view src/testdir/ @ 4431:7d81f4e96728 v7.3.964

updated for version 7.3.964 Problem: Python: not so easy to access tab pages. Solution: Add window.tabpage, make window.number work with non-current tab pages. (ZyX)
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Fri, 17 May 2013 16:18:33 +0200
parents 0a94ac379769
children ebd94eabfd80
line wrap: on
line source

Tests for various python features.     vim: set ft=vim :

NOTE: This will cause errors when run under valgrind.
This would require recompiling Python with:
  ./configure --without-pymalloc

:so small.vim
:if !has('python') | e! test.ok | wq! test.out | endif
:lang C
:py import vim
:fun Test()
:let l = []
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py f=vim.bindeval('function("strlen")')
:" Extending List directly with different types
:py l.extend([1, "as'd", [1, 2, f, {'a': 1}]])
:$put =string(l)
:$put =string(l[-1])
:  $put =string(l[-4])
:  $put =v:exception[:13]
:" List assignment
:py l[0]=0
:$put =string(l)
:py l[-2]=f
:$put =string(l)
:" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
:let d = {}
:py d=vim.bindeval('d')
:py d['1']='asd'
:py d['b']=[1, 2, f]
:py d['-1']={'a': 1}
:let dkeys = []
:py dk=vim.bindeval('dkeys')
:py dkeys=d.keys()
:py dkeys.sort()
:py dk.extend(dkeys)
:$put =string(dkeys)
:for [key, val] in sort(items(d))
:  $put =string(key) . ' : ' . string(val)
:  unlet key val
:" removing items with del
:py del l[2]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = range(8)
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:   py del l[:3]
:   py del l[1:]
:   $put =v:exception
:$put =string(l)
:py del d['-1']
:$put =string(d)
:" removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:" The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list:
:py del l[2:1]
:$put =string(l)
:py del l[2:2]
:$put =string(l)
:py del l[2:3]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py del l[2:4]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py del l[2:5]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py del l[2:6]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:" The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list:
:py del l[-1:2]
:$put =string(l)
:py del l[-2:2]
:$put =string(l)
:py del l[-3:2]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py del l[-4:2]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py del l[-5:2]
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py del l[-6:2]
:$put =string(l)
:" Slice assignment to a list
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[0:0]=['a']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[1:2]=['b']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[2:4]=['c']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[4:4]=['d']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[-1:2]=['e']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[-10:2]=['f']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[2:-10]=['g']
:$put =string(l)
:let l = []
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l[0:0]=['h']
:$put =string(l)
:" Locked variables
:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:lockvar! l
:py l[2]='i'
:$put =string(l)
:unlockvar! l
:" Function calls
:function New(...)
:return ['NewStart']+a:000+['NewEnd']
:function DictNew(...) dict
:return ['DictNewStart']+a:000+['DictNewEnd', self]
:let l=[function('New'), function('DictNew')]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py l.extend(list(l[0](1, 2, 3)))
:$put =string(l)
:py l.extend(list(l[1](1, 2, 3, self={'a': 'b'})))
:$put =string(l)
:py l.extend([l[0].name])
:$put =string(l)
:   py l[1](1, 2, 3)
:   $put =v:exception[:16]
:delfunction New
:   py l[0](1, 2, 3)
:   $put =v:exception[:16]
:if has('float')
:   let l=[0.0]
:   py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:   py l.extend([0.0])
:   $put =string(l)
:   $put ='[0.0, 0.0]'
:let messages=[]
py <<EOF
def em(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
        exec(expr, g, l)

