view runtime/indent/ada.vim @ 33480:f8dd278ab05f v9.0.1991

patch 9.0.1991: no cmdline completion for setting the font Commit: Author: Yee Cheng Chin <> Date: Thu Oct 5 20:54:21 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1991: no cmdline completion for setting the font Problem: no cmdline completion for setting the font Solution: enable it on Win32 and GTK builds Add guifont cmdline completion (for Windows and GTK) For Windows, auto-complete will only suggest monospace fonts as that's the only types allowed. Will also suggest font options after the colon, including suggesting the current font size for convenience, and misc charset and quality options like `cANSI` and `qCLEARTYPE`. For GTK, auto-complete will suggest only monospace fonts for `guifont` but will include all fonts for `guifontwide`. The completion code doesn't currently suggest the current font size, as the GTK guifont format does not have a clear delimiter (':' for other platforms). closes: #13264 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yee Cheng Chin <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 05 Oct 2023 21:00:07 +0200
parents 6dd88e45d47d
line wrap: on
line source

"  Description: Vim Ada indent file
"     Language: Ada (2005)
"	   $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
"   Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
"		Neil Bird <>
"		Ned Okie <>
"      $Author: krischik $
"	 $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
"      Version: 4.6
"    $Revision: 887 $
"     $HeadURL: $
"      History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
"		16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
"		15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
"		05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
"		19.09.2007 NO g: missing before ada#Comment
"		2022 April: b:undo_indent added by Doug Kearns
"    Help Page: ft-vim-indent
" ToDo:
"  Verify handling of multi-line exprs. and recovery upon the final ';'.
"  Correctly find comments given '"' and "" ==> " syntax.
"  Combine the two large block-indent functions into one?

" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent") || version < 700

let b:did_indent = 45

setlocal indentexpr=GetAdaIndent()
setlocal indentkeys-=0{,0}
setlocal indentkeys+=0=~then,0=~end,0=~elsif,0=~when,0=~exception,0=~begin,0=~is,0=~record

let b:undo_indent = "setl inde< indk<"

" Only define the functions once.
if exists("*GetAdaIndent")
let s:keepcpo= &cpo
set cpo&vim

if exists("g:ada_with_gnat_project_files")
   let s:AdaBlockStart = '^\s*\(if\>\|while\>\|else\>\|elsif\>\|loop\>\|for\>.*\<\(loop\|use\)\>\|declare\>\|begin\>\|type\>.*\<is\>[^;]*$\|\(type\>.*\)\=\<record\>\|procedure\>\|function\>\|accept\>\|do\>\|task\>\|package\>\|project\>\|then\>\|when\>\|is\>\)'
   let s:AdaBlockStart = '^\s*\(if\>\|while\>\|else\>\|elsif\>\|loop\>\|for\>.*\<\(loop\|use\)\>\|declare\>\|begin\>\|type\>.*\<is\>[^;]*$\|\(type\>.*\)\=\<record\>\|procedure\>\|function\>\|accept\>\|do\>\|task\>\|package\>\|then\>\|when\>\|is\>\)'

" Section: s:MainBlockIndent {{{1
" Try to find indent of the block we're in
" prev_indent = the previous line's indent
" prev_lnum   = previous line (to start looking on)
" blockstart  = expr. that indicates a possible start of this block
" stop_at     = if non-null, if a matching line is found, gives up!
" No recursive previous block analysis: simply look for a valid line
" with a lesser or equal indent than we currently (on prev_lnum) have.
" This shouldn't work as well as it appears to with lines that are currently
" nowhere near the correct indent (e.g., start of line)!
" Seems to work OK as it 'starts' with the indent of the /previous/ line.
function s:MainBlockIndent (prev_indent, prev_lnum, blockstart, stop_at)
   let lnum = a:prev_lnum
   let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
   while lnum > 1
      if a:stop_at != ''  &&  line =~ '^\s*' . a:stop_at  &&  indent(lnum) < a:prev_indent
	 return a:prev_indent
      elseif line =~ '^\s*' . a:blockstart
	 let ind = indent(lnum)
	 if ind < a:prev_indent
	    return ind

      let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
      " Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only line
      while 1
	 let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
	 if line !~ '^\s*$' && line !~ '^\s*#'
	 let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
	 if lnum <= 0
	    return a:prev_indent
   " Fallback - just move back one
   return a:prev_indent - shiftwidth()
endfunction MainBlockIndent

" Section: s:EndBlockIndent {{{1
" Try to find indent of the block we're in (and about to complete),
" including handling of nested blocks. Works on the 'end' of a block.
" prev_indent = the previous line's indent
" prev_lnum   = previous line (to start looking on)
" blockstart  = expr. that indicates a possible start of this block
" blockend    = expr. that indicates a possible end of this block
function s:EndBlockIndent( prev_indent, prev_lnum, blockstart, blockend )
   let lnum = a:prev_lnum
   let line = getline(lnum)
   let ends = 0
   while lnum > 1
      if getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*' . a:blockstart
	 let ind = indent(lnum)
	 if ends <= 0
	    if ind < a:prev_indent
	       return ind
	    let ends = ends - 1
      elseif getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*' . a:blockend
	 let ends = ends + 1

      let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
      " Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only line
      while 1
	 let line = getline(lnum)
	 let line = substitute( line, g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
	 if line !~ '^\s*$'
	 let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
	 if lnum <= 0
	    return a:prev_indent
   " Fallback - just move back one
   return a:prev_indent - shiftwidth()
endfunction EndBlockIndent

" Section: s:StatementIndent {{{1
" Return indent of previous statement-start
" (after we've indented due to multi-line statements).
" This time, we start searching on the line *before* the one given (which is
" the end of a statement - we want the previous beginning).
function s:StatementIndent( current_indent, prev_lnum )
   let lnum  = a:prev_lnum
   while lnum > 0
      let prev_lnum = lnum
      let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
      " Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only line
      while 1
	 let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )

	 if line !~ '^\s*$' && line !~ '^\s*#'
	 let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
	 if lnum <= 0
	    return a:current_indent
      " Leave indent alone if our ';' line is part of a ';'-delineated
      " aggregate (e.g., procedure args.) or first line after a block start.
      if line =~ s:AdaBlockStart || line =~ '(\s*$'
	 return a:current_indent
      if line !~ '[.=(]\s*$'
	 let ind = indent(prev_lnum)
	 if ind < a:current_indent
	    return ind
   " Fallback - just use current one
   return a:current_indent
endfunction StatementIndent

" Section: GetAdaIndent {{{1
" Find correct indent of a new line based upon what went before
function GetAdaIndent()
   " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
   let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
   let ind = indent(lnum)
   let package_line = 0

   " Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only/non-cpp line
   while 1
      let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
      if line !~ '^\s*$' && line !~ '^\s*#'
      let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
      if lnum <= 0
	 return ind

   " Get default indent (from prev. line)
   let ind = indent(lnum)
   let initind = ind

   " Now check what's on the previous line
   if line =~ s:AdaBlockStart  ||  line =~ '(\s*$'
      " Check for false matches to AdaBlockStart
      let false_match = 0
      if line =~ '^\s*\(procedure\|function\|package\)\>.*\<is\s*new\>'
	 " Generic instantiation
	 let false_match = 1
      elseif line =~ ')\s*;\s*$'  ||  line =~ '^\([^(]*([^)]*)\)*[^(]*;\s*$'
	 " forward declaration
	 let false_match = 1
      " Move indent in
      if ! false_match
	 let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
   elseif line =~ '^\s*\(case\|exception\)\>'
      " Move indent in twice (next 'when' will move back)
      let ind = ind + 2 * shiftwidth()
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\s*record\>'
      " Move indent back to tallying 'type' preceding the 'record'.
      " Allow indent to be equal to 'end record's.
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind+shiftwidth(), lnum, 'type\>', '' )
   elseif line =~ '\(^\s*new\>.*\)\@<!)\s*[;,]\s*$'
      " Revert to indent of line that started this parenthesis pair
      exe lnum
      exe 'normal! $F)%'
      if getline('.') =~ '^\s*('
	 " Dire layout - use previous indent (could check for g:ada#Comment here)
	 let ind = indent( prevnonblank( line('.')-1 ) )
	 let ind = indent('.')
      exe v:lnum
   elseif line =~ '[.=(]\s*$'
      " A statement continuation - move in one
      let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
   elseif line =~ '^\s*new\>'
      " Multiple line generic instantiation ('package blah is\nnew thingy')
      let ind = s:StatementIndent( ind - shiftwidth(), lnum )
   elseif line =~ ';\s*$'
      " Statement end (but not 'end' ) - try to find current statement-start indent
      let ind = s:StatementIndent( ind, lnum )

   " Check for potential argument list on next line
   let continuation = (line =~ '[A-Za-z0-9_]\s*$')

   " Check current line; search for simplistic matching start-of-block
   let line = getline(v:lnum)
   if line =~ '^\s*#'
      " Start of line for ada-pp
      let ind = 0
   elseif continuation && line =~ '^\s*('
      " Don't do this if we've already indented due to the previous line
      if ind == initind
	 let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
   elseif line =~ '^\s*\(begin\|is\)\>'
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(procedure\|function\|declare\|package\|task\)\>', 'begin\>' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*record\>'
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'type\>\|for\>.*\<use\>', '' ) + shiftwidth()
   elseif line =~ '^\s*\(else\|elsif\)\>'
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'if\>', '' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*when\>'
      " Align 'when' one /in/ from matching block start
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(case\|exception\)\>', '' ) + shiftwidth()
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<if\>'
      " End of if statements
      let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'if\>', 'end\>\s*\<if\>' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<loop\>'
      " End of loops
      let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(\(while\|for\)\>.*\)\?\<loop\>', 'end\>\s*\<loop\>' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<record\>'
      " End of records
      let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(type\>.*\)\=\<record\>', 'end\>\s*\<record\>' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<procedure\>'
      " End of procedures
      let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'procedure\>.*\<is\>', 'end\>\s*\<procedure\>' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<case\>'
      " End of case statement
      let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'case\>.*\<is\>', 'end\>\s*\<case\>' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>'
      " General case for end
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(if\|while\|for\|loop\|accept\|begin\|record\|case\|exception\|package\)\>', '' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*exception\>'
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'begin\>', '' )
   elseif line =~ '^\s*then\>'
      let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'if\>', '' )

   return ind
endfunction GetAdaIndent

let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo

finish " 1}}}

"   Copyright (C) 2006	Martin Krischik
"   Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker