view runtime/syntax/esqlc.vim @ 34232:47385c831d92 v9.1.0061

patch 9.1.0061: UX of visual highlighting can be improved Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Sun Jan 28 23:33:29 2024 +0100 patch 9.1.0061: UX of visual highlighting can be improved Problem: UX of visual highlighting can be improved Solution: Improve readibility of visual highlighting, by setting better foreground and background colors The default visual highlighting currently is nice in that it overlays the actual syntax highlighting by using a separate distinct background color. However, this can cause hard to read text, because the contrast between the actual syntax element and the background color is way too low. That is an issue, that has been bothering colorschemes authors for quite some time so much, that they are defining the Visual highlighting group to use a separate foreground and background color, so that the syntax highlighting vanishes, but the text remains readable (ref: vim/colorschemes#250) So this is an attempt to perform the same fix for the default Visual highlighting and just use a default foreground and background color instead of using reverse. I also removed the hard-coded changes to the Visual highlighting in init_highlight. It's not quite clear to me, why those were there and not added directly to the highlighting_init_<dark|light> struct. closes: #13663 related: vim/colorschemes#250 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 28 Jan 2024 23:39:23 +0100
parents 46763b01cd9a
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	ESQL-C
" Maintainer:	Jonathan A. George <>
" Last Change:	2001 May 09

" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")

" Read the C++ syntax to start with
runtime! syntax/cpp.vim

" ESQL-C extentions

syntax keyword esqlcPreProc	EXEC SQL INCLUDE

syntax case ignore

syntax keyword esqlcPreProc	begin end declare section database open execute
syntax keyword esqlcPreProc	prepare fetch goto continue found sqlerror work

syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	access add as asc by check cluster column
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	compress connect current decimal
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	desc exclusive file from group
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	having identified immediate increment index
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	initial into is level maxextents mode modify
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	nocompress nowait of offline on online start
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	successful synonym table then to trigger uid
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	unique user validate values view whenever
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	where with option order pctfree privileges
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	public resource row rowlabel rownum rows
syntax keyword esqlcKeyword	session share size smallint

syntax keyword esqlcOperator	not and or
syntax keyword esqlcOperator	in any some all between exists
syntax keyword esqlcOperator	like escape
syntax keyword esqlcOperator	intersect minus
syntax keyword esqlcOperator	prior distinct
syntax keyword esqlcOperator	sysdate

syntax keyword esqlcStatement	alter analyze audit comment commit create
syntax keyword esqlcStatement	delete drop explain grant insert lock noaudit
syntax keyword esqlcStatement	rename revoke rollback savepoint select set
syntax keyword esqlcStatement	truncate update

" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet

hi def link esqlcOperator	Operator
hi def link esqlcStatement	Statement
hi def link esqlcKeyword	esqlcSpecial
hi def link esqlcSpecial	Special
hi def link esqlcPreProc	PreProc

let b:current_syntax = "esqlc"