view runtime/indent/matlab.vim @ 33096:828bcb1a37e7 v9.0.1833

patch 9.0.1833: [security] runtime file fixes Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Thu Aug 31 23:52:30 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1833: [security] runtime file fixes Problem: runtime files may execute code in current dir Solution: only execute, if not run from current directory The perl, zig and ruby filetype plugins and the zip and gzip autoload plugins may try to load malicious executable files from the current working directory. This is especially a problem on windows, where the current directory is implicitly in your $PATH and windows may even run a file with the extension `.bat` because of $PATHEXT. So make sure that we are not trying to execute a file from the current directory. If this would be the case, error out (for the zip and gzip) plugins or silently do not run those commands (for the ftplugins). This assumes, that only the current working directory is bad. For all other directories, it is assumed that those directories were intentionally set to the $PATH by the user. Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Fri, 01 Sep 2023 00:00:02 +0200
parents 9c221ad9634a
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim indent file
" Language: MATLAB
" Maintainer: Axel Forsman <>
" Previous maintainer: Christophe Poucet <>
" Last Update: 2021-10-01

" Only load if no other indent file is loaded
if exists('b:did_indent') | finish | endif
let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal indentexpr=GetMatlabIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=!,o,O,e,0=end,0=elseif,0=case,0=otherwise,0=catch,0=function,0=elsei
let b:undo_indent = "setlocal indentexpr< indentkeys<"

" The value of the Function indenting format in
" MATLAB Editor/Debugger Language Preferences.
" The possible values are 0 for Classic, 1 for Indent nested functions
" and 2 for Indent all functions (default).
let b:MATLAB_function_indent = get(g:, 'MATLAB_function_indent', 2)
" The previous value of b:changedtick
let b:MATLAB_lasttick = -1
" The previously indented line
let b:MATLAB_lastline = -1
" Whether the line above was a line continuation
let b:MATLAB_waslc = 0
let b:MATLAB_bracketlevel = 0

" Only define the function once
if exists("*GetMatlabIndent") | finish | endif

let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

let s:end = '\<end\>\%([^({]*[)}]\)\@!' " Array indexing heuristic
let s:open_pat = 'for\|if\|parfor\|spmd\|switch\|try\|while\|classdef\|properties\|methods\|events\|enumeration'
let s:dedent_pat = '\C^\s*\zs\<\%(end\|else\|elseif\|catch\|\(case\|otherwise\|function\)\)\>'
let s:start_pat = '\C\<\%(function\|' . s:open_pat . '\)\>'
let s:bracket_pair_pat = '\(\[\|{\)\|\(\]\|}\)'
let s:zflag = has('patch-7.4.984') ? 'z' : ''

" Returns whether a comment or string envelops the specified column.
function! s:IsCommentOrString(lnum, col)
	return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), "name") =~# 'matlabComment\|matlabMultilineComment\|matlabCellComment\|matlabString'

" Returns whether the specified line continues on the next line.
function! s:IsLineContinuation(lnum)
	let l = getline(a:lnum) | let c = -3
	while 1
		let c = match(l, '\.\{3}', c + 3)
		if c == -1 | return 0
		elseif !s:IsCommentOrString(a:lnum, c) | return 1 | endif

function! s:SubmatchCount(lnum, pattern, ...)
	let endcol = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 1 / 0 | let x = [0, 0, 0, 0]
	call cursor(a:lnum, 1)
	while 1
		let [lnum, c, submatch] = searchpos(a:pattern, 'cpe' . s:zflag, a:lnum)
		if !submatch || c >= endcol | break | endif
		if !s:IsCommentOrString(lnum, c) | let x[submatch - 2] += 1 | endif
		if cursor(0, c + 1) == -1 || col('.') == c | break | endif
	return x

function! s:GetOpenCloseCount(lnum, pattern, ...)
	let counts = call('s:SubmatchCount', [a:lnum, a:pattern] + a:000)
	return counts[0] - counts[1]

function! GetMatlabIndent()
	let prevlnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)

	if b:MATLAB_lasttick != b:changedtick || b:MATLAB_lastline != prevlnum
		" Recalculate bracket count (only have to check same block and line above)
		let b:MATLAB_bracketlevel = 0
		let previndent = indent(prevlnum) | let l = prevlnum
		while 1
			let l = prevnonblank(l - 1) | let indent = indent(l)
			if l <= 0 || previndent < indent | break | endif
			let b:MATLAB_bracketlevel += s:GetOpenCloseCount(l, s:bracket_pair_pat)
			if previndent != indent | break | endif

		let b:MATLAB_waslc = s:IsLineContinuation(prevlnum - 1)
	" If line above was blank it can impossibly have been a LC
	let above_lc = b:MATLAB_lasttick == b:changedtick && prevlnum != v:lnum - 1 && b:MATLAB_lastline == prevlnum ? 0 : s:IsLineContinuation(v:lnum - 1)

	let pair_pat = '\C\<\(' . s:open_pat . '\|'
				\ . (b:MATLAB_function_indent == 1 ? '^\@<!' : '')
				\ . (b:MATLAB_function_indent >= 1 ? 'function\|' : '')
				\ . '\|\%(^\s*\)\@<=\%(else\|elseif\|case\|otherwise\|catch\)\)\>'
				\ . '\|\S\s*\zs\(' . s:end . '\)'
	let [open, close, b_open, b_close] = prevlnum ? s:SubmatchCount(prevlnum,
				\ pair_pat . '\|' . s:bracket_pair_pat) : [0, 0, 0, 0]
	let curbracketlevel = b:MATLAB_bracketlevel + b_open - b_close

	call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
	let submatch = search(s:dedent_pat, 'cp' . s:zflag, v:lnum)
	if submatch && !s:IsCommentOrString(v:lnum, col('.'))
		" Align end, et cetera with start of block
		let [lnum, col] = searchpairpos(s:start_pat, '',  '\C' . s:end, 'bW', 's:IsCommentOrString(line("."), col("."))')
		let result = lnum ? indent(lnum) + shiftwidth() * (s:GetOpenCloseCount(lnum, pair_pat, col) + submatch == 2) : 0
		" Count how many blocks the previous line opens/closes
		" Line continuations/brackets indent once per statement
		let result = (prevlnum > 0) * indent(prevlnum) + shiftwidth() * (open - close
					\ + (b:MATLAB_bracketlevel ? -!curbracketlevel : !!curbracketlevel)
					\ + (curbracketlevel <= 0) * (above_lc - b:MATLAB_waslc))

	let b:MATLAB_waslc = above_lc
	let b:MATLAB_bracketlevel = curbracketlevel
	let b:MATLAB_lasttick = b:changedtick
	let b:MATLAB_lastline = v:lnum
	return result

let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo