view runtime/spell/pl/main.aap @ 400:a4ba09cd859e

updated for version 7.0105
author vimboss
date Fri, 08 Jul 2005 22:21:38 +0000
parents f92bb1845823
children 0f6afaf1b8d1
line wrap: on
line source

# Aap recipe for Dutch Vim spell files.

# Use a freshly compiled Vim if it exists.
@if os.path.exists('../../../src/vim'):
    VIM = ../../../src/vim
    VIM = vim

FILES    = pl_PL.aff pl_PL.dic

all: $(SPELLDIR)/pl.iso-8859-2.spl $(SPELLDIR)/pl.utf-8.spl \
        $(SPELLDIR)/pl.cp1250.spl ../README_pl.txt

$(SPELLDIR)/pl.iso-8859-2.spl : $(VIM) $(FILES)
        :sys env LANG=pl_PL.ISO8859-2 $(VIM) -e -c "mkspell! $(SPELLDIR)/pl pl_PL" -c q

$(SPELLDIR)/pl.utf-8.spl : $(VIM) $(FILES)
        :sys env LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8 $(VIM) -e -c "mkspell! $(SPELLDIR)/pl pl_PL" -c q

# On Unix 'encoding' can't be "cp1250", use "8bit-cp1250" instead.
$(SPELLDIR)/pl.cp1250.spl : $(VIM) $(FILES)
        :sys $(VIM) -e -c "set enc=8bit-cp1250" -c "mkspell! $(SPELLDIR)/pl pl_PL" -c q
        :move {f} $(SPELLDIR)/pl.8bit-cp1250.spl $(SPELLDIR)/pl.cp1250.spl

../README_pl.txt: README_pl_PL.txt
        :copy $source $target

# Fetching the files from
#:attr {fetch = $(OODIR)/%file%}

# Fetching the files from

# The files don't depend on the .zip file so that we can delete it.
# Only download the zip file if the targets don't exist.
# This is a bit tricky, since the file name includes the date.
pl_PL.aff pl_PL.dic: {buildcheck=}
        :assertpkg tar bunzip2
        @from time import strftime, gmtime, time
        @for day in range(20):
            date = `strftime('%Y%m%d', gmtime(time() - day * 24 * 60 * 60))`
            base =  alt-myspell-pl-$(date)
            fname = $(base).tar.bz2
            :attr {fetch = $(HTTPDIR)/%file%} $(fname)
                :fetch $(fname)
                ok = 1
                ok = 0
            @if ok:
        :sys bunzip2 -c $(fname) | tar xf -
        :move $(base)/* .
        :deldir $(base)
        :delete $(fname)
        @if not os.path.exists('pl_PL.orig.aff'):
                :copy pl_PL.aff pl_PL.orig.aff
        @if not os.path.exists('pl_PL.orig.dic'):
                :copy pl_PL.aff pl_PL.orig.dic
        :sys patch <pl_PL.diff

# Generate diff files, so that others can get the OpenOffice files and apply
# the diffs to get the Vim versions.

        :assertpkg diff
        :sys {force} diff -a -C 1 pl_PL.orig.aff pl_PL.aff >pl_PL.diff
        :sys {force} diff -a -C 1 pl_PL.orig.dic pl_PL.dic >>pl_PL.diff

# Check for updated OpenOffice spell files.  When there are changes the
# ".new.aff" and ".new.dic" files are left behind for manual inspection.

        :assertpkg unzip diff
        :mkdir tmp
        :cd tmp
            @import stat
            :sys $(UNZIP) ../
            :sys {force} diff ../pl_PL.orig.aff pl_PL.aff >d
            @if os.stat('d')[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0:
                :copy pl_PL.aff ../
            :sys {force} diff ../pl_PL.orig.dic pl_PL.dic >d
            @if os.stat('d')[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0:
                :copy pl_PL.dic ../
            :cd ..
            :delete {r}{f}{q} tmp

# vim: set sts=4 sw=4 :