diff runtime/indent/tex.vim @ 3224:8b8ef1fed009

Update runtime files.
author Bram Moolenaar <bram@vim.org>
date Wed, 14 Dec 2011 21:17:39 +0100
children 91e53bcb7946
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/tex.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language:     LaTeX
+" Maintainer:   Zhou YiChao <broken.zhou@gmail.com>
+" Created:      Sat, 16 Feb 2002 16:50:19 +0100
+" Last Change:	Tue, 25 Sep 2011
+" Last Update:  25th Sep 2002, by LH :
+"               (*) better support for the option
+"               (*) use some regex instead of several '||'.
+"               Oct 9th, 2003, by JT:
+"               (*) don't change indentation of lines starting with '%'
+"               2005/06/15, Moshe Kaminsky <kaminsky@math.huji.ac.il>
+"               (*) New variables:
+"                   g:tex_items, g:tex_itemize_env, g:tex_noindent_env
+"               2011/3/6, by Zhou YiChao <broken.zhou@gmail.com>
+"               (*) Don't change indentation of lines starting with '%'
+"                   I don't see any code with '%' and it doesn't work properly
+"                   so I add some code.
+"               (*) New features: Add smartindent-like indent for "{}" and  "[]".
+"               (*) New variables: g:tex_indent_brace
+"               2011/9/25, by Zhou Yichao <broken.zhou@gmail.com>
+"               (*) Bug fix: smartindent-like indent for "[]"
+"               (*) New features: Align with "&".
+"               (*) New variable: g:tex_indent_and
+"               2011/10/23 by Zhou Yichao <broken.zhou@gmail.com>
+"               (*) Bug fix: improve the smartindent-like indent for "{}" and
+"               "[]".
+" Version: 0.62
+" Options: {{{
+" To set the following options (ok, currently it's just one), add a line like
+"   let g:tex_indent_items = 1
+" to your ~/.vimrc.
+" * g:tex_indent_brace
+"   If this variable is unset or non-zero, it will use smartindent-like style
+"   for "{}" and "[]"
+" * g:tex_indent_items
+"   If this variable is set, item-environments are indented like Emacs does
+"   it, i.e., continuation lines are indented with a shiftwidth.
+"   NOTE: I've already set the variable below; delete the corresponding line
+"   if you don't like this behaviour.
+"   Per default, it is unset.
+"              set                                unset
+"   ----------------------------------------------------------------
+"       \begin{itemize}                      \begin{itemize}  
+"         \item blablabla                      \item blablabla
+"           bla bla bla                        bla bla bla  
+"         \item blablabla                      \item blablabla
+"           bla bla bla                        bla bla bla  
+"       \end{itemize}                        \end{itemize}    
+" * g:tex_items
+"   A list of tokens to be considered as commands for the beginning of an item 
+"   command. The tokens should be separated with '\|'. The initial '\' should 
+"   be escaped. The default is '\\bibitem\|\\item'.
+" * g:tex_itemize_env
+"   A list of environment names, separated with '\|', where the items (item 
+"   commands matching g:tex_items) may appear. The default is 
+"   'itemize\|description\|enumerate\|thebibliography'.
+" * g:tex_noindent_env
+"   A list of environment names. separated with '\|', where no indentation is 
+"   required. The default is 'document\|verbatim'.
+" * g:tex_indent_and
+"   If this variable is unset or zero, vim will try to align the line with first
+"   "&". This is pretty useful when you use environment like table or align.
+"   Note that this feature need to search back some line, so vim may become
+"   a little slow.
+" }}} 
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+    finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" Delete the next line to avoid the special indention of items
+if !exists("g:tex_indent_items")
+    let g:tex_indent_items = 1
+if !exists("g:tex_indent_brace")
+    let g:tex_indent_brace = 1
+if !exists("g:tex_indent_and")
+    let g:tex_indent_and = 1
+if g:tex_indent_items
+    if !exists("g:tex_itemize_env")
+        let g:tex_itemize_env = 'itemize\|description\|enumerate\|thebibliography'
+    endif
+    if !exists('g:tex_items')
+        let g:tex_items = '\\bibitem\|\\item' 
+    endif
+    let g:tex_items = ''
+if !exists("g:tex_noindent_env")
+    let g:tex_noindent_env = 'document\|verbatim\|lstlisting'
+setlocal autoindent
+setlocal nosmartindent
+setlocal indentexpr=GetTeXIndent()
+exec 'setlocal indentkeys+=},],\&' . substitute(g:tex_items, '^\|\(\\|\)', ',=', 'g')
+let g:tex_items = '^\s*' . g:tex_items
+" Only define the function once
+if exists("*GetTeXIndent") | finish
+function GetTeXIndent()
+    " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
+    let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+    " Comment line is not what we need.
+    while lnum != 0 && getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*%'
+        let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+    endwhile
+    " At the start of the file use zero indent.
+    if lnum == 0
+        return 0 
+    endif
+    let line = getline(lnum)             " last line
+    let cline = getline(v:lnum)          " current line
+    " You want to align with "&"
+    if g:tex_indent_and
+        " Align with last line if last line has a "&"
+        if stridx(cline, "&") != -1 && stridx(line, "&") != -1
+            return indent(v:lnum) + stridx(line, "&") - stridx(cline, "&")
+        endif
+        " set line & lnum to the line which doesn't contain "&"
+        while lnum != 0 && (stridx(line, "&") != -1 || line =~ '^\s*%')
+            let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+            let line = getline(lnum)
+        endwhile
+    endif
+    if lnum == 0
+        return 0 
+    endif
+    let ind = indent(lnum)
+    " New code for comment: retain the indent of current line
+    if cline =~ '^\s*%'
+        return indent(v:lnum)
+    endif
+    " Add a 'shiftwidth' after beginning of environments.
+    " Don't add it for \begin{document} and \begin{verbatim}
+    ""if line =~ '^\s*\\begin{\(.*\)}'  && line !~ 'verbatim' 
+    " LH modification : \begin does not always start a line
+    " ZYC modification : \end after \begin won't cause wrong indent anymore
+    if line =~ '\\begin{.*}' && line !~ g:tex_noindent_env
+                \ && line !~ '\\begin{.\{-}}.*\\end{.*}'
+        let ind = ind + &sw
+        if g:tex_indent_items
+            " Add another sw for item-environments
+            if line =~ g:tex_itemize_env
+                let ind = ind + &sw
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' when an environment ends
+    if cline =~ '^\s*\\end' && cline !~ g:tex_noindent_env
+        if g:tex_indent_items
+            " Remove another sw for item-environments
+            if cline =~ g:tex_itemize_env
+                let ind = ind - &sw
+            endif
+        endif
+        let ind = ind - &sw
+    endif
+    if g:tex_indent_brace
+        " Add a 'shiftwidth' after a "{" or "[".
+        let sum1 = 0
+        for i in range(0, strlen(line)-1)
+            if line[i] == "}" || line[i] == "]"
+                let sum1 = max([0, sum1-1])
+            endif
+            if line[i] == "{" || line[i] == "["
+                let sum1 += 1
+            endif
+        endfor
+        let sum2 = 0
+        for i in reverse(range(0, strlen(cline)-1))
+            if cline[i] == "{" || cline[i] == "["
+                let sum2 = max([0, sum2-1])
+            endif
+            if cline[i] == "}" || cline[i] == "]"
+                let sum2 += 1
+            endif
+        endfor
+        let ind += (sum1 - sum2) * &sw
+    endif
+    " Special treatment for 'item'
+    " ----------------------------
+    if g:tex_indent_items
+        " '\item' or '\bibitem' itself:
+        if cline =~ g:tex_items
+            let ind = ind - &sw
+        endif
+        " lines following to '\item' are intented once again:
+        if line =~ g:tex_items
+            let ind = ind + &sw
+        endif
+    endif
+    return ind
+" vim: set sw=4 textwidth=80: