view src/testdir/term_util.vim @ 34686:83875247fbc0 v9.1.0224

patch 9.1.0224: cursor may move too many lines over "right" & "below" virt text Commit: Author: Dylan Thacker-Smith <> Date: Thu Mar 28 12:01:14 2024 +0100 patch 9.1.0224: cursor may move too many lines over "right" & "below" virt text Problem: If a line has "right" & "below" virtual text properties, where the "below" property may be stored first due to lack of ordering between them, then the line height is calculated to be 1 more and causes the cursor to far over the line. Solution: Remove some unnecessary setting of a `next_right_goes_below = TRUE` flag for "below" and "above" text properties. (Dylan Thacker-Smith) I modified a regression test I recently added to cover this case, leveraging the fact that "after", "right" & "below" text properties are being stored in the reverse of the order they are added in. The previous version of this regression test was crafted to workaround this issue so it can be addressed by this separate patch. closes: #14317 Signed-off-by: Dylan Thacker-Smith <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 28 Mar 2024 12:15:03 +0100
parents 79b2eb83f2df
line wrap: on
line source

" Functions about terminal shared by several tests

" Only load this script once.
if exists('*CanRunVimInTerminal')

source shared.vim

" For most tests we need to be able to run terminal Vim with 256 colors.  On
" MS-Windows the console only has 16 colors and the GUI can't run in a
" terminal.
func CanRunVimInTerminal()
  return has('terminal') && !has('win32')

" Skip the rest if there is no terminal feature at all.
if !has('terminal')

" Stops the shell running in terminal "buf".
func StopShellInTerminal(buf)
  call term_sendkeys(a:buf, "exit\r")
  let job = term_getjob(a:buf)
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
  call TermWait(a:buf)

" Wrapper around term_wait() to allow more time for re-runs of flaky tests
" The second argument is the minimum time to wait in msec, 10 if omitted.
func TermWait(buf, ...)
  let wait_time = a:0 ? a:1 : 10
  if exists('g:run_nr')
    if g:run_nr == 2
      let wait_time *= 4
    elseif g:run_nr > 2
      let wait_time *= 10
  call term_wait(a:buf, wait_time)

  " In case it wasn't set yet.
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

" Run Vim with "arguments" in a new terminal window.
" By default uses a size of 20 lines and 75 columns.
" Returns the buffer number of the terminal.
" Options is a dictionary, these items are recognized:
" "keep_t_u7" - when 1 do not make t_u7 empty (resetting t_u7 avoids clearing
"               parts of line 2 and 3 on the display)
" "rows" - height of the terminal window (max. 20)
" "cols" - width of the terminal window (max. 78)
" "statusoff" - number of lines the status is offset from default
" "wait_for_ruler" - if zero then don't wait for ruler to show
" "no_clean" - if non-zero then remove "--clean" from the command
" "cmd"  - run any other command, e.g. "xxd" (used in xxd test)
func RunVimInTerminal(arguments, options)
  " If Vim doesn't exit a swap file remains, causing other tests to fail.
  " Remove it here.
  call delete(".swp")

  if exists('$COLORFGBG')
    " Clear $COLORFGBG to avoid 'background' being set to "dark", which will
    " only be corrected if the response to t_RB is received, which may be too
    " late.
    let $COLORFGBG = ''

  " Make a horizontal and vertical split, so that we can get exactly the right
  " size terminal window.  Works only when the current window is full width.
  call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(0))

  " Always do this with 256 colors and a light background.
  set t_Co=256 background=light
  hi Normal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE

  " Make the window 20 lines high and 75 columns, unless told otherwise or
  " 'termwinsize' is set.
  let rows = get(a:options, 'rows', 20)
  let cols = get(a:options, 'cols', 75)
  let statusoff = get(a:options, 'statusoff', 1)

  if get(a:options, 'keep_t_u7', 0)
    let reset_u7 = ''
    let reset_u7 = ' --cmd "set t_u7=" '

  if empty(get(a:options, 'cmd', ''))
    let cmd = GetVimCommandCleanTerm() .. reset_u7 .. a:arguments
    let cmd = get(a:options, 'cmd')

  if get(a:options, 'no_clean', 0)
    let cmd = substitute(cmd, '--clean', '', '')

  let options = #{curwin: 1}
  if &termwinsize == ''
    let options.term_rows = rows
    let options.term_cols = cols

  " Accept other options whose name starts with 'term_'.
  call extend(options, filter(copy(a:options), 'v:key =~# "^term_"'))

  let buf = term_start(cmd, options)

  if &termwinsize == ''
    " in the GUI we may end up with a different size, try to set it.
    if term_getsize(buf) != [rows, cols]
      call term_setsize(buf, rows, cols)
    call assert_equal([rows, cols], term_getsize(buf))
    let rows = term_getsize(buf)[0]
    let cols = term_getsize(buf)[1]

  call TermWait(buf)

  if get(a:options, 'wait_for_ruler', 1) && empty(get(a:options, 'cmd', ''))
    " Wait for "All" or "Top" of the ruler to be shown in the last line or in
    " the status line of the last window. This can be quite slow (e.g. when
    " using valgrind).
    " If it fails then show the terminal contents for debugging.
      call WaitFor({-> len(term_getline(buf, rows)) >= cols - 1 || len(term_getline(buf, rows - statusoff)) >= cols - 1})
    catch /timed out after/
      let lines = map(range(1, rows), {key, val -> term_getline(buf, val)})
      call assert_report('RunVimInTerminal() failed, screen contents: ' . join(lines, "<NL>"))

  " Starting a terminal to run Vim is always considered flaky.
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  return buf

" Stop a Vim running in terminal buffer "buf".
func StopVimInTerminal(buf, kill = 1)
  " Using a terminal to run Vim is always considered flaky.
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  call assert_equal("running", term_getstatus(a:buf))

  " Wait for all the pending updates to terminal to complete
  call TermWait(a:buf)

  " CTRL-O : works both in Normal mode and Insert mode to start a command line.
  " In Command-line it's inserted, the CTRL-U removes it again.
  call term_sendkeys(a:buf, "\<C-O>:\<C-U>qa!\<cr>")

  " Wait for all the pending updates to terminal to complete
  call TermWait(a:buf)

  " Wait for the terminal to end.
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("finished", term_getstatus(a:buf))})

  " If the buffer still exists forcefully wipe it.
  if a:kill && bufexists(a:buf)
    exe a:buf .. 'bwipe!'

" Open a terminal with a shell, assign the job to g:job and return the buffer
" number.
func Run_shell_in_terminal(options)
  if has('win32')
    let buf = term_start([&shell, '/k'], a:options)
    let buf = term_start(&shell, a:options)
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

  let termlist = term_list()
  call assert_equal(1, len(termlist))
  call assert_equal(buf, termlist[0])

  let g:job = term_getjob(buf)
  call assert_equal(v:t_job, type(g:job))

  let string = string({'job': buf->term_getjob()})
  call assert_match("{'job': 'process \\d\\+ run'}", string)

  " On slower systems it may take a bit of time before the shell is ready to
  " accept keys.  This mainly matters when using term_sendkeys() next.
  call TermWait(buf)

  return buf

" Return concatenated lines in terminal.
func Term_getlines(buf, lines)
  return join(map(a:lines, 'term_getline(a:buf, v:val)'), '')

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab