view src/testdir/test_memory_usage.vim @ 33664:06b59278bfcf v9.0.2070

patch 9.0.2070: [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Thu Oct 26 22:14:17 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.2070: [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode Problem: [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode Solution: Setting environment variables in restricted mode could potentially be used to execute shell commands. Disallow this. restricted mode: disable allow setting of environment variables Setting environment variables in restricted mode, may have some unwanted consequences. So, for example by setting $GCONV_PATH in restricted mode and then calling the iconv() function, one may be able to execute some unwanted payload, because the `iconv_open()` function internally uses the `$GCONV_PATH` variable to find its conversion data. So let's disable setting environment variables, even so this is no complete protection, since we are not clearing the existing environment. I tried a few ways but wasn't successful :( One could also argue to disable the iconv() function completely in restricted mode, but who knows what other API functions can be influenced by setting some other unrelated environment variables. So let's leave it as it is currently. closes: #13394 See: Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:30:03 +0200
parents 72245f9c9405
line wrap: on
line source

" Tests for memory usage.

source check.vim
CheckFeature terminal

" Skip tests on Travis CI ASAN build because it's difficult to estimate memory
" usage.

source shared.vim

func s:pick_nr(str) abort
  return substitute(a:str, '[^0-9]', '', 'g') * 1

if has('win32')
  if !executable('wmic')
    throw 'Skipped: wmic program missing'
  func s:memory_usage(pid) abort
    let cmd = printf('wmic process where processid=%d get WorkingSetSize', a:pid)
    return s:pick_nr(system(cmd)) / 1024
elseif has('unix')
  if !executable('ps')
    throw 'Skipped: ps program missing'
  func s:memory_usage(pid) abort
    return s:pick_nr(system('ps -o rss= -p ' . a:pid))
  throw 'Skipped: not win32 or unix'

" Wait for memory usage to level off.
func s:monitor_memory_usage(pid) abort
  let proc = {}
  let = a:pid
  let proc.hist = []
  let proc.max = 0

  func proc.op() abort
    " Check the last 200ms.
    let val = s:memory_usage(
    if self.max < val
      let self.max = val
    call add(self.hist, val)
    if len(self.hist) < 20
      return 0
    let sample = remove(self.hist, 0)
    return len(uniq([sample] + self.hist)) == 1

  call WaitFor({-> proc.op()}, 10000)
  return {'last': get(proc.hist, -1), 'max': proc.max}

let s:term_vim = {}

func s:term_vim.start(...) abort
  let self.buf = term_start([GetVimProg()] + a:000)
  let self.job = term_getjob(self.buf)
  call WaitFor({-> job_status(self.job) ==# 'run'})
  let = job_info(self.job).process

  " running an external command may fail once in a while
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1

func s:term_vim.stop() abort
  call term_sendkeys(self.buf, ":qall!\<CR>")
  call WaitFor({-> job_status(self.job) ==# 'dead'})
  exe self.buf . 'bwipe!'

func s:vim_new() abort
  return copy(s:term_vim)

func Test_memory_func_capture_vargs()
  " Case: if a local variable captures a:000, funccall object will be free
  " just after it finishes.
  let testfile = 'Xtest.vim'
  let lines =<< trim END
        func s:f(...)
          let x = a:000
        for _ in range(10000)
          call s:f(0)
  call writefile(lines, testfile, 'D')

  let vim = s:vim_new()
  call vim.start('--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', testfile)
  let before = s:monitor_memory_usage(

  call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\<CR>")
  call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1})
  let after = s:monitor_memory_usage(

  " Estimate the limit of max usage as 2x initial usage.
  " The lower limit can fluctuate a bit, use 97%.
  call assert_inrange(before * 97 / 100, 2 * before, after.max)

  " In this case, garbage collecting is not needed.
  " The value might fluctuate a bit, allow for 3% tolerance below and 5% above.
  " Based on various test runs.
  let lower = after.last * 97 / 100
  let upper = after.last * 105 / 100
  call assert_inrange(lower, upper, after.max)

  call vim.stop()

func Test_memory_func_capture_lvars()
  " Case: if a local variable captures l: dict, funccall object will not be
  " free until garbage collector runs, but after that memory usage doesn't
  " increase so much even when rerun Xtest.vim since system memory caches.
  let testfile = 'Xtest.vim'
  let lines =<< trim END
        func s:f()
          let x = l:
        for _ in range(10000)
          call s:f()
  call writefile(lines, testfile, 'D')

  let vim = s:vim_new()
  call vim.start('--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', testfile)
  let before = s:monitor_memory_usage(

  call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\<CR>")
  call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1})
  let after = s:monitor_memory_usage(

  " Rerun Xtest.vim.
  for _ in range(3)
    call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\<CR>")
    call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1})
    let last = s:monitor_memory_usage(

  " The usage may be a bit less than the last value, use 80%.
  " Allow for 20% tolerance at the upper limit.  That's very permissive, but
  " otherwise the test fails sometimes.  On Cirrus CI with FreeBSD we need to
  " be even much more permissive.
  if has('bsd')
    let multiplier = 19
    let multiplier = 12
  let lower = before * 8 / 10
  let upper = (after.max + (after.last - before)) * multiplier / 10
  call assert_inrange(lower, upper, last)

  call vim.stop()

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab