view src/testdir/ @ 7480:a49163681559 v7.4.1042

commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sun Jan 3 22:49:16 2016 +0100 patch 7.4.1042 Problem: g-CTRL-G shows the word count, but there is no way to get the word count in a script. Solution: Add the wordcount() function. (Christian Brabandt)
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 03 Jan 2016 23:00:04 +0100
children 4a81ecde8701
line wrap: on
line source

Test for wordcount() function

:so small.vim
:so mbyte.vim
:set enc=utf8
:fu DoRecordWin(...)
:	wincmd k
:       if exists("a:1")
:           call cursor(a:1)
:       endif
:       let result=[]
:       call add(result, g:test)
:       call add(result, getline(1, '$'))
:       call add(result, wordcount())
:	wincmd j
:       return result
:fu PutInWindow(args)
:       wincmd k
:       %d _
:       call append(1, a:args)
:	wincmd j
:fu Log()
:   $put ='----'
:   $put =remove(g:log,0)
:   $put =string(g:log)
:fu! STL()
:    if mode() =~? 'V'
:       let g:visual_stat=wordcount()
:    endif
:    return string(wordcount())
:let g:test="Test 1: empty window"
:let log=DoRecordWin()
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 2: some words, cursor at start"
:call PutInWindow('one two three')
:let log=DoRecordWin([1,1,0])
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 3: some words, cursor at end"
:call PutInWindow('one two three')
:let log=DoRecordWin([2,99,0])
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 4: some words, cursor at end, ve=all"
:set ve=all
:call PutInWindow('one two three')
:let log=DoRecordWin([2,99,0])
:call Log()
:set ve=
:let g:test="Test 5: several lines with words"
:call PutInWindow(['one two three', 'one two three', 'one two three'])
:let log=DoRecordWin([4,99,0])
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 6: one line with BOM set"
:call PutInWindow('one two three')
:wincmd k
:set bomb
:w! Xtest
:wincmd j
:let log=DoRecordWin([2,99,0])
:call Log()
:wincmd k
:set nobomb
:wincmd j
:let g:test="Test 7: one line with multibyte words"
:call PutInWindow(['Äne M¤ne Müh'])
:let log=DoRecordWin([2,99,0])
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 8: several lines with multibyte words"
:call PutInWindow(['Äne M¤ne Müh', 'und raus bist dü!'])
:let log=DoRecordWin([3,99,0])
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 9: visual mode, complete buffer"
:call PutInWindow(['Äne M¤ne Müh', 'und raus bist dü!'])
:wincmd k
:set ls=2 stl=%{STL()}
:" start visual mode quickly and select complete buffer
:set stl= ls=1
:let log=DoRecordWin([3,99,0])
:let log[2]=g:visual_stat
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 10: visual mode (empty)"
:call PutInWindow(['Äne M¤ne Müh', 'und raus bist dü!'])
:wincmd k
:set ls=2 stl=%{STL()}
:" start visual mode quickly and select complete buffer
:set stl= ls=1
:let log=DoRecordWin([3,99,0])
:let log[2]=g:visual_stat
:call Log()
:let g:test="Test 11: visual mode, single line"
:call PutInWindow(['Äne M¤ne Müh', 'und raus bist dü!'])
:wincmd k
:set ls=2 stl=%{STL()}
:" start visual mode quickly and select complete buffer
:set stl= ls=1
:let log=DoRecordWin([3,99,0])
:let log[2]=g:visual_stat
:call Log()
:/^RESULT test/,$w! test.out
RESULT test: