view runtime/syntax/cupl.vim @ 21497:766839794e09 v8.2.1299

patch 8.2.1299: compiler warning for using size_t for int and void pointer Commit: Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sun Jul 26 15:55:25 2020 +0200 patch 8.2.1299: compiler warning for using size_t for int and void pointer Problem: Compiler warning for using size_t for int and void pointer. Solution: Add type casts.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sun, 26 Jul 2020 16:00:06 +0200
parents 46763b01cd9a
children 11b656e74444
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	CUPL
" Maintainer:	John Cook <>
" Last Change:	2011 Dec 27

" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" this language is oblivious to case.
syn case ignore

" A bunch of keywords
syn keyword cuplHeader name partno date revision rev designer company nextgroup=cuplHeaderContents
syn keyword cuplHeader assembly assy location device nextgroup=cuplHeaderContents

syn keyword cuplTodo contained TODO XXX FIXME

" cuplHeaderContents uses default highlighting except for numbers
syn match cuplHeaderContents ".\+;"me=e-1 contains=cuplNumber contained

" String contstants
syn region cuplString start=+'+ end=+'+
syn region cuplString start=+"+ end=+"+

syn keyword cuplStatement append condition
syn keyword cuplStatement default else
syn keyword cuplStatement field fld format function fuse
syn keyword cuplStatement group if jump loc
syn keyword cuplStatement macro min node out
syn keyword cuplStatement pin pinnode present table
syn keyword cuplStatement sequence sequenced sequencejk sequencers sequencet

syn keyword cuplFunction log2 log8 log16 log

" Valid integer number formats (decimal, binary, octal, hex)
syn match cuplNumber "\<[-+]\=[0-9]\+\>"
syn match cuplNumber "'d'[0-9]\+\>"
syn match cuplNumber "'b'[01x]\+\>"
syn match cuplNumber "'o'[0-7x]\+\>"
syn match cuplNumber "'h'[0-9a-fx]\+\>"

" operators
syn match cuplLogicalOperator "[!#&$]"
syn match cuplArithmeticOperator "[-+*/%]"
syn match cuplArithmeticOperator "\*\*"
syn match cuplAssignmentOperator ":\=="
syn match cuplEqualityOperator ":"
syn match cuplTruthTableOperator "=>"

" Signal extensions
syn match cuplExtension "\.[as][pr]\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.oe\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.oemux\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.[dlsrjk]\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.ck\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.dq\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.ckmux\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.tec\>"
syn match cuplExtension "\.cnt\>"

syn match cuplRangeOperator "\.\." contained

" match ranges like memadr:[0000..1FFF]
" and highlight both the numbers and the .. operator
syn match cuplNumberRange "\<\x\+\.\.\x\+\>" contains=cuplRangeOperator

" match vectors of type [name3..0] (decimal numbers only)
" but assign them no special highlighting except for the .. operator
syn match cuplBitVector "\<\a\+\d\+\.\.\d\+\>" contains=cuplRangeOperator

" other special characters
syn match cuplSpecialChar "[\[\](){},;]"

" directives
" (define these after cuplOperator so $xxx overrides $)
syn match cuplDirective "\$msg"
syn match cuplDirective "\$macro"
syn match cuplDirective "\$mend"
syn match cuplDirective "\$repeat"
syn match cuplDirective "\$repend"
syn match cuplDirective "\$define"
syn match cuplDirective "\$include"

" multi-line comments
syn region cuplComment start=+/\*+ end=+\*/+ contains=cuplNumber,cuplTodo

syn sync minlines=1

" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet

" The default highlighting.
hi def link cuplHeader	cuplStatement
hi def link cuplLogicalOperator	 cuplOperator
hi def link cuplRangeOperator	 cuplOperator
hi def link cuplArithmeticOperator cuplOperator
hi def link cuplAssignmentOperator cuplOperator
hi def link cuplEqualityOperator	 cuplOperator
hi def link cuplTruthTableOperator cuplOperator
hi def link cuplOperator	cuplStatement
hi def link cuplFunction	cuplStatement
hi def link cuplStatement Statement
hi def link cuplNumberRange cuplNumber
hi def link cuplNumber	  cuplString
hi def link cuplString	String
hi def link cuplComment	Comment
hi def link cuplExtension   cuplSpecial
hi def link cuplSpecialChar cuplSpecial
hi def link cuplSpecial	Special
hi def link cuplDirective PreProc
hi def link cuplTodo	Todo

let b:current_syntax = "cupl"

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

" vim:ts=8