:$put =messages
:unlet messages
:" locked and scope attributes
:let d={} | let dl={} | lockvar dl
:for s in split("d dl v: g:")
:    let name=tr(s, ':', 's')
:    execute 'py '.name.'=vim.bindeval("'.s.'")'
:    let toput=s.' : '.join(map(['locked', 'scope'], 'v:val.":".pyeval(name.".".v:val)'), ';')
:    $put =toput
:silent! let
:silent! let
:py d.locked=True
:py dl.locked=False
:silent! let d.def=1
:silent! let dl.def=1
:put ='d:'.string(d)
:put ='dl:'.string(dl)
:unlet d dl
:let l=[] | let ll=[] | lockvar ll
:for s in split("l ll")
:    let name=tr(s, ':', 's')
:    execute 'py '.name.'=vim.bindeval("'.s.'")'
:    let toput=s.' : locked:'.pyeval(name.'.locked')
:    $put =toput
:silent! call extend(l, [0])
:silent! call extend(ll, [0])
:py l.locked=True
:py ll.locked=False
:silent! call extend(l, [1])
:silent! call extend(ll, [1])
:put ='l:'.string(l)
:put ='ll:'.string(ll)
:unlet l ll
:" pyeval()
:let l=pyeval('range(3)')
:$put =string(l)
:let d=pyeval('{"a": "b", "c": 1, "d": ["e"]}')
:$put =sort(items(d))
:if has('float')
:   let f=pyeval('0.0')
:   $put =string(f)
:   $put ='0.0'
:" Invalid values:
:for e in ['"\0"', '{"\0": 1}', 'undefined_name', 'vim']
:   try
:      let v=pyeval(e)
:   catch
:      let toput=e.":\t".v:exception[:13]
:      $put =toput
:   endtry
:" threading
:let l = [0]
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py <<EOF
import threading
import time

class T(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.t = 0
        self.running = True

    def run(self):
        while self.running:
            self.t += 1

t = T()
:sleep 1
:py t.running = False
:py t.join()
:py l[0] = t.t > 8  # check if the background thread is working
:$put =string(l)
:" settrace
:let l = []
:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
:py <<EOF
import sys

def traceit(frame, event, arg):
    global l
    if event == "line":
    return traceit

def trace_main():
    for i in range(5):
:py sys.settrace(traceit)
:py trace_main()
:py sys.settrace(None)
:$put =string(l)
:" Slice
:py ll = vim.bindeval('[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]')
:py l = ll[:4]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[2:]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[:-4]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[-2:]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[2:4]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[4:2]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[-4:-2]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[-2:-4]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[:]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[0:6]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:py l = ll[-10:10]
:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
:" Vars
:let g:foo = 'bac'
:let w:abc = 'def'
:let b:baz = 'bar'
:let t:bar = 'jkl'
:  throw "Abc"
:  put =pyeval('vim.vvars[''exception'']')
:put =pyeval('vim.vars[''foo'']')
:put =pyeval('vim.current.window.vars[''abc'']')
:put =pyeval('vim.current.buffer.vars[''baz'']')
:put =pyeval('vim.current.tabpage.vars[''bar'']')
:" Options
:" paste:          boolean, global
:" previewheight   number,  global
:" operatorfunc:   string,  global
:" number:         boolean, window-local
:" numberwidth:    number,  window-local
:" colorcolumn:    string,  window-local
:" statusline:     string,  window-local/global
:" autoindent:     boolean, buffer-local
:" shiftwidth:     number,  buffer-local
:" omnifunc:       string,  buffer-local
:" preserveindent: boolean, buffer-local/global
:" path:           string,  buffer-local/global
:let g:bufs=[bufnr('%')]
:let g:bufs+=[bufnr('%')]
:let g:bufs+=[bufnr('%')]
:wincmd j
:let g:bufs+=[bufnr('%')]
:wincmd l
:fun RecVars(opt)
:  let gval =string(eval('&g:'.a:opt))
:  let wvals=join(map(range(1, 4),  'v:val.":".string(getwinvar(v:val, "&".a:opt))'))
:  let bvals=join(map(copy(g:bufs), 'v:val.":".string(getbufvar(v:val, "&".a:opt))'))
:  put ='  G: '.gval
:  put ='  W: '.wvals
:  put ='  B: '.wvals
py << EOF
def e(s, g=globals(), l=locals()):
        exec(s, g, l)
        vim.command('throw ' + repr(sys.exc_type.__name__))

