view runtime/autoload/gnat.vim @ 33581:403d57b06231 v9.0.2035

patch 9.0.2035: [security] use-after-free with wildmenu Commit: Author: Yee Cheng Chin <> Date: Tue Oct 17 10:06:56 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.2035: [security] use-after-free with wildmenu Problem: [security] use-after-free with wildmenu Solution: properly clean up the wildmenu when exiting Fix wildchar/wildmenu/pum memory corruption with special wildchar's Currently, using `wildchar=<Esc>` or `wildchar=<C-\>` can lead to a memory corruption if using wildmenu+pum, or wrong states if only using wildmenu. This is due to the code only using one single place inside the cmdline process loop to perform wild menu clean up (by checking `end_wildmenu`) but there are other odd situations where the loop could have exited and we need a post-loop clean up just to be sure. If the clean up was not done you would have a stale popup menu referring to invalid memory, or if not using popup menu, incorrect status line (if `laststatus=0`). For example, if you hit `<Esc>` two times when it's wildchar, there's a hard-coded behavior to exit command-line as a failsafe for user, and if you hit `<C-\><C-\><C-N>` it will also exit command-line, but the clean up code would not have hit because of specialized `<C-\>` handling. Fix Ctrl-E / Ctrl-Y to not cancel/accept wildmenu if they are also used for 'wildchar'/'wildcharm'. Currently they don't behave properly, and also have potentially memory unsafe behavior as the logic is currently not accounting for this situation and try to do both. (Previous patch that addressed this: #11677) Also, correctly document Escape key behavior (double-hit it to escape) in wildchar docs as it's previously undocumented. In addition, block known invalid chars to be set in `wildchar` option, such as Ctrl-C and `<CR>`. This is just to make it clear to the user they shouldn't be set, and is not required for this bug fix. closes: #13361 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yee Cheng Chin <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Tue, 17 Oct 2023 10:15:08 +0200
parents 7bc41231fbc7
line wrap: on
line source

"  Description: Vim Ada/GNAT compiler file
"     Language: Ada (GNAT)
"          $Id: gnat.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
"   Maintainer:	Martin Krischi <>k
"		Ned Okie <>
"      $Author: krischik $
"        $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
"      Version: 4.6
"    $Revision: 887 $
"     $HeadURL: $
"      History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
"		16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
"		05.08.2006 MK Add session support
"               15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
"               05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
"                             autoload
"		05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
"		19.09.2007 NO use project file only when there is a project
"    Help Page: compiler-gnat

if version < 700

function gnat#Make () dict					     " {{{1
   let &l:makeprg	 = self.Get_Command('Make')
   let &l:errorformat = self.Error_Format
   set wrap
   wincmd W
endfunction gnat#Make						     " }}}1

function gnat#Pretty () dict					     " {{{1
   execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Pretty')
endfunction gnat#Make						     " }}}1

function gnat#Find () dict					     " {{{1
   execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Find')
endfunction gnat#Find						     " }}}1

function gnat#Tags () dict					     " {{{1
   execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Tags')
   edit tags
   call gnat#Insert_Tags_Header ()
endfunction gnat#Tags						     " }}}1

function gnat#Set_Project_File (...) dict			     " {{{1
   if a:0 > 0
      let self.Project_File = a:1

      if ! filereadable (self.Project_File)
	 let self.Project_File = findfile (
	    \ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ':r'),
	    \ 1)
   elseif strlen (self.Project_File) > 0
      let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', self.Project_File)
   elseif expand ("%:e") == 'gpr'
      let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', expand ("%:e"))
      let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', 'default.gpr')

   if strlen (v:this_session) > 0
      execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session

   "if strlen (self.Project_File) > 0
      "if has("vms")
	 "call ada#Switch_Session (
	    "\ expand('~')[0:-2] . ".vimfiles.session]gnat_" .
	    "\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim")
	 "call ada#Switch_Session (
	    "\ expand('~') . "/vimfiles/session/gnat_" .
	    "\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim")
      "call ada#Switch_Session ('')

endfunction gnat#Set_Project_File				     " }}}1

function gnat#Get_Command (Command) dict			     " {{{1
   let l:Command = eval ('self.' . a:Command . '_Command')
   return eval (l:Command)
endfunction gnat#Get_Command					     " }}}1

function gnat#Set_Session (...) dict				     " {{{1
   if argc() == 1 && fnamemodify (argv(0), ':e') == 'gpr'
      call self.Set_Project_File (argv(0))
   elseif  strlen (v:servername) > 0
      call self.Set_Project_File (v:servername . '.gpr')
endfunction gnat#Set_Session					     " }}}1

function gnat#New ()						     " {{{1
   let l:Retval = {
      \ 'Make'	      : function ('gnat#Make'),
      \ 'Pretty'	      : function ('gnat#Pretty'),
      \ 'Find'	      : function ('gnat#Find'),
      \ 'Tags'	      : function ('gnat#Tags'),
      \ 'Set_Project_File' : function ('gnat#Set_Project_File'),
      \ 'Set_Session'      : function ('gnat#Set_Session'),
      \ 'Get_Command'      : function ('gnat#Get_Command'),
      \ 'Project_File'     : '',
      \ 'Make_Command'     : '"gnat make -P " . self.Project_File . "  -F -gnatef  "',
      \ 'Pretty_Command'   : '"gnat pretty -P " . self.Project_File . " "',
      \ 'Find_Program'     : '"gnat find -P " . self.Project_File . " -F "',
      \ 'Tags_Command'     : '"gnat xref -P " . self.Project_File . " -v  *.AD*"',
      \ 'Error_Format'     : '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,'   .
			   \ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,' .
			   \ '%f:%l:%c: (%ttyle) %m'}

   return l:Retval
endfunction gnat#New						  " }}}1

function gnat#Insert_Tags_Header ()				  " {{{1
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT       1	 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED       1	 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME      gnatxref //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL  /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION   5.05w   //
endfunction gnat#Insert_Tags_Header				  " }}}1

finish " 1}}}

"   Copyright (C) 2006  Martin Krischik
"   Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=0 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker