view src/testdir/ @ 6991:814f1f569e4a v7.4.813

patch 7.4.813 Problem: It is not possible to save and restore character search state. Solution: Add getcharsearch() and setcharsearch(). (James McCoy)
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Tue, 11 Aug 2015 14:26:19 +0200
parents 646616b6ff4d
line wrap: on
line source

Tests for adjusting window and contents     vim: set ft=vim :

:so small.vim
:call setline(1, range(1,256))
:let r=[]
:func! GetScreenStr(row)
:   let str = ""
:   for c in range(1,3)
:       let str .= nr2char(screenchar(a:row, c))
:   endfor
:   return str
:exe ":norm! \<C-W>t\<C-W>=1Gzt\<C-W>w\<C-W>+"
:let s3=GetScreenStr(1)
:wincmd p
:call add(r, [line("w0"), s3])
:exe ":norm! \<C-W>t\<C-W>=50Gzt\<C-W>w\<C-W>+"
:let s3=GetScreenStr(1)
:wincmd p
:call add(r, [line("w0"), s3])
:exe ":norm! \<C-W>t\<C-W>=59Gzt\<C-W>w\<C-W>+"
:let s3=GetScreenStr(1)
::wincmd p
:call add(r, [line("w0"), s3])
:call garbagecollect(1)
:/^start:/,$wq! test.out
