted document encoding if
+"                           'buftype' indicates a special buffer which isn't
+"                           written.
+"   7.3_v8  (85c5a72551e2): Add html_expand_tabs option to allow leaving tab
+"                           characters in generated output (Andy Spencer).
+"                           Escape text that looks like a modeline so Vim
+"                           doesn't use anything in the converted HTML as a
+"                           modeline. Bugfixes: Fix folding when a fold starts
+"                           before the conversion range. Remove fold column when
+"                           there are no folds.
+"   7.3_v7  (840c3cadb842): see betas released on vim_dev below:
+"                 7.3_v7b3: Fixed bug, convert Unicode to UTF-8 all the way.
+"                 7.3_v7b2: Remove automatic detection of encodings that are not
+"                           supported by all major browsers according to
+"                  and
+"                           convert to UTF-8 for all Unicode encodings. Make
+"                           HTML encoding to Vim encoding detection be
+"                           case-insensitive for built-in pairs.
+"                 7.3_v7b1: Remove use of setwinvar() function which cannot be
+"                           called in restricted mode (Andy Spencer). Use
+"                           'fencoding' instead of 'encoding' to determine by
+"                           charset, and make sure the 'fenc' of the generated
+"                           file matches its indicated charset. Add charsets for
+"                           all of Vim's natively supported encodings.
+"   7.3_v6  (0d3f0e3d289b): Really fix bug with 'nowrapscan', 'magic' and other
+"                           user settings interfering with diff mode generation,
+"                           trailing whitespace (e.g. line number column) when
+"                           using html_no_pre, and bugs when using
+"                           html_hover_unfold.
+"   7.3_v5  ( unreleased ): Fix bug with 'nowrapscan' and also with out-of-sync
+"                           folds in diff mode when first line was folded.
+"   7.3_v4  (7e008c174cc3): Bugfixes, especially for xhtml markup, and diff mode
+"   7.3_v3  (a29075150aee): Refactor option handling and make html_use_css
+"                           default to true when not set to anything. Use strict
+"                           doctypes where possible. Rename use_xhtml option to
+"                           html_use_xhtml for consistency. Use .xhtml extension
+"                           when using this option. Add meta tag for settings.
+"   7.3_v2  (80229a724a11): Fix syntax highlighting in diff mode to use both the
+"                           diff colors and the normal syntax colors
+"   7.3_v1  (e7751177126b): Add conceal support and meta tags in output
+"   Pre-v1 baseline: Mercurial changeset 3c9324c0800e
 " Define the :TOhtml command when:
 " - 'compatible' is not set
--- a/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
@@ -16,18 +16,22 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_vimballPlugin")
-let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = "v31"
+let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = "v33"
 let s:keepcpo              = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Public Interface: {{{1
-com! -ra   -complete=file -na=+ -bang MkVimball call vimball#MkVimball(<line1>,<line2>,<bang>0,<f-args>)
-com! -na=? -complete=dir  UseVimball			call vimball#Vimball(1,<f-args>)
-com! -na=0                VimballList			call vimball#Vimball(0)
-com! -na=* -complete=dir  RmVimball				call vimball#SaveSettings()|call vimball#RmVimball(<f-args>)|call vimball#RestoreSettings()
-au SourceCmd  *.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,*		call vimball#Decompress(expand("<amatch>"))|call vimball#Vimball(1)
-au BufEnter  *.vba,*.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,*	setlocal bt=nofile fmr=[[[,]]] fdm=marker|if &ff != 'unix'| setlocal ma ff=unix noma |endif|call vimball#ShowMesg(0,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)")
+com! -ra   -complete=file -na=+ -bang MkVimball				call vimball#MkVimball(<line1>,<line2>,<bang>0,<f-args>)
+com! -na=? -complete=dir  UseVimball						call vimball#Vimball(1,<f-args>)
+com! -na=0                VimballList						call vimball#Vimball(0)
