view src/testdir/Make_mvc.mak @ 33776:9503dc55b5ed v9.0.2108

patch 9.0.2108: [security]: overflow with count for :s command Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Tue Nov 14 20:45:48 2023 +0100 patch 9.0.2108: [security]: overflow with count for :s command Problem: [security]: overflow with count for :s command Solution: Abort the :s command if the count is too large If the count after the :s command is larger than what fits into a (signed) long variable, abort with e_value_too_large. Adds a test with INT_MAX as count and verify it correctly fails. It seems the return value on Windows using mingw compiler wraps around, so the initial test using :s/./b/9999999999999999999999999990 doesn't fail there, since the count is wrapping around several times and finally is no longer larger than 2147483647. So let's just use 2147483647 in the test, which hopefully will always cause a failure Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:15:10 +0100
parents 429279c35b1e
line wrap: on
line source

# Makefile to run all tests for Vim, on Dos-like machines.
# Requires a set of Unix tools: echo, diff, etc.

# Testing may be done with a debug build 
!IF EXIST(..\\vimd.exe) && !EXIST(..\\vim.exe)
VIMPROG = ..\\vimd
VIMPROG = ..\\vim

default: nongui

!include Make_all.mak

# Explicit dependencies.
test_options.res test_alot.res: opt_test.vim

DOSTMP = dostmp

.SUFFIXES: .in .out .res .vim

# Add --gui-dialog-file to avoid getting stuck in a dialog.
COMMON_ARGS = $(NO_INITS) --gui-dialog-file guidialog

nongui:	nolog tinytests newtests report

gui:	nolog tinytests newtests report

tiny:	nolog tinytests report

benchmark: $(SCRIPTS_BENCH)

	@rem without the +eval feature test_result.log is a copy of test.log
	@if exist test.log ( copy /y test.log test_result.log > nul ) \
		else ( echo No failures reported > test_result.log )
	$(VIMPROG) -u NONE $(COMMON_ARGS) -S summarize.vim messages
	-if exist starttime del starttime
	@echo Test results:
	@cmd /c type test_result.log
	@if exist test.log ( echo TEST FAILURE & exit /b 1 ) \
		else ( echo ALL DONE )

# Execute an individual new style test, e.g.:
# 	nmake -f Make_mvc.mak test_largefile
	-if exist $@.res del $@.res
	-if exist test.log del test.log
	-if exist messages del messages
	-if exist starttime del starttime
	@$(MAKE) -nologo -f Make_mvc.mak $@.res VIMPROG=$(VIMPROG)
	@type messages
	@if exist test.log exit 1

# Delete files that may interfere with running tests.  This includes some files
# that may result from working on the tests, not only from running them.
	-if exist *.out del *.out
	-if exist *.failed del *.failed
	-if exist *.res del *.res
	-if exist $(DOSTMP) rd /s /q $(DOSTMP)
	-if exist del
	-if exist test.ok del test.ok
	-if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
	-if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
	-if exist XfakeHOME rd /s /q XfakeHOME
	-if exist X* del X*
	-for /d %i in (X*) do @rd /s/q %i
	-if exist viminfo del viminfo
	-if exist test.log del test.log
	-if exist test_result.log del test_result.log
	-if exist messages del messages
	-if exist starttime del starttime
	-if exist benchmark.out del benchmark.out
	-if exist opt_test.vim del opt_test.vim
	-if exist guidialog del guidialog
	-if exist guidialogfile del guidialogfile

	-if exist test.log del test.log
	-if exist test_result.log del test_result.log
	-if exist messages del messages
	-if exist starttime del starttime

# Tiny tests.  Works even without the +eval feature.
tinytests: $(SCRIPTS_TINY_OUT)

# Copy the input files to dostmp, changing the fileformat to dos.
	if not exist $(DOSTMP)\NUL md $(DOSTMP)
	if exist $@ del $@
	$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim $(COMMON_ARGS) "+set ff=dos|f $@|wq" $(*B).in

# For each input file dostmp/ run the tests.
# This moves to temporarily.
	-@if exist test.out DEL test.out
	-@if exist $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out DEL $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out
	move $(*B).in $(*B).in.bak > nul
	copy $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).in $(*B).in > nul
	copy $(*B).ok test.ok > nul
	$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim $(COMMON_ARGS) -s $(*B).in
	-@if exist test.out MOVE /y test.out $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out > nul
	-@if exist $(*B).in.bak move /y $(*B).in.bak $(*B).in > nul
	-@if exist test.ok del test.ok
	-@if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
	-@if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
	-@if exist XfakeHOME rd /s /q XfakeHOME
	-@del X*
	-@if exist viminfo del viminfo
	$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim $(COMMON_ARGS) "+set ff=unix|f test.out|wq" \
	@diff test.out $*.ok & if errorlevel 1 \
		( move /y test.out $*.failed > nul \
		 & del $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out \
		 & echo $* FAILED >> test.log ) \
		else ( move /y test.out $*.out > nul )

# New style of tests uses Vim script with assert calls.  These are easier
# to write and a lot easier to read and debug.
# Limitation: Only works with the +eval feature.

newtests: newtestssilent
	@if exist messages type messages

newtestssilent: $(NEW_TESTS_RES)

	@echo $(VIMPROG) > vimcmd
	$(VIMPROG) -u NONE $(COMMON_ARGS) -S runtest.vim $*.vim
	@del vimcmd

test_gui.res: test_gui.vim
	@echo $(VIMPROG) > vimcmd
	$(VIMPROG) -u NONE $(COMMON_ARGS) -S runtest.vim $*.vim
	@del vimcmd

test_gui_init.res: test_gui_init.vim
	@echo $(VIMPROG) > vimcmd
	$(VIMPROG) -u gui_preinit.vim -U gui_init.vim $(NO_PLUGINS) -S runtest.vim $*.vim
	@del vimcmd

opt_test.vim: ../optiondefs.h gen_opt_test.vim
	$(VIMPROG) -u NONE -S gen_opt_test.vim --noplugin --not-a-term ../optiondefs.h

test_bench_regexp.res: test_bench_regexp.vim
	-if exist benchmark.out del benchmark.out
	@echo $(VIMPROG) > vimcmd
	$(VIMPROG) -u NONE $(COMMON_ARGS) -S runtest.vim $*.vim
	@del vimcmd
	@IF EXIST benchmark.out ( type benchmark.out )