view runtime/ftplugin/vim.vim @ 34134:8ae680be2a51

runtime(ftplugin): Use "*" browsefilter pattern to match "All Files" Commit: Author: Doug Kearns <> Date: Sun Jan 14 20:59:02 2024 +0100 runtime(ftplugin): Use "*" browsefilter pattern to match "All Files" Problem: The "*.*" browsefilter pattern only matches all files on Windows (Daryl Lee) Solution: Use "*" to filter on all platforms but keep "*.*" as the label text on Windows. (Fixes #12685, Doug Kearns) The *.* browsefilter pattern used to match "All Files" on Windows is a legacy of the DOS 8.3 filename wildcard matching algorithm. For reasons of backward compatibility this still works on Windows to match all files, even those without an extension. However, this pattern only matches filenames containing a dot on other platforms. This often makes files without an extension difficult to access from the file dialog, e.g., "Makefile" On Windows it is still standard practice to use "*.*" for the filter label so ftplugins should use "All Files (*.*)" on Windows and "All Files (*)" on other platforms. This matches Vim's default browsefilter values. This commit also normalises the browsefilter conditional test to check for the Win32 and GTK GUI features and an unset b:browsefilter. closes: #12759 Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 14 Jan 2024 21:15:03 +0100
parents 2d44cd7117fb
children 60e1e94a1b0e
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim filetype plugin
" Language:	Vim
" Maintainer:	The Vim Project <>
" Last Change:	2023 Aug 10
" Former Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>

" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")

" Don't load another plugin for this buffer
let b:did_ftplugin = 1

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

if !exists('*VimFtpluginUndo')
  func VimFtpluginUndo()
    setl fo< isk< com< tw< commentstring< include< define<
    if exists('b:did_add_maps')
      silent! nunmap <buffer> [[
      silent! vunmap <buffer> [[
      silent! nunmap <buffer> ]]
      silent! vunmap <buffer> ]]
      silent! nunmap <buffer> []
      silent! vunmap <buffer> []
      silent! nunmap <buffer> ][
      silent! vunmap <buffer> ][
      silent! nunmap <buffer> ]"
      silent! vunmap <buffer> ]"
      silent! nunmap <buffer> ["
      silent! vunmap <buffer> ["
    unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip b:did_add_maps

let b:undo_ftplugin = "call VimFtpluginUndo()"

" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines,
" and insert the comment leader when hitting <CR> or using "o".
setlocal fo-=t fo+=croql

" To allow tag lookup via CTRL-] for autoload functions, '#' must be a
" keyword character.  E.g., for netrw#Nread().
setlocal isk+=#

" Use :help to lookup the keyword under the cursor with K.
setlocal keywordprg=:help

" Comments starts with # in Vim9 script.  We have to guess which one to use.
if "\n" .. getline(1, 10)->join("\n") =~# '\n\s*vim9\%[script]\>'
  setlocal commentstring=#%s
  setlocal commentstring=\"%s

" Set 'comments' to format dashed lists in comments, both in Vim9 and legacy
" script.
setlocal com=sO:#\ -,mO:#\ \ ,eO:##,:#,sO:\"\ -,mO:\"\ \ ,eO:\"\",:\"

" set 'include' to recognize import commands
setlocal include=\\v^\\s*import\\s*(autoload)?

" set 'define' to recognize export commands
setlocal define=\\v^\\s*export\\s*(def\|const\|var\|final)

" Format comments to be up to 78 characters long
if &tw == 0
  setlocal tw=78

if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_vim_maps")
  let b:did_add_maps = 1

  " Move around functions.
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ m':call search('^\s*\(fu\%[nction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "bW")<CR>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ m':<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('^\s*\(fu\%[nction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "bW")<CR>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] m':call search('^\s*\(fu\%[nction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "W")<CR>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] m':<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('^\s*\(fu\%[nction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "W")<CR>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] m':call search('^\s*end\(f\%[unction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "bW")<CR>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] m':<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('^\s*end\(f\%[unction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "bW")<CR>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ m':call search('^\s*end\(f\%[unction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "W")<CR>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ m':<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('^\s*end\(f\%[unction]\\|\(export\s\+\)\?def\)\>', "W")<CR>

  " Move around comments
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]" :call search('\%(^\s*".*\n\)\@<!\%(^\s*"\)', "W")<CR>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]" :<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\%(^\s*".*\n\)\@<!\%(^\s*"\)', "W")<CR>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> [" :call search('\%(^\s*".*\n\)\%(^\s*"\)\@!', "bW")<CR>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> [" :<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\%(^\s*".*\n\)\%(^\s*"\)\@!', "bW")<CR>

" Let the matchit plugin know what items can be matched.
if exists("loaded_matchit")
  let b:match_ignorecase = 0
  " "func" can also be used as a type:
  "   var Ref: func
  " or to list functions:
  "   func name
  " require a parenthesis following, then there can be an "endfunc".
  let b:match_words =
	\ '\<\%(fu\%[nction]\|def\)!\=\s\+\S\+\s*(:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<retu\%[rn]\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<\%(endf\%[unction]\|enddef\)\>,' ..
	\ '\<\%(wh\%[ile]\|for\)\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<brea\%[k]\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<con\%[tinue]\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<end\%(w\%[hile]\|fo\%[r]\)\>,' ..
	\ '\<if\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<el\%[seif]\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<en\%[dif]\>,' ..
	\ '{:},' ..
	\ '\<try\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<cat\%[ch]\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<fina\%[lly]\>:\%(\%(^\||\)\s*\)\@<=\<endt\%[ry]\>,' ..
	\ '\<aug\%[roup]\s\+\%(END\>\)\@!\S:\<aug\%[roup]\s\+END\>,' ..
	\ '\<class\>:\<endclass\>,' ..
	\ '\<inte\%[rface]\>:\<endinterface\>,' ..
	\ '\<enu\%[m]\>:\<endenum\>,'

  " Ignore syntax region commands and settings, any 'en*' would clobber
  " if-endif.
  " - set spl=de,en
  " - au! FileType javascript syntax region foldBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ …
  " Also ignore here-doc and dictionary keys (vimVar).
  let b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")
	\ =~? "comment\\|string\\|vimSynReg\\|vimSet\\|vimLetHereDoc\\|vimVar"'

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

" removed this, because 'cpoptions' is a global option.
" setlocal cpo+=M		" makes \%( match \)