+com! -na=* -complete=dir  RmVimball							call vimball#SaveSettings()|call vimball#RmVimball(<f-args>)|call vimball#RestoreSettings()
+au BufEnter  *.vba,*.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,*,*.vba.xz	setlocal bt=nofile fmr=[[[,]]] fdm=marker|if &ff != 'unix'|setlocal ma ff=unix noma|endif|call vimball#ShowMesg(0,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)")
+au SourceCmd *.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,*,*.vba.xz			if expand("%")!=expand("<afile>") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand("<afile>"))|endif|call vimball#Decompress(expand("<amatch>"))|so %|if expand("%")!=expand("<afile>")|close|endif
+au SourceCmd *.vba											if expand("%")!=expand("<afile>") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand("<afile>"))|call vimball#Vimball(1)|close|else|call vimball#Vimball(1)|endif
+au BufEnter  *.vmb,*.vmb.gz,*.vmb.bz2,*,*.vmb.xz	setlocal bt=nofile fmr=[[[,]]] fdm=marker|if &ff != 'unix'|setlocal ma ff=unix noma|endif|call vimball#ShowMesg(0,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)")
+au SourceCmd *.vmb.gz,*.vmb.bz2,*,*.vmb.xz			if expand("%")!=expand("<afile>") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand("<afile>"))|endif|call vimball#Decompress(expand("<amatch>"))|so %|if expand("%")!=expand("<afile>")|close|endif
+au SourceCmd *.vmb											if expand("%")!=expand("<afile>") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand("<afile>"))|call vimball#Vimball(1)|close|else|call vimball#Vimball(1)|endif
 " =====================================================================
 " Restoration And Modelines: {{{1
--- a/runtime/plugin/zipPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/zipPlugin.vim
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_zipPlugin")
-let g:loaded_zipPlugin = "v23"
+let g:loaded_zipPlugin = "v24"
 let s:keepcpo          = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ augroup zip
   au FileWriteCmd zipfile:*/*	call zip#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd   *.zip,*.jar,*.xpi,*.war,*.ear		call zip#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd   *.zip,*.jar,*.xpi,*.war,*.ear,*.celzip		call zip#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
 augroup END
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/runtime/syntax/2html.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/2html.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 " Vim syntax support file
 " Maintainer: Ben Fritz <>
-" Last Change: 2011 Apr 05
+" Last Change: 2011 May 27
 " Additional contributors:
@@ -635,11 +635,22 @@ if s:settings.dynamic_folds
   " close all folds again so we can get the fold text as we go
   silent! %foldclose!
+  " Go through and remove folds we don't need to (or cannot) process in the
+  " current conversion range
+  "
+  " If a fold is removed which contains other folds, which are included, we need
+  " to adjust the level of the included folds as used by the conversion logic
+  " (avoiding special cases is good)
+  "
+  " Note any time we remove a fold, either all of the included folds are in it,
+  " or none of them, because we only remove a fold if neither its start nor its
+  " end are within the conversion range.
+  let leveladjust = 0
   for afold in s:allfolds
     let removed = 0
     if exists("g:html_start_line") && exists("g:html_end_line")
       if afold.firstline < g:html_start_line
-	if afold.lastline < g:html_end_line && afold.lastline > g:html_start_line
+	if afold.lastline <= g:html_end_line && afold.lastline >= g:html_start_line
 	  " if a fold starts before the range to convert but stops within the
 	  " range, we need to include it. Make it start on the first converted
 	  " line.
@@ -649,6 +660,9 @@ if s:settings.dynamic_folds
 	  " the entire range, don't bother parsing it
 	  call remove(s:allfolds, index(s:allfolds, afold))
 	  let removed = 1
+	  if afold.lastline > g:html_end_line
+	    let leveladjust += 1
+	  endif
       elseif afold.firstline > g:html_end_line
 	" If the entire fold lies outside the range we need to remove it.
@@ -671,11 +685,23 @@ if s:settings.dynamic_folds
     if !removed
+      let afold.level -= leveladjust
       if afold.level+1 > s:foldcolumn
 	let s:foldcolumn = afold.level+1
+  " if we've removed folds containing the conversion range from processing,
+  " getting foldtext as we go won't know to open the removed folds, so the
+  " foldtext would be wrong; open them now.
+  "
+  " Note that only when a start and an end line is specified will a fold
+  " containing the current range ever be removed.
+  while leveladjust > 0
+    exe g:html_start_line."foldopen"
+    let leveladjust -= 1
+  endwhile
 " Now loop over all lines in the original text to convert to html.
--- a/runtime/syntax/automake.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/automake.vim
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 " Language:	automake
 " Maintainer:   Debian VIM Maintainers <>
 " Former Maintainer:	John Williams <>
-" Last Change:	2007-10-14
-" URL:;a=blob_plain;f=runtime/syntax/automake.vim;hb=debian
+" Last Change:	2011-06-13
+" URL:
 " XXX This file is in need of a new maintainer, Debian VIM Maintainers maintain
 "     it only because patches have been submitted for it by Debian users and the
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
 " when they are used in an inappropriate place, such as in defining
+" Standard syntax initialization
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
 " Read the Makefile syntax to start with
 if version < 600
@@ -25,27 +31,28 @@ else
   runtime! syntax/make.vim
-syn match automakePrimary "^[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\(_PROGRAMS\|LIBRARIES\|_LIST\|_SCRIPTS\|_DATA\|_HEADERS\|_MANS\|_TEXINFOS\|_JAVA\|_LTLIBRARIES\)\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakePrimary "^TESTS\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeSecondary "^[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\(_SOURCES\|_LDADD\|_LIBADD\|_LDFLAGS\|_DEPENDENCIES\|_CPPFLAGS\)\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeSecondary "^OMIT_DEPENDENCIES\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeExtra "^EXTRA_[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeOptions "^\(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS\|ETAGS_ARGS\|TAGS_DEPENDENCIES\)\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeClean "^\(MOSTLY\|DIST\|MAINTAINER\)\=CLEANFILES\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeSubdirs "^\(DIST_\)\=SUBDIRS\s*="me=e-1
-syn match automakeConditional "^\(if\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\|else\|endif\)\s*$"
+syn match automakePrimary "^\w\+\(_PROGRAMS\|_LIBRARIES\|_LISP\|_PYTHON\|_JAVA\|_SCRIPTS\|_DATA\|_HEADERS\|_MANS\|_TEXINFOS\|_LTLIBRARIES\)\s*\ze+\=="
+syn match automakePrimary "^TESTS\s*\ze+\=="me=e-1
+syn match automakeExtra "^EXTRA_\w\+\s*\ze+\=="
+syn match automakeClean "^\(MOSTLY\|DIST\|MAINTAINER\)\=CLEANFILES\s*\ze+\=="
+syn match automakeSubdirs "^\(DIST_\)\=SUBDIRS\s*\ze+\=="
+syn match automakeConditional "^\(if\s*!\=\w\+\|else\|endif\)\s*$"
-syn match automakeSubst     "@[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+@"
-syn match automakeSubst     "^\s*@[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+@"
+syn match automakeSubst     "@\w\+@"
+syn match automakeSubst     "^\s*@\w\+@"
 syn match automakeComment1 "#.*$" contains=automakeSubst
 syn match automakeComment2 "##.*$"
 syn match automakeMakeError "$[{(][^})]*[^a-zA-Z0-9_})][^})]*[})]" " GNU make function call
+syn match automakeMakeError "^AM_LDADD\s*\ze+\==" " Common mistake
-syn region automakeNoSubst start="^EXTRA_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*=" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,automakeNoSubst transparent
-syn region automakeNoSubst start="^DIST_SUBDIRS\s*=" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,automakeNoSubst transparent
-syn region automakeNoSubst start="^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*_SOURCES\s*=" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,automakeNoSubst transparent
-syn match automakeBadSubst  "@\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*@\=\)\=" contained
+syn region automakeNoSubst start="^EXTRA_\w*\s*+\==" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,automakeNoSubst transparent
+syn region automakeNoSubst start="^DIST_SUBDIRS\s*+\==" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,automakeNoSubst transparent
+syn region automakeNoSubst start="^\w*_SOURCES\s*+\==" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,automakeNoSubst transparent
+syn match automakeBadSubst  "@\(\w*@\=\)\=" contained
 syn region  automakeMakeDString start=+"+  skip=+\\"+  end=+"+  contains=makeIdent,automakeSubstitution
 syn region  automakeMakeSString start=+'+  skip=+\\'+  end=+'+  contains=makeIdent,automakeSubstitution
--- a/runtime/syntax/bib.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/bib.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 " Language:	BibTeX (bibliographic database format for (La)TeX)
 " Maintainer:	Bernd Feige <>
 " Filenames:	*.bib
-" Last Change:	Aug 02, 2005
+" Last Change:	Mar 23, 2011
 " Thanks to those who pointed out problems with this file or supplied fixes!
