view runtime/syntax/rtf.vim @ 33674:021e5bb88513 v9.0.2074

patch 9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Fri Oct 27 19:16:26 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: #13402 related: #12971 closes: #13408 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Fri, 27 Oct 2023 19:30:05 +0200
parents 5b7ea82bc18f
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	Rich Text Format
"		"*.rtf" files
" The Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification is a method of encoding formatted
" text and graphics for easy transfer between applications.
" .hlp (windows help files) use compiled rtf files
" rtf documentation at
" Maintainer:	Dominique Stéphan (
" URL:
" Last change:	2001 Mai 02

" TODO: render underline, italic, bold

" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")

" case on (all controls must be lower case)
syn case match

" Control Words
syn match rtfControlWord	"\\[a-z]\+[\-]\=[0-9]*"

" New Control Words (not in the 1987 specifications)
syn match rtfNewControlWord	"\\\*\\[a-z]\+[\-]\=[0-9]*"

" Control Symbol : any \ plus a non alpha symbol, *, \, { and } and '
syn match rtfControlSymbol	"\\[^a-zA-Z\*\{\}\\']"

" { } and \ are special characters, to use them
" we add a backslash \
syn match rtfCharacter		"\\\\"
syn match rtfCharacter		"\\{"
syn match rtfCharacter		"\\}"
" Escaped characters (for 8 bytes characters upper than 127)
syn match rtfCharacter		"\\'[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]"
" Unicode
syn match rtfUnicodeCharacter	"\\u[0-9][0-9]*"

" Color values, we will put this value in Red, Green or Blue
syn match rtfRed		"\\red[0-9][0-9]*"
syn match rtfGreen		"\\green[0-9][0-9]*"
syn match rtfBlue		"\\blue[0-9][0-9]*"

" Some stuff for help files
syn match rtfFootNote "[#$K+]{\\footnote.*}" contains=rtfControlWord,rtfNewControlWord

" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet

hi def link rtfControlWord		Statement
hi def link rtfNewControlWord	Special
hi def link rtfControlSymbol	Constant
hi def link rtfCharacter		Character
hi def link rtfUnicodeCharacter	SpecialChar
hi def link rtfFootNote		Comment

" Define colors for the syntax file
hi rtfRed	      term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=DarkRed gui=underline guifg=DarkRed
hi rtfGreen	      term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=underline guifg=DarkGreen
hi rtfBlue	      term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=DarkBlue gui=underline guifg=DarkBlue

hi def link rtfRed	rtfRed
hi def link rtfGreen	rtfGreen
hi def link rtfBlue	rtfBlue

let b:current_syntax = "rtf"

" vim:ts=8