view runtime/syntax/cweb.vim @ 33947:f4d88db48a63 v9.0.2168

patch 9.0.2168: Moving tabpages on :drop may cause an endless loop Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Sat Dec 16 13:55:32 2023 +0100 patch 9.0.2168: Moving tabpages on :drop may cause an endless loop Problem: Moving tabpages on :drop may cause an endless loop Solution: Disallow moving tabpages on :drop when cleaning up the arglist first Moving tabpages during drop command may cause an endless loop When executing a :tab drop command, Vim will close all windows not in the argument list. This triggers various autocommands. If a user has created an 'au Tabenter * :tabmove -' autocommand, this can cause Vim to end up in an endless loop, when trying to iterate over all tabs (which would trigger the tabmove autocommand, which will change the tpnext pointer, etc). So instead of blocking all autocommands before we actually try to edit the given file, lets simply disallow to move tabpages around. Otherwise, we may change the expected number of events triggered during a :drop command, which users may rely on (there is actually a test, that expects various TabLeave/TabEnter autocommands) and would therefore be a backwards incompatible change. Don't make this an error, as this could trigger several times during the drop command, but silently ignore the :tabmove command in this case (and it should in fact finally trigger successfully when loading the given file in a new tab). So let's just be quiet here instead. fixes: #13676 closes: #13686 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sat, 16 Dec 2023 14:00:05 +0100
parents 46763b01cd9a
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	CWEB
" Maintainer:	Andreas Scherer <>
" Last Change:	2011 Dec 25 by Thilo Six

" Details of the CWEB language can be found in the article by Donald E. Knuth
" and Silvio Levy, "The CWEB System of Structured Documentation", included as
" file "cwebman.tex" in the standard CWEB distribution, available for
" anonymous ftp at

" TODO: Section names and C/C++ comments should be treated as TeX material.
" TODO: The current version switches syntax highlighting off for section
" TODO: names, and leaves C/C++ comments as such. (On the other hand,
" TODO: switching to TeX mode in C/C++ comments might be colour overkill.)

" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")

" For starters, read the TeX syntax; TeX syntax items are allowed at the top
" level in the CWEB syntax, e.g., in the preamble.  In general, a CWEB source
" code can be seen as a normal TeX document with some C/C++ material
" interspersed in certain defined regions.
runtime! syntax/tex.vim
unlet b:current_syntax

" Read the C/C++ syntax too; C/C++ syntax items are treated as such in the
" C/C++ section of a CWEB chunk or in inner C/C++ context in "|...|" groups.
syntax include @webIncludedC <sfile>:p:h/cpp.vim

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" Inner C/C++ context (ICC) should be quite simple as it's comprised of
" material in "|...|"; however the naive definition for this region would
" hickup at the innocious "\|" TeX macro.  Note: For the time being we expect
" that an ICC begins either at the start of a line or after some white space.
syntax region webInnerCcontext start="\(^\|[ \t\~`(]\)|" end="|" contains=@webIncludedC,webSectionName,webRestrictedTeX,webIgnoredStuff

" Genuine C/C++ material.  This syntactic region covers both the definition
" part and the C/C++ part of a CWEB section; it is ended by the TeX part of
" the next section.
syntax region webCpart start="@[dfscp<(]" end="@[ \*]" contains=@webIncludedC,webSectionName,webRestrictedTeX,webIgnoredStuff

" Section names contain C/C++ material only in inner context.
syntax region webSectionName start="@[<(]" end="@>" contains=webInnerCcontext contained

" The contents of "control texts" is not treated as TeX material, because in
" non-trivial cases this completely clobbers the syntax recognition.  Instead,
" we highlight these elements as "strings".
syntax region webRestrictedTeX start="@[\^\.:t=q]" end="@>" oneline

" Double-@ means single-@, anywhere in the CWEB source.  (This allows e-mail
" address <> without going into C/C++ mode.)
syntax match webIgnoredStuff "@@"

" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet

hi def link webRestrictedTeX String

let b:current_syntax = "cweb"

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8