view src/testdir/test_gui.vim @ 33776:9503dc55b5ed v9.0.2108

patch 9.0.2108: [security]: overflow with count for :s command Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Tue Nov 14 20:45:48 2023 +0100 patch 9.0.2108: [security]: overflow with count for :s command Problem: [security]: overflow with count for :s command Solution: Abort the :s command if the count is too large If the count after the :s command is larger than what fits into a (signed) long variable, abort with e_value_too_large. Adds a test with INT_MAX as count and verify it correctly fails. It seems the return value on Windows using mingw compiler wraps around, so the initial test using :s/./b/9999999999999999999999999990 doesn't fail there, since the count is wrapping around several times and finally is no longer larger than 2147483647. So let's just use 2147483647 in the test, which hopefully will always cause a failure Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:15:10 +0100
parents f8dd278ab05f
children b629e912b0fb
line wrap: on
line source

" Tests specifically for the GUI

source shared.vim
source check.vim

source setup_gui.vim

func Setup()
  call GUISetUpCommon()

func TearDown()
  call GUITearDownCommon()

" Test for resetting "secure" flag after GUI has started.
" Must be run first, since it starts the GUI on Unix.
func Test_1_set_secure()
  set exrc secure
  gui -f
  call assert_equal(1, has('gui_running'))

" As for non-GUI, a balloon_show() test was already added with patch 8.0.0401
func Test_balloon_show()
  CheckFeature balloon_eval
  " This won't do anything but must not crash either.
  call balloon_show('hi!')

func Test_colorscheme()
  call assert_equal('16777216', &t_Co)

  let colorscheme_saved = exists('g:colors_name') ? g:colors_name : 'default'
  let g:color_count = 0
  augroup TestColors
    au ColorScheme * let g:color_count += 1
                 \ | let g:after_colors = g:color_count
                 \ | let g:color_after = expand('<amatch>')
    au ColorSchemePre * let g:color_count += 1
                    \ | let g:before_colors = g:color_count
                    \ | let g:color_pre = expand('<amatch>')
  augroup END

  colorscheme torte
  call assert_equal('dark', &background)
  call assert_equal(1, g:before_colors)
  call assert_equal(2, g:after_colors)
  call assert_equal('torte', g:color_pre)
  call assert_equal('torte', g:color_after)
  call assert_equal("\ntorte", execute('colorscheme'))

  let a = substitute(execute('hi Search'), "\n\\s\\+", ' ', 'g')
  " FIXME: temporarily check less while the colorscheme changes
  " call assert_match("\nSearch         xxx term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=196 ctermbg=16 gui=reverse guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#000000", a)
  call assert_match("\nSearch         xxx term=reverse ", a)

  call assert_fails('colorscheme does_not_exist', 'E185:')
  call assert_equal('does_not_exist', g:color_pre)
  call assert_equal('torte', g:color_after)

  exec 'colorscheme' colorscheme_saved
  augroup TestColors
  augroup END
  unlet g:color_count g:after_colors g:before_colors

func Test_getfontname_with_arg()

  if has('gui_motif')
    " Invalid font name. The result should be an empty string.
    call assert_equal('', getfontname('notexist'))

    " Valid font name. This is usually the real name of 7x13 by default.
    let fname = '-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-1'
    call assert_match(fname, getfontname(fname))

  elseif has('gui_gtk2') || has('gui_gnome') || has('gui_gtk3')
    " Invalid font name. The result should be the name plus the default size.
    call assert_equal('notexist 10', getfontname('notexist'))
    call assert_equal('', getfontname('*'))

    " Valid font name. This is usually the real name of Monospace by default.
    let fname = 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 12'
    call assert_equal(fname, getfontname(fname))

func Test_getfontname_without_arg()

  let fname = getfontname()

  if has('gui_kde')
    " 'expected' is the value specified by SetUp() above.
    call assert_equal('Courier 10 Pitch/8/-1/5/50/0/0/0/0/0', fname)
  elseif has('gui_motif')
    " 'expected' is DFLT_FONT of gui_x11.c or its real name.
    let pat = '\(7x13\)\|\(\c-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-1\)'
    call assert_match(pat, fname)
  elseif has('gui_gtk2') || has('gui_gnome') || has('gui_gtk3')
    " 'expected' is DEFAULT_FONT of gui_gtk_x11.c.
    call assert_equal('Monospace 10', fname)

func Test_getwinpos()
  call assert_match('Window position: X \d\+, Y \d\+', execute('winpos'))
  call assert_true(getwinposx() >= 0)
  call assert_true(getwinposy() >= 0)
  call assert_equal([getwinposx(), getwinposy()], getwinpos())

func Test_quoteplus()

  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  let quoteplus_saved = @+

  let test_call     = 'Can you hear me?'
  let test_response = 'Yes, I can.'
  let testee = 'VIMRUNTIME=' .. $VIMRUNTIME .. '; export VIMRUNTIME;'
        \ .. GetVimCommand() .. ' --noplugin --not-a-term -c ''%s'''
  " Ignore the "failed to create input context" error.
  let cmd = 'call test_ignore_error("E285") | '
        \ . 'gui -f | '
        \ . 'call feedkeys("'
        \ . '\"+p'
        \ . ':s/' . test_call . '/' . test_response . '/\<CR>'
        \ . '\"+yis'
        \ . ':q!\<CR>", "tx")'
  let run_vimtest = printf(testee, cmd)

  " Set the quoteplus register to test_call, and another gvim will launched.
  " Then, it first tries to paste the content of its own quotedplus register
  " onto it.  Second, it tries to substitute test_response for the pasted
  " sentence.  If the sentence is identical to test_call, the substitution
  " should succeed.  Third, it tries to yank the result of the substitution
  " to its own quoteplus register, and last it quits.  When system()
  " returns, the content of the quoteplus register should be identical to
  " test_response if those quoteplus registers are synchronized properly
  " with/through the X11 clipboard.
  let @+ = test_call
  call system(run_vimtest)
  call assert_equal(test_response, @+)

  let @+ = quoteplus_saved

func Test_gui_read_stdin()

  call writefile(['some', 'lines'], 'Xstdin', 'D')
  let script =<< trim END
      call writefile(getline(1, '$'), 'XstdinOK')
  call writefile(script, 'Xscript', 'D')

  " Cannot use --not-a-term here, the "reading from stdin" message would not be
  " displayed.
  " However, when using XIM we might get E285, do use it then.
  if has('xim')
    let vimcmd = GetVimCommand()
    let vimcmd = substitute(GetVimCommand(), '--not-a-term', '', '')

  call system('cat Xstdin | ' .. vimcmd .. ' -f -g -S Xscript -')
  call assert_equal(['some', 'lines'], readfile('XstdinOK'))

  call delete('XstdinOK')

func Test_set_background()
  let background_saved = &background

  set background&
  call assert_equal('light', &background)

  set background=dark
  call assert_equal('dark', &background)

  let &background = background_saved

func Test_set_balloondelay()
  CheckOption balloondelay

  let balloondelay_saved = &balloondelay

  " Check if the default value is identical to that described in the manual.
  set balloondelay&
  call assert_equal(600, &balloondelay)

  " Edge cases

  " XXX This fact should be hidden so that people won't be tempted to write
  " plugin/TimeMachine.vim.  TODO Add reasonable range checks to the source
  " code.
  set balloondelay=-1
  call assert_equal(-1, &balloondelay)

  " Though it's possible to interpret the zero delay to be 'as soon as
  " possible' or even 'indefinite', its actual meaning depends on the GUI
  " toolkit in use after all.
  set balloondelay=0
  call assert_equal(0, &balloondelay)

  set balloondelay=1
  call assert_equal(1, &balloondelay)

  " Since p_bdelay is of type long currently, the upper bound can be
  " impractically huge and machine-dependent.  Practically, it's sufficient
  " to check if balloondelay works with 0x7fffffff (32 bits) for now.
  set balloondelay=2147483647
  call assert_equal(2147483647, &balloondelay)

  let &balloondelay = balloondelay_saved

func Test_set_ballooneval()
  CheckOption ballooneval

  let ballooneval_saved = &ballooneval

  set ballooneval&
  call assert_equal(0, &ballooneval)

  set ballooneval
  call assert_notequal(0, &ballooneval)

  set noballooneval
  call assert_equal(0, &ballooneval)

  let &ballooneval = ballooneval_saved

func Test_set_balloonexpr()
  CheckOption balloonexpr

  let balloonexpr_saved = &balloonexpr

  " Default value
  set balloonexpr&
  call assert_equal('', &balloonexpr)

  " User-defined function
  func MyBalloonExpr()
      return 'Cursor is at line ' . v:beval_lnum .
	      \', column ' . v:beval_col .
	      \ ' of file ' .  bufname(v:beval_bufnr) .
	      \ ' on word "' . v:beval_text . '"' .
	      \ ' in window ' . v:beval_winid . ' (#' . v:beval_winnr . ')'
  setl balloonexpr=MyBalloonExpr()
  setl ballooneval
  call assert_equal('MyBalloonExpr()', &balloonexpr)
  " TODO Read non-empty text, place the pointer at a character of a word,
  " and check if the content of the balloon is the same as what is expected.
  " Also, check if textlock works as expected.
  setl balloonexpr&
  call assert_equal('', &balloonexpr)
  delfunc MyBalloonExpr

  " Using a script-local function
  func s:NewBalloonExpr()
  set balloonexpr=s:NewBalloonExpr()
  call assert_equal(expand('<SID>') .. 'NewBalloonExpr()', &balloonexpr)
  set balloonexpr=<SID>NewBalloonExpr()
  call assert_equal(expand('<SID>') .. 'NewBalloonExpr()', &balloonexpr)
  delfunc s:NewBalloonExpr

  " Multiline support
  if has('balloon_multiline')
    " Multiline balloon using NL
    func MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingNL()
      return "Multiline\nSupported\nBalloon\nusing NL"
    setl balloonexpr=MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingNL()
    setl ballooneval
    call assert_equal('MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingNL()', &balloonexpr)
    " TODO Read non-empty text, place the pointer at a character of a word,
    " and check if the content of the balloon is the same as what is
    " expected.  Also, check if textlock works as expected.
    setl balloonexpr&
    delfunc MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingNL

    " Multiline balloon using List
    func MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingList()
      return [ 'Multiline', 'Supported', 'Balloon', 'using List' ]
    setl balloonexpr=MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingList()
    setl ballooneval
    call assert_equal('MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingList()', &balloonexpr)
    " TODO Read non-empty text, place the pointer at a character of a word,
    " and check if the content of the balloon is the same as what is
    " expected.  Also, check if textlock works as expected.
    setl balloonexpr&
    delfunc MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingList

  let &balloonexpr = balloonexpr_saved

" Invalid arguments are tested with test_options in conjunction with segfaults
" caused by them (Patch 8.0.0357, 24922ec233).
func Test_set_guicursor()
  let guicursor_saved = &guicursor

  let default = [
        \ "n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor",
        \ "ve:ver35-Cursor",
        \ "o:hor50-Cursor",
        \ "i-ci:ver25-Cursor/lCursor",
        \ "r-cr:hor20-Cursor/lCursor",
        \ "sm:block-Cursor-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175"
        \ ]

  " Default Value
  set guicursor&
  call assert_equal(join(default, ','), &guicursor)

  " Argument List Example 1
  let opt_list = copy(default)
  let opt_list[0] = "n-c-v:block-nCursor"
  exec "set guicursor=" . join(opt_list, ',')
  call assert_equal(join(opt_list, ','), &guicursor)
  unlet opt_list

  " Argument List Example 2
  let opt_list = copy(default)
  let opt_list[3] = "i-ci:ver30-iCursor-blinkwait300-blinkon200-blinkoff150"
  exec "set guicursor=" . join(opt_list, ',')
  call assert_equal(join(opt_list, ','), &guicursor)
  unlet opt_list

  " 'a' Mode
  set guicursor&
  let &guicursor .= ',a:blinkon0'
  call assert_equal(join(default, ',') . ",a:blinkon0", &guicursor)

  let &guicursor = guicursor_saved

func Test_set_guifont_errors()
  if has('win32')
    " Invalid font names are accepted in GTK GUI
    call assert_fails('set guifont=xa1bc23d7f', 'E596:')

  " This only works if 'renderoptions' exists and does not work for Windows XP
  " and older.
  if exists('+renderoptions') && windowsversion() !~ '^[345]\.'
    " doing this four times used to cause a crash
    set renderoptions=type:directx
    for i in range(5)
      set guifont=
    set renderoptions=
    for i in range(5)
      set guifont=

func Test_set_guifont()

  let guifont_saved = &guifont
  if has('xfontset')
    " Prevent 'guifontset' from canceling 'guifont'.
    let guifontset_saved = &guifontset
    set guifontset=

  if has('gui_motif')
    " Non-empty font list with invalid font names.
    " This test is twofold: (1) It checks if the command fails as expected
    " when there are no loadable fonts found in the list. (2) It checks if
    " 'guifont' remains the same after the command loads none of the fonts
    " listed.
    let flist = &guifont
    call assert_fails('set guifont=-notexist1-*,-notexist2-*')
    call assert_equal(flist, &guifont)

    " Non-empty font list with a valid font name.  Should pick up the first
    " valid font.
    set guifont=-notexist1-*,fixed,-notexist2-*
    let pat = '\(fixed\)\|\(\c-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiCondensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO8859-1\)'
    call assert_match(pat, getfontname())

    " Empty list. Should fallback to the built-in default.
    set guifont=
    let pat = '\(7x13\)\|\(\c-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-1\)'
    call assert_match(pat, getfontname())

  elseif has('gui_gtk2') || has('gui_gnome') || has('gui_gtk3')
    " For GTK, what we refer to as 'font names' in our manual are actually
    " 'initial font patterns'.  A valid font which matches the 'canonical font
    " pattern' constructed from a given 'initial pattern' is to be looked up
    " and loaded.  That explains why the GTK GUIs appear to accept 'invalid
    " font names'.
    " Non-empty list.  Should always pick up the first element, no matter how
    " strange it is, as explained above.
    set guifont=(´・ω・`)\ 12,Courier\ 12
    call assert_equal('(´・ω・`) 12', getfontname())

    " Empty list. Should fallback to the built-in default.
    set guifont=
    call assert_equal('Monospace 10', getfontname())

  if has('xfontset')
    let &guifontset = guifontset_saved
  let &guifont = guifont_saved

func Test_set_guifontset()
  CheckFeature xfontset
  let skipped = ''

  call assert_fails('set guifontset=*', 'E597:')

  let ctype_saved = v:ctype

  " First, since XCreateFontSet(3) is very sensitive to locale, fonts must
  " be chosen meticulously.
  let font_head = '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14'

  let font_aw70 = font_head . '-130-75-75-c-70'
  let font_aw140 = font_head . '-130-75-75-c-140'

  let font_jisx0201 = font_aw70 . '-jisx0201.1976-0'
  let font_jisx0208 = font_aw140 . '-jisx0208.1983-0'

  let full_XLFDs = join([ font_jisx0208, font_jisx0201 ], ',')
  let short_XLFDs = join([ font_aw140, font_aw70 ], ',')
  let singleton = font_head . '-*'
  let aliases = 'k14,r14'

  " Second, among 'locales', look up such a locale that gets 'set
  " guifontset=' to work successfully with every fontset specified with
  " 'fontsets'.
  let locales = [ 'ja_JP.UTF-8', 'ja_JP.eucJP', 'ja_JP.SJIS' ]
  let fontsets = [ full_XLFDs, short_XLFDs, singleton, aliases ]

  let feasible = 0
  for locale in locales
      exec 'language ctype' locale
    catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E197/
    let done = 0
    for fontset in fontsets
	exec 'set guifontset=' . fontset
      catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E\%(250\|252\|234\|597\|598\)/
      let done += 1
    if done == len(fontsets)
      let feasible = 1

  " Third, give a set of tests if it is found feasible.
  if !feasible
    let skipped = g:not_hosted
    " N.B. 'v:ctype' has already been set to an appropriate value in the
    " previous loop.
    for fontset in fontsets
      exec 'set guifontset=' . fontset
      call assert_equal(fontset, &guifontset)

  " Finally, restore ctype.
  exec 'language ctype' ctype_saved

  if !empty(skipped)
    throw skipped

func Test_set_guifontwide()

  call assert_fails('set guifontwide=*', 'E533:')

  if has('gui_gtk')
    let guifont_saved = &guifont
    let guifontwide_saved = &guifontwide

    let fc_match = exepath('fc-match')
    if empty(fc_match)
      let skipped = g:not_hosted
      let &guifont = system('fc-match -f "%{family[0]} %{size}" monospace:size=10:lang=en')
      let wide = system('fc-match -f "%{family[0]} %{size}" monospace:size=10:lang=ja')
      exec 'set guifontwide=' . fnameescape(wide)
      call assert_equal(wide, &guifontwide)

    let &guifontwide = guifontwide_saved
    let &guifont = guifont_saved

  elseif has('gui_motif')
    " guifontwide is premised upon the xfontset feature.
    if !has('xfontset')
      let skipped = g:not_supported . 'xfontset'
      let encoding_saved    = &encoding
      let guifont_saved     = &guifont
      let guifontset_saved  = &guifontset
      let guifontwide_saved = &guifontwide

      let nfont = '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1'
      let wfont = '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-120-100-100-c-180-iso10646-1'

      set encoding=utf-8

      " Case 1: guifontset is empty
      set guifontset=

      " Case 1-1: Automatic selection
      set guifontwide=
      exec 'set guifont=' . nfont
      call assert_equal(wfont, &guifontwide)

      " Case 1-2: Manual selection
      exec 'set guifontwide=' . wfont
      exec 'set guifont=' . nfont
      call assert_equal(wfont, &guifontwide)

      " Case 2: guifontset is invalid
        set guifontset=-*-notexist-*
        call assert_report("'set guifontset=-*-notexist-*' should have failed")
        call assert_exception('E598:')

      " Case 2-1: Automatic selection
      set guifontwide=
      exec 'set guifont=' . nfont
      call assert_equal(wfont, &guifontwide)

      " Case 2-2: Manual selection
      exec 'set guifontwide=' . wfont
      exec 'set guifont=' . nfont
      call assert_equal(wfont, &guifontwide)

      let &guifontwide = guifontwide_saved
      let &guifontset  = guifontset_saved
      let &guifont     = guifont_saved
      let &encoding    = encoding_saved

func Test_expand_guifont()
  if has('gui_win32')
    let guifont_saved = &guifont
    let guifontwide_saved = &guifontwide

    " Test recalling existing option, and suggesting current font size
    set guifont=Courier\ New:h11:cANSI
    call assert_equal('Courier\ New:h11:cANSI', getcompletion('set guifont=', 'cmdline')[0])
    call assert_equal('h11', getcompletion('set guifont=Lucida\ Console:', 'cmdline')[0])

    " Test auto-completion working for font names
    call assert_equal(['Courier\ New'], getcompletion('set guifont=Couri*ew$', 'cmdline'))
    call assert_equal(['Courier\ New'], getcompletion('set guifontwide=Couri*ew$', 'cmdline'))

    " Make sure non-monospace fonts are filtered out
    call assert_equal([], getcompletion('set guifont=Arial', 'cmdline'))
    call assert_equal([], getcompletion('set guifontwide=Arial', 'cmdline'))

    " Test auto-completion working for font options
    call assert_notequal(-1, index(getcompletion('set guifont=Courier\ New:', 'cmdline'), 'b'))
    call assert_equal(['cDEFAULT'], getcompletion('set guifont=Courier\ New:cD*T', 'cmdline'))
    call assert_equal(['qCLEARTYPE'], getcompletion('set guifont=Courier\ New:qC*TYPE', 'cmdline'))

    let &guifontwide = guifontwide_saved
    let &guifont     = guifont_saved
  elseif has('gui_gtk')
    let guifont_saved = &guifont
    let guifontwide_saved = &guifontwide

    " Test recalling default and existing option
    set guifont=
    call assert_equal('Monospace\ 10', getcompletion('set guifont=', 'cmdline')[0])
    set guifont=Monospace\ 9
    call assert_equal('Monospace\ 9', getcompletion('set guifont=', 'cmdline')[0])

    " Test auto-completion working for font names
    call assert_equal(['Monospace'], getcompletion('set guifont=Mono*pace$', 'cmdline'))
    call assert_equal(['Monospace'], getcompletion('set guifontwide=Mono*pace$', 'cmdline'))

    " Make sure non-monospace fonts are filtered out only in 'guifont'
    call assert_equal([], getcompletion('set guifont=Sans$', 'cmdline'))
    call assert_equal(['Sans'], getcompletion('set guifontwide=Sans$', 'cmdline'))

    let &guifontwide = guifontwide_saved
    let &guifont     = guifont_saved
    call assert_equal([], getcompletion('set guifont=', 'cmdline'))

func Test_set_guiligatures()

  if has('gui_gtk') || has('gui_gtk2') || has('gui_gnome') || has('gui_gtk3')
    " Try correct value
    set guiligatures=<>=ab
    call assert_equal("<>=ab", &guiligatures)
    " Try to throw error
      set guiligatures=<>=šab
      call assert_report("'set guiligatures=<>=šab should have failed")
      call assert_exception('E1243:')

func Test_set_guiheadroom()

  " Since this script is to be read together with '-U NONE', the default
  " value must be preserved.
  call assert_equal(50, &guiheadroom)

func Test_set_guioptions()
  let guioptions_saved = &guioptions
  let duration = '200m'

  if has('win32')
    " Default Value
    set guioptions&
    call assert_equal('egmrLtT', &guioptions)

    " Default Value
    set guioptions&
    call assert_equal('aegimrLtT', &guioptions)

    " To activate scrollbars of type 'L' or 'R'.
    wincmd v

    " Remove all default GUI ornaments
    set guioptions-=T
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegimrLt', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=t
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegimrL', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=L
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegimr', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=r
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegim', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=m
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    " Try non-default GUI ornaments
    set guioptions+=l
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegil', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=l
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    set guioptions+=R
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegiR', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=R
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    set guioptions+=b
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegib', &guioptions)
    set guioptions+=h
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegibh', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=h
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegib', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=b
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    set guioptions+=v
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegiv', &guioptions)
    set guioptions-=v
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    if has('gui_motif')
      set guioptions+=F
      exec 'sleep' . duration
      call assert_equal('aegiF', &guioptions)
      set guioptions-=F
      exec 'sleep' . duration
      call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    if has('gui_gtk3')
      set guioptions+=d
      exec 'sleep' . duration
      call assert_equal('aegid', &guioptions)
      set guioptions-=d
      exec 'sleep' . duration
      call assert_equal('aegi', &guioptions)

    " Restore GUI ornaments to the default state.
    set guioptions+=m
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegim', &guioptions)
    set guioptions+=r
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegimr', &guioptions)
    set guioptions+=L
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegimrL', &guioptions)
    set guioptions+=t
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal('aegimrLt', &guioptions)
    set guioptions+=T
    exec 'sleep' . duration
    call assert_equal("aegimrLtT", &guioptions)

    wincmd o

  let &guioptions = guioptions_saved

func Test_scrollbars()
  " this test sometimes fails on CI
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  " buffer with 200 lines
  call setline(1, repeat(['one', 'two'], 100))
  set guioptions+=rlb

  " scroll to move line 11 at top, moves the cursor there
  let args = #{which: 'left', value: 10, dragging: 0}
  call test_gui_event('scrollbar', args)
  call assert_equal(1, winline())
  call assert_equal(11, line('.'))

  " FIXME: This test should also pass with Motif and 24 lines
  if &lines > 24 || !has('gui_motif')
    " scroll to move line 1 at top, cursor stays in line 11
    let args = #{which: 'right', value: 0, dragging: 0}
    call test_gui_event('scrollbar', args)
    call assert_equal(11, winline())
    call assert_equal(11, line('.'))

  set nowrap
  call setline(11, repeat('x', 150))
  call assert_equal(1, wincol())
  set number
  call assert_equal(5, wincol())
  set nonumber
  call assert_equal(1, col('.'))

  " scroll to character 11, cursor is moved
  let args = #{which: 'hor', value: 10, dragging: 0}
  call test_gui_event('scrollbar', args)
  call assert_equal(1, wincol())
  set number
  call assert_equal(5, wincol())
  set nonumber
  call assert_equal(11, col('.'))

  " Invalid arguments
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('scrollbar', {}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('scrollbar', #{value: 10, dragging: 0}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('scrollbar', #{which: 'hor', dragging: 0}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('scrollbar', #{which: 'hor', value: 1}))
  call assert_fails("call test_gui_event('scrollbar', #{which: 'a', value: 1, dragging: 0})", 'E475:')

  set guioptions&
  set wrap&

func Test_menu()
  CheckFeature quickfix

  " Check Help menu exists
  let help_menu = execute('menu Help')
  call assert_match('Overview', help_menu)

  " Check Help menu works
  emenu Help.Overview
  call assert_equal('help', &buftype)

  " Check deleting menu doesn't cause trouble.
  aunmenu Help
  if exists(':tlmenu')
    tlunmenu Help
  call assert_fails('menu Help', 'E329:')

func Test_set_guipty()
  let guipty_saved = &guipty

  " Default Value
  set guipty&
  call assert_equal(1, &guipty)

  set noguipty
  call assert_equal(0, &guipty)

  let &guipty = guipty_saved

func Test_encoding_conversion()
  " GTK supports conversion between 'encoding' and "utf-8"
  CheckFeature gui_gtk
  let encoding_saved = &encoding
  set encoding=latin1

  " would be nice if we could take a screenshot
  " sets the window title
  edit SomeFile

  let &encoding = encoding_saved

func Test_shell_command()
  r !echo hello
  call assert_equal('hello', substitute(getline(2), '\W', '', 'g'))

func Test_syntax_colortest()
  runtime syntax/colortest.vim
  sleep 200m

func Test_set_term()
  " It's enough to check the current value since setting 'term' to anything
  " other than builtin_gui makes no sense at all.
  call assert_equal('builtin_gui', &term)
  call assert_fails('set term=xterm', 'E530:')

func Test_windowid_variable()
  if g:x11_based_gui || has('win32')
    call assert_true(v:windowid > 0)
    call assert_equal(0, v:windowid)

" Test "vim -g" and also the GUIEnter autocommand.
func Test_gui_dash_g()
  let cmd = GetVimCommand('Xscriptgui')
  call writefile([""], "Xtestgui", 'D')
  let lines =<< trim END
	au GUIEnter * call writefile(["insertmode: " . &insertmode], "Xtestgui")
	au GUIEnter * qall
  call writefile(lines, 'Xscriptgui', 'D')
  call system(cmd . ' -g')
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['insertmode: 0'], readfile('Xtestgui'))})

" Test "vim -7" and also the GUIEnter autocommand.
func Test_gui_dash_y()
  let cmd = GetVimCommand('Xscriptgui')
  call writefile([""], "Xtestgui", 'D')
  let lines =<< trim END
	au GUIEnter * call writefile(["insertmode: " . &insertmode], "Xtestgui")
	au GUIEnter * qall
  call writefile(lines, 'Xscriptgui', 'D')
  call system(cmd . ' -y')
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['insertmode: 1'], readfile('Xtestgui'))})

" Test for "!" option in 'guioptions'. Use a terminal for running external
" commands
func Test_gui_run_cmd_in_terminal()
  CheckFeature terminal
  let save_guioptions = &guioptions
  set guioptions+=!
  if has('win32')
    let cmd = 'type'
    " assume all the other systems have a cat command
    let cmd = 'cat'
  exe "silent !" . cmd . " test_gui.vim"
  " TODO: how to check that the command ran in a separate terminal?
  " Maybe check for $TERM (dumb vs xterm) in the spawned shell?
  let &guioptions = save_guioptions

func Test_gui_recursive_mapping()
  nmap ' <C-W>
  nmap <C-W>a :let didit = 1<CR>
  call feedkeys("'a", 'xt')
  call assert_equal(1, didit)

  nunmap '
  nunmap <C-W>a

" Test GUI mouse events
func Test_gui_mouse_event()
  " Low level input isn't 100% reliable
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  set mousemodel=extend
  call test_override('no_query_mouse', 1)
  call setline(1, ['one two three', 'four five six'])
  call cursor(1, 1)

  " place the cursor using left click and release in normal mode
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 4, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  eval 'mouse'->test_gui_event(args)
  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 0], getpos('.'))

  " select and yank a word
  let @" = ''
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 1, col: 9, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.multiclick = 1
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  let args.multiclick = 0
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("y", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal('three', @")

  " create visual selection using right click
  let @" = ''
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 6, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args = #{button: 2, row: 2, col: 13, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("y", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal('five six', @")

  " paste using middle mouse button
  let @* = 'abc '
  call feedkeys('""', 'Lx!')
  let args = #{button: 1, row: 1, col: 9, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(['one two abc three', 'four five six'], getline(1, '$'))

  " extend visual selection using right click in visual mode
  let @" = ''
  call cursor(1, 1)
  call feedkeys('v', 'Lx!')
  let args = #{button: 2, row: 1, col: 17, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("y", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal('one two abc three', @")

  " extend visual selection using mouse drag
  let @" = ''
  call cursor(1, 1)
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 1, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args = #{button: 0x43, row: 2, col: 9, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 0x3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("y", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal('four five', @")

  " select text by moving the mouse
  let @" = ''
  call cursor(1, 1)
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 1, col: 4, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 0x700
  let args.col = 9
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.col = 13
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("y", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(' two abc t', @")

  " Using mouse in insert mode
  call cursor(1, 1)
  call feedkeys('i', 't')
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 11, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("po\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(['one two abc three', 'four five posix'], getline(1, '$'))

  %d _
  set scrolloff=0
  call setline(1, range(1, 100))
  " scroll up
  let args = #{button: 0x200, row: 2, col: 1, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("H", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(10, line('.'))

  " scroll down
  let args = #{button: 0x100, row: 2, col: 1, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("H", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(4, line('.'))
  set scrolloff&

  %d _
  set nowrap
  call setline(1, range(10)->join('')->repeat(10))
  " scroll left
  let args = #{button: 0x500, row: 1, col: 5, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.col = 10
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.col = 15
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('g0', 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(19, col('.'))

  " scroll right
  let args = #{button: 0x600, row: 1, col: 15, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.col = 10
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('g0', 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal(7, col('.'))
  set wrap&

  %d _
  call setline(1, repeat([repeat('a', 60)], 10))

  " record various mouse events
  let mouseEventNames = [
        \ 'LeftMouse', 'LeftRelease', '2-LeftMouse', '3-LeftMouse',
        \ 'S-LeftMouse', 'A-LeftMouse', 'C-LeftMouse', 'MiddleMouse',
        \ 'MiddleRelease', '2-MiddleMouse', '3-MiddleMouse',
        \ 'S-MiddleMouse', 'A-MiddleMouse', 'C-MiddleMouse',
        \ 'RightMouse', 'RightRelease', '2-RightMouse',
        \ '3-RightMouse', 'S-RightMouse', 'A-RightMouse', 'C-RightMouse',
        \ 'X1Mouse', 'S-X1Mouse', 'A-X1Mouse', 'C-X1Mouse', 'X2Mouse',
        \ 'S-X2Mouse', 'A-X2Mouse', 'C-X2Mouse'
        \ ]
  let mouseEventCodes = map(copy(mouseEventNames), "'<' .. v:val .. '>'")
  let g:events = []
  for e in mouseEventCodes
    exe 'nnoremap ' .. e .. ' <Cmd>call add(g:events, "' ..
          \ substitute(e, '[<>]', '', 'g') .. '")<CR>'

  " Test various mouse buttons (0 - Left, 1 - Middle, 2 - Right, 0x300 - X1,
  " 0x300- X2)
  for button in [0, 1, 2, 0x300, 0x400]
    " Single click
    let args = #{button: button, row: 2, col: 5, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
    let args.button = 3
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)

    " Double/Triple click is supported by only the Left/Middle/Right mouse
    " buttons
    if button <= 2
      " Double Click
      let args.button = button
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
      let args.multiclick = 1
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
      let args.button = 3
      let args.multiclick = 0
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)

      " Triple Click
      let args.button = button
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
      let args.multiclick = 1
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
      let args.button = 3
      let args.multiclick = 0
      call test_gui_event('mouse', args)

    " Shift click
    let args = #{button: button, row: 3, col: 7, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 4}
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
    let args.button = 3
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)

    " Alt click
    let args.button = button
    let args.modifiers = 8
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
    let args.button = 3
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)

    " Ctrl click
    let args.button = button
    let args.modifiers = 16
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
    let args.button = 3
    call test_gui_event('mouse', args)

    call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'Lx!')

  call assert_equal(['LeftMouse', 'LeftRelease', 'LeftMouse', '2-LeftMouse',
        \ 'LeftMouse', '2-LeftMouse', '3-LeftMouse', 'S-LeftMouse',
        \ 'A-LeftMouse', 'C-LeftMouse', 'MiddleMouse', 'MiddleRelease',
        \ 'MiddleMouse', '2-MiddleMouse', 'MiddleMouse', '2-MiddleMouse',
        \ '3-MiddleMouse', 'S-MiddleMouse', 'A-MiddleMouse', 'C-MiddleMouse',
        \ 'RightMouse', 'RightRelease', 'RightMouse', '2-RightMouse',
        \ 'RightMouse', '2-RightMouse', '3-RightMouse', 'S-RightMouse',
        \ 'A-RightMouse', 'C-RightMouse', 'X1Mouse', 'S-X1Mouse', 'A-X1Mouse',
        \ 'C-X1Mouse', 'X2Mouse', 'S-X2Mouse', 'A-X2Mouse', 'C-X2Mouse'],
        \ g:events)

  for e in mouseEventCodes
    exe 'nunmap ' .. e

  " modeless selection
  set mouse=
  let save_guioptions = &guioptions
  set guioptions+=A
  %d _
  call setline(1, ['one two three', 'four five sixteen'])
  call cursor(1, 1)
  " Double click should select the word and copy it to clipboard
  let @* = ''
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 11, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.multiclick = 1
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  let args.multiclick = 0
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos('.'))
  call assert_equal('sixteen', @*)
  " Right click should extend the selection from cursor
  call cursor(1, 6)
  let @* = ''
  let args = #{button: 2, row: 1, col: 11, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal([0, 1, 6, 0], getpos('.'))
  call assert_equal('wo thr', @*)
  " Middle click should paste the clipboard contents
  call cursor(2, 1)
  let args = #{button: 1, row: 1, col: 11, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  let args.button = 3
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal([0, 2, 7, 0], getpos('.'))
  call assert_equal('wo thrfour five sixteen', getline(2))

  set mouse&
  let &guioptions = save_guioptions
  call test_override('no_query_mouse', 0)
  set mousemodel&

" Test invalid parameters for test_gui_event()
func Test_gui_event_mouse_fails()
  call test_override('no_query_mouse', 1)
  call setline(1, ['one two three', 'four five six'])
  set mousemodel=extend

  let args = #{row: 2, col: 4, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('mouse', args))
  let args = #{button: 0, col: 4, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('mouse', args))
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('mouse', args))
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 4, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('mouse', args))
  let args = #{button: 0, row: 2, col: 4, multiclick: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('mouse', args))

  " Error cases for test_gui_event()
  call assert_fails("call test_gui_event('a1b2c3', args)", 'E475:')
  call assert_fails("call test_gui_event([], args)", 'E1174:')
  call assert_fails("call test_gui_event('abc', [])", 'E1206:')
  call assert_fails("call test_gui_event(test_null_string(), {})", 'E475:')
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('mouse', test_null_dict()))

  call test_override('no_query_mouse', 0)
  set mousemodel&

" Move the mouse to the top-left in preparation for mouse events
func PrepareForMouseEvent(args)
  call extend(a:args, #{row: 1, col: 1})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', a:args)
  let g:eventlist = []
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  " Wait a bit for the event.  I may not come if the mouse didn't move, wait up
  " to 100 msec.
  for n in range(10)
    if len(g:eventlist) > 0
    sleep 10m
  let g:eventlist = []

func MouseWasMoved()
  let pos = getmousepos()
  call add(g:eventlist, #{row: pos.screenrow, col: pos.screencol})

func Test_gui_mouse_move_event()
  let args = #{move: 1, button: 0, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}

  " by default, no mouse move events are generated
  set mousemev&
  call assert_false(&mousemev)

  let g:eventlist = []
  nnoremap <special> <silent> <MouseMove> :call MouseWasMoved()<CR>

  " start at mouse pos (1,1), clear counter
  call PrepareForMouseEvent(args)

  call extend(args, #{row: 3, col: 30, cell: v:true})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  call extend(args, #{row: 10, col: 30, cell: v:true})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  " no events since 'mousemev' is off
  call assert_equal([], g:eventlist)

  " turn on mouse events and try the same thing
  set mousemev
  call PrepareForMouseEvent(args)

  call extend(args, #{row: 3, col: 30, cell: v:true})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  call extend(args, #{row: 10, col: 30, cell: v:true})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  " FIXME: on MS-Windows we get a stray event first
  if has('win32') && len(g:eventlist) == 3
    let g:eventlist = g:eventlist[1 : ]

  call assert_equal([#{row: 3, col: 30}, #{row: 10, col: 30}], g:eventlist)

  " wiggle the mouse around within a screen cell, shouldn't trigger events
  call extend(args, #{cell: v:false})
  call PrepareForMouseEvent(args)

  call extend(args, #{row: 1, col: 2, cell: v:false})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  call extend(args, #{row: 2, col: 2, cell: v:false})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  call extend(args, #{row: 2, col: 1, cell: v:false})
  call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
  call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')

  call assert_equal([], g:eventlist)

  unlet g:eventlist
  unmap <MouseMove>
  set mousemev&

" Test for 'guitablabel' and 'guitabtooltip' options
func TestGuiTabLabel()
  call add(g:TabLabels, v:lnum + 100)
  let bufnrlist = tabpagebuflist(v:lnum)
  return bufname(bufnrlist[tabpagewinnr(v:lnum) - 1])

func TestGuiTabToolTip()
  call add(g:TabToolTips, v:lnum + 200)
  let bufnrlist = tabpagebuflist(v:lnum)
  return bufname(bufnrlist[tabpagewinnr(v:lnum) - 1])

func Test_gui_tablabel_tooltip()
  " Removing the tabline at the end of this test, reduces the window height by
  " one. Save and restore it after the test.
  let save_lines = &lines
  edit one
  set modified
  tabnew two
  set modified
  tabnew three
  set modified
  let g:TabLabels = []
  set guitablabel=%{TestGuiTabLabel()}
  call test_override('starting', 1)
  call test_override('starting', 0)
  call assert_true(index(g:TabLabels, 101) != -1)
  call assert_true(index(g:TabLabels, 102) != -1)
  call assert_true(index(g:TabLabels, 103) != -1)
  set guitablabel&
  unlet g:TabLabels

  if has('gui_gtk')
    " Only on GTK+, the tooltip function is called even if the mouse is not
    " on the tabline. on Win32 and Motif, the tooltip function is called only
    " when the mouse pointer is over the tabline.
    let g:TabToolTips = []
    set guitabtooltip=%{TestGuiTabToolTip()}
    call test_override('starting', 1)
    call test_override('starting', 0)
    call assert_true(index(g:TabToolTips, 201) != -1)
    call assert_true(index(g:TabToolTips, 202) != -1)
    call assert_true(index(g:TabToolTips, 203) != -1)
    set guitabtooltip&
    unlet g:TabToolTips
  let &lines = save_lines

" Test for dropping files into a window in GUI
func DropFilesInCmdLine()
  call feedkeys(":\"", 'L')
  let d = #{files: ['a.c', 'b.c'], row: &lines, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call feedkeys("\<CR>", 'L')

func Test_gui_drop_files()
  CheckFeature drop_file

  let d = #{files: [], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal([], argv())
  let d = #{files: [1, 2], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal([], argv())

  let d = #{files: ['a.c', 'b.c'], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal(['a.c', 'b.c'], argv())
  let d = #{files: [], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal([], argv())
  " if the buffer in the window is modified, then the file should be opened in
  " a new window
  set modified
  let d = #{files: ['x.c', 'y.c'], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal(['x.c', 'y.c'], argv())
  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
  call assert_equal('x.c', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
  " if Ctrl is pressed, then the file should be opened in a new window
  let d = #{files: ['', ''], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0x10}
  eval 'dropfiles'->test_gui_event(d)
  call assert_equal(['', ''], argv())
  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
  call assert_equal('', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
  " drop the files in a non-current window
  belowright new
  let d = #{files: ['', ''], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal(['', ''], argv())
  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
  call assert_equal(1, winnr())
  call assert_equal('', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
  " pressing shift when dropping files should change directory
  let save_cwd = getcwd()
  call mkdir('Xdropdir1', 'R')
  call writefile([], 'Xdropdir1/Xfile1')
  call writefile([], 'Xdropdir1/Xfile2')
  let d = #{files: ['Xdropdir1/Xfile1', 'Xdropdir1/Xfile2'], row: 1, col: 1,
        \ modifiers: 0x4}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal('Xdropdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
  call chdir(save_cwd)
  " pressing shift when dropping directory and files should change directory
  let d = #{files: ['Xdropdir1', 'Xdropdir1/Xfile2'], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0x4}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal('Xdropdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xdropdir1', fnamemodify(@%, ':t'))
  call chdir(save_cwd)
  " dropping a directory should edit it
  let d = #{files: ['Xdropdir1'], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal('Xdropdir1', @%)
  " dropping only a directory name with Shift should ignore it
  let d = #{files: ['Xdropdir1'], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0x4}
  call test_gui_event('dropfiles', d)
  call assert_equal('', @%)

  " drop files in the command line. The GUI drop files adds the file names to
  " the low level input buffer. So need to use a cmdline map and feedkeys()
  " with 'Lx!' to process it in this function itself.
  " This sometimes fails, e.g. when using valgrind.
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1
  cnoremap <expr> <buffer> <F4> DropFilesInCmdLine()
  call feedkeys(":\"\<F4>\<CR>", 'xt')
  call feedkeys('k', 'Lx!')
  call assert_equal('"a.c b.c', @:)
  cunmap <buffer> <F4>

  " Invalid arguments
  call assert_false(test_gui_event("dropfiles", {}))
  let d = #{row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event("dropfiles", d))
  let d = #{files: 1, row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event("dropfiles", d))
  let d = #{files: test_null_list(), row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event("dropfiles", d))
  let d = #{files: [test_null_string()], row: 1, col: 1, modifiers: 0}
  call assert_true(test_gui_event("dropfiles", d))

" Test for generating a GUI tabline event to select a tab page
func Test_gui_tabline_event()
  edit Xfile1
  tabedit Xfile2
  tabedit Xfile3

  call assert_equal(v:true, test_gui_event('tabline', #{tabnr: 2}))
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")
  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
  call assert_equal(v:true, test_gui_event('tabline', #{tabnr: 3}))
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")
  call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr())
  call assert_equal(v:false, 'tabline'->test_gui_event(#{tabnr: 3}))

  " From the cmdline window, tabline event should not be handled
  call feedkeys("q::let t = test_gui_event('tabline', #{tabnr: 2})\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'x!')
  call assert_equal(v:false, t)

  " Invalid arguments
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('tabline', {}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('tabline', #{abc: 1}))


" Test for generating a GUI tabline menu event to execute an action
func Test_gui_tabmenu_event()

  " Try to close the last tab page
  call test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{tabnr: 1, item: 1})
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")

  edit Xfile1
  tabedit Xfile2
  call test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{tabnr: 1, item: 1})
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")
  call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr('$'))
  call assert_equal('Xfile2', bufname())

  eval 'tabmenu'->test_gui_event(#{tabnr: 1, item: 2})
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")
  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))

  " If tabnr is 0, then the current tabpage should be used.
  call test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{tabnr: 0, item: 2})
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")
  call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr('$'))
  call test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{tabnr: 0, item: 1})
  call feedkeys("y", "Lx!")
  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))

  " Invalid arguments
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('tabmenu', {}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{tabnr: 1}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{item: 1}))
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('tabmenu', #{abc: 1}))


" Test for find/replace text dialog event
func Test_gui_findrepl()
  " Find/Replace dialog is supported only on GTK, Motif and MS-Windows.
  if !has('gui_gtk') && !has('gui_motif') && !has('gui_win32')

  call setline(1, ['one two one', 'Twoo One two oneo'])

  " Replace all instances of a string with another
  let args = #{find_text: 'one', repl_text: 'ONE', flags: 0x4, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal(['ONE two ONE', 'Twoo ONE two ONEo'], getline(1, '$'))

  " Replace all instances of a whole string with another
  call cursor(1, 1)
  let args = #{find_text: 'two', repl_text: 'TWO', flags: 0xC, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal(['ONE TWO ONE', 'Twoo ONE TWO ONEo'], getline(1, '$'))

  " Find next occurrence of a string (in a find dialog)
  call cursor(1, 11)
  let args = #{find_text: 'TWO', repl_text: '', flags: 0x11, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal([2, 10], [line('.'), col('.')])

  " Find previous occurrences of a string (in a find dialog)
  call cursor(1, 11)
  let args = #{find_text: 'TWO', repl_text: '', flags: 0x11, forward: 0}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])

  " Find next occurrence of a string (in a replace dialog)
  call cursor(1, 1)
  let args = #{find_text: 'Twoo', repl_text: '', flags: 0x2, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal([2, 1], [line('.'), col('.')])

  " Replace only the next occurrence of a string (once)
  call cursor(1, 5)
  let args = #{find_text: 'TWO', repl_text: 'two', flags: 0x3, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal(['ONE two ONE', 'Twoo ONE TWO ONEo'], getline(1, '$'))

  " Replace all instances of a whole string with another matching case
  call cursor(1, 1)
  let args = #{find_text: 'TWO', repl_text: 'two', flags: 0x1C, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal(['ONE two ONE', 'Twoo ONE two ONEo'], getline(1, '$'))

  " Replace all instances with sub-replace specials
  call cursor(1, 1)
  let args = #{find_text: 'ONE', repl_text: '&~&', flags: 0x4, forward: 1}
  call test_gui_event('findrepl', args)
  call assert_equal(['&~& two &~&', 'Twoo &~& two &~&o'], getline(1, '$'))

  " Invalid arguments
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('findrepl', {}))
  let args = #{repl_text: 'a', flags: 1, forward: 1}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('findrepl', args))
  let args = #{find_text: 'a', flags: 1, forward: 1}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('findrepl', args))
  let args = #{find_text: 'a', repl_text: 'b', forward: 1}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('findrepl', args))
  let args = #{find_text: 'a', repl_text: 'b', flags: 1}
  call assert_false(test_gui_event('findrepl', args))


func Test_gui_CTRL_SHIFT_V()
  call feedkeys(":let g:str = '\<*C-S-V>\<*C-S-I>\<*C-S-V>\<*C-S-@>'\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('<C-S-I><C-S-@>', g:str)
  unlet g:str

func Test_gui_dialog_file()
  " make sure the file does not exist, otherwise a dialog makes Vim hang
  call delete('Xdialfile')

  let lines =<< trim END
    file Xdialfile
    normal axxx
    confirm qa
  call writefile(lines, 'Xlines', 'D')
  let prefix = '!'
  if has('win32')
    let prefix = '!start '
  execute prefix .. GetVimCommand() .. ' -g -f --clean --gui-dialog-file Xdialog -S Xlines'

  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_true(filereadable('Xdialog'))})
  call assert_match('Question: Save changes to "Xdialfile"?', readfile('Xdialog')->join('<NL>'))

  call delete('Xdialog')
  call delete('Xdialfile')

" Test for sending low level key presses
func SendKeys(keylist)
  for k in a:keylist
    call test_gui_event("key", #{event: "keydown", keycode: k})
  for k in reverse(a:keylist)
    call test_gui_event("key", #{event: "keyup", keycode: k})

func Test_gui_lowlevel_keyevent()

  " Test for <Ctrl-A> to <Ctrl-Z> keys
  for kc in range(65, 90)
    call SendKeys([0x11, kc])
    let ch = getcharstr()
    call assert_equal(nr2char(kc - 64), ch)

  " Testing more extensive windows keyboard handling
  " is covered in test_mswin_event.vim


func Test_gui_macro_csi()
  " Test for issue #11270
  nnoremap <C-L> <Cmd>let g:triggered = 1<CR>
  let @q = "\x9b\xfc\x04L"
  norm @q
  call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)
  unlet g:triggered
  nunmap <C-L>

  " Test for issue #11057
  inoremap <C-D>t bbb
  call setline(1, "\t")
  let @q = "i\x9b\xfc\x04D"
  " The end of :normal is like a mapping timing out
  norm @q
  call assert_equal('', getline(1))
  iunmap <C-D>t

func Test_gui_csi_keytrans()
  call assert_equal('<C-L>', keytrans("\x9b\xfc\x04L"))
  call assert_equal('<C-D>', keytrans("\x9b\xfc\x04D"))

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab