view src/testdir/test_packadd.vim @ 34074:1629cc65d78d v9.1.0006

patch 9.1.0006: is*() and to*() function may be unsafe Commit: Author: Keith Thompson <> Date: Thu Jan 4 21:19:04 2024 +0100 patch 9.1.0006: is*() and to*() function may be unsafe Problem: is*() and to*() function may be unsafe Solution: Add SAFE_* macros and start using those instead (Keith Thompson) Use SAFE_() macros for is*() and to*() functions The standard is*() and to*() functions declared in <ctype.h> have undefined behavior for negative arguments other than EOF. If plain char is signed, passing an unchecked value from argv for from user input to one of these functions has undefined behavior. Solution: Add SAFE_*() macros that cast the argument to unsigned char. Most implementations behave sanely for negative arguments, and most character values in practice are non-negative, but it's still best to avoid undefined behavior. The change from #13347 has been omitted, as this has already been separately fixed in commit ac709e2fc0db6d31abb7da96f743c40956b60c3a (v9.0.2054) fixes: #13332 closes: #13347 Signed-off-by: Keith Thompson <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 04 Jan 2024 21:30:04 +0100
parents 5d3c0f914f26
line wrap: on
line source

" Tests for 'packpath' and :packadd

source check.vim

func SetUp()
  let s:topdir = getcwd() . '/Xppdir'
  exe 'set packpath=' . s:topdir
  let s:plugdir = s:topdir . '/pack/mine/opt/mytest'

func TearDown()
  call delete(s:topdir, 'rf')

func Test_packadd()
  if !exists('s:plugdir')
    echomsg 'when running this test manually, call SetUp() first'

  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin/also', 'p')
  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/ftdetect', 'p')
  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/after', 'p')

  " This used to crash Vim
  let &rtp = 'nosuchdir,' . s:plugdir . '/after'
  packadd mytest
  " plugdir should be inserted before plugdir/after
  call assert_match('^nosuchdir,' . s:plugdir . ',', &rtp)

  set rtp&
  let rtp = &rtp
  filetype on

  let rtp_entries = split(rtp, ',')
  for entry in rtp_entries
    if entry =~? '\<after\>'
      let first_after_entry = entry

  exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42')

  exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/also/loaded.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_also_works = 77')

  exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/ftdetect/test.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:ftdetect_works = 17')

  packadd mytest

  call assert_equal(42, g:plugin_works)
  call assert_equal(77, g:plugin_also_works)
  call assert_equal(17, g:ftdetect_works)
  call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
  call assert_match('/testdir/Xppdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)', &rtp)

  let new_after = match(&rtp, '/testdir/Xppdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest/after,')
  let forwarded = substitute(first_after_entry, '\\', '[/\\\\]', 'g')
  let old_after = match(&rtp, ',' . forwarded . '\>')
  call assert_true(new_after > 0, 'rtp is ' . &rtp)
  call assert_true(old_after > 0, 'match ' . forwarded . ' in ' . &rtp)
  call assert_true(new_after < old_after, 'rtp is ' . &rtp)

  " NOTE: '/.../opt/myte' forwardly matches with '/.../opt/mytest'
  call mkdir(fnamemodify(s:plugdir, ':h') . '/myte', 'p')
  let rtp = &rtp
  packadd myte

  " Check the path of 'myte' is added
  call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
  call assert_match('/testdir/Xppdir/pack/mine/opt/myte\($\|,\)', &rtp)

  " Check exception
  call assert_fails("packadd directorynotfound", 'E919:')
  call assert_fails("packadd", 'E471:')

func Test_packadd_start()
  let plugdir = s:topdir . '/pack/mine/start/other'
  call mkdir(plugdir . '/plugin', 'p')
  set rtp&
  let rtp = &rtp
  filetype on

  exe 'split ' . plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 24')

  packadd other

  call assert_equal(24, g:plugin_works)
  call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
  call assert_match('/testdir/Xppdir/pack/mine/start/other\($\|,\)', &rtp)

func Test_packadd_noload()
  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p')
  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/syntax', 'p')
  set rtp&
  let rtp = &rtp

  exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42')
  let g:plugin_works = 0

  packadd! mytest

  call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
  call assert_match('testdir/Xppdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)', &rtp)
  call assert_equal(0, g:plugin_works)

