view src/create_cmdidxs.vim @ 13016:e47e70300f30 v8.0.1384

patch 8.0.1384: not enough quickfix help; confusing winid commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sun Dec 10 15:26:15 2017 +0100 patch 8.0.1384: not enough quickfix help; confusing winid Problem: Not enough quickfix help; confusing winid. Solution: Add more examples in the help. When the quickfix window is not present, return zero for getqflist() with 'winid'. Add more tests for jumping to quickfix list entries. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #2427)
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 10 Dec 2017 15:30:06 +0100
parents 889da8649221
children 854fb0ad4be6
line wrap: on
line source

" This script generates the tables cmdidxs1[] and cmdidxs2[][] which,
" given a Ex command, determine the first value to probe to find
" a matching command in cmdnames[] based on the first character
" and the first 2 characters of the command.
" This is used to speed up lookup in cmdnames[].
" Script should be run every time new Ex commands are added in Vim,
" from the src/vim directory, since it reads commands from "ex_cmds.h".

let cmds = []
let skipped_cmds = 0

for line in readfile('ex_cmds.h')
  if line =~ '^EX(CMD_'
    let m = matchlist(line, '^EX(CMD_\S*,\s*"\([a-z][^"]*\)"')
    if len(m) >= 2
      let cmds += [ m[1] ]
      let skipped_cmds += 1

let cmdidxs1 = {}
let cmdidxs2 = {}

for i in range(len(cmds) - 1, 0, -1)
  let cmd = cmds[i]
  let c1 = cmd[0] " First character of command
  let c2 = cmd[1] " Second character of command (if any)

  let cmdidxs1{c1} = i
  if c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'z'
    let cmdidxs2{c1}{c2} = i

let output =  [ '/* Automatically generated code by create_cmdidxs.vim' ]
let output += [ ' *' ]
let output += [ ' * Table giving the index of the first command in cmdnames[] to lookup' ]
let output += [ ' * based on the first letter of a command.' ]
let output += [ ' */' ]
let output += [ 'static const unsigned short cmdidxs1[26] =' ]
let output += [ '{' ]

let a_to_z = map(range(char2nr('a'), char2nr('z')), 'nr2char(v:val)')
for c1 in a_to_z
  let line = '  /* ' . c1 . ' */ ' . cmdidxs1{c1} . ((c1 == 'z') ? '' : ',')
  let output += [ line ]
let output += [ '};' ]
let output += [ '' ]
let output += [ '/*' ]
let output += [ ' * Table giving the index of the first command in cmdnames[] to lookup' ]
let output += [ ' * based on the first 2 letters of a command.' ]
let output += [ ' * Values in cmdidxs2[c1][c2] are relative to cmdidxs1[c1] so that they' ]
let output += [ ' * fit in a byte.' ]
let output += [ ' */' ]
let output += [ 'static const unsigned char cmdidxs2[26][26] =' ]
let output += [ '{ /*         a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z */' ]

for c1 in a_to_z
  let line = '  /* ' . c1 . ' */ {'
  for c2 in a_to_z
    if exists('cmdidxs2{c1}{c2}')
      let line .= printf('%3d', cmdidxs2{c1}{c2} - cmdidxs1{c1})
      let line .= '  0'
    let line .= (c2 == 'z') ? '' : ','
  let line .= ' }' . ((c1 == 'z') ? '' : ',')
  let output += [ line ]

let output += [ '};' ]
let output += [ '' ]
let output += [ 'static const int command_count = ' . (len(cmds) + skipped_cmds) . ';' ]

call writefile(output, "ex_cmdidxs.h")