def ev(s, g=globals(), l=locals()):
        return eval(s, g, l)
        vim.command('throw ' + repr(sys.exc_type.__name__))
        return 0
:function E(s)
:   python e(vim.eval('a:s'))
:function Ev(s)
:   return pyeval('ev(vim.eval("a:s"))')
:py gopts1=vim.options
:py bopts1=vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[2]].options
:py bopts2=vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[1]].options
:py bopts3=vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[0]].options
:let lst=[]
:let lst+=[['paste',          1,     0,     1,     2,      1,    1,      0    ]]
:let lst+=[['previewheight',  5,     1,     6,     'a',    0,    1,      0    ]]
:let lst+=[['operatorfunc',   'A',   'B',   'C',   2,      0,    1,      0    ]]
:let lst+=[['number',         0,     1,     1,     0,      1,    0,      1    ]]
:let lst+=[['numberwidth',    2,     3,     5,     -100,   0,    0,      1    ]]
:let lst+=[['colorcolumn',    '+1',  '+2',  '+3',  'abc',  0,    0,      1    ]]
:let lst+=[['statusline',     '1',   '2',   '4',   0,      0,    1,      1    ]]
:let lst+=[['autoindent',     0,     1,     1,     2,      1,    0,      2    ]]
:let lst+=[['shiftwidth',     0,     2,     1,     3,      0,    0,      2    ]]
:let lst+=[['omnifunc',       'A',   'B',   'C',   1,      0,    0,      2    ]]
:let lst+=[['preserveindent', 0,     1,     1,     2,      1,    1,      2    ]]
:let lst+=[['path',           '.,,', ',,',  '.',   0,      0,    1,      2    ]]
:for       [oname,            oval1, oval2, oval3, invval, bool, global, local] in lst
:   py oname=vim.eval('oname')
:   py oval1=vim.bindeval('oval1')
:   py oval2=vim.bindeval('oval2')
:   py oval3=vim.bindeval('oval3')
:   if invval is 0 || invval is 1
:       py invval=bool(vim.bindeval('invval'))
:   else
:       py invval=vim.bindeval('invval')
:   endif
:   if bool
:       py oval1=bool(oval1)
:       py oval2=bool(oval2)
:       py oval3=bool(oval3)
:   endif
:   put ='>>> '.oname
:   for v in ['gopts1', 'wopts1', 'bopts1']
:       try
:           put ='  p/'.v.': '.Ev('repr('.v.'['''.oname.'''])')
:       catch
:           put ='  p/'.v.'! '.v:exception
:       endtry
:       try
:           call E(v.'["'.oname.'"]=invval')
:       catch
:           put ='  inv: '.string(invval).'! '.v:exception
:       endtry
:       for vv in (v is# 'gopts1' ? [v] : [v, v[:-2].'2', v[:-2].'3'])
:           let val=substitute(vv, '^.opts', 'oval', '')
:           try
:               call E(vv.'["'.oname.'"]='.val)
:           catch
:               put ='  '.vv.'! '.v:exception
:           endtry
:       endfor
:   endfor
:   call RecVars(oname)
:   for v in ['wopts3', 'bopts3']
:       try
:           call E('del '.v.'["'.oname.'"]')
:       catch
:           put ='  del '.v.'! '.v:exception
:       endtry
:   endfor
:   call RecVars(oname)
:for buf in g:bufs[1:]
:   execute 'bwipeout!' buf
:" Test buffer object
:put ='First line'
:put ='Second line'
:put ='Third line'
:1 delete _
:py b=vim.current.buffer
:wincmd w
:mark a
py << EOF
cb = vim.current.buffer
# Tests BufferAppend and BufferItem
# Tests BufferSlice and BufferAssSlice
cb.append('abc') # Will be overwritten
cb[-1:] = b[:-2]
# Test BufferLength and BufferAssSlice
cb.append('def') # Will not be overwritten
cb[len(cb):] = b[:]
# Test BufferAssItem and BufferMark
cb.append('ghi') # Will be overwritten
cb[-1] = repr((len(cb) - cb.mark('a')[0], cb.mark('a')[1]))
# Test BufferRepr
cb.append(repr(cb) + repr(b))
# Modify foreign buffer
vim.command('call append("$", getbufline(%i, 1, "$"))' % b.number)
# Test CheckBuffer
vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(b.number))
for expr in ('b[1]','b[:] = ["A", "B"]','b[:]','b.append("abc")'):
    except vim.error:
        # Usually a SEGV here
        # Should not happen in any case
        cb.append('No exception for ' + expr)
:" Test vim.buffers object
:set hidden
:edit a
:buffer #
:edit b
:buffer #
:edit c
:buffer #
py << EOF
# Check GCing iterator that was not fully exhausted
i = iter(vim.buffers)
cb.append('i:' + str(next(i)))
# and also check creating more then one iterator at a time
i2 = iter(vim.buffers)
cb.append('i2:' + str(next(i2)))
cb.append('i:' + str(next(i)))
# The following should trigger GC and not cause any problems
del i
del i2
i3 = iter(vim.buffers)
cb.append('i3:' + str(next(i3)))
del i3

prevnum = 0
for b in vim.buffers:
    # Check buffer order
    if prevnum >= b.number:
        cb.append('!!! Buffer numbers not in strictly ascending order')
    # Check indexing: vim.buffers[number].number == number
    cb.append(str(b.number) + ':' + repr(vim.buffers[b.number]) + '=' + repr(b))
    prevnum = b.number


bnums = list(map(lambda b: b.number, vim.buffers))[1:]

# Test wiping out buffer with existing iterator
i4 = iter(vim.buffers)
cb.append('i4:' + str(next(i4)))
vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(0)))
except vim.error:
    cb.append('!!!! No vim.error')
i4 = iter(vim.buffers)
vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(-1)))
vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(-1)))
cb.append('i4:' + str(next(i4)))
except StopIteration:
:" Test vim.{tabpage,window}list and vim.{tabpage,window} objects
:tabnew 0
:tabnew 1
:vnew a.1
:tabnew 2
:vnew a.2
:vnew b.2
:vnew c.2
py << EOF
cb.append('Number of tabs: ' + str(len(vim.tabpages)))
cb.append('Current tab pages:')
def W(w):
    if '(unknown)' in repr(w):
        return '<window object (unknown)>'
        return repr(w)
for t in vim.tabpages:
    cb.append('  ' + repr(t) + '(' + str(t.number) + ')' + ': ' + str(len( + ' windows, current is ' + W(t.window))
    cb.append('  Windows:')
    for w in
        cb.append('    ' + W(w) + '(' + str(w.number) + ')' + ': displays buffer ' + repr(w.buffer) + '; cursor is at ' + repr(w.cursor))
        # Other values depend on the size of the terminal, so they are checked partly:
        for attr in ('height', 'row', 'width', 'col'):
                aval = getattr(w, attr)
                if type(aval) is not long:
                    raise TypeError
                if aval < 0:
                    raise ValueError
            except Exception:
                cb.append('!!!!!! Error while getting attribute ' + attr + ': ' + sys.exc_type.__name__)
        w.cursor = (len(w.buffer), 0)
cb.append('Number of windows in current tab page: ' + str(len(
if list( != list(
    cb.append('!!!!!! Windows differ')
:" Test vim.current
py << EOF
def H(o):
    return repr(o)
cb.append('Current tab page: ' + repr(vim.current.tabpage))
cb.append('Current window: ' + repr(vim.current.window) + ': ' + H(vim.current.window) + ' is ' + H(vim.current.tabpage.window))
cb.append('Current buffer: ' + repr(vim.current.buffer) + ': ' + H(vim.current.buffer) + ' is ' + H(vim.current.window.buffer)+ ' is ' + H(vim.current.tabpage.window.buffer))
# Assigning: fails
    vim.current.window = vim.tabpages[0].window
except ValueError:
    cb.append('ValueError at assigning foreign tab window')

for attr in ('window', 'tabpage', 'buffer'):
        setattr(vim.current, attr, None)
    except TypeError:
        cb.append('Type error at assigning None to vim.current.' + attr)

# Assigning: success
vim.current.tabpage = vim.tabpages[-2]
vim.current.buffer = cb
vim.current.window =[0]
vim.current.window.cursor = (len(vim.current.buffer), 0)
cb.append('Current tab page: ' + repr(vim.current.tabpage))
cb.append('Current window: ' + repr(vim.current.window))
cb.append('Current buffer: ' + repr(vim.current.buffer))
cb.append('Current line: ' + repr(vim.current.line))
for b in vim.buffers:
    if b is not cb:
        vim.command('bwipeout! ' + b.number)
:call Test()
:delfunc Test
:call garbagecollect(1)
:/^start:/,$wq! test.out
:call getchar()