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ syn keyword bibEntryKw contained	number 
 syn keyword bibEntryKw contained	school series title type volume year
 " Non-standard:
 syn keyword bibNSEntryKw contained	abstract isbn issn keywords url
+" AMS mref
+syn keyword bibNSEntryKw contained	mrclass mrnumber mrreviewer fjournal coden
 " Clusters
 " ========
@@ -55,11 +57,11 @@ syn region bibEntryData contained start=
 " Actually, 5.8 <= Vim < 6.0 would ignore the `fold' keyword anyway, but Vim<5.8 would produce
 " an error, so we explicitly distinguish versions with and without folding functionality:
 if version < 600
-  syn region bibEntry start=/@\S\+[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/ transparent contains=bibType,bibEntryData nextgroup=bibComment
+  syn region bibEntry start=/@\S\+\s*[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/ transparent contains=bibType,bibEntryData nextgroup=bibComment
-  syn region bibEntry start=/@\S\+[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/ transparent fold contains=bibType,bibEntryData nextgroup=bibComment
+  syn region bibEntry start=/@\S\+\s*[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/ transparent fold contains=bibType,bibEntryData nextgroup=bibComment
-syn region bibComment2 start=/@Comment[{(]/ end=/^\s*@/me=e-1 contains=@bibCommentContents nextgroup=bibEntry
+syn region bibComment2 start=/@Comment\s*[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/me=e-1 contains=@bibCommentContents nextgroup=bibEntry
 " Synchronization
 " ===============
--- a/runtime/syntax/debchangelog.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/debchangelog.vim
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 " Maintainer:  Debian Vim Maintainers <>
 " Former Maintainers: Gerfried Fuchs <>
 "                     Wichert Akkerman <>
-" Last Change: 2010 Oct 21
-" URL:
+" Last Change: 2011 June 01
+" URL:
 " Standard syntax initialization
 if version < 600
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ syn case ignore
 " Define some common expressions we can use later on
 syn match debchangelogName	contained "^[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:].+-]\+ "
 syn match debchangelogUrgency	contained "; urgency=\(low\|medium\|high\|critical\|emergency\)\( \S.*\)\="
-syn match debchangelogTarget	contained "\v %(frozen|unstable|%(testing|%(old)=stable)%(-proposed-updates|-security)=|experimental|%(lenny|squeeze)-%(backports%(-sloppy)=|volatile)|%(dapper|hardy|jaunty|karmic|lucid|maverick|natty)%(-%(security|proposed|updates|backports|commercial|partner))=)+"
+syn match debchangelogTarget	contained "\v %(frozen|unstable|%(testing|%(old)=stable)%(-proposed-updates|-security)=|experimental|%(lenny|squeeze)-%(backports%(-sloppy)=|volatile)|%(hardy|lucid|maverick|natty|oneiric)%(-%(security|proposed|updates|backports|commercial|partner))=)+"
 syn match debchangelogVersion	contained "(.\{-})"
 syn match debchangelogCloses	contained "closes:\_s*\(bug\)\=#\=\_s\=\d\+\(,\_s*\(bug\)\=#\=\_s\=\d\+\)*"
 syn match debchangelogLP	contained "\clp:\s\+#\d\+\(,\s*#\d\+\)*"
--- a/runtime/syntax/debcontrol.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/debcontrol.vim
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 " Maintainer:  Debian Vim Maintainers <>
 " Former Maintainers: Gerfried Fuchs <>
 "                     Wichert Akkerman <>
-" Last Change: 2010 Oct 21
-" URL:
+" Last Change: 2011 June 01
+" URL:
 " Standard syntax initialization
 if version < 600
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ syn match debControlComma ", *"
 syn match debControlSpace " "
 " Define some common expressions we can use later on
-syn match debcontrolArchitecture contained "\%(all\|any\|alpha\|amd64\|arm\%(e[bl]\)\=\|avr32\|hppa\|i386\|ia64\|lpia\|m32r\|m68k\|mips\%(el\)\=\|powerpc\|ppc64\|s390x\=\|sh[34]\(eb\)\=\|sh\|sparc\%(64\)\=\|hurd-i386\|kfreebsd-\%(i386\|amd64\|gnu\)\|knetbsd-i386\|kopensolaris-i386\|netbsd-\%(alpha\|i386\)\)"
+syn match debcontrolArchitecture contained "\%(all\|any\|linux-any\|\%(any-\)\=\%(alpha\|amd64\|arm\%(e[bl]\)\=\|avr32\|hppa\|i386\|ia64\|lpia\|m32r\|m68k\|mips\%(el\)\=\|powerpc\|ppc64\|s390x\=\|sh[34]\(eb\)\=\|sh\|sparc\%(64\)\=\)\|hurd-\%(i386\|any\)\|kfreebsd-\%(i386\|amd64\|any\)\|knetbsd-\%(i386\|any\)\|kopensolaris-\%(i386\|any\)\|netbsd-\%(alpha\|i386\|any\)\)"
+syn match debcontrolMultiArch contained "\%(no\|foreign\|allowed\|same\)"
 syn match debcontrolName contained "[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+.-]\+"
 syn match debcontrolPriority contained "\(extra\|important\|optional\|required\|standard\)"
 syn match debcontrolSection contained "\v((contrib|non-free|non-US/main|non-US/contrib|non-US/non-free|restricted|universe|multiverse)/)?(admin|cli-mono|comm|database|debian-installer|debug|devel|doc|editors|electronics|embedded|fonts|games|gnome|gnustep|gnu-r|graphics|hamradio|haskell|httpd|interpreters|java|kde|kernel|libs|libdevel|lisp|localization|mail|math|metapackages|misc|net|news|ocaml|oldlibs|otherosfs|perl|php|python|ruby|science|shells|sound|text|tex|utils|vcs|video|web|x11|xfce|zope)"
@@ -49,14 +50,15 @@ syn match debcontrolComment "^#.*$"
 syn case ignore
 " List of all legal keys
-syn match debcontrolKey contained "^\%(Source\|Package\|Section\|Priority\|\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Uploaders\|Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Indep\)\=\|Standards-Version\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Enhances\|Breaks\|Essential\|Architecture\|Description\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|Homepage\|\(XS-\)\=Vcs-\(Browser\|Arch\|Bzr\|Cvs\|Darcs\|Git\|Hg\|Mtn\|Svn\)\|XC-Package-Type\|\%(XS-\)\=DM-Upload-Allowed\): *"
+syn match debcontrolKey contained "^\%(Source\|Package\|Section\|Priority\|\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Uploaders\|Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Indep\)\=\|Standards-Version\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Enhances\|Breaks\|Essential\|Architecture\|Multi-Arch\|Description\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|Homepage\|\(XS-\)\=Vcs-\(Browser\|Arch\|Bzr\|Cvs\|Darcs\|Git\|Hg\|Mtn\|Svn\)\|\%(XC-\)\=Package-Type\|\%(XS-\)\=DM-Upload-Allowed\): *"
 " Fields for which we do strict syntax checking
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Architecture" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolArchitecture,debcontrolSpace oneline
+syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Multi-Arch" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolMultiArch oneline
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\(Package\|Source\)" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolName oneline
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Priority" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolPriority oneline
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Section" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolSection oneline
-syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^XC-Package-Type" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolPackageType oneline
+syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\%(XC-\)\=Package-Type" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolPackageType oneline
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Homepage" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolHTTPUrl oneline keepend
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\%(XS-\)\=Vcs-\%(Browser\|Arch\|Bzr\|Darcs\|Hg\)" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolHTTPUrl oneline keepend
 syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\%(XS-\)\=Vcs-Svn" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolVcsSvn,debcontrolHTTPUrl oneline keepend
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_debcon
   HiLink debcontrolStrictField	Error
   HiLink debcontrolMultiField	Normal
   HiLink debcontrolArchitecture	Normal
+  HiLink debcontrolMultiArch	Normal
   HiLink debcontrolName		Normal
   HiLink debcontrolPriority	Normal
   HiLink debcontrolSection	Normal
--- a/runtime/syntax/debsources.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/debsources.vim
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 " Language:     Debian sources.list
 " Maintainer:   Debian Vim Maintainers <>
 " Former Maintainer: Matthijs Mohlmann <>
-" Last Change: 2010 Oct 21
-" URL:
+" Last Change: 2011 June 01
+" URL:
 " Standard syntax initialization
 if version < 600
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ syn match debsourcesComment        /#.*/
 " Match uri's
 syn match debsourcesUri            +\(http://\|ftp://\|[rs]sh://\|debtorrent://\|\(cdrom\|copy\|file\):\)[^' 	<>"]\++
-syn match debsourcesDistrKeyword   +\([[:alnum:]_./]*\)\(lenny\|squeeze\|\(old\)\=stable\|testing\|unstable\|sid\|rc-buggy\|experimental\|dapper\|hardy\|jaunty\|karmic\|lucid\|maverick\|natty\)\([-[:alnum:]_./]*\)+
+syn match debsourcesDistrKeyword   +\([[:alnum:]_./]*\)\(lenny\|squeeze\|wheezy\|\(old\)\=stable\|testing\|unstable\|sid\|rc-buggy\|experimental\|hardy\|lucid\|maverick\|natty\|oneiric\)\([-[:alnum:]_./]*\)+
 " Associate our matches and regions with pretty colours
 hi def link debsourcesLine            Error
--- a/runtime/syntax/gdmo.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/gdmo.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 " Vim syntax file
 " Language:	GDMO
 "		(ISO-10165-4; Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Object)
-" Maintainer:	Gyuman Kim <>
-" URL:
-" Last change:	2001 Sep 02
+" Maintainer:	Gyuman (Chester) Kim <>
+" URL:
+" Last change:	8th June, 2011
 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/jovial.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: JOVIAL J73
+" Version: 1.2
+" Maintainer: Paul McGinnis <>
+" Last Change: 2011/06/17
+" Remark: Based on MIL-STD-1589C for JOVIAL J73 language
+" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syn case ignore
+syn keyword jovialTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
+" JOVIAL beads - first digit is number of bits, [0-9A-V] is the bit value
+" representing 0-31 (for 5 bits on the bead)
+syn match jovialBitConstant "[1-5]B'[0-9A-V]'"
+syn match jovialNumber "\<\d\+\>"
+syn match jovialFloat "\d\+E[-+]\=\d\+"
+syn match jovialFloat "\d\+\.\d*\(E[-+]\=\d\+\)\="
+syn match jovialFloat "\.\d\+\(E[-+]\=\d\+\)\="
+syn region jovialComment start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=jovialTodo
+syn region jovialComment start=/%/ end=/%/ contains=jovialTodo
+" JOVIAL variable names. This rule is to prevent conflicts with strings.
+" Handle special case where ' character can be part of a JOVIAL variable name.
+syn match jovialIdentifier "[A-Z\$][A-Z0-9'\$]\+"
+syn region jovialString start="\s*'" skip=/''/ end=/'/ oneline
+" JOVIAL compiler directives -- see Section 9 in MIL-STD-1589C
+syn region jovialPreProc start="\s*![A-Z]\+" end=/;/
+syn keyword jovialOperator AND OR NOT XOR EQV MOD
+" See Section 2.1 in MIL-STD-1589C for data types
+syn keyword jovialType ITEM B C P V
+syn match jovialType "\<S\(,R\|,T\|,Z\)\=\>"
+syn match jovialType "\<U\(,R\|,T\|,Z\)\=\>"
+syn match jovialType "\<F\(,R\|,T\|,Z\)\=\>"
+syn match jovialType "\<A\(,R\|,T\|,Z\)\=\>"
+syn keyword jovialStorageClass STATIC CONSTANT PARALLEL BLOCK N M D W
+syn keyword jovialStructure TABLE STATUS
+syn keyword jovialConstant NULL
+syn keyword jovialBoolean FALSE TRUE
+syn keyword jovialTypedef TYPE
+syn keyword jovialStatement TERM THEN WHILE
+" JOVIAL extensions, see section 8.2.2 in MIL-STD-1589C
+" implementation specific constants and functions, see section 1.4 in MIL-STD-1589C
+syn keyword jovialConstant MAXINTSIZE MAXBYTES MAXBITS
+syn keyword jovialFunction BYTEPOS MAXINT MININT
+" JOVIAL built-in functions
+syn keyword jovialFunction LAST NENT
+" Define the default highlighting.
+hi def link jovialBitConstant Number
+hi def link jovialBoolean Boolean
+hi def link jovialComment Comment
+hi def link jovialConstant Constant
+hi def link jovialFloat Float
+hi def link jovialFunction Function
+" No color highlighting for JOVIAL identifiers. See above,
+" this is to prevent confusion with JOVIAL strings
+"hi def link jovialIdentifier Identifier
+hi def link jovialNumber Number
+hi def link jovialOperator Operator
+hi def link jovialPreProc PreProc
+hi def link jovialStatement Statement
+hi def link jovialStorageClass StorageClass
+hi def link jovialString String
+hi def link jovialStructure Structure
+hi def link jovialTodo Todo
+hi def link jovialType Type
+hi def link jovialTypedef Typedef
+let b:current_syntax = "jovial"
+" vim: ts=8
--- a/runtime/syntax/matlab.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/matlab.vim
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 " Credits:	Preben 'Peppe' Guldberg <>
 "		Original author: Mario Eusebio
 " Last Change:	Wed Jan 13 11:12:34 CET 2010
+" 		sinh added to matlab implicit commands
+" Change History:
 " 		- 'global' and 'persistent' keyword are now recognized
 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ syn keyword matlabOperator		ceil floor s
 syn keyword matlabFunction		error eval function
 syn keyword matlabImplicit		abs acos atan asin cos cosh exp log prod sum
-syn keyword matlabImplicit		log10 max min sign sin sqrt tan reshape
+syn keyword matlabImplicit		log10 max min sign sin sinh sqrt tan reshape
 syn match matlabError	"-\=\<\d\+\.\d\+\.[^*/\\^]"
 syn match matlabError	"-\=\<\d\+\.\d\+[eEdD][-+]\=\d\+\.\([^*/\\^]\)"
--- a/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ if !exists("did_drchip_netrwlist_syntax"
  hi default link netrwTimeSep	netrwDateSep
  hi default link netrwComma	netrwComment
  hi default link netrwHide	netrwComment
- hi default link netrwMarkFile	DiffChange
+ hi default link netrwMarkFile	TabLineSel
  " special syntax highlighting (see :he g:netrw_special_syntax)
  hi default link netrwBak	NonText
--- a/runtime/syntax/xquery.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/xquery.vim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 " Author: René Neumann <>
 " Author: Steve Spigarelli <>
 " Original Author:	Jean-Marc Vanel <>
-" Last Change:	December 11, 2010
+" Last Change:	mar jui 12 18:04:05 CEST 2005
 " Filenames:	*.xq
 " URL:
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ syn match xqFloat   "\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]
 syn match xqNumber  "0x\x\+\(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>"
 syn match xqNumber  "\<\d\+\>"
-syn region xqString  start=+"+ end=+"+
+syn region xqString  start=+\z(['"]\)+ skip=+\\.+ end=+\z1+
 syn region xqComment start='(:' excludenl end=':)' contains=XQdoc
 syn match xqVariable "$\<[a-zA-Z:_][-.0-9a-zA-Z0-9:_]*\>"