view runtime/indent/html.vim @ 27970:212c5894b8b1 v8.2.4510

patch 8.2.4510: Vim9: shortening commands leads to confusing script Commit: Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sat Mar 5 12:56:44 2022 +0000 patch 8.2.4510: Vim9: shortening commands leads to confusing script Problem: Vim9: shortening commands leads to confusing script. Solution: In Vim9 script require at least ":cont" for ":continue", "const" instead of "cons", "break" instead of "brea", "catch" instead of "cat", "else" instead of "el" "elseif" instead of "elsei" "endfor" instead of "endfo" "endif" instead of "en" "endtry" instead of "endt", "finally" instead of "fina", "throw" instead of "th", "while" instead of "wh".
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sat, 05 Mar 2022 14:00:03 +0100
parents 4789f29c9595
children 34c1f4cd0c18
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim indent script for HTML
" Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar
" Original Author: Andy Wokula <>
" Last Change:	2022 Jan 31
" Version:	1.0 "{{{
" Description:	HTML indent script with cached state for faster indenting on a
"		range of lines.
"		Supports template systems through hooks.
"		Supports Closure stylesheets.
" Credits:
"	indent/html.vim (2006 Jun 05) from J. Zellner
"	indent/css.vim (2006 Dec 20) from N. Weibull
" History:
" 2014 June	(v1.0) overhaul (Bram)
" 2012 Oct 21	(v0.9) added support for shiftwidth()
" 2011 Sep 09	(v0.8) added HTML5 tags (thx to J. Zuckerman)
" 2008 Apr 28	(v0.6) revised customization
" 2008 Mar 09	(v0.5) fixed 'indk' issue (thx to C.J. Robinson)

" Init Folklore, check user settings (2nd time ++)
if exists("b:did_indent") "{{{

" Load the Javascript indent script first, it defines GetJavascriptIndent().
" Undo the rest.
" Load base python indent.
if !exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
  runtime! indent/javascript.vim
let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal indentexpr=HtmlIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,<Return>,<>>,{,},!^F

" Needed for % to work when finding start/end of a tag.
setlocal matchpairs+=<:>

let b:undo_indent = "setlocal inde< indk<"

" b:hi_indent keeps state to speed up indenting consecutive lines.
let b:hi_indent = {"lnum": -1}

"""""" Code below this is loaded only once. """""
if exists("*HtmlIndent") && !exists('g:force_reload_html')
  call HtmlIndent_CheckUserSettings()

" Allow for line continuation below.
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=C

" Pattern to match the name of a tag, including custom elements.
let s:tagname = '\w\+\(-\w\+\)*'

" Check and process settings from b:html_indent and g:html_indent... variables.
" Prefer using buffer-local settings over global settings, so that there can
" be defaults for all HTML files and exceptions for specific types of HTML
" files.
func HtmlIndent_CheckUserSettings()
  let inctags = ''
  if exists("b:html_indent_inctags")
    let inctags = b:html_indent_inctags
  elseif exists("g:html_indent_inctags")
    let inctags = g:html_indent_inctags
  let b:hi_tags = {}
  if len(inctags) > 0
    call s:AddITags(b:hi_tags, split(inctags, ","))

  let autotags = ''
  if exists("b:html_indent_autotags")
    let autotags = b:html_indent_autotags
  elseif exists("g:html_indent_autotags")
    let autotags = g:html_indent_autotags
  let b:hi_removed_tags = {}
  if len(autotags) > 0
    call s:RemoveITags(b:hi_removed_tags, split(autotags, ","))

  " Syntax names indicating being inside a string of an attribute value.
  let string_names = []
  if exists("b:html_indent_string_names")
    let string_names = b:html_indent_string_names
  elseif exists("g:html_indent_string_names")
    let string_names = g:html_indent_string_names
  let b:hi_insideStringNames = ['htmlString']
  if len(string_names) > 0
    for s in string_names
      call add(b:hi_insideStringNames, s)

  " Syntax names indicating being inside a tag.
  let tag_names = []
  if exists("b:html_indent_tag_names")
    let tag_names = b:html_indent_tag_names
  elseif exists("g:html_indent_tag_names")
    let tag_names = g:html_indent_tag_names
  let b:hi_insideTagNames = ['htmlTag', 'htmlScriptTag']
  if len(tag_names) > 0
    for s in tag_names
      call add(b:hi_insideTagNames, s)

  let indone = {"zero": 0
              \,"auto": "indent(prevnonblank(v:lnum-1))"
              \,"inc": "b:hi_indent.blocktagind + shiftwidth()"}

  let script1 = ''
  if exists("b:html_indent_script1")
    let script1 = b:html_indent_script1
  elseif exists("g:html_indent_script1")
    let script1 = g:html_indent_script1
  if len(script1) > 0
    let b:hi_js1indent = get(indone, script1,
    let b:hi_js1indent = 0

  let style1 = ''
  if exists("b:html_indent_style1")
    let style1 = b:html_indent_style1
  elseif exists("g:html_indent_style1")
    let style1 = g:html_indent_style1
  if len(style1) > 0
    let b:hi_css1indent = get(indone, style1,
    let b:hi_css1indent = 0

  if !exists('b:html_indent_line_limit')
    if exists('g:html_indent_line_limit')
      let b:html_indent_line_limit = g:html_indent_line_limit
      let b:html_indent_line_limit = 200

  if exists('b:html_indent_attribute')
    let b:hi_attr_indent = b:html_indent_attribute
  elseif exists('g:html_indent_attribute')
    let b:hi_attr_indent = g:html_indent_attribute
    let b:hi_attr_indent = 2

endfunc "}}}

" Init Script Vars
let b:hi_lasttick = 0
let b:hi_newstate = {}
let s:countonly = 0

" Fill the s:indent_tags dict with known tags.
" The key is "tagname" or "/tagname".  {{{
" The value is:
" 1   opening tag
" 2   "pre"
" 3   "script"
" 4   "style"
" 5   comment start
" 6   conditional comment start
" -1  closing tag
" -2  "/pre"
" -3  "/script"
" -4  "/style"
" -5  comment end
" -6  conditional comment end
let s:indent_tags = {}
let s:endtags = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]   " long enough for the highest index

" Add a list of tag names for a pair of <tag> </tag> to "tags".
func s:AddITags(tags, taglist)
  for itag in a:taglist
    let a:tags[itag] = 1
    let a:tags['/' . itag] = -1
endfunc "}}}

" Take a list of tag name pairs that are not to be used as tag pairs.
func s:RemoveITags(tags, taglist)
  for itag in a:taglist
    let a:tags[itag] = 1
    let a:tags['/' . itag] = 1
endfunc "}}}

" Add a block tag, that is a tag with a different kind of indenting.
func s:AddBlockTag(tag, id, ...)
  if !(a:id >= 2 && a:id < len(s:endtags))
    echoerr 'AddBlockTag ' . a:id
  let s:indent_tags[a:tag] = a:id
  if a:0 == 0
    let s:indent_tags['/' . a:tag] = -a:id
    let s:endtags[a:id] = "</" . a:tag . ">"
    let s:indent_tags[a:1] = -a:id
    let s:endtags[a:id] = a:1
endfunc "}}}

" Add known tag pairs.
" Self-closing tags and tags that are sometimes {{{
" self-closing (e.g., <p>) are not here (when encountering </p> we can find
" the matching <p>, but not the other way around).
" Known self-closing tags: " 'p', 'img', 'source', 'area', 'keygen', 'track',
" 'wbr'.
" Old HTML tags:
call s:AddITags(s:indent_tags, [
    \ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'b', 'bdo', 'big',
    \ 'blockquote', 'body', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code',
    \ 'colgroup', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'fieldset', 'font',
    \ 'form', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'html',
    \ 'i', 'iframe', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li',
    \ 'map', 'menu', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol',
    \ 'optgroup', 'q', 's', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'sub',
    \ 'sup', 'table', 'textarea', 'title', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'th', 'td',
    \ 'tr', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead'])

" New HTML5 elements:
call s:AddITags(s:indent_tags, [
    \ 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'bdi', 'canvas', 'command', 'data',
    \ 'datalist', 'details', 'dialog', 'embed', 'figcaption', 'figure',
    \ 'footer', 'header', 'hgroup', 'main', 'mark', 'meter', 'nav', 'output',
    \ 'picture', 'progress', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 'section', 'summary',
    \ 'svg', 'time', 'video'])

" Tags added for web components:
call s:AddITags(s:indent_tags, [
    \ 'content', 'shadow', 'template'])

" Add Block Tags: these contain alien content
call s:AddBlockTag('pre', 2)
call s:AddBlockTag('script', 3)
call s:AddBlockTag('style', 4)
call s:AddBlockTag('<!--', 5, '-->')
call s:AddBlockTag('<!--[', 6, '![endif]-->')

" Return non-zero when "tagname" is an opening tag, not being a block tag, for
" which there should be a closing tag.  Can be used by scripts that include
" HTML indenting.
func HtmlIndent_IsOpenTag(tagname)
  if get(s:indent_tags, a:tagname) == 1
    return 1
  return get(b:hi_tags, a:tagname) == 1
endfunc "}}}

" Get the value for "tagname", taking care of buffer-local tags.
func s:get_tag(tagname)
  let i = get(s:indent_tags, a:tagname)
  if (i == 1 || i == -1) && get(b:hi_removed_tags, a:tagname) != 0
    return 0
  if i == 0
    let i = get(b:hi_tags, a:tagname)
  return i
endfunc "}}}

" Count the number of start and end tags in "text".
func s:CountITags(text)
  " Store the result in s:curind and s:nextrel.
  let s:curind = 0  " relative indent steps for current line [unit &sw]:
  let s:nextrel = 0  " relative indent steps for next line [unit &sw]:
  let s:block = 0		" assume starting outside of a block
  let s:countonly = 1	" don't change state
  call substitute(a:text, '<\zs/\=' . s:tagname . '\>\|<!--\[\|\[endif\]-->\|<!--\|-->', '\=s:CheckTag(submatch(0))', 'g')
  let s:countonly = 0
endfunc "}}}

" Count the number of start and end tags in text.
func s:CountTagsAndState(text)
  " Store the result in s:curind and s:nextrel.  Update b:hi_newstate.block.
  let s:curind = 0  " relative indent steps for current line [unit &sw]:
  let s:nextrel = 0  " relative indent steps for next line [unit &sw]:

  let s:block = b:hi_newstate.block
  let tmp = substitute(a:text, '<\zs/\=' . s:tagname . '\>\|<!--\[\|\[endif\]-->\|<!--\|-->', '\=s:CheckTag(submatch(0))', 'g')
  if s:block == 3
    let b:hi_newstate.scripttype = s:GetScriptType(matchstr(tmp, '\C.*<SCRIPT\>\zs[^>]*'))
  let b:hi_newstate.block = s:block
endfunc "}}}

" Used by s:CountITags() and s:CountTagsAndState().
func s:CheckTag(itag)
  " Returns an empty string or "SCRIPT".
  " a:itag can be "tag" or "/tag" or "<!--" or "-->"
  if (s:CheckCustomTag(a:itag))
    return ""
  let ind = s:get_tag(a:itag)
  if ind == -1
    " closing tag
    if s:block != 0
      " ignore itag within a block
      return ""
    if s:nextrel == 0
      let s:curind -= 1
      let s:nextrel -= 1
  elseif ind == 1
    " opening tag
    if s:block != 0
      return ""
    let s:nextrel += 1
  elseif ind != 0
    " block-tag (opening or closing)
    return s:CheckBlockTag(a:itag, ind)
  " else ind==0 (other tag found): keep indent
  return ""
endfunc "}}}

" Used by s:CheckTag(). Returns an empty string or "SCRIPT".
func s:CheckBlockTag(blocktag, ind)
  if a:ind > 0
    " a block starts here
    if s:block != 0
      " already in a block (nesting) - ignore
      " especially ignore comments after other blocktags
      return ""
    let s:block = a:ind		" block type
    if s:countonly
      return ""
    let b:hi_newstate.blocklnr = v:lnum
    " save allover indent for the endtag
    let b:hi_newstate.blocktagind = b:hi_indent.baseindent + (s:nextrel + s:curind) * shiftwidth()
    if a:ind == 3
      return "SCRIPT"    " all except this must be lowercase
      " line is to be checked again for the type attribute
    let s:block = 0
    " we get here if starting and closing a block-tag on the same line
  return ""
endfunc "}}}

" Used by s:CheckTag().
func s:CheckCustomTag(ctag)
  " Returns 1 if ctag is the tag for a custom element, 0 otherwise.
  " a:ctag can be "tag" or "/tag" or "<!--" or "-->"
  let pattern = '\%\(\w\+-\)\+\w\+'
  if match(a:ctag, pattern) == -1
    return 0
  if matchstr(a:ctag, '\/\ze.\+') == "/"
    " closing tag
    if s:block != 0
      " ignore ctag within a block
      return 1
    if s:nextrel == 0
      let s:curind -= 1
      let s:nextrel -= 1
    " opening tag
    if s:block != 0
      return 1
    let s:nextrel += 1
  return 1
endfunc "}}}

" Return the <script> type: either "javascript" or ""
func s:GetScriptType(str)
  if a:str == "" || a:str =~ "java"
    return "javascript"
    return ""
endfunc "}}}

" Look back in the file, starting at a:lnum - 1, to compute a state for the
" start of line a:lnum.  Return the new state.
func s:FreshState(lnum)
  " A state is to know ALL relevant details about the
  " lines 1..a:lnum-1, initial calculating (here!) can be slow, but updating is
  " fast (incremental).
  " TODO: this should be split up in detecting the block type and computing the
  " indent for the block type, so that when we do not know the indent we do
  " not need to clear the whole state and re-detect the block type again.
  " State:
  "	lnum		last indented line == prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
  "	block = 0	a:lnum located within special tag: 0:none, 2:<pre>,
  "			3:<script>, 4:<style>, 5:<!--, 6:<!--[
  "	baseindent	use this indent for line a:lnum as a start - kind of
  "			autoindent (if block==0)
  "	scripttype = ''	type attribute of a script tag (if block==3)
  "	blocktagind	indent for current opening (get) and closing (set)
  "			blocktag (if block!=0)
  "	blocklnr	lnum of starting blocktag (if block!=0)
  "	inattr		line {lnum} starts with attributes of a tag
  let state = {}
  let state.lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
  let state.scripttype = ""
  let state.blocktagind = -1
  let state.block = 0
  let state.baseindent = 0
  let state.blocklnr = 0
  let state.inattr = 0

  if state.lnum == 0
    return state

  " Heuristic:
  " remember startline state.lnum
  " look back for <pre, </pre, <script, </script, <style, </style tags
  " remember stopline
  " if opening tag found,
  "	assume a:lnum within block
  " else
  "	look back in result range (stopline, startline) for comment
  "	    \ delimiters (<!--, -->)
  "	if comment opener found,
  "	    assume a:lnum within comment
  "	else
  "	    assume usual html for a:lnum
  "	    if a:lnum-1 has a closing comment
  "		look back to get indent of comment opener
  " FI

  " look back for a blocktag
  let stopline2 = v:lnum + 1
  if has_key(b:hi_indent, 'block') && b:hi_indent.block > 5
    let [stopline2, stopcol2] = searchpos('<!--', 'bnW')
  let [stopline, stopcol] = searchpos('\c<\zs\/\=\%(pre\>\|script\>\|style\>\)', "bnW")
  if stopline > 0 && stopline < stopline2
    " ugly ... why isn't there searchstr()
    let tagline = tolower(getline(stopline))
    let blocktag = matchstr(tagline, '\/\=\%(pre\>\|script\>\|style\>\)', stopcol - 1)
    if blocktag[0] != "/"
      " opening tag found, assume a:lnum within block
      let state.block = s:indent_tags[blocktag]
      if state.block == 3
        let state.scripttype = s:GetScriptType(matchstr(tagline, '\>[^>]*', stopcol))
      let state.blocklnr = stopline
      " check preceding tags in the line:
      call s:CountITags(tagline[: stopcol-2])
      let state.blocktagind = indent(stopline) + (s:curind + s:nextrel) * shiftwidth()
      return state
    elseif stopline == state.lnum
      " handle special case: previous line (= state.lnum) contains a
      " closing blocktag which is preceded by line-noise;
      " blocktag == "/..."
      let swendtag = match(tagline, '^\s*</') >= 0
      if !swendtag
        let [bline, bcol] = searchpos('<'.blocktag[1:].'\>', "bnW")
        call s:CountITags(tolower(getline(bline)[: bcol-2]))
        let state.baseindent = indent(bline) + (s:curind + s:nextrel) * shiftwidth()
        return state
  if stopline > stopline2
    let stopline = stopline2
    let stopcol = stopcol2

  " else look back for comment
  let [comlnum, comcol, found] = searchpos('\(<!--\[\)\|\(<!--\)\|-->', 'bpnW', stopline)
  if found == 2 || found == 3
    " comment opener found, assume a:lnum within comment
    let state.block = (found == 3 ? 5 : 6)
    let state.blocklnr = comlnum
    " check preceding tags in the line:
    call s:CountITags(tolower(getline(comlnum)[: comcol-2]))
    if found == 2
      let state.baseindent = b:hi_indent.baseindent
    let state.blocktagind = indent(comlnum) + (s:curind + s:nextrel) * shiftwidth()
    return state

  " else within usual HTML
  let text = tolower(getline(state.lnum))

  " Check a:lnum-1 for closing comment (we need indent from the opening line).
  " Not when other tags follow (might be --> inside a string).
  let comcol = stridx(text, '-->')
  if comcol >= 0 && match(text, '[<>]', comcol) <= 0
    call cursor(state.lnum, comcol + 1)
    let [comlnum, comcol] = searchpos('<!--', 'bW')
    if comlnum == state.lnum
      let text = text[: comcol-2]
      let text = tolower(getline(comlnum)[: comcol-2])
    call s:CountITags(text)
    let state.baseindent = indent(comlnum) + (s:curind + s:nextrel) * shiftwidth()
    " TODO check tags that follow "-->"
    return state

  " Check if the previous line starts with end tag.
  let swendtag = match(text, '^\s*</') >= 0

  " If previous line ended in a closing tag, line up with the opening tag.
  if !swendtag && text =~ '</' . s:tagname . '\s*>\s*$'
    call cursor(state.lnum, 99999)
    normal! F<
    let start_lnum = HtmlIndent_FindStartTag()
    if start_lnum > 0
      let state.baseindent = indent(start_lnum)
      if col('.') > 2
        " check for tags before the matching opening tag.
        let text = getline(start_lnum)
        let swendtag = match(text, '^\s*</') >= 0
        call s:CountITags(text[: col('.') - 2])
        let state.baseindent += s:nextrel * shiftwidth()
        if !swendtag
          let state.baseindent += s:curind * shiftwidth()
      return state

  " Else: no comments. Skip backwards to find the tag we're inside.
  let [state.lnum, found] = HtmlIndent_FindTagStart(state.lnum)
  " Check if that line starts with end tag.
  let text = getline(state.lnum)
  let swendtag = match(text, '^\s*</') >= 0
  call s:CountITags(tolower(text))
  let state.baseindent = indent(state.lnum) + s:nextrel * shiftwidth()
  if !swendtag
    let state.baseindent += s:curind * shiftwidth()
  return state
endfunc "}}}

" Indent inside a <pre> block: Keep indent as-is.
func s:Alien2()
  return -1
endfunc "}}}

" Return the indent inside a <script> block for javascript.
func s:Alien3()
  let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
  while lnum > 1 && getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*/[/*]'
    " Skip over comments to avoid that cindent() aligns with the <script> tag
    let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
  if lnum < b:hi_indent.blocklnr
    " indent for <script> itself
    return b:hi_indent.blocktagind
  if lnum == b:hi_indent.blocklnr
    " indent for the first line after <script>
    return eval(b:hi_js1indent)
  if b:hi_indent.scripttype == "javascript"
    " indent for further lines
    return eval(b:hi_js1indent) + GetJavascriptIndent()
    return -1
endfunc "}}}

" Return the indent inside a <style> block.
func s:Alien4()
  if prevnonblank(v:lnum-1) == b:hi_indent.blocklnr
    " indent for first content line
    return eval(b:hi_css1indent)
  return s:CSSIndent()
endfunc "}}}

" Indending inside a <style> block.  Returns the indent.
func s:CSSIndent()
  " This handles standard CSS and also Closure stylesheets where special lines
  " start with @.
  " When the line starts with '*' or the previous line starts with "/*"
  " and does not end in "*/", use C indenting to format the comment.
  " Adopted $VIMRUNTIME/indent/css.vim
  let curtext = getline(v:lnum)
  if curtext =~ '^\s*[*]'
        \ || (v:lnum > 1 && getline(v:lnum - 1) =~ '\s*/\*'
        \     && getline(v:lnum - 1) !~ '\*/\s*$')
    return cindent(v:lnum)

  let min_lnum = b:hi_indent.blocklnr
  let prev_lnum = s:CssPrevNonComment(v:lnum - 1, min_lnum)
  let [prev_lnum, found] = HtmlIndent_FindTagStart(prev_lnum)
  if prev_lnum <= min_lnum
    " Just below the <style> tag, indent for first content line after comments.
    return eval(b:hi_css1indent)

  " If the current line starts with "}" align with its match.
  if curtext =~ '^\s*}'
    call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
      normal! %
      " Found the matching "{", align with it after skipping unfinished lines.
      let align_lnum = s:CssFirstUnfinished(line('.'), min_lnum)
      return indent(align_lnum)
      " can't find it, try something else, but it's most likely going to be
      " wrong

  " add indent after {
  let brace_counts = HtmlIndent_CountBraces(prev_lnum)
  let extra = brace_counts.c_open * shiftwidth()

  let prev_text = getline(prev_lnum)
  let below_end_brace = prev_text =~ '}\s*$'

  " Search back to align with the first line that's unfinished.
  let align_lnum = s:CssFirstUnfinished(prev_lnum, min_lnum)

  " Handle continuation lines if aligning with previous line and not after a
  " "}".
  if extra == 0 && align_lnum == prev_lnum && !below_end_brace
    let prev_hasfield = prev_text =~ '^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9-]\+:'
    let prev_special = prev_text =~ '^\s*\(/\*\|@\)'
    if curtext =~ '^\s*\(/\*\|@\)'
      " if the current line is not a comment or starts with @ (used by template
      " systems) reduce indent if previous line is a continuation line
      if !prev_hasfield && !prev_special
        let extra = -shiftwidth()
      let cur_hasfield = curtext =~ '^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9-]\+:'
      let prev_unfinished = s:CssUnfinished(prev_text)
      if prev_unfinished
        " Continuation line has extra indent if the previous line was not a
        " continuation line.
        let extra = shiftwidth()
        " Align with @if
        if prev_text =~ '^\s*@if '
          let extra = 4
      elseif cur_hasfield && !prev_hasfield && !prev_special
        " less indent below a continuation line
        let extra = -shiftwidth()

  if below_end_brace
    " find matching {, if that line starts with @ it's not the start of a rule
    " but something else from a template system
    call cursor(prev_lnum, 1)
    call search('}\s*$')
      normal! %
      " Found the matching "{", align with it.
      let align_lnum = s:CssFirstUnfinished(line('.'), min_lnum)
      let special = getline(align_lnum) =~ '^\s*@'
      let special = 0
    if special
      " do not reduce indent below @{ ... }
      if extra < 0
        let extra += shiftwidth()
      let extra -= (brace_counts.c_close - (prev_text =~ '^\s*}')) * shiftwidth()

  " if no extra indent yet...
  if extra == 0
    if brace_counts.p_open > brace_counts.p_close
      " previous line has more ( than ): add a shiftwidth
      let extra = shiftwidth()
    elseif brace_counts.p_open < brace_counts.p_close
      " previous line has more ) than (: subtract a shiftwidth
      let extra = -shiftwidth()

  return indent(align_lnum) + extra
endfunc "}}}

" Inside <style>: Whether a line is unfinished.
" 	tag:
" 	tag: blah
" 	tag: blah &&
" 	tag: blah ||
func s:CssUnfinished(text)
  return a:text =~ '\(||\|&&\|:\|\k\)\s*$'
endfunc "}}}

" Search back for the first unfinished line above "lnum".
func s:CssFirstUnfinished(lnum, min_lnum)
  let align_lnum = a:lnum
  while align_lnum > a:min_lnum && s:CssUnfinished(getline(align_lnum - 1))
    let align_lnum -= 1
  return align_lnum
endfunc "}}}

" Find the non-empty line at or before "lnum" that is not a comment.
func s:CssPrevNonComment(lnum, stopline)
  " caller starts from a line a:lnum + 1 that is not a comment
  let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
  while 1
    let ccol = match(getline(lnum), '\*/')
    if ccol < 0
      " No comment end thus it's something else.
      return lnum
    call cursor(lnum, ccol + 1)
    " Search back for the /* that starts the comment
    let lnum = search('/\*', 'bW', a:stopline)
    if indent(".") == virtcol(".") - 1
      " The  found /* is at the start of the line. Now go back to the line
      " above it and again check if it is a comment.
      let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
      " /* is after something else, thus it's not a comment line.
      return lnum
endfunc "}}}

" Check the number of {} and () in line "lnum". Return a dict with the counts.
func HtmlIndent_CountBraces(lnum)
  let brs = substitute(getline(a:lnum), '[''"].\{-}[''"]\|/\*.\{-}\*/\|/\*.*$\|[^{}()]', '', 'g')
  let c_open = 0
  let c_close = 0
  let p_open = 0
  let p_close = 0
  for brace in split(brs, '\zs')
    if brace == "{"
      let c_open += 1
    elseif brace == "}"
      if c_open > 0
        let c_open -= 1
        let c_close += 1
    elseif brace == '('
      let p_open += 1
    elseif brace == ')'
      if p_open > 0
        let p_open -= 1
        let p_close += 1
  return {'c_open': c_open,
        \ 'c_close': c_close,
        \ 'p_open': p_open,
        \ 'p_close': p_close}
endfunc "}}}

" Return the indent for a comment: <!-- -->
func s:Alien5()
  let curtext = getline(v:lnum)
  if curtext =~ '^\s*\zs-->'
    " current line starts with end of comment, line up with comment start.
    call cursor(v:lnum, 0)
    let lnum = search('<!--', 'b')
    if lnum > 0
      " TODO: what if <!-- is not at the start of the line?
      return indent(lnum)

    " Strange, can't find it.
    return -1

  let prevlnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
  let prevtext = getline(prevlnum)
  let idx = match(prevtext, '^\s*\zs<!--')
  if idx >= 0
    " just below comment start, add a shiftwidth
    return indent(prevlnum) + shiftwidth()

  " Some files add 4 spaces just below a TODO line.  It's difficult to detect
  " the end of the TODO, so let's not do that.

  " Align with the previous non-blank line.
  return indent(prevlnum)
endfunc "}}}

" Return the indent for conditional comment: <!--[ ![endif]-->
func s:Alien6()
  let curtext = getline(v:lnum)
  if curtext =~ '\s*\zs<!\[endif\]-->'
    " current line starts with end of comment, line up with comment start.
    let lnum = search('<!--', 'bn')
    if lnum > 0
      return indent(lnum)
  return b:hi_indent.baseindent + shiftwidth()
endfunc "}}}

" When the "lnum" line ends in ">" find the line containing the matching "<".
func HtmlIndent_FindTagStart(lnum)
  " Avoids using the indent of a continuation line.
  " Moves the cursor.
  " Return two values:
  " - the matching line number or "lnum".
  " - a flag indicating whether we found the end of a tag.
  " This method is global so that HTML-like indenters can use it.
  " To avoid matching " > " or " < " inside a string require that the opening
  " "<" is followed by a word character and the closing ">" comes after a
  " non-white character.
  let idx = match(getline(a:lnum), '\S>\s*$')
  if idx > 0
    call cursor(a:lnum, idx)
    let lnum = searchpair('<\w', '' , '\S>', 'bW', '', max([a:lnum - b:html_indent_line_limit, 0]))
    if lnum > 0
      return [lnum, 1]
  return [a:lnum, 0]
endfunc "}}}

" Find the unclosed start tag from the current cursor position.
func HtmlIndent_FindStartTag()
  " The cursor must be on or before a closing tag.
  " If found, positions the cursor at the match and returns the line number.
  " Otherwise returns 0.
  let tagname = matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') - 1:], '</\zs' . s:tagname . '\ze')
  let start_lnum = searchpair('<' . tagname . '\>', '', '</' . tagname . '\>', 'bW')
  if start_lnum > 0
    return start_lnum
  return 0
endfunc "}}}

" Moves the cursor from a "<" to the matching ">".
func HtmlIndent_FindTagEnd()
  " Call this with the cursor on the "<" of a start tag.
  " This will move the cursor to the ">" of the matching end tag or, when it's
  " a self-closing tag, to the matching ">".
  " Limited to look up to b:html_indent_line_limit lines away.
  let text = getline('.')
  let tagname = matchstr(text, s:tagname . '\|!--', col('.'))
  if tagname == '!--'
    call search('--\zs>')
  elseif s:get_tag('/' . tagname) != 0
    " tag with a closing tag, find matching "</tag>"
    call searchpair('<' . tagname, '', '</' . tagname . '\zs>', 'W', '', line('.') + b:html_indent_line_limit)
    " self-closing tag, find the ">"
    call search('\S\zs>')
endfunc "}}}

" Indenting inside a start tag. Return the correct indent or -1 if unknown.
func s:InsideTag(foundHtmlString)
  if a:foundHtmlString
    " Inside an attribute string.
    " Align with the opening quote or use an external function.
    let lnum = v:lnum - 1
    if lnum > 1
      if exists('b:html_indent_tag_string_func')
        return b:html_indent_tag_string_func(lnum)
      " If there is a double quote in the previous line, indent with the
      " character after it.
      if getline(lnum) =~ '"'
	call cursor(lnum, 0)
	normal f"
	return virtcol('.')
      return indent(lnum)

  " Should be another attribute: " attr="val".  Align with the previous
  " attribute start.
  let lnum = v:lnum
  while lnum > 1
    let lnum -= 1
    let text = getline(lnum)
    " Find a match with one of these, align with "attr":
    "       attr=
    "  <tag attr=
    "  text<tag attr=
    "  <tag>text</tag>text<tag attr=
    " For long lines search for the first match, finding the last match
    " gets very slow.
    if len(text) < 300
      let idx = match(text, '.*\s\zs[_a-zA-Z0-9-]\+="')
      let idx = match(text, '\s\zs[_a-zA-Z0-9-]\+="')
    if idx == -1
      " try <tag attr
      let idx = match(text, '<' . s:tagname . '\s\+\zs\w')
    if idx == -1
      " after just "<tag" indent two levels more by default
      let idx = match(text, '<' . s:tagname . '$')
      if idx >= 0
	call cursor(lnum, idx + 1)
	return virtcol('.') - 1 + shiftwidth() * b:hi_attr_indent
    if idx > 0
      " Found the attribute to align with.
      call cursor(lnum, idx)
      return virtcol('.')
  return -1
endfunc "}}}

" THE MAIN INDENT FUNCTION. Return the amount of indent for v:lnum.
func HtmlIndent()
  if prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) < 1
    " First non-blank line has no indent.
    return 0

  let curtext = tolower(getline(v:lnum))
  let indentunit = shiftwidth()

  let b:hi_newstate = {}
  let b:hi_newstate.lnum = v:lnum

  " When syntax HL is enabled, detect we are inside a tag.  Indenting inside
  " a tag works very differently. Do not do this when the line starts with
  " "<", it gets the "htmlTag" ID but we are not inside a tag then.
  if curtext !~ '^\s*<'
    normal! ^
    let stack = synstack(v:lnum, col('.'))  " assumes there are no tabs
    let foundHtmlString = 0
    for synid in reverse(stack)
      let name = synIDattr(synid, "name")
      if index(b:hi_insideStringNames, name) >= 0
        let foundHtmlString = 1
      elseif index(b:hi_insideTagNames, name) >= 0
        " Yes, we are inside a tag.
        let indent = s:InsideTag(foundHtmlString)
        if indent >= 0
          " Do not keep the state. TODO: could keep the block type.
          let b:hi_indent.lnum = 0
          return indent

  " does the line start with a closing tag?
  let swendtag = match(curtext, '^\s*</') >= 0

  if prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) == b:hi_indent.lnum && b:hi_lasttick == b:changedtick - 1
    " use state (continue from previous line)
    " start over (know nothing)
    let b:hi_indent = s:FreshState(v:lnum)

  if b:hi_indent.block >= 2
    " within block
    let endtag = s:endtags[b:hi_indent.block]
    let blockend = stridx(curtext, endtag)
    if blockend >= 0
      " block ends here
      let b:hi_newstate.block = 0
      " calc indent for REST OF LINE (may start more blocks):
      call s:CountTagsAndState(strpart(curtext, blockend + strlen(endtag)))
      if swendtag && b:hi_indent.block != 5
        let indent = b:hi_indent.blocktagind + s:curind * indentunit
        let b:hi_newstate.baseindent = indent + s:nextrel * indentunit
        let indent = s:Alien{b:hi_indent.block}()
        let b:hi_newstate.baseindent = b:hi_indent.blocktagind + s:nextrel * indentunit
      " block continues
      " indent this line with alien method
      let indent = s:Alien{b:hi_indent.block}()
    " not within a block - within usual html
    let b:hi_newstate.block = b:hi_indent.block
    if swendtag
      " The current line starts with an end tag, align with its start tag.
      call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
      let start_lnum = HtmlIndent_FindStartTag()
      if start_lnum > 0
        " check for the line starting with something inside a tag:
        " <sometag               <- align here
        "    attr=val><open>     not here
        let text = getline(start_lnum)
        let angle = matchstr(text, '[<>]')
        if angle == '>'
          call cursor(start_lnum, 1)
          normal! f>%
          let start_lnum = line('.')
          let text = getline(start_lnum)

        let indent = indent(start_lnum)
        if col('.') > 2
          let swendtag = match(text, '^\s*</') >= 0
          call s:CountITags(text[: col('.') - 2])
          let indent += s:nextrel * shiftwidth()
          if !swendtag
            let indent += s:curind * shiftwidth()
        " not sure what to do
        let indent = b:hi_indent.baseindent
      let b:hi_newstate.baseindent = indent
      call s:CountTagsAndState(curtext)
      let indent = b:hi_indent.baseindent
      let b:hi_newstate.baseindent = indent + (s:curind + s:nextrel) * indentunit

  let b:hi_lasttick = b:changedtick
  call extend(b:hi_indent, b:hi_newstate, "force")
  return indent
endfunc "}}}

" Check user settings when loading this script the first time.
call HtmlIndent_CheckUserSettings()

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

" vim: fdm=marker ts=8 sw=2 tw=78