view runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt @ 138:451ae9ddfa22

updated for version 7.0045
author vimboss
date Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:31:44 +0000
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*pi_netrw.txt*  For Vim version 6.3.  Last change: Oct 08, 2004

		VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

*dav*           *http*          *network*       *rcp*           *scp*
*fetch*         *netrw*         *Nread*         *rsync*         *sftp*
*ftp*           *netrw.vim*     *Nwrite*        *netrw-file*

0. Contents						*netrw-contents*

1.  Netrw Reference.....................................|netrw-ref|
2.  Network-Oriented File Transfer......................|netrw-xfer|
3.  Activation..........................................|netrw-activate|
4.  Transparent File Transfer...........................|netrw-transparent|
5.  Ex Commands.........................................|netrw-ex|
6.  Variables and Options...............................|netrw-var|
7.  Directory Browser...................................|netrw-browse|
8.  Problems and Fixes..................................|netrw-problems|
9.  Debugging...........................................|netrw-debug|
10. History.............................................|netrw-history|
11. Credits.............................................|netrw-credits|

The functionality mentioned here is done via using |standard-plugin|
techniques.  This plugin is only available if

	set nocp                    " 'compatible' is not set
	filetype plugin on          " plugins are enabled

You can avoid loading this plugin by setting the "loaded_netrw" variable
in your <.vimrc> file: >

	:let loaded_netrw = 1

{Vi does not have any of this}

1. Netrw Reference						*netrw-ref*

	let g:netrw_ftp =0 use ftp (default)		     (uid password)
			=1 use alternate ftp method	(user uid password)
	  If you're having trouble with ftp, try changing the value
	  of this variable in your <.vimrc> to change methods

	let g:netrw_ignorenetrc= 1
	  If you have a <.netrc> file but it doesn't work and you
	  want it ignored, then set this variable as shown.  Its mere
	  existence is enough to cause <.netrc> to be ignored.

	Controlling External Applications

	 Protocol  Variable	     Default Value
	 --------  ----------------  -------------
	    dav:    g:netrw_dav_cmd  = "cadaver"
	  fetch:  g:netrw_fetch_cmd  = "fetch -o"
	    ftp:    g:netrw_ftp_cmd  = "ftp"
           http:   g:netrw_http_cmd  = "fetch -o"    if fetch is available
	   http:   g:netrw_http_cmd  = "wget -q -O"  If wget  is available
	    rcp:    g:netrw_rcp_cmd  = "rcp"
	  rsync:  g:netrw_rsync_cmd  = "rsync -a"
	    scp:    g:netrw_scp_cmd  = "scp -q"
	   sftp:   g:netrw_sftp_cmd  = "sftp"

    READING					*netrw-read* *netrw-nread*
	:Nread ?					give help
	:Nread "machine:path"				uses rcp
	:Nread "machine path"				uses ftp   with <.netrc>
	:Nread "machine id password path"		uses ftp
	:Nread "dav://machine[:port]/path"		uses cadaver
	:Nread "fetch://[user@]machine/path"		uses fetch
	:Nread "ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"	uses ftp   autodetects <.netrc>
	:Nread "http://[user@]machine/path"		uses http  uses wget
	:Nread "rcp://[user@]machine/path"		uses rcp
	:Nread "rsync://[user@]machine[:port]/path"	uses rsync
	:Nread "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"	uses scp
	:Nread "sftp://[user@]machine/path"		uses sftp

    WRITING					*netrw-write* *netrw-nwrite*
	:Nwrite ?    					give help
	:Nwrite "machine:path"				uses rcp
	:Nwrite "machine path"				uses ftp   with <.netrc>
	:Nwrite "machine id password path"		uses ftp
	:Nwrite "dav://machine[:port]/path"		uses cadaver
	:Nwrite "ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"	uses ftp   autodetects <.netrc>
	:Nwrite "rcp://[user@]machine/path"		uses rcp
	:Nwrite "rsync://[user@]machine[:port]/path"	uses rsync
	:Nwrite "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"	uses scp
	:Nwrite "sftp://[user@]machine/path"		uses sftp
	http: not supported!

	:Nread [protocol]://[user]@hostname/path/

	Attempts to use ftp will prompt you for a user-id and a password.
	These will be saved in g:netrw_uid and g:netrw_passwd Subsequent uses
	of ftp will re-use those.  If you need to use a different user id
	and/or password, you'll want to call NetUserPass() first.

	:NetUserPass [uid [password]]		-- prompts as needed
	:call NetUserPass()			-- prompts for uid and password
	:call NetUserPass("uid")		-- prompts for password
	:call NetUserPass("uid","password")	-- sets global uid and password

    VARIABLES						*netrw-variables*
	b:netrw_lastfile last file Network-read/written retained on
			  a per-buffer basis		(supports plain :Nw )
	s:netrw_line	  during Nw/NetWrite, holds current line   number
	s:netrw_col	  during Nw/NetWrite, holds current column number
			  s:netrw_line and s:netrw_col are used to
			  restore the cursor position on writes
	g:netrw_ftp	  if it doesn't exist, use default ftp
			  =0 use default ftp		       (uid password)
			  =1 use alternate ftp method	  (user uid password)
	g:netrw_ftpmode   ="binary"				    (default)
	g:netrw_uid	  (ftp) user-id,      retained on a per-session basis
	g:netrw_passwd	  (ftp) password,     retained on a per-session basis
	g:netrw_win95ftp  =1 if using Win95, will remove four trailing blank
	                     lines that o/s's ftp "provides" on transfers
			  =0 force normal ftp behavior (no trailing line
	g:netrw_cygwin	  =1 assume scp under windows is from cygwin
	                     Also permits network browsing to use
			     ls with time and size sorting
							 (default if windows)
			  =0 assume Windows' scp accepts windows-style paths
			     Network browsing uses dir instead of ls
			  This option is ignored if you're using unix
	g:netrw_use_nt_rcp=0 don't use the rcp of WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP
			  =1 use WinNT's rcp in binary mode         (default)

    PATHS							*netrw-path*

	Paths to files are generally user-directory relative for most protocols.
	It is possible that some protocol will make paths relative to some
	associated directory, however.

		example:  vim scp://user@host/somefile
		example:  vim scp://user@host/subdir1/subdir2/somefile
	where "somefile" is the "user"'s home directory.  If you wish to get a
	file using root-relative paths, use the full path:

		example:  vim scp://user@host//somefile
		example:  vim scp://user@host//subdir1/subdir2/somefile

2. Network-Oriented File Transfer				*netrw-xfer*

Network-oriented file transfer under Vim is implemented by a VimL-based script
(<netrw.vim>) using plugin techniques.  It currently supports both reading
and writing across networks using rcp, scp, ftp or ftp+<.netrc>, scp, fetch,
dav/cadaver, rsync, or sftp.

http is currently supported read-only via use of wget or fetch.

<netrw.vim> is a standard plugin which acts as glue between Vim and the
various file transfer programs.  It uses autocommand events (BufReadCmd,
FileReadCmd, BufWriteCmd) to intercept reads/writes with url-like filenames. >

	ex. vim ftp://hostname/path/to/file
The characters preceding the colon specify the protocol to use;
in the example, its ftp.  The <netrw.vim> script then formulates
a command or a series of commands (typically ftp) which it issues
to an external program (ftp, scp, etc) which does the actual file
transfer/protocol.  Files are read from/written to a temporary file
(under Unix/Linux, /tmp/...) which the <netrw.vim> script will
clean up.

One may modify any protocol's implementing external application
by setting a variable (ex. scp uses the variable g:netrw_scp_cmd,
which is defaulted to "scp -q").

Ftp, an old protocol, seems to be blessed by numerous implementations.
Unfortunately, some implementations are noisy (ie., add junk to the end
of the file).  Thus, concerned users may decide to write a NetReadFixup()
function that will clean up after reading with their ftp.  Some Unix systems
(ie., FreeBSD) provide a utility called "fetch" which uses the ftp protocol
but is not noisy and more convenient, actually, for <netrw.vim> to use.
Consequently, if "fetch" is executable, it will be used to do reads for
ftp://... (and http://...) .  See |netrw-var| for more about this.

For rcp, scp, sftp, and http, one may use network-oriented file transfers
transparently; ie.
	vim rcp://[user@]machine/path
	vim scp://[user@]machine/path
If your ftp supports <.netrc>, then it too can be just as transparently used
if the needed triad of machine name, user id, and password are present in
that file.  Your ftp must be able to use the <.netrc> file on its own, however.
	vim ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]portnumber]/path
However, ftp will often need to query the user for the userid and password.
The latter will be done "silently"; ie. asterisks will show up instead of
the actually-typed-in password.  Netrw will retain the userid and password
for subsequent read/writes from the most recent transfer so subsequent
transfers (read/write) to or from that machine will take place without
additional prompting.

  |  Reading                        | Writing                    |  Uses      |
  | DAV:                            |                            |            |
  |  dav://host/path                |                            | cadaver    |
  |  :Nread dav://host/path         | :Nwrite dav://host/path    | cadaver    |
  | FETCH:                          |                            |            |
  |  fetch://[user@]host/path       |                            |            |
  |  fetch://[user@]host:http/path  |  Not Available             | fetch      |
  |  :Nread fetch://[user@]host/path|                            |            |
  | FILE:                           |                            |            |
  |  file:///*                      | file:///*                  |            |
  |  file://localhost/*             | file://localhost/*         |            |
  | FTP:          (*3)              |              (*3)          |            |
  |  ftp://[user@]host/path         | ftp://[user@]host/path     | ftp  (*2)  |
  |  :Nread ftp://host/path         | :Nwrite ftp://host/path    | ftp+.netrc |
  |  :Nread host path               | :Nwrite host path          | ftp+.netrc |
  |  :Nread host uid pass path      | :Nwrite host uid pass path | ftp        |
  | HTTP: wget is executable: (*4)  |                            |            |
  |  http://[user@]host/path        |        Not Available       | wget       |
  | HTTP: fetch is executable (*4)  |                            |            |
  |  http://[user@]host/path        |        Not Available       | fetch      |
  | RCP:                            |                            |            |
  |  rcp://[user@]host/path         | rcp://[user@]host/path     | rcp        |
  | RSYNC:                          |                            |            |
  |  rsync://[user@]host/path       | rsync://[user@]host/path   | rsync      |
  |  :Nread rsync://host/path       | :Nwrite rsync://host/path  | rsync      |
  |  :Nread rcp://host/path         | :Nwrite rcp://host/path    | rcp        |
  | SCP:                            |                            |            |
  |  scp://[user@]host/path         | scp://[user@]host/path     | scp        |
  |  :Nread scp://host/path         | :Nwrite scp://host/path    | scp  (*1)  |
  | SFTP:                           |                            |            |
  |  sftp://[user@]host/path        | sftp://[user@]host/path    | sftp       |
  |  :Nread sftp://host/path        | :Nwrite sftp://host/path   | sftp  (*1) |

	(*1) For an absolute path use scp://machine//path.

	(*2) if <.netrc> is present, it is assumed that it will
	work with your ftp client.  Otherwise the script will
	prompt for user-id and pasword.

        (*3) for ftp, "machine" may be machine#port or machine:port
	if a different port is needed than the standard ftp port

	(*4) for http:..., if wget is available it will be used.  Otherwise,
	if fetch is available it will be used.

Both the :Nread and the :Nwrite ex-commands can accept multiple filenames.

NETRC							*netrw-netrc*

The typical syntax for lines in a <.netrc> file is given as shown below.
Ftp under Unix usually support <.netrc>; Windows' ftp usually doesn't.
	machine {full machine name} login {user-id} password "{password}"
	default login {user-id} password "{password}"

Your ftp client must handle the use of <.netrc> on its own, but if the
<.netrc> file exists, an ftp transfer will not ask for the user-id or

	Since this file contains passwords, make very sure nobody else can
	read this file!  Most programs will refuse to use a .netrc that is
	readable for others.  Don't forget that the system administrator can
	still read the file!

PASSWORD						*netrw-passwd*

The script attempts to get passwords for ftp invisibly using |inputsecret()|,
a built-in Vim function.  See |netrw-uidpass| for how to change the password
after one has set it.

Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a way for netrw to feed a password
to scp.  Thus every transfer via scp will require re-entry of the password.

3. Activation						*netrw-activate*

Network-oriented file transfers are available by default whenever
|'nocompatible'| mode is enabled.  The <netrw.vim> file resides in your
system's vim-plugin directory and is sourced automatically whenever you
bring up vim.

4. Transparent File Transfer				*netrw-transparent*

Transparent file transfers occur whenever a regular file read or write
(invoked via an |:autocmd| for |BufReadCmd| or |BufWriteCmd| events) is made.
Thus one may use files across networks as if they were local. >

	vim ftp://[user@]machine/path

5. Ex Commands						*netrw-ex*

The usual read/write commands are supported.  There are also a couple of
additional commands available.

:[range]Nw	Write the specified lines to the current
		file as specified in b:netrw_lastfile.

:[range]Nw {netfile} [{netfile}]...
		Write the specified lines to the {netfile}.

		Read the specified lines into the current
		buffer from the file specified in

:Nread {netfile} {netfile}...
		Read the {netfile} after the current line.

:call NetUserPass()
		If b:netrw_uid and b:netrw_passwd don't exist,
		this function query the user for them.

:call NetUserPass("userid")
		This call will set the b:netrw_uid and, if
		the password doesn't exist, will query the user for it.

:call NetUserPass("userid","passwd")
		This call will set both the b:netrw_uid and b:netrw_passwd.
		The user-id and password are used by ftp transfers.  One may
		effectively remove the user-id and password by using ""

6. Variables and Options       			*netrw-options* *netrw-var*

The script <netrw.vim> uses several variables which can affect <netrw.vim>'s
behavior.  These variables typically may be set in the user's <.vimrc> file:
                           	Netrw Options
	Option			Meaning
	--------------		-----------------------------------------------
        b:netrw_col             Holds current cursor position (during NetWrite)
        g:netrw_cygwin          =1 assume scp under windows is from cygwin
                                =0 assume scp under windows accepts windows
                                   style paths                (default/else)
        g:netrw_ftp             =0 use default ftp            (uid password)
        g:netrw_ftpmode         ="binary"                     (default)
                                ="ascii"                      (your choice)
	g:netrw_ignorenetrc     =1                            (default)
	                           if you have a <.netrc> file but you don't
				   want it used, then set this variable.  Its
				   mere existence is enough to cause <.netrc>
				   to be ignored.
        b:netrw_lastfile        Holds latest method/machine/path.
        b:netrw_line            Holds current line number     (during NetWrite)
        g:netrw_passwd          Holds current password for ftp.
	g:netrw_silent          =0 transfers done normally
	                        =1 transfers done silently
        g:netrw_uid             Holds current user-id for ftp.
                                =1 use alternate ftp          (user uid password)
                                (see |netrw-options|)
        g:netrw_use_nt_rcp      =0 don't use WinNT/2K/XP's rcp (default)
                                =1 use WinNT/2K/XP's rcp, binary mode
        g:netrw_win95ftp        =0 use unix-style ftp even if win95/98/ME/etc
                                =1 use default method to do ftp >
The script will also make use of the following variables internally, albeit
			     Temporary Variables
	Variable		Meaning
	--------		------------------------------------
	g:netrw_method		Index indicating rcp/ftp+.netrc/ftp
	g:netrw_machine		Holds machine name parsed from input
	g:netrw_fname		Holds filename being accessed >

Netrw supports a number of protocols.  These protocols are invoked using the
variables listed below, and may be modified by the user.
                           Protocol Control Options
    Option            Type        Setting         Meaning
    ---------         --------    --------------  ---------------------------
    netrw_ftp         variable    =doesn't exist  userid set by "user userid"
                                  =0              userid set by "user userid"
                                  =1              userid set by "userid"
    NetReadFixup      function    =doesn't exist  no change
                                  =exists         Allows user to have files
                                                  read via ftp automatically
                                                  transformed however they wish
                                                  by NetReadFixup()
    g:netrw_dav_cmd    variable   ="cadaver"
    g:netrw_fetch_cmd  variable   ="fetch -o"
    g:netrw_ftp_cmd    variable   ="ftp"
    g:netrw_http_cmd   variable   ="fetch -o" else if fetch is executable
    g:netrw_http_cmd   variable   ="wget -O"  if      wget  is executable
    g:netrw_list_cmd   variable   ="ssh HOSTNAME ls -Fa"
    g:netrw_rcp_cmd    variable   ="rcp"
    g:netrw_rsync_cmd  variable   ="rsync -a"
    g:netrw_scp_cmd    variable   ="scp -q"
    g:netrw_sftp_cmd   variable   ="sftp" >
The first two options both help with certain ftp's that give trouble otherwise.
In order to best understand how to use these options if ftp is giving you
troubles, a bit of discussion follows on how netrw does ftp reads.

The g:netrw_..._cmd variables specify the external program to use handle
the associated protocol (rcp, ftp, etc), plus any options.

The g:netrw_list_cmd's HOSTNAME entry will be changed via substitution with
whatever the current request is for a hostname.

For ftp, netrw typically builds up lines of one of the following formats in a
temporary file:
  IF g:netrw_ftp !exists or is not 1     IF g:netrw_ftp exists and is 1
  ----------------------------------     ------------------------------
       open machine [port]                    open machine [port]
       user userid password                   userid password
       [g:netrw_ftpmode]                      password
       get filename tempfile                  [g:netrw_ftpmode]
                                              get filename tempfile >
Netrw then executes the lines above by use of a filter:
	:%! {g:netrw_ftp_cmd} -i [-n]

	g:netrw_ftp_cmd is usually "ftp",
	-i tells ftp not to be interactive
	-n means don't use netrc and is used for Method #3 (ftp w/o <.netrc>)

If <.netrc> exists it will be used to avoid having to query the user for
userid and password.  The transferred file is put into a temporary file.
The temporary file is then read into the main editing session window that
requested it and the temporary file deleted.

If your ftp doesn't accept the "user" command and immediately just demands
a userid, then try putting "let netrw_ftp=1" in your <.vimrc>.

To handle the SSL certificate dialog for untrusted servers, one may pull
down the certificate and place it into /usr/ssl/cert.pem.  This operation
renders the server treatment as "trusted".

If your ftp for whatever reason generates unwanted lines (such as AUTH
messages) you may write a NetReadFixup(tmpfile) function:
    function! NetReadFixup(method,line1,line2)
      " a:line1: first new line in current file
      " a:line2: last  new line in current file
      if     a:method == 1 "rcp
      elseif a:method == 2 "ftp + <.netrc>
      elseif a:method == 3 "ftp + machine,uid,password,filename
      elseif a:method == 4 "scp
      elseif a:method == 5 "http/wget
      elseif a:method == 6 "dav/cadaver
      elseif a:method == 7 "rsync
      elseif a:method == 8 "fetch
      elseif a:method == 9 "sftp
      else               " complain
The NetReadFixup() function will be called if it exists and thus allows
you to customize your reading process.  As a further example, <netrw.vim>
contains just such a function to handle Windows 95 ftp.  For whatever
reason, Windows 95's ftp dumps four blank lines at the end of a transfer,
and so it is desirable to automate their removal.  Here's some code taken
from <netrw.vim> itself:
    if has("win95") && g:netrw_win95ftp
     fun! NetReadFixup(method, line1, line2)
       if method == 3   " ftp (no <.netrc>)
        let fourblanklines= line2 - 3
        silent fourblanklines.",".line2."g/^\s*/d"

7. Directory Browser	*netrw-browse* *netrw-dir* *netrw-list* *netrw-help*
     <del>......Deleting Files or Directories...........|netrw-delete|
     -..........Going Up................................|netrw--|
     a..........Hiding Files or Directories.............|netrw-a|
     b..........Bookmarking a Directory.................|netrw-b|
     B..........Changing to a Bookmarked Directory......|netrw-B|
     c..........Make Browsing Directory The Current Dir.|netrw-c|
     d..........Make A New Directory....................|netrw-d|
     D..........Deleting Files or Directories...........|netrw-D|
     <c-h>......Edit File/Directory Hiding List.........|netrw-h|
     i..........Long Listing............................|netrw-i|
     <c-l>......Refreshing the Listing..................|netrw-ctrl-l|
     o..........Browsing with a Horizontal Split........|netrw-o|
     p..........Preview Window..........................|netrw-p|
     q..........Listing Bookmarks and History...........|netrw-q|
     r..........Reversing Sorting Order.................|netrw-r|
     R..........Renaming Files or Directories...........|netrw-R|
     s..........Selecting Sorting Style.................|netrw-s|
     S..........Editing the Sorting Sequence............|netrw-S|
     u..........Changing to a Predecessor Directory.....|netrw-u|
     U..........Changing to a Successor Directory.......|netrw-U|
     v..........Browsing with a Vertical Split..........|netrw-v|
     x..........Customizing Browsing....................|netrw-x|

QUICK REFERENCE COMMANDS TABLE     			*netrw-browse-cmds*
        -------	-----------
	Command	Explanation
        -------	-----------
<          ?	Causes Netrw to issue help
	 <cr>	Netrw will enter the directory or read the file
	 <del>	Netrw will attempt to remove the file/directory
	   d	Make a directory
	   D	Netrw will attempt to remove the file(s)/directory(ies)
	   R	Netrw will attempt to rename the file(s)/directory(ies)
	   -	Makes Netrw go up one directory
	   a	Toggles between normal display,
	    	hiding (suppress display of files matching g:netrw_list_hide)
	    	showing (display only files which match g:netrw_list_hide)
	   c	Make current browsing directory the current directory
	 <c-h>	Edit file hiding list
	   i	Toggles between long and short listing
	 <c-l>	Causes Netrw to refresh the directory listing
	   o	Enter the file/directory under the cursor in a new browser
	   	window.  A horizontal split is used.
	   r	Reverse sorting order
	   s	Select sorting style: by name, time, or file size
	   v	Enter the file/directory under the cursor in a new browser
	   	window.  A vertical split is used.
	   x	Apply a function to a file.

NETRW BROWSER VARIABLES					*netrw-browse-var*
	---				-----------
	Var				Explanation
	---				-----------
<	g:netrw_alto			change from above splitting to
					below splitting by setting this
					variable (see |netrw-o|)
	g:netrw_altv			change from left splitting to
					right splitting by setting this
					variable (see |netrw-v|)
	g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject	ftp can produce a number of errors
					and warnings that can show up as
					"directories" and "files" in the
					listing.  This pattern is used to
					remove such embedded messages.
	g:netrw_keepdir			=1 (default) keep current directory
					immune from the browsing directory.
					=0 keep the current directory the
					same as the browsing directory.
					The browsing directory is contained in
	g:netrw_list_cmd		command for listing remote directories
	g:netrw_longlist		if =1, then long listing will be default
	g:netrw_ftp_list_cmd		options for passing along to ftp for
					directory listing.  Defaults:
					 unix or g:netrw_cygwin set: : "ls -lF"
					 otherwise                     "dir"
	g:netrw_list_hide		comma separated list of patterns for
					hiding files
	g:netrw_local_mkdir		command for making a local directory
	g:netrw_local_rmdir		remove directory command (rmdir)
	g:netrw_local_rename		rename file/directory command
					unix-default: rm    win32-default: ren
	g:netrw_maxfilenamelen		=32 by default, selected so as to make
					long listings fit on 80 column displays.
					If your screen is wider, and you have
					file/directory names longer than 32 bytes,
					you may set this option to keep listings
	g:netrw_mkdir_cmd		command for making a remote directory
	g:netrw_rm_cmd			command for removing files
	g:netrw_rmdir_cmd		command for removing directories
	g:netrw_rmf_cmd			command for removing softlinks
	g:netrw_hide			if true, the hiding list is used
	g:netrw_sort_by			sort by "name", "time", or "size"
	g:netrw_sort_direction		sorting direction: "normal" or "reverse"
	g:netrw_sort_sequence		when sorting by name, first sort by the
					comma-separated pattern sequence
	g:netrw_timefmt			specify format string to strftime() (%c)
	g:netrw_winsize			specify initial size of new o/v windows


Netrw supports the browsing of directories on the local system and on remote
hosts, including generating listing directories, entering directories, editing
files therein, deleting files/directories, making new directories, and moving
(renaming) files and directories.  The Netrw browser generally implements the
previous explorer maps and commands for remote directories, although details
(such as pertinent global variable names) necessarily differ.

The Netrw remote file and directory browser handles two protocols: ssh and
ftp.  The protocol in the url, if it is ftp, will cause netrw to use ftp
in its remote browsing.  Any other protocol will be used for file transfers,
but otherwise the ssh protocol will be used to do remote directory browsing.

To enter the netrw directory browser, simply attempt to read a "file" with a
trailing slash and it will be interpreted as a request to list a directory:

	vim [protocol]://[user@]hostname/path/

If you'd like to avoid entering the password in for directory listings, scp,
ssh interaction, etc, see |netrw-list-hack|.

REFRESHING THE LISTING					*netrw-ctrl-l*

To refresh either a local or remote directory listing, press ctrl-l (<c-l>) or
hit the <cr> when atop the ./ directory entry in the listing.  One may also
refresh a local directory by using ":e .".

GOING UP						*netrw--*

To go up a directory, press - or his the <cr> when atop the ../ directory
entry in the listing.

Netrw will modify the command in *g:netrw_list_cmd* to perform the directory
listing operation.  By default the command is:

	ssh HOSTNAME ls -FLa

where the HOSTNAME becomes the [user@]hostname as requested by the attempt to
read.  Naturally, the user may override this command with whatever is
preferred.  The NetList function which implements remote directory browsing
expects that directories will be flagged by a trailing slash.

BROWSING 							*netrw-cr*

Browsing is simple: move the cursor onto a file or directory of interest.
Hitting the <cr> (the return key) will select the file or directory.
Directories will themselves be listed, and files will be opened using the
protocol given in the original read request.

LONG VS SHORT LISTING						*netrw-i*

The short listing format gives just the files' and directories' names.
The long listing is either based on the "ls" command via ssh for remote
directories or displays the filename, file size (in bytes), and the
time and date of last modification for local directories.


With the "d" map one may make a new directory either remotely (which
depends on the global variable g:netrw_mkdir_cmd) or locally (which depends on
the global variable g:netrw_local_mkdir).  Netrw will issue a request for the
new directory's name.  A bare <CR> at that point will abort the making of the
directory.  Attempts to make a local directory that already exists (as either
a file or a directory) will be detected, reported on, and ignored.

DELETING FILES OR DIRECTORIES			*netrw-delete* *netrw-D*

Deleting/removing files and directories involves moving the cursor to the
file/directory to be deleted and pressing "D".  Directories must be empty first
before they can be successfully removed.  If the directory is a softlink to a
directory, then netrw will make two requests to remove the directory before
succeeding.  Netrw will ask for confirmation before doing the removal(s).
You may select a range of lines with the "V" command (visual selection),
and then pressing "D".

The g:netrw_rm_cmd, g:netrw_rmf_cmd, and g:netrw_rmdir_cmd variables are used
to control the attempts to remove files and directories.  The g:netrw_rm_cmd
is used with files, and its default value is:

	g:netrw_rm_cmd: ssh HOSTNAME rm

The g:netrw_rmdir_cmd variable is used to support the removal of directories.
Its default value is:

	g:netrw_rmdir_cmd: ssh HOSTNAME rmdir

If removing a directory fails with g:netrw_rmdir_cmd, netrw then will attempt
to remove it again using the g:netrw_rmf_cmd variable.  Its default value is:

	g:netrw_rmf_cmd: ssh HOSTNAME rm -f

RENAMING FILES OR DIRECTORIES		*netrw-move* *netrw-rename* *netrw-R*

Renaming/moving files and directories involves moving the cursor to the
file/directory to be moved (renamed) and pressing "R".  You will then be
queried for where you want the file/directory to be moved.  You may select a
range of lines with the "V" command (visual selection), and then pressing "R".

The g:netrw_rename_cmd variable is used to implement renaming.  By default its
value is:

	ssh HOSTNAME mv

One may rename a block of files and directories by selecting them with
the V (|linewise-visual|).

HIDING FILES OR DIRECTORIES		*g:netrw-a* *g:netrw_list_hide*

Netrw's browsing facility allows one to use the hiding list in one of
three ways: ignore it, hide files which match, and show only those files
which match.  The g:netrw_list_hide variable holds a comma delimited list
of patterns (ex. \.obj) which specify the hiding list. (also see |netrw-h|)


The "<ctrl-h>" map brings up a requestor allowing the user to change the
file/directory hiding list.  The hiding list consists of one or more patterns
delimited by commas.  Files and/or directories satisfying these patterns will
either be hidden (ie. not shown) or be the only ones displayed (see |netrw-a|).


Normally one enters a file or directory using the <cr>.  However, the "o" map
allows one to open a new window to hold the new directory listing or file.  A
horizontal split is used.  (for vertical splitting, see |netrw-v|)

Normally, the o key splits the window horizontally with the new window
and cursor at the top.  To change to splitting the window horizontally
with the new window and cursor at the bottom, have

	let g:netrw_alto = 1

in your <.vimrc>.


One may use a preview window (currently only for local browsing) by using
the "p" key when the cursor is atop the desired filename to be previewed.


One may select the sorting style by name, time, or (file) size.  The
"s" map allows one to circulate among the three choices; the directory
listing will automatically be refreshed to reflect the selected style.


When "Sorted by" is name, one may specify priority via the sorting
sequence (g:netrw_sort_sequence).  The sorting sequence typically
prioritizes the name-listing by suffix, although any pattern will do.
Patterns are delimited by commas.  The default sorting sequence is:
The lone * is where all filenames not covered by one of the other
patterns will end up.  One may change the sorting sequence by modifying
the g:netrw_sort_sequence variable (either manually or in your <.vimrc>)
or by using the "S" map.


One may toggle between normal and reverse sorting order by pressing the
"r" key.


Every time you change to a new directory (new for the current session),
netrw will save the directory in a recently-visited directory history
list (unless g:netrw_dirhistmax is zero; by default, its ten).  With the
"u" map, one can change to an earlier directory (predecessor).  To do
the opposite, see |netrw-U|.


With the "U" map, one can change to a later directory (successor).
This map is the opposite of the "u" map. (see |netrw-u|)  Use the
q map to list both the bookmarks and history. (see |netrw-q|)


Normally one enters a file or directory using the <cr>.  However, the "v"
map allows one to open a new window to hold the new directory listing or
file.  A vertical split is used.  (for horizontal splitting, see |netrw-o|)

Normally, the v key splits the window vertically with the new window
and cursor at the left.  To change to splitting the window vertically
with the new window and cursor at the right, have

	let g:netrw_altv = 1

in your <.vimrc>.


One may "enter" a file with a special handler, thereby firing up a browser or
other application, for example, on a file by hitting the "x" key.  Presumably
one could write handlers that would start OpenOffice programs (oowriter), etc,
based on the file's extension coupled with the user's hitting the "x" key atop
the file.

The Netrw executor applies a user-defined function to a file, based on its
extension.  Of course, the handler function must exist for it to be called!
 Ex. mypgm.html   x ->
See the <plugin/NetrwFileHandlers.vim> for an example of how to handle an html
file with mozilla.


By default, g:netrw_keepdir is 1.  This setting means that the current
directory will not track the browsing directory.  However, setting
g:netrw_keepdir to 0 (say, in your <.vimrc>) will tell netrw to have the
currently browsed directory be the current directory.

With the default setting for g:netrw_keepdir, in order to make the two
directories the same, use the "c" map (just type c).  That map will set
the current directory to the current browsing directory.

BOOKMARKING A DIRECTORY		*netrw-b* *netrw-bookmark* *netrw-bookmarks*

One may easily "bookmark" a directory by using


Any count may be used.  One may use viminfo's "!" option to retain bookmarks
between vim sessions.  See |netrw-B| for how to return to a bookmark and
|netrw-q| for how to list them.


To change directory back to a bookmarked directory, use


Any count may be used to reference any of the bookmarks.  See |netrw-b|
for how to bookmark a directory and |netrw-q| for how to list them.


Pressing "q" will list the bookmarked directories and directory traversal
history (query). (see |netrw-b|, |netrw-B|, |netrw-u|, and |netrw-U|)


Especially with the remote directory browser, constantly entering the password
is tedious.

For Linux/Unix systems, I suggest looking into

It gives a tip for setting up password-less use of ssh and scp, and discusses
the associated security issues.

8. Problems and Fixes						*netrw-problems*

	(This section is likely to grow as I get feedback)
	(also see |netrw-debug|)

	P1. I use windows 95, and my ftp dumps four blank lines at the
	    end of every read.

		See |netrw-fixup|, and put the following into your
		<.vimrc> file:

			let g:netrw_win95ftp= 1

	P2. I use windows, and my network browsing with ftp doesn't sort by
	    time or size

		Windows' ftp has a minimal support for ls (ie. it doesn't
		accept sorting options).  It doesn't support the -F which
		gives an explanatory character (ABC/ for "ABC is a directory").
		Netrw uses dir to get its short and long listings.  If you
		think your ftp does support a full-up ls, put the following
		into your <.vimrc>:

			let g:netrw_ftp_list_cmd= "ls -lF"

		Alternatively, if you have cygwin on your Windows box, put
		into your <.vimrc>:

			let g:netrw_cygwin= 1

	P3. I tried rcp://user@host/ (or protocol other than ftp) and netrw
	    used ssh!  That wasn't what I asked for...

		Netrw has two methods for browsing remote directories: ssh
		and ftp.  Unless you specify ftp specifically, ssh is used.
		When it comes time to do download a file (not just a directory
		listing), netrw will use the given protocol to do so.

	P4. I would like long listings to be the default.

			let g:netrw_longlist=1

		Check out |netrw-browse-var| for more customizations that
		you can set.

	P5. My times come up oddly in local browsing

		Does your system's strftime() accept the "%c" to yield dates
		such as "Sun Apr 27 11:49:23 1997"?  If not, do a "man strftime"
		and find out what option should be used.  Then put it into
		your <.vimrc>:
			let g:netrw_timefmt= "%X"  (where X is the option)

	P6. I want my current directory to track my browsing.
	    How do I do that?

	    	let g:netrw_keepdir= 0

9. Debugging						*netrw-debug*

The <netrw.vim> script is typically available as:


which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).

	1. Get the <Decho.vim> script, available as:
		as "Decho, a vimL debugging aid"

	   and put it into your local plugin directory.
	2. <Decho.vim> itself needs the <cecutil.vim> script, so you'll need
	   to put it into your .vim/plugin, too.  You may obtain it from:
		as "DrC's Utilities"

	3. Edit the <netrw.vim> file by typing:

		vim netrw.vim

	   To restore to normal non-debugging behavior, edit <netrw.vim>
	   by typing

		vim netrw.vim

	   This command, provided by <Decho.vim>, will comment out all
	   Decho-debugging statements (Dfunc(), Dret(), Decho(), Dredir()).

	4. Then bring up vim and attempt a transfer.  A set of messages
	   should appear concerning the steps that <netrw.vim> took in
	   attempting to read/write your file over the network.  Please
	   send that information to <netrw.vim>'s maintainer,

		NdrOchip at ScampbellPfamily.AbizM - NOSPAM

10. History						*netrw-history*

	v52: * nonumber'ing now set for browsing buffers
	     * when the hiding list hid all files, error messages ensued. Fixed
	     * when browsing, swf is set, but directory is not set, when netrw
	       was attempting to restore options, vim wanted to save a swapfile
	       to a local directory using an url-style path.  Fixed
	v51: * cygwin detection now automated (using windows and &shell is bash)
	     * customizable browser "file" rejection patterns
	     * directory history
	     * :[range]w url  now supported (ie. netrw has a FileWriteCmd event)
	     * error messages have a "Press <cr> to continue" to allow them
	       to be seen
	     * directory browser displays no longer bother the swapfile
	     * u/U commands to go up and down the history stack
	     * history stack may be saved with viminfo with its "!" option
	     * bugfixes associated with unwanted [No Files] entries
	v50: * directories now displayed using buftype=nofile; should keep the
	       directory names as-is
	     * attempts to remove empty "[No File]" buffers leftover
	       from :file commands
	     * bugfix: a "caps-lock" editing difficulty left in v49 was fixed
	     * syntax highlighting for "Showing:" the hiding list included
	     * bookmarks can now be retained if "!" is in the viminfo option
	v49: * will use ftp for http://.../ browsing v48:
	     * One may use ftp to do remote host file browsing
	     * (windows and !cygwin) remote browsing with ftp can now use
	       the "dir" command internally to provide listings
	     * g:netrw_keepdir now allows one to keep the initial current
	       directory as the current directory (normally the local file
	       browser makes the currently viewed directory the current
	     * g:netrw_alto and g:netrw_altv now support alternate placement
	       of windows started with o or v
	     * Nread ? and Nwrite ?  now uses echomsg (instead of echo) so
	       :messages can repeat showing the help
	     * bugfix: avoids problems with partial matches of directory names
	       to prior buffers with longer names
	     * one can suppress error messages with g:netrw_quiet ctrl-h used
	     * instead of <Leader>h for editing hiding list one may edit the
	     * sorting sequence with the S map now allows confirmation of
	     * deletion with [y(es) n(o) a(ll) q(uit)] the "x" map now handles
	     * special file viewing with:
	       (windows) rundll32 url.dll (gnome)   gnome-open (kde)
	       kfmclient If none of these are on the executable path, then
	       NetrwFileHandlers.vim is used.
	     * directory bookmarking during both local and remote browsing
	     * one may view all, use the hiding list to suppress, or use the
	       hiding list to show-only remote and local file/directory
	     * improved unusual file and directory name handling preview
	     * window support
	v47: * now handles local directory browsing.
	v46: * now handles remote directory browsing
	     * g:netrw_silent (if 1) will cause all transfers to be silent
	v45: * made the [user@]hostname:path form a bit more restrictive to
	       better handle errors in using protocols (e.g. scp:usr@host:file
	       was being recognized as an rcp request) v44: * changed from
	       "rsync -a" to just "rsync"
	     * somehow an editing error messed up the test to recognize
	       use of the fetch method for NetRead.
	     * more debugging statements included
	v43: * moved "Explanation" comments to <pi_netrw.txt> help file as
	       "Network Reference" (|netrw-ref|)
	     * <netrw.vim> now uses Dfunc() Decho() and Dret() for debugging
	     * removed superfluous NetRestorePosn() calls
	v42: * now does BufReadPre and BufReadPost events on file:///* and
	       file://localhost/* v41: * installed file:///* and
	       file://localhost/* handling v40: * prevents redraw when a
	       protocol error occurs so that the user may see it v39: * sftp
	       support v38: * Now uses NetRestorePosn() calls with
	       Nread/Nwrite commands
	     * Temporary files now removed via bwipe! instead of bwipe
	       (thanks to Dave Roberts) v37: * Claar's modifications which
	       test if ftp is successful, otherwise give an error message
	     * After a read, the alternate file was pointing to the temp file.
	       The temp file buffer is now wiped out.
	     * removed silent from transfer methods so user can see what's

11. Credits						*netrw-credits*

	Vim editor	by Bram Moolenaar (Thanks, Bram!)
	dav		support by C Campbell
	fetch		support by Bram Moolenaar and C Campbell
	ftp		support by C Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM> - NOSPAM
	http		support by Bram Moolenaar <>
	rsync		support by C Campbell (suggested by Erik Warendorph)
	scp		support by raf <>
	sftp		support by C Campbell

	inputsecret(), BufReadCmd, BufWriteCmd contributed by C Campbell

	Jérôme Augé		-- also using new buffer method with ftp+.netrc
	Bram Moolenaar		-- obviously vim itself, :e and v:cmdarg use, fetch,...
	Yasuhiro Matsumoto	-- pointing out undo+0r problem and a solution
	Erik Warendorph		-- for several suggestions (g:netrw_..._cmd
				   variables, rsync etc)
	Doug Claar		-- modifications to test for success with ftp operation
