view runtime/doc/Make_mvc.mak @ 34210:c12a674080bc

Added tag v9.1.0053 for changeset 9ec1021cc7f1afe5aac3fb2bfd8abfc428391f12
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 25 Jan 2024 21:30:03 +0100
parents 94a9edb82750
children 879a61a9aa07
line wrap: on
line source

# Makefile for the Vim documentation on Windows
# 17.11.23, Restorer, <>

# Common components
!INCLUDE Make_all.mak

# TODO: to think about what to use instead of awk. PowerShell?
#AWK =

# Correct the following line for the where executeable file vim is installed.
# Please do not put the path in quotes.
VIMEXE = D:\Programs\Vim\vim90\vim.exe

# Correct the following line for the directory where iconv installed.
# Please do not put the path in quotes.
ICONV_PATH = D:\Programs\GetText\bin

# In case some package like GnuWin32, UnixUtils
# or something similar is installed on the system.
# If the "touch" program is installed on the system, but it is not registered
# in the %PATH% environment variable, then specify the full path to this file.
!IF EXIST ("touch.exe")
TOUCH = "touch.exe" %1
TOUCH = if exist %1 ( copy /b %1+,, ) else ( type nul >%1 )

# In case some package like GnuWin32, UnixUtils, gettext
# or something similar is installed on the system.
# If the "iconv" program is installed on the system, but it is not registered
# in the %PATH% environment variable, then specify the full path to this file.
!IF EXIST ("iconv.exe")
ICONV = "iconv.exe"
!ELSEIF EXIST ("$(ICONV_PATH)\iconv.exe")
ICONV = "$(ICONV_PATH)\iconv.exe"

RM = del /q
PS = PowerShell.exe

PSFLAGS = -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command

.SUFFIXES : .c .o .txt .html

all : tags perlhtml $(CONVERTED)

# Use "doctags" to generate the tags file.  Only works for English!
tags : doctags $(DOCS)
	doctags.exe $(DOCS) | sort /L C /O tags
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		(Get-Content -Raw tags ^| Get-Unique ^| %%{$$_ -replace \"`r\", \"\"})\
		^| New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name tags

doctags : doctags.c
	$(CC) doctags.c

# Use Vim to generate the tags file.  Can only be used when Vim has been
# compiled and installed.  Supports multiple languages.
vimtags : $(DOCS)
	@"$(VIMEXE)" --clean -esX -V1 -u doctags.vim

uganda.nsis.txt : uganda.???
	!@$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) $$ext=(Get-Item $?).Extension; (Get-Content $? ^| \
		%%{$$_ -replace '\s*\*[-a-zA-Z0-9.]*\*', '' -replace 'vim:tw=78:.*', ''})\
		^| Set-Content $*$$ext
	!@$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) $$ext=(Get-Item $?).Extension; \
		(Get-Content -Raw $(@B)$$ext).Trim() -replace '(\r\n){3,}', '$$1$$1' \
		^| Set-Content $(@B)$$ext

#html: noerrors tags $(HTMLS)
#	if exist errors.log (more errors.log)

#	$(RM) errors.log


#index.html: help.txt

#vimindex.html: index.txt

#tags.ref tags.html: tags

# Perl version of .txt to .html conversion.
# There can't be two rules to produce a .html from a .txt file.
# Just run over all .txt files each time one changes.  It's fast anyway.
perlhtml : tags $(DOCS) tags $(DOCS)

# Check URLs in the help with "curl" or "powershell".
test_urls :
	"$(VIMEXE)" --clean -S test_urls.vim

clean :
	$(RM) doctags.exe doctags.obj
	$(RM) *.html vim-stylesheet.css

arabic.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

farsi.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

hebrew.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

russian.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

gui_w32.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

if_ole.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_390.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_amiga.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_beos.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_dos.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_haiku.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_mac.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_mint.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_msdos.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_os2.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_qnx.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_risc.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

os_win32.txt :
	<<touch.bat $@

convert-all : $(CONVERTED)
!IF [$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) "exit $$psversiontable.psversion.major"] == 2
!ERROR The program "PowerShell" version 3.0 or higher is required to work

vim-da.UTF-8.1 : vim-da.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimdiff-da.UTF-8.1 : vimdiff-da.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimtutor-da.UTF-8.1 : vimtutor-da.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vim-de.UTF-8.1 : vim-de.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

evim-fr.UTF-8.1 : evim-fr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vim-fr.UTF-8.1 : vim-fr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimdiff-fr.UTF-8.1 : vimdiff-fr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimtutor-fr.UTF-8.1 : vimtutor-fr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t utf-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

xxd-fr.UTF-8.1 : xxd-fr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

evim-it.UTF-8.1 : evim-it.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vim-it.UTF-8.1 : vim-it.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimdiff-it.UTF-8.1 : vimdiff-it.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimtutor-it.UTF-8.1 : vimtutor-it.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

xxd-it.UTF-8.1 : xxd-it.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

evim-pl.UTF-8.1 : evim-pl.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-2 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28592)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vim-pl.UTF-8.1 : vim-pl.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-2 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28592)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimdiff-pl.UTF-8.1 : vimdiff-pl.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-2 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28592)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimtutor-pl.UTF-8.1 : vimtutor-pl.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-2 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28592)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

xxd-pl.UTF-8.1 : xxd-pl.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-2 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28592)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

evim-ru.UTF-8.1 : evim-ru.1
	$(ICONV) -f KOI8-R -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(20866)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vim-ru.UTF-8.1 : vim-ru.1
	$(ICONV) -f KOI8-R -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(20866)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimdiff-ru.UTF-8.1 : vimdiff-ru.1
	$(ICONV) -f KOI8-R -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(20866)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimtutor-ru.UTF-8.1 : vimtutor-ru.1
	$(ICONV) -f KOI8-R -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(20866)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

xxd-ru.UTF-8.1 : xxd-ru.1
	$(ICONV) -f KOI8-R -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(20866)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

evim-tr.UTF-8.1 : evim-tr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-9 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28599)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vim-tr.UTF-8.1 : vim-tr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-9 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28599)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimdiff-tr.UTF-8.1 : vimdiff-tr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-9 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28599)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

vimtutor-tr.UTF-8.1 : vimtutor-tr.1
	$(ICONV) -f ISO-8859-9 -t UTF-8 $? >$@
# Conversion to UTF-8 encoding without BOM and with UNIX-like line ending
	$(PS) $(PSFLAGS) \
		[IO.File]::ReadAllText(\"$?\", [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28599)) ^| \
		1>nul New-Item -Force -Path . -ItemType file -Name $@

# vim: set noet sw=8 ts=8 sts=0 wm=0 tw=0 ft=make: