view src/testdir/test_getcwd.vim @ 34686:83875247fbc0 v9.1.0224

patch 9.1.0224: cursor may move too many lines over "right" & "below" virt text Commit: Author: Dylan Thacker-Smith <> Date: Thu Mar 28 12:01:14 2024 +0100 patch 9.1.0224: cursor may move too many lines over "right" & "below" virt text Problem: If a line has "right" & "below" virtual text properties, where the "below" property may be stored first due to lack of ordering between them, then the line height is calculated to be 1 more and causes the cursor to far over the line. Solution: Remove some unnecessary setting of a `next_right_goes_below = TRUE` flag for "below" and "above" text properties. (Dylan Thacker-Smith) I modified a regression test I recently added to cover this case, leveraging the fact that "after", "right" & "below" text properties are being stored in the reverse of the order they are added in. The previous version of this regression test was crafted to workaround this issue so it can be addressed by this separate patch. closes: #14317 Signed-off-by: Dylan Thacker-Smith <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 28 Mar 2024 12:15:03 +0100
parents d891115c0aea
line wrap: on
line source

" Test for getcwd()

func GetCwdInfo(win, tab)
  let tab_changed = 0
  let mod = ":t"
  if a:tab > 0 && a:tab != tabpagenr()
    let tab_changed = 1
    exec "tabnext " . a:tab
  let bufname = fnamemodify(bufname(winbufnr(a:win)), mod)
  if tab_changed
  if a:win == 0 && a:tab == 0
    let dirname = fnamemodify(getcwd(), mod)
    let lflag = haslocaldir()
  elseif a:tab == 0
    let dirname = fnamemodify(getcwd(a:win), mod)
    let lflag = haslocaldir(a:win)
    let dirname = fnamemodify(getcwd(a:win, a:tab), mod)
    let lflag = a:win->haslocaldir(a:tab)
  return bufname . ' ' . dirname . ' ' . lflag

" Do all test in a separate window to avoid E211 when we recursively
" delete the Xtopdir directory during cleanup
func SetUp()
  set visualbell
  set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo

  " On windows a swapfile in Xtopdir prevents it from being cleaned up.
  set noswapfile

  " On windows a stale "Xtopdir" directory may exist, remove it so that
  " we start from a clean state.
  call delete("Xtopdir", "rf")
  eval 'Xtopdir'->mkdir()
  cd Xtopdir
  let g:topdir = getcwd()
  call mkdir('Xcwdir1')
  call mkdir('Xcwdir2')
  call mkdir('Xcwdir3')

let g:cwd=getcwd()
function TearDown()
  call chdir(g:cwd)
  call delete("Xtopdir", "rf")

function Test_GetCwd()
  new a
  new b
  new c
  3wincmd w
  lcd Xcwdir1
  call assert_equal("a Xcwdir1 1", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  wincmd W
  call assert_equal("b Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  wincmd W
  lcd Xcwdir3
  call assert_equal("c Xcwdir3 1", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  call assert_equal("a Xcwdir1 1", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("a"), 0))
  call assert_equal("b Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("b"), 0))
  call assert_equal("c Xcwdir3 1", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("c"), 0))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  wincmd W
  call assert_equal("a Xcwdir1 1", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("a"), tabpagenr()))
  call assert_equal("b Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("b"), tabpagenr()))
  call assert_equal("c Xcwdir3 1", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("c"), tabpagenr()))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))

  tabnew x
  new y
  new z
  3wincmd w
  call assert_equal("x Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  wincmd W
  lcd Xcwdir2
  call assert_equal("y Xcwdir2 1", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  wincmd W
  lcd Xcwdir3
  call assert_equal("z Xcwdir3 1", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  call assert_equal("x Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("x"), 0))
  call assert_equal("y Xcwdir2 1", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("y"), 0))
  call assert_equal("z Xcwdir3 1", GetCwdInfo(bufwinnr("z"), 0))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  let tp_nr = tabpagenr()
  call assert_equal("x Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(3, tp_nr))
  call assert_equal("y Xcwdir2 1", GetCwdInfo(2, tp_nr))
  call assert_equal("z Xcwdir3 1", GetCwdInfo(1, tp_nr))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  " Non existing windows and tab pages
  call assert_equal('', getcwd(100))
  call assert_equal(0, haslocaldir(100))
  call assert_equal('', getcwd(10, 1))
  call assert_equal(0, haslocaldir(10, 1))
  call assert_equal('', getcwd(1, 5))
  call assert_equal(0, haslocaldir(1, 5))
  call assert_fails('call getcwd([])', 'E745:')
  call assert_fails('call getcwd(1, [])', 'E745:')
  call assert_fails('call haslocaldir([])', 'E745:')
  call assert_fails('call haslocaldir(1, [])', 'E745:')

function Test_GetCwd_lcd_shellslash()
  let root = fnamemodify('/', ':p')
  exe 'lcd '.root
  let cwd = getcwd()
  if !exists('+shellslash') || &shellslash
    call assert_equal(cwd[-1:], '/')
    call assert_equal(cwd[-1:], '\')

" Test for :tcd
function Test_Tab_Local_Cwd()
  enew | only | tabonly

  call mkdir('Xtabdir1')
  call mkdir('Xtabdir2')
  call mkdir('Xwindir1')
  call mkdir('Xwindir2')
  call mkdir('Xwindir3')

  " Create three tabpages with three windows each
  edit a
  botright new b
  botright new c
  tabnew m
  botright new n
  botright new o
  tabnew x
  botright new y
  botright new z

  " Setup different directories for the tab pages and windows
  1wincmd w
  lcd Xwindir1
  tcd Xtabdir1
  2wincmd w
  lcd ../Xwindir2
  tcd Xtabdir2
  3wincmd w
  lcd ../Xwindir3

  " Check the directories of various windows
  call assert_equal("a Xwindir1 1", GetCwdInfo(1, 1))
  call assert_equal("b Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(2, 1))
  call assert_equal("c Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(3, 1))
  call assert_equal("m Xtabdir1 2", GetCwdInfo(1, 2))
  call assert_equal("n Xwindir2 1", GetCwdInfo(2, 2))
  call assert_equal("o Xtabdir1 2", GetCwdInfo(3, 2))
  call assert_equal("x Xtabdir2 2", GetCwdInfo(1, 3))
  call assert_equal("y Xtabdir2 2", GetCwdInfo(2, 3))
  call assert_equal("z Xwindir3 1", GetCwdInfo(3, 3))

  " Check the tabpage directories
  call assert_equal('Xtopdir', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 1), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 2), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 3), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 4), ':t'))

  " Jump to different windows in the tab pages and check the current directory
  tabrewind | 1wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xwindir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xwindir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xwindir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(0, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_true(haslocaldir(0))
  call assert_equal(0, haslocaldir(-1, 0))
  call assert_equal('Xtopdir', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  2wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xtopdir', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtopdir', fnamemodify(getcwd(0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtopdir', fnamemodify(getcwd(0, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_false(haslocaldir(0))
  call assert_equal(0, haslocaldir(-1, 0))
  call assert_equal('Xtopdir', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  tabnext | 1wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(0, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_true(haslocaldir(0))
  call assert_equal(2, haslocaldir(-1, 0))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  2wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xwindir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xwindir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xwindir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(0, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_true(haslocaldir(0))
  call assert_equal(2, haslocaldir(-1, 0))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir1', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  tabnext | 1wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(0, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_true(haslocaldir(0))
  call assert_equal(2, haslocaldir(-1, 0))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))
  3wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xwindir3', fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xwindir3', fnamemodify(getcwd(0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal('Xwindir3', fnamemodify(getcwd(0, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_true(haslocaldir(0))
  call assert_equal(2, haslocaldir(-1, 0))
  call assert_equal('Xtabdir2', fnamemodify(getcwd(-1, 0), ':t'))
  call assert_equal(g:topdir, getcwd(-1))

  " A new tab page should inherit the directory of the current tab page
  tabrewind | 1wincmd w
  tabnew g
  call assert_equal("g Xwindir1 1", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  tabclose | tabrewind
  2wincmd w
  tabnew h
  call assert_equal("h Xtopdir 0", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))
  tabnext 2 | 1wincmd w
  tabnew j
  call assert_equal("j Xtabdir1 2", GetCwdInfo(0, 0))

  " Change the global directory for the first tab page
  tabrewind | 1wincmd w
  cd ../Xcwdir1
  call assert_equal("a Xcwdir1 0", GetCwdInfo(1, 1))
  call assert_equal("b Xcwdir1 0", GetCwdInfo(2, 1))
  call assert_equal("m Xtabdir1 2", GetCwdInfo(1, 2))
  call assert_equal("n Xwindir2 1", GetCwdInfo(2, 2))

  " Change the global directory for the second tab page
  tabnext | 1wincmd w
  cd ../Xcwdir3
  call assert_equal("m Xcwdir3 0", GetCwdInfo(1, 2))
  call assert_equal("n Xwindir2 1", GetCwdInfo(2, 2))
  call assert_equal("o Xcwdir3 0", GetCwdInfo(3, 2))

  " Change the tab-local directory for the third tab page
  tabnext | 1wincmd w
  cd ../Xcwdir1
  call assert_equal("x Xcwdir1 0", GetCwdInfo(1, 3))
  call assert_equal("y Xcwdir1 0", GetCwdInfo(2, 3))
  call assert_equal("z Xwindir3 1", GetCwdInfo(3, 3))

  enew | only | tabonly

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab