view runtime/plugin/logiPat.vim @ 33872:2c5ae1ce5af2 v9.0.2146

patch 9.0.2146: text-property without type errors when joining Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Sun Dec 3 17:56:43 2023 +0100 patch 9.0.2146: text-property without type errors when joining Problem: text-property without type errors when joining Solution: count all text-properties, with or without type before joining lines Error when joining lines with text properties without a proper type When joining lines, we need to consider all text properties that are attached to a line, even when those text properties are invalid and do not have a type attached to them. However, since patch v9.0.0993 (commit: 89469d157aea01513bde826b4519dd6b5fbceae4) those text properties won't be counted when joining lines and therefore this will cause the adjustment for text properties on joining to go wrong (and may later cause SIGABRT with an invalid free pointer) I am not sure, why the condition to not count text properties with a valid type was added in patch v9.0.993, because no test fails if those condition is removed. So let's just remove this condition and add a test that verifies, that we are able to join lines, even when the text properties attached to it do not have a valid type. fixes: #13609 closes: #13614 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 10 Dec 2023 15:16:11 +0100
parents b73f9ed65072
children 02bd0fe77c68
line wrap: on
line source

" LogiPat: Boolean logical pattern matcher
"   Author:  Charles E. Campbell
"   Date:    Apr 04, 2016
"   Version: 4
"   Purpose: to do Boolean-logic based regular expression pattern matching
" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
"               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
"               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
"               notice is copied with it. Like most anything else that's free,
"               LogiPat.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
"               of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
"               plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
"               holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
"               of this software.
"   Usage: {{{1
"       :LogiPat ...
"         Boolean logic supported:
"            () grouping operators
"            !  not the following pattern
"            |  logical or
"            &  logical and
"            "..pattern.."
"	Example: {{{1
"		:LogiPat !("january"|"february")
"		  would match all strings not containing the strings january
"		  or february
"	GetLatestVimScripts: 1290 1 :AutoInstall: LogiPat.vim
"  Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, {{{1
"  and will call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be
"  called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the
"  throne of his father, David, and he will reign over the house of
"  Jacob forever. There will be no end to his kingdom. (Luke 1:31-33 WEB)

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Load Once: {{{1
if &cp || exists("loaded_logiPat")
let g:loaded_logiPat = "v4"
let s:keepcpo        = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Public Interface: {{{1
com!     -nargs=* LogiPat		call   LogiPat(<q-args>,1)
sil! com -nargs=* LP			call   LogiPat(<q-args>,1)
sil! com -nargs=* LPR			call   LogiPat(<q-args>,1,"r")
com!     -nargs=+ LPE			echomsg LogiPat(<q-args>)
com!     -nargs=+ LogiPatFlags	let  s:LogiPatFlags="<args>"
sil! com -nargs=+ LPF			let  s:LogiPatFlags="<args>"

" =====================================================================
" Functions: {{{1

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LogiPat: this function interprets the boolean-logic pattern {{{2
fun! LogiPat(pat,...)
"  call Dfunc("LogiPat(pat<".a:pat.">)")

  " LogiPat(pat,dosearch)
  if a:0 > 0
   let dosearch= a:1
   let dosearch= 0
  if a:0 >= 3
   let s:LogiPatFlags= a:3

  let s:npatstack = 0
  let s:nopstack  = 0
  let s:preclvl   = 0
  let expr        = a:pat

  " Lexer/Parser
  while expr != ""
"   call Decho("expr<".expr.">")

   if expr =~ '^"'
	" push a Pattern; accept "" as a single " in the pattern
    let expr = substitute(expr,'^\s*"','','')
    let pat  = substitute(expr,'^\(\%([^"]\|\"\"\)\{-}\)"\([^"].*$\|$\)','\1','')
	let pat  = substitute(pat,'""','"','g')
    let expr = substitute(expr,'^\(\%([^"]\|\"\"\)\{-}\)"\([^"].*$\|$\)','\2','')
    let expr = substitute(expr,'^\s*','','')
"    call Decho("pat<".pat."> expr<".expr.">")

    call s:LP_PatPush('.*'.pat.'.*')

   elseif expr =~ '^[!()|&]'
    " push an operator
    let op   = strpart(expr,0,1)
    let expr = strpart(expr,strlen(op))
	" allow for those who can't resist doubling their and/or operators
	if op =~ '[|&]' && expr[0] == op
     let expr = strpart(expr,strlen(op))
    call s:LP_OpPush(op)

   elseif expr =~ '^\s'
    " skip whitespace
    let expr= strpart(expr,1)

    echoerr "operator<".strpart(expr,0,1)."> not supported (yet)"
    let expr= strpart(expr,1)


  " Final Execution
  call s:LP_OpPush('Z')

  let result= s:LP_PatPop(1)
"  call Decho("result=".result)

  " sanity checks and cleanup
  if s:npatstack > 0
   echoerr s:npatstack." patterns left on stack!"
   let s:npatstack= 0
  if s:nopstack > 0
   echoerr s:nopstack." operators left on stack!"
   let s:nopstack= 0

  " perform the indicated search
  if dosearch
   if exists("s:LogiPatFlags") && s:LogiPatFlags != ""
"  call Decho("search(result<".result."> LogiPatFlags<".s:LogiPatFlags.">)")
    call search(result,s:LogiPatFlags)
"  call Decho("search(result<".result.">)")
    call search(result)
   let @/= result

"  call Dret("LogiPat ".result)
  return result

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:String: Vim6.4 doesn't have string() {{{2
func! s:String(str)
  return "'".escape(a:str, '"')."'"

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_PatPush: {{{2
fun! s:LP_PatPush(pat)
"  call Dfunc("LP_PatPush(pat<".a:pat.">)")
  let s:npatstack              = s:npatstack + 1
  let s:patstack_{s:npatstack} = a:pat
"  call s:StackLook("patpush") "Decho
"  call Dret("LP_PatPush : npatstack=".s:npatstack)

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_PatPop: pop a number/variable from LogiPat's pattern stack {{{2
fun! s:LP_PatPop(lookup)
"  call Dfunc("LP_PatPop(lookup=".a:lookup.")")
  if s:npatstack > 0
   let ret         = s:patstack_{s:npatstack}
   let s:npatstack = s:npatstack - 1
   let ret= "---error---"
   echoerr "(LogiPat) invalid expression"
"  call s:StackLook("patpop") "Decho
"  call Dret("LP_PatPop ".ret)
  return ret

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_OpPush: {{{2
fun! s:LP_OpPush(op)
"  call Dfunc("LP_OpPush(op<".a:op.">)")

  " determine new operator's precedence level
  if a:op == '('
  	let s:preclvl= s:preclvl + 10
	let preclvl  = s:preclvl
  elseif a:op == ')'
  	let s:preclvl= s:preclvl - 10
   if s:preclvl < 0
    let s:preclvl= 0
    echoerr "too many )s"
   let preclvl= s:preclvl
  elseif a:op =~ '|'
   let preclvl= s:preclvl + 2
  elseif a:op =~ '&'
   let preclvl= s:preclvl + 4
  elseif a:op == '!'
   let preclvl= s:preclvl + 6
  elseif a:op == 'Z'
   let preclvl= -1
   echoerr "expr<".expr."> not supported (yet)"
   let preclvl= s:preclvl
"  call Decho("new operator<".a:op."> preclvl=".preclvl)

  " execute higher-precdence operators
"  call Decho("execute higher-precedence operators")
  call s:LP_Execute(preclvl)

  " push new operator onto operator-stack
"  call Decho("push new operator<".a:op."> onto stack with preclvl=".preclvl." at nopstack=".(s:nopstack+1))
  if a:op =~ '!'
   let s:nopstack             = s:nopstack + 1
   let s:opprec_{s:nopstack}  = preclvl
   let s:opstack_{s:nopstack} = a:op
  elseif a:op =~ '|'
   let s:nopstack             = s:nopstack + 1
   let s:opprec_{s:nopstack}  = preclvl
   let s:opstack_{s:nopstack} = a:op
  elseif a:op == '&'
   let s:nopstack             = s:nopstack + 1
   let s:opprec_{s:nopstack}  = preclvl
   let s:opstack_{s:nopstack} = a:op

"  call s:StackLook("oppush") "Decho
"  call Dret("LP_OpPush : s:preclvl=".s:preclvl)

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_Execute: execute operators from opstack using pattern stack {{{2
fun! s:LP_Execute(preclvl)
"  call Dfunc("LP_Execute(preclvl=".a:preclvl.") npatstack=".s:npatstack." nopstack=".s:nopstack)

  " execute all higher precedence operators
  while s:nopstack > 0 && a:preclvl < s:opprec_{s:nopstack}
   let op= s:opstack_{s:nopstack}
"   call Decho("op<".op."> nop=".s:nopstack." [preclvl=".a:preclvl."] < [opprec_".s:nopstack."=".s:opprec_{s:nopstack}."]")

   let s:nopstack = s:nopstack - 1
   if     op == '!'
    let n1= s:LP_PatPop(1)
	call s:LP_PatPush(s:LP_Not(n1))
   elseif op == '|'
    let n1= s:LP_PatPop(1)
    let n2= s:LP_PatPop(1)
    call s:LP_PatPush(s:LP_Or(n2,n1))
   elseif op =~ '&'
    let n1= s:LP_PatPop(1)
    let n2= s:LP_PatPop(1)
    call s:LP_PatPush(s:LP_And(n2,n1))
"   call s:StackLook("execute") "Decho

"  call Dret("LP_Execute")

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_Not: writes a logical-not for a pattern {{{2
fun! s:LP_Not(pat)
"  call Dfunc("LP_Not(pat<".a:pat.">)")
  if a:pat =~ '^\.\*' && a:pat =~ '\.\*$'
   let pat= substitute(a:pat,'^\.\*\(.*\)\.\*$','\1','')
   let ret= '^\%(\%('.pat.'\)\@!.\)*$'
   let ret= '^\%(\%('.a:pat.'\)\@!.\)*$'
"  call Dret("LP_Not ".ret)
  return ret

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_Or: writes a logical-or branch using two patterns {{{2
fun! s:LP_Or(pat1,pat2)
"  call Dfunc("LP_Or(pat1<".a:pat1."> pat2<".a:pat2.">)")
  let ret= '\%('.a:pat1.'\|'.a:pat2.'\)'
"  call Dret("LP_Or ".ret)
  return ret

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" LP_And: writes a logical-and concat using two patterns {{{2
fun! s:LP_And(pat1,pat2)
"  call Dfunc("LP_And(pat1<".a:pat1."> pat2<".a:pat2.">)")
  let ret= '\%('.a:pat1.'\&'.a:pat2.'\)'
"  call Dret("LP_And ".ret)
  return ret

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" StackLook: {{{2
fun! s:StackLook(description)
"  call Dfunc("StackLook(description<".a:description.">)")
  let iop = 1
  let ifp = 1
"  call Decho("Pattern                       Operator")

  " print both pattern and operator
  while ifp <= s:npatstack && iop <= s:nopstack
   let fp = s:patstack_{ifp}
   let op = s:opstack_{iop}." (P".s:opprec_{s:nopstack}.')'
   let fplen= strlen(fp)
   if fplen < 30
   	let fp= fp.strpart("                              ",1,30-fplen)
"   call Decho(fp.op)
   let ifp = ifp + 1
   let iop = iop + 1

  " print just pattern
  while ifp <= s:npatstack
   let fp  = s:patstack_{ifp}
"   call Decho(fp)
   let ifp = ifp + 1

  " print just operator
  while iop <= s:nopstack
   let op  = s:opstack_{iop}." (P".s:opprec_{s:nopstack}.')'
"   call Decho("                              ".op)
   let iop = iop + 1
"  call Dret("StackLook")

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
"  Cleanup And Modeline: {{{1
let &cpo= s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker