diff runtime/syntax/perl6.vim @ 2152:b9e314fe473f

Updated runtime files.
author Bram Moolenaar <bram@zimbu.org>
date Fri, 14 May 2010 23:24:24 +0200
children d1e4abe8342c
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/perl6.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,2249 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:     Perl 6
+" Maintainer:   Andy Lester <andy@petdance.com>
+" Homepage:     http://github.com/petdance/vim-perl/tree/master
+" Last Change:  2009-07-04
+" Contributors: Luke Palmer <fibonaci@babylonia.flatirons.org>
+"               Moritz Lenz <moritz@faui2k3.org>
+"               Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson <hinrik.sig@gmail.com>
+" This is a big undertaking. Perl 6 is the sort of language that only Perl
+" can parse. But I'll do my best to get vim to.
+" You can associate the extension ".pl" with the filetype "perl6" by setting
+"     autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pl setf perl6
+" in your ~/.vimrc. But that will infringe on Perl 5, so you might want to
+" put a modeline near the beginning or end of your Perl 6 files instead:
+"     # vim: filetype=perl6
+" TODO:
+"   * Deal with s:Perl5//
+"   * m:s// is a match, not a substitution
+"   * Make these highlight as strings, not operators:
+"       <==> <=:=> <===> <=~> <« »> «>» «<»
+"   * Allow more keywords to match as function calls(leave() is export(), etc)
+"   * Optimization: use nextgroup instead of lookaround (:help syn-nextgroup)
+"   * Fix s''' substitutions being matched as package names
+"   * Match s/// and m/// better, so things like "$s/" won't match
+"   * Add more support for folding (:help syn-fold)
+"   * Add more syntax syncing hooks (:help syn-sync)
+"   * Q//:
+"       :to, :heredoc
+"       interpolate \q:s{$scalar} (though the spec isn't very clear on it)
+" Impossible TODO?:
+"   * Unspace
+"   * Unicode bracketing characters for quoting (there are so many)
+"   * Various tricks depending on context. I.e. we can't know when Perl
+"     expects «*» to be a string or a hyperoperator. The latter is presumably
+"     more common, so that's what we assume.
+"   * Selective highlighting of Pod formatting codes with the :allow option
+"   * Arbitrary number, order, and negation of adverbs to Q//, q//, qq//.
+"     Currently only the first adverb is considered significant. Anything
+"     more would require an exponential amount of regexes, making this
+"     already slow syntax file even slower.
+" If you want to have Pir code inside Q:PIR// strings highlighted, do:
+"  let perl6_embedded_pir=1
+" The above requires pir.vim, which you can find in Parrot's repository:
+" https://svn.parrot.org/parrot/trunk/editor/
+" Some less than crucial things have been made optional to speed things up.
+" Look at the comments near the if/else branches in this file to see exactly
+" which features are affected. "perl6_extended_all" enables everything.
+" The defaults are:
+"  unlet perl6_extended_comments
+"  unlet perl6_extended_q
+"  unlet perl6_extended_all
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+    syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+    finish
+" identifiers
+syn match p6Normal display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*"
+" This is used in the for loops below
+" Don't use the "syn keyword" construct because that always has higher
+" priority than matches/regions, so the words can't be autoquoted with
+" the "=>" and "p5=>" operators. All the lookaround stuff is to make sure
+" we don't match them as part of some other identifier.
+let s:before_keyword = " display \"\\%(\\k\\|\\K\\@<=[-']\\)\\@<!\\%("
+let s:after_keyword = "\\)\\%(\\k\\|[-']\\K\\@=\\)\\@!\""
+" Billions of keywords
+let s:keywords = {
+ \ "p6Attention": [
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6DeclareRoutine": [
+ \   "macro sub submethod method multi proto only rule token regex category",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Module": [
+ \   "module class role package enum grammar slang subset",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Variable": [
+ \   "self",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Include": [
+ \   "use require",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Conditional": [
+ \   "if else elsif unless",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6VarStorage": [
+ \   "let my our state temp has constant",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Repeat": [
+ \   "for loop repeat while until gather given",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6FlowControl": [
+ \   "take do when next last redo return contend maybe defer",
+ \   "default exit make continue break goto leave async lift",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6TypeConstraint": [
+ \   "is as but trusts of returns handles where augment supersede",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6ClosureTrait": [
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Exception": [
+ \   "die fail try warn",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Property": [
+ \   "prec irs ofs ors export deep binary unary reparsed rw parsed cached",
+ \   "readonly defequiv will ref copy inline tighter looser equiv assoc",
+ \   "required",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Number": [
+ \   "NaN Inf",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Pragma": [
+ \   "oo fatal",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Type": [
+ \   "Object Any Junction Whatever Capture Match",
+ \   "Signature Proxy Matcher Package Module Class",
+ \   "Grammar Scalar Array Hash KeyHash KeySet KeyBag",
+ \   "Pair List Seq Range Set Bag Mapping Void Undef",
+ \   "Failure Exception Code Block Routine Sub Macro",
+ \   "Method Submethod Regex Str Blob Char Byte",
+ \   "Codepoint Grapheme StrPos StrLen Version Num",
+ \   "Complex num complex Bit bit bool True False",
+ \   "Increasing Decreasing Ordered Callable AnyChar",
+ \   "Positional Associative Ordering KeyExtractor",
+ \   "Comparator OrderingPair IO KitchenSink Role",
+ \   "Int int int1 int2 int4 int8 int16 int32 int64",
+ \   "Rat rat rat1 rat2 rat4 rat8 rat16 rat32 rat64",
+ \   "Buf buf buf1 buf2 buf4 buf8 buf16 buf32 buf64",
+ \   "UInt uint uint1 uint2 uint4 uint8 uint16 uint32",
+ \   "uint64 Abstraction utf8 utf16 utf32",
+ \ ],
+ \ "p6Operator": [
+ \   "div x xx mod also leg cmp before after eq ne le lt",
+ \   "gt ge eqv ff fff and andthen Z X or xor",
+ \   "orelse extra m mm rx s tr",
+ \ ],
+\ }
+for [group, words] in items(s:keywords)
+    let s:words_space = join(words, " ")
+    let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
+    let s:words = join(s:temp, "\\|")
+    exec "syn match ". group ." ". s:before_keyword . s:words . s:after_keyword
+unlet s:keywords s:words_space s:temp s:words
+" More operators
+" Don't put a "\+" at the end of the character class. That makes it so
+" greedy that the "%" " in "+%foo" won't be allowed to match as a sigil,
+" among other things
+syn match p6Operator display "[-+/*~?|=^!%&,<>.;\\]"
+syn match p6Operator display "\%(:\@<!::\@!\|::=\|\.::\)"
+" these require whitespace on the left side
+syn match p6Operator display "\%(\s\|^\)\@<=\%(xx=\|p5=>\)"
+" "i" requires a digit to the left, and no keyword char to the right
+syn match p6Operator display "\d\@<=i\k\@!"
+" index overloading
+syn match p6Operator display "\%(&\.(\@=\|@\.\[\@=\|%\.{\@=\)"
+" all infix operators except nonassocative ones
+let s:infix_a = [
+    \ "div % mod +& +< +> \\~& ?& \\~< \\~> +| +\\^ \\~| \\~\\^ ?| ?\\^ xx x",
+    \ "\\~ && & also <== ==> <<== ==>> == != < <= > >= \\~\\~ eq ne lt le gt",
+    \ "ge =:= === eqv before after \\^\\^ min max \\^ff ff\\^ \\^ff\\^",
+    \ "\\^fff fff\\^ \\^fff\\^ fff ff ::= := \\.= => , : p5=> Z minmax",
+    \ "\\.\\.\\. and andthen or orelse xor \\^ += -= /= \\*= \\~= //= ||=",
+    \ "+ - \\*\\* \\* // / \\~ || |",
+\ ]
+" nonassociative infix operators
+let s:infix_n = "but does <=> leg cmp \\.\\. \\.\\.\\^\\^ \\^\\.\\. \\^\\.\\.\\^"
+let s:infix_a_long = join(s:infix_a, " ")
+let s:infix_a_words = split(s:infix_a_long)
+let s:infix_a_pattern = join(s:infix_a_words, "\\|")
+let s:infix_n_words = split(s:infix_n)
+let s:infix_n_pattern = join(s:infix_n_words, "\\|")
+let s:both = [s:infix_a_pattern, s:infix_n_pattern]
+let s:infix = join(s:both, "\\|")
+let s:infix_assoc = "!\\?\\%(" . s:infix_a_pattern . "\\)"
+let s:infix = "!\\?\\%(" . s:infix . "\\)"
+unlet s:infix_a s:infix_a_long s:infix_a_words s:infix_a_pattern
+unlet s:infix_n s:infix_n_pattern s:both
+" [+] reduce
+exec "syn match p6ReduceOp display \"\\k\\@<!\\[[R\\\\]\\?!\\?". s:infix_assoc ."]\\%(«\\|<<\\)\\?\""
+unlet s:infix_assoc
+" Reverse and cross operators (Rop, Xop)
+exec "syn match p6ReverseCrossOp display \"[RX]". s:infix ."\""
+" q() or whatever() is always a function call
+syn match p6Normal display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*(\@="
+" basically all builtins that can be followed by parentheses
+let s:routines = [
+ \ "eager hyper substr index rindex grep map sort join lines hints chmod",
+ \ "split reduce min max reverse truncate zip cat roundrobin classify",
+ \ "first sum keys values pairs defined delete exists elems end kv any",
+ \ "all one wrap shape key value name pop push shift splice unshift floor",
+ \ "ceiling abs exp log log10 rand sign sqrt sin cos tan round strand",
+ \ "roots cis unpolar polar atan2 pick chop p5chop chomp p5chomp lc",
+ \ "lcfirst uc ucfirst capitalize normalize pack unpack quotemeta comb",
+ \ "samecase sameaccent chars nfd nfc nfkd nfkc printf sprintf caller",
+ \ "evalfile run runinstead nothing want bless chr ord gmtime time eof",
+ \ "localtime gethost getpw chroot getlogin getpeername kill fork wait",
+ \ "perl graphs codes bytes clone print open read write readline say seek",
+ \ "close opendir readdir slurp pos fmt vec link unlink symlink uniq pair",
+ \ "asin atan sec cosec cotan asec acosec acotan sinh cosh tanh asinh",
+ \ "acos acosh atanh sech cosech cotanh sech acosech acotanh asech ok",
+ \ "plan_ok dies_ok lives_ok skip todo pass flunk force_todo use_ok isa_ok",
+ \ "diag is_deeply isnt like skip_rest unlike cmp_ok eval_dies_ok nok_error",
+ \ "eval_lives_ok approx is_approx throws_ok version_lt plan eval succ pred",
+ \ "times nonce once signature new connect operator undef undefine sleep",
+ \ "from to infix postfix prefix circumfix postcircumfix minmax lazy count",
+ \ "unwrap getc pi e context void quasi body each contains rewinddir subst",
+ \ "can isa flush arity assuming rewind callwith callsame nextwith nextsame",
+ \ "attr eval_elsewhere none srand trim trim_start trim_end lastcall WHAT",
+ \ "WHERE HOW WHICH VAR WHO WHENCE ACCEPTS REJECTS does not true iterator by",
+ \ "re im invert flip",
+\ ]
+" we want to highlight builtins like split() though, so this comes afterwards
+" TODO: check if this would be faster as one big regex
+let s:words_space = join(s:routines, " ")
+let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
+let s:words = join(s:temp, "\\|")
+exec "syn match p6Routine ". s:before_keyword . s:words . s:after_keyword
+unlet s:before_keyword s:after_keyword s:words_space s:temp s:words s:routines
+" packages, must come after all the keywords
+syn match p6Normal display "\%(::\)\@<=\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*"
+syn match p6Normal display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(::\)\@="
+" some standard packages
+syn match p6Type display "\%(::\|\k\|\K\@<=[-']\)\@<!\%(Order\%(::Same\|::Increase\|::Decrease\)\?\)\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)\@!"
+syn match p6Type display "\%(::\|\k\|\K\@<=[-']\)\@<!\%(Bool\%(::True\|::False\)\?\)\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)\@!"
+syn match p6Shebang    display "\%^#!.*"
+syn match p6BlockLabel display "\%(^\s*\)\@<=\h\w*\s*::\@!\_s\@="
+syn match p6Number     display "\k\@<!_\@!\%(\d\|__\@!\)\+_\@<!\%([eE]_\@!+\?\%(\d\|_\)\+\)\?_\@<!"
+syn match p6Float      display "\k\@<!_\@!\%(\d\|__\@!\)\+_\@<![eE]_\@!-\%(\d\|_\)\+"
+syn match p6Float      display "\k\@<!_\@<!\%(\d\|__\@!\)*_\@<!\.\@<!\._\@!\.\@!\a\@!\%(\d\|_\)\+_\@<!\%([eE]_\@!\%(\d\|_\)\+\)\?"
+syn match p6NumberBase display "[obxd]" contained
+syn match p6Number     display "\<0\%(o[0-7][0-7_]*\)\@="     nextgroup=p6NumberBase
+syn match p6Number     display "\<0\%(b[01][01_]*\)\@="       nextgroup=p6NumberBase
+syn match p6Number     display "\<0\%(x\x[[:xdigit:]_]*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6NumberBase
+syn match p6Number     display "\<0\%(d\d[[:digit:]_]*\)\@="  nextgroup=p6NumberBase
+syn match p6Number     display "\%(\<0o\)\@<=[0-7][0-7_]*"
+syn match p6Number     display "\%(\<0b\)\@<=[01][01_]*"
+syn match p6Number     display "\%(\<0x\)\@<=\x[[:xdigit:]_]*"
+syn match p6Number     display "\%(\<0d\)\@<=\d[[:digit:]_]*"
+syn match p6Version    display "\<v\d\@=" nextgroup=p6VersionNum
+syn match p6VersionNum display "\d\+" nextgroup=p6VersionDot contained
+syn match p6VersionDot display "\.\%(\d\|\*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6VersionNum contained
+" try to distinguish the "is" function from the "is" trail auxiliary
+syn match p6Routine     display "\%(\%(\S\k\@<!\|^\)\s*\)\@<=is\>"
+" does is a type constraint sometimes
+syn match p6TypeConstraint display "does\%(\s*\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)\)\@="
+" int is a type sometimes
+syn match p6Type        display "\<int\>\%(\s*(\|\s\+\d\)\@!"
+" these Routine names are also Properties, if preceded by "is"
+syn match p6Property    display "\%(is\s\+\)\@<=\%(signature\|context\|also\|shape\)"
+" The sigil in ::*Package
+syn match p6PackageTwigil display "\%(::\)\@<=\*"
+" $<match>
+syn region p6MatchVarSigil
+    \ matchgroup=p6Variable
+    \ start="\$\%(<<\@!\)\@="
+    \ end=">\@<="
+    \ contains=p6MatchVar
+syn region p6MatchVar
+    \ matchgroup=p6Twigil
+    \ start="<"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+" Contextualizers
+syn match p6Context display "\<\%(item\|list\|slice\|hash\)\>"
+syn match p6Context display "\%(\$\|@\|%\|&\|@@\)(\@="
+" the "$" placeholder in "$var1, $, var2 = @list"
+syn match p6Placeholder display "\%(,\s*\)\@<=\$\%(\K\|\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\)\@!"
+syn match p6Placeholder display "\$\%(\K\|\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\)\@!\%(,\s*\)\@="
+" Quoting
+" one cluster for every quote adverb
+syn cluster p6Interp_s
+    \ add=p6InterpScalar
+syn cluster p6Interp_scalar
+    \ add=p6InterpScalar
+syn cluster p6Interp_a
+    \ add=p6InterpArray
+syn cluster p6Interp_array
+    \ add=p6InterpArray
+syn cluster p6Interp_h
+    \ add=p6InterpHash
+syn cluster p6Interp_hash
+    \ add=p6InterpHash
+syn cluster p6Interp_f
+    \ add=p6InterpFunction
+syn cluster p6Interp_f
+    \ add=p6InterpFunction
+syn cluster p6Interp_c
+    \ add=p6InterpClosure
+syn cluster p6Interp_closure
+    \ add=p6InterpClosure
+if exists("perl6_extended_q") || exists("perl6_extended_all")
+    syn cluster p6Interp_ww
+        \ add=p6StringSQ
+        \ add=p6StringDQ
+    syn cluster p6Interp_quotewords
+        \ add=p6StringSQ
+        \ add=p6StringDQ
+syn cluster p6Interp_q
+    \ add=p6EscQQ
+    \ add=p6EscBackSlash
+syn cluster p6Interp_single
+    \ add=p6EscQQ
+    \ add=p6EscBackSlash
+syn cluster p6Interp_b
+    \ add=@p6Interp_q
+    \ add=p6Escape
+    \ add=p6EscOpenCurly
+    \ add=p6EscCodePoint
+    \ add=p6EscHex
+    \ add=p6EscOct
+    \ add=p6EscOctOld
+    \ add=p6EscNull
+syn cluster p6Interp_backslash
+    \ add=@p6Interp_q
+    \ add=p6Escape
+    \ add=p6EscOpenCurly
+    \ add=p6EscCodePoint
+    \ add=p6EscHex
+    \ add=p6EscOct
+    \ add=p6EscOctOld
+    \ add=p6EscNull
+syn cluster p6Interp_qq
+    \ add=@p6Interp_scalar
+    \ add=@p6Interp_array
+    \ add=@p6Interp_hash
+    \ add=@p6Interp_function
+    \ add=@p6Interp_closure
+    \ add=@p6Interp_backslash
+syn cluster p6Interp_double
+    \ add=@p6Interp_scalar
+    \ add=@p6Interp_array
+    \ add=@p6Interp_hash
+    \ add=@p6Interp_function
+    \ add=@p6Interp_closure
+    \ add=@p6Interp_backslash
+syn region p6InterpScalar
+    \ start="\ze\z(\$\%(\%(\%(\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+    \ start="\ze\z(\$\%(\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\)\)"
+    \ end="\z1\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6InterpScalar
+    \ matchgroup=p6Context
+    \ start="\$\ze()\@!"
+    \ skip="([^)]*)"
+    \ end=")\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6InterpArray
+    \ start="\ze\z(@\$*\%(\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+    \ end="\z1\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6InterpArray
+    \ matchgroup=p6Context
+    \ start="@\ze()\@!"
+    \ start="@@\ze()\@!"
+    \ skip="([^)]*)"
+    \ end=")\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6InterpHash
+    \ start="\ze\z(%\$*\%(\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+    \ end="\z1\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6InterpHash
+    \ matchgroup=p6Context
+    \ start="%\ze()\@!"
+    \ skip="([^)]*)"
+    \ end=")\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6InterpFunction
+    \ start="\ze\z(&\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+    \ end="\z1\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6InterpFunction
+    \ matchgroup=p6Context
+    \ start="&\ze()\@!"
+    \ skip="([^)]*)"
+    \ end=")\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6InterpClosure
+    \ start="\\\@<!{}\@!"
+    \ skip="{[^}]*}"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+" generic escape
+syn match p6Escape          display "\\\S" contained
+" escaped closing delimiters
+syn match p6EscQuote        display "\\'" contained
+syn match p6EscDoubleQuote  display "\\\"" contained
+syn match p6EscCloseAngle   display "\\>" contained
+syn match p6EscCloseFrench  display "\\»" contained
+syn match p6EscBackTick     display "\\`" contained
+syn match p6EscForwardSlash display "\\/" contained
+syn match p6EscVerticalBar  display "\\|" contained
+syn match p6EscExclamation  display "\\!" contained
+syn match p6EscComma        display "\\," contained
+syn match p6EscDollar       display "\\\$" contained
+syn match p6EscCloseCurly   display "\\}" contained
+syn match p6EscCloseBracket display "\\\]" contained
+" misc escapes
+syn match p6EscOctOld    display "\\\d\{1,3}" contained
+syn match p6EscNull      display "\\0\d\@!" contained
+syn match p6EscCodePoint display "\%(\\c\)\@<=\%(\d\|\S\|\[\)\@=" contained nextgroup=p6CodePoint
+syn match p6EscHex       display "\%(\\x\)\@<=\%(\x\|\[\)\@=" contained nextgroup=p6HexSequence
+syn match p6EscOct       display "\%(\\o\)\@<=\%(\o\|\[\)\@=" contained nextgroup=p6OctSequence
+syn match p6EscQQ        display "\\qq" contained nextgroup=p6QQSequence
+syn match p6EscOpenCurly display "\\{" contained
+syn match p6EscHash      display "\\#" contained
+syn match p6EscBackSlash display "\\\\" contained
+syn region p6QQSequence
+    \ matchgroup=p6Escape
+    \ start="\["
+    \ skip="\[[^\]]*]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+    \ transparent
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
+syn match p6CodePoint   display "\%(\d\+\|\S\)" contained
+syn region p6CodePoint
+    \ matchgroup=p6Escape
+    \ start="\["
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6HexSequence display "\x\+" contained
+syn region p6HexSequence
+    \ matchgroup=p6Escape
+    \ start="\["
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6OctSequence display "\o\+" contained
+syn region p6OctSequence
+    \ matchgroup=p6Escape
+    \ start="\["
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+" matches :key, :!key, :$var, :key<var>, etc
+" Since we don't know in advance how the adverb ends, we use a trick.
+" Consume nothing with the start pattern (\ze at the beginning),
+" while capturing the whole adverb into \z1 and then putting it before
+" the match start (\zs) of the end pattern.
+syn region p6Adverb
+    \ start="\ze\z(:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\?\)"
+    \ start="\ze\z(:!\?[@$%]\$*\%(::\|\%(\$\@<=\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\)\|\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\)\)"
+    \ end="\z1\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+" <words>
+" FIXME: not sure how to distinguish this from the "less than" operator
+" in all cases. For now, it matches if any of the following is true:
+" * There is whitespace missing on either side of the "<", since
+"   people tend to put spaces around "less than"
+" * It comes after "enum", "for", "any", "all", or "none"
+" * It's the first or last thing on a line (ignoring whitespace)
+" * It's preceded by "= "
+" It never matches when:
+" * Preceded by [<+~=] (e.g. <<foo>>, =<$foo>)
+" * Followed by [-=] (e.g. <--, <=, <==)
+syn region p6StringAngle
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(enum\|for\|any\|all\|none\)\>\s*(\?\s*\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
+    \ start="\%(\s\|[<+~=]\)\@<!<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
+    \ start="[<+~=]\@<!<\%(\s\|<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
+    \ start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
+    \ start="[<+~=]\@<!<\%(\s*$\)\@="
+    \ start="\%(=\s\+\)\@=<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contains=p6InnerAnglesOne,p6EscBackSlash,p6EscCloseAngle
+syn region p6InnerAnglesOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringAngle
+    \ start="<"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6InnerAnglesOne
+" <<words>>
+syn region p6StringAngles
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="<<=\@!"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contains=p6InnerAnglesTwo,@p6Interp_qq,p6Comment,p6EscHash,p6EscCloseAngle,p6Adverb,p6StringSQ,p6StringDQ
+syn region p6InnerAnglesTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringAngles
+    \ start="<<"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6InnerAnglesTwo
+" «words»
+syn region p6StringFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="«"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contains=p6InnerFrench,@p6Interp_qq,p6Comment,p6EscHash,p6EscCloseFrench,p6Adverb,p6StringSQ,p6StringDQ
+syn region p6InnerFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringFrench
+    \ start="«"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6InnerFrench
+" 'string'
+syn region p6StringSQ
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="'"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\'"
+    \ end="'"
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_q,p6EscQuote
+" "string"
+syn region p6StringDQ
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start=+"+
+    \ skip=+\\\@<!\\"+
+    \ end=+"+
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_qq,p6EscDoubleQuote
+" Q// and friends.
+syn match p6QuoteQ display "\%([Qq]\%(ww\|to\|[qwxsahfcb]\)\?\)\>" nextgroup=p6QPairs skipwhite skipempty
+syn match p6QPairs contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=p6StringQ,p6StringQ_PIR "\%(\_s*:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\?\)*"
+if exists("perl6_embedded_pir")
+    syn include @p6PIR syntax/pir.vim
+" hardcoded set of delimiters
+let s:delims = [
+  \ ["\\\"",         "\\\"", "p6EscDoubleQuote",  "\\\\\\@<!\\\\\\\""],
+  \ ["'",            "'",    "p6EscQuote",        "\\\\\\@<!\\\\'"],
+  \ ["/",            "/",    "p6EscForwardSlash", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\/"],
+  \ ["`",            "`",    "p6EscBackTick",     "\\\\\\@<!\\\\`"],
+  \ ["|",            "|",    "p6EscVerticalBar",  "\\\\\\@<!\\\\|"],
+  \ ["!",            "!",    "p6EscExclamation",  "\\\\\\@<!\\\\!"],
+  \ [",",            ",",    "p6EscComma",        "\\\\\\@<!\\\\,"],
+  \ ["\\$",          "\\$",  "p6EscDollar",       "\\\\\\@<!\\\\\\$"],
+  \ ["{",            "}",    "p6EscCloseCurly",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\}\\|{[^}]*}\\)"],
+  \ ["<",            ">",    "p6EscCloseAngle",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\>\\|<[^>]*>\\)"],
+  \ ["«",            "»",    "p6EscCloseFrench",  "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\»\\|«[^»]*»\\)"],
+  \ ["\\\[",         "]",    "p6EscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\]\\|\\[^\\]]*]\\)"],
+  \ ["\\s\\@<=(",    ")",    "p6EscCloseParen",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\)\\|([^)]*)\\)"],
+\ ]
+" double and triple delimiters too
+if exists("perl6_extended_q") || exists("perl6_extended_all")
+    call add(s:delims, ["««",           "»»",  "p6EscCloseFrench",  "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\»»\\|««\\%([^»]\\|»»\\@!\\)*»»\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["«««",          "»»»", "p6EscCloseFrench",  "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\»»»\\|«««\\%([^»]\\|»\\%(»»\\)\\@!\\)*»»»\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["{{",           "}}",  "p6EscCloseCurly",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\}}\\|{{\\%([^}]\\|}}\\@!\\)*}}\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["{{{",          "}}}", "p6EscCloseCurly",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\}}}\\|{{{\\%([^}]\\|}\\%(}}\\)\\@!\\)*}}}\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["\\\[\\\[",     "]]",  "p6EscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\]]\\|\\[\\[\\%([^\\]]\\|]]\\@!\\)*]]\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["\\\[\\\[\\\[", "]]]", "p6EscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\]]]\\|\\[\\[\\[\\%([^\\]]\\|]\\%(]]\\)\\@!\\)*]]]\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=((",   "))",  "p6EscCloseParen",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\))\\|((\\%([^)]\\|))\\@!\\)*))\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=(((",  ")))", "p6EscCloseParen",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\)))\\|(((\\%([^)]\\|)\\%())\\)\\@!\\)*)))\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=<<",   ">>",  "p6EscCloseAngle",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\>>\\|<<\\%([^>]\\|>>\\@!\\)*>>\\)"])
+    call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=<<<",  ">>>", "p6EscCloseAngle",   "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\>>>\\|<<<\\%([^>]\\|>\\%(>>\\)\\@!\\)*>>>\\)"])
+if !exists("perl6_extended_q") && !exists("perl6_extended_all")
+    " simple version, no special highlighting within the string
+    for [start_delim, end_delim, end_group, skip] in s:delims
+        exec "syn region p6StringQ matchgroup=p6Quote start=\"".start_delim."\" skip=\"".skip."\" end=\"".end_delim."\" contains=".end_group." contained"
+    endfor
+    if exists("perl6_embedded_pir")
+        " highlight embedded PIR code
+        for [start_delim, end_delim, end_group, skip] in s:delims
+            exec "syn region p6StringQ_PIR matchgroup=p6Quote start=\"\\%(Q\\s*:PIR\\s*\\)\\@<=".start_delim."\" skip=\"".skip."\" end=\"".end_delim."\" contains=@p6PIR,".end_group." contained"
+        endfor
+    endif
+    let s:before = "syn region p6StringQ matchgroup=p6Quote start=\"\\%("
+    let s:after  = "\\%(\\_s*:!\\?\\K\\%(\\k\\|[-']\\K\\@=\\)*\\%(([^)]*)\\|\\[[^\\]]*]\\|<[^>]*>\\|«[^»]*»\\|{[^}]*}\\)\\?\\)*\\_s*\\)\\@<="
+    let s:adverbs = [
+        \ ["s", "scalar"],
+        \ ["a", "array"],
+        \ ["h", "hash"],
+        \ ["f", "function"],
+        \ ["c", "closure"],
+        \ ["b", "backslash"],
+        \ ["w", "words"],
+        \ ["ww", "quotewords"],
+        \ ["x", "exec"],
+    \ ]
+    " these can't be conjoined with q and qq (e.g. as qqq and qqqq)
+    let s:q_adverbs = [
+        \ ["q", "single"],
+        \ ["qq", "double"],
+    \ ]
+    for [start_delim, end_delim, end_group, skip] in s:delims
+        " Q, q, and qq with any number of (ignored) adverbs
+        exec s:before ."Q". s:after .start_delim."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\""." contained"
+        exec s:before ."q". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q"." contained"
+        exec s:before ."qq". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq"." contained"
+        for [short, long] in s:adverbs
+            " Qs, qs, qqs, Qa, qa, qqa, etc, with ignored adverbs
+            exec s:before ."Q".short. s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long." contained"
+            exec s:before ."q".short. s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
+            exec s:before ."qq".short. s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
+            " Q, q, and qq, with one significant adverb
+            exec s:before ."Q\\s*:\\%(".short."\\|".long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long." contained"
+            for [q_short, q_long] in s:q_adverbs
+                exec s:before ."Q\\s*:\\%(".q_short."\\|".q_long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".q_long." contained"
+            endfor
+            exec s:before ."q\\s*:\\%(".short."\\|".long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
+            exec s:before ."qq\\s*:\\%(".short."\\|".long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
+            for [short2, long2] in s:adverbs
+                " Qs, qs, qqs, Qa, qa, qqa, etc, with one significant adverb
+                exec s:before ."Q".short."\\s*:\\%(".short2."\\|".long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".long2." contained"
+                for [q_short2, q_long2] in s:q_adverbs
+                    exec s:before ."Q".short."\\s*:\\%(".q_short2."\\|".q_long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".q_long2." contained"
+                endfor
+                exec s:before ."q".short."\\s*:\\%(".short2."\\|".long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q,@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".long2." contained"
+                exec s:before ."qq".short."\\s*:\\%(".short2."\\|".long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq,@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".long2." contained"
+            endfor
+        endfor
+    endfor
+    unlet s:before s:after s:adverbs s:q_adverbs
+unlet s:delims
+" Match these so something else above can't. E.g. the "q" in "role q { }"
+" should not be considered a string
+syn match p6Normal display "\%(\<\%(role\|grammar\|slang\)\s\+\)\@<=\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*"
+" :key
+syn match p6Operator display ":\@<!::\@!!\?" nextgroup=p6Key
+syn match p6Key display "\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*" contained
+" => and p5=> autoquoting
+syn match p6StringP5Auto display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\ze\s\+p5=>"
+syn match p6StringAuto   display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\ze\%(p5\)\@<!=>"
+syn match p6StringAuto   display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\ze\s\+=>"
+syn match p6StringAuto   display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*p5\ze=>"
+" Hyperoperators. Needs to come after the quoting operators (<>, «», etc)
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"»"   .s:infix."»\\?\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"«\\?".s:infix."«\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"»"   .s:infix."«\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"«"   .s:infix. "»\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \">>"          .s:infix."\\%(>>\\)\\?\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"\\%(<<\\)\\?".s:infix."<<\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \">>"          .s:infix."<<\""
+exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"<<"          .s:infix.">>\""
+unlet s:infix
+" Regexes and grammars
+syn match p6RegexName display "\%(\<\%(regex\|rule\|token\)\s\+\)\@<=\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*" nextgroup=p6RegexBlockCrap skipwhite skipempty
+syn match p6RegexBlockCrap "[^{]*" nextgroup=p6RegexBlock skipwhite skipempty transparent contained
+syn region p6RegexBlock
+    \ matchgroup=p6Normal
+    \ start="{"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" Perl 6 regex bits
+syn cluster p6Regexen
+    \ add=p6RxMeta
+    \ add=p6RxEscape
+    \ add=p6EscHex
+    \ add=p6EscOct
+    \ add=p6EscNull
+    \ add=p6RxAnchor
+    \ add=p6RxCapture
+    \ add=p6RxGroup
+    \ add=p6RxAlternation
+    \ add=p6RxAdverb
+    \ add=p6RxAdverbArg
+    \ add=p6RxStorage
+    \ add=p6RxAssertion
+    \ add=p6RxQuoteWords
+    \ add=p6RxClosure
+    \ add=p6RxStringSQ
+    \ add=p6RxStringDQ
+    \ add=p6Comment
+syn match p6RxMeta        display contained ".\%(\k\|\s\)\@<!"
+syn match p6RxAnchor      display contained "[$^]"
+syn match p6RxEscape      display contained "\\\S"
+syn match p6RxCapture     display contained "[()]"
+syn match p6RxAlternation display contained "|"
+syn match p6RxRange       display contained "\.\."
+syn region p6RxClosure
+    \ matchgroup=p6Normal
+    \ start="{"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+    \ containedin=p6RxClosure
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6RxGroup
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
+    \ start="\["
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+syn region p6RxAssertion
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
+    \ start="<"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables,p6RxCharClass,p6RxAssertCall
+syn region p6RxAssertCall
+    \ matchgroup=p6Normal
+    \ start="\%(::\|\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\)\@<=(\@="
+    \ end=")\@<="
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6RxCharClass
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
+    \ start="\%(<[-!+?]\?\)\@<=\["
+    \ skip="\\]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6RxRange,p6RxEscape,p6EscHex,p6EscOct,p6EscNull
+syn region p6RxQuoteWords
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
+    \ start="< "
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+syn region p6RxAdverb
+    \ start="\ze\z(:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)"
+    \ end="\z1\zs"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6RxAdverbArg
+    \ start="\%(:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\@<=("
+    \ skip="([^)]*)"
+    \ end=")"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn region p6RxStorage
+    \ matchgroup=p6Operator
+    \ start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=:\%(my\>\|temp\>\)\@="
+    \ end="$"
+    \ contains=TOP
+    \ contained
+" Perl 5 regex bits
+syn cluster p6RegexP5Base
+    \ add=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ add=p6RxP5Oct
+    \ add=p6RxP5Hex
+    \ add=p6RxP5EscMeta
+    \ add=p6RxP5CodePoint
+    \ add=p6RxP5Prop
+" normal regex stuff
+syn cluster p6RegexP5
+    \ add=@p6RegexP5Base
+    \ add=p6RxP5Quantifier
+    \ add=p6RxP5Meta
+    \ add=p6RxP5QuoteMeta
+    \ add=p6RxP5ParenMod
+    \ add=p6RxP5Verb
+    \ add=p6RxP5Count
+    \ add=p6RxP5Named
+    \ add=p6RxP5ReadRef
+    \ add=p6RxP5WriteRef
+    \ add=p6RxP5CharClass
+    \ add=p6RxP5Anchor
+" inside character classes
+syn cluster p6RegexP5Class
+    \ add=@p6RegexP5Base
+    \ add=p6RxP5Posix
+    \ add=p6RxP5Range
+syn match p6RxP5Escape     display contained "\\\S"
+syn match p6RxP5CodePoint  display contained "\\c\S\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5CPId
+syn match p6RxP5CPId       display contained "\S"
+syn match p6RxP5Oct        display contained "\\\%(\o\{1,3}\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5OctSeq
+syn match p6RxP5OctSeq     display contained "\o\{1,3}"
+syn match p6RxP5Anchor     display contained "[\^$]"
+syn match p6RxP5Hex        display contained "\\x\%({\x\+}\|\x\{1,2}\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5HexSeq
+syn match p6RxP5HexSeq     display contained "\x\{1,2}"
+syn region p6RxP5HexSeq
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="{"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+syn region p6RxP5Named
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="\%(\\N\)\@<={"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6RxP5Quantifier display contained "\%([+*]\|(\@<!?\)"
+syn match p6RxP5ReadRef    display contained "\\[1-9]\d\@!"
+syn match p6RxP5ReadRef    display contained "\\k<\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5ReadRefId
+syn region p6RxP5ReadRefId
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="<"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6RxP5WriteRef   display contained "\\g\%(\d\|{\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5WriteRefId
+syn match p6RxP5WriteRefId display contained "\d\+"
+syn region p6RxP5WriteRefId
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="{"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6RxP5Prop       display contained "\\[pP]\%(\a\|{\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5PropId
+syn match p6RxP5PropId     display contained "\a"
+syn region p6RxP5PropId
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="{"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6RxP5Meta       display contained "[(|).]"
+syn match p6RxP5ParenMod   display contained "(\@<=?\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5Mod,p6RxP5ModName,p6RxP5Code
+syn match p6RxP5Mod        display contained "?\%(<\?=\|<\?!\|[#:|]\)"
+syn match p6RxP5Mod        display contained "?-\?[impsx]\+"
+syn match p6RxP5Mod        display contained "?\%([-+]\?\d\+\|R\)"
+syn match p6RxP5Mod        display contained "?(DEFINE)"
+syn match p6RxP5Mod        display contained "?\%(&\|P[>=]\)" nextgroup=p6RxP5ModDef
+syn match p6RxP5ModDef     display contained "\h\w*"
+syn region p6RxP5ModName
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
+    \ start="?'"
+    \ end="'"
+    \ contained
+syn region p6RxP5ModName
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
+    \ start="?P\?<"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+syn region p6RxP5Code
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
+    \ start="??\?{"
+    \ end="})\@="
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=TOP
+syn match p6RxP5EscMeta    display contained "\\[?*.{}()[\]|\^$]"
+syn match p6RxP5Count      display contained "\%({\d\+\%(,\%(\d\+\)\?\)\?}\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5CountId
+syn region p6RxP5CountId
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="{"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6RxP5Verb       display contained "(\@<=\*\%(\%(PRUNE\|SKIP\|THEN\)\%(:[^)]*\)\?\|\%(MARK\|\):[^)]*\|COMMIT\|F\%(AIL\)\?\|ACCEPT\)"
+syn region p6RxP5QuoteMeta
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="\\Q"
+    \ end="\\E"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6Variables,p6EscBackSlash
+syn region p6RxP5CharClass
+    \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
+    \ start="\[\^\?"
+    \ skip="\\]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5Class
+syn region p6RxP5Posix
+    \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
+    \ start="\[:"
+    \ end=":]"
+    \ contained
+syn match p6RxP5Range      display contained "-"
+" 'string' inside a regex
+syn region p6RxStringSQ
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="'"
+    \ skip="\\\@<!\\'"
+    \ end="'"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6EscQuote,p6EscBackSlash
+" "string" inside a regex
+syn region p6RxStringDQ
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start=+"+
+    \ skip=+\\\@<!\\"+
+    \ end=+"+
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6EscDoubleQuote,p6EscBackSlash
+" $!, $var, $!var, $::var, $package::var $*::package::var, etc
+" Thus must come after the matches for the "$" regex anchor, but before
+" the match for the $ regex delimiter
+syn cluster p6Variables
+    \ add=p6VarSlash
+    \ add=p6VarExclam
+    \ add=p6VarMatch
+    \ add=p6VarNum
+    \ add=p6Variable
+syn match p6VarSlash     display "\$/"
+syn match p6VarExclam    display "\$!"
+syn match p6VarMatch     display "\$¢"
+syn match p6VarNum       display "\$\d\+"
+syn match p6Variable     display "\%(@@\|[@&$%]\$*\)\%(::\|\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\)\|\K\)\@=" nextgroup=p6Twigil,p6VarName,p6PackageScope
+syn match p6VarName      display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*" contained
+syn match p6Twigil       display "\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=" nextgroup=p6PackageScope,p6VarName contained
+syn match p6PackageScope display "\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\?::" nextgroup=p6PackageScope,p6VarName contained
+" Perl 6 regex regions
+" /foo/
+" Below some hacks to recognise the // variant. This is virtually impossible
+" to catch in all cases as the / is used in so many other ways, but these
+" should be the most obvious ones.
+" TODO: mostly stolen from perl.vim, might need more work
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%([$@%&*]\@<!\%(\<\%(split\|while\|until\|if\|unless\)\|\.\.\|[-+*!~(\[{=]\)\s*\)\@<=//\@!"
+    \ start="^//\@!"
+    \ start=+\s\@<=/[^[:space:][:digit:]$@%=]\@=\%(/\_s*\%([([{$@%&*[:digit:]"'`]\|\_s\w\|[[:upper:]_abd-fhjklnqrt-wyz]\)\)\@!/\@!+
+    \ skip="\\/"
+    \ end="/"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+" m/foo/, mm/foo/, rx/foo/
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=//\@!"
+    \ skip="\\/"
+    \ end="/"
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+" m!foo!, mm!foo!, rx!foo!
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=!!\@!"
+    \ skip="\\!"
+    \ end="!"
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarSlash,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+" m$foo$, mm$foo$, rx$foo$, m|foo|, mm|foo|, rx|foo|, etc
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)\$\@!"
+    \ skip="\\\z1"
+    \ end="\z1"
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" m (foo), mm (foo), rx (foo)
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s\+\)\@<=()\@!)\@!"
+    \ skip="\\)"
+    \ end=")"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" m[foo], mm[foo], rx[foo]
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\[]\@!]\@!"
+    \ skip="\\]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" m{foo}, mm{foo}, rx{foo}
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<={}\@!}\@!"
+    \ skip="\\}"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" m<foo>, mm<foo>, rx<foo>
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=<>\@!>\@!"
+    \ skip="\\>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" m«foo», mm«foo», rx«foo»
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=«»\@!»\@!"
+    \ skip="\\»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" Substitutions
+" s/foo/bar/
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=/"
+    \ skip="\\/"
+    \ end="/"me=e-1
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+    \ nextgroup=p6Substitution
+syn region p6Substitution
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="/"
+    \ skip="\\/"
+    \ end="/"
+    \ contained
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
+" s!foo!bar!
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=!"
+    \ skip="\\!"
+    \ end="!"me=e-1
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarSlash,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+    \ nextgroup=p6Substitution
+syn region p6Substitution
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="!"
+    \ skip="\\!"
+    \ end="!"
+    \ contained
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
+" s$foo$bar$, s|foo|bar, etc
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
+    \ skip="\\\z1"
+    \ end="\z1"me=e-1
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+    \ nextgroup=p6Substitution
+syn region p6Substitution
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
+    \ skip="\\\z1"
+    \ end="\z1"
+    \ contained
+    \ keepend
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
+" s{foo}
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<={}\@!"
+    \ skip="\\}"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" s[foo]
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\[]\@!"
+    \ skip="\\]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" s<foo>
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=<>\@!"
+    \ skip="\\>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" s«foo»
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=«»\@!"
+    \ skip="\\»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" s (foo)
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s\+\)\@<=()\@!"
+    \ skip="\\)"
+    \ end=")"
+    \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
+" Perl 5 regex regions
+" m:P5//
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=/"
+    \ skip="\\/"
+    \ end="/"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+" m:P5!!
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=!"
+    \ skip="\\!"
+    \ end="!"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variable,p6VarSlash,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
+" m:P5$$, m:P5||, etc
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
+    \ skip="\\\z1"
+    \ end="\z1"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,@p6Variables
+" m:P5 ()
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s\+\)\@<=()\@!"
+    \ skip="\\)"
+    \ end=")"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,@p6Variables
+" m:P5[]
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=[]\@!"
+    \ skip="\\]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,@p6Variables
+" m:P5{}
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<={}\@!"
+    \ skip="\\}"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variables
+" m:P5<>
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=<>\@!"
+    \ skip="\\>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variables
+" m:P5«»
+syn region p6Match
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=«»\@!"
+    \ skip="\\»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variables
+" Transliteration
+" tr/foo/bar/, tr|foo|bar, etc
+syn region p6String
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\%(\<tr\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\z([/\"'`|!,$]\)"
+    \ skip="\\\z1"
+    \ end="\z1"me=e-1
+    \ contains=p6RxRange
+    \ nextgroup=p6Transliteration
+syn region p6Transliteration
+    \ matchgroup=p6Quote
+    \ start="\z([/\"'`|!,$]\)"
+    \ skip="\\\z1"
+    \ end="\z1"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
+" Comments
+" normal end-of-line comment
+syn match p6Comment display "#.*" contains=p6Attention
+" Multiline comments. Arbitrary numbers of opening brackets are allowed,
+" but we only define regions for 1 to 3
+syn region p6Comment
+    \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+    \ start="^\@<!#("
+    \ skip="([^)]*)"
+    \ end=")"
+    \ matchgroup=p6Error
+    \ start="^#("
+    \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+syn region p6Comment
+    \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+    \ start="^\@<!#\["
+    \ skip="\[[^\]]*]"
+    \ end="]"
+    \ matchgroup=p6Error
+    \ start="^#\["
+    \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+syn region p6Comment
+    \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+    \ start="^\@<!#{"
+    \ skip="{[^}]*}"
+    \ end="}"
+    \ matchgroup=p6Error
+    \ start="^#{"
+    \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+syn region p6Comment
+    \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+    \ start="^\@<!#<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ matchgroup=p6Error
+    \ start="^#<"
+    \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+syn region p6Comment
+    \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+    \ start="^\@<!#«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ matchgroup=p6Error
+    \ start="^#«"
+    \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+" double and triple delimiters
+if exists("perl6_extended_comments") || exists("perl6_extended_all")
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#(("
+        \ skip="((\%([^)\|))\@!]\)*))"
+        \ end="))"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#(("
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#((("
+        \ skip="(((\%([^)]\|)\%())\)\@!\)*)))"
+        \ end=")))"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#((("
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#\[\["
+        \ skip="\[\[\%([^\]]\|]]\@!\)*]]"
+        \ end="]]"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#\[\["
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#\[\[\["
+        \ skip="\[\[\[\%([^\]]\|]\%(]]\)\@!\)*]]]"
+        \ end="]]]"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#\[\[\["
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#{{"
+        \ skip="{{\%([^}]\|}}\@!\)*}}"
+        \ end="}}"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#{{"
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#{{{"
+        \ skip="{{{\%([^}]\|}\%(}}\)\@!\)*}}}"
+        \ end="}}}"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#{{{"
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#<<"
+        \ skip="<<\%([^>]\|>>\@!\)*>>"
+        \ end=">>"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#<<"
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#<<<"
+        \ skip="<<<\%([^>]\|>\%(>>\)\@!\)*>>>"
+        \ end=">>>"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#<<<"
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#««"
+        \ skip="««\%([^»]\|»»\@!\)*»»"
+        \ end="»»"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#««"
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+    syn region p6Comment
+        \ matchgroup=p6Comment
+        \ start="^\@<!#«««"
+        \ skip="«««\%([^»]\|»\%(»»\)\@!\)*»»»"
+        \ end="»»»"
+        \ matchgroup=p6Error
+        \ start="^#«««"
+        \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
+" Pod
+" Abbreviated blocks (implicit code forbidden)
+syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=\ze\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodAbbrNoCodeType
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodAbbrNoCodeType
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbrNoCode
+syn match p6PodName contained ".\+" contains=@p6PodFormat
+syn match p6PodComment contained ".\+"
+syn region p6PodAbbrNoCode
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodFormat
+" Abbreviated blocks (everything is code)
+syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=\zecode\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodAbbrCodeType
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodAbbrCodeType
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbrCode
+syn region p6PodAbbrCode
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+" Abbreviated blocks (everything is a comment)
+syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=\zecomment\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodAbbrCommentType
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodAbbrCommentType
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodComment,p6PodAbbrNoCode
+" Abbreviated blocks (implicit code allowed)
+syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=\ze\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodAbbrType
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodAbbrType
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbr
+syn region p6PodAbbr
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
+" Abbreviated block to end-of-file
+syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=\zeEND\>"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contains=p6PodAbbrEOFType
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodAbbrEOFType
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbrEOF
+syn region p6PodAbbrEOF
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
+" Directives
+syn region p6PodDirectRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=\%(config\|use\)\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodDirectArgRegion
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodDirectArgRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\S\+"
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodDirectConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodDirectConfigRegion
+    \ start=""
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodConfig
+" =encoding is a special directive
+syn region p6PodDirectRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=encoding\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodEncodingArgRegion
+    \ keepend
+syn region p6PodEncodingArgRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodName
+    \ start="\S\+"
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
+    \ contained
+" Paragraph blocks (implicit code forbidden)
+syn region p6PodParaRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=for\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodParaNoCodeTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodParaNoCodeTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodParaNoCode,p6PodParaConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodParaConfigRegion
+    \ start=""
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\k\@<!\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodConfig
+syn region p6PodParaNoCode
+    \ start="^[^=]"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodFormat
+" Paragraph blocks (everything is code)
+syn region p6PodParaRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=for\>\ze\s*code\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodParaCodeTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodParaCodeTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodParaCode,p6PodParaConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodParaCode
+    \ start="^[^=]"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+" Paragraph blocks (implicit code allowed)
+syn region p6PodParaRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=for\>\ze\s*\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contains=p6PodParaTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodParaTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodPara,p6PodParaConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodPara
+    \ start="^[^=]"
+    \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
+" Paragraph block to end-of-file
+syn region p6PodParaRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=for\>\ze\s\+END\>"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contains=p6PodParaEOFTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodParaEOFTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodParaEOF,p6PodParaConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodParaEOF
+    \ start="^[^=]"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
+" Delimited blocks (implicit code forbidden)
+syn region p6PodDelimRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=begin\>"
+    \ end="^=end\>"
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimNoCodeTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodDelimNoCodeTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze=end\>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimNoCode,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodDelimConfigRegion
+    \ start=""
+    \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodConfig
+syn region p6PodDelimNoCode
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="^\ze=end\>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat
+" Delimited blocks (everything is code)
+syn region p6PodDelimRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s*code\>"
+    \ end="^=end\>"
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimCodeTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodDelimCodeTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze=end\>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimCode,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodDelimCode
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="^\ze=end\>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks
+" Delimited blocks (implicit code allowed)
+syn region p6PodDelimRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s*\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
+    \ end="^=end\>"
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimTypeRegion
+    \ keepend
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodDelimTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="^\ze=end\>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodDelim,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodDelim
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="^\ze=end\>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
+" Delimited block to end-of-file
+syn region p6PodDelimRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
+    \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s\+END\>"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimEOFTypeRegion
+    \ extend
+syn region p6PodDelimEOFTypeRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\K\k*"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodDelimEOF,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region p6PodDelimEOF
+    \ start="^"
+    \ end="\%$"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
+syn cluster p6PodConfig
+    \ add=p6PodConfigOperator
+    \ add=p6PodExtraConfig
+    \ add=p6StringAuto
+    \ add=p6PodAutoQuote
+    \ add=p6StringSQ
+syn region p6PodParens
+    \ start="("
+    \ end=")"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6Number,p6StringSQ
+syn match p6PodAutoQuote      display contained "=>"
+syn match p6PodConfigOperator display contained ":!\?" nextgroup=p6PodConfigOption
+syn match p6PodConfigOption   display contained "[^[:space:](<]\+" nextgroup=p6PodParens,p6StringAngle
+syn match p6PodExtraConfig    display contained "^="
+syn match p6PodVerticalBar    display contained "|"
+syn match p6PodColon          display contained ":"
+syn match p6PodSemicolon      display contained ";"
+syn match p6PodComma          display contained ","
+syn match p6PodImplicitCode   display contained "^\s.*"
+syn region p6PodDelimEndRegion
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodType
+    \ start="\%(^=end\>\)\@<="
+    \ end="\K\k*"
+" These may appear inside delimited blocks
+syn cluster p6PodNestedBlocks
+    \ add=p6PodAbbrRegion
+    \ add=p6PodDirectRegion
+    \ add=p6PodParaRegion
+    \ add=p6PodDelimRegion
+    \ add=p6PodDelimEndRegion
+" Pod formatting codes
+syn cluster p6PodFormat
+    \ add=p6PodFormatOne
+    \ add=p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ add=p6PodFormatThree
+    \ add=p6PodFormatFrench
+" Balanced angles found inside formatting codes. Ensures proper nesting.
+syn region p6PodFormatAnglesOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
+    \ start="<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne
+syn region p6PodFormatAnglesTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
+    \ start="<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatAnglesTwo
+syn region p6PodFormatAnglesThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
+    \ start="<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatAnglesThree
+syn region p6PodFormatAnglesFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
+    \ start="«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ transparent
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatAnglesThree
+" All formatting codes
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="\u<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="\u<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="\u<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="\u«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree
+" C<> and V<> don't allow nested formatting formatting codes
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="[CV]<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="[CV]<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="[CV]<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="[CV]«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench
+" L<> can have a "|" separator
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="L<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodVerticalBar
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="L<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodVerticalBar
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="L<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="L«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar
+" E<> can have a ";" separator
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="E<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodSemiColon
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="E<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodSemiColon
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="E<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodSemiColon
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="E«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodSemiColon
+" M<> can have a ":" separator
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="M<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodColon
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="M<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodColon
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="M<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodColon
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="M«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodColon
+" D<> can have "|" and ";" separators
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="D<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="D<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAngleTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="D<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="D«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
+" X<> can have "|", "," and ";" separators
+syn region p6PodFormatOne
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="X<"
+    \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+    \ end=">"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
+syn region p6PodFormatTwo
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="X<<"
+    \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+    \ end=">>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
+syn region p6PodFormatThree
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="X<<<"
+    \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+    \ end=">>>"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
+syn region p6PodFormatFrench
+    \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
+    \ start="X«"
+    \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+    \ end="»"
+    \ contained
+    \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_perl6_syntax_inits")
+    if version < 508
+        let did_perl6_syntax_inits = 1
+        command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+    else
+        command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+    endif
+    HiLink p6EscOctOld       p6Error
+    HiLink p6PackageTwigil   p6Twigil
+    HiLink p6StringAngle     p6String
+    HiLink p6StringFrench    p6String
+    HiLink p6StringAngles    p6String
+    HiLink p6StringSQ        p6String
+    HiLink p6StringDQ        p6String
+    HiLink p6StringQ         p6String
+    HiLink p6RxStringSQ      p6String
+    HiLink p6RxStringDQ      p6String
+    HiLink p6Substitution    p6String
+    HiLink p6Transliteration p6String
+    HiLink p6StringAuto      p6String
+    HiLink p6StringP5Auto    p6String
+    HiLink p6Key             p6String
+    HiLink p6Match           p6String
+    HiLink p6RegexBlock      p6String
+    HiLink p6RxP5CharClass   p6String
+    HiLink p6RxP5QuoteMeta   p6String
+    HiLink p6RxCharClass     p6String
+    HiLink p6RxQuoteWords    p6String
+    HiLink p6ReduceOp        p6Operator
+    HiLink p6ReverseCrossOp  p6Operator
+    HiLink p6HyperOp         p6Operator
+    HiLink p6QuoteQ          p6Operator
+    HiLink p6RxRange         p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxAnchor        p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Anchor      p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6CodePoint       p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxMeta          p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Range       p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5CPId        p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Posix       p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Mod         p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5HexSeq      p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5OctSeq      p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5WriteRefId  p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6HexSequence     p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6OctSequence     p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Named       p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5PropId      p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Quantifier  p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5CountId     p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6RxP5Verb        p6StringSpecial
+    HiLink p6Escape          p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscNull         p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscHash         p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscQQ           p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscQuote        p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscDoubleQuote  p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscBackTick     p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscForwardSlash p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscVerticalBar  p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscExclamation  p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscDollar       p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscOpenCurly    p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscCloseCurly   p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscCloseBracket p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscCloseAngle   p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscCloseFrench  p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6EscBackSlash    p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxEscape        p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxCapture       p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxAlternation   p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5            p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5ReadRef     p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5Oct         p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5Hex         p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5EscMeta     p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5Meta        p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5Escape      p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5CodePoint   p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5WriteRef    p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6RxP5Prop        p6StringSpecial2
+    HiLink p6Property       Tag
+    HiLink p6Attention      Todo
+    HiLink p6Type           Type
+    HiLink p6Error          Error
+    HiLink p6BlockLabel     Label
+    HiLink p6Float          Float
+    HiLink p6Normal         Normal
+    HiLink p6Package        Normal
+    HiLink p6PackageScope   Normal
+    HiLink p6Number         Number
+    HiLink p6VersionNum     Number
+    HiLink p6String         String
+    HiLink p6Repeat         Repeat
+    HiLink p6Keyword        Keyword
+    HiLink p6Pragma         Keyword
+    HiLink p6Module         Keyword
+    HiLink p6DeclareRoutine Keyword
+    HiLink p6VarStorage     Special
+    HiLink p6FlowControl    Special
+    HiLink p6NumberBase     Special
+    HiLink p6Twigil         Special
+    HiLink p6StringSpecial2 Special
+    HiLink p6VersionDot     Special
+    HiLink p6Comment        Comment
+    HiLink p6Include        Include
+    HiLink p6Shebang        PreProc
+    HiLink p6ClosureTrait   PreProc
+    HiLink p6Routine        Function
+    HiLink p6Operator       Operator
+    HiLink p6Version        Operator
+    HiLink p6Context        Operator
+    HiLink p6Quote          Delimiter
+    HiLink p6TypeConstraint PreCondit
+    HiLink p6Exception      Exception
+    HiLink p6Placeholder    Identifier
+    HiLink p6Variable       Identifier
+    HiLink p6VarSlash       Identifier
+    HiLink p6VarNum         Identifier
+    HiLink p6VarExclam      Identifier
+    HiLink p6VarMatch       Identifier
+    HiLink p6VarName        Identifier
+    HiLink p6MatchVar       Identifier
+    HiLink p6RxP5ReadRefId  Identifier
+    HiLink p6RxP5ModDef     Identifier
+    HiLink p6RxP5ModName    Identifier
+    HiLink p6Conditional    Conditional
+    HiLink p6StringSpecial  SpecialChar
+    HiLink p6PodAbbr         p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodAbbrEOF      p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodAbbrNoCode   p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodAbbrCode     p6PodCode
+    HiLink p6PodPara         p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodParaEOF      p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodParaNoCode   p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodParaCode     p6PodCode
+    HiLink p6PodDelim        p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodDelimEOF     p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodDelimNoCode  p6Pod
+    HiLink p6PodDelimCode    p6PodCode
+    HiLink p6PodImplicitCode p6PodCode
+    HiLink p6PodExtraConfig  p6PodPrefix
+    HiLink p6PodVerticalBar  p6PodFormatCode
+    HiLink p6PodColon        p6PodFormatCode
+    HiLink p6PodSemicolon    p6PodFormatCode
+    HiLink p6PodComma        p6PodFormatCode
+    HiLink p6PodFormatOne    p6PodFormat
+    HiLink p6PodFormatTwo    p6PodFormat
+    HiLink p6PodFormatThree  p6PodFormat
+    HiLink p6PodFormatFrench p6PodFormat
+    HiLink p6PodType           Type
+    HiLink p6PodConfigOption   String
+    HiLink p6PodCode           PreProc
+    HiLink p6Pod               Comment
+    HiLink p6PodComment        Comment
+    HiLink p6PodAutoQuote      Operator
+    HiLink p6PodConfigOperator Operator
+    HiLink p6PodPrefix         Statement
+    HiLink p6PodName           Identifier
+    HiLink p6PodFormatCode     SpecialChar
+    HiLink p6PodFormat         SpecialComment
+    delcommand HiLink
+" Syncing to speed up processing
+"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodAbbrRegion     "^=\K\k*\>"
+"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodDirectRegion   "^=\%(config\|use\|encoding\)\>"
+"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodParaRegion     "^=for\>"
+"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodDelimRegion    "^=begin\>"
+"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodDelimEndRegion "^=end\>"
+" Let's just sync whole file, the other methods aren't reliable (or I don't
+" know how to use them reliably)
+syn sync fromstart
+setlocal foldmethod=syntax
+let b:current_syntax = "perl6"
+" vim:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:expandtab:ft=vim