  " check the path is not added twice
  let new_rtp = &rtp
  packadd! mytest
  call assert_equal(new_rtp, &rtp)

func Test_packadd_symlink_dir()
  let top2_dir = s:topdir . '/Xdir2'
  let real_dir = s:topdir . '/Xsym'
  call mkdir(real_dir, 'p')
  exec "silent !ln -s Xsym"  top2_dir
  let &rtp = top2_dir . ',' . top2_dir . '/after'
  let &packpath = &rtp

  let s:plugdir = top2_dir . '/pack/mine/opt/mytest'
  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p')

  exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 44')
  let g:plugin_works = 0

  packadd mytest

  " Must have been inserted in the middle, not at the end
  call assert_match('/pack/mine/opt/mytest,', &rtp)
  call assert_equal(44, g:plugin_works)

  " No change when doing it again.
  let rtp_before = &rtp
  packadd mytest
  call assert_equal(rtp_before, &rtp)

  set rtp&
  let rtp = &rtp
  exec "silent !rm" top2_dir

func Test_packadd_symlink_dir2()
  let top2_dir = s:topdir . '/Xdir2'
  let real_dir = s:topdir . '/Xsym/pack'
  call mkdir(top2_dir, 'p')
  call mkdir(real_dir, 'p')
  let &rtp = top2_dir . ',' . top2_dir . '/after'
  let &packpath = &rtp

  exec "silent !ln -s ../Xsym/pack"  top2_dir . '/pack'
  let s:plugdir = top2_dir . '/pack/mine/opt/mytest'
  call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p')

  exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
  call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 48')
  let g:plugin_works = 0

  packadd mytest

  " Must have been inserted in the middle, not at the end
  call assert_match('/Xdir2/pack/mine/opt/mytest,', &rtp)
  call assert_equal(48, g:plugin_works)

  " No change when doing it again.
  let rtp_before = &rtp
  packadd mytest
  call assert_equal(rtp_before, &rtp)

  set rtp&
  let rtp = &rtp
  exec "silent !rm" top2_dir . '/pack'
  exec "silent !rmdir" top2_dir

" Check command-line completion for :packadd
func Test_packadd_completion()
  let optdir1 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt'
  let optdir2 = &packpath . '/pack/candidate/opt'

  call mkdir(optdir1 . '/pluginA', 'p')
  call mkdir(optdir1 . '/pluginC', 'p')
  call writefile([], optdir1 . '/unrelated')
  call mkdir(optdir2 . '/pluginB', 'p')
  call mkdir(optdir2 . '/pluginC', 'p')
  call writefile([], optdir2 . '/unrelated')

  let li = []
  call feedkeys(":packadd \<Tab>')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
  call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\<Tab>", 2) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
  call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\<Tab>", 3) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
  call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\<Tab>", 4) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal("packadd pluginA", li[0])
  call assert_equal("packadd pluginB", li[1])
  call assert_equal("packadd pluginC", li[2])
  call assert_equal("packadd ", li[3])

func Test_packloadall()
  " plugin foo with an autoload directory
  let fooplugindir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/plugin'
  call mkdir(fooplugindir, 'p')
  call writefile(['let g:plugin_foo_number = 1234',
	\ 'let g:plugin_foo_auto = bbb#value',
	\ 'let g:plugin_extra_auto = extra#value'], fooplugindir . '/bar.vim')
  let fooautodir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/autoload'
  call mkdir(fooautodir, 'p')
  call writefile(['let bar#value = 77'], fooautodir . '/bar.vim')

  " plugin aaa with an autoload directory
  let aaaplugindir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/aaa/plugin'
  call mkdir(aaaplugindir, 'p')
  call writefile(['let g:plugin_aaa_number = 333',
	\ 'let g:plugin_aaa_auto = bar#value'], aaaplugindir . '/bbb.vim')
  let aaaautodir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/aaa/autoload'
  call mkdir(aaaautodir, 'p')
  call writefile(['let bbb#value = 55'], aaaautodir . '/bbb.vim')

  " plugin extra with only an autoload directory
  let extraautodir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/extra/autoload'
  call mkdir(extraautodir, 'p')
  call writefile(['let extra#value = 99'], extraautodir . '/extra.vim')

  call assert_equal(1234, g:plugin_foo_number)
  call assert_equal(55, g:plugin_foo_auto)
  call assert_equal(99, g:plugin_extra_auto)
  call assert_equal(333, g:plugin_aaa_number)
  call assert_equal(77, g:plugin_aaa_auto)

  " only works once
  call writefile(['let g:plugin_bar_number = 4321'], fooplugindir . '/bar2.vim')
  call assert_false(exists('g:plugin_bar_number'))

  " works when ! used
  call assert_equal(4321, g:plugin_bar_number)

func Test_start_autoload()
  " plugin foo with an autoload directory
  let autodir = &packpath .. '/pack/mine/start/foo/autoload'
  call mkdir(autodir, 'p')
  let fname = autodir .. '/foobar.vim'
  call writefile(['func foobar#test()',
	\ '  return 1666',
	\ 'endfunc'], fname)

  call assert_equal(1666, foobar#test())

func Test_helptags()
  let docdir1 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/doc'
  let docdir2 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/bar/doc'
  call mkdir(docdir1, 'p')
  call mkdir(docdir2, 'p')
  call writefile(['look here: *look-here*'], docdir1 . '/bar.txt')
  call writefile(['look away: *look-away*'], docdir2 . '/foo.txt')
  exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo,' . &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/bar'

  helptags ALL

  let tags1 = readfile(docdir1 . '/tags')
  call assert_match('look-here', tags1[0])
  let tags2 = readfile(docdir2 . '/tags')
  call assert_match('look-away', tags2[0])

  call assert_fails('helptags abcxyz', 'E150:')

func Test_colorscheme()
  let colordirrun = &packpath . '/runtime/colors'
  let colordirstart = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/colors'
  let colordiropt = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/colors'
  call mkdir(colordirrun, 'p')
  call mkdir(colordirstart, 'p')
  call mkdir(colordiropt, 'p')
  call writefile(['let g:found_one = 1'], colordirrun . '/one.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:found_two = 1'], colordirstart . '/two.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:found_three = 1'], colordiropt . '/three.vim')
  exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime'

  colorscheme one
  call assert_equal(1, g:found_one)
  colorscheme two
  call assert_equal(1, g:found_two)
  colorscheme three
  call assert_equal(1, g:found_three)

func Test_colorscheme_completion()
  let colordirrun = &packpath . '/runtime/colors'
  let colordirstart = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/colors'
  let colordiropt = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/colors'
  call mkdir(colordirrun, 'p')
  call mkdir(colordirstart, 'p')
  call mkdir(colordiropt, 'p')
  call writefile(['let g:found_one = 1'], colordirrun . '/one.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:found_two = 1'], colordirstart . '/two.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:found_three = 1'], colordiropt . '/three.vim')
  exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime'

  let li=[]
  call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\<Tab>", 1) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
  call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\<Tab>", 2) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
  call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\<Tab>", 3) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
  call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\<Tab>", 4) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal("colorscheme one", li[0])
  call assert_equal("colorscheme three", li[1])
  call assert_equal("colorscheme two", li[2])
  call assert_equal("colorscheme ", li[3])

func Test_runtime()
  let rundir = &packpath . '/runtime/extra'
  let startdir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/extra'
  let optdir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/extra'
  call mkdir(rundir, 'p')
  call mkdir(startdir, 'p')
  call mkdir(optdir, 'p')
  call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "run"'], rundir . '/bar.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "start"'], startdir . '/bar.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "foostart"'], startdir . '/foo.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "opt"'], optdir . '/bar.vim')
  call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "xxxopt"'], optdir . '/xxx.vim')
  exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime'

  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('run', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime NoSuchFile extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('run', g:sequence)

  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime START extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('start', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime START NoSuchFile extra/bar.vim extra/foo.vim
  call assert_equal('start', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime START NoSuchFile extra/foo.vim extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('foostart', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! START NoSuchFile extra/bar.vim extra/foo.vim
  call assert_equal('startfoostart', g:sequence)

  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime OPT extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('opt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime OPT NoSuchFile extra/bar.vim extra/xxx.vim
  call assert_equal('opt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime OPT NoSuchFile extra/xxx.vim extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('xxxopt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! OPT NoSuchFile extra/bar.vim extra/xxx.vim
  call assert_equal('optxxxopt', g:sequence)

  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime PACK extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('start', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! PACK extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('startopt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime PACK extra/xxx.vim
  call assert_equal('xxxopt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime PACK extra/xxx.vim extra/foo.vim extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('foostart', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! PACK extra/bar.vim extra/xxx.vim extra/foo.vim
  call assert_equal('startfoostartoptxxxopt', g:sequence)

  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime ALL extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('run', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime ALL extra/foo.vim
  call assert_equal('foostart', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! ALL extra/xxx.vim
  call assert_equal('xxxopt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! ALL extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('runstartopt', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime ALL extra/xxx.vim extra/foo.vim extra/bar.vim
  call assert_equal('run', g:sequence)
  let g:sequence = ''
  runtime! ALL extra/bar.vim extra/xxx.vim extra/foo.vim
  call assert_equal('runstartfoostartoptxxxopt', g:sequence)

func Test_runtime_completion()
  let rundir = &packpath . '/runtime/Aextra'
  let startdir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/Aextra'
  let optdir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/Aextra'
  call mkdir(rundir . '/Arunbaz', 'p')
  call mkdir(startdir . '/Astartbaz', 'p')
  call mkdir(optdir . '/Aoptbaz', 'p')
  call writefile([], rundir . '/../Arunfoo.vim')
  call writefile([], rundir . '/Arunbar.vim')
  call writefile([], rundir . '/Aunrelated')
  call writefile([], rundir . '/../Aunrelated')
  call writefile([], startdir . '/../Astartfoo.vim')
  call writefile([], startdir . '/Astartbar.vim')
  call writefile([], startdir . '/Aunrelated')
  call writefile([], startdir . '/../Aunrelated')
  call writefile([], optdir . '/../Aoptfoo.vim')
  call writefile([], optdir . '/Aoptbar.vim')
  call writefile([], optdir . '/Aunrelated')
  call writefile([], optdir . '/../Aunrelated')
  exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime'

  func Check_runtime_completion(arg, arg_prev, res)
    call feedkeys(':runtime ' .. a:arg .. "\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
    call assert_equal('"runtime ' .. a:arg_prev .. join(a:res), @:)
    call assert_equal(a:res, getcompletion(a:arg, 'runtime'))

  call Check_runtime_completion('', '',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Arunfoo.vim', 'START', 'OPT', 'PACK', 'ALL'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('S', '',
        \ ['START'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('O', '',
        \ ['OPT'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('P', '',
        \ ['PACK'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('A', '',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Arunfoo.vim', 'ALL'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('Other.vim ', 'Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Arunfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('Aextra/', '',
        \ ['Aextra/Arunbar.vim', 'Aextra/Arunbaz/'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('Other.vim Aextra/', 'Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/Arunbar.vim', 'Aextra/Arunbaz/'])

  call Check_runtime_completion('START ', 'START ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('START Other.vim ', 'START Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('START A', 'START ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('START Other.vim A', 'START Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('START Aextra/', 'START ',
        \ ['Aextra/Astartbar.vim', 'Aextra/Astartbaz/'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('START Other.vim Aextra/', 'START Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/Astartbar.vim', 'Aextra/Astartbaz/'])

  call Check_runtime_completion('OPT ', 'OPT ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('OPT Other.vim ', 'OPT Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('OPT A', 'OPT ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('OPT Other.vim A', 'OPT Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('OPT Aextra/', 'OPT ',
        \ ['Aextra/Aoptbar.vim', 'Aextra/Aoptbaz/'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('OPT Other.vim Aextra/', 'OPT Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/Aoptbar.vim', 'Aextra/Aoptbaz/'])

  call Check_runtime_completion('PACK ', 'PACK ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('PACK Other.vim ', 'PACK Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('PACK A', 'PACK ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('PACK Other.vim A', 'PACK Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('PACK Aextra/', 'PACK ',
        \ ['Aextra/Aoptbar.vim', 'Aextra/Aoptbaz/',
        \ 'Aextra/Astartbar.vim', 'Aextra/Astartbaz/'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('PACK Other.vim Aextra/', 'PACK Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/Aoptbar.vim', 'Aextra/Aoptbaz/',
        \ 'Aextra/Astartbar.vim', 'Aextra/Astartbaz/'])

  call Check_runtime_completion('ALL ', 'ALL ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Arunfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('ALL Other.vim ', 'ALL Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Arunfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('ALL A', 'ALL ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Arunfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('ALL Other.vim A', 'ALL Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/', 'Aoptfoo.vim', 'Arunfoo.vim', 'Astartfoo.vim'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('ALL Aextra/', 'ALL ',
        \ ['Aextra/Aoptbar.vim', 'Aextra/Aoptbaz/',
        \ 'Aextra/Arunbar.vim', 'Aextra/Arunbaz/',
        \ 'Aextra/Astartbar.vim', 'Aextra/Astartbaz/'])
  call Check_runtime_completion('ALL Other.vim Aextra/', 'ALL Other.vim ',
        \ ['Aextra/Aoptbar.vim', 'Aextra/Aoptbaz/',
        \ 'Aextra/Arunbar.vim', 'Aextra/Arunbaz/',
        \ 'Aextra/Astartbar.vim', 'Aextra/Astartbaz/'])

  delfunc Check_runtime_completion

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab