view src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim @ 32100:fcc497515cce v9.0.1381

patch 9.0.1381: ACCESS_ names have a conflict with on some systems Commit: Author: =?UTF-8?q?Ola=20S=C3=B6der?= <> Date: Sun Mar 5 13:12:32 2023 +0000 patch 9.0.1381: ACCESS_ names have a conflict with on some systems Problem: ACCESS_ names have a conflict with on some systems. Solution: Rename by prepending VIM_. (Ola S?der, closes
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sun, 05 Mar 2023 14:15:05 +0100
parents 929a9427862c
children b1ea62e14b3c
line wrap: on
line source

" Tests for autocommands

source shared.vim
source check.vim
source term_util.vim
source screendump.vim
import './vim9.vim' as v9

func s:cleanup_buffers() abort
  for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
    if bufloaded(bnr) && bufnr('%') != bnr
      execute 'bd! ' . bnr

func Test_vim_did_enter()
  call assert_false(v:vim_did_enter)

  " This script will never reach the main loop, can't check if v:vim_did_enter
  " becomes one.

" Test for the CursorHold autocmd
func Test_CursorHold_autocmd()
  call writefile(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'XoneTwoThree', 'D')
  let before =<< trim END
    set updatetime=10
    au CursorHold * call writefile([line('.')], 'XCHoutput', 'a')
  call writefile(before, 'XCHinit', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XCHinit XoneTwoThree', {})
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "G")
  call term_wait(buf, 50)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "gg")
  call term_wait(buf)
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['1'], readfile('XCHoutput')[-1:-1])})
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "j")
  call term_wait(buf)
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['1', '2'], readfile('XCHoutput')[-2:-1])})
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "j")
  call term_wait(buf)
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['1', '2', '3'], readfile('XCHoutput')[-3:-1])})
  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

  call delete('XCHoutput')

if has('timers')

  func ExitInsertMode(id)
    call feedkeys("\<Esc>")

  func Test_cursorhold_insert()
    " Need to move the cursor.
    call feedkeys("ggG", "xt")

    let g:triggered = 0
    au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
    set updatetime=20
    call timer_start(200, 'ExitInsertMode')
    call feedkeys('a', 'x!')
    sleep 30m
    call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)
    unlet g:triggered
    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

  func Test_cursorhold_insert_with_timer_interrupt()
    CheckFeature job
    " Need to move the cursor.
    call feedkeys("ggG", "xt")

    " Confirm the timer invoked in exit_cb of the job doesn't disturb
    " CursorHoldI event.
    let g:triggered = 0
    au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
    set updatetime=100
    call job_start(has('win32') ? 'cmd /c echo:' : 'echo',
          \ {'exit_cb': {-> timer_start(200, 'ExitInsertMode')}})
    call feedkeys('a', 'x!')
    call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)
    unlet g:triggered
    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

  func Test_cursorhold_insert_ctrl_x()
    let g:triggered = 0
    au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
    set updatetime=20
    call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode')
    " CursorHoldI does not trigger after CTRL-X
    call feedkeys("a\<C-X>", 'x!')
    call assert_equal(0, g:triggered)
    unlet g:triggered
    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

  func Test_cursorhold_insert_ctrl_g_U()
    au CursorHoldI * :
    set updatetime=20
    call timer_start(100, { -> feedkeys("\<Left>foo\<Esc>", 't') })
    call feedkeys("i()\<C-g>U", 'tx!')
    sleep 200m
    call assert_equal('(foo)', getline(1))
    call assert_equal('', getline(1))

    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

  func Test_OptionSet_modeline()
    call test_override('starting', 1)
    au! OptionSet
    augroup set_tabstop
      au OptionSet tabstop call timer_start(1, {-> execute("echo 'Handler called'", "")})
    augroup END
    call writefile(['vim: set ts=7 sw=5 :', 'something'], 'XoptionsetModeline', 'D')
    set modeline
    let v:errmsg = ''
    call assert_fails('split XoptionsetModeline', 'E12:')
    call assert_equal(7, &ts)
    call assert_equal('', v:errmsg)

    augroup set_tabstop
    augroup END
    set ts&
    call test_override('starting', 0)

endif "has('timers')

func Test_bufunload()
  augroup test_bufunload_group
    autocmd BufUnload * call add(s:li, "bufunload")
    autocmd BufDelete * call add(s:li, "bufdelete")
    autocmd BufWipeout * call add(s:li, "bufwipeout")
  augroup END

  let s:li = []
  setlocal bufhidden=
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li)

  let s:li = []
  setlocal bufhidden=delete
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li)

  let s:li = []
  setlocal bufhidden=unload
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete", "bufwipeout"], s:li)

  au! test_bufunload_group
  augroup! test_bufunload_group

" SEGV occurs in older versions.  (At least 7.4.2005 or older)
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext()

  augroup test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
    autocmd BufUnload <buffer> tabnext
  augroup END

  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))

  autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
  augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group

func Test_argdelete_in_next()
  au BufNew,BufEnter,BufLeave,BufWinEnter * argdel
  call assert_fails('next a b', 'E1156:')
  au! BufNew,BufEnter,BufLeave,BufWinEnter *

func Test_autocmd_bufwinleave_with_tabfirst()
  augroup sample
    autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> tabfirst
  augroup END
  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
  edit! a.txt

" SEGV occurs in older versions.  (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_01()
  split aa.txt
  let lastbuf = bufnr('$')

  augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
    exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
  augroup END

  call assert_fails('edit bb.txt', 'E937:')

  autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
  augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
  bwipe! aa.txt
  bwipe! bb.txt

" SEGV occurs in older versions.  (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_02()
  setlocal buftype=nowrite
  let lastbuf = bufnr('$')

  augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
    exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
  augroup END

  normal! i1
  call assert_fails('edit a.txt', 'E517:')

  autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
  augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
  bwipe! a.txt

func Test_autocmd_dummy_wipeout()
  " prepare files
  call writefile([''], 'Xdummywipetest1.txt', 'D')
  call writefile([''], 'Xdummywipetest2.txt', 'D')
  augroup test_bufunload_group
    autocmd BufUnload * call add(s:li, "bufunload")
    autocmd BufDelete * call add(s:li, "bufdelete")
    autocmd BufWipeout * call add(s:li, "bufwipeout")
  augroup END

  let s:li = []
  split Xdummywipetest1.txt
  silent! vimgrep /notmatched/ Xdummywipetest*
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufwipeout"], s:li)

  au! test_bufunload_group
  augroup! test_bufunload_group

func Test_win_tab_autocmd()
  let g:record = []

  augroup testing
    au WinNew * call add(g:record, 'WinNew')
    au WinClosed * call add(g:record, 'WinClosed')
    au WinEnter * call add(g:record, 'WinEnter')
    au WinLeave * call add(g:record, 'WinLeave')
    au TabNew * call add(g:record, 'TabNew')
    au TabClosed * call add(g:record, 'TabClosed')
    au TabEnter * call add(g:record, 'TabEnter')
    au TabLeave * call add(g:record, 'TabLeave')
  augroup END


  call assert_equal([
	\ 'WinLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinClosed', 'TabClosed', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'WinClosed', 'WinEnter'
	\ ], g:record)

  let g:record = []
  tabnew somefile
  bwipe somefile

  call assert_equal([
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinClosed', 'TabClosed'
	\ ], g:record)

  augroup testing
  augroup END
  unlet g:record

func Test_WinResized()

  let lines =<< trim END
    set scrolloff=0
    call setline(1, ['111', '222'])
    call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb'])
    call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar'])

    let g:resized = 0
    au WinResized * let g:resized += 1

    func WriteResizedEvent()
      call writefile([json_encode(v:event)], 'XresizeEvent')
    au WinResized * call WriteResizedEvent()
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winresized', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winresized', {'rows': 10})

  " redraw now to avoid a redraw after the :echo command
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":redraw!\<CR>")
  call TermWait(buf)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:resized\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^0$', term_getline(buf, 10))}, 1000)

  " increase window height, two windows will be reported
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>+")
  call TermWait(buf)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:resized\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^1$', term_getline(buf, 10))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XresizeEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'windows': [1002, 1001],
        \ }, event)

  " increase window width, three windows will be reported
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>>")
  call TermWait(buf)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:resized\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^2$', term_getline(buf, 10))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XresizeEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'windows': [1002, 1001, 1000],
        \ }, event)

  call delete('XresizeEvent')
  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_WinScrolled()

  let lines =<< trim END
    set nowrap scrolloff=0
    for ii in range(1, 18)
      call setline(ii, repeat(nr2char(96 + ii), ii * 2))
    let win_id = win_getid()
    let g:matched = v:false
    func WriteScrollEvent()
      call writefile([json_encode(v:event)], 'XscrollEvent')
    execute 'au WinScrolled' win_id 'let g:matched = v:true'
    let g:scrolled = 0
    au WinScrolled * let g:scrolled += 1
    au WinScrolled * let g:amatch = str2nr(expand('<amatch>'))
    au WinScrolled * let g:afile = str2nr(expand('<afile>'))
    au WinScrolled * call WriteScrollEvent()
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled', {'rows': 6})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^0 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  " Scroll left/right in Normal mode.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "zlzh:echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^2 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 1, 'topline': 0, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': -1, 'topline': 0, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  " Scroll up/down in Normal mode.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<c-e>\<c-y>:echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^4 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': -1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  " Scroll up/down in Insert mode.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "Mi\<c-x>\<c-e>\<Esc>i\<c-x>\<c-y>\<Esc>")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^6 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': -1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  " Scroll the window horizontally to focus the last letter of the third line
  " containing only six characters. Moving to the previous and shorter lines
  " should trigger another autocommand as Vim has to make them visible.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "5zl2k")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^8 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 5, 'topline': 0, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': -5, 'topline': 0, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  " Ensure the command was triggered for the specified window ID.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:matched\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^v:true ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  " Ensure the expansion of <amatch> and <afile> matches the window ID.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:amatch == win_id && g:afile == win_id\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^v:true ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call delete('XscrollEvent')
  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_WinScrolled_mouse()

  let lines =<< trim END
    set nowrap scrolloff=0
    set mouse=a term=xterm ttymouse=sgr mousetime=200 clipboard=
    call setline(1, ['foo']->repeat(32))
    let g:scrolled = 0
    au WinScrolled * let g:scrolled += 1
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled_mouse', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled_mouse', {'rows': 10})

  " With the upper split focused, send a scroll-down event to the unfocused one.
  call test_setmouse(7, 1)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<ScrollWheelDown>")
  call TermWait(buf)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^1', term_getline(buf, 10))}, 1000)

  " Again, but this time while we're in insert mode.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "i\<ScrollWheelDown>\<Esc>")
  call TermWait(buf)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^2', term_getline(buf, 10))}, 1000)

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_WinScrolled_close_curwin()

  let lines =<< trim END
    set nowrap scrolloff=0
    call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb'])
    au WinScrolled * close
    au VimLeave * call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout')
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled_close_curwin', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled_close_curwin', {'rows': 6})

  " This was using freed memory
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-E>")
  call TermWait(buf)
  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

  " check the startup script finished to the end
  call assert_equal(['123456'], readfile('Xtestout'))
  call delete('Xtestout')

func Test_WinScrolled_once_only()

  let lines =<< trim END
      set cmdheight=2
      call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb'])
      let trigger_count = 0
      func ShowInfo(id)
        echo g:trigger_count g:winid winlayout()

      " use a timer to show the info after a redraw
      au WinScrolled * let trigger_count += 1 | let winid = expand('<amatch>') | call timer_start(100, 'ShowInfo')
      wincmd j
      wincmd l
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled_once', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled_once', #{rows: 10, cols: 60, statusoff: 2})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-E>")
  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_winscrolled_once_only_1', {})

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

" Check that WinScrolled is not triggered immediately when defined and there
" are split windows.
func Test_WinScrolled_not_when_defined()

  let lines =<< trim END
      call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb'])
      echo 'nothing happened'
      func ShowTriggered(id)
        echo 'triggered'
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled_not', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled_not', #{rows: 10, cols: 60, statusoff: 2})
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":split\<CR>")
  call TermWait(buf)
  " use a timer to show the message after redrawing
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":au WinScrolled * call timer_start(100, 'ShowTriggered')\<CR>")
  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_winscrolled_not_when_defined_1', {})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-E>")
  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_winscrolled_not_when_defined_2', {})

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_WinScrolled_long_wrapped()

  let lines =<< trim END
    set scrolloff=0
    let height = winheight(0)
    let width = winwidth(0)
    let g:scrolled = 0
    au WinScrolled * let g:scrolled += 1
    call setline(1, repeat('foo', height * width))
    call cursor(1, height * width)
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled_long_wrapped', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled_long_wrapped', {'rows': 6})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^0 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, 'gj')
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^1 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, '0')
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^2 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, '$')
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:scrolled\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^3 ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_WinScrolled_diff()

  let lines =<< trim END
    set diffopt+=foldcolumn:0
    call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i'])
    call setline(1, ['d', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i'])
    windo diffthis
    func WriteScrollEvent()
      call writefile([json_encode(v:event)], 'XscrollEvent')
    au WinScrolled * call WriteScrollEvent()
  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_winscrolled_diff', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_winscrolled_diff', {'rows': 8})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-E>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^d', term_getline(buf, 3))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 1, 'topfill': 1, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1001': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 0, 'topfill': -1, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "2\<C-E>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^f', term_getline(buf, 3))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 2, 'topfill': 2, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 2, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1001': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 0, 'topfill': -2, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-E>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^g', term_getline(buf, 3))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 2, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1001': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 1, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "2\<C-Y>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^e', term_getline(buf, 3))}, 1000)

  let event = readfile('XscrollEvent')[0]->json_decode()
  call assert_equal({
        \ 'all': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': 3, 'topfill': 1, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1000': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': -2, 'topfill': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0},
        \ '1001': {'leftcol': 0, 'topline': -1, 'topfill': 1, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'skipcol': 0}
        \ }, event)

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
  call delete('XscrollEvent')

func Test_WinClosed()
  " Test that the pattern is matched against the closed window's ID, and both
  " <amatch> and <afile> are set to it.
  let winid = win_getid()
  let g:matched = v:false
  augroup test-WinClosed
    execute 'autocmd WinClosed' winid 'let g:matched = v:true'
    autocmd WinClosed * let g:amatch = str2nr(expand('<amatch>'))
    autocmd WinClosed * let g:afile = str2nr(expand('<afile>'))
  augroup END
  call assert_true(g:matched)
  call assert_equal(winid, g:amatch)
  call assert_equal(winid, g:afile)

  " Test that WinClosed is non-recursive.
  call assert_equal(3, winnr('$'))
  let g:triggered = 0
  augroup test-WinClosed
    autocmd WinClosed * let g:triggered += 1
    autocmd WinClosed * 2 wincmd c
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
  call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)

  autocmd! test-WinClosed
  augroup! test-WinClosed
  unlet g:matched
  unlet g:amatch
  unlet g:afile
  unlet g:triggered

func Test_WinClosed_throws()
  let bnr = bufnr()
  call assert_equal(1, bufloaded(bnr))
  augroup test-WinClosed
    autocmd WinClosed * throw 'foo'
  augroup END
  catch /.*/
  call assert_equal(0, bufloaded(bnr))

  autocmd! test-WinClosed
  augroup! test-WinClosed

func Test_WinClosed_throws_with_tabs()
  let bnr = bufnr()
  call assert_equal(1, bufloaded(bnr))
  augroup test-WinClosed
    autocmd WinClosed * throw 'foo'
  augroup END
  catch /.*/
  call assert_equal(0, bufloaded(bnr))

  autocmd! test-WinClosed
  augroup! test-WinClosed

" This used to trigger WinClosed twice for the same window, and the window's
" buffer was NULL in the second autocommand.
func Test_WinClosed_switch_tab()
  edit Xa
  split Xb
  split Xc
  tab split
  augroup test-WinClosed
    autocmd WinClosed * tabprev | bwipe!
  augroup END
  " Check that the tabline has been fully removed
  call assert_equal([1, 1], win_screenpos(0))

  autocmd! test-WinClosed
  augroup! test-WinClosed

func s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest
    au BufReadCmd * echo 'hello'
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(3, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

func Test_early_bar()
  " test that a bar is recognized before the {event}
  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest | au! | let done = 77 | augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
  call assert_equal(77, done)

  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest| au!| let done = 88 | augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
  call assert_equal(88, done)

  " test that a bar is recognized after the {event}
  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest| au!BufReadCmd| let done = 99 | augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
  call assert_equal(99, done)

  " test that a bar is recognized after the {group}
  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  au! vimBarTest|echo 'hello'
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

func RemoveGroup()
  autocmd! StartOK
  augroup! StartOK

func Test_augroup_warning()
  augroup TheWarning
    au VimEnter * echo 'entering'
  augroup END
  call assert_match("TheWarning.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
  redir => res
  augroup! TheWarning
  redir END
  call assert_match("W19:", res)
  call assert_match("-Deleted-.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))

  " check "Another" does not take the pace of the deleted entry
  augroup Another
  augroup END
  call assert_match("-Deleted-.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
  augroup! Another

  " no warning for postpone aucmd delete
  augroup StartOK
    au VimEnter * call RemoveGroup()
  augroup END
  call assert_match("StartOK.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
  redir => res
  doautocmd VimEnter
  redir END
  call assert_notmatch("W19:", res)
  au! VimEnter

  call assert_fails('augroup!', 'E471:')

func Test_BufReadCmdHelp()
  " This used to cause access to free memory
  au BufReadCmd * e +h

  au! BufReadCmd

func Test_BufReadCmdHelpJump()
  " This used to cause access to free memory
  au BufReadCmd * e +h{
  " } to fix highlighting
  call assert_fails('help', 'E434:')

  au! BufReadCmd

" BufReadCmd is triggered for a "nofile" buffer. Check all values.
func Test_BufReadCmdNofile()
  for val in ['nofile',
            \ 'nowrite',
            \ 'acwrite',
            \ 'quickfix',
            \ 'help',
            \ 'terminal',
            \ 'prompt',
            \ 'popup',
            \ ]
    new somefile
    exe 'set buftype=' .. val
    au BufReadCmd somefile call setline(1, 'triggered')
    call assert_equal('triggered', getline(1))

    au! BufReadCmd

func Test_augroup_deleted()
  " This caused a crash before E936 was introduced
  augroup x
    call assert_fails('augroup! x', 'E936:')
    au VimEnter * echo
  augroup end
  augroup! x
  call assert_match("-Deleted-.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
  au! VimEnter

" Tests for autocommands on :close command.
" This used to be in test13.
func Test_three_windows()
  " Clean up buffers, because in some cases this function fails.
  call s:cleanup_buffers()

  " Write three files and open them, each in a window.
  " Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one.
  " Do this twice, writing the file.
  e! Xtestje1
  call setline(1, 'testje1')
  sp Xtestje2
  call setline(1, 'testje2')
  sp Xtestje3
  call setline(1, 'testje3')
  wincmd w
  au WinLeave Xtestje2 bwipe
  wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))

  au WinLeave Xtestje1 bwipe Xtestje3
  call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))

  " Test deleting the buffer on a Unload event.  If this goes wrong there
  " will be the ATTENTION prompt.
  e Xtestje1
  au! BufUnload Xtestje1 bwipe
  call assert_fails('e Xtestje3', 'E937:')
  call assert_equal('Xtestje3', expand('%'))

  e Xtestje2
  sp Xtestje1
  call assert_fails('e', 'E937:')
  call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))

  " Test changing buffers in a BufWipeout autocommand.  If this goes wrong
  " there are ml_line errors and/or a Crash.
  e Xanother
  e Xtestje1
  bwipe Xtestje2
  bwipe Xtestje3
  au BufWipeout Xtestje1 buf Xtestje1
  call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))

  wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))

  call delete('Xtestje1')
  call delete('Xtestje2')
  call delete('Xtestje3')

func Test_BufEnter()
  au! BufEnter
  au Bufenter * let val = val . '+'
  let g:val = ''
  split NewFile
  call assert_equal('+', g:val)
  call assert_equal('++', g:val)

  " Also get BufEnter when editing a directory
  call mkdir('Xbufenterdir', 'D')
  split Xbufenterdir
  call assert_equal('+++', g:val)

  " On MS-Windows we can't edit the directory, make sure we wipe the right
  " buffer.
  bwipe! Xbufenterdir
  au! BufEnter

  " Editing a "nofile" buffer doesn't read the file but does trigger BufEnter
  " for historic reasons.  Also test other 'buftype' values.
  for val in ['nofile',
            \ 'nowrite',
            \ 'acwrite',
            \ 'quickfix',
            \ 'help',
            \ 'terminal',
            \ 'prompt',
            \ 'popup',
            \ ]
    new somefile
    exe 'set buftype=' .. val
    au BufEnter somefile call setline(1, 'some text')
    call assert_equal('some text', getline(1))
    au! BufEnter

  autocmd BufEnter * ++once close
  call assert_fails('close', 'E1312:')

  au! BufEnter

" Closing a window might cause an endless loop
" E814 for older Vims
func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost()
  edit Xtest
  file Xsomething
  set noswapfile

  let content =<< trim [CODE]
    call test_override('ui_delay', 10)
    set nocp noswapfile
    let v:swapchoice = "e"
    augroup test_autocmd_sessionload
    autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"
    augroup END

    func WriteErrors()
      call writefile([execute("messages")], "XerrorsBwipe")
    au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()

  call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc', 'D')
  call system(GetVimCommand('Xvimrc') .. ' --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
  sleep 100m
  let errors = join(readfile('XerrorsBwipe'))
  call assert_match('E814:', errors)

  set swapfile
  for file in ['Session.vim', 'XerrorsBwipe']
    call delete(file)

" Using :blast and :ball for many events caused a crash, because b_nwindows was
" not incremented correctly.
func Test_autocmd_blast_badd()
  let content =<< trim [CODE]
      au BufNew,BufAdd,BufWinEnter,BufEnter,BufLeave,BufWinLeave,BufUnload,VimEnter foo* blast
      edit foo1
      au BufNew,BufAdd,BufWinEnter,BufEnter,BufLeave,BufWinLeave,BufUnload,VimEnter foo* ball
      edit foo2
      call writefile(['OK'], 'XerrorsBlast')

  call writefile(content, 'XblastBall', 'D')
  call system(GetVimCommand() .. ' --clean -S XblastBall')
  sleep 100m
  call assert_match('OK', readfile('XerrorsBlast')->join())

  call delete('XerrorsBlast')

" SEGV occurs in older versions.
func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost2()
  set noswapfile

  let content =<< trim [CODE]
    set nocp noswapfile
    function! DeleteInactiveBufs()
      let tabblist = []
      for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))
        call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))
      for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))
        if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')
          exec ''bwipeout '' . b
      echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"
    au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()

    func WriteErrors()
      call writefile([execute("messages")], "XerrorsPost")
    au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()

  call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc', 'D')
  call system(GetVimCommand('Xvimrc') .. ' --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
  sleep 100m
  let errors = join(readfile('XerrorsPost'))
  " This probably only ever matches on unix.
  call assert_notmatch('Caught deadly signal SEGV', errors)
  call assert_match('SessionLoadPost DONE', errors)

  set swapfile
  for file in ['Session.vim', 'XerrorsPost']
    call delete(file)

func Test_empty_doau()
  doau \|

func s:AutoCommandOptionSet(match)
  let template = "Option: <%s>, OldVal: <%s>, OldValLocal: <%s>, OldValGlobal: <%s>, NewVal: <%s>, Scope: <%s>, Command: <%s>\n"
  let item     = remove(g:options, 0)
  let expected = printf(template, item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4], item[5], item[6])
  let actual   = printf(template, a:match, v:option_old, v:option_oldlocal, v:option_oldglobal, v:option_new, v:option_type, v:option_command)
  let g:opt    = [expected, actual]
  "call assert_equal(expected, actual)

func Test_OptionSet()
  CheckOption autochdir

  badd test_autocmd.vim

  call test_override('starting', 1)
  set nocp
  au OptionSet * :call s:AutoCommandOptionSet(expand("<amatch>"))

  " 1: Setting number option"
  let g:options = [['number', 0, 0, 0, 1, 'global', 'set']]
  set nu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 2: Setting local number option"
  let g:options = [['number', 1, 1, '', 0, 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal nonu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 3: Setting global number option"
  let g:options = [['number', 1, '', 1, 0, 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal nonu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 4: Setting local autoindent option"
  let g:options = [['autoindent', 0, 0, '', 1, 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal ai
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 5: Setting global autoindent option"
  let g:options = [['autoindent', 0, '', 0, 1, 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal ai
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 6: Setting global autoindent option"
  let g:options = [['autoindent', 1, 1, 1, 0, 'global', 'set']]
  set ai!
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 6a: Setting global autoindent option"
  let g:options = [['autoindent', 1, 1, 0, 0, 'global', 'set']]
  noa setlocal ai
  noa setglobal noai
  set ai!
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " Should not print anything, use :noa
  " 7: don't trigger OptionSet"
  let g:options = [['invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid']]
  noa set nonu
  call assert_equal([['invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid']], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 8: Setting several global list and number option"
  let g:options = [['list', 0, 0, 0, 1, 'global', 'set'], ['number', 0, 0, 0, 1, 'global', 'set']]
  set list nu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 9: don't trigger OptionSet"
  let g:options = [['invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid'], ['invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid']]
  noa set nolist nonu
  call assert_equal([['invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid'], ['invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid', 'invalid']], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 10: Setting global acd"
  let g:options = [['autochdir', 0, 0, '', 1, 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal acd
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 11: Setting global autoread (also sets local value)"
  let g:options = [['autoread', 0, 0, 0, 1, 'global', 'set']]
  set ar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 12: Setting local autoread"
  let g:options = [['autoread', 1, 1, '', 1, 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal ar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 13: Setting global autoread"
  let g:options = [['autoread', 1, '', 1, 0, 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal invar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 14: Setting option backspace through :let"
  let g:options = [['backspace', '', '', '', 'eol,indent,start', 'global', 'set']]
  let &bs = "eol,indent,start"
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 15: Setting option backspace through setbufvar()"
  let g:options = [['backup', 0, 0, '', 1, 'local', 'setlocal']]
  " try twice, first time, shouldn't trigger because option name is invalid,
  " second time, it should trigger
  let bnum = bufnr('%')
  call assert_fails("call setbufvar(bnum, '&l:bk', 1)", 'E355:')
  " should trigger, use correct option name
  call setbufvar(bnum, '&backup', 1)
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 16: Setting number option using setwinvar"
  let g:options = [['number', 0, 0, '', 1, 'local', 'setlocal']]
  call setwinvar(0, '&number', 1)
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 17: Setting key option, shouldn't trigger"
  let g:options = [['key', 'invalid', 'invalid1', 'invalid2', 'invalid3', 'invalid4', 'invalid5']]
  setlocal key=blah
  setlocal key=
  call assert_equal([['key', 'invalid', 'invalid1', 'invalid2', 'invalid3', 'invalid4', 'invalid5']], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 18a: Setting string global option"
  let oldval = &backupext
  let g:options = [['backupext', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'foo', 'global', 'set']]
  set backupext=foo
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 18b: Resetting string global option"
  let g:options = [['backupext', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
  set backupext&
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 18c: Setting global string global option"
  let g:options = [['backupext', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal backupext=bar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 18d: Setting local string global option"
  " As this is a global option this sets the global value even though
  " :setlocal is used!
  noa set backupext& " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['backupext', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal backupext=baz
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 18e: Setting again string global option"
  noa setglobal backupext=ext_global " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal backupext=ext_local " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['backupext', 'ext_local', 'ext_local', 'ext_local', 'fuu', 'global', 'set']]
  set backupext=fuu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 19a: Setting string global-local (to buffer) option"
  let oldval = &tags
  let g:options = [['tags', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'tagpath', 'global', 'set']]
  set tags=tagpath
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 19b: Resetting string global-local (to buffer) option"
  let g:options = [['tags', 'tagpath', 'tagpath', 'tagpath', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
  set tags&
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 19c: Setting global string global-local (to buffer) option "
  let g:options = [['tags', oldval, '', oldval, 'tagpath1', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal tags=tagpath1
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 19d: Setting local string global-local (to buffer) option"
  let g:options = [['tags', 'tagpath1', 'tagpath1', '', 'tagpath2', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal tags=tagpath2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 19e: Setting again string global-local (to buffer) option"
  " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
  " but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
  noa setglobal tags=tag_global " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal tags=tag_local
  let g:options = [['tags', 'tag_global', 'tag_local', 'tag_global', 'tagpath', 'global', 'set']]
  set tags=tagpath
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 19f: Setting string global-local (to buffer) option to an empty string"
  " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
  " but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
  noa set tags=tag_global " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal tags= " empty string
  let g:options = [['tags', 'tag_global', '', 'tag_global', 'tagpath', 'global', 'set']]
  set tags=tagpath
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 20a: Setting string local (to buffer) option"
  let oldval = &spelllang
  let g:options = [['spelllang', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'elvish,klingon', 'global', 'set']]
  set spelllang=elvish,klingon
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 20b: Resetting string local (to buffer) option"
  let g:options = [['spelllang', 'elvish,klingon', 'elvish,klingon', 'elvish,klingon', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
  set spelllang&
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 20c: Setting global string local (to buffer) option"
  let g:options = [['spelllang', oldval, '', oldval, 'elvish', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal spelllang=elvish
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 20d: Setting local string local (to buffer) option"
  noa set spelllang& " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['spelllang', oldval, oldval, '', 'klingon', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal spelllang=klingon
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 20e: Setting again string local (to buffer) option"
  " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
  " but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
  noa setglobal spelllang=spellglobal " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal spelllang=spelllocal
  let g:options = [['spelllang', 'spelllocal', 'spelllocal', 'spellglobal', 'foo', 'global', 'set']]
  set spelllang=foo
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 21a: Setting string global-local (to window) option"
  let oldval = &statusline
  let g:options = [['statusline', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'foo', 'global', 'set']]
  set statusline=foo
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 21b: Resetting string global-local (to window) option"
  " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
  " but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
  let g:options = [['statusline', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
  set statusline&
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 21c: Setting global string global-local (to window) option"
  let g:options = [['statusline', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal statusline=bar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 21d: Setting local string global-local (to window) option"
  noa set statusline& " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['statusline', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal statusline=baz
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 21e: Setting again string global-local (to window) option"
  " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
  " but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
  noa setglobal statusline=bar " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal statusline=baz
  let g:options = [['statusline', 'bar', 'baz', 'bar', 'foo', 'global', 'set']]
  set statusline=foo
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 22a: Setting string local (to window) option"
  let oldval = &foldignore
  let g:options = [['foldignore', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'fo', 'global', 'set']]
  set foldignore=fo
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 22b: Resetting string local (to window) option"
  let g:options = [['foldignore', 'fo', 'fo', 'fo', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
  set foldignore&
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 22c: Setting global string local (to window) option"
  let g:options = [['foldignore', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal foldignore=bar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 22d: Setting local string local (to window) option"
  noa set foldignore& " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['foldignore', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal foldignore=baz
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 22e: Setting again string local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal foldignore=glob " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal foldignore=loc
  let g:options = [['foldignore', 'loc', 'loc', 'glob', 'fo', 'global', 'set']]
  set foldignore=fo
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 23a: Setting global number global option"
  noa setglobal cmdheight=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cmdheight=1 " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['cmdheight', '1', '', '1', '2', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal cmdheight=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 23b: Setting local number global option"
  noa setglobal cmdheight=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cmdheight=1 " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['cmdheight', '1', '1', '', '2', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal cmdheight=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 23c: Setting again number global option"
  noa setglobal cmdheight=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cmdheight=1 " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['cmdheight', '1', '1', '1', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set cmdheight=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 23d: Setting again number global option"
  noa set cmdheight=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['cmdheight', '8', '8', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set cmdheight=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 24a: Setting global number global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal undolevels=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal undolevels=1
  let g:options = [['undolevels', '8', '', '8', '2', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal undolevels=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 24b: Setting local number global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal undolevels=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal undolevels=1
  let g:options = [['undolevels', '1', '1', '', '2', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal undolevels=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 24c: Setting again number global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal undolevels=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal undolevels=1
  let g:options = [['undolevels', '1', '1', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set undolevels=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 24d: Setting again global number global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa set undolevels=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['undolevels', '8', '8', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set undolevels=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 25a: Setting global number local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal wrapmargin=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal wrapmargin=1
  let g:options = [['wrapmargin', '8', '', '8', '2', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal wrapmargin=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 25b: Setting local number local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal wrapmargin=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal wrapmargin=1
  let g:options = [['wrapmargin', '1', '1', '', '2', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal wrapmargin=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 25c: Setting again number local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal wrapmargin=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal wrapmargin=1
  let g:options = [['wrapmargin', '1', '1', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set wrapmargin=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 25d: Setting again global number local (to buffer) option"
  noa set wrapmargin=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['wrapmargin', '8', '8', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set wrapmargin=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 26: Setting number global-local (to window) option.
  " Such option does currently not exist.

  " 27a: Setting global number local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal foldcolumn=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal foldcolumn=1
  let g:options = [['foldcolumn', '8', '', '8', '2', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal foldcolumn=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 27b: Setting local number local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal foldcolumn=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal foldcolumn=1
  let g:options = [['foldcolumn', '1', '1', '', '2', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal foldcolumn=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 27c: Setting again number local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal foldcolumn=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal foldcolumn=1
  let g:options = [['foldcolumn', '1', '1', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set foldcolumn=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 27d: Setting again global number local (to window) option"
  noa set foldcolumn=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['foldcolumn', '8', '8', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set foldcolumn=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 28a: Setting global boolean global option"
  noa setglobal nowrapscan " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal wrapscan " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['wrapscan', '1', '', '1', '0', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal nowrapscan
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 28b: Setting local boolean global option"
  noa setglobal nowrapscan " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal wrapscan " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['wrapscan', '1', '1', '', '0', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal nowrapscan
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 28c: Setting again boolean global option"
  noa setglobal nowrapscan " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal wrapscan " Sets the global(!) value!
  let g:options = [['wrapscan', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'global', 'set']]
  set nowrapscan
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 28d: Setting again global boolean global option"
  noa set nowrapscan " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['wrapscan', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set wrapscan
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 29a: Setting global boolean global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal noautoread " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal autoread
  let g:options = [['autoread', '0', '', '0', '1', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal autoread
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 29b: Setting local boolean global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal noautoread " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal autoread
  let g:options = [['autoread', '1', '1', '', '0', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal noautoread
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 29c: Setting again boolean global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal noautoread " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal autoread
  let g:options = [['autoread', '1', '1', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set autoread
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 29d: Setting again global boolean global-local (to buffer) option"
  noa set noautoread " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['autoread', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set autoread
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 30a: Setting global boolean local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal nocindent " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cindent
  let g:options = [['cindent', '0', '', '0', '1', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal cindent
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 30b: Setting local boolean local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal nocindent " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cindent
  let g:options = [['cindent', '1', '1', '', '0', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal nocindent
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 30c: Setting again boolean local (to buffer) option"
  noa setglobal nocindent " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cindent
  let g:options = [['cindent', '1', '1', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set cindent
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 30d: Setting again global boolean local (to buffer) option"
  noa set nocindent " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['cindent', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set cindent
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 31: Setting boolean global-local (to window) option
  " Currently no such option exists.

  " 32a: Setting global boolean local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal nocursorcolumn " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cursorcolumn
  let g:options = [['cursorcolumn', '0', '', '0', '1', 'global', 'setglobal']]
  setglobal cursorcolumn
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 32b: Setting local boolean local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal nocursorcolumn " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cursorcolumn
  let g:options = [['cursorcolumn', '1', '1', '', '0', 'local', 'setlocal']]
  setlocal nocursorcolumn
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 32c: Setting again boolean local (to window) option"
  noa setglobal nocursorcolumn " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  noa setlocal cursorcolumn
  let g:options = [['cursorcolumn', '1', '1', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set cursorcolumn
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 32d: Setting again global boolean local (to window) option"
  noa set nocursorcolumn " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['cursorcolumn', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'global', 'set']]
  set cursorcolumn
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 33: Test autocommands when an option value is converted internally.
  noa set backspace=1 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
  let g:options = [['backspace', 'indent,eol', 'indent,eol', 'indent,eol', '2', 'global', 'set']]
  set backspace=2
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " Cleanup
  au! OptionSet
  " set tags&
  for opt in ['nu', 'ai', 'acd', 'ar', 'bs', 'backup', 'cul', 'cp', 'backupext', 'tags', 'spelllang', 'statusline', 'foldignore', 'cmdheight', 'undolevels', 'wrapmargin', 'foldcolumn', 'wrapscan', 'autoread', 'cindent', 'cursorcolumn']
    exe printf(":set %s&vim", opt)
  call test_override('starting', 0)
  delfunc! AutoCommandOptionSet

func Test_OptionSet_diffmode()
  call test_override('starting', 1)
  " 18: Changing an option when entering diff mode
  au OptionSet diff :let &l:cul = v:option_new

  call setline(1, ['buffer 1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)

  call setline(1, ['buffer 2', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line4'])
  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)

  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(2, '&l:cul'))

  call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(1, '&l:cul'))

  " Cleanup
  au! OptionSet
  call test_override('starting', 0)

func Test_OptionSet_diffmode_close()
  call test_override('starting', 1)
  " 19: Try to close the current window when entering diff mode
  " should not segfault
  au OptionSet diff close

  call setline(1, ['buffer 1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
  call assert_fails(':diffthis', 'E788:')
  call assert_equal(1, &diff)
  call setline(1, ['buffer 2', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line4'])
  call assert_fails(':diffthis', 'E788:')
  call assert_equal(1, &diff)
  set diffopt-=closeoff
  call assert_fails(':diffoff!', 'E788:')

  " Cleanup
  au! OptionSet
  call test_override('starting', 0)
  "delfunc! AutoCommandOptionSet

" Test for Bufleave autocommand that deletes the buffer we are about to edit.
func Test_BufleaveWithDelete()
  new | edit XbufLeave1

  augroup test_bufleavewithdelete
      autocmd BufLeave XbufLeave1 bwipe XbufLeave2
  augroup END

  call assert_fails('edit XbufLeave2', 'E143:')
  call assert_equal('XbufLeave1', bufname('%'))

  autocmd! test_bufleavewithdelete BufLeave XbufLeave1
  augroup! test_bufleavewithdelete

  bwipe! XbufLeave1

" Test for autocommand that changes the buffer list, when doing ":ball".
func Test_Acmd_BufAll()
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1', 'D')
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2', 'D')
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx3'], 'Xxx3', 'D')

  " Add three files to the buffer list
  split Xxx1
  split Xxx2
  split Xxx3

  " Wipe the buffer when the buffer is opened
  au BufReadPost Xxx2 bwipe

  call append(0, 'Test file Xxx4')

  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname(winbufnr(winnr('$'))))
  wincmd t

  au! BufReadPost
  enew! | only

" Test for autocommand that changes current buffer on BufEnter event.
" Check if modelines are interpreted for the correct buffer.
func Test_Acmd_BufEnter()
  call writefile(['start of test file Xxx1',
	      \ "\<Tab>this is a test",
	      \ 'end of test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1', 'D')
  call writefile(['start of test file Xxx2',
	      \ 'vim: set noai :',
	      \ "\<Tab>this is a test",
	      \ 'end of test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2', 'D')

  au BufEnter Xxx2 brew
  set ai modeline modelines=3
  edit Xxx1
  " edit Xxx2, autocmd will do :brew
  edit Xxx2
  exe "normal G?this is a\<CR>"
  " Append text with autoindent to this file
  normal othis should be auto-indented
  call assert_equal("\<Tab>this should be auto-indented", getline('.'))
  call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
  " Remove autocmd and edit Xxx2 again
  au! BufEnter Xxx2
  buf! Xxx2
  exe "normal G?this is a\<CR>"
  " append text without autoindent to Xxx
  normal othis should be in column 1
  call assert_equal("this should be in column 1", getline('.'))
  call assert_equal(4, line('.'))

