view runtime/syntax/2html.vim @ 33566:e1e3805fcd96 v9.0.2028

patch 9.0.2028: confusing build dependencies Commit: Author: Yee Cheng Chin <> Date: Sun Oct 15 09:50:53 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.2028: confusing build dependencies Problem: confusing build dependencies Solution: clean them up, make them parallelizable Separate vim binary and unittest dependencies, make them parallelizable Clean up make dependencies so Vim and unit test binaries only depend on the object files they need. This fixes an existing issue where after running unit tests, the Vim binary would be invalidated, which results in it having to be linked again when running script tests, even though Vim was already previously built. Make (script we use to link those binaries) generate namespaced temporary files for each app to avoid them colliding with each other. This allows `unittesttargets` to be built in parallel. These fixes are useful when using link-time-optimization as the link phase could now take minutes rather than a few seconds. closes: #13344 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yee Cheng Chin <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 15 Oct 2023 10:00:03 +0200
parents d77a9aab91ad
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax support file
" Maintainer: Ben Fritz <>
" Last Change: 2023 Sep 05
" Additional contributors:
"             Original by Bram Moolenaar <>
"             Modified by David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <>
"             XHTML support by Panagiotis Issaris <>
"             Made w3 compliant by Edd Barrett <>
"             Added html_font. Edd Barrett <>
"             Progress bar based off code from "progressbar widget" plugin by
"               Andreas Politz, heavily modified:
"             See Mercurial change logs for more!

" Transform a file into HTML, using the current syntax highlighting.

" this file uses line continuations
let s:cpo_sav = &cpo
let s:ls  = &ls
let s:ei_sav = &eventignore
set cpo&vim

" HTML filetype can take a while to load/highlight if the destination file
" already exists.
set eventignore+=FileType

let s:end=line('$')

" Font
if exists("g:html_font")
  if type(g:html_font) == type([])
    let s:htmlfont = "'".. join(g:html_font,"','") .. "', monospace"
    let s:htmlfont = "'".. g:html_font .. "', monospace"
  let s:htmlfont = "monospace"

let s:settings = tohtml#GetUserSettings()

if s:settings.use_xhtml
  let s:html5 = 0
elseif s:settings.use_css && !s:settings.no_pre
  let s:html5 = 1
  let s:html5 = 0

if !exists('s:FOLDED_ID')
  let s:FOLDED_ID  = hlID("Folded")     | lockvar s:FOLDED_ID
  let s:FOLD_C_ID  = hlID("FoldColumn") | lockvar s:FOLD_C_ID
  let s:LINENR_ID  = hlID('LineNr')     | lockvar s:LINENR_ID
  let s:DIFF_D_ID  = hlID("DiffDelete") | lockvar s:DIFF_D_ID
  let s:DIFF_A_ID  = hlID("DiffAdd")    | lockvar s:DIFF_A_ID
  let s:DIFF_C_ID  = hlID("DiffChange") | lockvar s:DIFF_C_ID
  let s:DIFF_T_ID  = hlID("DiffText")   | lockvar s:DIFF_T_ID
  let s:CONCEAL_ID = hlID('Conceal')    | lockvar s:CONCEAL_ID

" Whitespace
if s:settings.pre_wrap
  let s:whitespace = "white-space: pre-wrap; "
  let s:whitespace = ""

if !empty(s:settings.prevent_copy)
  if s:settings.no_invalid
    " User has decided they don't want invalid markup. Still works in
    " OpenOffice, and for text editors, but when pasting into Microsoft Word the
    " input elements get pasted too and they cannot be deleted (at least not
    " easily).
    let s:unselInputType = ""
    " Prevent from copy-pasting the input elements into Microsoft Word where
    " they cannot be deleted easily by deliberately inserting invalid markup.
    let s:unselInputType = " type='invalid_input_type'"

" When gui colors are not supported, we can only guess the colors.
" TODO - is this true anymore? Is there a way to ask the terminal what colors
" each number means or read them from some file?
if &termguicolors || has("gui_running")
  let s:whatterm = "gui"
  let s:whatterm = "cterm"
  if &t_Co == 8
    let s:cterm_color = {
	    \   0: "#808080", 1: "#ff6060", 2: "#00ff00", 3: "#ffff00",
	    \   4: "#8080ff", 5: "#ff40ff", 6: "#00ffff", 7: "#ffffff"
	    \ }
    let s:cterm_color = {
	    \   0: "#000000", 1: "#c00000", 2: "#008000", 3: "#804000", 
	    \   4: "#0000c0", 5: "#c000c0", 6: "#008080", 7: "#c0c0c0", 
	    \   8: "#808080", 9: "#ff6060", 10: "#00ff00", 11: "#ffff00",
	    \   12: "#8080ff", 13: "#ff40ff", 14: "#00ffff", 15: "#ffffff"
	    \ }

    " Colors for 88 and 256 come from xterm.
    if &t_Co == 88
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   16: "#000000", 17: "#00008b", 18: "#0000cd", 19: "#0000ff",
	    \   20: "#008b00", 21: "#008b8b", 22: "#008bcd", 23: "#008bff",
	    \   24: "#00cd00", 25: "#00cd8b", 26: "#00cdcd", 27: "#00cdff",
	    \   28: "#00ff00", 29: "#00ff8b", 30: "#00ffcd", 31: "#00ffff",
	    \   32: "#8b0000", 33: "#8b008b", 34: "#8b00cd", 35: "#8b00ff",
	    \   36: "#8b8b00", 37: "#8b8b8b", 38: "#8b8bcd", 39: "#8b8bff",
	    \   40: "#8bcd00", 41: "#8bcd8b", 42: "#8bcdcd", 43: "#8bcdff",
	    \   44: "#8bff00", 45: "#8bff8b", 46: "#8bffcd", 47: "#8bffff",
	    \   48: "#cd0000", 49: "#cd008b", 50: "#cd00cd", 51: "#cd00ff",
	    \   52: "#cd8b00", 53: "#cd8b8b", 54: "#cd8bcd", 55: "#cd8bff",
	    \   56: "#cdcd00", 57: "#cdcd8b", 58: "#cdcdcd", 59: "#cdcdff",
	    \   60: "#cdff00", 61: "#cdff8b", 62: "#cdffcd", 63: "#cdffff",
	    \   64: "#ff0000"
	    \ })
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   65: "#ff008b", 66: "#ff00cd", 67: "#ff00ff", 68: "#ff8b00",
	    \   69: "#ff8b8b", 70: "#ff8bcd", 71: "#ff8bff", 72: "#ffcd00",
	    \   73: "#ffcd8b", 74: "#ffcdcd", 75: "#ffcdff", 76: "#ffff00",
	    \   77: "#ffff8b", 78: "#ffffcd", 79: "#ffffff", 80: "#2e2e2e",
	    \   81: "#5c5c5c", 82: "#737373", 83: "#8b8b8b", 84: "#a2a2a2",
	    \   85: "#b9b9b9", 86: "#d0d0d0", 87: "#e7e7e7"
	    \ })
    elseif &t_Co == 256
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   16: "#000000", 17: "#00005f", 18: "#000087", 19: "#0000af",
	    \   20: "#0000d7", 21: "#0000ff", 22: "#005f00", 23: "#005f5f",
	    \   24: "#005f87", 25: "#005faf", 26: "#005fd7", 27: "#005fff",
	    \   28: "#008700", 29: "#00875f", 30: "#008787", 31: "#0087af",
	    \   32: "#0087d7", 33: "#0087ff", 34: "#00af00", 35: "#00af5f",
	    \   36: "#00af87", 37: "#00afaf", 38: "#00afd7", 39: "#00afff",
	    \   40: "#00d700", 41: "#00d75f", 42: "#00d787", 43: "#00d7af",
	    \   44: "#00d7d7", 45: "#00d7ff", 46: "#00ff00", 47: "#00ff5f",
	    \   48: "#00ff87", 49: "#00ffaf", 50: "#00ffd7", 51: "#00ffff",
	    \   52: "#5f0000", 53: "#5f005f", 54: "#5f0087", 55: "#5f00af",
	    \   56: "#5f00d7", 57: "#5f00ff", 58: "#5f5f00", 59: "#5f5f5f",
	    \   60: "#5f5f87", 61: "#5f5faf", 62: "#5f5fd7", 63: "#5f5fff",
	    \   64: "#5f8700"
	    \ })
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   65: "#5f875f", 66: "#5f8787", 67: "#5f87af", 68: "#5f87d7",
	    \   69: "#5f87ff", 70: "#5faf00", 71: "#5faf5f", 72: "#5faf87",
	    \   73: "#5fafaf", 74: "#5fafd7", 75: "#5fafff", 76: "#5fd700",
	    \   77: "#5fd75f", 78: "#5fd787", 79: "#5fd7af", 80: "#5fd7d7",
	    \   81: "#5fd7ff", 82: "#5fff00", 83: "#5fff5f", 84: "#5fff87",
	    \   85: "#5fffaf", 86: "#5fffd7", 87: "#5fffff", 88: "#870000",
	    \   89: "#87005f", 90: "#870087", 91: "#8700af", 92: "#8700d7",
	    \   93: "#8700ff", 94: "#875f00", 95: "#875f5f", 96: "#875f87",
	    \   97: "#875faf", 98: "#875fd7", 99: "#875fff", 100: "#878700",
	    \   101: "#87875f", 102: "#878787", 103: "#8787af", 104: "#8787d7",
	    \   105: "#8787ff", 106: "#87af00", 107: "#87af5f", 108: "#87af87",
	    \   109: "#87afaf", 110: "#87afd7", 111: "#87afff", 112: "#87d700"
	    \ })
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   113: "#87d75f", 114: "#87d787", 115: "#87d7af", 116: "#87d7d7",
	    \   117: "#87d7ff", 118: "#87ff00", 119: "#87ff5f", 120: "#87ff87",
	    \   121: "#87ffaf", 122: "#87ffd7", 123: "#87ffff", 124: "#af0000",
	    \   125: "#af005f", 126: "#af0087", 127: "#af00af", 128: "#af00d7",
	    \   129: "#af00ff", 130: "#af5f00", 131: "#af5f5f", 132: "#af5f87",
	    \   133: "#af5faf", 134: "#af5fd7", 135: "#af5fff", 136: "#af8700",
	    \   137: "#af875f", 138: "#af8787", 139: "#af87af", 140: "#af87d7",
	    \   141: "#af87ff", 142: "#afaf00", 143: "#afaf5f", 144: "#afaf87",
	    \   145: "#afafaf", 146: "#afafd7", 147: "#afafff", 148: "#afd700",
	    \   149: "#afd75f", 150: "#afd787", 151: "#afd7af", 152: "#afd7d7",
	    \   153: "#afd7ff", 154: "#afff00", 155: "#afff5f", 156: "#afff87",
	    \   157: "#afffaf", 158: "#afffd7"
	    \ })
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   159: "#afffff", 160: "#d70000", 161: "#d7005f", 162: "#d70087",
	    \   163: "#d700af", 164: "#d700d7", 165: "#d700ff", 166: "#d75f00",
	    \   167: "#d75f5f", 168: "#d75f87", 169: "#d75faf", 170: "#d75fd7",
	    \   171: "#d75fff", 172: "#d78700", 173: "#d7875f", 174: "#d78787",
	    \   175: "#d787af", 176: "#d787d7", 177: "#d787ff", 178: "#d7af00",
	    \   179: "#d7af5f", 180: "#d7af87", 181: "#d7afaf", 182: "#d7afd7",
	    \   183: "#d7afff", 184: "#d7d700", 185: "#d7d75f", 186: "#d7d787",
	    \   187: "#d7d7af", 188: "#d7d7d7", 189: "#d7d7ff", 190: "#d7ff00",
	    \   191: "#d7ff5f", 192: "#d7ff87", 193: "#d7ffaf", 194: "#d7ffd7",
	    \   195: "#d7ffff", 196: "#ff0000", 197: "#ff005f", 198: "#ff0087",
	    \   199: "#ff00af", 200: "#ff00d7", 201: "#ff00ff", 202: "#ff5f00",
	    \   203: "#ff5f5f", 204: "#ff5f87"
	    \ })
      call extend(s:cterm_color, {
	    \   205: "#ff5faf", 206: "#ff5fd7", 207: "#ff5fff", 208: "#ff8700",
	    \   209: "#ff875f", 210: "#ff8787", 211: "#ff87af", 212: "#ff87d7",
	    \   213: "#ff87ff", 214: "#ffaf00", 215: "#ffaf5f", 216: "#ffaf87",
	    \   217: "#ffafaf", 218: "#ffafd7", 219: "#ffafff", 220: "#ffd700",
	    \   221: "#ffd75f", 222: "#ffd787", 223: "#ffd7af", 224: "#ffd7d7",
	    \   225: "#ffd7ff", 226: "#ffff00", 227: "#ffff5f", 228: "#ffff87",
	    \   229: "#ffffaf", 230: "#ffffd7", 231: "#ffffff", 232: "#080808",
	    \   233: "#121212", 234: "#1c1c1c", 235: "#262626", 236: "#303030",
	    \   237: "#3a3a3a", 238: "#444444", 239: "#4e4e4e", 240: "#585858",
	    \   241: "#626262", 242: "#6c6c6c", 243: "#767676", 244: "#808080",
	    \   245: "#8a8a8a", 246: "#949494", 247: "#9e9e9e", 248: "#a8a8a8",
	    \   249: "#b2b2b2", 250: "#bcbcbc", 251: "#c6c6c6", 252: "#d0d0d0",
	    \   253: "#dadada", 254: "#e4e4e4", 255: "#eeeeee"
	    \ })

" Return good color specification: in GUI no transformation is done, in
" terminal return RGB values of known colors and empty string for unknown
if s:whatterm == "gui"
  function! s:HtmlColor(color)
    return a:color
  function! s:HtmlColor(color)
    if has_key(s:cterm_color, a:color)
      return s:cterm_color[a:color]
      return ""

" Find out the background and foreground color for use later
let s:fgc = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(hlID("Normal")->synIDtrans(), "fg#", s:whatterm))
let s:bgc = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(hlID("Normal")->synIDtrans(), "bg#", s:whatterm))
if s:fgc == ""
  let s:fgc = ( &background == "dark" ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" )
if s:bgc == ""
  let s:bgc = ( &background == "dark" ? "#000000" : "#ffffff" )

if !s:settings.use_css
  " Return opening HTML tag for given highlight id
  function! s:HtmlOpening(id, extra_attrs)
    let a = ""
    let translated_ID = synIDtrans(a:id)
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "inverse")
      " For inverse, we always must set both colors (and exchange them)
      let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "fg#", s:whatterm))
      let a = a .. '<span '..a:extra_attrs..'style="background-color: ' .. ( x != "" ? x : s:fgc ) .. '">'
      let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "bg#", s:whatterm))
      let a = a .. '<font color="' .. ( x != "" ? x : s:bgc ) .. '">'
      let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "bg#", s:whatterm))
      if x != ""
	let a = a .. '<span '..a:extra_attrs..'style="background-color: ' .. x .. '">'
      elseif !empty(a:extra_attrs)
	let a = a .. '<span '..a:extra_attrs..'>'
      let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "fg#", s:whatterm))
      if x != "" | let a = a .. '<font color="' .. x .. '">' | endif
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "bold") | let a = a .. "<b>" | endif
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "italic") | let a = a .. "<i>" | endif
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "underline") | let a = a .. "<u>" | endif
    return a

  " Return closing HTML tag for given highlight id
  function! s:HtmlClosing(id, has_extra_attrs)
    let a = ""
    let translated_ID = synIDtrans(a:id)
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "underline") | let a = a .. "</u>" | endif
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "italic") | let a = a .. "</i>" | endif
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "bold") | let a = a .. "</b>" | endif
    if synIDattr(translated_ID, "inverse")
      let a = a .. '</font></span>'
      let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "fg#", s:whatterm))
      if x != "" | let a = a .. '</font>' | endif
      let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "bg#", s:whatterm))
      if x != "" || a:has_extra_attrs | let a = a .. '</span>' | endif
    return a

" Use a different function for formatting based on user options. This way we
" can avoid a lot of logic during the actual execution.
" Build the function line by line containing only what is needed for the options
" in use for maximum code sharing with minimal branch logic for greater speed.
" Note, 'exec' commands do not recognize line continuations, so must concatenate
" lines rather than continue them.
if s:settings.use_css
  " save CSS to a list of rules to add to the output at the end of processing

  " first, get the style names we need
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines = []
  call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	function! s:BuildStyleWrapper(style_id, diff_style_id, extra_attrs, text, make_unselectable, unformatted)
	  let l:style_name = synIDattr(a:style_id, "name", s:whatterm)
  if &diff
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	  let l:diff_style_name = synIDattr(a:diff_style_id, "name", s:whatterm)

    " Add normal groups and diff groups to separate lists so we can order them to
    " allow diff highlight to override normal highlight

    " if primary style IS a diff style, grab it from the diff cache instead
    " (always succeeds because we pre-populate it)
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET

	  if a:style_id == s:DIFF_D_ID || a:style_id == s:DIFF_A_ID || a:style_id == s:DIFF_C_ID || a:style_id == s:DIFF_T_ID
	    let l:saved_style = get(s:diffstylelist,a:style_id)

  " get primary style info from cache or build it on the fly if not found
  call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	    let l:saved_style = get(s:stylelist,a:style_id)
	    if type(l:saved_style) == type(0)
	      unlet l:saved_style
	      let l:saved_style = s:CSS1(a:style_id)
	      if l:saved_style != ""
	        let l:saved_style = "." .. l:style_name .. " { " .. l:saved_style .. "}"
	      let s:stylelist[a:style_id] = l:saved_style
  if &diff
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
" Ignore this comment, just bypassing a highlighting issue: if

  " Build the wrapper tags around the text. It turns out that caching these
  " gives pretty much zero performance gain and adds a lot of logic.

  call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET

	  if l:saved_style == "" && empty(a:extra_attrs)
  if &diff
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	    if a:diff_style_id <= 0
  " no surroundings if neither primary nor diff style has any info
  call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	      return a:text
  if &diff
    " no primary style, but diff style
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	      return '<span class="' ..l:diff_style_name .. '">'..a:text.."</span>"
  " Ignore this comment, just bypassing a highlighting issue: if

  " open tag for non-empty primary style
  call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
  " non-empty primary style. handle either empty or non-empty diff style.
  " separate the two classes by a space to apply them both if there is a diff
  " style name, unless the primary style is empty, then just use the diff style
  " name
  let s:diffstyle =
	  \ (&diff ? '(a:diff_style_id <= 0 ? "" : " " .. l:diff_style_name)..'
	  \        : '')
  if s:settings.prevent_copy == ""
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim eval ENDLET
	    return "<span "..a:extra_attrs..'class="' .. l:style_name ..{s:diffstyle}'">'..a:text.."</span>"

    " New method: use generated content in the CSS. The only thing needed here
    " is a span with no content, with an attribute holding the desired text.
    " Old method: use an <input> element when text is unsectable. This is still
    " used in conditional comments for Internet Explorer, where the new method
    " doesn't work.
    " Wrap the <input> in a <span> to allow fixing the stupid bug in some fonts
    " which cause browsers to display a 1px gap between lines when these
    " <input>s have a background color (maybe not really a bug, this isn't
    " well-defined)
    " use strwidth, because we care only about how many character boxes are
    " needed to size the input, we don't care how many characters (including
    " separately counted composing chars, from strchars()) or bytes (from
    " len())the string contains. strdisplaywidth() is not needed because none of
    " the unselectable groups can contain tab characters (fold column, fold
    " text, line number).
    " Note, if maxlength property needs to be added in the future, it will need
    " to use strchars(), because HTML specifies that the maxlength parameter
    " uses the number of unique codepoints for its limit.
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim eval ENDLET
	    if a:make_unselectable
	      let return_span = "<span "..a:extra_attrs..'class="' .. l:style_name ..{s:diffstyle}'"'
    if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'all'
      call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
      let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	      let return_span ..= " data-" .. l:style_name .. '-content="'..a:text..'"'
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	      let return_span ..= '>'
    if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'none'
      call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
      let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim eval ENDLET
	      let return_span ..=   '<input'..s:unselInputType..' class="' .. l:style_name ..{s:diffstyle}'"'
	      let return_span ..=   ' value="'..substitute(a:unformatted,'\s\+$',"","")..'"'
	      let return_span ..=   " onselect='this.blur(); return false;'"
	      let return_span ..=   " onmousedown='this.blur(); return false;'"
	      let return_span ..=   " onclick='this.blur(); return false;'"
	      let return_span ..=   " readonly='readonly'"
	      let return_span ..=   ' size="'..strwidth(a:unformatted)..'"'
	      let return_span ..=   (s:settings.use_xhtml ? '/>' : '>')
    call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim eval ENDLET
	      return return_span..'</span>'
	      return "<span "..a:extra_attrs..'class="' .. l:style_name .. {s:diffstyle}'">'..a:text.."</span>"
  call add(s:wrapperfunc_lines, [])
  let s:wrapperfunc_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
  " Non-CSS method just needs the wrapper.
  " Functions used to get opening/closing automatically return null strings if
  " no styles exist.
  if &diff
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines =<< trim ENDLET
	function! s:BuildStyleWrapper(style_id, diff_style_id, extra_attrs, text, unusedarg, unusedarg2)
	  if a:diff_style_id <= 0
	    let l:diff_opening = s:HtmlOpening(a:diff_style_id, "")
	    let l:diff_closing = s:HtmlClosing(a:diff_style_id, 0)
	    let l:diff_opening = ""
	    let l:diff_closing = ""
	  return s:HtmlOpening(a:style_id, a:extra_attrs)..l:diff_opening..a:text..l:diff_closing..s:HtmlClosing(a:style_id, !empty(a:extra_attrs))
    let s:wrapperfunc_lines =<< trim ENDLET
	function! s:BuildStyleWrapper(style_id, diff_style_id, extra_attrs, text, unusedarg, unusedarg2)
	  return s:HtmlOpening(a:style_id, a:extra_attrs)..a:text..s:HtmlClosing(a:style_id, !empty(a:extra_attrs))

" create the function we built line by line above
exec join(flatten(s:wrapperfunc_lines), "\n")

let s:diff_mode = &diff

" Return HTML valid characters enclosed in a span of class style_name with
" unprintable characters expanded and double spaces replaced as necessary.
" TODO: eliminate unneeded logic like done for BuildStyleWrapper
function! s:HtmlFormat(text, style_id, diff_style_id, extra_attrs, make_unselectable)
  " Replace unprintable characters
  let unformatted = strtrans(a:text)

  let formatted = unformatted

  " Replace the reserved html characters
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '&', '\&amp;',  'g')
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '<', '\&lt;',   'g')
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '>', '\&gt;',   'g')
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '"', '\&quot;', 'g')
  " &apos; is not valid in HTML but it is in XHTML, so just use the numeric
  " reference for it instead. Needed because it could appear in quotes
  " especially if unselectable regions is turned on.
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '"', '\&#0039;', 'g')

  " Replace a "form feed" character with HTML to do a page break
  " TODO: need to prevent this in unselectable areas? Probably it should never
  " BE in an unselectable area...
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, "\x0c", '<hr class="PAGE-BREAK">', 'g')

  " Replace double spaces, leading spaces, and trailing spaces if needed
  if ' ' != s:HtmlSpace
    let formatted = substitute(formatted, '  ', s:HtmlSpace .. s:HtmlSpace, 'g')
    let formatted = substitute(formatted, '^ ', s:HtmlSpace, 'g')
    let formatted = substitute(formatted, ' \+$', s:HtmlSpace, 'g')

  " Enclose in the correct format
  return s:BuildStyleWrapper(a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, a:extra_attrs, formatted, a:make_unselectable, unformatted)

" set up functions to call HtmlFormat in certain ways based on whether the
" element is supposed to be unselectable or not
if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'n'
  if s:settings.number_lines
    if s:settings.line_ids
      function! s:HtmlFormat_n(text, style_id, diff_style_id, lnr)
	if a:lnr > 0
	  return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, 'id="'..(exists('g:html_diff_win_num') ? 'W'..g:html_diff_win_num : "")..'L'..a:lnr..s:settings.id_suffix..'" ', 1)
	  return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 1)
      function! s:HtmlFormat_n(text, style_id, diff_style_id, lnr)
	return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 1)
  elseif s:settings.line_ids
    " if lines are not being numbered the only reason this function gets called
    " is to put the line IDs on each line; "text" will be empty but lnr will
    " always be non-zero, however we don't want to use the <input> because that
    " won't work as nice for empty text
    function! s:HtmlFormat_n(text, style_id, diff_style_id, lnr)
      return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, 'id="'..(exists('g:html_diff_win_num') ? 'W'..g:html_diff_win_num : "")..'L'..a:lnr..s:settings.id_suffix..'" ', 0)
  if s:settings.line_ids
    function! s:HtmlFormat_n(text, style_id, diff_style_id, lnr)
      if a:lnr > 0
	return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, 'id="'..(exists('g:html_diff_win_num') ? 'W'..g:html_diff_win_num : "")..'L'..a:lnr..s:settings.id_suffix..'" ', 0)
	return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 0)
    function! s:HtmlFormat_n(text, style_id, diff_style_id, lnr)
      return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 0)
if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'd'
  function! s:HtmlFormat_d(text, style_id, diff_style_id)
    return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 1)
  function! s:HtmlFormat_d(text, style_id, diff_style_id)
    return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 0)
if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'f'
  if s:settings.use_input_for_pc ==# 'none'
    " Simply space-pad to the desired width inside the generated content (note
    " that the FoldColumn definition includes a whitespace:pre rule)
    function! s:FoldColumn_build(char, len, numfill, char2, class, click)
      return "<a href='#' class='"..a:class.."' onclick='"..a:click.."' data-FoldColumn-content='".
	    \ repeat(a:char, a:len)..a:char2..repeat(' ', a:numfill).
	    \ "'></a>"
    function! s:FoldColumn_fill()
      return s:HtmlFormat(repeat(' ', s:foldcolumn), s:FOLD_C_ID, 0, "", 1)
    " Note the <input> elements for fill spaces will have a single space for
    " content, to allow active cursor CSS selection to work.
    " Wrap the whole thing in a span for the 1px padding workaround for gaps.
    " Build the function line by line containing only what is needed for the
    " options in use for maximum code sharing with minimal branch logic for
    " greater speed.
    " Note, 'exec' commands do not recognize line continuations, so must
    " concatenate lines rather than continue them.
    let s:build_fun_lines = []
    call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
    let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	  function! s:FoldColumn_build(char, len, numfill, char2, class, click)
	    let l:input_open = "<input readonly='readonly'"..s:unselInputType
	    let l:input_open ..= " onselect='this.blur(); return false;'"
	    let l:input_open ..= " onmousedown='this.blur(); "..a:click.." return false;'"
	    let l:input_open ..= " onclick='return false;' size='"
	    let l:input_open ..= string(a:len + (empty(a:char2) ? 0 : 1) + a:numfill) .. "' "
	    let l:common_attrs = "class='FoldColumn' value='"
	    let l:input_close = (s:settings.use_xhtml ? "' />" : "'>")
	    let l:return_span = "<span class='"..a:class.."'>"
	    let l:return_span ..= l:input_open..l:common_attrs..repeat(a:char, a:len)..(a:char2)
	    let l:return_span ..= l:input_close
    if s:settings.use_input_for_pc ==# 'fallback'
      call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
      let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	    let l:return_span ..= "<a href='#' class='FoldColumn' onclick='"..a:click.."'"
	    let l:return_span ..= " data-FoldColumn-content='"
	    let l:return_span ..= repeat(a:char, a:len)..a:char2..repeat(' ', a:numfill)
	    let l:return_span ..= "'></a>"
    call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
    let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	    let l:return_span ..= "</span>"
	    return l:return_span
    " create the function we built line by line above
    exec join(flatten(s:build_fun_lines), "\n")

    function! s:FoldColumn_fill()
      return s:FoldColumn_build(' ', s:foldcolumn, 0, '', 'FoldColumn', '')
  " For normal fold columns, simply space-pad to the desired width (note that
  " the FoldColumn definition includes a whitespace:pre rule)
  function! s:FoldColumn_build(char, len, numfill, char2, class, click)
    return "<a href='#' class='"..a:class.."' onclick='"..a:click.."'>".
	  \ repeat(a:char, a:len)..a:char2..repeat(' ', a:numfill).
	  \ "</a>"
  function! s:FoldColumn_fill()
    return s:HtmlFormat(repeat(' ', s:foldcolumn), s:FOLD_C_ID, 0, "", 0)
if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 't'
  " put an extra empty span at the end for dynamic folds, so the linebreak can
  " be surrounded. Otherwise do it as normal.
  " TODO: isn't there a better way to do this, than placing it here and using a
  " substitute later?
  if s:settings.dynamic_folds
    function! s:HtmlFormat_t(text, style_id, diff_style_id)
      return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 1) .
	    \ s:HtmlFormat("", a:style_id, 0, "", 0)
    function! s:HtmlFormat_t(text, style_id, diff_style_id)
      return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 1)
  function! s:HtmlFormat_t(text, style_id, diff_style_id)
    return s:HtmlFormat(a:text, a:style_id, a:diff_style_id, "", 0)

" Return CSS style describing given highlight id (can be empty)
function! s:CSS1(id)
  let a = ""
  let translated_ID = synIDtrans(a:id)
  if synIDattr(translated_ID, "inverse")
    " For inverse, we always must set both colors (and exchange them)
    let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "bg#", s:whatterm))
    let a = a .. "color: " .. ( x != "" ? x : s:bgc ) .. "; "
    let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "fg#", s:whatterm))
    let a = a .. "background-color: " .. ( x != "" ? x : s:fgc ) .. "; "
    let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "fg#", s:whatterm))
    if x != "" | let a = a .. "color: " .. x .. "; " | endif
    let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(translated_ID, "bg#", s:whatterm))
    if x != ""
      let a = a .. "background-color: " .. x .. "; "
      " stupid hack because almost every browser seems to have at least one font
      " which shows 1px gaps between lines which have background
      let a = a .. "padding-bottom: 1px; "
    elseif (translated_ID == s:FOLDED_ID || translated_ID == s:LINENR_ID || translated_ID == s:FOLD_C_ID) && !empty(s:settings.prevent_copy)
      " input elements default to a different color than the rest of the page
      let a = a .. "background-color: " .. s:bgc .. "; "
  if synIDattr(translated_ID, "bold") | let a = a .. "font-weight: bold; " | endif
  if synIDattr(translated_ID, "italic") | let a = a .. "font-style: italic; " | endif
  if synIDattr(translated_ID, "underline") | let a = a .. "text-decoration: underline; " | endif
  return a

if s:settings.dynamic_folds
  " compares two folds as stored in our list of folds
  " A fold is "less" than another if it starts at an earlier line number,
  " or ends at a later line number, ties broken by fold level
  function! s:FoldCompare(f1, f2)
    if a:f1.firstline != a:f2.firstline
      " put it before if it starts earlier
      return a:f1.firstline - a:f2.firstline
    elseif a:f1.lastline != a:f2.lastline
      " put it before if it ends later
      return a:f2.lastline - a:f1.lastline
      " if folds begin and end on the same lines, put lowest fold level first
      return a:f1.level - a:f2.level


" Set some options to make it work faster.
" Don't report changes for :substitute, there will be many of them.
" Don't change other windows; turn off scroll bind temporarily
let s:old_title = &title
let s:old_icon = &icon
let s:old_et = &l:et
let s:old_bind = &l:scrollbind
let s:old_report = &report
let s:old_search = @/
let s:old_more = &more
set notitle noicon
setlocal et
set nomore
set report=1000000
setlocal noscrollbind

if exists(':ownsyntax') && exists('w:current_syntax')
  let s:current_syntax = w:current_syntax
elseif exists('b:current_syntax')
  let s:current_syntax = b:current_syntax
  let s:current_syntax = 'none'

if s:current_syntax == ''
  let s:current_syntax = 'none'

" If the user is sourcing this script directly then the plugin version isn't
" known because the main plugin script didn't load. In the usual case where the
" user still has the full Vim runtime installed, or has this full plugin
" installed in a package or something, then we can extract the version from the
" main plugin file at it's usual spot relative to this file. Otherwise the user
" is assembling their runtime piecemeal and we have no idea what versions of
" other files may be present so don't even try to make a guess or assume the
" presence of other specific files with specific meaning.
" We don't want to actually source the main plugin file here because the user
" may have a good reason not to (e.g. they define their own TOhtml command or
" something).
" If this seems way too complicated and convoluted, it is. Probably I should
" have put the version information in the autoload file from the start. But the
" version has been in the global variable for so long that changing it could
" break a lot of user scripts.
if exists("g:loaded_2html_plugin")
  let s:pluginversion = g:loaded_2html_plugin
  if !exists("g:unloaded_tohtml_plugin")
    let s:main_plugin_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h:h").."/plugin/tohtml.vim"
    if filereadable(s:main_plugin_path)
      let s:lines = readfile(s:main_plugin_path, "", 20)
      call filter(s:lines, 'v:val =~ "loaded_2html_plugin = "')
      if empty(s:lines)
	let g:unloaded_tohtml_plugin = "unknown"
	let g:unloaded_tohtml_plugin = substitute(s:lines[0], '.*loaded_2html_plugin = \([''"]\)\(\%(\1\@!.\)\+\)\1', '\2', '')
      unlet s:lines
      let g:unloaded_tohtml_plugin = "unknown"
    unlet s:main_plugin_path
  let s:pluginversion = g:unloaded_tohtml_plugin

" Split window to create a buffer with the HTML file.
let s:orgbufnr = winbufnr(0)
let s:origwin_stl = &l:stl
if expand("%") == ""
  if exists('g:html_diff_win_num')
    exec 'new Untitled_win'..g:html_diff_win_num..'.'.(s:settings.use_xhtml ? 'xhtml' : 'html')
    exec 'new Untitled.'..(s:settings.use_xhtml ? 'xhtml' : 'html')
  exec 'new %.'..(s:settings.use_xhtml ? 'xhtml' : 'html')

" Resize the new window to very small in order to make it draw faster
let s:old_winheight = winheight(0)
let s:old_winfixheight = &l:winfixheight
if s:old_winheight > 2
  resize 1 " leave enough room to view one line at a time
  norm! G
  norm! zt
setlocal winfixheight

let s:newwin_stl = &l:stl

" on the new window, set the least time-consuming fold method
let s:old_fen = &foldenable
setlocal foldmethod=manual
setlocal nofoldenable

let s:newwin = winnr()
let s:orgwin = bufwinnr(s:orgbufnr)

setlocal modifiable
let s:old_paste = &paste
set paste
let s:old_magic = &magic
set magic

" set the fileencoding to match the charset we'll be using
let &l:fileencoding=s:settings.vim_encoding

" According to, the byte
" order mark is highly recommend on the web when using multibyte encodings. But,
" it is not a good idea to include it on UTF-8 files. Otherwise, let Vim
" determine when it is actually inserted.
if s:settings.vim_encoding == 'utf-8'
  setlocal nobomb
  setlocal bomb

let s:lines = []

if s:settings.use_xhtml
  if s:settings.encoding != ""
    call add(s:lines, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" .. s:settings.encoding .. "\"?>")
    call add(s:lines, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>")
  let s:tag_close = ' />'
  let s:tag_close = '>'

let s:HtmlSpace = ' '
let s:LeadingSpace = ' '
let s:HtmlEndline = ''
if s:settings.no_pre
  let s:HtmlEndline = '<br' .. s:tag_close
  let s:LeadingSpace = s:settings.use_xhtml ? '&#160;' : '&nbsp;'
  let s:HtmlSpace = '\' .. s:LeadingSpace

" HTML header, with the title and generator ;-). Left free space for the CSS,
" to be filled at the end.
if !s:settings.no_doc
  call extend(s:lines, [
	\ "<html>",
	\ "<head>"])
  " include encoding as close to the top as possible, but only if not already
  " contained in XML information (to avoid haggling over content type)
  if s:settings.encoding != "" && !s:settings.use_xhtml
    if s:html5
      call add(s:lines, '<meta charset="' .. s:settings.encoding .. '"' .. s:tag_close)
      call add(s:lines, "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" .. s:settings.encoding .. '"' .. s:tag_close)
  call extend(s:lines, [
	\ ("<title>"..expand("%:p:~").."</title>"),
	\ ("<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Vim/"..v:version/100.."."..v:version%100..'"'..s:tag_close),
	\ ("<meta name=\"plugin-version\" content=\""..s:pluginversion..'"'..s:tag_close)
	\ ])
  call add(s:lines, '<meta name="syntax" content="'..s:current_syntax..'"'..s:tag_close)
  call add(s:lines, '<meta name="settings" content="'..
	\ join(filter(keys(s:settings),'s:settings[v:val]'),',')..
	\ ',prevent_copy='..s:settings.prevent_copy..
	\ ',use_input_for_pc='..s:settings.use_input_for_pc..
	\ '"'..s:tag_close)
  call add(s:lines, '<meta name="colorscheme" content="'..
	\ (exists('g:colors_name')
	\ ? g:colors_name
	\ : 'none').. '"'..s:tag_close)

  if s:settings.use_css
    call extend(s:lines, [
	  \ "<style" .. (s:html5 ? "" : " type=\"text/css\"") .. ">",
	  \ s:settings.use_xhtml ? "" : "<!--"])
    let s:ieonly = []
    if s:settings.dynamic_folds
      if s:settings.hover_unfold
	" if we are doing hover_unfold, use css 2 with css 1 fallback for IE6
	call extend(s:lines, [
	      \ ".FoldColumn { text-decoration: none; white-space: pre; }",
	      \ "",
	      \ "body * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }", "",
	      \ ".open-fold   > span.Folded { display: none;  }",
	      \ ".open-fold   > .fulltext   { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold > .fulltext   { display: none;  }",
	      \ ".closed-fold > span.Folded { display: inline; }",
	      \ "",
	      \ ".open-fold   > .toggle-open   { display: none;   }",
	      \ ".open-fold   > .toggle-closed { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold > .toggle-open   { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold > .toggle-closed { display: none;   }",
	      \ "", "",
	      \ '/* opening a fold while hovering won''t be supported by IE6 and other',
	      \ "similar browsers, but it should fail gracefully. */",
	      \ ".closed-fold:hover > .fulltext      { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold:hover > .toggle-filler { display: none; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold:hover > .Folded        { display: none; }"])
	" TODO: IE6 is REALLY old and I can't even test it anymore. Maybe we
	" should remove this? Leave it in for now, it was working at one point,
	" and doesn't affect any modern browsers. Even newer IE versions should
	" support the above code and ignore the following.
	let s:ieonly = [
	      \ "<!--[if lt IE 7]><style type=\"text/css\">",
	      \ ".open-fold   .fulltext      { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   span.Folded    { display: none; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   .toggle-open   { display: none; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   .toggle-closed { display: inline; }",
	      \ "",
	      \ ".closed-fold .fulltext      { display: none; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold span.Folded    { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold .toggle-open   { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold .toggle-closed { display: none; }",
	      \ "</style>",
	      \ "<![endif]-->",
	" if we aren't doing hover_unfold, use CSS 1 only
	call extend(s:lines, [
	      \ ".FoldColumn { text-decoration: none; white-space: pre; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   .fulltext      { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   span.Folded    { display: none; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   .toggle-open   { display: none; }",
	      \ ".open-fold   .toggle-closed { display: inline; }",
	      \ "",
	      \ ".closed-fold .fulltext      { display: none; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold span.Folded    { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold .toggle-open   { display: inline; }",
	      \ ".closed-fold .toggle-closed { display: none; }",
    " else we aren't doing any dynamic folding, no need for any special rules

    call extend(s:lines, [
	    \ s:settings.use_xhtml ? "" : '-->',
	    \ "</style>",
    call extend(s:lines, s:ieonly)
    unlet s:ieonly

  let s:uses_script = s:settings.dynamic_folds || s:settings.line_ids

  " insert script tag if needed
  if s:uses_script
    call extend(s:lines, [
	  \ "",
	  \ "<script" .. (s:html5 ? "" : " type='text/javascript'") .. ">",
	  \ s:settings.use_xhtml ? '//<![CDATA[' : "<!--"])

  " insert javascript to toggle folds open and closed
  if s:settings.dynamic_folds
    call extend(s:lines, [
	  \ "",
	  \ "function toggleFold(objID)",
	  \ "{",
	  \ "  var fold;",
	  \ "  fold = document.getElementById(objID);",
	  \ "  if (fold.className == 'closed-fold')",
	  \ "  {",
	  \ "    fold.className = 'open-fold';",
	  \ "  }",
	  \ "  else if (fold.className == 'open-fold')",
	  \ "  {",
	  \ "    fold.className = 'closed-fold';",
	  \ "  }",
	  \ "}"
	  \ ])

  if s:settings.line_ids
    " insert javascript to get IDs from line numbers, and to open a fold before
    " jumping to any lines contained therein
    call extend(s:lines, [
	  \ "",
	  \ "/* function to open any folds containing a jumped-to line before jumping to it */",
	  \ "function JumpToLine()",
	  \ "{",
	  \ "  var lineNum;",
	  \ "  lineNum = window.location.hash;",
	  \ "  lineNum = lineNum.substr(1); /* strip off '#' */",
	  \ "",
	  \ "  if (lineNum.indexOf('L') == -1) {",
	  \ "    lineNum = 'L'+lineNum;",
	  \ "  }",
	  \ "  var lineElem = document.getElementById(lineNum);"
	  \ ])

    if s:settings.dynamic_folds
      call extend(s:lines, [
	    \ "",
	    \ "  /* navigate upwards in the DOM tree to open all folds containing the line */",
	    \ "  var node = lineElem;",
	    \ "  while (node && != 'vimCodeElement"..s:settings.id_suffix.."')",
	    \ "  {",
	    \ "    if (node.className == 'closed-fold')",
	    \ "    {",
	    \ "      node.className = 'open-fold';",
	    \ "    }",
	    \ "    node = node.parentNode;",
	    \ "  }",
	    \ ])
    call extend(s:lines, [
	  \ "  /* Always jump to new location even if the line was hidden inside a fold, or",
	  \ "   * we corrected the raw number to a line ID.",
	  \ "   */",
	  \ "  if (lineElem) {",
	  \ "    lineElem.scrollIntoView(true);",
	  \ "  }",
	  \ "  return true;",
	  \ "}",
	  \ "if ('onhashchange' in window) {",
	  \ "  window.onhashchange = JumpToLine;",
	  \ "}"
	  \ ])

  " insert script closing tag if needed
  if s:uses_script
    call extend(s:lines, [
	  \ '',
	  \ s:settings.use_xhtml ? '//]]>' : '-->',
	  \ "</script>"
	  \ ])

  call extend(s:lines, ["</head>",
	\ "<body"..(s:settings.line_ids ? " onload='JumpToLine();'" : "")..">"])

if s:settings.no_pre
  " if we're not using CSS we use a font tag which can't have a div inside
  if s:settings.use_css
    call extend(s:lines, ["<div id='vimCodeElement" .. s:settings.id_suffix .. "'>"])
  call extend(s:lines, ["<pre id='vimCodeElement" .. s:settings.id_suffix .. "'>"])

exe s:orgwin .. "wincmd w"

" caches of style data
" initialize to include line numbers if using them
if s:settings.number_lines
  let s:stylelist = { s:LINENR_ID : ".LineNr { " .. s:CSS1( s:LINENR_ID ) .. "}" }
  let s:stylelist = {}
let s:diffstylelist = {
      \   s:DIFF_A_ID : ".DiffAdd { " .. s:CSS1( s:DIFF_A_ID ) .. "}",
      \   s:DIFF_C_ID : ".DiffChange { " .. s:CSS1( s:DIFF_C_ID ) .. "}",
      \   s:DIFF_D_ID : ".DiffDelete { " .. s:CSS1( s:DIFF_D_ID ) .. "}",
      \   s:DIFF_T_ID : ".DiffText { " .. s:CSS1( s:DIFF_T_ID ) .. "}"
      \ }

" set up progress bar in the status line
if !s:settings.no_progress
  " ProgressBar Indicator
  let s:progressbar={}

  " Progressbar specific functions

  func! s:SetProgbarColor()
    if hlID("TOhtmlProgress") != 0
      hi! link TOhtmlProgress_auto TOhtmlProgress
    elseif hlID("TOhtmlProgress_auto")==0 ||
       \ !exists("s:last_colors_name") || !exists("g:colors_name") ||
       \ g:colors_name != s:last_colors_name
      let s:last_colors_name = exists("g:colors_name") ? g:colors_name : "none"

      let l:diffatr = synIDattr(hlID("DiffDelete")->synIDtrans(), "reverse", s:whatterm) ? "fg#" : "bg#"
      let l:stlatr = synIDattr(hlID("StatusLine")->synIDtrans(), "reverse", s:whatterm) ? "fg#" : "bg#"

      let l:progbar_color = synIDattr(hlID("DiffDelete")->synIDtrans(), l:diffatr, s:whatterm)
      let l:stl_color = synIDattr(hlID("StatusLine")->synIDtrans(), l:stlatr, s:whatterm)

      if "" == l:progbar_color
	let l:progbar_color = synIDattr(hlID("DiffDelete")->synIDtrans(), "reverse", s:whatterm) ? s:fgc : s:bgc
      if "" == l:stl_color
	let l:stl_color = synIDattr(hlID("StatusLine")->synIDtrans(), "reverse", s:whatterm) ? s:fgc : s:bgc

      if l:progbar_color == l:stl_color
	if s:whatterm == 'cterm'
	  if l:progbar_color >= (&t_Co/2)
	    let l:progbar_color-=1
	    let l:progbar_color+=1
	  let l:rgb = map(matchlist(l:progbar_color, '#\zs\x\x\ze\(\x\x\)\(\x\x\)')[:2], 'str2nr(v:val, 16)')
	  let l:avg = (l:rgb[0] + l:rgb[1] + l:rgb[2])/3
	  if l:avg >= 128
	    let l:avg_new = l:avg
	    while l:avg - l:avg_new < 0x15
	      let l:rgb = map(l:rgb, 'v:val * 3 / 4')
	      let l:avg_new = (l:rgb[0] + l:rgb[1] + l:rgb[2])/3
	    let l:avg_new = l:avg
	    while l:avg_new - l:avg < 0x15
	      let l:rgb = map(l:rgb, 'min([max([v:val, 4]) * 5 / 4, 255])')
	      let l:avg_new = (l:rgb[0] + l:rgb[1] + l:rgb[2])/3
	  let l:progbar_color = printf("#%02x%02x%02x", l:rgb[0], l:rgb[1], l:rgb[2])
	echomsg "diff detected progbar color set to" l:progbar_color
      exe "hi TOhtmlProgress_auto" s:whatterm.."bg="..l:progbar_color

  func! s:ProgressBar(title, max_value, winnr)
    let pgb=copy(s:progressbar)
    let pgb.title = a:title..' '
    let pgb.max_value = a:max_value
    let pgb.winnr = a:winnr
    let pgb.cur_value = 0

    let pgb.items = { 'title'   : { 'color' : 'Statusline' },
	  \'bar'     : { 'color' : 'Statusline' , 'fillcolor' : 'TOhtmlProgress_auto' , 'bg' : 'Statusline' } ,
	  \'counter' : { 'color' : 'Statusline' } }
    let pgb.last_value = 0
    let pgb.needs_redraw = 0
    " Note that you must use len(split) instead of len() if you want to use 
    " unicode in title.
    " Subtract 3 for spacing around the title.
    " Subtract 4 for the percentage display.
    " Subtract 2 for spacing before this.
    " Subtract 2 more for the '|' on either side of the progress bar
    let pgb.subtractedlen=len(split(pgb.title, '\zs'))+3+4+2+2
    let pgb.max_len = 0
    set laststatus=2
    return pgb

  " Function: progressbar.calculate_ticks() {{{1
  func! s:progressbar.calculate_ticks(pb_len)
    if a:pb_len<=0
      let pb_len = 100
      let pb_len = a:pb_len
    let self.progress_ticks = map(range(pb_len+1), "v:val * self.max_value / pb_len")

  "Function: progressbar.paint()
  func! s:progressbar.paint()
    " Recalculate widths.
    let max_len = winwidth(self.winnr)
    let pb_len = 0
    " always true on first call because of initial value of self.max_len
    if max_len != self.max_len
      let self.max_len = max_len

      " Progressbar length
      let pb_len = max_len - self.subtractedlen

      call self.calculate_ticks(pb_len)

      let self.needs_redraw = 1
      let cur_value = 0
      let self.pb_len = pb_len
      " start searching at the last found index to make the search for the
      " appropriate tick value normally take 0 or 1 comparisons
      let cur_value = self.last_value
      let pb_len = self.pb_len

    let cur_val_max = pb_len > 0 ? pb_len : 100

    " find the current progress bar position based on precalculated thresholds
    while cur_value < cur_val_max && self.cur_value > self.progress_ticks[cur_value]
      let cur_value += 1

    " update progress bar
    if self.last_value != cur_value || self.needs_redraw || self.cur_value == self.max_value
      let self.needs_redraw = 1
      let self.last_value = cur_value

      let t_color  = self.items.title.color
      let b_fcolor =
      let b_color  =
      let c_color  = self.items.counter.color

      let stl =  "%#".t_color."#%-( ".self.title." %)".
	    \(pb_len>0 ?
	    \	('|%#'.b_fcolor."#%-(".repeat(" ",cur_value)."%)".
	    \	 '%#'.b_color."#".repeat(" ",pb_len-cur_value)."|"):
	    \	('')).
	    \"%=%#".c_color."#%( ".printf("%3.d ",100*self.cur_value/self.max_value)."%% %)"
      call setwinvar(self.winnr, '&stl', stl)

  func! s:progressbar.incr( ... )
    let self.cur_value += (a:0 ? a:1 : 1)
    " if we were making a general-purpose progress bar, we'd need to limit to a
    " lower limit as well, but since we always increment with a positive value
    " in this script, we only need limit the upper value
    let self.cur_value = (self.cur_value > self.max_value ? self.max_value : self.cur_value)
    call self.paint()
  " }}}
  if s:settings.dynamic_folds
    " to process folds we make two passes through each line
    let s:pgb = s:ProgressBar("Processing folds:", line('$')*2, s:orgwin)

  call s:SetProgbarColor()

let s:build_fun_lines = []
call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
    func! s:Add_diff_fill(lnum)
      let l:filler = diff_filler(a:lnum)
      if l:filler > 0
	let l:to_insert = l:filler
	while l:to_insert > 0
	  let l:new = repeat(s:difffillchar, 3)

	  if l:to_insert > 2 && l:to_insert < l:filler && !s:settings.whole_filler
	    let l:new = l:new .. " " .. l:filler .. " inserted lines "
	    let l:to_insert = 2
call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
if !s:settings.no_pre
  let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	  " HTML line wrapping is off--go ahead and fill to the margin
	  " TODO: what about when CSS wrapping is turned on?
	  let l:new = l:new .. repeat(s:difffillchar, &columns - strlen(l:new) - s:margin)
  let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	  let l:new = l:new .. repeat(s:difffillchar, 3)
call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	let l:new = s:HtmlFormat_d(l:new, s:DIFF_D_ID, 0)
if s:settings.number_lines
  call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
  let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	  " Indent if line numbering is on. Indent gets style of line number
	  " column.
	  let l:new = s:HtmlFormat_n(repeat(' ', s:margin), s:LINENR_ID, 0, 0) .. l:new
if s:settings.dynamic_folds && !s:settings.no_foldcolumn 
  call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
  let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	  if s:foldcolumn > 0
	    " Indent for foldcolumn if there is one. Assume it's empty, there should
	    " not be a fold for deleted lines in diff mode.
	    let l:new = s:FoldColumn_fill() .. l:new
" Ignore this comment, just bypassing a highlighting issue: if
call add(s:build_fun_lines, [])
let s:build_fun_lines[-1] =<< trim ENDLET
	call add(s:lines, l:new..s:HtmlEndline)
	let l:to_insert = l:to_insert - 1
exec join(flatten(s:build_fun_lines), "\n")

" First do some preprocessing for dynamic folding. Do this for the entire file
" so we don't accidentally start within a closed fold or something.
let s:allfolds = []

if s:settings.dynamic_folds
  let s:lnum = 1
  let s:end = line('$')
  " save the fold text and set it to the default so we can find fold levels
  let s:foldtext_save = &foldtext
  setlocal foldtext&

  " we will set the foldcolumn in the html to the greater of the maximum fold
  " level and the current foldcolumn setting
  let s:foldcolumn = &foldcolumn

  " get all info needed to describe currently closed folds
  while s:lnum <= s:end
    if foldclosed(s:lnum) == s:lnum
      " default fold text has '+-' and then a number of dashes equal to fold
      " level, so subtract 2 from index of first non-dash after the dashes
      " in order to get the fold level of the current fold
      let s:level = match(foldtextresult(s:lnum), '+-*\zs[^-]') - 2
      " store fold info for later use
      let s:newfold = {'firstline': s:lnum, 'lastline': foldclosedend(s:lnum), 'level': s:level,'type': "closed-fold"}
      call add(s:allfolds, s:newfold)
      " open the fold so we can find any contained folds
      execute s:lnum.."foldopen"
      if !s:settings.no_progress
	call s:pgb.incr()
	if s:pgb.needs_redraw
	  let s:pgb.needs_redraw = 0
      let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1

  " close all folds to get info for originally open folds
  silent! %foldclose!
  let s:lnum = 1

  " the originally open folds will be all folds we encounter that aren't
  " already in the list of closed folds
  while s:lnum <= s:end
    if foldclosed(s:lnum) == s:lnum
      " default fold text has '+-' and then a number of dashes equal to fold
      " level, so subtract 2 from index of first non-dash after the dashes
      " in order to get the fold level of the current fold
      let s:level = match(foldtextresult(s:lnum), '+-*\zs[^-]') - 2
      let s:newfold = {'firstline': s:lnum, 'lastline': foldclosedend(s:lnum), 'level': s:level,'type': "closed-fold"}
      " only add the fold if we don't already have it
      if empty(s:allfolds) || index(s:allfolds, s:newfold) == -1
	let s:newfold.type = "open-fold"
	call add(s:allfolds, s:newfold)
      " open the fold so we can find any contained folds
      execute s:lnum.."foldopen"
      if !s:settings.no_progress
	call s:pgb.incr()
	if s:pgb.needs_redraw
	  let s:pgb.needs_redraw = 0
      let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1

  " sort the folds so that we only ever need to look at the first item in the
  " list of folds
  call sort(s:allfolds, "s:FoldCompare")

  let &l:foldtext = s:foldtext_save
  unlet s:foldtext_save

  " close all folds again so we can get the fold text as we go
  silent! %foldclose!

  " Go through and remove folds we don't need to (or cannot) process in the
  " current conversion range
  " If a fold is removed which contains other folds, which are included, we need
  " to adjust the level of the included folds as used by the conversion logic
  " (avoiding special cases is good)
  " Note any time we remove a fold, either all of the included folds are in it,
  " or none of them, because we only remove a fold if neither its start nor its
  " end are within the conversion range.
  let leveladjust = 0
  for afold in s:allfolds
    let removed = 0
    if exists("g:html_start_line") && exists("g:html_end_line")
      if afold.firstline < g:html_start_line
	if afold.lastline <= g:html_end_line && afold.lastline >= g:html_start_line
	  " if a fold starts before the range to convert but stops within the
	  " range, we need to include it. Make it start on the first converted
	  " line.
	  let afold.firstline = g:html_start_line
	  " if the fold lies outside the range or the start and stop enclose
	  " the entire range, don't bother parsing it
	  call remove(s:allfolds, index(s:allfolds, afold))
	  let removed = 1
	  if afold.lastline > g:html_end_line
	    let leveladjust += 1
      elseif afold.firstline > g:html_end_line
	" If the entire fold lies outside the range we need to remove it.
	call remove(s:allfolds, index(s:allfolds, afold))
	let removed = 1
    elseif exists("g:html_start_line")
      if afold.firstline < g:html_start_line
	" if there is no last line, but there is a first line, the end of the
	" fold will always lie within the region of interest, so keep it
	let afold.firstline = g:html_start_line
    elseif exists("g:html_end_line")
      " if there is no first line we default to the first line in the buffer so
      " the fold start will always be included if the fold itself is included.
      " If however the entire fold lies outside the range we need to remove it.
      if afold.firstline > g:html_end_line
	call remove(s:allfolds, index(s:allfolds, afold))
	let removed = 1
    if !removed
      let afold.level -= leveladjust
      if afold.level+1 > s:foldcolumn
	let s:foldcolumn = afold.level+1

  " if we've removed folds containing the conversion range from processing,
  " getting foldtext as we go won't know to open the removed folds, so the
  " foldtext would be wrong; open them now.
  " Note that only when a start and an end line is specified will a fold
  " containing the current range ever be removed.
  while leveladjust > 0
    exe g:html_start_line.."foldopen"
    let leveladjust -= 1

" Now loop over all lines in the original text to convert to html.
" Use html_start_line and html_end_line if they are set.
if exists("g:html_start_line")
  let s:lnum = html_start_line
  if s:lnum < 1 || s:lnum > line("$")
    let s:lnum = 1
  let s:lnum = 1
if exists("g:html_end_line")
  let s:end = html_end_line
  if s:end < s:lnum || s:end > line("$")
    let s:end = line("$")
  let s:end = line("$")

" stack to keep track of all the folds containing the current line
let s:foldstack = []

if !s:settings.no_progress
  let s:pgb = s:ProgressBar("Processing lines:", s:end - s:lnum + 1, s:orgwin)

if s:settings.number_lines
  let s:margin = strlen(s:end) + 1
  let s:margin = 0

if has('folding') && !s:settings.ignore_folding
  let s:foldfillchar = &fillchars[matchend(&fillchars, 'fold:')]
  if s:foldfillchar == ''
    let s:foldfillchar = '-'
let s:difffillchar = &fillchars[matchend(&fillchars, 'diff:')]
if s:difffillchar == ''
  let s:difffillchar = '-'

let s:foldId = 0

if !s:settings.expand_tabs
  " If keeping tabs, add them to printable characters so we keep them when
  " formatting text (strtrans() doesn't replace printable chars)
  let s:old_isprint = &isprint
  setlocal isprint+=9

while s:lnum <= s:end

  " If there are filler lines for diff mode, show these above the line.
  call s:Add_diff_fill(s:lnum)

  " Start the line with the line number.
  if s:settings.number_lines
    let s:numcol = repeat(' ', s:margin - 1 - strlen(s:lnum)) .. s:lnum .. ' '

  let s:new = ""

  if has('folding') && !s:settings.ignore_folding && foldclosed(s:lnum) > -1 && !s:settings.dynamic_folds
    " This is the beginning of a folded block (with no dynamic folding)
    let s:new = foldtextresult(s:lnum)
    if !s:settings.no_pre
      " HTML line wrapping is off--go ahead and fill to the margin
      let s:new = s:new .. repeat(s:foldfillchar, &columns - strlen(s:new))

    " put numcol in a separate group for sake of unselectable text
    let s:new = (s:settings.number_lines ? s:HtmlFormat_n(s:numcol, s:FOLDED_ID, 0, s:lnum): "") .. s:HtmlFormat_t(s:new, s:FOLDED_ID, 0)

    " Skip to the end of the fold
    let s:new_lnum = foldclosedend(s:lnum)

    if !s:settings.no_progress
      call s:pgb.incr(s:new_lnum - s:lnum)

    let s:lnum = s:new_lnum

    " A line that is not folded, or doing dynamic folding.
    let s:line = getline(s:lnum)
    let s:len = strlen(s:line)

    if s:settings.dynamic_folds
      " First insert a closing for any open folds that end on this line
      while !empty(s:foldstack) && get(s:foldstack,0).lastline == s:lnum-1
	let s:new = s:new.."</span></span>"
	call remove(s:foldstack, 0)

      " Now insert an opening for any new folds that start on this line
      let s:firstfold = 1
      while !empty(s:allfolds) && get(s:allfolds,0).firstline == s:lnum
	let s:foldId = s:foldId + 1
	let s:new ..= "<span id='"
	let s:new ..= (exists('g:html_diff_win_num') ? "win"..g:html_diff_win_num : "")
	let s:new ..= "fold"..s:foldId..s:settings.id_suffix.."' class='"..s:allfolds[0].type.."'>"

	" Unless disabled, add a fold column for the opening line of a fold.
	" Note that dynamic folds require using css so we just use css to take
	" care of the leading spaces rather than using &nbsp; in the case of
	" html_no_pre to make it easier
	if !s:settings.no_foldcolumn
	  " add fold column that can open the new fold
	  if s:allfolds[0].level > 1 && s:firstfold
	    let s:new = s:new .. s:FoldColumn_build('|', s:allfolds[0].level - 1, 0, "",
		  \ 'toggle-open FoldColumn','javascript:toggleFold("fold'..s:foldstack[0].id..s:settings.id_suffix..'");')
	  " add the filler spaces separately from the '+' char so that it can be
	  " shown/hidden separately during a hover unfold
	  let s:new = s:new .. s:FoldColumn_build("+", 1, 0, "",
		\ 'toggle-open FoldColumn', 'javascript:toggleFold("fold'..s:foldId..s:settings.id_suffix..'");')
	  " If this is not the last fold we're opening on this line, we need
	  " to keep the filler spaces hidden if the fold is opened by mouse
	  " hover. If it is the last fold to open in the line, we shouldn't hide
	  " them, so don't apply the toggle-filler class.
	  let s:new = s:new .. s:FoldColumn_build(" ", 1, s:foldcolumn - s:allfolds[0].level - 1, "",
		\ 'toggle-open FoldColumn'.. (get(s:allfolds, 1, {'firstline': 0}).firstline == s:lnum ?" toggle-filler" :""),
		\ 'javascript:toggleFold("fold'..s:foldId..s:settings.id_suffix..'");')

	  " add fold column that can close the new fold
	  " only add extra blank space if we aren't opening another fold on the
	  " same line
	  if get(s:allfolds, 1, {'firstline': 0}).firstline != s:lnum
	    let s:extra_space = s:foldcolumn - s:allfolds[0].level
	    let s:extra_space = 0
	  if s:firstfold
	    " the first fold in a line has '|' characters from folds opened in
	    " previous lines, before the '-' for this fold
	    let s:new ..= s:FoldColumn_build('|', s:allfolds[0].level - 1, s:extra_space, '-',
		  \ 'toggle-closed FoldColumn', 'javascript:toggleFold("fold'..s:foldId..s:settings.id_suffix..'");')
	    " any subsequent folds in the line only add a single '-'
	    let s:new = s:new .. s:FoldColumn_build("-", 1, s:extra_space, "",
		  \ 'toggle-closed FoldColumn', 'javascript:toggleFold("fold'..s:foldId..s:settings.id_suffix..'");')
	  let s:firstfold = 0

	" Add fold text, moving the span ending to the next line so collapsing
	" of folds works correctly.
	" Put numcol in a separate group for sake of unselectable text.
	let s:new = s:new .. (s:settings.number_lines ? s:HtmlFormat_n(s:numcol, s:FOLDED_ID, 0, 0) : "") .. substitute(s:HtmlFormat_t(foldtextresult(s:lnum), s:FOLDED_ID, 0), '</span>', s:HtmlEndline..'\n\0', '')
	let s:new = s:new .. "<span class='fulltext'>"

	" open the fold now that we have the fold text to allow retrieval of
	" fold text for subsequent folds
	execute s:lnum.."foldopen"
	call insert(s:foldstack, remove(s:allfolds,0))
	let s:foldstack[0].id = s:foldId

      " Unless disabled, add a fold column for other lines.
      " Note that dynamic folds require using css so we just use css to take
      " care of the leading spaces rather than using &nbsp; in the case of
      " html_no_pre to make it easier
      if !s:settings.no_foldcolumn
	if empty(s:foldstack)
	  " add the empty foldcolumn for unfolded lines if there is a fold
	  " column at all
	  if s:foldcolumn > 0
	    let s:new = s:new .. s:FoldColumn_fill()
	  " add the fold column for folds not on the opening line
	  if get(s:foldstack, 0).firstline < s:lnum
	    let s:new = s:new .. s:FoldColumn_build('|', s:foldstack[0].level, s:foldcolumn - s:foldstack[0].level, "",
		  \ 'FoldColumn', 'javascript:toggleFold("fold'..s:foldstack[0].id..s:settings.id_suffix..'");')

    " Now continue with the unfolded line text
    if s:settings.number_lines
      let s:new = s:new .. s:HtmlFormat_n(s:numcol, s:LINENR_ID, 0, s:lnum)
    elseif s:settings.line_ids
      let s:new = s:new .. s:HtmlFormat_n("", s:LINENR_ID, 0, s:lnum)

    " Get the diff attribute, if any.
    let s:diffattr = diff_hlID(s:lnum, 1)

    " initialize conceal info to act like not concealed, just in case
    let s:concealinfo = [0, '']

    " Loop over each character in the line
    let s:col = 1

    " most of the time we won't use the diff_id, initialize to zero
    let s:diff_id = 0

    while s:col <= s:len || (s:col == 1 && s:diffattr)
      let s:startcol = s:col " The start column for processing text
      if !s:settings.ignore_conceal && has('conceal')
	let s:concealinfo = synconcealed(s:lnum, s:col)
      if !s:settings.ignore_conceal && s:concealinfo[0]
	let s:col = s:col + 1
	" Speed loop (it's small - that's the trick)
	" Go along till we find a change in the match sequence number (ending
	" the specific concealed region) or until there are no more concealed
	" characters.
	while s:col <= s:len && s:concealinfo == synconcealed(s:lnum, s:col) | let s:col = s:col + 1 | endwhile
      elseif s:diffattr
	let s:diff_id = diff_hlID(s:lnum, s:col)
	let s:id = synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1)
	let s:col = s:col + 1
	" Speed loop (it's small - that's the trick)
	" Go along till we find a change in hlID
	while s:col <= s:len && s:id == synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1)
	      \   && s:diff_id == diff_hlID(s:lnum, s:col) |
	      \     let s:col = s:col + 1 |
	      \ endwhile
	if s:len < &columns && !s:settings.no_pre
	  " Add spaces at the end of the raw text line to extend the changed
	  " line to the full width.
	  let s:line = s:line .. repeat(' ', &columns - virtcol([s:lnum, s:len]) - s:margin)
	  let s:len = &columns
	let s:id = synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1)
	let s:col = s:col + 1
	" Speed loop (it's small - that's the trick)
	" Go along till we find a change in synID
	while s:col <= s:len && s:id == synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1) | let s:col = s:col + 1 | endwhile

      if s:settings.ignore_conceal || !s:concealinfo[0]
	" Expand tabs if needed
	let s:expandedtab = strpart(s:line, s:startcol - 1, s:col - s:startcol)
	if s:settings.expand_tabs
	  let s:offset = 0
	  let s:idx = stridx(s:expandedtab, "\t")
	  let s:tablist = split(&vts,',')
	  if empty(s:tablist)
	    let s:tablist = [ &ts ]
	  let s:tabidx = 0
	  let s:tabwidth = 0
	  while s:idx >= 0
	    if s:startcol + s:idx == 1
	      let s:i = s:tablist[0]
	      " Get the character, which could be multiple bytes, which falls
	      " immediately before the found tab. Extract it by matching a
	      " character just prior to the column where the tab matches.
	      " We'll use this to get the byte index of the character
	      " immediately preceding the tab, so we can then look up the
	      " virtual column that character appears in, to determine how
	      " much of the current tabstop has been used up.
	      if s:idx == 0
		" if the found tab is the first character in the text being
		" processed, we need to get the character prior to the text,
		" given by startcol.
		let s:prevc = matchstr(s:line, '.\%' .. (s:startcol + s:offset) .. 'c')
		" Otherwise, the byte index of the tab into s:expandedtab is
		" given by s:idx.
		let s:prevc = matchstr(s:expandedtab, '.\%' .. (s:idx + 1) .. 'c')
	      let s:vcol = virtcol([s:lnum, s:startcol + s:idx + s:offset - len(s:prevc)])

	      " find the tabstop interval to use for the tab we just found. Keep
	      " adding tabstops (which could be variable) until we would exceed
	      " the virtual screen position of the start of the found tab.
	      while s:vcol >= s:tabwidth + s:tablist[s:tabidx]
		let s:tabwidth += s:tablist[s:tabidx]
		if s:tabidx < len(s:tablist)-1
		  let s:tabidx = s:tabidx+1
	      let s:i = s:tablist[s:tabidx] - (s:vcol - s:tabwidth)
	    " update offset to keep the index within the line corresponding to
	    " actual tab characters instead of replaced spaces; s:idx reflects
	    " replaced spaces in s:expandedtab, s:offset cancels out all but
	    " the tab character itself.
	    let s:offset -= s:i - 1
	    let s:expandedtab = substitute(s:expandedtab, '\t', repeat(' ', s:i), '')
	    let s:idx = stridx(s:expandedtab, "\t")

	" get the highlight group name to use
	let s:id = synIDtrans(s:id)
	" use Conceal highlighting for concealed text
	let s:id = s:CONCEAL_ID
	let s:expandedtab = s:concealinfo[1]

      " Output the text with the same synID, with class set to the highlight ID
      " name, unless it has been concealed completely.
      if strlen(s:expandedtab) > 0
	let s:new = s:new .. s:HtmlFormat(s:expandedtab,  s:id, s:diff_id, "", 0)

  call extend(s:lines, split(s:new..s:HtmlEndline, '\n', 1))
  if !s:settings.no_progress && s:pgb.needs_redraw
    let s:pgb.needs_redraw = 0
  let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1

  if !s:settings.no_progress
    call s:pgb.incr()

" Diff filler is returned based on what needs inserting *before* the given line.
" So to get diff filler at the end of the buffer, we need to use last line + 1
call s:Add_diff_fill(s:end+1)

if s:settings.dynamic_folds
  " finish off any open folds
  while !empty(s:foldstack)
    let s:lines[-1]..="</span></span>"
    call remove(s:foldstack, 0)

  " add fold column to the style list if not already there
  let s:id = s:FOLD_C_ID
  if !has_key(s:stylelist, s:id)
    let s:stylelist[s:id] = '.FoldColumn { ' .. s:CSS1(s:id) .. '}'

if s:settings.no_pre
  if !s:settings.use_css
    " Close off the font tag that encapsulates the whole <body>
    call extend(s:lines, ["</font>"])
    call extend(s:lines, ["</div>"])
  call extend(s:lines, ["</pre>"])
if !s:settings.no_doc
  call extend(s:lines, ["</body>", "</html>"])

exe s:newwin .. "wincmd w"
call setline(1, s:lines)
unlet s:lines

" Mangle modelines so Vim doesn't try to use HTML text as a modeline if editing
" this file in the future; need to do this after generating all the text in case
" the modeline text has different highlight groups which all turn out to be
" stripped from the final output.

" The generated HTML is admittedly ugly and takes a LONG time to fold.
" Make sure the user doesn't do syntax folding when loading a generated file,
" using a modeline.
if !s:settings.no_modeline
  call append(line('$'), "<!-- vim: set foldmethod=manual : -->")

" Now, when we finally know which, we define the colors and styles
if s:settings.use_css && !s:settings.no_doc

  " Normal/global attributes
  if s:settings.no_pre
    call append('.', "body { color: " .. s:fgc .. "; background-color: " .. s:bgc .. "; font-family: ".. s:htmlfont .."; }")
    call append('.', "pre { " .. s:whitespace .. "font-family: ".. s:htmlfont .."; color: " .. s:fgc .. "; background-color: " .. s:bgc .. "; }")
    execute "normal! ^cwbody\e"
    " body should not have the wrap formatting, only the pre section
    if s:whitespace != ''
      exec 's#'..s:whitespace
  " fix browser inconsistencies (sometimes within the same browser) of different
  " default font size for different elements
  call append('.', '* { font-size: 1em; }')
  " if we use any input elements for unselectable content, make sure they look
  " like normal text
  if !empty(s:settings.prevent_copy)
    if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# "none"
      call append('.', 'input { border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: '..s:htmlfont..'; }')
      " ch units for browsers which support them, em units for a somewhat
      " reasonable fallback.
      for w in range(1, 20, 1)
	call append('.', [
	      \ "input[size='"..w.."'] { width: "..w.."em; width: "..w.."ch; }"
	      \ ])

    if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'all'
      let s:unselectable_styles = []
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'f'
	call add(s:unselectable_styles, 'FoldColumn')
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'n'
	call add(s:unselectable_styles, 'LineNr')
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 't' && !s:settings.ignore_folding
	call add(s:unselectable_styles, 'Folded')
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'd'
	call add(s:unselectable_styles, 'DiffDelete')
      if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'none'
	call append('.', [
	      \ '/* Note: IE does not support @supports conditionals, but also does not fully support',
	      \ '   "content:" with custom content, so we *want* the check to fail */',
	      \ '@supports ( content: attr(data-custom-content) ) {'
	      \ ])
      " The line number column inside the foldtext is styled just like the fold
      " text in Vim, but it should use the prevent_copy settings of line number
      " rather than fold text. Apply the prevent_copy styles to foldtext
      " specifically for line numbers, which always come after the fold column,
      " or at the beginning of the line.
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'n' && !s:settings.ignore_folding
	call append('.', [
	      \ '  .FoldColumn + .Folded, .Folded:first-child { user-select: none; }',
	      \ '  .FoldColumn + [data-Folded-content]::before, [data-Folded-content]:first-child::before { content: attr(data-Folded-content); }',
	      \ '  .FoldColumn + [data-Folded-content]::before, [data-Folded-content]:first-child::before { padding-bottom: 1px; display: inline-block; /* match the 1-px padding of standard items with background */ }',
	      \ '  .FoldColumn + span[data-Folded-content]::before, [data-Folded-content]:first-child::before { cursor: default; }',
	      \ ])
      for s:style_name in s:unselectable_styles
	call append('.', [
	      \ '  .'..s:style_name..' { user-select: none; }',
	      \ '  [data-'..s:style_name..'-content]::before { content: attr(data-'..s:style_name..'-content); }',
	      \ '  [data-'..s:style_name..'-content]::before { padding-bottom: 1px; display: inline-block; /* match the 1-px padding of standard items with background */ }',
	      \ '  span[data-'..s:style_name..'-content]::before { cursor: default; }',
	      \ ])
      if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'none'
	" Note, the extra '}' is to match the "@supports" above
	call append('.', [
	      \ '  input { display: none; }',
	      \ '}'
	      \ ])
      unlet s:unselectable_styles

    " Fix mouse cursor shape for the fallback <input> method of uncopyable text
    if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'none'
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'f'
	" Make the cursor show active fold columns as active areas, and empty fold
	" columns as not interactive.
	call append('.', ['input.FoldColumn { cursor: pointer; }',
	      \ 'input.FoldColumn[value="'..repeat(' ', s:foldcolumn)..'"] { cursor: default; }'
	      \ ])
	if s:settings.use_input_for_pc !=# 'all'
	  call append('.', [
		\ 'a[data-FoldColumn-content="'..repeat(' ', s:foldcolumn)..'"] { cursor: default; }'
		\ ])
      " make line number column show as non-interactive if not selectable
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'n'
	call append('.', 'input.LineNr { cursor: default; }')
      " make fold text and line number column within fold text show as
      " non-interactive if not selectable
      if (s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'n' || s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 't') && !s:settings.ignore_folding
	call append('.', 'input.Folded { cursor: default; }')
      " make diff filler show as non-interactive if not selectable
      if s:settings.prevent_copy =~# 'd'
	call append('.', 'input.DiffDelete { cursor: default; }')

if !s:settings.use_css && !s:settings.no_doc
  " For Netscape 4, set <body> attributes too, though, strictly speaking, it's
  " incorrect.
  execute '%s:<body\([^>]*\):<body bgcolor="' .. s:bgc .. '" text="' .. s:fgc .. '"\1>\r<font face="'.. s:htmlfont ..'"'

" Gather attributes for all other classes. Do diff first so that normal
" highlight groups are inserted before it.
if s:settings.use_css && !s:settings.no_doc
  if s:diff_mode
    call append('.', filter(map(keys(s:diffstylelist), "s:diffstylelist[v:val]"), 'v:val != ""'))
  if !empty(s:stylelist)
    call append('.', filter(map(keys(s:stylelist), "s:stylelist[v:val]"), 'v:val != ""'))

" Add hyperlinks
if !s:settings.no_links
  %s+\(https\=://\S\{-}\)\(\([.,;:}]\=\(\s\|$\)\)\|[\\"'<>]\|&gt;\|&lt;\|&quot;\)+<a href="\1">\1</a>\2+ge

" The DTD
if !s:settings.no_doc
  if s:settings.use_xhtml
    exe "normal! gg$a\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"
  elseif s:html5
    exe "normal! gg0i<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
    exe "normal! gg0i<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n"

if s:settings.use_xhtml && !s:settings.no_doc
  exe "normal! gg/<html/e\na xmlns=\"\"\e"

" Cleanup

" Restore old settings (new window first)
" Don't bother restoring foldmethod in case it was syntax because the markup is
" so weirdly formatted it can take a LONG time.
let &l:foldenable = s:old_fen
let &report = s:old_report
let &title = s:old_title
let &icon = s:old_icon
let &paste = s:old_paste
let &magic = s:old_magic
let @/ = s:old_search
let &more = s:old_more

" switch to original window to restore those settings
exe s:orgwin .. "wincmd w"

if !s:settings.expand_tabs
  let &l:isprint = s:old_isprint
let &l:stl = s:origwin_stl
let &l:et = s:old_et
let &l:scrollbind = s:old_bind

" and back to the new window again to end there
exe s:newwin .. "wincmd w"

let &l:stl = s:newwin_stl
exec 'resize' s:old_winheight
let &l:winfixheight = s:old_winfixheight

let &ls=s:ls
let &eventignore=s:ei_sav

" Save a little bit of memory (worth doing?)
unlet s:htmlfont s:whitespace
unlet s:old_et s:old_paste s:old_icon s:old_report s:old_title s:old_search
unlet s:old_magic s:old_more s:old_fen s:old_winheight
unlet! s:old_isprint
unlet s:whatterm s:stylelist s:diffstylelist s:lnum s:end s:margin s:fgc s:bgc s:old_winfixheight
unlet! s:col s:id s:attr s:len s:line s:new s:expandedtab s:concealinfo s:diff_mode
unlet! s:orgwin s:newwin s:orgbufnr s:idx s:i s:offset s:ls s:ei_sav s:origwin_stl
unlet! s:newwin_stl s:current_syntax
if !v:profiling
  delfunc s:HtmlColor
  delfunc s:HtmlFormat
  delfunc s:CSS1
  delfunc s:BuildStyleWrapper
  if !s:settings.use_css
    delfunc s:HtmlOpening
    delfunc s:HtmlClosing
  if s:settings.dynamic_folds
    delfunc s:FoldCompare

  if !s:settings.no_progress
    delfunc s:ProgressBar
    delfunc s:progressbar.paint
    delfunc s:progressbar.incr
    unlet s:pgb s:progressbar

  delfunc s:Add_diff_fill

unlet! s:new_lnum s:diffattr s:difffillchar s:foldfillchar s:HtmlSpace s:diffstyle
unlet! s:LeadingSpace s:HtmlEndline s:firstfold s:numcol s:foldcolumn
unlet! s:wrapperfunc_lines s:build_fun_lines
unlet s:foldstack s:allfolds s:foldId s:settings

let &cpo = s:cpo_sav
unlet! s:cpo_sav

" Make sure any patches will probably use consistent indent
"   vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 noet