view src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim @ 34686:83875247fbc0 v9.1.0224

patch 9.1.0224: cursor may move too many lines over "right" & "below" virt text Commit: Author: Dylan Thacker-Smith <> Date: Thu Mar 28 12:01:14 2024 +0100 patch 9.1.0224: cursor may move too many lines over "right" & "below" virt text Problem: If a line has "right" & "below" virtual text properties, where the "below" property may be stored first due to lack of ordering between them, then the line height is calculated to be 1 more and causes the cursor to far over the line. Solution: Remove some unnecessary setting of a `next_right_goes_below = TRUE` flag for "below" and "above" text properties. (Dylan Thacker-Smith) I modified a regression test I recently added to cover this case, leveraging the fact that "after", "right" & "below" text properties are being stored in the reverse of the order they are added in. The previous version of this regression test was crafted to workaround this issue so it can be addressed by this separate patch. closes: #14317 Signed-off-by: Dylan Thacker-Smith <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 28 Mar 2024 12:15:03 +0100
parents 1f3bcb7f3bd0
children 7c7432a53a6c
line wrap: on
line source

" Script to generate testdir/opt_test.vim from option.c

set cpo=&vim

" Only do this when build with the +eval feature.
if 1

set nomore

" The terminal size is restored at the end.
" Clear out t_WS, we don't want to resize the actual terminal.
let script = [
      \ '" DO NOT EDIT: Generated with gen_opt_test.vim',
      \ '" Used by test_options.vim.',
      \ '',
      \ 'let save_columns = &columns',
      \ 'let save_lines = &lines',
      \ 'set t_WS=',
      \ ]

/#define p_term
let end = line('.')

" font name that works everywhere (hopefully)
let fontname = has('win32') ? 'fixedsys' : 'fixed'

" Two lists with values: values that work and values that fail.
" When not listed, "othernum" or "otherstring" is used.
let test_values = {
      \ 'cmdheight': [[1, 2, 10], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'cmdwinheight': [[1, 2, 10], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'columns': [[12, 80], [-1, 0, 10]],
      \ 'conceallevel': [[0, 1, 2, 3], [-1, 4, 99]],
      \ 'foldcolumn': [[0, 1, 4, 12], [-1, 13, 999]],
      \ 'helpheight': [[0, 10, 100], [-1]],
      \ 'history': [[0, 1, 100], [-1, 10001]],
      \ 'iminsert': [[0, 1], [-1, 3, 999]],
      \ 'imsearch': [[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 3, 999]],
      \ 'imstyle': [[0, 1], [-1, 2, 999]],
      \ 'lines': [[2, 24], [-1, 0, 1]],
      \ 'linespace': [[0, 2, 4], ['']],
      \ 'numberwidth': [[1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 20], [-1, 0, 21]],
      \ 'regexpengine': [[0, 1, 2], [-1, 3, 999]],
      \ 'report': [[0, 1, 2, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'scroll': [[0, 1, 2, 20], [-1]],
      \ 'scrolljump': [[-50, -1, 0, 1, 2, 20], [999]],
      \ 'scrolloff': [[0, 1, 2, 20], [-1]],
      \ 'shiftwidth': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]],
      \ 'sidescroll': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]],
      \ 'sidescrolloff': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]],
      \ 'tabstop': [[1, 4, 8, 12], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'textwidth': [[0, 1, 8, 99], [-1]],
      \ 'timeoutlen': [[0, 8, 99999], [-1]],
      \ 'titlelen': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'updatecount': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'updatetime': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'verbose': [[-1, 0, 1, 8, 9999], []],
      \ 'wildcharm': [[-1, 0, 100], []],
      \ 'winheight': [[1, 10, 999], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'winminheight': [[0, 1], [-1]],
      \ 'winminwidth': [[0, 1, 10], [-1]],
      \ 'winwidth': [[1, 10, 999], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'ambiwidth': [['', 'single'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'background': [['', 'light', 'dark'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'backspace': [[0, 2, 3, '', 'eol', 'eol,start', 'indent,eol,nostop'], ['4', 'xxx']],
      \ 'backupcopy': [['yes', 'auto'], ['', 'xxx', 'yes,no']],
      \ 'backupext': [['xxx'], ['']],
      \ 'belloff': [['', 'all', 'copy,error'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'breakindentopt': [['', 'min:3', 'sbr'], ['xxx', 'min', 'min:x']],
      \ 'browsedir': [['', 'last', '/'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'bufhidden': [['', 'hide', 'wipe'], ['xxx', 'hide,wipe']],
      \ 'buftype': [['', 'help', 'nofile'], ['xxx', 'help,nofile']],
      \ 'casemap': [['', 'internal'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'cedit': [['', '\<Esc>'], ['xxx', 'f']],
      \ 'clipboard': [['', 'unnamed', 'autoselect,unnamed', 'html', 'exclude:vimdisplay'], ['xxx', '\ze*', 'exclude:\\%(']],
      \ 'colorcolumn': [['', '8', '+2'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'comments': [['', 'b:#'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'commentstring': [['', '/*%s*/'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'complete': [['', 'w,b'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'concealcursor': [['', 'n', 'nvic'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'completeopt': [['', 'menu', 'menu,longest'], ['xxx', 'menu,,,longest,']],
      \ 'completepopup': [['', 'height:13', 'highlight:That', 'width:10,height:234,highlight:Mine'], ['height:yes', 'width:no', 'xxx', 'xxx:99', 'border:maybe', 'border:1']],
      \ 'completeslash': [['', 'slash', 'backslash'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'cryptmethod': [['', 'zip'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'cscopequickfix': [['', 's-', 's-,c+,e0'], ['xxx', 's,g,d']],
      \ 'cursorlineopt': [['both', 'line', 'number', 'screenline', 'line,number'], ['', 'xxx', 'line,screenline']],
      \ 'debug': [['', 'msg', 'msg', 'beep'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'diffopt': [['', 'filler', 'icase,iwhite'], ['xxx', 'algorithm:xxx', 'algorithm:']],
      \ 'display': [['', 'lastline', 'lastline,uhex'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'eadirection': [['', 'both', 'ver'], ['xxx', 'ver,hor']],
      \ 'encoding': [['latin1'], ['xxx', '']],
      \ 'eventignore': [['', 'WinEnter', 'WinLeave,winenter', 'all,WinEnter'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'fileencoding': [['', 'latin1', 'xxx'], []],
      \ 'fileformat': [['', 'dos', 'unix'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'fileformats': [['', 'dos', 'dos,unix'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'fillchars': [['', 'vert:x'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'foldclose': [['', 'all'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'foldmethod': [['manual', 'indent'], ['', 'xxx', 'expr,diff']],
      \ 'foldopen': [['', 'all', 'hor,jump'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'foldmarker': [['((,))'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'formatoptions': [['', 'vt', 'v,t'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'guicursor': [['', 'n:block-Cursor'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'guifont': [['', fontname], []],
      \ 'guifontwide': [['', fontname], []],
      \ 'guifontset': [['', fontname], []],
      \ 'guioptions': [['', 'a'], ['Q']],
      \ 'helplang': [['', 'de', 'de,it'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'highlight': [['', 'e:Error'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'imactivatekey': [['', 'S-space'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'isfname': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'isident': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'iskeyword': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'isprint': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'jumpoptions': [['', 'stack'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'keymap': [['', 'accents'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'keymodel': [['', 'startsel', 'startsel,stopsel'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'keyprotocol': [['', 'xxx:none', 'yyy:mok2', 'zzz:kitty'],
      \		[':none', 'xxx:', 'x:non', 'y:mok3', 'z:kittty']],
      \ 'langmap': [['', 'xX', 'aA,bB'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'lispoptions': [['', 'expr:0', 'expr:1'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'listchars': [['', 'eol:x', 'eol:x,space:y'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'matchpairs': [['', '(:)', '(:),<:>'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'mkspellmem': [['10000,100,12'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'mouse': [['', 'a', 'nvi'], ['xxx', 'n,v,i']],
      \ 'mousemodel': [['', 'popup'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'mouseshape': [['', 'n:arrow'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'nrformats': [['', 'alpha', 'alpha,hex,bin'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'previewpopup': [['', 'height:13', 'width:10,height:234'], ['height:yes', 'xxx', 'xxx:99']],
      \ 'printmbfont': [['', 'r:some', 'b:Bold,c:yes'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'printoptions': [['', 'header:0', 'left:10pc,top:5pc'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'scrollopt': [['', 'ver', 'ver,hor'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'renderoptions': [[''], ['xxx']],
      \ 'rightleftcmd': [['search'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'selection': [['old', 'inclusive'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'selectmode': [['', 'mouse', 'key,cmd'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'sessionoptions': [['', 'blank', 'help,options,slash'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'showcmdloc': [['last', 'statusline', 'tabline'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'signcolumn': [['', 'auto', 'no'], ['xxx', 'no,yes']],
      \ 'spellfile': [['', 'file.en.add', '/tmp/dir\ with\ space/en.utf-8.add'], ['xxx', '/tmp/file']],
      \ 'spelllang': [['', 'xxx', 'sr@latin'], ['not&lang', "that\\\rthere"]],
      \ 'spelloptions': [['', 'camel'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'spellsuggest': [['', 'best', 'double,33'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'splitkeep': [['cursor', 'screen', 'topline'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'swapsync': [['', 'sync', 'fsync'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'switchbuf': [['', 'useopen', 'split,newtab'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'tagcase': [['smart', 'match'], ['', 'xxx', 'smart,match']],
      \ 'term': [[], []],
      \ 'termguicolors': [[], []],
      \ 'termencoding': [has('gui_gtk') ? [] : ['', 'utf-8'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'termwinsize': [['', '24x80', '0x80', '32x0', '0x0'], ['xxx', '80', '8ax9', '24x80b']],
      \ 'termwintype': [['', 'winpty', 'conpty'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'toolbar': [['', 'icons', 'text'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'toolbariconsize': [['', 'tiny', 'huge'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'ttymouse': [['', 'xterm'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'ttytype': [[], []],
      \ 'varsofttabstop': [['8', '4,8,16,32'], ['xxx', '-1', '4,-1,20']],
      \ 'vartabstop': [['8', '4,8,16,32'], ['xxx', '-1', '4,-1,20']],
      \ 'viewoptions': [['', 'cursor', 'unix,slash'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'viminfo': [['', '''50', '"30'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'virtualedit': [['', 'all', 'all,block'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'whichwrap': [['', 'b,s', 'bs'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'wildmode': [['', 'full', 'list:full', 'full,longest'], ['xxx', 'a4', 'full,full,full,full,full']],
      \ 'wildoptions': [['', 'tagfile', 'pum', 'fuzzy'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'winaltkeys': [['menu', 'no'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'luadll': [[], []],
      \ 'perldll': [[], []],
      \ 'pythondll': [[], []],
      \ 'pythonthreedll': [[], []],
      \ 'pyxversion': [[], []],
      \ 'rubydll': [[], []],
      \ 'tcldll': [[], []],
      \ 'othernum': [[-1, 0, 100], ['']],
      \ 'otherstring': [['', 'xxx'], []],

/struct vimoption options
while 1
  if line('.') > end
  let line = getline('.')
  let name = substitute(line, '.*{"\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '')
  let shortname = substitute(line, '.*"\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '')

  if has_key(test_values, name)
    let a = test_values[name]
  elseif line =~ 'P_NUM'
    let a = test_values['othernum']
    let a = test_values['otherstring']
  if len(a[0]) > 0 || len(a[1]) > 0
    if line =~ 'P_BOOL'
      call add(script, 'set ' . name)
      call add(script, 'set ' . shortname)
      call add(script, 'set no' . name)
      call add(script, 'set no' . shortname)
      for val in a[0]
	call add(script, 'set ' . name . '=' . val)
	call add(script, 'set ' . shortname . '=' . val)

      " setting an option can only fail when it's implemented.
      call add(script, "if exists('+" . name . "')")
      for val in a[1]
	call add(script, "silent! call assert_fails('set " . name . "=" . val . "')")
	call add(script, "silent! call assert_fails('set " . shortname . "=" . val . "')")
      call add(script, "endif")

    " cannot change 'termencoding' in GTK
    if name != 'termencoding' || !has('gui_gtk')
      call add(script, 'set ' . name . '&')
      call add(script, 'set ' . shortname . '&')
    if name == 'verbosefile'
      call add(script, 'call delete("xxx")')

    if name == 'more'
      call add(script, 'set nomore')
    elseif name == 'lines'
      call add(script, 'let &lines = save_lines')

call add(script, 'let &columns = save_columns')
call add(script, 'let &lines = save_lines')

call writefile(script, 'opt_test.vim')