  set ai&vim modeline&vim modelines&vim

" Test for issue #57
" do not move cursor on <c-o> when autoindent is set
func Test_ai_CTRL_O()
  set ai
  let save_fo = &fo
  set fo+=r
  exe "normal o# abcdef\<Esc>2hi\<CR>\<C-O>d0\<Esc>"
  exe "normal o# abcdef\<Esc>2hi\<C-O>d0\<Esc>"
  call assert_equal(['# abc', 'def', 'def'], getline(2, 4))

  set ai&vim
  let &fo = save_fo

" Test for autocommand that deletes the current buffer on BufLeave event.
" Also test deleting the last buffer, should give a new, empty buffer.
func Test_BufLeave_Wipe()
  let content = ['start of test file Xxx',
	      \ 'this is a test',
	      \ 'end of test file Xxx']
  call writefile(content, 'Xxx1', 'D')
  call writefile(content, 'Xxx2', 'D')

  au BufLeave Xxx2 bwipe
  edit Xxx1
  split Xxx2
  " delete buffer Xxx2, we should be back to Xxx1
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))

  " Create an alternate buffer
  %write! test.out
  call assert_equal('test.out', bufname('#'))
  " delete alternate buffer
  bwipe test.out
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
  call assert_equal('', bufname('#'))

  au BufLeave Xxx1 bwipe
  " delete current buffer, get an empty one
  call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
  call assert_equal('', bufname('%'))
  let g:bufinfo = getbufinfo()
  call assert_equal(1, len(g:bufinfo))

  call delete('test.out')
  au! BufLeave

  " check that bufinfo doesn't contain a pointer to freed memory
  call test_garbagecollect_now()

func Test_QuitPre()
  edit Xfoo
  let winid = win_getid(winnr())
  split Xbar
  au! QuitPre * let g:afile = expand('<afile>')
  " Close the other window, <afile> should be correct.
  exe win_id2win(winid) . 'q'
  call assert_equal('Xfoo', g:afile)

  unlet g:afile
  bwipe Xfoo
  bwipe Xbar

func Test_Cmdline()
  au! CmdlineChanged : let g:text = getcmdline()
  let g:text = 0
  call feedkeys(":echom 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("echom 'hello'", g:text)
  au! CmdlineChanged

  au! CmdlineChanged : let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
  let g:entered = 0
  call feedkeys(":echom 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal(':', g:entered)
  au! CmdlineChanged

  autocmd CmdlineChanged : let g:log += [getcmdline()]

  let g:log = []
  cnoremap <F1> <Cmd>call setcmdline('ls')<CR>
  call feedkeys(":\<F1>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal(['ls'], g:log)
  cunmap <F1>

  let g:log = []
  call feedkeys(":sign \<Tab>\<Tab>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<S-Tab>\<S-Tab>\<Esc>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal([
        \ 's',
        \ 'si',
        \ 'sig',
        \ 'sign',
        \ 'sign ',
        \ 'sign define',
        \ 'sign jump',
        \ 'sign list',
        \ 'sign jump',
        \ 'sign define',
        \ 'sign ',
        \ ], g:log)
  let g:log = []
  set wildmenu wildoptions+=pum
  call feedkeys(":sign \<S-Tab>\<PageUp>\<kPageUp>\<kPageDown>\<PageDown>\<Esc>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal([
        \ 's',
        \ 'si',
        \ 'sig',
        \ 'sign',
        \ 'sign ',
        \ 'sign unplace',
        \ 'sign jump',
        \ 'sign define',
        \ 'sign undefine',
        \ 'sign unplace',
        \ ], g:log)
  set wildmenu& wildoptions&

  let g:log = []
  let @r = 'abc'
  call feedkeys(":0\<C-R>r1\<C-R>\<C-O>r2\<C-R>\<C-R>r3\<Esc>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal([
        \ '0',
        \ '0a',
        \ '0ab',
        \ '0abc',
        \ '0abc1',
        \ '0abc1abc',
        \ '0abc1abc2',
        \ '0abc1abc2abc',
        \ '0abc1abc2abc3',
        \ ], g:log)

  unlet g:log
  au! CmdlineChanged

  au! CmdlineEnter : let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
  au! CmdlineLeave : let g:left = expand('<afile>')
  let g:entered = 0
  let g:left = 0
  call feedkeys(":echo 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal(':', g:entered)
  call assert_equal(':', g:left)
  au! CmdlineEnter
  au! CmdlineLeave

  let save_shellslash = &shellslash
  set noshellslash
  au! CmdlineEnter / let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
  au! CmdlineLeave / let g:left = expand('<afile>')
  let g:entered = 0
  let g:left = 0
  call setline(1, 'hello')
  call feedkeys("/hello\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal('/', g:entered)
  call assert_equal('/', g:left)
  au! CmdlineEnter
  au! CmdlineLeave
  let &shellslash = save_shellslash

" Test for BufWritePre autocommand that deletes or unloads the buffer.
func Test_BufWritePre()
  au BufWritePre Xxx1 bunload
  au BufWritePre Xxx2 bwipe

  call writefile(['start of Xxx1', 'test', 'end of Xxx1'], 'Xxx1', 'D')
  call writefile(['start of Xxx2', 'test', 'end of Xxx2'], 'Xxx2', 'D')

  edit Xtest
  e! Xxx2
  bdel Xtest
  e Xxx1
  " write it, will unload it and give an error msg
  call assert_fails('w', 'E203:')
  call assert_equal('Xxx2', bufname('%'))
  edit Xtest
  e! Xxx2
  bwipe Xtest
  " write it, will delete the buffer and give an error msg
  call assert_fails('w', 'E203:')
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
  au! BufWritePre

" Test for BufUnload autocommand that unloads all the other buffers
func Test_bufunload_all()
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1', 'D')"
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2', 'D')"

  let content =<< trim [CODE]
    func UnloadAllBufs()
      let i = 1
      while i <= bufnr('$')
        if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)
          exe  i . 'bunload'
        let i += 1
    au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()
    au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')
    edit Xxx1
    split Xxx2

  call writefile(content, 'Xbunloadtest', 'D')

  call delete('Xout')
  call system(GetVimCommandClean() .. ' -N --not-a-term -S Xbunloadtest')
  call assert_true(filereadable('Xout'))

  call delete('Xout')

" Some tests for buffer-local autocommands
func Test_buflocal_autocmd()
  let g:bname = ''
  edit xx
  au BufLeave <buffer> let g:bname = expand("%")
  " here, autocommand for xx should trigger.
  " but autocommand shall not apply to buffer named <buffer>.
  edit somefile
  call assert_equal('xx', g:bname)
  let g:bname = ''
  " here, autocommand shall be auto-deleted
  bwipe xx
  " autocmd should not trigger
  edit xx
  call assert_equal('', g:bname)
  " autocmd should not trigger
  edit somefile
  call assert_equal('', g:bname)
  unlet g:bname

" Test for "*Cmd" autocommands
func Test_Cmd_Autocmds()
  call writefile(['start of Xxx', "\tabc2", 'end of Xxx'], 'Xxx', 'D')

  au BufReadCmd XtestA 0r Xxx|$del
  edit XtestA			" will read text of Xxd instead
  call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(1))

  au BufWriteCmd XtestA call append(line("$"), "write")
  write				" will append a line to the file
  call assert_equal('write', getline('$'))
  call assert_fails('read XtestA', 'E484:')	" should not read anything
  call assert_equal('write', getline(4))

  " now we have:
  " 1	start of Xxx
  " 2		abc2
  " 3	end of Xxx
  " 4	write

  au FileReadCmd XtestB '[r Xxx
  2r XtestB			" will read Xxx below line 2 instead
  call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(3))

  " now we have:
  " 1	start of Xxx
  " 2		abc2
  " 3	start of Xxx
  " 4		abc2
  " 5	end of Xxx
  " 6	end of Xxx
  " 7	write

  au FileWriteCmd XtestC '[,']copy $
  normal 4GA1
  4,5w XtestC			" will copy lines 4 and 5 to the end
  call assert_equal("\tabc21", getline(8))
  call assert_fails('r XtestC', 'E484:')	" should not read anything
  call assert_equal("end of Xxx", getline(9))

  " now we have:
  " 1	start of Xxx
  " 2		abc2
  " 3	start of Xxx
  " 4		abc21
  " 5	end of Xxx
  " 6	end of Xxx
  " 7	write
  " 8		abc21
  " 9	end of Xxx

  let g:lines = []
  au FileAppendCmd XtestD call extend(g:lines, getline(line("'["), line("']")))
  w >>XtestD			" will add lines to 'lines'
  call assert_equal(9, len(g:lines))
  call assert_fails('$r XtestD', 'E484:')	" should not read anything
  call assert_equal(9, line('$'))
  call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline('$'))

  au BufReadCmd XtestE 0r Xxx|$del
  sp XtestE			" split window with test.out
  call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline(3))

  let g:lines = []
  exe "normal 2Goasdf\<Esc>\<C-W>\<C-W>"
  au BufWriteCmd XtestE call extend(g:lines, getline(0, '$'))
  wall				" will write other window to 'lines'
  call assert_equal(4, len(g:lines), g:lines)
  call assert_equal('asdf', g:lines[2])

  au! BufReadCmd
  au! BufWriteCmd
  au! FileReadCmd
  au! FileWriteCmd
  au! FileAppendCmd

func s:ReadFile()
  setl noswapfile nomodified
  let filename = resolve(expand("<afile>:p"))
  execute 'read' fnameescape(filename)
  exe 'file' fnameescape(filename)
  setl buftype=acwrite

func s:WriteFile()
  let filename = resolve(expand("<afile>:p"))
  setl buftype=
  noautocmd execute 'write' fnameescape(filename)
  setl buftype=acwrite
  setl nomodified

func Test_BufReadCmd()
  autocmd BufReadCmd *.test call s:ReadFile()
  autocmd BufWriteCmd *.test call s:WriteFile()

  call writefile(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'Xcmd.test', 'D')
  edit Xcmd.test
  call assert_match('Xcmd.test" line 1 of 3', execute('file'))
  normal! Gofour
  call assert_equal(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'], readfile('Xcmd.test'))

  au! BufReadCmd
  au! BufWriteCmd

func Test_BufWriteCmd()
  autocmd BufWriteCmd Xbufwritecmd let g:written = 1
  file Xbufwritecmd
  set buftype=acwrite
  call mkdir('Xbufwritecmd', 'D')
  " BufWriteCmd should be triggered even if a directory has the same name
  call assert_equal(1, g:written)
  unlet g:written
  au! BufWriteCmd

func SetChangeMarks(start, end)
  exe a:start .. 'mark ['
  exe a:end .. 'mark ]'

" Verify the effects of autocmds on '[ and ']
func Test_change_mark_in_autocmds()
  edit! Xtest
  call feedkeys("ia\<CR>b\<CR>c\<CR>d\<C-g>u\<Esc>", 'xtn')

  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])

  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  au BufWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au! BufWritePre

  if has('unix')
    write XtestFilter
    write >> XtestFilter

    call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
    " Marks are set to the entire range of the write
    au FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
    " '[ is adjusted to just before the line that will receive the filtered
    " data
    au FilterReadPre * call assert_equal([4, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
    " The filtered data is read into the buffer, and the source lines are
    " still present, so the range is after the source lines
    au FilterReadPost * call assert_equal([5, 12], [line("'["), line("']")])
    %!cat XtestFilter
    " After the filtered data is read, the original lines are deleted
    call assert_equal([1, 8], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost

    call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
    au FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au FilterReadPre * call assert_equal([3, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au FilterReadPost * call assert_equal([4, 11], [line("'["), line("']")])
    2,3!cat XtestFilter
    call assert_equal([2, 9], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost

    call delete('XtestFilter')

  call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
  au FileWritePre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
  2,3write Xtest2
  au! FileWritePre

  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  au FileAppendPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  write >> Xtest2
  au! FileAppendPre

  call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
  au FileAppendPre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
  2,3write >> Xtest2
  au! FileAppendPre

  call SetChangeMarks(1, 1)
  au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([3, 1], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([4, 11], [line("'["), line("']")])
  3read Xtest2
  au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost

  call SetChangeMarks(4, 4)
  " When the line is 0, it's adjusted to 1
  au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([1, 8], [line("'["), line("']")])
  0read Xtest2
  au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost

  call SetChangeMarks(4, 4)
  " When the line is 0, it's adjusted to 1
  au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([2, 9], [line("'["), line("']")])
  1read Xtest2
  au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost

  call delete('Xtest')
  call delete('Xtest2')

func Test_Filter_noshelltemp()
  CheckExecutable cat

  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

  let shelltemp = &shelltemp
  set shelltemp

  let g:filter_au = 0
  au FilterWritePre * let g:filter_au += 1
  au FilterReadPre * let g:filter_au += 1
  au FilterReadPost * let g:filter_au += 1
  call assert_equal(3, g:filter_au)

  if has('filterpipe')
    set noshelltemp

    let g:filter_au = 0
    au FilterWritePre * let g:filter_au += 1
    au FilterReadPre * let g:filter_au += 1
    au FilterReadPost * let g:filter_au += 1
    call assert_equal(0, g:filter_au)

  au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost
  let &shelltemp = shelltemp

func Test_TextYankPost()
  call setline(1, ['foo'])

  let g:event = []
  au TextYankPost * let g:event = copy(v:event)

  call assert_equal({}, v:event)
  call assert_fails('let v:event = {}', 'E46:')
  call assert_fails('let v:event.mykey = 0', 'E742:')

  norm "ayiw
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['foo'], regname: 'a', operator: 'y',
        \   regtype: 'v', visual: v:false, inclusive: v:true},
        \ g:event)
  norm y_
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['foo'], regname: '',  operator: 'y', regtype: 'V',
        \   visual: v:false, inclusive: v:false},
        \ g:event)
  norm Vy
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['foo'], regname: '',  operator: 'y', regtype: 'V',
        \   visual: v:true, inclusive: v:true},
        \ g:event)
  call feedkeys("\<C-V>y", 'x')
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['f'], regname: '',  operator: 'y', regtype: "\x161",
        \   visual: v:true, inclusive: v:true},
        \ g:event)
  norm "xciwbar
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['foo'], regname: 'x', operator: 'c', regtype: 'v',
        \   visual: v:false, inclusive: v:true},
        \ g:event)
  norm "bdiw
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['bar'], regname: 'b', operator: 'd', regtype: 'v',
        \   visual: v:false, inclusive: v:true},
        \ g:event)

  call setline(1, 'foobar')
  " exclusive motion
  norm $"ay0
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['fooba'], regname: 'a', operator: 'y', regtype: 'v',
        \   visual: v:false, inclusive: v:false},
        \ g:event)
  " inclusive motion
  norm 0"ay$
  call assert_equal(
        \ #{regcontents: ['foobar'], regname: 'a', operator: 'y', regtype: 'v',
        \   visual: v:false, inclusive: v:true},
        \ g:event)

  call assert_equal({}, v:event)

  if has('clipboard_working') && !has('gui_running')
    " Test that when the visual selection is automatically copied to clipboard
    " register a TextYankPost is emitted
    call setline(1, ['foobar'])

    let @* = ''
    set clipboard=autoselect
    exe "norm! ggviw\<Esc>"
    call assert_equal(
          \ #{regcontents: ['foobar'], regname: '*', operator: 'y',
          \   regtype: 'v', visual: v:true, inclusive: v:false},
          \ g:event)

    let @+ = ''
    set clipboard=autoselectplus
    exe "norm! ggviw\<Esc>"
    call assert_equal(
          \ #{regcontents: ['foobar'], regname: '+', operator: 'y',
          \   regtype: 'v', visual: v:true, inclusive: v:false},
          \ g:event)

    set clipboard&vim

  au! TextYankPost
  unlet g:event

func Test_autocommand_all_events()
  call assert_fails('au * * bwipe', 'E1155:')
  call assert_fails('au * x bwipe', 'E1155:')
  call assert_fails('au! * x bwipe', 'E1155:')

func Test_autocmd_user()
  au User MyEvent let s:res = [expand("<afile>"), expand("<amatch>")]
  doautocmd User MyEvent
  call assert_equal(['MyEvent', 'MyEvent'], s:res)
  au! User
  unlet s:res

func Test_autocmd_user_clear_group()

  let lines =<< trim END
    autocmd! User
    for i in range(1, 999)
      exe 'autocmd User ' .. 'Foo' .. i .. ' bar'
    au CmdlineLeave : call timer_start(0, {-> execute('autocmd! User')})
  call writefile(lines, 'XautoUser', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XautoUser', {'rows': 10})

  " this was using freed memory
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":autocmd User\<CR>")
  call TermWait(buf, 50)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "G")

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_autocmd_CmdlineLeave_unlet()

  let lines =<< trim END
      for i in range(1, 999)
        exe 'let g:var' .. i '=' i
      au CmdlineLeave : call timer_start(0, {-> execute('unlet g:var990')})
  call writefile(lines, 'XleaveUnlet', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XleaveUnlet', {'rows': 10})

  " this was using freed memory
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":let g:\<CR>")
  call TermWait(buf, 50)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "G")
  call TermWait(buf, 50)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<CR>")  " for the hit-enter prompt

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

function s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  augroup test_dirchanged
  augroup END
  let s:li = []
  let s:dir_this = getcwd()
  let s:dir_foo = s:dir_this . '/Xfoo'
  call mkdir(s:dir_foo)
  let s:dir_bar = s:dir_this . '/Xbar'
  call mkdir(s:dir_bar)

function s:After_test_dirchanged()
  call chdir(s:dir_this)
  call delete(s:dir_foo, 'd')
  call delete(s:dir_bar, 'd')
  augroup test_dirchanged
  augroup END

function Test_dirchanged_global()
  call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChangedPre global call add(s:li, expand("<amatch>") .. " pre cd " ..
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged global call add(s:li, "cd:")
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged global call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
  call chdir(s:dir_foo)
  let expected = ["global pre cd " .. s:dir_foo, "cd:", s:dir_foo]
  call assert_equal(expected, s:li)
  call chdir(s:dir_foo)
  call assert_equal(expected, s:li)
  exe 'lcd ' .. fnameescape(s:dir_bar)
  call assert_equal(expected, s:li)

  exe 'cd ' .. s:dir_foo
  exe 'cd ' .. s:dir_bar
  autocmd! test_dirchanged DirChanged global let g:result = expand("<afile>")
  cd -
  call assert_equal(s:dir_foo, substitute(g:result, '\\', '/', 'g'))

  call s:After_test_dirchanged()

function Test_dirchanged_local()
  call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged window call add(s:li, "lcd:")
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged window call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
  call chdir(s:dir_foo)
  call assert_equal([], s:li)
  exe 'lcd ' .. fnameescape(s:dir_bar)
  call assert_equal(["lcd:", s:dir_bar], s:li)
  exe 'lcd ' .. fnameescape(s:dir_bar)
  call assert_equal(["lcd:", s:dir_bar], s:li)
  call s:After_test_dirchanged()

function Test_dirchanged_auto()
  CheckOption autochdir
  call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  call test_autochdir()
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChangedPre auto call add(s:li, "pre cd " ..
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged auto call add(s:li, "auto:")
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged auto call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
  set acd
  cd ..
  call assert_equal([], s:li)
  exe 'edit ' . s:dir_foo . '/Xautofile'
  call assert_equal(s:dir_foo, getcwd())
  let expected = ["pre cd " .. s:dir_foo, "auto:", s:dir_foo]
  call assert_equal(expected, s:li)
  set noacd
  call s:After_test_dirchanged()

" Test TextChangedI and TextChangedP
func Test_ChangedP()
  call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])
  call test_override("char_avail", 1)
  set complete=. completeopt=menuone

  func! TextChangedAutocmd(char)
    let g:autocmd .= a:char

  " TextChanged will not be triggered, only check that it isn't.
  au! TextChanged <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('N')
  au! TextChangedI <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('I')
  au! TextChangedP <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('P')

  call cursor(3, 1)
  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("o\<esc>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('I', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('II', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIP', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIPP', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIPPP', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIPPPP', g:autocmd)

  call assert_equal(['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'foo'], getline(1, '$'))
  " TODO: how should it handle completeopt=noinsert,noselect?

  " CleanUp
  call test_override("char_avail", 0)
  au! TextChanged
  au! TextChangedI
  au! TextChangedP
  delfu TextChangedAutocmd
  unlet! g:autocmd
  set complete&vim completeopt&vim


let g:setline_handled = v:false
func SetLineOne()
  if !g:setline_handled
    call setline(1, "(x)")
    let g:setline_handled = v:true

func Test_TextChangedI_with_setline()
  call test_override('char_avail', 1)
  autocmd TextChangedI <buffer> call SetLineOne()
  call feedkeys("i(\<CR>\<Esc>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('(', getline(1))
  call assert_equal('x)', getline(2))
  call assert_equal('', getline(1))
  call assert_equal('', getline(2))

  call test_override('char_avail', 0)

func Test_Changed_FirstTime()
  CheckFeature terminal
  " Starting a terminal to run Vim is always considered flaky.
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  " Prepare file for TextChanged event.
  call writefile([''], 'Xchanged.txt', 'D')
  let buf = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile'], {'term_rows': 3})
  call assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(buf))
  " Wait for the ruler (in the status line) to be shown.
  " In ConPTY, there is additional character which is drawn up to the width of
  " the screen.
  if has('conpty')
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\<All.*$', term_getline(buf, 3))})
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\<All$', term_getline(buf, 3))})
  " It's only adding autocmd, so that no event occurs.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":au! TextChanged <buffer> call writefile(['No'], 'Xchanged.txt')\<cr>")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:qa!\<cr>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('finished', term_getstatus(buf))})
  call assert_equal([''], readfile('Xchanged.txt'))

  " clean up

func Test_autocmd_nested()
  let g:did_nested = 0
  augroup Testing
    au WinNew * edit somefile
    au BufNew * let g:did_nested = 1
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(0, g:did_nested)
  bwipe! somefile

  " old nested argument still works
  augroup Testing
    au WinNew * nested edit somefile
    au BufNew * let g:did_nested = 1
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, g:did_nested)
  bwipe! somefile

  " New ++nested argument works
  augroup Testing
    au WinNew * ++nested edit somefile
    au BufNew * let g:did_nested = 1
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, g:did_nested)
  bwipe! somefile

  " nested without ++ does not work in Vim9 script
  call assert_fails('vim9cmd au WinNew * nested echo fails', 'E1078:')

  augroup Testing
  augroup END

  call assert_fails('au WinNew * ++nested ++nested echo bad', 'E983:')
  call assert_fails('au WinNew * nested nested echo bad', 'E983:')

func Test_autocmd_nested_cursor_invalid()
  set laststatus=0
  call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
  augroup nested_inv
    autocmd User foo ++nested copen
    autocmd BufAdd * let &laststatus = 2 - &laststatus
  augroup END
  doautocmd User foo

  augroup nested_inv
  augroup END
  set laststatus&

func Test_autocmd_nested_keeps_cursor_pos()
  call setline(1, 'foo')
  autocmd User foo ++nested normal! $a
  autocmd InsertLeave * :
  doautocmd User foo
  call assert_equal([0, 1, 3, 0], getpos('.'))


func Test_autocmd_nested_switch_window()
  " run this in a separate Vim so that SafeState works

  let lines =<< trim END
      autocmd VimEnter * ++nested edit Xautofile | split
      autocmd BufReadPost * autocmd SafeState * ++once foldclosed('.')
      autocmd WinEnter * matchadd('ErrorMsg', 'pat')
  call writefile(lines, 'Xautoscript', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xautoscript', {'rows': 10})
  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_autocmd_nested_switch', {})

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
  call delete('Xautofile')

func Test_autocmd_once()
  " Without ++once WinNew triggers twice
  let g:did_split = 0
  augroup Testing
    au WinNew * let g:did_split += 1
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(2, g:did_split)
  call assert_true(exists('#WinNew'))

  " With ++once WinNew triggers once
  let g:did_split = 0
  augroup Testing
    au WinNew * ++once let g:did_split += 1
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, g:did_split)
  call assert_false(exists('#WinNew'))

  call assert_fails('au WinNew * ++once ++once echo bad', 'E983:')

func Test_autocmd_bufreadpre()
  let b:bufreadpre = 1
  call append(0, range(1000))
  w! XAutocmdBufReadPre.txt
  autocmd BufReadPre <buffer> :let b:bufreadpre += 1
  norm! 500gg
  norm! 1000gg
  wincmd p
  let g:wsv1 = winsaveview()
  wincmd p
  let g:wsv2 = winsaveview()
  " triggers BufReadPre, should not move the cursor in either window
  " The topline may change one line in a large window.
  call assert_inrange(g:wsv2.topline - 1, g:wsv2.topline + 1, winsaveview().topline)
  call assert_equal(g:wsv2.lnum, winsaveview().lnum)
  call assert_equal(2, b:bufreadpre)
  wincmd p
  call assert_equal(g:wsv1.topline, winsaveview().topline)
  call assert_equal(g:wsv1.lnum, winsaveview().lnum)
  call assert_equal(2, b:bufreadpre)
  " Now set the cursor position in an BufReadPre autocommand
  " (even though the position will be invalid, this should make Vim reset the
  " cursor position in the other window.
  wincmd p
  set cpo+=g
  " won't do anything, but try to set the cursor on an invalid lnum
  autocmd BufReadPre <buffer> :norm! 70gg
  " triggers BufReadPre, should not move the cursor in either window
  call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().topline)
  call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().lnum)
  call assert_equal(3, b:bufreadpre)
  wincmd p
  call assert_equal(g:wsv1.topline, winsaveview().topline)
  call assert_equal(g:wsv1.lnum, winsaveview().lnum)
  call assert_equal(3, b:bufreadpre)
  call delete('XAutocmdBufReadPre.txt')
  set cpo-=g

" FileChangedShell tested in test_filechanged.vim

" Tests for the following autocommands:
" - FileWritePre	writing a compressed file
" - FileReadPost	reading a compressed file
" - BufNewFile		reading a file template
" - BufReadPre		decompressing the file to be read
" - FilterReadPre	substituting characters in the temp file
" - FilterReadPost	substituting characters after filtering
" - FileReadPre		set options for decompression
" - FileReadPost	decompress the file
func Test_ReadWrite_Autocmds()
  " Run this test only on Unix-like systems and if gzip is available
  CheckExecutable gzip

  " Make $GZIP empty, "-v" would cause trouble.
  let $GZIP = ""

  " Use a FileChangedShell autocommand to avoid a prompt for 'Xtestfile.gz'
  " being modified outside of Vim (noticed on Solaris).
  au FileChangedShell * echo 'caught FileChangedShell'

  " Test for the FileReadPost, FileWritePre and FileWritePost autocmds
  augroup Test1
    au FileWritePre    *.gz   '[,']!gzip
    au FileWritePost   *.gz   undo
    au FileReadPost    *.gz   '[,']!gzip -d
  augroup END

  set bin
  call append(0, [
	      \ 'line 2	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 3	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 4	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 5	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 6	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 7	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 8	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 9	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
	      \ ])
  1,9write! Xtestfile.gz
  enew! | close

  " Read and decompress the testfile
  0read Xtestfile.gz
  call assert_equal([
	      \ 'line 2	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 3	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 4	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 5	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 6	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 7	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 8	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 9	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
	      \ ], getline(1, 9))
  enew! | close

  augroup Test1
  augroup END

  " Test for the FileAppendPre and FileAppendPost autocmds
  augroup Test2
    au BufNewFile      *.c    read Xtest.c
    au FileAppendPre   *.out  '[,']s/new/NEW/
    au FileAppendPost  *.out  !cat Xtest.c >> test.out
  augroup END

  call writefile(['/*', ' * Here is a new .c file', ' */'], 'Xtest.c', 'D')
  new foo.c			" should load Xtest.c
  call assert_equal(['/*', ' * Here is a new .c file', ' */'], getline(2, 4))
  w! >> test.out		" append it to the output file

  let contents = readfile('test.out')
  call assert_equal(' * Here is a NEW .c file', contents[2])
  call assert_equal(' * Here is a new .c file', contents[5])

  call delete('test.out')
  enew! | close
  augroup Test2
  augroup END

  " Test for the BufReadPre and BufReadPost autocmds
  augroup Test3
    " setup autocommands to decompress before reading and re-compress
    " afterwards
    au BufReadPre  *.gz  exe '!gzip -d ' . shellescape(expand("<afile>"))
    au BufReadPre  *.gz  call rename(expand("<afile>:r"), expand("<afile>"))
    au BufReadPost *.gz  call rename(expand("<afile>"), expand("<afile>:r"))
    au BufReadPost *.gz  exe '!gzip ' . shellescape(expand("<afile>:r"))
  augroup END

  e! Xtestfile.gz		" Edit compressed file
  call assert_equal([
	      \ 'line 2	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 3	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 4	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 5	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 6	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 7	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 8	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 9	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
	      \ ], getline(1, 9))

  w! >> test.out		" Append it to the output file

  augroup Test3
  augroup END

  " Test for the FilterReadPre and FilterReadPost autocmds.
  set shelltemp			" need temp files here
  augroup Test4
    au FilterReadPre   *.out  call rename(expand("<afile>"), expand("<afile>") . ".t")
    au FilterReadPre   *.out  exe 'silent !sed s/e/E/ ' . shellescape(expand("<afile>")) . ".t >" . shellescape(expand("<afile>"))
    au FilterReadPre   *.out  exe 'silent !rm ' . shellescape(expand("<afile>")) . '.t'
    au FilterReadPost  *.out  '[,']s/x/X/g
  augroup END

  e! test.out			" Edit the output file
  call assert_equal([
	      \ 'linE 2	AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz',
	      \ 'linE 4	AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz',
	      \ 'linE 6	AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz',
	      \ 'linE 8	AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz',
	      \ 'linE 10 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz'
	      \ ], getline(1, 9))
  call assert_equal([
	      \ 'line 2	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 3	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 4	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 5	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 6	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 7	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 8	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 9	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
	      \ ], readfile('test.out'))

  augroup Test4
  augroup END
  set shelltemp&vim

  " Test for the FileReadPre and FileReadPost autocmds.
  augroup Test5
    au FileReadPre *.gz exe 'silent !gzip -d ' . shellescape(expand("<afile>"))
    au FileReadPre *.gz call rename(expand("<afile>:r"), expand("<afile>"))
    au FileReadPost *.gz '[,']s/l/L/
  augroup END

  0r Xtestfile.gz		" Read compressed file
  call assert_equal([
	      \ 'Line 2	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'Line 3	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'Line 4	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'Line 5	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'Line 6	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'Line 7	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'Line 8	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'Line 9	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'Line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
	      \ ], getline(1, 9))
  call assert_equal([
	      \ 'line 2	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 3	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 4	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 5	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 6	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 7	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 8	Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
	      \ 'line 9	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	      \ 'line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
	      \ ], readfile('Xtestfile.gz'))

  augroup Test5
  augroup END

  au! FileChangedShell
  call delete('Xtestfile.gz')
  call delete('test.out')

func Test_throw_in_BufWritePre()
  call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
  call assert_false(filereadable('Xthefile'))
  augroup throwing
    au BufWritePre X* throw 'do not write'
  augroup END
    w Xthefile
    let caught = 1
  call assert_equal(1, caught)
  call assert_false(filereadable('Xthefile'))

  au! throwing

func Test_autocmd_in_try_block()
  call mkdir('Xintrydir', 'R')
  au BufEnter * let g:fname = expand('%')
    edit Xintrydir/
  call assert_match('Xintrydir', g:fname)

  unlet g:fname
  au! BufEnter

func Test_autocmd_SafeState()

  let lines =<< trim END
	let g:safe = 0
	let g:again = ''
	au SafeState * let g:safe += 1
	au SafeStateAgain * let g:again ..= 'x'
	func CallTimer()
	  call timer_start(10, {id -> execute('let g:again ..= "t"')})
  call writefile(lines, 'XSafeState', 'D')
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XSafeState', #{rows: 6})

  " Sometimes we loop to handle a K_IGNORE, SafeState may be triggered once or
  " more often.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:safe\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^\d ', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  " SafeStateAgain should be invoked at least three times
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:again\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^xxx', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":let g:again = ''\<CR>:call CallTimer()\<CR>")
  call TermWait(buf, 50)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":\<CR>")
  call TermWait(buf, 50)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo g:again\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('xtx', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

func Test_autocmd_CmdWinEnter()

  let lines =<< trim END
    augroup vimHints | au! | augroup END
    let b:dummy_var = 'This is a dummy'
    autocmd CmdWinEnter * quit
    let winnr = winnr('$')
  let filename = 'XCmdWinEnter'
  call writefile(lines, filename)
  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S '.filename, #{rows: 6})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "q:")
  call TermWait(buf)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo b:dummy_var\<cr>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^This is a dummy', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 2000)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo &buftype\<cr>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notmatch('^nofile', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo winnr\<cr>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^1', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)

  " clean up
  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
  call delete(filename)

func Test_autocmd_was_using_freed_memory()
  CheckFeature quickfix

  pedit xx
  n x
  augroup winenter
    au WinEnter * if winnr('$') > 2 | quit | endif
  augroup END

  augroup winenter
    au! WinEnter
  augroup END

  bwipe xx
  bwipe x

func Test_BufWrite_lockmarks()
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1
  edit! Xtest
  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

  " :lockmarks preserves the marks
  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  lockmarks write
  call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])

  " *WritePre autocmds get the correct line range, but lockmarks preserves the
  " original values for the user
  augroup lockmarks
    au BufWritePre,FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au FileWritePre * call assert_equal([3, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  augroup END

  lockmarks write
  call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])

  if executable('cat')
    lockmarks %!cat
    call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])

  lockmarks 3,4write Xtest2
  call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])

  au! lockmarks
  augroup! lockmarks
  call delete('Xtest')
  call delete('Xtest2')

func Test_FileType_spell()
  if !isdirectory('/tmp')
    throw "Skipped: requires /tmp directory"

  " this was crashing with an invalid free()
  setglobal spellfile=/tmp/en.utf-8.add
  augroup crash
    autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost crashfile setf somefiletype
    autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost crashfile set ft=anotherfiletype
    autocmd FileType anotherfiletype setlocal spell
  augroup END
  func! NoCrash() abort
    edit /tmp/crashfile
  call NoCrash()

  au! crash
  setglobal spellfile=

" this was wiping out the current buffer and using freed memory
func Test_SpellFileMissing_bwipe()
  next 0
  au SpellFileMissing 0 bwipe
  call assert_fails('set spell spelllang=0', 'E937:')

  au! SpellFileMissing
  set nospell spelllang=en

" Test closing a window or editing another buffer from a FileChangedRO handler
" in a readonly buffer
func Test_FileChangedRO_winclose()
  call test_override('ui_delay', 10)

  augroup FileChangedROTest
    autocmd FileChangedRO * quit
  augroup END
  set readonly
  call assert_fails('normal i', 'E788:')
  augroup! FileChangedROTest

  augroup FileChangedROTest
    autocmd FileChangedRO * edit Xrofile
  augroup END
  set readonly
  call assert_fails('normal i', 'E788:')
  augroup! FileChangedROTest
  call test_override('ALL', 0)

func LogACmd()
  call add(g:logged, line('$'))

func Test_TermChanged()

  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
  au TermChanged * call LogACmd()
  let g:logged = []
  let term_save = &term
  set term=xterm
  call assert_equal([1, 4], g:logged)

  au! TermChanged
  let &term = term_save

" Test for FileReadCmd autocmd
func Test_autocmd_FileReadCmd()
  func ReadFileCmd()
    call append(line('$'), "v:cmdarg = " .. v:cmdarg)
  augroup FileReadCmdTest
    au FileReadCmd Xtest call ReadFileCmd()
  augroup END

  read ++bin Xtest
  read ++nobin Xtest
  read ++edit Xtest
  read ++bad=keep Xtest
  read ++bad=drop Xtest
  read ++bad=- Xtest
  read ++ff=unix Xtest
  read ++ff=dos Xtest
  read ++ff=mac Xtest
  read ++enc=utf-8 Xtest

  call assert_equal(['',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++bin',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++nobin',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++edit',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++bad=keep',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++bad=drop',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++bad=-',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++ff=unix',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++ff=dos',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++ff=mac',
        \ 'v:cmdarg =  ++enc=utf-8'], getline(1, '$'))

  augroup FileReadCmdTest
  augroup END
  delfunc ReadFileCmd

" Test for passing invalid arguments to autocmd
func Test_autocmd_invalid_args()
  " Additional character after * for event
  call assert_fails('autocmd *a Xinvfile set ff=unix', 'E215:')
  augroup Test
  augroup END
  " Invalid autocmd event
  call assert_fails('autocmd Bufabc Xinvfile set ft=vim', 'E216:')
  " Invalid autocmd event in a autocmd group
  call assert_fails('autocmd Test Bufabc Xinvfile set ft=vim', 'E216:')
  augroup! Test
  " Execute all autocmds
  call assert_fails('doautocmd * BufEnter', 'E217:')
  call assert_fails('augroup! x1a2b3', 'E367:')
  call assert_fails('autocmd BufNew <buffer=999> pwd', 'E680:')
  call assert_fails('autocmd BufNew \) set ff=unix', 'E55:')

" Test for deep nesting of autocmds
func Test_autocmd_deep_nesting()
  autocmd BufEnter Xdeepfile doautocmd BufEnter Xdeepfile
  call assert_fails('doautocmd BufEnter Xdeepfile', 'E218:')
  autocmd! BufEnter Xdeepfile

" Tests for SigUSR1 autocmd event, which is only available on posix systems.
func Test_autocmd_sigusr1()
  " FIXME: should this work on MacOS M1?
  CheckExecutable /bin/kill

  let g:sigusr1_passed = 0
  au SigUSR1 * let g:sigusr1_passed = 1
  call system('/bin/kill -s usr1 ' . getpid())
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_true(g:sigusr1_passed)})

  au! SigUSR1
  unlet g:sigusr1_passed

" Test for BufReadPre autocmd deleting the file
func Test_BufReadPre_delfile()
  augroup TestAuCmd
    autocmd BufReadPre XbufreadPre call delete('XbufreadPre')
  augroup END
  call writefile([], 'XbufreadPre', 'D')
  call assert_fails('new XbufreadPre', 'E200:')
  call assert_equal('XbufreadPre', @%)
  call assert_equal(1, &readonly)

  augroup TestAuCmd
  augroup END

" Test for BufReadPre autocmd changing the current buffer
func Test_BufReadPre_changebuf()
  augroup TestAuCmd
    autocmd BufReadPre Xchangebuf edit Xsomeotherfile
  augroup END
  call writefile([], 'Xchangebuf', 'D')
  call assert_fails('new Xchangebuf', 'E201:')
  call assert_equal('Xsomeotherfile', @%)
  call assert_equal(1, &readonly)

  augroup TestAuCmd
  augroup END

" Test for BufWipeouti autocmd changing the current buffer when reading a file
" in an empty buffer with 'f' flag in 'cpo'
func Test_BufDelete_changebuf()
  augroup TestAuCmd
    autocmd BufWipeout * let bufnr = bufadd('somefile') | exe "b " .. bufnr
  augroup END
  let save_cpo = &cpo
  set cpo+=f
  call assert_fails('r Xchangebuf', ['E812:', 'E484:'])
  call assert_equal('somefile', @%)
  let &cpo = save_cpo
  augroup TestAuCmd
  augroup END

" Test for the temporary internal window used to execute autocmds
func Test_autocmd_window()
  edit one.txt
  tabnew two.txt
  vnew three.txt
  tabnew four.txt
  let g:blist = []
  augroup aucmd_win_test1
    au BufEnter * call add(g:blist, [expand('<afile>'),
          \ win_gettype(bufwinnr(expand('<afile>')))])
  augroup END

  doautoall BufEnter
  call assert_equal([
        \ ['one.txt', 'autocmd'],
        \ ['two.txt', ''],
        \ ['four.txt', 'autocmd'],
        \ ['three.txt', ''],
        \ ], g:blist)

  augroup aucmd_win_test1
  augroup END
  augroup! aucmd_win_test1

" Test for trying to close the temporary window used for executing an autocmd
func Test_close_autocmd_window()
  edit one.txt
  tabnew two.txt
  augroup aucmd_win_test2
    au BufEnter * if expand('<afile>') == 'one.txt' | 1close | endif
  augroup END

  call assert_fails('doautoall BufEnter', 'E813:')

  augroup aucmd_win_test2
  augroup END
  augroup! aucmd_win_test2

" Test for trying to close the tab that has the temporary window for exeucing
" an autocmd.
func Test_close_autocmd_tab()
  edit one.txt
  tabnew two.txt
   augroup aucmd_win_test
    au BufEnter * if expand('<afile>') == 'one.txt' | tabfirst | tabonly | endif
  augroup END

  call assert_fails('doautoall BufEnter', 'E813:')

  augroup aucmd_win_test
  augroup END
  augroup! aucmd_win_test

func Test_Visual_doautoall_redraw()
  call setline(1, ['a', 'b'])
  wincmd p
  call feedkeys("G\<C-V>", 'txn')
  autocmd User Explode ++once redraw
  doautoall User Explode

" This was using freed memory.
func Test_BufNew_arglocal()
  au BufNew * arglocal
  call assert_fails('drop xx', 'E1156:')

  au! BufNew

func Test_autocmd_closes_window()
  au BufNew,BufWinLeave * e %e
  file yyy
  au BufNew,BufWinLeave * ball
  n xxx

  au! BufNew
  au! BufWinLeave

func Test_autocmd_quit_psearch()
  sn aa bb
  augroup aucmd_win_test
    au BufEnter,BufLeave,BufNew,WinEnter,WinLeave,WinNew * if winnr('$') > 1 | q | endif
  augroup END
  ps /

  augroup aucmd_win_test
  augroup END

" Fuzzer found some strange combination that caused a crash.
func Test_autocmd_normal_mess()
  " For unknown reason this hangs on MS-Windows

  augroup aucmd_normal_test
    au BufLeave,BufWinLeave,BufHidden,BufUnload,BufDelete,BufWipeout * norm 7q/qc
  augroup END
  call assert_fails('o4', 'E1159')
  silent! H
  call assert_fails('e xx', 'E1159')
  normal G

  augroup aucmd_normal_test
  augroup END

func Test_autocmd_closing_cmdwin()
  " For unknown reason this hangs on MS-Windows

  au BufWinLeave * nested q
  call assert_fails("norm 7q?\n", 'E855:')

  au! BufWinLeave

func Test_autocmd_vimgrep()
  augroup aucmd_vimgrep
    au QuickfixCmdPre,BufNew,BufReadCmd * sb
    au QuickfixCmdPre,BufNew,BufReadCmd * q9
  augroup END
  call assert_fails('lv ?a? foo', 'E926:')

  augroup aucmd_vimgrep
  augroup END

func Test_autocmd_with_block()
  augroup block_testing
    au BufReadPost *.xml {
            setlocal matchpairs+=<:>
    au CursorHold * {
        autocmd BufReadPre * ++once echo 'one' | echo 'two'
        g:gotSafeState = 77
  augroup END

  let expected = "\n--- Autocommands ---\nblock_testing  BufRead\n    *.xml     {^@            setlocal matchpairs+=<:>^@            /<start^@          }"
  call assert_equal(expected, execute('au BufReadPost *.xml'))

  doautocmd CursorHold
  call assert_equal(77, g:gotSafeState)
  unlet g:gotSafeState

  augroup block_testing
    autocmd CursorHold * {
      if true
        # comment
        && true

        && true
        g:done = 'yes'
  augroup END
  doautocmd CursorHold
  call assert_equal('yes', g:done)

  unlet g:done
  augroup block_testing
  augroup END

" Test TextChangedI and TextChanged
func Test_Changed_ChangedI()
  call test_override("char_avail", 1)
  let [g:autocmd_i, g:autocmd_n] = ['','']

  func! TextChangedAutocmdI(char)
    let g:autocmd_{tolower(a:char)} = a:char .. b:changedtick

  augroup Test_TextChanged
    au TextChanged  <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmdI('N')
    au TextChangedI <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmdI('I')
  augroup END

  call feedkeys("ifoo\<esc>", 'tnix')
  " TODO: Test test does not seem to trigger TextChanged autocommand, this
  " requires running Vim in a terminal window.
  " call assert_equal('N3', g:autocmd_n)
  call assert_equal('I3', g:autocmd_i)

  call feedkeys("yyp", 'tnix')
  " TODO: Test test does not seem to trigger TextChanged autocommand.
  " call assert_equal('N4', g:autocmd_n)
  call assert_equal('I3', g:autocmd_i)

  " CleanUp
  call test_override("char_avail", 0)
  au! TextChanged  <buffer>
  au! TextChangedI <buffer>
  augroup! Test_TextChanged
  delfu TextChangedAutocmdI
  unlet! g:autocmd_i g:autocmd_n


func Test_closing_autocmd_window()
  let lines =<< trim END
      edit Xa.txt
      tabnew Xb.txt
      autocmd BufEnter Xa.txt unhide 1
      doautoall BufEnter
  call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E814:')
  au! BufEnter
  bwipe Xa.txt
  bwipe Xb.txt

func Test_bufwipeout_changes_window()
  " This should not crash, but we don't have any expectations about what
  " happens, changing window in BufWipeout has unpredictable results.
  let g:window_id = win_getid()
  topleft new
  setlocal bufhidden=wipe
  autocmd BufWipeout <buffer> call win_gotoid(g:window_id)

  unlet g:window_id
  au! BufWipeout

func Test_v_event_readonly()
  autocmd CompleteChanged * let v:event.width = 0
  call assert_fails("normal! i\<C-X>\<C-V>", 'E46:')
  au! CompleteChanged

  autocmd DirChangedPre * let = ''
  call assert_fails('cd .', 'E46:')
  au! DirChangedPre

  autocmd ModeChanged * let v:event.new_mode = ''
  call assert_fails('normal! cc', 'E46:')
  au! ModeChanged

  autocmd TextYankPost * let v:event.operator = ''
  call assert_fails('normal! yy', 'E46:')
  au! TextYankPost

" Test for ModeChanged pattern
func Test_mode_changes()
  let g:index = 0
  let g:mode_seq = ['n', 'i', 'n', 'v', 'V', 'i', 'ix', 'i', 'ic', 'i', 'n', 'no', 'n', 'V', 'v', 's', 'n']
  func! TestMode()
    call assert_equal(g:mode_seq[g:index], get(v:event, "old_mode"))
    call assert_equal(g:mode_seq[g:index + 1], get(v:event, "new_mode"))
    call assert_equal(mode(1), get(v:event, "new_mode"))
    let g:index += 1

  au ModeChanged * :call TestMode()
  let g:n_to_any = 0
  au ModeChanged n:* let g:n_to_any += 1
  call feedkeys("i\<esc>vVca\<CR>\<C-X>\<C-L>\<esc>ggdG", 'tnix')

  let g:V_to_v = 0
  au ModeChanged V:v let g:V_to_v += 1
  call feedkeys("Vv\<C-G>\<esc>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal(len(filter(g:mode_seq[1:], {idx, val -> val == 'n'})), g:n_to_any)
  call assert_equal(1, g:V_to_v)
  call assert_equal(len(g:mode_seq) - 1, g:index)

  let g:n_to_i = 0
  au ModeChanged n:i let g:n_to_i += 1
  let g:n_to_niI = 0
  au ModeChanged i:niI let g:n_to_niI += 1
  let g:niI_to_i = 0
  au ModeChanged niI:i let g:niI_to_i += 1
  let g:nany_to_i = 0
  au ModeChanged n*:i let g:nany_to_i += 1
  let g:i_to_n = 0
  au ModeChanged i:n let g:i_to_n += 1
  let g:nori_to_any = 0
  au ModeChanged [ni]:* let g:nori_to_any += 1
  let g:i_to_any = 0
  au ModeChanged i:* let g:i_to_any += 1
  let g:index = 0
  let g:mode_seq = ['n', 'i', 'niI', 'i', 'n']
  call feedkeys("a\<C-O>l\<esc>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal(len(g:mode_seq) - 1, g:index)
  call assert_equal(1, g:n_to_i)
  call assert_equal(1, g:n_to_niI)
  call assert_equal(1, g:niI_to_i)
  call assert_equal(2, g:nany_to_i)
  call assert_equal(1, g:i_to_n)
  call assert_equal(2, g:i_to_any)
  call assert_equal(3, g:nori_to_any)

  if has('terminal')
    let g:mode_seq += ['c', 'n', 't', 'nt', 'c', 'nt', 'n']
    call feedkeys(":term\<CR>\<C-W>N:bd!\<CR>", 'tnix')
    call assert_equal(len(g:mode_seq) - 1, g:index)
    call assert_equal(1, g:n_to_i)
    call assert_equal(1, g:n_to_niI)
    call assert_equal(1, g:niI_to_i)
    call assert_equal(2, g:nany_to_i)
    call assert_equal(1, g:i_to_n)
    call assert_equal(2, g:i_to_any)
    call assert_equal(5, g:nori_to_any)

  let g:n_to_c = 0
  au ModeChanged n:c let g:n_to_c += 1
  let g:c_to_n = 0
  au ModeChanged c:n let g:c_to_n += 1
  let g:mode_seq += ['c', 'n', 'c', 'n']
  call feedkeys("q:\<C-C>\<Esc>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal(len(g:mode_seq) - 1, g:index)
  call assert_equal(2, g:n_to_c)
  call assert_equal(2, g:c_to_n)
  unlet g:n_to_c
  unlet g:c_to_n

  let g:n_to_v = 0
  au ModeChanged n:v let g:n_to_v += 1
  let g:v_to_n = 0
  au ModeChanged v:n let g:v_to_n += 1
  let g:mode_seq += ['v', 'n']
  call feedkeys("v\<C-C>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal(len(g:mode_seq) - 1, g:index)
  call assert_equal(1, g:n_to_v)
  call assert_equal(1, g:v_to_n)
  unlet g:n_to_v
  unlet g:v_to_n

  au! ModeChanged
  delfunc TestMode
  unlet! g:mode_seq
  unlet! g:index
  unlet! g:n_to_any
  unlet! g:V_to_v
  unlet! g:n_to_i
  unlet! g:n_to_niI
  unlet! g:niI_to_i
  unlet! g:nany_to_i
  unlet! g:i_to_n
  unlet! g:nori_to_any
  unlet! g:i_to_any

func Test_recursive_ModeChanged()
  au! ModeChanged * norm 0u
  sil! norm 
  au! ModeChanged

func Test_ModeChanged_starts_visual()
  " This was triggering ModeChanged before setting VIsual, causing a crash.
  au! ModeChanged * norm 0u
  sil! norm 

  au! ModeChanged

func Test_noname_autocmd()
  augroup test_noname_autocmd_group
    autocmd BufEnter * call add(s:li, ["BufEnter", expand("<afile>")])
    autocmd BufDelete * call add(s:li, ["BufDelete", expand("<afile>")])
    autocmd BufLeave * call add(s:li, ["BufLeave", expand("<afile>")])
    autocmd BufUnload * call add(s:li, ["BufUnload", expand("<afile>")])
    autocmd BufWipeout * call add(s:li, ["BufWipeout", expand("<afile>")])
  augroup END

  let s:li = []
  edit foo
  call assert_equal([['BufUnload', ''], ['BufDelete', ''], ['BufWipeout', ''], ['BufEnter', 'foo']], s:li)

  au! test_noname_autocmd_group
  augroup! test_noname_autocmd_group

" Test for the autocmd_get() function
func Test_autocmd_get()
  augroup TestAutoCmdFns
    autocmd BufAdd *.vim echo "bufadd-vim"
    autocmd BufAdd *.py echo "bufadd-py"
    autocmd BufHidden *.vim echo "bufhidden"
  augroup END
  augroup TestAutoCmdFns2
    autocmd BufAdd *.vim echo "bufadd-vim-2"
    autocmd BufRead *.a1b2c3 echo "bufadd-vim-2"
  augroup END

  let l = autocmd_get()
  call assert_true(l->len() > 0)

  " Test for getting all the autocmds in a group
  let expected = [
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd-vim"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.vim', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \  event: 'BufAdd'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd-py"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.py', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \  event: 'BufAdd'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufhidden"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.vim', nested: v:false,
        \  once: v:false, event: 'BufHidden'}]
  call assert_equal(expected, autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns'}))

  " Test for getting autocmds for all the patterns in a group
  call assert_equal(expected, autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \ event: '*'}))

  " Test for getting autocmds for an event in a group
  let expected = [
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd-vim"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.vim', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \  event: 'BufAdd'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd-py"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.py', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \  event: 'BufAdd'}]
  call assert_equal(expected, autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \ event: 'BufAdd'}))

  " Test for getting the autocmds for all the events in a group for particular
  " pattern
  call assert_equal([{'cmd': 'echo "bufadd-py"', 'group': 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \ 'pattern': '*.py', 'nested': v:false, 'once': v:false,
        \ 'event': 'BufAdd'}],
        \ autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns', event: '*', pattern: '*.py'}))

  " Test for getting the autocmds for an events in a group for particular
  " pattern
  let l = autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns', event: 'BufAdd',
        \ pattern: '*.vim'})
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd-vim"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.vim', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \  event: 'BufAdd'}], l)

  " Test for getting the autocmds for a pattern in a group
  let l = autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns', pattern: '*.vim'})
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd-vim"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.vim', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \  event: 'BufAdd'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufhidden"', group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  pattern: '*.vim', nested: v:false,
        \  once: v:false, event: 'BufHidden'}], l)

  " Test for getting the autocmds for a pattern in all the groups
  let l = autocmd_get(#{pattern: '*.a1b2c3'})
  call assert_equal([{'cmd': 'echo "bufadd-vim-2"', 'group': 'TestAutoCmdFns2',
        \ 'pattern': '*.a1b2c3', 'nested': v:false, 'once': v:false,
        \ 'event': 'BufRead'}], l)

  " Test for getting autocmds for a pattern without any autocmds
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \ pattern: '*.abc'}))
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \ event: 'BufAdd', pattern: '*.abc'}))
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \ event: 'BufWipeout'}))
  call assert_fails("call autocmd_get(#{group: 'abc', event: 'BufAdd'})",
        \ 'E367:')
  let cmd = "echo autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns', event: 'abc'})"
  call assert_fails(cmd, 'E216:')
  call assert_fails("call autocmd_get(#{group: 'abc'})", 'E367:')
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_get(#{event: 'abc'})", 'E216:')

  augroup TestAutoCmdFns
  augroup END
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns'}))

  " Test for nested and once autocmds
  augroup TestAutoCmdFns
    autocmd VimSuspend * ++nested echo "suspend"
    autocmd VimResume * ++once echo "resume"
  augroup END

  let expected = [
        \ {'cmd': 'echo "suspend"', 'group': 'TestAutoCmdFns', 'pattern': '*',
        \ 'nested': v:true, 'once': v:false, 'event': 'VimSuspend'},
        \ {'cmd': 'echo "resume"', 'group': 'TestAutoCmdFns', 'pattern': '*',
        \  'nested': v:false, 'once': v:true, 'event': 'VimResume'}]
  call assert_equal(expected, autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns'}))

  " Test for buffer-local autocmd
  augroup TestAutoCmdFns
    autocmd TextYankPost <buffer> echo "textyankpost"
  augroup END

  let expected = [
        \ {'cmd': 'echo "textyankpost"', 'group': 'TestAutoCmdFns',
        \  'pattern': '<buffer=' .. bufnr() .. '>', 'nested': v:false,
        \  'once': v:false, 'bufnr': bufnr(), 'event': 'TextYankPost'}]
  call assert_equal(expected, autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAutoCmdFns'}))

  augroup TestAutoCmdFns
  augroup END
  augroup! TestAutoCmdFns
  augroup TestAutoCmdFns2
  augroup END
  augroup! TestAutoCmdFns2

  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_get(#{group: []})", 'E730:')
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_get(#{event: {}})", 'E731:')
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_get([])", 'E1206:')

" Test for the autocmd_add() function
func Test_autocmd_add()
  " Define a single autocmd in a group
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', pattern: '*.sh',
        \ cmd: 'echo "bufadd"', once: v:true, nested: v:true}])
  call assert_equal([#{cmd: 'echo "bufadd"', group: 'TestAcSet',
        \ pattern: '*.sh', nested: v:true, once: v:true,
        \ event: 'BufAdd'}], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Define two autocmds in the same group
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', pattern: '*.sh',
        \ cmd: 'echo "bufadd"'},
        \ #{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufEnter', pattern: '*.sh',
        \   cmd: 'echo "bufenter"'}])
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufadd"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.sh',
        \   nested: v:false, once: v:false, event: 'BufAdd'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufenter"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.sh',
        \   nested: v:false, once: v:false, event: 'BufEnter'}],
        \   autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Define a buffer-local autocmd
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'CursorHold',
        \ bufnr: bufnr(), cmd: 'echo "cursorhold"'}])
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "cursorhold"', group: 'TestAcSet',
        \   pattern: '<buffer=' .. bufnr() .. '>', nested: v:false,
        \   once: v:false, bufnr: bufnr(), event: 'CursorHold'}],
        \   autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Use an invalid buffer number
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufEnter',
        \ bufnr: -1, cmd: 'echo "bufenter"'}])
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', bufnr: 9999,
        \ cmd: 'echo "bufadd"'}]
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_add(l)", 'E680:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', bufnr: 9999,
        \ pattern: '*.py', cmd: 'echo "bufadd"'}]
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_add(l)", 'E680:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', bufnr: 9999,
        \ pattern: ['*.py', '*.c'], cmd: 'echo "bufadd"'}]
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_add(l)", 'E680:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufRead', bufnr: [],
        \ cmd: 'echo "bufread"'}]
  call assert_fails("echo autocmd_add(l)", 'E745:')
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Add two commands to the same group, event and pattern
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufUnload',
        \ pattern: 'abc', cmd: 'echo "cmd1"'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufUnload',
        \ pattern: 'abc', cmd: 'echo "cmd2"'}])
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "cmd1"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: 'abc',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufUnload'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "cmd2"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: 'abc',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufUnload'}],
        \   autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " When adding a new autocmd, if the autocmd 'group' is not specified, then
  " the current autocmd group should be used.
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  augroup TestAcSet
    call autocmd_add([#{event: 'BufHidden', pattern: 'abc', cmd: 'echo "abc"'}])
  augroup END
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "abc"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: 'abc',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufHidden'}],
        \   autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Test for replacing a cmd for an event in a group
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{replace: v:true, group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufEnter',
        \ pattern: '*.py', cmd: 'echo "bufenter"'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{replace: v:true, group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufEnter',
        \ pattern: '*.py', cmd: 'echo "bufenter"'}])
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufenter"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.py',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufEnter'}],
        \   autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Test for adding a command for an unsupported autocmd event
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'abc', pattern: '*.sh',
        \ cmd: 'echo "bufadd"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E216:')

  " Test for using a list of events and patterns
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: ['BufEnter', 'BufLeave'],
        \ pattern: ['*.py', '*.sh'], cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call autocmd_add(l)
  call assert_equal([
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.py',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufEnter'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.sh',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufEnter'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.py',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufLeave'},
        \ #{cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"', group: 'TestAcSet', pattern: '*.sh',
        \   nested: v:false,  once: v:false, event: 'BufLeave'}],
        \   autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Test for invalid values for 'event' item
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: test_null_string(),
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E928:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: test_null_list(),
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E714:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: {},
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E777:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: [{}],
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E928:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: [test_null_string()],
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E928:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufEnter,BufLeave',
        \ pattern: '*.py', cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E216:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: [],
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call autocmd_add(l)
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: [""],
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E216:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "",
        \ pattern: "*.py", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call autocmd_add(l)
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Test for invalid values for 'pattern' item
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: test_null_string(), cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E928:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: test_null_list(), cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E714:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: {}, cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E777:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: [{}], cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E928:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: [test_null_string()], cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E928:')
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: [], cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call autocmd_add(l)
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: [""], cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call autocmd_add(l)
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: "BufEnter",
        \ pattern: "", cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call autocmd_add(l)
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufEnter,abc,BufLeave',
        \ pattern: '*.py', cmd: 'echo "bufcmds"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_add(l)', 'E216:')

  call assert_fails("call autocmd_add({})", 'E1211:')
  call assert_equal(v:false,  autocmd_add(test_null_list()))
  call assert_true(autocmd_add([[]]))
  call assert_true(autocmd_add([test_null_dict()]))

  augroup TestAcSet
  augroup END

  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', pat: '*.sh'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', cmd: 'echo "a"'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', pat: '*.sh'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', cmd: 'echo "a"'}])
  call autocmd_add([#{group: 'TestAcSet', pat: '*.sh', cmd: 'echo "a"'}])
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  augroup! TestAcSet

" Test for deleting autocmd events and groups
func Test_autocmd_delete()
  " Delete an event in an autocmd group
  augroup TestAcSet
    au BufAdd *.sh echo "bufadd"
    au BufEnter *.sh echo "bufenter"
  augroup END
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd'}])
  call assert_equal([#{cmd: 'echo "bufenter"', group: 'TestAcSet',
        \ pattern: '*.sh', nested: v:false, once: v:false,
        \ event: 'BufEnter'}], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Delete all the events in an autocmd group
  augroup TestAcSet
    au BufAdd *.sh echo "bufadd"
  augroup END
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: '*'}])
  call assert_equal([], autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'}))

  " Delete a non-existing autocmd group
  call assert_fails("call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'abc'}])", 'E367:')
  " Delete a non-existing autocmd event
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'abc'}]
  call assert_fails("call autocmd_delete(l)", 'E216:')
  " Delete a non-existing autocmd pattern
  let l = [#{group: 'TestAcSet', event: 'BufAdd', pat: 'abc'}]
  call assert_true(autocmd_delete(l))
  " Delete an autocmd for a non-existing buffer
  let l = [#{event: '*', bufnr: 9999, cmd: 'echo "x"'}]
  call assert_fails('call autocmd_delete(l)', 'E680:')

  " Delete an autocmd group
  augroup TestAcSet
    au BufAdd *.sh echo "bufadd"
    au BufEnter *.sh echo "bufenter"
  augroup END
  call autocmd_delete([#{group: 'TestAcSet'}])
  call assert_fails("call autocmd_get(#{group: 'TestAcSet'})", 'E367:')

  call assert_true(autocmd_delete([[]]))
  call assert_true(autocmd_delete([test_null_dict()]))

func Test_autocmd_split_dummy()
  " Autocommand trying to split a window containing a dummy buffer.
  auto BufReadPre * exe "sbuf " .. expand("<abuf>")
  " Avoid the "W11" prompt
  au FileChangedShell * let v:fcs_choice = 'reload'
  func Xautocmd_changelist()
    cal writefile(['Xtestfile2:4:4'], 'Xerr')
    edit Xerr
    lex 'Xtestfile2:4:4'
  call Xautocmd_changelist()
  " Should get E86, but it doesn't always happen (timing?)
  silent! call Xautocmd_changelist()

  au! BufReadPre
  au! FileChangedShell
  delfunc Xautocmd_changelist
  bwipe! Xerr
  call delete('Xerr')

" This was crashing because there was only one window to execute autocommands
" in.
func Test_autocmd_nested_setbufvar()
  CheckFeature python3

  set hidden
  edit Xaaa
  edit Xbbb
  call setline(1, 'bar')
  au BufWriteCmd Xbbb ++nested call setbufvar('Xaaa', '&ft', 'foo') | bw! Xaaa
  au FileType foo call py3eval('vim.current.buffer.options["cindent"]')

  au! BufWriteCmd
  au! FileType foo
  set nohidden
  call delete('Xaaa')
  call delete('Xbbb')

func SetupVimTest_shm()
  let g:bwe = []
  let g:brp = []
  set shortmess+=F

  let dirname='XVimTestSHM'
  call mkdir(dirname, 'R')
  call writefile(['test'], dirname .. '/1')
  call writefile(['test'], dirname .. '/2')
  call writefile(['test'], dirname .. '/3')

  augroup test
      autocmd BufWinEnter * call add(g:bwe, $'BufWinEnter: {expand('<amatch>')}')
      autocmd BufReadPost * call add(g:brp,  $'BufReadPost: {expand('<amatch>')}')
  augroup END

  call setqflist([
        \  {'filename': dirname .. '/1', 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'text': 'test', 'vcol': 0},
        \  {'filename': dirname .. '/2', 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'text': 'test', 'vcol': 0},
        \  {'filename': dirname .. '/3', 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'text': 'test', 'vcol': 0}
        \  ])
  cdo! substitute/test/TEST

  " clean up
  noa enew!
  set shortmess&vim
  augroup test
  augroup END
  augroup! test

func Test_autocmd_shortmess()

  call SetupVimTest_shm()
  let output = execute(':mess')->split('\n')

  let info = copy(output)->filter({idx, val -> val =~# '\d of 3'} )
  let bytes = copy(output)->filter({idx, val -> val =~# 'bytes'} )

  " We test the following here:
  " BufReadPost should have been triggered 3 times, once per file
  " BufWinEnter should have been triggered 3 times, once per file
  " FileInfoMessage should have been shown 3 times, regardless of shm option
  " "(x of 3)" message from :cnext has been shown 3 times

  call assert_equal(3, g:brp->len())
  call assert_equal(3, g:bwe->len())
  call assert_equal(3, info->len())
  call assert_equal(3, bytes->len())

  delfunc SetupVimTest_shm

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab