diff src/spell.c @ 300:86cd0a77d2ae

updated for version 7.0079
author vimboss
date Sat, 04 Jun 2005 21:55:20 +0000
parents 7700c64256a8
children 250611b3068d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/spell.c
+++ b/src/spell.c
@@ -10,25 +10,91 @@
  * spell.c: code for spell checking
- * The basic spell checking mechanism is:
- * 1. Isolate a word, up to the next non-word character.
- * 2. Find the word in the hashtable of basic words.
- * 3. If not found, look in the hashtable with "prewords".  These are prefixes
- *    with a non-word character following a word character, e.g., "de-".
- * 4. If still not found, for each matching a prefix try if the word matches
- *    without the prefix (and with the "chop" string added back).
- * 5. If still still not found, for each matching suffix try if the word
- *    matches without the suffix (and with the "chop" string added back).
+ * The spell checking mechanism uses a tree (aka trie).  Each node in the tree
+ * has a list of bytes that can appear (siblings).  For each byte there is a
+ * pointer to the node with the byte that follows in the word (child).
+ * A NUL byte is used where the word may end.
+ *
+ * There are two trees: one with case-folded words and one with words in
+ * original case.  The second one is only used for keep-case words and is
+ * usually small.
+ *
+ * Thanks to Olaf Seibert for providing an example implementation of this tree
+ * and the compression mechanism.
  * Matching involves checking the caps type: Onecap ALLCAP KeepCap.
- * After finding a matching word check for a leadstring (non-word characters
- * before the word) and addstring (more text following, starting with a
- * non-word character).
  * Why doesn't Vim use aspell/ispell/myspell/etc.?
  * See ":help develop-spell".
+ * Vim spell file format:  <HEADER> <SUGGEST> <LWORDTREE> <KWORDTREE>
+ *
+ * <HEADER>: <fileID> <regioncnt> <regionname> ...
+ *		 <charflagslen> <charflags> <fcharslen> <fchars>
+ *
+ * <fileID>     10 bytes    "VIMspell05"
+ * <regioncnt>  1 byte	    number of regions following (8 supported)
+ * <regionname>	2 bytes     Region name: ca, au, etc.
+ *			    First <regionname> is region 1.
+ *
+ * <charflagslen> 1 byte    Number of bytes in <charflags> (should be 128).
+ * <charflags>  N bytes     List of flags (first one is for character 128):
+ *			    0x01  word character
+ *			    0x01  upper-case character
+ * <fcharslen>  2 bytes     Number of bytes in <fchars>.
+ * <fchars>     N bytes	    Folded characters, first one is for character 128.
+ *
+ *
+ * <SUGGEST> : <suggestlen> <more> ...
+ *
+ * <suggestlen> 4 bytes	    Length of <SUGGEST> in bytes, excluding
+ *			    <suggestlen>.  MSB first.
+ * <more>		    To be defined.
+ *
+ *
+ * <LWORDTREE>: <wordtree>
+ *
+ * <wordtree>: <nodecount> <nodedata> ...
+ *
+ * <nodecount>	4 bytes	    Number of nodes following.  MSB first.
+ *
+ * <nodedata>: <siblingcount> <sibling> ...
+ *
+ * <siblingcount> 1 byte    Number of siblings in this node.  The siblings
+ *			    follow in sorted order.
+ *
+ * <sibling>: <byte> [<nodeidx> <xbyte> | <flags> [<region>]]
+ *
+ * <byte>	1 byte	    Byte value of the sibling.  Special cases:
+ *			    BY_NOFLAGS: End of word without flags and for all
+ *					regions.
+ *			    BY_FLAGS: End of word, <flags> follow.
+ *			    BY_INDEX: Child of sibling is shared, <nodeidx>
+ *					and <xbyte> follow.
+ *
+ * <nodeidx>	3 bytes	    Index of child for this sibling, MSB first.
+ *
+ * <xbyte>	1 byte	    byte value of the sibling.
+ *
+ * <flags>	1 byte	    bitmask of:
+ *			    WF_ALLCAP	word must have only capitals
+ *			    WF_ONECAP   first char of word must be capital
+ *			    WF_RARE	rare word
+ *			    WF_REGION	<region> follows
+ *
+ * <region>	1 byte	    Bitmask for regions in which word is valid.  When
+ *			    omitted it's valid in all regions.
+ *			    Lowest bit is for region 1.
+ *
+ * <KWORDTREE>: <wordtree>
+ *
+ *
+ * All text characters are in 'encoding', but stored as single bytes.
+ * The region name is ASCII.
+ */
 #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN16) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
 # include <io.h>	/* for lseek(), must be before vim.h */
@@ -41,21 +107,20 @@
 # include <fcntl.h>
-#define MAXWLEN 100		/* assume max. word len is this many bytes */
+#define MAXWLEN 250		/* assume max. word len is this many bytes */
- * Structure that is used to store the structures and strings from the
- * language file.  This avoids the need to allocate space for each individual
- * word.  It's allocated in big chunks for speed.  It's freed all at once when
- * 'encoding' changes.
- */
-#define  SBLOCKSIZE 4096	/* default size of sb_data */
-typedef struct sblock_S sblock_T;
-struct sblock_S
-    sblock_T	*sb_next;	/* next block in list */
-    char_u	sb_data[1];	/* data, actually longer */
+/* Flags used for a word. */
+#define WF_REGION   0x01	/* region byte follows */
+#define WF_ONECAP   0x02	/* word with one capital (or all capitals) */
+#define WF_ALLCAP   0x04	/* word must be all capitals */
+#define WF_RARE	    0x08	/* rare word */
+#define WF_KEEPCAP  0x100	/* keep-case word */
+#define BY_NOFLAGS  0		/* end of word without flags or region */
+#define BY_FLAGS    1		/* end of word, flag byte follows */
+#define BY_INDEX    2		/* child is shared, index follows */
+#define BY_SPECIAL  BY_INDEX	/* hightest special byte value */
 /* Info from "REP" entries in ".aff" file used in af_rep.
  * TODO: This is not used yet.  Either use it or remove it. */
@@ -66,58 +131,33 @@ typedef struct repentry_S
 } repentry_T;
- * Structure to store affix info.
- */
-typedef struct affitem_S affitem_T;
-struct affitem_S
-    affitem_T	*ai_next;	/* next affix with same ai_add[] or NULL */
-    short_u	ai_nr;		/* affix number */
-    char_u	ai_flags;	/* AFF_ flags */
-    char_u	ai_choplen;	/* length of chop string in bytes */
-    char_u	ai_addlen;	/* length of ai_add in bytes */
-    char_u	ai_leadlen;	/* for AFF_PREWORD: length of lead string */
-    char_u	ai_taillen;	/* for AFF_PREWORD: length of tail string */
-    char_u	ai_add[1];	/* Text added to basic word. This stores:
-				 * 0: word for AFF_PREWORD or whole addition
-				 * ai_addlen + 1: chop string
-				 * + ai_choplen + 1: lead string for AFF_PREWORD
-				 * + ai_leadlen + 1: trail string f. AFF_PREWORD
-				 */
-/* Get affitem_T pointer from hashitem that uses ai_add */
-static affitem_T dumai;
-#define HI2AI(hi)	((affitem_T *)((hi)->hi_key - (dumai.ai_add - (char_u *)&dumai)))
-/* ai_flags: Affix item flags */
-#define AFF_COMBINE	0x01	/* prefix combines with suffix */
-#define AFF_PREWORD	0x02	/* prefix includes word */
  * Structure used to store words and other info for one language, loaded from
  * a .spl file.
- * The main access is through hashtable "sl_word", using the case-folded
- * word as the key.  This finds a linked list of fword_T.
+ * The main access is through the tree in "sl_fbyts/sl_fidxs", storing the
+ * case-folded words.  "sl_kbyts/sl_kidxs" is for keep-case words.
+ *
+ * The "byts" array stores the possible bytes in each tree node, preceded by
+ * the number of possible bytes, sorted on byte value:
+ *	<len> <byte1> <byte2> ...
+ * The "idxs" array stores the index of the child node corresponding to the
+ * byte in "byts".
+ * Exception: when the byte is zero, the word may end here and "idxs" holds
+ * the flags and region for the word.  There may be several zeros in sequence
+ * for alternative flag/region combinations.
 typedef struct slang_S slang_T;
 struct slang_S
     slang_T	*sl_next;	/* next language */
     char_u	*sl_name;	/* language name "en", "en.rare", "nl", etc. */
-    hashtab_T	sl_words;	/* main word table, fword_T */
-    int		sl_prefcnt;	/* number of prefix NRs */
-    garray_T	sl_preftab;	/* list of hashtables to lookup prefixes */
-    affitem_T	*sl_prefzero;	/* list of prefixes with zero add length */
-    hashtab_T	sl_prewords;	/* prefixes that include a word */
-    int		sl_suffcnt;	/* number of suffix NRs */
-    garray_T	sl_sufftab;	/* list of hashtables to lookup suffixes */
-    affitem_T	*sl_suffzero;	/* list of suffixes with zero add length */
+    char_u	*sl_fbyts;	/* case-folded word bytes */
+    int		*sl_fidxs;	/* case-folded word indexes */
+    char_u	*sl_kbyts;	/* keep-case word bytes */
+    int		*sl_kidxs;	/* keep-case word indexes */
     char_u	*sl_try;	/* "TRY" from .aff file  TODO: not used */
     garray_T	sl_rep;		/* list of repentry_T entries from REP lines
 				 * TODO not used */
     char_u	sl_regions[17];	/* table with up to 8 region names plus NUL */
-    sblock_T	*sl_block;	/* list with allocated memory blocks */
     int		sl_error;	/* error while loading */
@@ -125,57 +165,6 @@ struct slang_S
  * languages. */
 static slang_T *first_lang = NULL;
- * Structure to store an addition to a basic word.
- * There are many of these, keep it small!
- */
-typedef struct addword_S addword_T;
-struct addword_S
-    addword_T	*aw_next;	/* next addition */
-    char_u	aw_flags;	/* ADD_ flags */
-    char_u	aw_region;	/* region for word with this addition */
-    char_u	aw_leadlen;	/* byte length of lead in aw_word */
-    char_u	aw_wordlen;	/* byte length of first word in aw_word */
-    char_u	aw_saveb;	/* saved byte where aw_word[] is truncated at
-				   end of hashtable key; NUL when not using
-				   hashtable */
-    char_u	aw_word[1];	/* text, actually longer: case-folded addition
-				   plus, with ADD_KEEPCAP: keep-case addition */
-/* Get addword_T pointer from hashitem that uses aw_word */
-static addword_T dumaw;
-#define HI2ADDWORD(hi)	((addword_T *)((hi)->hi_key - (dumaw.aw_word - (char_u *)&dumaw)))
- * Structure to store a basic word.
- * There are many of these, keep it small!
- * The list of prefix and suffix NRs is stored after "fw_word" to avoid the
- * need for two extra pointers.
- */
-typedef struct fword_S fword_T;
-struct fword_S
-    fword_T	*fw_next;	/* same basic word with different caps and/or
-				 * affixes */
-    addword_T	*fw_adds;	/* first addword_T entry */
-    short_u	fw_flags;	/* BWF_ flags */
-    char_u	fw_region;	/* region bits */
-    char_u	fw_prefixcnt;	/* number of prefix NRs */
-    char_u	fw_suffixcnt;	/* number of suffix NRs */
-    char_u	fw_word[1];	/* actually longer:
-				 * 0:  case folded word or keep-case word when
-				 *     (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-				 * + word length + 1: list of prefix NRs
-				 * + fw_prefixcnt [* 2]: list of suffix NRs
-				 */
-/* Get fword_T pointer from hashitem that uses fw_word */
-static fword_T dumfw;
-#define HI2FWORD(hi)	((fword_T *)((hi)->hi_key - (dumfw.fw_word - (char_u *)&dumfw)))
 #define REGION_ALL 0xff
@@ -195,39 +184,7 @@ typedef struct langp_S
 #define SP_RARE		2
 #define SP_LOCAL	3
-/* flags used for basic words in the spell file */
-#define BWF_VALID	0x01	    /* word is valid without additions */
-#define BWF_REGION	0x02	    /* region byte follows */
-#define BWF_ONECAP	0x04	    /* first letter must be capital */
-#define BWF_SUFFIX	0x08	    /* has suffix NR list */
-#define BWF_SECOND	0x10	    /* second flags byte follows */
-#define BWF_ADDS	0x0100	    /* there are additions */
-#define BWF_PREFIX	0x0200	    /* has prefix NR list */
-#define BWF_ALLCAP	0x0400	    /* all letters must be capital (not used
-				       for single-letter words) */
-#define BWF_KEEPCAP	0x0800	    /* Keep case as-is */
-#define BWF_ADDS_M	0x1000	    /* there are more than 255 additions */
-#define BWF_ADDHASH	0x8000	    /* Internal: use hashtab for additions */
-#define NOWC_KEY (char_u *)"x"	    /* hashtab key used for additions without
-				       any word character */
-/* flags used for addition in the spell file */
-#define ADD_REGION	0x02	    /* region byte follows */
-#define ADD_ONECAP	0x04	    /* first letter must be capital */
-#define ADD_LEADLEN	0x10	    /* there is a leadlen byte */
-#define ADD_COPYLEN	0x20	    /* there is a copylen byte */
-#define ADD_ALLCAP	0x40	    /* all letters must be capital (not used
-				       for single-letter words) */
-#define ADD_KEEPCAP	0x80	    /* fixed case */
-/* Translate ADD_ flags to BWF_ flags.
- * (Needed to keep ADD_ flags in one byte.) */
-#define ADD2BWF(x)	(((x) & 0x0f) | (((x) & 0xf0) << 4))
-#define VIMSPELLMAGIC "VIMspell04"  /* string at start of Vim spell file */
+#define VIMSPELLMAGIC "VIMspell05"  /* string at start of Vim spell file */
@@ -239,49 +196,33 @@ typedef struct matchinf_S
     slang_T	*mi_slang;		/* info for the language */
     /* pointers to original text to be checked */
-    char_u	*mi_line;		/* start of line containing word */
     char_u	*mi_word;		/* start of word being checked */
-    char_u	*mi_end;		/* first non-word char after mi_word */
-    char_u	*mi_wend;		/* end of matching word (is mi_end
-					 * or further) */
+    char_u	*mi_end;		/* end of matching word */
     char_u	*mi_fend;		/* next char to be added to mi_fword */
+    char_u	*mi_cend;		/* char after what was used for
+					   mi_capflags */
     /* case-folded text */
     char_u	mi_fword[MAXWLEN + 1];	/* mi_word case-folded */
-    int		mi_fendlen;		/* byte length of first word in
-					   mi_fword */
-    int		mi_faddlen;		/* byte length of text in mi_fword
-					   after first word */
-    char_u	*mi_cword;		/* word to check, points in mi_fword */
-    char_u	*mi_awend;		/* after next word, to check for
-					   addition (NULL when not done yet) */
-    int		mi_did_awend;		/* did compute mi_awend */
+    int		mi_fwordlen;		/* nr of valid bytes in mi_fword */
     /* others */
     int		mi_result;		/* result so far: SP_BAD, SP_OK, etc. */
-    int		mi_capflags;		/* BWF_ONECAP BWF_ALLCAP BWF_KEEPCAP */
+    int		mi_capflags;		/* WF_ONECAP WF_ALLCAP WF_KEEPCAP */
 } matchinf_T;
-static int word_match __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip));
-static int check_adds __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip, fword_T *fw, int req_pref, int req_suf));
-static void fill_awend __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip));
-static void fold_addchars __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip, int addlen));
-static int supports_affix __ARGS((int cnt, char_u *afflist, int afflistlen, int nr));
-static int prefix_match __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip));
-static int noprefix_match __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip, char_u *pword, char_u *cstart, affitem_T *ai));
-static int suffix_match __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip));
-static int match_caps __ARGS((int flags, char_u *caseword, matchinf_T *mip, char_u *cword, char_u *end));
 static slang_T *slang_alloc __ARGS((char_u *lang));
 static void slang_free __ARGS((slang_T *lp));
+static void find_word __ARGS((matchinf_T *mip, int keepcap));
 static slang_T *spell_load_lang __ARGS((char_u *lang));
 static void spell_load_file __ARGS((char_u *fname, void *cookie));
-static void *getroom __ARGS((slang_T *lp, int *bl_used, int len));
+static int read_tree __ARGS((FILE *fd, char_u *byts, int *idxs, int maxidx, int startidx));
 static int find_region __ARGS((char_u *rp, char_u *region));
 static int captype __ARGS((char_u *word, char_u *end));
  * Main spell-checking function.
- * "ptr" points to the start of a word.
+ * "ptr" points to a character that could be the start of a word.
  * "*attrp" is set to the attributes for a badly spelled word.  For a non-word
  * or when it's OK it remains unchanged.
  * This must only be called when 'spelllang' is not empty.
@@ -289,885 +230,328 @@ static int captype __ARGS((char_u *word,
  * caller can skip over the word.
-spell_check(wp, line, ptr, attrp)
+spell_check(wp, ptr, attrp)
     win_T	*wp;		/* current window */
-    char_u	*line;		/* start of line where "ptr" points into */
     char_u	*ptr;
     int		*attrp;
     matchinf_T	mi;		/* Most things are put in "mi" so that it can
 				   be passed to functions quickly. */
-    /* Find the end of the word.  We already know that *ptr is a word char. */
+    /* Find the end of the word. */
     mi.mi_word = ptr;
     mi.mi_end = ptr;
-    do
-    {
-	mb_ptr_adv(mi.mi_end);
-    } while (*mi.mi_end != NUL && spell_iswordc(mi.mi_end));
-    /* A word starting with a number is always OK. */
-    if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
-	return (int)(mi.mi_end - ptr);
-    /* Make case-folded copy of the word. */
-    (void)spell_casefold(ptr, mi.mi_end - ptr, mi.mi_fword, MAXWLEN + 1);
-    mi.mi_cword = mi.mi_fword;
-    mi.mi_fendlen = STRLEN(mi.mi_fword);
-    mi.mi_faddlen = 0;
-    mi.mi_fend = mi.mi_end;
-    /* Check the caps type of the word. */
-    mi.mi_capflags = captype(ptr, mi.mi_end);
-    /* The word is bad unless we recognize it. */
-    mi.mi_result = SP_BAD;
-    mi.mi_wend = mi.mi_end;
-    mi.mi_awend = NULL;
-    mi.mi_did_awend = FALSE;
-    mi.mi_line = line;
-    /*
-     * Loop over the languages specified in 'spelllang'.
-     * We check them all, because a matching word may have additions that are
-     * longer than an already found matching word.
-     */
-    for (mi.mi_lp = LANGP_ENTRY(wp->w_buffer->b_langp, 0);
-				       mi.mi_lp->lp_slang != NULL; ++mi.mi_lp)
+    /* A word starting with a number is always OK.  Also skip hexadecimal
+     * numbers 0xFF99 and 0X99FF. */
+    if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
+    {
+	if (*ptr == '0' && (ptr[1] == 'x' || ptr[2] == 'X'))
+	    mi.mi_end = skiphex(ptr);
+	else
+	    mi.mi_end = skipdigits(ptr);
+    }
+    else
-	/*
-	 * Check for a matching word.
-	 * If not found or wrong region try removing prefixes (and then
-	 * suffixes).
-	 * If still not found or wrong region try removing suffixes.
-	 */
-	mi.mi_slang = mi.mi_lp->lp_slang;
-	if (!word_match(&mi) || mi.mi_result != SP_OK)
-	    if (!prefix_match(&mi) || mi.mi_result != SP_OK)
-		suffix_match(&mi);
-    }
+	mi.mi_fend = ptr;
+	if (spell_iswordc(mi.mi_fend))
+	{
+	    /* Make case-folded copy of the characters until the next non-word
+	     * character. */
+	    do
+	    {
+		mb_ptr_adv(mi.mi_fend);
+	    } while (*mi.mi_fend != NUL && spell_iswordc(mi.mi_fend));
-    if (mi.mi_result != SP_OK)
-    {
-	if (mi.mi_result == SP_BAD)
-	    *attrp = highlight_attr[HLF_SPB];
-	else if (mi.mi_result == SP_RARE)
-	    *attrp = highlight_attr[HLF_SPR];
-	else
-	    *attrp = highlight_attr[HLF_SPL];
-    }
+	    (void)spell_casefold(ptr, (int)(mi.mi_fend - ptr), mi.mi_fword,
+								 MAXWLEN + 1);
+	    mi.mi_fwordlen = STRLEN(mi.mi_fword);
-    return (int)(mi.mi_wend - ptr);
+	    /* Check the caps type of the word. */
+	    mi.mi_capflags = captype(ptr, mi.mi_fend);
- * Check if the word "mip->mi_word" matches.
- * "mip->mi_fword" is the same word case-folded;
- *
- * This checks the word as a whole and for prefixes that include a word.
- *
- * Note that when called mi_fword only contains the word up to mip->mi_end,
- * but when checking additions it gets longer.
- */
-    static int
-    matchinf_T *mip;
-    hash_T	fhash = hash_hash(mip->mi_fword);
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    fword_T	*fw;
-    int		valid = FALSE;
-    char_u	*p;
-    char_u	pword[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    int		charlen;
-    int		capflags_save;
-    affitem_T	*ai;
-    char_u	*cstart;
-    int		addlen;
-    int		n;
-    char_u	*save_end;
-    int		cc;
+	    /* We always use the characters up to the next non-word character,
+	     * also for bad words. */
+	    mi.mi_end = mi.mi_fend;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    /* No word characters.  Don't case-fold anything, we may quickly
+	     * find out this is not a word (but it could be!). */
+	    mi.mi_fwordlen = 0;
+	    mi.mi_capflags = 0;
+	}
-    hi = hash_lookup(&mip->mi_slang->sl_words, mip->mi_fword, fhash);
-    if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-    {
-	/*
-	 * Find a basic word for which the case of "mi_word" is correct.
-	 * If it is, check additions and use the longest one.
-	 */
-	for (fw = HI2FWORD(hi); fw != NULL; fw = fw->fw_next)
-	    if (match_caps(fw->fw_flags, fw->fw_word, mip,
-						   mip->mi_word, mip->mi_end))
-		valid |= check_adds(mip, fw, -1, -1);
-    }
+	mi.mi_cend = mi.mi_fend;
+	/* The word is bad unless we recognize it. */
+	mi.mi_result = SP_BAD;
-    /*
-     * Try finding a matching preword for "mip->mi_word".  These are
-     * prefixes that have a non-word character after a word character:
-     * "d'", "de-", "'s-", "l'de-".  But not "'s".
-     * Also need to do this when a matching word was already found, because we
-     * might find a longer match this way (French: "qu" and "qu'a-t-elle").
-     * The check above may have added characters to mi_fword, thus we need to
-     * truncate it after the basic word for the hash lookup.
-     */
-    cc = mip->mi_fword[mip->mi_fendlen];
-    mip->mi_fword[mip->mi_fendlen] = NUL;
-    hi = hash_lookup(&mip->mi_slang->sl_prewords, mip->mi_fword, fhash);
-    mip->mi_fword[mip->mi_fendlen] = cc;
-    if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-    {
-	capflags_save = mip->mi_capflags;
-	/* Go through the list of matching prewords. */
-	for (ai = HI2AI(hi); ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next)
+	/*
+	 * Loop over the languages specified in 'spelllang'.
+	 * We check them all, because a matching word may be longer than an
+	 * already found matching word.
+	 */
+	for (mi.mi_lp = LANGP_ENTRY(wp->w_buffer->b_langp, 0);
+				       mi.mi_lp->lp_slang != NULL; ++mi.mi_lp)
-	    /* Check that the lead string matches before the word. */
-	    p = ai->ai_add + ai->ai_addlen + ai->ai_choplen + 2;
-	    if (ai->ai_leadlen > 0)
-	    {
-		if (mip->mi_word - mip->mi_line < ai->ai_leadlen
-			|| STRNCMP(mip->mi_word - ai->ai_leadlen, p,
-						     ai->ai_leadlen) != 0)
-		    continue;
-		p += ai->ai_leadlen + 1;	/* advance "p" to tail */
-	    }
-	    else
-		++p;			/* advance "p" to tail */
+	    /* Check for a matching word in case-folded words. */
+	    find_word(&mi, FALSE);
+	    /* Try keep-case words. */
+	    find_word(&mi, TRUE);
+	}
-	    /* Check that the tail string matches after the word.  Need
-	     * to fold case first.  */
-	    if (ai->ai_taillen > 0)
+	if (mi.mi_result != SP_OK)
+	{
+	    /* When we are at a non-word character there is no error, just
+	     * skip over the character (try looking for a word after it). */
+	    if (!spell_iswordc(ptr))
-		if (ai->ai_taillen >= mip->mi_faddlen)
-		{
-		    fold_addchars(mip, ai->ai_taillen);
-		    if (ai->ai_taillen > mip->mi_faddlen)
-			continue;	/* not enough chars, can't match */
-		}
-		if (STRNCMP(mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen,
-						  p, ai->ai_taillen) != 0)
-		    continue;
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+		if (has_mbyte)
+		    return mb_ptr2len_check(ptr);
+		return 1;
-	    /*
-	     * This preword matches.  Remove the preword and check that
-	     * the resulting word exits.
-	     */
-	    /* Find the place in the original word where the tail ends,
-	     * needed for case checks. */
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-	    charlen = mb_charlen(p);
-	    charlen = ai->ai_taillen;
-	    cstart = mip->mi_end;
-	    for (n = 0; n < charlen; ++n)
-		mb_ptr_adv(cstart);
-	    /* The new word starts with the chop. Then add up to the next
-	     * non-word char. */
-	    mch_memmove(pword, ai->ai_add + ai->ai_addlen + 1,
-							  ai->ai_choplen);
-	    p = mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen + ai->ai_taillen;
-	    addlen = ai->ai_taillen;
-	    while (spell_iswordc(p))
-	    {
-		++charlen;
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-		addlen += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(p);
-		++addlen;
-		mb_ptr_adv(p);
-		if (addlen >= mip->mi_faddlen)
-		{
-		    /* Get more folded characters in mip->mi_fword. */
-		    fold_addchars(mip, addlen);
-		    if (addlen >= mip->mi_faddlen)
-			break;	/* not enough chars, can't match */
-		}
-	    }
-	    mch_memmove(pword + ai->ai_choplen,
-		    mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen + ai->ai_taillen,
-						 addlen - ai->ai_taillen);
-	    pword[ai->ai_choplen + addlen - ai->ai_taillen] = NUL;
-	    /* Need to set mi_end to find additions.  Also set mi_fendlen
-	     * and mi_faddlen. */
-	    save_end = mip->mi_end;
-	    while (--charlen >= 0)
-		mb_ptr_adv(mip->mi_end);
-	    mip->mi_fendlen += addlen;
-	    mip->mi_faddlen -= addlen;
-	    /* Find the word "pword", caseword "cstart". */
-	    n = noprefix_match(mip, pword, cstart, ai);
-	    mip->mi_end = save_end;
-	    mip->mi_fendlen -= addlen;
-	    mip->mi_faddlen += addlen;
-	    if (n)
-		valid = TRUE;
-	    /* If we found a valid word, we still need to try other
-	     * suffixes, because it may have an addition that's longer. */
-	}
-	mip->mi_capflags = capflags_save;
-    }
-    return valid;
- * Check a matching basic word for additions.
- * Return TRUE if we have a valid match.
- */
-    static int
-check_adds(mip, fw, req_pref, req_suf)
-    matchinf_T	*mip;
-    fword_T	*fw;
-    int		req_pref;	/* required prefix nr, -1 if none */
-    int		req_suf;	/* required suffix nr, -1 if none */
-    int		valid = FALSE;
-    addword_T	*aw;
-    addword_T	*naw = NULL;
-    char_u	*p;
-    int		addlen;
-    int		cc;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    char_u	*cp = NULL;
-    int		n;
-    /* Check if required prefixes and suffixes are supported.  These are on
-     * the basic word, not on each addition. */
-    if (req_pref >= 0 || req_suf >= 0)
-    {
-	/* Prefix NRs are stored just after the word in fw_word. */
-	cp = fw->fw_word + STRLEN(fw->fw_word) + 1;
-	if (req_pref >= 0 && !supports_affix(mip->mi_slang->sl_prefcnt,
-					      cp, fw->fw_prefixcnt, req_pref))
-	    return FALSE;
-	if (req_suf >= 0)
-	{
-	    /* Suffix NRs are stored just after the Prefix NRs. */
-	    if (fw->fw_prefixcnt > 0)
-	    {
-		if (mip->mi_slang->sl_prefcnt > 256)
-		    cp += fw->fw_prefixcnt * 2;
-		else
-		    cp += fw->fw_prefixcnt;
-	    }
-	    if (!supports_affix(mip->mi_slang->sl_suffcnt,
-					       cp, fw->fw_suffixcnt, req_suf))
-		return FALSE;
+	    if (mi.mi_result == SP_BAD)
+		*attrp = highlight_attr[HLF_SPB];
+	    else if (mi.mi_result == SP_RARE)
+		*attrp = highlight_attr[HLF_SPR];
+	    else
+		*attrp = highlight_attr[HLF_SPL];
-    /* A word may be valid without an addition. */
-    if (fw->fw_flags & BWF_VALID)
-    {
-	valid = TRUE;
-	if (mip->mi_result != SP_OK)
-	{
-	    if ((fw->fw_region & mip->mi_lp->lp_region) == 0)
-		mip->mi_result = SP_LOCAL;
-	    else
-		mip->mi_result = SP_OK;
-	}
-	/* Set word end, required when matching a word after a preword. */
-	if (mip->mi_wend < mip->mi_end)
-	    mip->mi_wend = mip->mi_end;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Check additions, both before and after the word.
-     * This may make the word longer, thus we also need to check
-     * when we already found a matching word.
-     * When the BWF_ADDHASH flag is present then fw_adds points to a hashtable
-     * for quick lookup.  Otherwise it points to the list of all possible
-     * additions.
-     */
-    if (fw->fw_flags & BWF_ADDHASH)
-    {
-	/* Locate the text up to the next end-of-word. */
-	if (!mip->mi_did_awend)
-	    fill_awend(mip);
-	if (mip->mi_awend == NULL)
-	    return valid;	    /* there is no next word */
-	cc = *mip->mi_awend;
-	*mip->mi_awend = NUL;
-	hi = hash_find((hashtab_T *)fw->fw_adds,
-					     mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen);
-	*mip->mi_awend = cc;
-	    return valid;		/* no matching addition */
-	aw = HI2ADDWORD(hi);
-	/* Also check additions without word characters.  If they are there,
-	 * skip the first dummy entry. */
-	hi = hash_find((hashtab_T *)fw->fw_adds, NOWC_KEY);
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	    naw = HI2ADDWORD(hi)->aw_next;
-    }
-    else
-	aw = fw->fw_adds;
-    for ( ; ; aw = aw->aw_next)
-    {
-	if (aw == NULL)
-	{
-	    /* At end of list: may also try additions without word chars. */
-	    if (naw == NULL)
-		break;
-	    aw = naw;
-	    naw = NULL;
-	}
-	if (aw->aw_leadlen > 0)
-	{
-	    /* There is a leader, verify that it matches. */
-	    if (aw->aw_leadlen > mip->mi_word - mip->mi_line
-		    || STRNCMP(mip->mi_word - aw->aw_leadlen,
-					    aw->aw_word, aw->aw_leadlen) != 0)
-		continue;
-	    if (mip->mi_word - aw->aw_leadlen > mip->mi_line)
-	    {
-		/* There must not be a word character just before the
-		 * leader. */
-		p = mip->mi_word - aw->aw_leadlen;
-		mb_ptr_back(mip->mi_line, p);
-		if (spell_iswordc(p))
-		    continue;
-	    }
-	    /* Leader matches.  Addition is rest of "aw_word". */
-	    p = aw->aw_word + aw->aw_leadlen;
-	}
-	else
-	    /* No leader, use whole of "aw_word" for addition. */
-	    p = aw->aw_word;
-	addlen = aw->aw_wordlen - aw->aw_leadlen;
-	if (addlen > 0)
-	{
-	    /* Check for matching addition and no word character after it.
-	     * First make sure we have enough case-folded chars to compare
-	     * with. */
-	    if (addlen >= mip->mi_faddlen)
-		fold_addchars(mip, addlen);
-	    /* Put back the saved char, if needed. */
-	    if (aw->aw_saveb != NUL)
-	    {
-		cp = p + STRLEN(p);
-		*cp = aw->aw_saveb;
-	    }
-	    n = STRNCMP(mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen, p, addlen);
-	    if (aw->aw_saveb != NUL)
-		*cp = NUL;
-	    if (n != 0 || (mip->mi_fword[mip->mi_fendlen + addlen] != NUL
-		  && spell_iswordc(mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen + addlen)))
-		continue;
-	    /* Compute the length in the original word, before case folding. */
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-	    if (has_mbyte)
-	    {
-		int	l;
-		p = mip->mi_end;
-		for (l = 0; l < addlen; l += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(mip->mi_fword
-						       + mip->mi_fendlen + l))
-		    mb_ptr_adv(p);
-		addlen = p - mip->mi_end;
-	    }
-	    /* Check case of the addition. */
-	    if (!match_caps(ADD2BWF(aw->aw_flags),
-			  aw->aw_word + aw->aw_wordlen + 1, mip,
-					   mip->mi_end, mip->mi_end + addlen))
-		continue;
-	}
-	/* Match!  Use the new length if it's longer. */
-	if (mip->mi_wend < mip->mi_end + addlen)
-	    mip->mi_wend = mip->mi_end + addlen;
-	valid = TRUE;
-	if (mip->mi_result != SP_OK)
-	{
-	    if ((aw->aw_region & mip->mi_lp->lp_region) == 0)
-		mip->mi_result = SP_LOCAL;
-	    else
-		mip->mi_result = SP_OK;
-	}
-    }
-    return valid;
+    return (int)(mi.mi_end - ptr);
- * Locate the text up to the next end-of-word after mip->mi_end.
- */
-    static void
-    matchinf_T	*mip;
-    char_u	*p = mip->mi_end;
-    int		addlen = 0;
-    int		find_word = TRUE;
-    mip->mi_did_awend = TRUE;
-    if (mip->mi_faddlen == 0)
-	fold_addchars(mip, 0);	    /* need to fold first char */
-    /* 1: find_word == TRUE: skip over non-word characters after mi_end.
-     * 2: find_word == FALSE: skip over following word characters. */
-    for (p = mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
-    {
-	if (spell_iswordc(p) == find_word)
-	{
-	    if (!find_word)
-		break;		    /* done */
-	    find_word = !find_word;
-	}
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-	addlen += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(p);
-	++addlen;
-	if (addlen >= mip->mi_faddlen)
-	    fold_addchars(mip, addlen);	    /* need to fold more chars */
-    }
-    /* If there are extra chars store the result. */
-    if (addlen != 0)
-	mip->mi_awend = p;
- * Fold enough characters of the checked text to be able to compare with an
- * addition of length "addlen" plus one character (to be able to check the
- * next character to be a non-word char).
- * When there are not enough characters (end of line) mip->mi_faddlen will be
- * smaller than "addlen".
+ * Check if the word at "mip->mi_word" is in the tree.
+ * When "keepcap" is TRUE check in keep-case word tree.
+ *
+ * For a match mip->mi_result is updated.
     static void
-fold_addchars(mip, addlen)
+find_word(mip, keepcap)
     matchinf_T	*mip;
-    int		addlen;
+    int		keepcap;
-    int		l;
-    char_u	*p = mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fendlen;
-    while (mip->mi_faddlen <= addlen)
-    {
-	if (*mip->mi_fend == NUL)	/* end of the line */
-	{
-	    p[mip->mi_faddlen] = NUL;
-	    break;
-	}
+    int		arridx = 0;
+    int		endlen[MAXWLEN];    /* length at possible word endings */
+    int		endidx[MAXWLEN];    /* possible word endings */
+    int		endidxcnt = 0;
+    int		len;
+    int		wlen = 0;
+    int		flen;
+    int		c;
+    char_u	*ptr;
+    unsigned	lo, hi, m;
 #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-	if (has_mbyte)
-	    l = (*mb_ptr2len_check)(mip->mi_fend);
-	else
+    char_u	*s;
+    char_u	*p;
-	    l = 1;
-	(void)spell_casefold(mip->mi_fend, l, p + mip->mi_faddlen,
-				 MAXWLEN - mip->mi_fendlen - mip->mi_faddlen);
-	mip->mi_fend += l;
-	mip->mi_faddlen += STRLEN(p + mip->mi_faddlen);
-    }
+    int		res;
+    int		valid;
+    slang_T	*slang = mip->mi_lp->lp_slang;
+    unsigned	flags;
+    char_u	*byts;
+    int		*idxs;
- * Return TRUE if affix "nr" appears in affix list "afflist[afflistlen]".
- */
-    static int
-supports_affix(cnt, afflist, afflistlen, nr)
-    int		cnt;		/* total affix NR count */
-    char_u	*afflist;
-    int		afflistlen;	/* affix count in "afflist" */
-    int		nr;
-    char_u	*pc = afflist;
-    int		i;
-    int		nr_msb, nr_lsb;
-    if (cnt <= 256)
+    if (keepcap)
-	/* one byte affix numbers */
-	for (i = afflistlen; --i >= 0; )
-	    if (*pc++ == nr)
-		return TRUE;
+	/* Check for word with matching case in keep-case tree. */
+	ptr = mip->mi_word;
+	flen = 9999;		    /* no case folding, always enough bytes */
+	byts = slang->sl_kbyts;
+	idxs = slang->sl_kidxs;
-	/* two byte affix numbers, MSB first */
-	nr_msb = (unsigned)nr >> 8;
-	nr_lsb = nr & 0xff;
-	for (i = afflistlen; --i >= 0; )
-	{
-	    if (*pc++ == nr_msb && *pc == nr_lsb)
-		return TRUE;
-	    ++pc;
-	}
-    }
-    return FALSE;
- * Try finding a match for "mip->mi_cword" by removing prefixes.
- */
-    static int
-    matchinf_T	*mip;
-    int		len = 0;
-    int		charlen = 0;
-    int		cc;
-    affitem_T	*ai;
-    char_u	pword[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    int		found_valid = FALSE;
-    int		cstart_charlen = 0;
-    char_u	*cstart = mip->mi_word;
-    int		capflags_save = mip->mi_capflags;
-    /*
-     * Check for prefixes with different character lengths.
-     * Start with zero length (only chop off).
-     */
-    for (charlen = 0; charlen <= mip->mi_slang->sl_preftab.ga_len; ++charlen)
-    {
-	if (charlen > 0)
-	{
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-	    if (has_mbyte)
-		len += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(mip->mi_cword + len);
-	    else
-		len += 1;
-	}
-	if (mip->mi_cword[len] == NUL)	/* end of word, no prefix possible */
-	    break;
-	if (charlen == 0)
-	    ai = mip->mi_slang->sl_prefzero;
-	else
-	{
-	    /* Get pointer to hashtab for prefix of this many chars. */
-	    ht = ((hashtab_T *)mip->mi_slang->sl_preftab.ga_data) + charlen - 1;
-	    if (ht->ht_used == 0)
-		continue;
-	    cc = mip->mi_cword[len];
-	    mip->mi_cword[len] = NUL;
-	    hi = hash_find(ht, mip->mi_cword);
-	    mip->mi_cword[len] = cc;
-	    if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		ai = NULL;
-	    else
-		ai = HI2AI(hi);
-	}
-	/* Loop over all matching prefixes. */
-	for ( ; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next)
-	{
-	    /* Create the basic word from the chop string and the word after
-	     * the matching add string. */
-	    mch_memmove(pword, ai->ai_add + ai->ai_addlen + 1, ai->ai_choplen);
-	    mch_memmove(pword + ai->ai_choplen, mip->mi_cword + ai->ai_addlen,
-					     mip->mi_fendlen - ai->ai_addlen);
-	    pword[mip->mi_fendlen - ai->ai_addlen] = NUL;
-	    /* Adjust the word start for case checks, we only check the
-	     * part after the prefix. */
-	    while (cstart_charlen < charlen)
-	    {
-		mb_ptr_adv(cstart);
-		++cstart_charlen;
-	    }
-	    /* Find the word "pword", caseword "cstart". */
-	    found_valid |= noprefix_match(mip, pword, cstart, ai);
-	    if (found_valid && mip->mi_result == SP_OK)
-	    {
-		/* Found a valid word, no need to try other suffixes. */
-		mip->mi_capflags = capflags_save;
-		return TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    mip->mi_capflags = capflags_save;
-    return FALSE;
- * Check for matching word after removing a prefix.
- * Return TRUE if found.
- */
-    static int
-noprefix_match(mip, pword, cstart, ai)
-    matchinf_T	*mip;
-    char_u	*pword;	    /* case-folded word */
-    char_u	*cstart;    /* original word after removed prefix */
-    affitem_T	*ai;	    /* the prefix item */
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    fword_T	*fw;
-    int		found_valid = FALSE;
-    char_u	*word;
-    int		i;
-    int		fendlen;
-    /* Removing the prefix may change the caps, e.g. for
-     * "deAlf" removing "de" makes it ONECAP. */
-    mip->mi_capflags = captype(cstart, mip->mi_end);
-    /* Find the basic word. */
-    hi = hash_find(&mip->mi_slang->sl_words, pword);
-    if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-    {
-	/* Check if the word supports this prefix. */
-	for (fw = HI2FWORD(hi); fw != NULL; fw = fw->fw_next)
-	    if (match_caps(fw->fw_flags, fw->fw_word, mip,
-						 cstart, mip->mi_end))
-		found_valid |= check_adds(mip, fw, ai->ai_nr, -1);
-	if (found_valid && mip->mi_result == SP_OK)
-	    /* Found a valid word, no need to try other suffixes. */
-	    return TRUE;
+	/* Check for case-folded in case-folded tree. */
+	ptr = mip->mi_fword;
+	flen = mip->mi_fwordlen;    /* available case-folded bytes */
+	byts = slang->sl_fbyts;
+	idxs = slang->sl_fidxs;
-    /* No matching basic word without prefix.  When combining is
-     * allowed try with suffixes. */
-    if (ai->ai_flags & AFF_COMBINE)
-    {
-	/* Pass the word with prefix removed to suffix_match(). */
-	mip->mi_cword = pword;
-	word = mip->mi_word;
-	mip->mi_word = cstart;
-	fendlen = mip->mi_fendlen;
-	mip->mi_fendlen = STRLEN(pword);
-	i = suffix_match(mip);
-	mip->mi_cword = mip->mi_fword;
-	mip->mi_word = word;
-	mip->mi_fendlen = fendlen;
-	if (i)
-	    return TRUE;
-    }
-    return FALSE;
- * Try finding a match for "mip->mi_cword" by removing suffixes.
- */
-    static int
-    matchinf_T	*mip;
-    char_u	*sufp;
-    char_u	*endw = mip->mi_cword + mip->mi_fendlen;
-    int		endw_c = *endw;
-    int		charlen;
-    affitem_T	*ai;
-    char_u	pword[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    fword_T	*fw;
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    int		tlen;
-    int		cend_charlen = 0;
-    char_u	*cend = mip->mi_end;
-    int		found_valid = FALSE;
-    int		capflags_save = mip->mi_capflags;
+    if (byts == NULL)
+	return;			/* array is empty */
-     * Try suffixes of different length, starting with an empty suffix (chop
-     * only, thus adds something).
-     * Stop checking if there are no suffixes with so many characters.
+     * Repeat advancing in the tree until there is a byte that doesn't match,
+     * we reach the end of the tree or we reach the end of the line.
-    sufp = endw;
-    *endw = NUL;	/* truncate after possible suffix */
-    for (charlen = 0; charlen <= mip->mi_slang->sl_sufftab.ga_len; ++charlen)
+    for (;;)
-	/* Move the pointer to the possible suffix back one character, unless
-	 * doing the first round (empty suffix). */
-	if (charlen > 0)
-	{
-	    mb_ptr_back(mip->mi_cword, sufp);
-	    if (sufp <= mip->mi_cword)	/* start of word, no suffix possible */
-		break;
-	}
-	if (charlen == 0)
-	    ai = mip->mi_slang->sl_suffzero;
-	else
-	{
-	    /* Get pointer to hashtab for suffix of this many chars. */
-	    ht = ((hashtab_T *)mip->mi_slang->sl_sufftab.ga_data) + charlen - 1;
-	    if (ht->ht_used == 0)
-		continue;
-	    hi = hash_find(ht, sufp);
-	    if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		ai = NULL;
-	    else
-		ai = HI2AI(hi);
-	}
-	if (ai != NULL)
+	if (flen == 0 && *mip->mi_fend != NUL)
-	    /* Found a list of matching suffixes.  Now check that there is one
-	     * we can use. */
-	    tlen = sufp - mip->mi_cword;    /* length of word without suffix */
-	    mch_memmove(pword, mip->mi_cword, tlen);
-	    *endw = endw_c;
-	    for ( ; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next)
-	    {
-		/* Found a matching suffix.  Create the basic word by removing
-		 * the suffix and adding the chop string. */
-		if (ai->ai_choplen == 0)
-		    pword[tlen] = NUL;
-		else
-		    mch_memmove(pword + tlen, ai->ai_add + ai->ai_addlen + 1,
-							  ai->ai_choplen + 1);
-		/* Find the basic word. */
-		hi = hash_find(&mip->mi_slang->sl_words, pword);
-		if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		{
-		    /* Adjust the end for case checks, we only check the part
-		     * before the suffix. */
-		    while (cend_charlen < charlen)
-		    {
-			mb_ptr_back(mip->mi_word, cend);
-			++cend_charlen;
-		    }
-		    /* Removing the suffix may change the caps, e.g. for
-		     * "UFOs" removing 's' makes it ALLCAP. */
-		    mip->mi_capflags = captype(mip->mi_word, cend);
-		    /* Check if the word supports this suffix. */
-		    for (fw = HI2FWORD(hi); fw != NULL; fw = fw->fw_next)
-			if (match_caps(fw->fw_flags, fw->fw_word, mip,
-							  mip->mi_word, cend))
-			    found_valid |= check_adds(mip, fw, -1, ai->ai_nr);
-		    if (found_valid && mip->mi_result == SP_OK)
-		    {
-			/* Found a valid word, no need to try other suffixes. */
-			mip->mi_capflags = capflags_save;
-			return TRUE;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    *endw = NUL;	/* truncate after possible suffix */
-	}
-    }
-    *endw = endw_c;
-    mip->mi_capflags = capflags_save;
-    return FALSE;
- * Return TRUE if case of "cword" meets the requirements of case flags
- * "flags".
- */
-    static int
-match_caps(flags, caseword, mip, cword, end)
-    int		flags;	    /* flags required by basic word or addition */
-    char_u	*caseword;  /* word with case as required */
-    matchinf_T	*mip;
-    char_u	*cword;	    /* word to compare against "caseword" */
-    char_u	*end;	    /* end of "cword" */
-    char_u	*p;
-    int		c;
-    int		len;
-    int		capflags = mip->mi_capflags;	    /* flags of checked word */
-    int		past_second;
-    if ((capflags & BWF_KEEPCAP) == 0 && end > mip->mi_end)
-    {
-	/* If "end" is past "mip->mi_end" we need to adjust the caps type for
-	 * characters after the basic word. */
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-	past_second = (mip->mi_word + (*mb_ptr2len_check)(mip->mi_word)
-							       < mip->mi_end);
-	past_second = mip->mi_word + 1 < mip->mi_end;
-	for (p = mip->mi_end; p < end; )
-	{
-	    if (!spell_iswordc(p))
-		mb_ptr_adv(p);
-	    else
+	    /* Need to fold at least one more character.  Do until next
+	     * non-word character for efficiency. */
+	    do
 #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
 		if (has_mbyte)
-		    c = mb_ptr2char_adv(&p);
+		    flen += mb_ptr2len_check(mip->mi_fend + flen);
-		    c = *p++;
-		if (spell_isupper(c))
-		{
-		    if (capflags == 0 || (capflags & BWF_ONECAP))
-		    {
-			capflags = BWF_KEEPCAP;	/* lU or UlU */
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    if (capflags & BWF_ALLCAP)
-		    {
-			if (past_second)
-			{
-			    capflags = BWF_KEEPCAP;	/* UUl */
-			    break;
-			}
-			capflags = BWF_ONECAP;		/* Uu */
-		    }
-		}
-		past_second = TRUE;
+		    ++flen;
+	    } while (spell_iswordc(mip->mi_fend + flen));
+	    (void)spell_casefold(mip->mi_fend, flen,
+				     mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fwordlen,
+				     MAXWLEN - mip->mi_fwordlen);
+	    mip->mi_fend += flen;
+	    flen = STRLEN(mip->mi_fword + mip->mi_fwordlen);
+	    mip->mi_fwordlen += flen;
+	}
+	len = byts[arridx++];
+	/* If the first possible byte is a zero the word could end here.
+	 * Remember this index, we first check for the longest word. */
+	if (byts[arridx] == 0)
+	{
+	    endlen[endidxcnt] = wlen;
+	    endidx[endidxcnt++] = arridx++;
+	    --len;
+	    /* Skip over the zeros, there can be several flag/region
+	     * combinations. */
+	    while (len > 0 && byts[arridx] == 0)
+	    {
+		++arridx;
+		--len;
+	    }
+	    if (len == 0)
+		break;	    /* no children, word must end here */
+	}
+	/* Stop looking at end of the line. */
+	if (ptr[wlen] == NUL)
+	    break;
+	/* Perform a binary search in the list of accepted bytes. */
+	c = ptr[wlen];
+	lo = arridx;
+	hi = arridx + len - 1;
+	while (lo < hi)
+	{
+	    m = (lo + hi) / 2;
+	    if (byts[m] > c)
+		hi = m - 1;
+	    else if (byts[m] < c)
+		lo = m + 1;
+	    else
+	    {
+		lo = hi = m;
+		break;
+	/* Stop if there is no matching byte. */
+	if (hi < lo || byts[lo] != c)
+	    break;
+	/* Continue at the child (if there is one). */
+	arridx = idxs[lo];
+	++wlen;
+	--flen;
-    if (capflags == BWF_ALLCAP)
-	return TRUE;		/* All caps is always OK. */
+    /*
+     * Verify that one of the possible endings is valid.  Try the longest
+     * first.
+     */
+    while (endidxcnt > 0)
+    {
+	--endidxcnt;
+	arridx = endidx[endidxcnt];
+	wlen = endlen[endidxcnt];
-    if (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-    {
-	len = STRLEN(caseword);
-	return (len == end - cword && STRNCMP(caseword, cword, len) == 0);
-    }
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+	if ((*mb_head_off)(ptr, ptr + wlen) > 0)
+	    continue;	    /* not at first byte of character */
+	if (spell_iswordc(ptr + wlen))
+	    continue;	    /* next char is a word character */
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+	if (!keepcap && has_mbyte)
+	{
+	    /* Compute byte length in original word, length may change
+	     * when folding case. */
+	    p = mip->mi_word;
+	    for (s = ptr; s < ptr + wlen; mb_ptr_adv(s))
+		mb_ptr_adv(p);
+	    wlen = p - mip->mi_word;
+	}
-    if (flags & BWF_ALLCAP)
-	return FALSE;		/* need ALLCAP, already checked above */
+	/* Check flags and region.  Repeat this if there are more
+	 * flags/region alternatives until there is a match. */
+	res = SP_BAD;
+	for (len = byts[arridx - 1]; len > 0 && byts[arridx] == 0; --len)
+	{
+	    flags = idxs[arridx];
+	    if (keepcap)
+	    {
+		/* For "keepcap" tree the case is always right. */
+		valid = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		/* Check that the word is in the required case. */
+		if (mip->mi_cend != mip->mi_word + wlen)
+		{
+		    /* mi_capflags was set for a different word
+		     * length, need to do it again. */
+		    mip->mi_cend = mip->mi_word + wlen;
+		    mip->mi_capflags = captype(mip->mi_word,
+							mip->mi_cend);
+		}
+		valid = (mip->mi_capflags == WF_ALLCAP
+			|| ((flags & WF_ALLCAP) == 0
+			    && ((flags & WF_ONECAP) == 0
+				|| mip->mi_capflags == WF_ONECAP)));
+	    }
-    if (flags & BWF_ONECAP)
-	return capflags == BWF_ONECAP;
+	    if (valid && res != SP_OK)
+	    {
+		if (flags & WF_REGION)
+		{
+		    /* Check region. */
+		    if ((mip->mi_lp->lp_region & (flags >> 8)) != 0)
+			res = SP_OK;
+		    else
+			res = SP_LOCAL;
+		}
+		else if (flags & WF_RARE)
+		    res = SP_RARE;
+		else
+		    res = SP_OK;
+	    }
-    return capflags != BWF_KEEPCAP;	/* no case check, only KEEPCAP is bad */
+	    if (res == SP_OK)
+		break;
+	    ++arridx;
+	}
+	if (valid)
+	{
+	    /* Valid word!  Always use the longest match. */
+	    if (mip->mi_end < mip->mi_word + wlen)
+		mip->mi_end = mip->mi_word + wlen;
+	    if (mip->mi_result != SP_OK)
+		mip->mi_result = res;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
  * Move to next spell error.
  * Return OK if found, FAIL otherwise.
@@ -1181,8 +565,6 @@ spell_move_to(dir, allwords)
     pos_T	found_pos;
     char_u	*line;
     char_u	*p;
-    int		wc;
-    int		nwc;
     int		attr = 0;
     int		len;
     int		has_syntax = syntax_present(curbuf);
@@ -1209,77 +591,69 @@ spell_move_to(dir, allwords)
 	line = ml_get(lnum);
 	p = line;
-	wc = FALSE;
 	while (*p != NUL)
-	    nwc = spell_iswordc(p);
-	    if (!wc && nwc)
-	    {
-		/* When searching backward don't search after the cursor. */
-		if (dir == BACKWARD
-			&& lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
-			&& (colnr_T)(p - line) >= curwin->w_cursor.col)
-		    break;
+	    /* When searching backward don't search after the cursor. */
+	    if (dir == BACKWARD
+		    && lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+		    && (colnr_T)(p - line) >= curwin->w_cursor.col)
+		break;
-		/* start of word */
-		len = spell_check(curwin, line, p, &attr);
+	    /* start of word */
+	    len = spell_check(curwin, p, &attr);
-		if (attr != 0)
+	    if (attr != 0)
+	    {
+		/* We found a bad word.  Check the attribute. */
+		/* TODO: check for syntax @Spell cluster. */
+		if (allwords || attr == highlight_attr[HLF_SPB])
-		    /* We found a bad word.  Check the attribute. */
-		    /* TODO: check for syntax @Spell cluster. */
-		    if (allwords || attr == highlight_attr[HLF_SPB])
+		    /* When searching forward only accept a bad word after
+		     * the cursor. */
+		    if (dir == BACKWARD
+			    || lnum > curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+			    || (lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+				&& (colnr_T)(p - line)
+						  > curwin->w_cursor.col))
-			/* When searching forward only accept a bad word after
-			 * the cursor. */
-			if (dir == BACKWARD
-				|| lnum > curwin->w_cursor.lnum
-				|| (lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
-				    && (colnr_T)(p - line)
-						      > curwin->w_cursor.col))
+			if (has_syntax)
-			    if (has_syntax)
-			    {
-				col = p - line;
-				(void)syn_get_id(lnum, (colnr_T)col,
-							   FALSE, &can_spell);
+			    col = p - line;
+			    (void)syn_get_id(lnum, (colnr_T)col,
+						       FALSE, &can_spell);
-				/* have to get the line again, a multi-line
-				 * regexp may make it invalid */
-				line = ml_get(lnum);
-				p = line + col;
-			    }
-			    else
-				can_spell = TRUE;
+			    /* have to get the line again, a multi-line
+			     * regexp may make it invalid */
+			    line = ml_get(lnum);
+			    p = line + col;
+			}
+			else
+			    can_spell = TRUE;
-			    if (can_spell)
-			    {
-				found_pos.lnum = lnum;
-				found_pos.col = p - line;
+			if (can_spell)
+			{
+			    found_pos.lnum = lnum;
+			    found_pos.col = p - line;
-				found_pos.coladd = 0;
+			    found_pos.coladd = 0;
-				if (dir == FORWARD)
-				{
-				    /* No need to search further. */
-				    curwin->w_cursor = found_pos;
-				    return OK;
-				}
+			    if (dir == FORWARD)
+			    {
+				/* No need to search further. */
+				curwin->w_cursor = found_pos;
+				return OK;
-		    attr = 0;
-		p += len;
-		if (*p == NUL)
-		    break;
-		nwc = FALSE;
+		attr = 0;
-	    /* advance to next character */
-	    mb_ptr_adv(p);
-	    wc = nwc;
+	    /* advance to character after the word */
+	    p += len;
+	    if (*p == NUL)
+		break;
 	/* Advance to next line. */
@@ -1372,21 +746,11 @@ slang_alloc(lang)
     slang_T *lp;
-    lp = (slang_T *)alloc(sizeof(slang_T));
+    lp = (slang_T *)alloc_clear(sizeof(slang_T));
     if (lp != NULL)
 	lp->sl_name = vim_strsave(lang);
-	hash_init(&lp->sl_words);
-	ga_init2(&lp->sl_preftab, sizeof(hashtab_T), 4);
-	hash_init(&lp->sl_prewords);
-	ga_init2(&lp->sl_sufftab, sizeof(hashtab_T), 4);
-	lp->sl_prefzero = NULL;
-	lp->sl_suffzero = NULL;
-	lp->sl_try = NULL;
 	ga_init2(&lp->sl_rep, sizeof(repentry_T), 4);
-	lp->sl_regions[0] = NUL;
-	lp->sl_block = NULL;
-	lp->sl_error = FALSE;
     return lp;
@@ -1398,44 +762,13 @@ slang_alloc(lang)
     slang_T	*lp;
-    sblock_T	*sp;
-    int		i;
-    fword_T	*fw;
-    int		todo;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    /* The words themselves are in memory blocks referenced by "sl_block".
-     * Only the hashtables for additions need to be cleared. */
-    todo = lp->sl_words.ht_used;
-    for (hi = lp->sl_words.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	{
-	    --todo;
-	    fw = HI2FWORD(hi);
-	    if (fw->fw_flags & BWF_ADDHASH)
-		hash_clear((hashtab_T *)fw->fw_adds);
-	}
-    }
-    hash_clear(&lp->sl_words);
-    for (i = 0; i < lp->sl_preftab.ga_len; ++i)
-	hash_clear(((hashtab_T *)lp->sl_preftab.ga_data) + i);
-    ga_clear(&lp->sl_preftab);
-    hash_clear(&lp->sl_prewords);
-    for (i = 0; i < lp->sl_sufftab.ga_len; ++i)
-	hash_clear(((hashtab_T *)lp->sl_sufftab.ga_data) + i);
-    ga_clear(&lp->sl_sufftab);
+    vim_free(lp->sl_fbyts);
+    vim_free(lp->sl_kbyts);
+    vim_free(lp->sl_fidxs);
+    vim_free(lp->sl_kidxs);
-    while (lp->sl_block != NULL)
-    {
-	sp = lp->sl_block;
-	lp->sl_block = sp->sb_next;
-	vim_free(sp);
-    }
@@ -1451,41 +784,13 @@ spell_load_file(fname, cookie)
     slang_T	*lp = cookie;
     FILE	*fd;
     char_u	buf[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    char_u	cbuf[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    char_u	fbuf[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    char_u	affixbuf[256 * 2 * 2]; /* max 2 * 256 affix nrs of 2 bytes */
     char_u	*p;
-    int		itm;
     int		i;
-    int		affcount;
-    int		affnr;
-    int		affflags;
-    int		affitemcnt;
-    int		prefixcnt, suffixcnt;
-    int		bl_used = SBLOCKSIZE;
-    int		widx;
-    int		prefm = 0;  /* 1 if <= 256 prefixes, sizeof(short_u) otherw. */
-    int		suffm = 0;  /* 1 if <= 256 suffixes, sizeof(short_u) otherw. */
-    int		wlen;
-    int		flags;
-    affitem_T	*ai, *ai2, **aip;
+    int		len;
     int		round;
     char_u	*save_sourcing_name = sourcing_name;
     linenr_T	save_sourcing_lnum = sourcing_lnum;
     int		cnt, ccnt;
-    int		choplen;
-    int		addlen;
-    int		leadlen;
-    int		wordcount;
-    fword_T	*fw, *fw2;
-    garray_T	*gap;
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    hash_T	hash;
-    int		adds;
-    addword_T	*aw, *naw;
-    int		flen;
-    int		xlen;
     char_u	*fol;
     fd = fopen((char *)fname, "r");
@@ -1532,7 +837,7 @@ formerr:
     cnt = getc(fd);					/* <charflagslen> */
     if (cnt > 0)
-	p = (char_u *)getroom(lp, &bl_used, cnt);
+	p = alloc((unsigned)cnt);
 	if (p == NULL)
 	    goto endFAIL;
 	for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
@@ -1540,16 +845,25 @@ formerr:
 	ccnt = (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);		/* <fcharslen> */
 	if (ccnt <= 0)
+	{
+	    vim_free(p);
 	    goto formerr;
-	fol = (char_u *)getroom(lp, &bl_used, ccnt + 1);
+	}
+	fol = alloc((unsigned)ccnt + 1);
 	if (fol == NULL)
+	{
+	    vim_free(p);
 	    goto endFAIL;
+	}
 	for (i = 0; i < ccnt; ++i)
 	    fol[i] = getc(fd);				/* <fchars> */
 	fol[i] = NUL;
 	/* Set the word-char flags and fill spell_isupper() table. */
-	if (set_spell_charflags(p, cnt, fol) == FAIL)
+	i = set_spell_charflags(p, cnt, fol);
+	vim_free(p);
+	vim_free(fol);
+	if (i == FAIL)
 	    goto formerr;
@@ -1560,196 +874,6 @@ formerr:
 	    goto formerr;
-    /* round 1: <PREFIXLIST>: <affcount> <affix> ...
-     * round 2: <SUFFIXLIST>: <affcount> <affix> ...  */
-    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-    {
-	affcount = (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);		/* <affcount> */
-	if (affcount < 0)
-	    goto truncerr;
-	if (round == 1)
-	{
-	    gap = &lp->sl_preftab;
-	    aip = &lp->sl_prefzero;
-	    lp->sl_prefcnt = affcount;
-	    prefm = affcount > 256 ? 2 : 1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    gap = &lp->sl_sufftab;
-	    aip = &lp->sl_suffzero;
-	    lp->sl_suffcnt = affcount;
-	    suffm = affcount > 256 ? 2 : 1;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * For each affix NR there can be several affixes.
-	 */
-	for (affnr = 0; affnr < affcount; ++affnr)
-	{
-	    /* <affix>: <affitemcnt> <affitem> ... */
-	    affitemcnt = (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);	/* <affitemcnt> */
-	    if (affitemcnt < 0)
-		goto truncerr;
-	    for (itm = 0; itm < affitemcnt; ++itm)
-	    {
-		/* <affitem>: <affflags> <affchoplen> <affchop>
-		 *				    <affaddlen> <affadd> */
-		affflags = getc(fd);			/* <affflags> */
-		choplen = getc(fd);			/* <affchoplen> */
-		if (choplen < 0)
-		    goto truncerr;
-		if (choplen >= MAXWLEN)
-		    goto formerr;
-		for (i = 0; i < choplen; ++i)		/* <affchop> */
-		    buf[i] = getc(fd);
-		buf[i] = NUL;
-		addlen = getc(fd);			/* <affaddlen> */
-		if (addlen < 0)
-		    goto truncerr;
-		if (affflags & AFF_PREWORD)
-		    xlen = addlen + 2;	/* space for lead and trail string */
-		else
-		    xlen = 0;
-		/* Get room to store the affitem_T, chop and add strings. */
-		ai = (affitem_T *)getroom(lp, &bl_used,
-			     sizeof(affitem_T) + addlen + choplen + 1 + xlen);
-		if (ai == NULL)
-		    goto endFAIL;
-		ai->ai_nr = affnr;
-		ai->ai_flags = affflags;
-		ai->ai_choplen = choplen;
-		ai->ai_addlen = addlen;
-		/* Chop string is at ai_add[ai_addlen + 1]. */
-		p = ai->ai_add + addlen + 1;
-		STRCPY(p, buf);
-		p = ai->ai_add;
-		for (i = 0; i < addlen; ++i)		/* <affadd> */
-		    p[i] = getc(fd);
-		p[i] = NUL;
-		if (affflags & AFF_PREWORD)
-		{
-		    int	    l, leadoff, trailoff;
-		    /*
-		     * A preword is a prefix that's recognized as a word: it
-		     * contains a word characters folled by a non-word
-		     * character.
-		     * <affadd> is the whole prefix.  Separate lead and trail
-		     * string, put the word itself at ai_add, so that it can
-		     * be used as hashtable key.
-		     */
-		    /* lead string: up to first word char */
-		    while (*p != NUL && !spell_iswordc(p))
-			mb_ptr_adv(p);
-		    ai->ai_leadlen = p - ai->ai_add;
-		    leadoff = addlen + choplen + 2;
-		    mch_memmove(ai->ai_add + leadoff, ai->ai_add,
-							      ai->ai_leadlen);
-		    ai->ai_add[leadoff + ai->ai_leadlen] = NUL;
-		    /* trail string: after last word char */
-		    while (*p != NUL && spell_iswordc(p))
-			mb_ptr_adv(p);
-		    trailoff = leadoff + ai->ai_leadlen + 1;
-		    STRCPY(ai->ai_add + trailoff, p);
-		    ai->ai_taillen = STRLEN(p);
-		    /* word itself */
-		    l = (p - ai->ai_add) - ai->ai_leadlen;
-		    mch_memmove(ai->ai_add, ai->ai_add + ai->ai_leadlen, l);
-		    ai->ai_add[l] = NUL;
-		    hash = hash_hash(ai->ai_add);
-		    hi = hash_lookup(&lp->sl_prewords, ai->ai_add, hash);
-		    if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		    {
-			/* First preword with this word, add to hashtable. */
-			hash_add_item(&lp->sl_prewords, hi, ai->ai_add, hash);
-			ai->ai_next = NULL;
-		    }
-		    else
-		    {
-			/* There already is a preword with this word, link in
-			 * the list.  */
-			ai2 = HI2AI(hi);
-			ai->ai_next = ai2->ai_next;
-			ai2->ai_next = ai;
-		    }
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /*
-		     * Add the affix to a hashtable.  Which one depends on the
-		     * length of the added string in characters.
-		     */
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-		    /* Change "addlen" from length in bytes to length in
-		     * chars. */
-		    if (has_mbyte)
-			addlen = mb_charlen(p);
-		    if (addlen == 0)
-		    {
-			/* Link in list of zero length affixes. */
-			ai->ai_next = *aip;
-			*aip = ai;
-		    }
-		    else
-		    {
-			if (gap->ga_len < addlen)
-			{
-			    /* Longer affix, need more hashtables. */
-			    if (ga_grow(gap, addlen - gap->ga_len) == FAIL)
-				goto endFAIL;
-			    /* Re-allocating ga_data means that an ht_array
-			     * pointing to ht_smallarray becomes invalid.  We
-			     * can recognize this: ht_mask is at its init
-			     * value. */
-			    for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
-			    {
-				ht = ((hashtab_T *)gap->ga_data) + i;
-				if (ht->ht_mask == HT_INIT_SIZE - 1)
-				    ht->ht_array = ht->ht_smallarray;
-			    }
-			    /* Init the newly used hashtable(s). */
-			    while (gap->ga_len < addlen)
-			    {
-				hash_init(((hashtab_T *)gap->ga_data)
-							       + gap->ga_len);
-				++gap->ga_len;
-			    }
-			}
-			ht = ((hashtab_T *)gap->ga_data) + addlen - 1;
-			hash = hash_hash(p);
-			hi = hash_lookup(ht, p, hash);
-			if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-			{
-			    /* First affix with this "ai_add", add to
-			     * hashtable. */
-			    hash_add_item(ht, hi, p, hash);
-			    ai->ai_next = NULL;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    /* There already is an affix with this "ai_add",
-			     * link in the list.  */
-			    ai2 = HI2AI(hi);
-			    ai->ai_next = ai2->ai_next;
-			    ai2->ai_next = ai;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
     /* <SUGGEST> : <suggestlen> <more> ... */
     /* TODO, just skip this for now */
     i = (getc(fd) << 24) + (getc(fd) << 16) + (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);
@@ -1757,305 +881,48 @@ formerr:
 	if (getc(fd) == EOF)				/* <suggestlen> */
 	    goto truncerr;
-    /* <WORDLIST>: <wordcount> <worditem> ... */	/* <wordcount> */
-    wordcount = (getc(fd) << 24) + (getc(fd) << 16) + (getc(fd) << 8)
-								   + getc(fd);
-    if (wordcount < 0)
-	goto truncerr;
-    /* Init hashtable for this number of words, so that it doesn't need to
-     * reallocate the table halfway. */
-    hash_lock_size(&lp->sl_words, wordcount);
-    for (widx = 0; ; ++widx)
+    /* round 1: <LWORDTREE>
+     * round 2: <KWORDTREE> */
+    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-	/* <worditem>: <nr> <string> <flags> [<flags2>]
-	 *			  [<caselen> <caseword>]
-	 *			  [<affixcnt> <affixNR> ...]    (prefixes)
-	 *			  [<affixcnt> <affixNR> ...]	(suffixes)
-	 *			  [<region>]
-	 *			  [<addcnt> <add> ...]
-	 */
-	/* Use <nr> bytes from the previous word. */
-	wlen = getc(fd);				/* <nr> */
-	if (wlen < 0)
+	/* The tree size was computed when writing the file, so that we can
+	 * allocate it as one long block. <nodecount> */
+	len = (getc(fd) << 24) + (getc(fd) << 16) + (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);
+	if (len < 0)
+	    goto truncerr;
+	if (len > 0)
-	    if (widx >= wordcount)	/* normal way to end the file */
-		break;
-	    goto truncerr;
-	}
+	    /* Allocate the byte array. */
+	    p = lalloc((long_u)len, TRUE);
+	    if (p == NULL)
+		goto endFAIL;
+	    if (round == 1)
+		lp->sl_fbyts = p;
+	    else
+		lp->sl_kbyts = p;
-	/* Read further word bytes until one below 0x20, that one must be the
-	 * flags.  Keep this fast! */
-	for (;;)
-	{
-	    if ((buf[wlen] = getc(fd)) < 0x20)		/* <string> */
-		break;
-	    if (++wlen == MAXWLEN)
+	    /* Allocate the index array. */
+	    p = lalloc_clear((long_u)(len * sizeof(int)), TRUE);
+	    if (p == NULL)
+		goto endFAIL;
+	    if (round == 1)
+		lp->sl_fidxs = (int *)p;
+	    else
+		lp->sl_kidxs = (int *)p;
+	    /* Read the tree and store it in the array. */
+	    i = read_tree(fd,
+			round == 1 ? lp->sl_fbyts : lp->sl_kbyts,
+			round == 1 ? lp->sl_fidxs : lp->sl_kidxs,
+			len, 0);
+	    if (i == -1)
+		goto truncerr;
+	    if (i < 0)
 		goto formerr;
-	flags = buf[wlen];				/* <flags> */
-	buf[wlen] = NUL;
-	/* Get more flags if they're there. */
-	if (flags & BWF_SECOND)
-	    flags += getc(fd) << 8;			/* <flags2> */
-	if (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-	{
-	    /* Read <caselen> and <caseword> first, its length may differ from
-	     * the case-folded word.  Note: this should only happen after the
-	     * basic word without KEEPCAP! */
-	    wlen = getc(fd);
-	    if (wlen < 0)
-		goto truncerr;
-	    if (wlen >= MAXWLEN)
-		goto formerr;
-	    for (i = 0; i < wlen; ++i)
-		cbuf[i] = getc(fd);
-	    cbuf[i] = NUL;
-	}
-	/* Optional prefixes */
-	p = affixbuf;
-	if (flags & BWF_PREFIX)
-	{
-	    cnt = getc(fd);				/* <affixcnt> */
-	    if (cnt < 0)
-		goto truncerr;
-	    prefixcnt = cnt;
-	    for (i = cnt * prefm; --i >= 0; )		/* <affixNR> */
-		*p++ = getc(fd);
-	}
-	else
-	    prefixcnt = 0;
-	/* Optional suffixes */
-	if (flags & BWF_SUFFIX)
-	{
-	    cnt = getc(fd);				/* <affixcnt> */
-	    if (cnt < 0)
-		goto truncerr;
-	    suffixcnt = cnt;
-	    for (i = cnt * suffm; --i >= 0; )		/* <affixNR> */
-		*p++ = getc(fd);
-	}
-	else
-	    suffixcnt = 0;
-	/* Find room to store the word in an fword_T. */
-	fw = (fword_T *)getroom(lp, &bl_used, (int)sizeof(fword_T) + wlen
-							    + (p - affixbuf));
-	if (fw == NULL)
-	    goto endFAIL;
-	mch_memmove(fw->fw_word, (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP) ? cbuf : buf, wlen + 1);
-	/* Put the affix NRs just after the word, if any. */
-	if (p > affixbuf)
-	    mch_memmove(fw->fw_word + wlen + 1, affixbuf, p - affixbuf);
-	fw->fw_flags = flags;
-	fw->fw_prefixcnt = prefixcnt;
-	fw->fw_suffixcnt = suffixcnt;
-	/* We store the word in the hashtable case-folded.  For a KEEPCAP word
-	 * the entry must already exist, because fw_word can't be used as the
-	 * key, it differs from "buf"! */
-	hash = hash_hash(buf);
-	hi = hash_lookup(&lp->sl_words, buf, hash);
-	{
-	    if (hash_add_item(&lp->sl_words, hi, fw->fw_word, hash) == FAIL)
-		goto endFAIL;
-	    fw->fw_next = NULL;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    /* Already have this basic word in the hashtable, this one will
-	     * have different case flags and/or affixes. */
-	    fw2 = HI2FWORD(hi);
-	    fw->fw_next = fw2->fw_next;
-	    fw2->fw_next = fw;
-	    --widx;		/* don't count this one as a basic word */
-	}
-	if (flags & BWF_REGION)
-	    fw->fw_region = getc(fd);			/* <region> */
-	else
-	    fw->fw_region = REGION_ALL;
-	fw->fw_adds = NULL;
-	if (flags & BWF_ADDS)
-	{
-	    if (flags & BWF_ADDS_M)
-		adds = (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);	/* <addcnt> */
-	    else
-		adds = getc(fd);			/* <addcnt> */
-	    if (adds < 0)
-		goto formerr;
-	    if (adds > 30)
-	    {
-		/* Use a hashtable to lookup the part until the next word end.
-		 * Thus for "de-bur-die" "de" is the basic word, "-bur" is key
-		 * in the addition hashtable, "-bur<NUL>die" the whole
-		 * addition and "aw_saveb" is '-'.
-		 * This uses more memory and involves some overhead, thus only
-		 * do it when there are many additions (e.g., for French). */
-		ht = (hashtab_T *)getroom(lp, &bl_used, sizeof(hashtab_T));
-		if (ht == NULL)
-		    goto endFAIL;
-		hash_init(ht);
-		fw->fw_adds = (addword_T *)ht;
-		fw->fw_flags |= BWF_ADDHASH;
-		/* Preset the size of the hashtable. It's never unlocked. */
-		hash_lock_size(ht, adds + 1);
-	    }
-	    else
-		ht = NULL;
+    }
-	    /*
-	     * Note: uses cbuf[] to copy bytes from previous addition.
-	     */
-	    while (--adds >= 0)
-	    {
-		/* <add>: <addflags> <addlen> [<leadlen>] [<copylen>]
-		 *				[<addstring>] [<region>] */
-		flags = getc(fd);			/* <addflags> */
-		addlen = getc(fd);			/* <addlen> */
-		if (addlen < 0)
-		    goto truncerr;
-		if (addlen >= MAXWLEN)
-		    goto formerr;
-		if (flags & ADD_LEADLEN)
-		{
-		    leadlen = getc(fd);			/* <leadlen> */
-		    if (leadlen > addlen)
-			goto formerr;
-		}
-		else
-		    leadlen = 0;
-		if (addlen > 0)
-		{
-		    if (flags & ADD_COPYLEN)
-			i = getc(fd);			/* <copylen> */
-		    else
-			i = 0;
-		    for ( ; i < addlen; ++i)		/* <addstring> */
-			cbuf[i] = getc(fd);
-		    cbuf[i] = NUL;
-		}
-		if (flags & ADD_KEEPCAP)
-		{
-		    /* <addstring> is in original case, need to get
-		     * case-folded word too. */
-		    (void)spell_casefold(cbuf, addlen, fbuf, MAXWLEN);
-		    flen = addlen - leadlen + 1;
-		    addlen = STRLEN(fbuf);
-		}
-		else
-		    flen = 0;
-		aw = (addword_T *)getroom(lp, &bl_used,
-					   sizeof(addword_T) + addlen + flen);
-		if (aw == NULL)
-		    goto endFAIL;
-		if (flags & ADD_KEEPCAP)
-		{
-		    /* Put the addition in original case after the case-folded
-		     * string. */
-		    STRCPY(aw->aw_word, fbuf);
-		    STRCPY(aw->aw_word + addlen + 1, cbuf + leadlen);
-		}
-		else
-		    STRCPY(aw->aw_word, cbuf);
-		aw->aw_flags = flags;
-		aw->aw_wordlen = addlen;
-		aw->aw_leadlen = leadlen;
-		if (flags & ADD_REGION)
-		    aw->aw_region = getc(fd);		/* <region> */
-		else
-		    aw->aw_region = REGION_ALL;
-		if (ht == NULL)
-		{
-		    /* Using simple linked list, put it in front. */
-		    aw->aw_next = fw->fw_adds;
-		    fw->fw_adds = aw;
-		    aw->aw_saveb = NUL;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* Put addition in hashtable.  For key we use the part up
-		     * to the next end-of-word. */
-		    if (leadlen == 0)
-		    {
-			p = aw->aw_word;
-			while (*p != NUL && !spell_iswordc(p))
-			    mb_ptr_adv(p);
-		    }
-		    if (leadlen != 0 || *p == NUL)
-		    {
-			/* Only non-word characters in addition, add it to the
-			 * list with the special key NOWC_KEY.  Also do this
-			 * when there is a leadstring, it would get too
-			 * complicated. */
-			hash = hash_hash(NOWC_KEY);
-			hi = hash_lookup(ht, NOWC_KEY, hash);
-			if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-			{
-			    /* we use a dummy item as the list header */
-			    naw = (addword_T *)getroom(lp, &bl_used,
-					sizeof(addword_T) + STRLEN(NOWC_KEY));
-			    if (naw == NULL)
-				goto endFAIL;
-			    STRCPY(naw->aw_word, NOWC_KEY);
-			    hash_add_item(ht, hi, naw->aw_word, hash);
-			    naw->aw_next = aw;
-			    aw->aw_next = NULL;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    naw = HI2ADDWORD(hi);
-			    aw->aw_next = naw->aw_next;
-			    naw->aw_next = aw;
-			}
-			aw->aw_saveb = NUL;
-		    }
-		    else
-		    {
-			/* Truncate at next non-word character, store that
-			 * byte in "aw_saveb". */
-			while (*p != NUL && spell_iswordc(p))
-			    mb_ptr_adv(p);
-			aw->aw_saveb = *p;
-			*p = NUL;
-			hash = hash_hash(aw->aw_word);
-			hi = hash_lookup(ht, aw->aw_word, hash);
-			if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-			{
-			    hash_add_item(ht, hi, aw->aw_word, hash);
-			    aw->aw_next = NULL;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    naw = HI2ADDWORD(hi);
-			    aw->aw_next = naw->aw_next;
-			    naw->aw_next = aw;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
     goto endOK;
@@ -2064,40 +931,97 @@ endFAIL:
     if (fd != NULL)
-    hash_unlock(&lp->sl_words);
     sourcing_name = save_sourcing_name;
     sourcing_lnum = save_sourcing_lnum;
- * Get part of an sblock_T, at least "len" bytes long.
- * Returns NULL when out of memory.
+ * Read one row of siblings from the spell file and store it in the byte array
+ * "byts" and index array "idxs".  Recursively read the children.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The code here must match put_tree().
+ *
+ * Returns the index follosing the siblings.
+ * Returns -1 if the file is shorter than expected.
+ * Returns -2 if there is a format error.
-    static void *
-getroom(lp, bl_used, len)
-    slang_T	*lp;	    /* lp->sl_block is current block or NULL */
-    int		*bl_used;    /* used up from current block */
-    int		len;	    /* length needed */
+    static int
+read_tree(fd, byts, idxs, maxidx, startidx)
+    FILE	*fd;
+    char_u	*byts;
+    int		*idxs;
+    int		maxidx;		    /* size of arrays */
+    int		startidx;	    /* current index in "byts" and "idxs" */
-    char_u	*p;
-    sblock_T	*bl = lp->sl_block;
+    int		len;
+    int		i;
+    int		n;
+    int		idx = startidx;
+    int		c;
+#define SHARED_MASK	0x8000000
-    if (bl == NULL || *bl_used + len > SBLOCKSIZE)
+    len = getc(fd);					/* <siblingcount> */
+    if (len <= 0)
+	return -1;
+    if (startidx + len >= maxidx)
+	return -2;
+    byts[idx++] = len;
+    /* Read the byte values, flag/region bytes and shared indexes. */
+    for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i)
-	/* Allocate a block of memory. This is not freed until spell_reload()
-	 * is called. */
-	bl = (sblock_T *)alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(sblock_T) + SBLOCKSIZE));
-	if (bl == NULL)
-	    return NULL;
-	bl->sb_next = lp->sl_block;
-	lp->sl_block = bl;
-	*bl_used = 0;
+	c = getc(fd);					/* <byte> */
+	if (c < 0)
+	    return -1;
+	if (c <= BY_SPECIAL)
+	{
+	    if (c == BY_NOFLAGS)
+	    {
+		/* No flags, all regions. */
+		idxs[idx] = 0;
+		c = 0;
+	    }
+	    else if (c == BY_FLAGS)
+	    {
+		/* Read flags and option region. */
+		c = getc(fd);				/* <flags> */
+		if (c & WF_REGION)
+		    c = (getc(fd) << 8) + c;		/* <region> */
+		idxs[idx] = c;
+		c = 0;
+	    }
+	    else /* c == BY_INDEX */
+	    {
+							/* <nodeidx> */
+		n = (getc(fd) << 16) + (getc(fd) << 8) + getc(fd);
+		if (n < 0 || n >= maxidx)
+		    return -2;
+		idxs[idx] = n + SHARED_MASK;
+		c = getc(fd);				/* <xbyte> */
+	    }
+	}
+	byts[idx++] = c;
-    p = bl->sb_data + *bl_used;
-    *bl_used += len;
+    /* Recursively read the children for non-shared siblings.
+     * Skip the end-of-word ones (zero byte value) and the shared ones (and
+     * remove SHARED_MASK) */
+    for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i)
+	if (byts[startidx + i] != 0)
+	{
+	    if (idxs[startidx + i] & SHARED_MASK)
+		idxs[startidx + i] &= ~SHARED_MASK;
+	    else
+	    {
+		idxs[startidx + i] = idx;
+		idx = read_tree(fd, byts, idxs, maxidx, idx);
+		if (idx < 0)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
-    return p;
+    return idx;
@@ -2226,9 +1150,9 @@ find_region(rp, region)
  * Return type of word:
  * w word	0
- * Word		BWF_ONECAP
+ * Word		WF_ONECAP
+ * WoRd	wOrd	WF_KEEPCAP
     static int
 captype(word, end)
@@ -2268,19 +1192,19 @@ captype(word, end)
 		/* UUl -> KEEPCAP */
 		if (past_second && allcap)
-		    return BWF_KEEPCAP;
+		    return WF_KEEPCAP;
 		allcap = FALSE;
 	    else if (!allcap)
 		/* UlU -> KEEPCAP */
-		return BWF_KEEPCAP;
+		return WF_KEEPCAP;
 	    past_second = TRUE;
     if (allcap)
-	return BWF_ALLCAP;
+	return WF_ALLCAP;
     if (firstcap)
-	return BWF_ONECAP;
+	return WF_ONECAP;
     return 0;
@@ -2316,20 +1240,6 @@ spell_reload()
 # endif
- * Recognizing words uses a two-step mechanism:
- * 1. Locate a basic word, made out of word characters only and separated by
- *    non-word characters.
- * 2. When a basic word is found, check if (possibly required) additions
- *    before and after the word are present.
- *
- * Both mechanisms use affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to reduce the number of
- * words.  When no matching word was found in the hashtable the start of the
- * word is checked for matching prefixes and the end of the word for matching
- * suffixes.  All matching affixes are removed and then the resulting word is
- * searched for.  If found it is checked if it supports the used affix.
- */
 #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) || defined(PROTO)
@@ -2337,7 +1247,7 @@ spell_reload()
  * Only possible with the multi-byte feature.
-#define MAXLINELEN  300		/* Maximum length in bytes of a line in a .aff
+#define MAXLINELEN  500		/* Maximum length in bytes of a line in a .aff
 				   and .dic file. */
  * Main structure to store the contents of a ".aff" file.
@@ -2352,132 +1262,100 @@ typedef struct afffile_S
 } afffile_T;
 typedef struct affentry_S affentry_T;
-/* Affix header from ".aff" file.  Used for af_pref and af_suff. */
-typedef struct affheader_S
-    char_u	ah_key[2];	/* key for hashtable == name of affix entry */
-    int		ah_combine;
-    affentry_T	*ah_first;	/* first affix entry */
-    short_u	ah_affnr;	/* used in get_new_aff() */
-} affheader_T;
-#define HI2AH(hi)   ((affheader_T *)(hi)->hi_key)
 /* Affix entry from ".aff" file.  Used for prefixes and suffixes. */
 struct affentry_S
     affentry_T	*ae_next;	/* next affix with same name/number */
     char_u	*ae_chop;	/* text to chop off basic word (can be NULL) */
     char_u	*ae_add;	/* text to add to basic word (can be NULL) */
-    char_u	*ae_add_nw;	/* For a suffix: first non-word char in
-				 * "ae_add"; for a prefix with only non-word
-				 * chars: equal to "ae_add", for a prefix with
-				 * word and non-word chars: first non-word
-				 * char after word char.  NULL otherwise. */
-    char_u	*ae_add_pw;	/* For a prefix with both word and non-word
-			         * chars: first word char.  NULL otherwise. */
-    char_u	ae_preword;	/* TRUE for a prefix with one word */
     char_u	*ae_cond;	/* condition (NULL for ".") */
     regprog_T	*ae_prog;	/* regexp program for ae_cond or NULL */
-    short_u	ae_affnr;	/* for old affix: new affix number */
+/* Affix header from ".aff" file.  Used for af_pref and af_suff. */
+typedef struct affheader_S
+    char_u	ah_key[2];	/* key for hashtable == name of affix entry */
+    int		ah_combine;	/* suffix may combine with prefix */
+    affentry_T	*ah_first;	/* first affix entry */
+} affheader_T;
+#define HI2AH(hi)   ((affheader_T *)(hi)->hi_key)
+ * Structure that is used to store the items in the word tree.  This avoids
+ * the need to keep track of each allocated thing, it's freed all at once
+ * after ":mkspell" is done.
+ */
+#define  SBLOCKSIZE 16000	/* size of sb_data */
+typedef struct sblock_S sblock_T;
+struct sblock_S
+    sblock_T	*sb_next;	/* next block in list */
+    int		sb_used;	/* nr of bytes already in use */
+    char_u	sb_data[1];	/* data, actually longer */
- * Structure to store a word from a ".dic" file.
+ * A node in the tree.
-typedef struct dicword_S
+typedef struct wordnode_S wordnode_T;
+struct wordnode_S
-    char_u	*dw_affnm;	/* original affix names */
-    char_u	dw_word[1];	/* actually longer: the word in 'encoding' */
-} dicword_T;
-static dicword_T dumdw;
-#define HI2DW(hi)	((dicword_T *)((hi)->hi_key - (dumdw.dw_word - (char_u *)&dumdw)))
- * Structure to store a basic word for the spell file.
- * This is used for ":mkspell", not for spell checking.
- */
-typedef struct basicword_S basicword_T;
-struct basicword_S
-    basicword_T	*bw_next;	/* next word with same basic word */
-    basicword_T	*bw_cnext;	/* next word with same caps */
-    int		bw_flags;	/* BWF_ flags */
-    garray_T	bw_prefix;	/* table with prefix numbers */
-    garray_T	bw_suffix;	/* table with suffix numbers */
-    int		bw_region;	/* region bits */
-    char_u	*bw_caseword;	/* keep-case word or NULL */
-    char_u	*bw_leadstring;	/* must come before bw_word or NULL */
-    char_u	*bw_addstring;	/* must come after bw_word or NULL */
-    char_u	bw_word[1];	/* actually longer: word case folded */
+    char_u	wn_hashkey[6];	/* room for the hash key */
+    wordnode_T	*wn_next;	/* next node with same hash key */
+    wordnode_T	*wn_child;	/* child (next byte in word) */
+    wordnode_T  *wn_sibling;	/* next sibling (alternate byte in word,
+				   always sorted) */
+    wordnode_T	*wn_wnode;	/* parent node that will write this node */
+    int		wn_index;	/* index in written nodes (valid after first
+				   round) */
+    char_u	wn_byte;	/* Byte for this node. NUL for word end */
+    char_u	wn_flags;	/* when wn_byte is NUL: WF_ flags */
+    char_u	wn_region;	/* when wn_byte is NUL: region mask */
-static basicword_T dumbw;
-#define KEY2BW(p)	((basicword_T *)((p) - (dumbw.bw_word - (char_u *)&dumbw)))
-#define HI2BW(hi)	KEY2BW((hi)->hi_key)
+#define HI2WN(hi)    (wordnode_T *)((hi)->hi_key)
-/* Store the affix number related with a certain string. */
-typedef struct affhash_S
-    short_u	as_nr;		/* the affix nr */
-    char_u	as_word[1];	/* actually longer */
-} affhash_T;
-static affhash_T dumas;
-#define HI2AS(hi)	((affhash_T *)((hi)->hi_key - (dumas.as_word - (char_u *)&dumas)))
-/* info for writing the spell file */
-typedef struct winfo_S
+ * Info used while reading the spell files.
+ */
+typedef struct spellinfo_S
-    FILE	*wif_fd;
-    basicword_T	*wif_prevbw;	/* last written basic word */
-    int		wif_regionmask;	/* regions supported */
-    int		wif_prefm;	/* 1 or 2 bytes used for prefix NR */
-    int		wif_suffm;	/* 1 or 2 bytes used for suffix NR */
-    long	wif_wcount;	/* written word count */
-    long	wif_acount;	/* written addition count */
-    long	wif_addmax;	/* max number of additions on one word */
-    char_u	*wif_addmaxw;	/* word with max additions */
-} winfo_T;
+    wordnode_T	*si_foldroot;	/* tree with case-folded words */
+    wordnode_T	*si_keeproot;	/* tree with keep-case words */
+    sblock_T	*si_blocks;	/* memory blocks used */
+    int		si_ascii;	/* handling only ASCII words */
+    int		si_region;	/* region mask */
+    vimconv_T	si_conv;	/* for conversion to 'encoding' */
+} spellinfo_T;
-static afffile_T *spell_read_aff __ARGS((char_u *fname, vimconv_T *conv, int ascii));
-static void spell_free_aff __ARGS((afffile_T *aff));
+static afffile_T *spell_read_aff __ARGS((char_u *fname, spellinfo_T *spin));
 static int has_non_ascii __ARGS((char_u *s));
-static int spell_read_dic __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht, char_u *fname, vimconv_T *conv, int ascii));
-static int get_new_aff __ARGS((hashtab_T *oldaff, garray_T *gap, int prefix));
-static void spell_free_dic __ARGS((hashtab_T *dic));
-static int same_affentries __ARGS((affheader_T *ah1, affheader_T *ah2));
-static void add_affhash __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht, char_u *key, int newnr));
-static void clear_affhash __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht));
-static void trans_affixes __ARGS((dicword_T *dw, basicword_T *bw, afffile_T *oldaff, hashtab_T *newwords));
-static int build_wordlist __ARGS((hashtab_T *newwords, hashtab_T *oldwords, afffile_T *oldaff, int regionmask));
-static basicword_T *get_basicword __ARGS((char_u *word, int asize));
-static void combine_regions __ARGS((hashtab_T *newwords));
-static int same_affixes __ARGS((basicword_T *bw, basicword_T *nbw));
-static int expand_affixes __ARGS((hashtab_T *newwords, garray_T *prefgap, garray_T *suffgap));
-static int expand_one_aff __ARGS((basicword_T *bw, garray_T *add_words, affentry_T *pae, affentry_T *sae));
-static int add_to_wordlist __ARGS((hashtab_T *newwords, basicword_T *bw));
-static void write_affix __ARGS((FILE *fd, affheader_T *ah));
-static void write_affixlist __ARGS((FILE *fd, garray_T *aff, int bytes));
-static void write_vim_spell __ARGS((char_u *fname, garray_T *prefga, garray_T *suffga, hashtab_T *newwords, int regcount, char_u *regchars, int ascii));
-static void write_bword __ARGS((winfo_T *wif, basicword_T *bw, int lowcap));
-static void free_wordtable __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht));
-static void free_basicword __ARGS((basicword_T *bw));
-static void free_affixentries __ARGS((affentry_T *first));
-static void free_affix_entry __ARGS((affentry_T *ap));
+static void spell_free_aff __ARGS((afffile_T *aff));
+static int spell_read_dic __ARGS((char_u *fname, spellinfo_T *spin, afffile_T *affile));
+static int store_aff_word __ARGS((char_u *word, spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *afflist, hashtab_T *ht, hashtab_T *xht, int comb));
+static int spell_read_wordfile __ARGS((char_u *fname, spellinfo_T *spin));
+static void *getroom __ARGS((sblock_T **blp, size_t len));
+static char_u *getroom_save __ARGS((sblock_T **blp, char_u *s));
+static void free_blocks __ARGS((sblock_T *bl));
+static wordnode_T *wordtree_alloc __ARGS((sblock_T **blp));
+static int store_word __ARGS((char_u *word, spellinfo_T *spin));
+static int tree_add_word __ARGS((char_u *word, wordnode_T *tree, int flags, int region, sblock_T **blp));
+static void wordtree_compress __ARGS((wordnode_T *root));
+static int node_compress __ARGS((wordnode_T *node, hashtab_T *ht, int *tot));
+static int node_equal __ARGS((wordnode_T *n1, wordnode_T *n2));
+static void write_vim_spell __ARGS((char_u *fname, spellinfo_T *spin, int regcount, char_u *regchars));
+static int put_tree __ARGS((FILE *fd, wordnode_T *node, int index, int regionmask));
  * Read an affix ".aff" file.
  * Returns an afffile_T, NULL for failure.
     static afffile_T *
-spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
+spell_read_aff(fname, spin)
     char_u	*fname;
-    vimconv_T	*conv;		/* info for encoding conversion */
-    int		ascii;		/* Only accept ASCII characters */
+    spellinfo_T	*spin;
     FILE	*fd;
     afffile_T	*aff;
@@ -2495,6 +1373,9 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
     char_u	*fol = NULL;
     char_u	*upp = NULL;
+    /*
+     * Open the file.
+     */
     fd = fopen((char *)fname, "r");
     if (fd == NULL)
@@ -2505,7 +1386,10 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
     smsg((char_u *)_("Reading affix file %s..."), fname);
-    aff = (afffile_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(afffile_T));
+    /*
+     * Allocate and init the afffile_T structure.
+     */
+    aff = (afffile_T *)getroom(&spin->si_blocks, sizeof(afffile_T));
     if (aff == NULL)
 	return NULL;
@@ -2526,9 +1410,9 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
 	/* Convert from "SET" to 'encoding' when needed. */
-	if (conv->vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+	if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
-	    pc = string_convert(conv, rline, NULL);
+	    pc = string_convert(&spin->si_conv, rline, NULL);
 	    if (pc == NULL)
 		smsg((char_u *)_("Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"),
@@ -2552,8 +1436,10 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
 	    if (*p == NUL)
+	    if (itemcnt == 6)	    /* too many items */
+		break;
 	    items[itemcnt++] = p;
-	    while (*p > ' ')  /* skip until white space or CR/NL */
+	    while (*p > ' ')	    /* skip until white space or CR/NL */
 	    if (*p == NUL)
@@ -2566,29 +1452,27 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
 	    if (STRCMP(items[0], "SET") == 0 && itemcnt == 2
 						       && aff->af_enc == NULL)
-		if (aff->af_enc != NULL)
-		    smsg((char_u *)_("Duplicate SET line ignored in %s line %d: %s"),
-						       fname, lnum, line);
-		else
-		{
-		    /* Setup for conversion from "ENC" to 'encoding'. */
-		    aff->af_enc = enc_canonize(items[1]);
-		    if (aff->af_enc != NULL && !ascii
-			    && convert_setup(conv, aff->af_enc, p_enc) == FAIL)
-			smsg((char_u *)_("Conversion in %s not supported: from %s to %s"),
-						   fname, aff->af_enc, p_enc);
-		}
+		/* Setup for conversion from "ENC" to 'encoding'. */
+		aff->af_enc = enc_canonize(items[1]);
+		if (aff->af_enc != NULL && !spin->si_ascii
+			&& convert_setup(&spin->si_conv, aff->af_enc,
+							       p_enc) == FAIL)
+		    smsg((char_u *)_("Conversion in %s not supported: from %s to %s"),
+					       fname, aff->af_enc, p_enc);
 	    else if (STRCMP(items[0], "TRY") == 0 && itemcnt == 2
 						       && aff->af_try == NULL)
-		aff->af_try = vim_strsave(items[1]);
+	    {
+		aff->af_try = getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks, items[1]);
+	    }
 	    else if ((STRCMP(items[0], "PFX") == 0
 					      || STRCMP(items[0], "SFX") == 0)
 		    && aff_todo == 0
 		    && itemcnt == 4)
 		/* New affix letter. */
-		cur_aff = (affheader_T *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(affheader_T));
+		cur_aff = (affheader_T *)getroom(&spin->si_blocks,
+							 sizeof(affheader_T));
 		if (cur_aff == NULL)
 		cur_aff->ah_key[0] = *items[1];
@@ -2598,27 +1482,22 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
 						       fname, lnum, items[1]);
 		if (*items[2] == 'Y')
 		    cur_aff->ah_combine = TRUE;
-		else if (*items[2] == 'N')
-		    cur_aff->ah_combine = FALSE;
-		else if (p_verbose > 0)
-		{
-		    verbose_enter();
+		else if (*items[2] != 'N')
 		    smsg((char_u *)_("Expected Y or N in %s line %d: %s"),
 						       fname, lnum, items[2]);
-		    verbose_leave();
-		}
-		cur_aff->ah_first = NULL;
 		if (*items[0] == 'P')
 		    tp = &aff->af_pref;
 		    tp = &aff->af_suff;
+		aff_todo = atoi((char *)items[3]);
 		if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hash_find(tp, cur_aff->ah_key)))
+		{
 		    smsg((char_u *)_("Duplicate affix in %s line %d: %s"),
 						       fname, lnum, items[1]);
+		    aff_todo = 0;
+		}
 		    hash_add(tp, cur_aff->ah_key);
-		aff_todo = atoi((char *)items[3]);
 	    else if ((STRCMP(items[0], "PFX") == 0
 					      || STRCMP(items[0], "SFX") == 0)
@@ -2630,38 +1509,39 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
 		/* New item for an affix letter. */
-		aff_entry = (affentry_T *)alloc_clear(
-						(unsigned)sizeof(affentry_T));
+		aff_entry = (affentry_T *)getroom(&spin->si_blocks,
+							  sizeof(affentry_T));
 		if (aff_entry == NULL)
 		if (STRCMP(items[2], "0") != 0)
-		    aff_entry->ae_chop = vim_strsave(items[2]);
+		    aff_entry->ae_chop = getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks,
+								    items[2]);
 		if (STRCMP(items[3], "0") != 0)
-		    aff_entry->ae_add = vim_strsave(items[3]);
-		if (STRCMP(items[4], ".") != 0)
-		{
-		    char_u	buf[MAXLINELEN];
+		    aff_entry->ae_add = getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks,
+								    items[3]);
-		    aff_entry->ae_cond = vim_strsave(items[4]);
-		    if (*items[0] == 'P')
-			sprintf((char *)buf, "^%s", items[4]);
-		    else
-			sprintf((char *)buf, "%s$", items[4]);
-		    aff_entry->ae_prog = vim_regcomp(buf, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
-		}
-		if (ascii && (has_non_ascii(aff_entry->ae_chop)
+		/* Don't use an affix entry with non-ASCII characters when
+		 * "spin->si_ascii" is TRUE. */
+		if (!spin->si_ascii || !(has_non_ascii(aff_entry->ae_chop)
 					  || has_non_ascii(aff_entry->ae_add)))
-		    /* Don't use an affix entry with non-ASCII characters when
-		     * "ascii" is TRUE. */
-		    free_affix_entry(aff_entry);
-		}
-		else
-		{
 		    aff_entry->ae_next = cur_aff->ah_first;
 		    cur_aff->ah_first = aff_entry;
+		    if (STRCMP(items[4], ".") != 0)
+		    {
+			char_u	buf[MAXLINELEN];
+			aff_entry->ae_cond = getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks,
+								    items[4]);
+			if (*items[0] == 'P')
+			    sprintf((char *)buf, "^%s", items[4]);
+			else
+			    sprintf((char *)buf, "%s$", items[4]);
+			aff_entry->ae_prog = vim_regcomp(buf,
+							RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
+		    }
 	    else if (STRCMP(items[0], "FOL") == 0 && itemcnt == 2)
@@ -2698,26 +1578,21 @@ spell_read_aff(fname, conv, ascii)
 		if (ga_grow(&aff->af_rep, 1) == FAIL)
 		rp = ((repentry_T *)aff->af_rep.ga_data) + aff->af_rep.ga_len;
-		rp->re_from = vim_strsave(items[1]);
-		rp->re_to = vim_strsave(items[2]);
+		rp->re_from = getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks, items[1]);
+		rp->re_to = getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks, items[2]);
-	    else if (p_verbose > 0)
-	    {
-		verbose_enter();
+	    else
 		smsg((char_u *)_("Unrecognized item in %s line %d: %s"),
 						       fname, lnum, items[0]);
-		verbose_leave();
-	    }
     if (fol != NULL || low != NULL || upp != NULL)
 	/* Don't write a word table for an ASCII file, so that we don't check
 	 * for conflicts with a word table that matches 'encoding'. */
-	if (!ascii)
+	if (!spin->si_ascii)
 	    if (fol == NULL || low == NULL || upp == NULL)
 		smsg((char_u *)_("Missing FOL/LOW/UPP line in %s"), fname);
@@ -2762,13 +1637,12 @@ spell_free_aff(aff)
     hashtab_T	*ht;
     hashitem_T	*hi;
     int		todo;
-    int		i;
-    repentry_T  *rp;
     affheader_T	*ah;
+    affentry_T	*ae;
-    vim_free(aff->af_try);
+    /* All this trouble to foree the "ae_prog" items... */
     for (ht = &aff->af_pref; ; ht = &aff->af_suff)
 	todo = ht->ht_used;
@@ -2778,42 +1652,33 @@ spell_free_aff(aff)
 		ah = HI2AH(hi);
-		free_affixentries(ah->ah_first);
-		vim_free(ah);
+		for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
+		    vim_free(ae->ae_prog);
 	if (ht == &aff->af_suff)
-    for (i = 0; i < aff->af_rep.ga_len; ++i)
-    {
-	rp = ((repentry_T *)aff->af_rep.ga_data) + i;
-	vim_free(rp->re_from);
-	vim_free(rp->re_to);
-    }
-    vim_free(aff);
- * Read a dictionary ".dic" file.
+ * Read dictionary file "fname".
  * Returns OK or FAIL;
- * Each entry in the hashtab_T is a dicword_T.
     static int
-spell_read_dic(ht, fname, conv, ascii)
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
+spell_read_dic(fname, spin, affile)
     char_u	*fname;
-    vimconv_T	*conv;		/* info for encoding conversion */
-    int		ascii;		/* only accept ASCII words */
+    spellinfo_T	*spin;
+    afffile_T	*affile;
+    hashtab_T	ht;
     char_u	line[MAXLINELEN];
-    char_u	*p;
-    dicword_T	*dw;
+    char_u	*afflist;
+    char_u	*dw;
     char_u	*pc;
     char_u	*w;
     int		l;
@@ -2821,7 +1686,13 @@ spell_read_dic(ht, fname, conv, ascii)
     hashitem_T	*hi;
     FILE	*fd;
     int		lnum = 1;
+    int		non_ascii = 0;
+    int		retval = OK;
+    char_u	message[MAXLINELEN + MAXWLEN];
+    /*
+     * Open the file.
+     */
     fd = fopen((char *)fname, "r");
     if (fd == NULL)
@@ -2829,6 +1700,9 @@ spell_read_dic(ht, fname, conv, ascii)
 	return FAIL;
+    /* The hashtable is only used to detect duplicated words. */
+    hash_init(&ht);
     smsg((char_u *)_("Reading dictionary file %s..."), fname);
@@ -2847,7 +1721,8 @@ spell_read_dic(ht, fname, conv, ascii)
-	/* Remove CR, LF and white space from end. */
+	/* Remove CR, LF and white space from the end.  White space halfway
+	 * the word is kept to allow e.g., "et al.". */
 	l = STRLEN(line);
 	while (l > 0 && line[l - 1] <= ' ')
@@ -2855,19 +1730,35 @@ spell_read_dic(ht, fname, conv, ascii)
 	    continue;	/* empty line */
 	line[l] = NUL;
+	/* This takes time, print a message now and then. */
+	if ((lnum & 0x3ff) == 0)
+	{
+	    vim_snprintf((char *)message, sizeof(message),
+					      _("line %6d - %s"), lnum, line);
+	    msg_start();
+	    msg_outtrans_attr(message, 0);
+	    msg_clr_eos();
+	    msg_didout = FALSE;
+	    msg_col = 0;
+	    out_flush();
+	}
 	/* Find the optional affix names. */
-	p = vim_strchr(line, '/');
-	if (p != NULL)
-	    *p++ = NUL;
+	afflist = vim_strchr(line, '/');
+	if (afflist != NULL)
+	    *afflist++ = NUL;
-	/* Skip non-ASCII words when "ascii" is TRUE. */
-	if (ascii && has_non_ascii(line))
+	/* Skip non-ASCII words when "spin->si_ascii" is TRUE. */
+	if (spin->si_ascii && has_non_ascii(line))
+	{
+	    ++non_ascii;
+	}
 	/* Convert from "SET" to 'encoding' when needed. */
-	if (conv->vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+	if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
-	    pc = string_convert(conv, line, NULL);
+	    pc = string_convert(&spin->si_conv, line, NULL);
 	    if (pc == NULL)
 		smsg((char_u *)_("Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"),
@@ -2882,285 +1773,146 @@ spell_read_dic(ht, fname, conv, ascii)
 	    w = line;
-	dw = (dicword_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(dicword_T)
-							     + STRLEN(w));
+	/* Store the word in the hashtable to be able to find duplicates. */
+	dw = (char_u *)getroom_save(&spin->si_blocks, w);
 	if (dw == NULL)
-	{
-	    vim_free(pc);
+	    retval = FAIL;
+	vim_free(pc);
+	if (retval == FAIL)
-	}
-	STRCPY(dw->dw_word, w);
-	vim_free(pc);
-	hash = hash_hash(dw->dw_word);
-	hi = hash_lookup(ht, dw->dw_word, hash);
+	hash = hash_hash(dw);
+	hi = hash_lookup(&ht, dw, hash);
 	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
 	    smsg((char_u *)_("Duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"),
-						       fname, lnum, line);
+							   fname, lnum, line);
-	    hash_add_item(ht, hi, dw->dw_word, hash);
+	    hash_add_item(&ht, hi, dw, hash);
+	/* Add the word to the word tree(s). */
+	if (store_word(dw, spin) == FAIL)
+	    retval = FAIL;
-	if (p != NULL)
-	    dw->dw_affnm = vim_strsave(p);
+	if (afflist != NULL)
+	{
+	    /* Find all matching suffixes and add the resulting words.
+	     * Additionally do matching prefixes that combine. */
+	    if (store_aff_word(dw, spin, afflist,
+			   &affile->af_suff, &affile->af_pref, FALSE) == FAIL)
+		retval = FAIL;
+	    /* Find all matching prefixes and add the resulting words. */
+	    if (store_aff_word(dw, spin, afflist,
+				       &affile->af_pref, NULL, FALSE) == FAIL)
+		retval = FAIL;
+	}
+    if (spin->si_ascii && non_ascii > 0)
+	smsg((char_u *)_("Ignored %d words with non-ASCII characters"),
+								   non_ascii);
+    hash_clear(&ht);
-    return OK;
+    return retval;
- * Free the structure filled by spell_read_dic().
+ * Apply affixes to a word and store the resulting words.
+ * "ht" is the hashtable with affentry_T that need to be applied, either
+ * prefixes or suffixes.
+ * "xht", when not NULL, is the prefix hashtable, to be used additionally on
+ * the resulting words for combining affixes.
+ *
+ * Returns FAIL when out of memory.
-    static void
-    hashtab_T	*dic;
+    static int
+store_aff_word(word, spin, afflist, ht, xht, comb)
+    char_u	*word;		/* basic word start */
+    spellinfo_T	*spin;		/* spell info */
+    char_u	*afflist;	/* list of names of supported affixes */
+    hashtab_T	*ht;
+    hashtab_T	*xht;
+    int		comb;		/* only use affixes that combine */
     int		todo;
-    dicword_T	*dw;
     hashitem_T	*hi;
+    affheader_T	*ah;
+    affentry_T	*ae;
+    regmatch_T	regmatch;
+    char_u	newword[MAXWLEN];
+    int		retval = OK;
+    int		i;
+    char_u	*p;
-    todo = dic->ht_used;
-    for (hi = dic->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
+    todo = ht->ht_used;
+    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0 && retval == OK; ++hi)
 	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	    dw = HI2DW(hi);
-	    vim_free(dw->dw_affnm);
-	    vim_free(dw);
-	}
-    }
-    hash_clear(dic);
- * Take the affixes read by spell_read_aff() and add them to the new list.
- * Attempts to re-use the same number for identical affixes (ignoring the
- * condition, since we remove that).  That is especially important when using
- * multiple regions.
- * Returns OK or FAIL;
- */
-    static int
-get_new_aff(oldaff, gap, prefix)
-    hashtab_T	*oldaff;	/* hashtable with affheader_T */
-    garray_T	*gap;		/* table with new affixes */
-    int		prefix;		/* TRUE when doing prefixes, FALSE for
-				   suffixes */
-    int		oldtodo;
-    affheader_T	*oldah, *newah, *gapah;
-    affentry_T	*oldae, *newae;
-    hashitem_T	*oldhi;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    hashtab_T	condht;		/* conditions already found */
-    char_u	condkey[MAXLINELEN];
-    int		newnr;
-    int		gapnr;
-    int		retval = OK;
-    char_u	*p;
-    garray_T	tga;
-    int		preword;
+	    ah = HI2AH(hi);
-    /*
-     * Loop over all the old affix names.
-     */
-    oldtodo = oldaff->ht_used;
-    for (oldhi = oldaff->ht_array; oldtodo > 0 && retval == OK; ++oldhi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(oldhi))
-	{
-	    --oldtodo;
-	    oldah = (affheader_T *)oldhi->hi_key;
-	    /* Put entries with the same condition under the same new affix
-	     * nr in "tga".  Use hashtable "condht" to find them. */
-	    ga_init2(&tga, sizeof(affheader_T), 10);
-	    hash_init(&condht);
-	    /*
-	     * Loop over all affixes with the same name.
-	     * The affixes with the same condition will get the same number,
-	     * since they can be used with the same words.
-	     * 1. build the lists of new affentry_T, with the headers in "tga".
-	     * 2. Check if some of the lists already exist in "gap", re-use
-	     *    their number.
-	     * 3. Assign the new numbers to the old affixes.
-	     */
-	    /* 1. build the lists of new affentry_T. */
-	    for (oldae = oldah->ah_first; oldae != NULL && retval == OK;
-						       oldae = oldae->ae_next)
+	    /* Check that the affix combines, if required, and that the word
+	     * supports this affix. */
+	    if ((!comb || ah->ah_combine)
+				  && vim_strchr(afflist, *ah->ah_key) != NULL)
-		preword = FALSE;
-		oldae->ae_add_nw = NULL;
-		oldae->ae_add_pw = NULL;
-		if (oldae->ae_add != NULL)
+		/* Loop over all affix entries with this name. */
+		for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
-		    /* Check for non-word characters in the affix.  If there
-		     * is one a suffix will be turned into an addition, a
-		     * prefix may be turned into a leadstring.
-		     * This is stored with the old affix, that is where
-		     * trans_affixes() will check. */
-		    for (p = oldae->ae_add; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
-			if (!spell_iswordc(p))
+		    /* Check the condition.  It's not logical to match case
+		     * here, but it is required for compatibility with
+		     * Myspell. */
+		    regmatch.regprog = ae->ae_prog;
+		    regmatch.rm_ic = FALSE;
+		    if (ae->ae_prog == NULL
+				  || vim_regexec(&regmatch, word, (colnr_T)0))
+		    {
+			/* Match.  Remove the chop and add the affix. */
+			if (xht == NULL)
-			    oldae->ae_add_nw = p;
-			    break;
+			    /* prefix: chop/add at the start of the word */
+			    if (ae->ae_add == NULL)
+				*newword = NUL;
+			    else
+				STRCPY(newword, ae->ae_add);
+			    p = word;
+			    if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
+				/* Skip chop string. */
+				for (i = mb_charlen(ae->ae_chop); i > 0; --i)
+				    mb_ptr_adv(p);
+			    STRCAT(newword, p);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			    /* suffix: chop/add at the end of the word */
+			    STRCPY(newword, word);
+			    if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
+			    {
+				/* Remove chop string. */
+				p = newword + STRLEN(newword);
+				for (i = mb_charlen(ae->ae_chop); i > 0; --i)
+				    mb_ptr_back(newword, p);
+				*p = NUL;
+			    }
+			    if (ae->ae_add != NULL)
+				STRCAT(newword, ae->ae_add);
-		    if (prefix && oldae->ae_add_nw != NULL)
-		    {
-			/* If a prefix has non-word characters special
-			 * treatment is necessary:
-			 * - If it has only non-word characters it becomes a
-			 *   leadstring.
-			 * - If it has a sequence of word characters followed
-			 *   by a non-word char it becomes a "preword": "d'",
-			 *   "de-", "d'ai", etc.
-			 * - if it has another mix of word and non-word
-			 *   characters the part before the last word char
-			 *   becomes a leadstring: "'d", etc.
-			 */
-			for (p = oldae->ae_add; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
-			    if (spell_iswordc(p))
-			    {
-				oldae->ae_add_pw = p;
-				break;
-			    }
-			if (oldae->ae_add_pw != NULL)
-			{
-			    /* Mixed prefix, set ae_add_nw to first non-word
-			     * char after ae_add_pw (if there is one). */
-			    oldae->ae_add_nw = NULL;
-			    for ( ; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
-				if (!spell_iswordc(p))
-				{
-				    oldae->ae_add_nw = p;
-				    break;
-				}
-			    if (oldae->ae_add_nw != NULL)
-			    {
-				preword = TRUE;
-				oldae->ae_add_pw = NULL;
-				oldae->ae_add_nw = NULL;
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		}
+			/* Store the modified word. */
+			if (store_word(newword, spin) == FAIL)
+			    retval = FAIL;
-		if (oldae->ae_cond == NULL)
-		    /* hashtable requires a non-empty key */
-		    STRCPY(condkey, "---");
-		else
-		    STRCPY(condkey, oldae->ae_cond);
-		/* Look for an existing list with this name and condition. */
-		hi = hash_find(&condht, condkey);
-		if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		    /* Match with existing affix, use that one. */
-		    newnr = HI2AS(hi)->as_nr;
-		else
-		{
-		    /* Add a new affix number. */
-		    newnr = tga.ga_len;
-		    if (ga_grow(&tga, 1) == FAIL)
-			retval = FAIL;
-		    else
-		    {
-			newah = ((affheader_T *)tga.ga_data) + newnr;
-			newah->ah_combine = oldah->ah_combine;
-			newah->ah_first = NULL;
-			++tga.ga_len;
-			/* Add the new list to the condht hashtable. */
-			add_affhash(&condht, condkey, newnr);
+			/* When added a suffix and combining is allowed also
+			 * try adding prefixes additionally. */
+			if (xht != NULL && ah->ah_combine)
+			    if (store_aff_word(newword, spin, afflist,
+						     xht, NULL, TRUE) == FAIL)
+				retval = FAIL;
-		/* Add the new affentry_T to the list. */
-		newah = ((affheader_T *)tga.ga_data) + newnr;
-		newae = (affentry_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(affentry_T));
-		if (newae == NULL)
-		    retval = FAIL;
-		else
-		{
-		    newae->ae_next = newah->ah_first;
-		    newah->ah_first = newae;
-		    if (oldae->ae_chop == NULL)
-			newae->ae_chop = NULL;
-		    else
-			newae->ae_chop = vim_strsave(oldae->ae_chop);
-		    if (oldae->ae_add == NULL)
-			newae->ae_add = NULL;
-		    else
-			newae->ae_add = vim_strsave(oldae->ae_add);
-		    newae->ae_preword = preword;
-		    /* The condition is not copied, since the new affix is
-		     * only used for words where the condition matches. */
-		}
-	    /* 2. Check if some of the lists already exist, re-use their
-	     *    number.  Otherwise add the list to "gap". */
-	    for (newnr = 0; newnr < tga.ga_len; ++newnr)
-	    {
-		newah = ((affheader_T *)tga.ga_data) + newnr;
-		for (gapnr = 0; gapnr < gap->ga_len; ++gapnr)
-		{
-		    gapah = ((affheader_T *)gap->ga_data) + gapnr;
-		    if (newah->ah_combine == gapah->ah_combine
-					     && same_affentries(newah, gapah))
-			/* Found an existing affheader_T entry with same
-			 * affentry_T list, use its number. */
-			break;
-		}
-		newah->ah_affnr = gapnr;
-		if (gapnr == gap->ga_len)
-		{
-		    /* This is a new affentry_T list, add it. */
-		    if (ga_grow(gap, 1) == FAIL)
-			retval = FAIL;
-		    else
-		    {
-			*(((affheader_T *)gap->ga_data) + gap->ga_len) = *newah;
-			++gap->ga_len;
-		    }
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* free unused affentry_T list */
-		    free_affixentries(newah->ah_first);
-		}
-	    }
-	    /* 3. Assign the new affix numbers to the old affixes. */
-	    for (oldae = oldah->ah_first; oldae != NULL && retval == OK;
-						       oldae = oldae->ae_next)
-	    {
-		if (oldae->ae_cond == NULL)
-		    /* hashtable requires a non-empty key */
-		    STRCPY(condkey, "---");
-		else
-		    STRCPY(condkey, oldae->ae_cond);
-		/* Look for an existing affix with this name and condition. */
-		hi = hash_find(&condht, condkey);
-		if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		    /* Match with existing affix, use that one. */
-		    newnr = HI2AS(hi)->as_nr;
-		else
-		{
-		    EMSG(_(e_internal));
-		    retval = FAIL;
-		}
-		newah = ((affheader_T *)tga.ga_data) + newnr;
-		oldae->ae_affnr = newah->ah_affnr;
-	    }
-	    ga_clear(&tga);
-	    clear_affhash(&condht);
@@ -3168,962 +1920,428 @@ get_new_aff(oldaff, gap, prefix)
- * Return TRUE if the affentry_T lists for "ah1" and "ah2" contain the same
- * items, ignoring the order.
- * Only compares the chop and add strings, not the condition.
+ * Read a file with a list of words.
     static int
-same_affentries(ah1, ah2)
-    affheader_T	*ah1;
-    affheader_T	*ah2;
+spell_read_wordfile(fname, spin)
+    char_u	*fname;
+    spellinfo_T	*spin;
-    affentry_T	*ae1, *ae2;
+    FILE	*fd;
+    long	lnum = 0;
+    char_u	rline[MAXLINELEN];
+    char_u	*line;
+    char_u	*pc = NULL;
+    int		l;
+    int		retval = OK;
+    int		did_word = FALSE;
+    int		non_ascii = 0;
+    char_u	*enc;
-    /* Check the length of the lists first. */
-    ae2 = ah2->ah_first;
-    for (ae1 = ah1->ah_first; ae1 != NULL; ae1 = ae1->ae_next)
+    /*
+     * Open the file.
+     */
+    fd = fopen((char *)fname, "r");
+    if (fd == NULL)
-	if (ae2 == NULL)
-	    return FALSE;	/* "ah1" list is longer */
-	ae2 = ae2->ae_next;
-    }
-    if (ae2 != NULL)
-	return FALSE;		/* "ah2" list is longer */
-    /* Check that each entry in "ah1" appears in "ah2". */
-    for (ae1 = ah1->ah_first; ae1 != NULL; ae1 = ae1->ae_next)
-    {
-	for (ae2 = ah2->ah_first; ae2 != NULL; ae2 = ae2->ae_next)
-	{
-	    if ((ae1->ae_chop == NULL) == (ae2->ae_chop == NULL)
-		&& (ae1->ae_add == NULL) == (ae2->ae_add == NULL)
-		&& (ae1->ae_chop == NULL
-				   || STRCMP(ae1->ae_chop, ae2->ae_chop) == 0)
-		&& (ae1->ae_add == NULL
-				    || STRCMP(ae1->ae_add, ae2->ae_add) == 0))
-		break;
-	}
-	if (ae2 == NULL)
-	    return FALSE;
+	EMSG2(_(e_notopen), fname);
+	return FAIL;
-    return TRUE;
+    smsg((char_u *)_("Reading word file %s..."), fname);
+    out_flush();
+    /*
+     * Read all the lines in the file one by one.
+     */
+    while (!vim_fgets(rline, MAXLINELEN, fd) && !got_int)
+    {
+	line_breakcheck();
+	++lnum;
+	/* Skip comment lines. */
+	if (*rline == '#')
+	    continue;
+	/* Remove CR, LF and white space from the end. */
+	l = STRLEN(rline);
+	while (l > 0 && rline[l - 1] <= ' ')
+	    --l;
+	if (l == 0)
+	    continue;	/* empty or blank line */
+	rline[l] = NUL;
+	/* Convert from "=encoding={encoding}" to 'encoding' when needed. */
+	vim_free(pc);
+	if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+	{
+	    pc = string_convert(&spin->si_conv, rline, NULL);
+	    if (pc == NULL)
+	    {
+		smsg((char_u *)_("Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"),
+							   fname, lnum, rline);
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    line = pc;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    pc = NULL;
+	    line = rline;
+	}
+	if (*line == '=')
+	{
+	    if (STRNCMP(line + 1, "encoding=", 9) == 0)
+	    {
+		if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+		    smsg((char_u *)_("Duplicate =encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"),
+						       fname, lnum, line);
+		else if (did_word)
+		    smsg((char_u *)_("=encoding= line after word ignored in %s line %d: %s"),
+						       fname, lnum, line);
+		else
+		{
+		    /* Setup for conversion to 'encoding'. */
+		    enc = enc_canonize(line + 10);
+		    if (enc != NULL && !spin->si_ascii
+			    && convert_setup(&spin->si_conv, enc,
+							       p_enc) == FAIL)
+			smsg((char_u *)_("Conversion in %s not supported: from %s to %s"),
+						   fname, line + 10, p_enc);
+		    vim_free(enc);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+		smsg((char_u *)_("= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"),
+							   fname, lnum, line);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* Skip non-ASCII words when "spin->si_ascii" is TRUE. */
+	if (spin->si_ascii && has_non_ascii(line))
+	{
+	    ++non_ascii;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* Normal word: store it. */
+	if (store_word(line, spin) == FAIL)
+	{
+	    retval = FAIL;
+	    break;
+	}
+	did_word = TRUE;
+    }
+    vim_free(pc);
+    fclose(fd);
+    if (spin->si_ascii && non_ascii > 0)
+	smsg((char_u *)_("Ignored %d words with non-ASCII characters"),
+								   non_ascii);
+    return retval;
- * Add a chop/add or cond hashtable entry.
+ * Get part of an sblock_T, "len" bytes long.
+ * This avoids calling free() for every little struct we use.
+ * The memory is cleared to all zeros.
+ * Returns NULL when out of memory.
+ */
+    static void *
+getroom(blp, len)
+    sblock_T	**blp;
+    size_t	len;	    /* length needed */
+    char_u	*p;
+    sblock_T	*bl = *blp;
+    if (bl == NULL || bl->sb_used + len > SBLOCKSIZE)
+    {
+	/* Allocate a block of memory. This is not freed until much later. */
+	bl = (sblock_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)(sizeof(sblock_T) + SBLOCKSIZE));
+	if (bl == NULL)
+	    return NULL;
+	bl->sb_next = *blp;
+	*blp = bl;
+	bl->sb_used = 0;
+    }
+    p = bl->sb_data + bl->sb_used;
+    bl->sb_used += len;
+    return p;
+ * Make a copy of a string into memory allocated with getroom().
+ */
+    static char_u *
+getroom_save(blp, s)
+    sblock_T	**blp;
+    char_u	*s;
+    char_u	*sc;
+    sc = (char_u *)getroom(blp, STRLEN(s) + 1);
+    if (sc != NULL)
+	STRCPY(sc, s);
+    return sc;
+ * Free the list of allocated sblock_T.
     static void
-add_affhash(ht, key, newnr)
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
-    char_u	*key;
-    int		newnr;
+    sblock_T	*bl;
-    affhash_T	*as;
+    sblock_T	*next;
-    as = (affhash_T *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(affhash_T) + STRLEN(key));
-    if (as != NULL)
+    while (bl != NULL)
-	as->as_nr = newnr;
-	STRCPY(as->as_word, key);
-	hash_add(ht, as->as_word);
+	next = bl->sb_next;
+	vim_free(bl);
+	bl = next;
- * Clear the chop/add hashtable used to detect identical affixes.
+ * Allocate the root of a word tree.
-    static void
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
+    static wordnode_T *
+    sblock_T	**blp;
-    int		todo;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    todo = ht->ht_used;
-    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	{
-	    --todo;
-	    vim_free(HI2AS(hi));
-	}
-    }
-    hash_clear(ht);
+    return (wordnode_T *)getroom(blp, sizeof(wordnode_T));
- * Translate list of affix names for an old word to affix numbers in a new
- * basic word.
- * This checks if the conditions match with the old word.  The result is that
- * the new affix does not need to store the condition.
- */
-    static void
-trans_affixes(dw, bw, oldaff, newwords)
-    dicword_T	*dw;		/* old word */
-    basicword_T *bw;		/* basic word */
-    afffile_T	*oldaff;	/* affixes for "oldwords" */
-    hashtab_T	*newwords;	/* table with words */
-    char_u	key[2];
-    char_u	*p;
-    char_u	*affnm;
-    garray_T	*gap, *agap;
-    hashitem_T	*aff_hi;
-    affheader_T	*ah;
-    affentry_T	*ae;
-    regmatch_T	regmatch;
-    int		i;
-    basicword_T *nbw;
-    int		alen;
-    garray_T	suffixga;	/* list of words with non-word suffixes */
-    garray_T	prefixga;	/* list of words with non-word prefixes */
-    char_u	nword[MAXWLEN];
-    int		flags;
-    int		n;
-    ga_init2(&suffixga, (int)sizeof(basicword_T *), 5);
-    ga_init2(&prefixga, (int)sizeof(basicword_T *), 5);
-    /* Loop over all the affix names of the old word. */
-    key[1] = NUL;
-    for (affnm = dw->dw_affnm; *affnm != NUL; ++affnm)
-    {
-	key[0] = *affnm;
-	aff_hi = hash_find(&oldaff->af_pref, key);
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(aff_hi))
-	    gap = &bw->bw_prefix;	/* found a prefix */
-	else
-	{
-	    gap = &bw->bw_suffix;	/* must be a suffix */
-	    aff_hi = hash_find(&oldaff->af_suff, key);
-	    if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(aff_hi))
-	    {
-		smsg((char_u *)_("No affix entry '%s' for word %s"),
-							    key, dw->dw_word);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Loop over all the affix entries for this affix name. */
-	ah = HI2AH(aff_hi);
-	for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
-	{
-	    /* Setup for regexp matching.  Note that we don't ignore case.
-	     * This is weird, because the rules in an .aff file don't care
-	     * about case, but it's necessary for compatibility with Myspell.
-	     */
-	    regmatch.regprog = ae->ae_prog;
-	    regmatch.rm_ic = FALSE;
-	    if (ae->ae_prog == NULL
-			   || vim_regexec(&regmatch, dw->dw_word, (colnr_T)0))
-	    {
-		if ((ae->ae_add_nw != NULL || ae->ae_add_pw != NULL)
-			&& (gap != &bw->bw_suffix || bw->bw_addstring == NULL))
-		{
-		    /*
-		     * Affix has a non-word character and isn't prepended to
-		     * leader or appended to addition.  Need to use another
-		     * word with a leadstring and/or addstring.
-		     */
-		    if (gap == &bw->bw_suffix || ae->ae_add_nw == NULL)
-		    {
-			/* Suffix or prefix with only non-word chars.
-			 * Build the new basic word in "nword": Remove chop
-			 * string and append/prepend addition. */
-			if (gap == &bw->bw_suffix)
-			{
-			    /* suffix goes at the end of the word */
-			    STRCPY(nword, dw->dw_word);
-			    if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
-			    {
-				/* Remove chop string. */
-				p = nword + STRLEN(nword);
-				for (i = mb_charlen(ae->ae_chop); i > 0; --i)
-				    mb_ptr_back(nword, p);
-				*p = NUL;
-			    }
-			    STRCAT(nword, ae->ae_add);
-			    agap = &suffixga;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    /* prefix goes before the word */
-			    STRCPY(nword, ae->ae_add);
-			    p = dw->dw_word;
-			    if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
-				/* Skip chop string. */
-				for (i = mb_charlen(ae->ae_chop); i > 0; --i)
-				    mb_ptr_adv( p);
-			    STRCAT(nword, p);
-			    agap = &prefixga;
-			}
-			/* Create a basicword_T from the word. */
-			nbw = get_basicword(nword, 1);
-			if (nbw != NULL)
-			{
-			    nbw->bw_region = bw->bw_region;
-			    nbw->bw_flags |= bw->bw_flags
-			    if (STRCMP(bw->bw_word, nbw->bw_word) != 0)
-				/* Basic word differs, add new word entry. */
-				(void)add_to_wordlist(newwords, nbw);
-			    else
-			    {
-				/* Basic word is the same, link "nbw" after
-				 * "bw". */
-				nbw->bw_next = bw->bw_next;
-				bw->bw_next = nbw;
-			    }
-			    /* Remember this word, we need to set bw_prefix
-			     * or bw_suffix later. */
-			    if (ga_grow(agap, 1) == OK)
-				((basicword_T **)agap->ga_data)
-						       [agap->ga_len++] = nbw;
-			}
-		    }
-		    else
-		    {
-			/* Prefix with both non-word and word characters: Turn
-			 * prefix into basic word, original word becomes an
-			 * addstring. */
-			/* Fold-case the word characters in the prefix into
-			 * nword[]. */
-			alen = 0;
-			for (p = ae->ae_add_pw; p < ae->ae_add_nw; p += n)
-			{
-#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-			    n = (*mb_ptr2len_check)(p);
-			    n = 1;
-			    (void)spell_casefold(p, n, nword + alen,
-							      MAXWLEN - alen);
-			    alen += STRLEN(nword + alen);
-			}
-			/* Allocate a new word entry. */
-			nbw = (basicword_T *)alloc((unsigned)(
-					     sizeof(basicword_T) + alen + 1));
-			if (nbw != NULL)
-			{
-			    *nbw = *bw;
-			    ga_init2(&nbw->bw_prefix, sizeof(short_u), 1);
-			    ga_init2(&nbw->bw_suffix, sizeof(short_u), 1);
-			    mch_memmove(nbw->bw_word, nword, alen);
-			    nbw->bw_word[alen] = NUL;
-			    /* Use the cap type of the prefix. */
-			    alen = ae->ae_add_nw - ae->ae_add_pw;
-			    mch_memmove(nword, ae->ae_add_pw, alen);
-			    nword[alen] = NUL;
-			    flags = captype(nword, nword + STRLEN(nword));
-			    if (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-				nbw->bw_caseword = vim_strsave(nword);
-			    else
-				nbw->bw_caseword = NULL;
-			    nbw->bw_flags &= ~(BWF_ONECAP | BWF_ALLCAP
-							       | BWF_KEEPCAP);
-			    nbw->bw_flags |= flags;
-			    /* The addstring is the prefix after the word
-			     * characters, the original word excluding "chop",
-			     * plus any addition. */
-			    STRCPY(nword, ae->ae_add_nw);
-			    p = bw->bw_word;
-			    if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
-				p += STRLEN(ae->ae_chop);
-			    STRCAT(nword, p);
-			    if (bw->bw_addstring != NULL)
-				STRCAT(nword, bw->bw_addstring);
-			    nbw->bw_addstring = vim_strsave(nword);
-			    if (ae->ae_add_pw > ae->ae_add)
-				nbw->bw_leadstring = vim_strnsave(ae->ae_add,
-						  ae->ae_add_pw - ae->ae_add);
-			    else
-				nbw->bw_leadstring = NULL;
-			    (void)add_to_wordlist(newwords, nbw);
-			    /* Remember this word, we need to set bw_suffix
-			     * and bw_suffix later. */
-			    if (ga_grow(&prefixga, 1) == OK)
-				((basicword_T **)prefixga.ga_data)
-						    [prefixga.ga_len++] = nbw;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* Affix applies to this word, add the related affix
-		     * number.  But only if it's not there yet.  And keep the
-		     * list sorted, so that we can compare it later. */
-		    for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
-		    {
-			n = ((short_u *)gap->ga_data)[i];
-			if (n >= ae->ae_affnr)
-			{
-			    if (n == ae->ae_affnr)
-				i = -1;
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (i >= 0 && ga_grow(gap, 1) == OK)
-		    {
-			if (i < gap->ga_len)
-			    mch_memmove(((short_u *)gap->ga_data) + i + 1,
-					((short_u *)gap->ga_data) + i,
-					 sizeof(short_u) * (gap->ga_len - i));
-			((short_u *)gap->ga_data)[i] = ae->ae_affnr;
-			++gap->ga_len;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * For the words that we added for suffixes with non-word characters: Use
-     * the prefix list of the main word.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < suffixga.ga_len; ++i)
-    {
-	nbw = ((basicword_T **)suffixga.ga_data)[i];
-	if (ga_grow(&nbw->bw_prefix, bw->bw_prefix.ga_len) == OK)
-	{
-	    mch_memmove(nbw->bw_prefix.ga_data, bw->bw_prefix.ga_data,
-				      bw->bw_prefix.ga_len * sizeof(short_u));
-	    nbw->bw_prefix.ga_len = bw->bw_prefix.ga_len;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * For the words that we added for prefixes with non-word characters: Use
-     * the suffix list of the main word.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < prefixga.ga_len; ++i)
-    {
-	nbw = ((basicword_T **)prefixga.ga_data)[i];
-	if (ga_grow(&nbw->bw_suffix, bw->bw_suffix.ga_len) == OK)
-	{
-	    mch_memmove(nbw->bw_suffix.ga_data, bw->bw_suffix.ga_data,
-				      bw->bw_suffix.ga_len * sizeof(short_u));
-	    nbw->bw_suffix.ga_len = bw->bw_suffix.ga_len;
-	}
-    }
-    ga_clear(&suffixga);
-    ga_clear(&prefixga);
- * Go over all words in "oldwords" and change the old affix names to the new
- * affix numbers, check the conditions, fold case, extract the basic word and
- * additions.
+ * Store a word in the tree(s).
+ * Always store it in the case-folded tree.
+ * For a keep-case word also store it in the keep-case tree.
     static int
-build_wordlist(newwords, oldwords, oldaff, regionmask)
-    hashtab_T	*newwords;	/* basicword_T entries */
-    hashtab_T	*oldwords;	/* dicword_T entries */
-    afffile_T	*oldaff;	/* affixes for "oldwords" */
-    int		regionmask;	/* value for bw_region */
+store_word(word, spin)
+    char_u	*word;
+    spellinfo_T	*spin;
-    int		todo;
-    hashitem_T	*old_hi;
-    dicword_T	*dw;
-    basicword_T *bw;
-    char_u	message[MAXLINELEN + MAXWLEN];
-    todo = oldwords->ht_used;
-    for (old_hi = oldwords->ht_array; todo > 0; ++old_hi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(old_hi))
-	{
-	    --todo;
-	    dw = HI2DW(old_hi);
+    int		len = STRLEN(word);
+    int		ct = captype(word, word + len);
+    char_u	foldword[MAXWLEN];
+    int		res;
-	    /* This takes time, print a message now and then. */
-	    if ((todo & 0x3ff) == 0 || todo == (int)oldwords->ht_used - 1)
-	    {
-		sprintf((char *)message, _("%6d todo - %s"),
-							   todo, dw->dw_word);
-		msg_start();
-		msg_outtrans_attr(message, 0);
-		msg_clr_eos();
-		msg_didout = FALSE;
-		msg_col = 0;
-		out_flush();
-		ui_breakcheck();
-		if (got_int)
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    bw = get_basicword(dw->dw_word, 10);
-	    if (bw == NULL)
-		break;
-	    bw->bw_region = regionmask;
-	    (void)add_to_wordlist(newwords, bw);
-	    /* Deal with any affix names on the old word, translate them
-	     * into affix numbers. */
-	    if (dw->dw_affnm != NULL)
-		trans_affixes(dw, bw, oldaff, newwords);
-	}
-    }
-    if (todo > 0)
-	return FAIL;
-    return OK;
+    (void)spell_casefold(word, len, foldword, MAXWLEN);
+    res = tree_add_word(foldword, spin->si_foldroot, ct, spin->si_region,
+							    &spin->si_blocks);
+    if (res == OK && ct == WF_KEEPCAP)
+	res = tree_add_word(word, spin->si_keeproot, ct, spin->si_region,
+							    &spin->si_blocks);
+    return res;
- * Get a basicword_T from a word in original case.
- * Caller must set bw_region.
- * Returns NULL when something fails.
- */
-    static basicword_T *
-get_basicword(word, asize)
-    char_u	*word;
-    int		asize;	    /* growsize for affix garray */
-    int		dwlen;
-    char_u	foldword[MAXLINELEN];
-    int		flags;
-    int		clen;
-    int		leadlen;
-    char_u	*p;
-    char_u	leadstring[MAXLINELEN];
-    int		addlen;
-    char_u	addstring[MAXLINELEN];
-    char_u	*cp = NULL;
-    int		l;
-    basicword_T *bw;
-    /* The basic words are always stored with folded case. */
-    dwlen = STRLEN(word);
-    (void)spell_casefold(word, dwlen, foldword, MAXLINELEN);
-    flags = captype(word, word + dwlen);
-    /* Check for non-word characters before the word. */
-    clen = 0;
-    leadlen = 0;
-    if (!spell_iswordc(foldword))
-    {
-	p = foldword;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-	    mb_ptr_adv(p);
-	    ++clen;
-	    if (*p == NUL)	/* Only non-word chars (bad word!) */
-	    {
-		if (p_verbose > 0)
-		{
-		    verbose_enter();
-		    smsg((char_u *)_("Warning: word without word characters: \"%s\""),
-							    foldword);
-		    verbose_leave();
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (spell_iswordc(p))
-	    {
-		/* Move the leader to "leadstring" and remove it from
-		 * "foldword". */
-		leadlen = p - foldword;
-		mch_memmove(leadstring, foldword, leadlen);
-		leadstring[leadlen] = NUL;
-		mch_memmove(foldword, p, STRLEN(p) + 1);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Check for non-word characters after word characters. */
-    addlen = 0;
-    for (p = foldword; spell_iswordc(p); mb_ptr_adv(p))
-    {
-	if (*p == NUL)
-	    break;
-	++clen;
-    }
-    if (*p != NUL)
-    {
-	/* Move the addition to "addstring" and truncate "foldword". */
-	if (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-	{
-	    /* Preserve caps, need to skip the right number of
-	     * characters in the original word (case folding may
-	     * change the byte count). */
-	    l = 0;
-	    for (cp = word; l < clen; mb_ptr_adv(cp))
-		++l;
-	    addlen = STRLEN(cp);
-	    mch_memmove(addstring, cp, addlen + 1);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    addlen = STRLEN(p);
-	    mch_memmove(addstring, p, addlen + 1);
-	}
-	*p = NUL;
-    }
-    bw = (basicword_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(basicword_T)
-							  + STRLEN(foldword));
-    if (bw == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    STRCPY(bw->bw_word, foldword);
-    if (leadlen > 0)
-	bw->bw_leadstring = vim_strsave(leadstring);
-    else
-	bw->bw_leadstring = NULL;
-    if (addlen > 0)
-	bw->bw_addstring = vim_strsave(addstring);
-    else
-	bw->bw_addstring = NULL;
-    if (flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-    {
-	if (addlen == 0)
-	    /* use the whole word */
-	    bw->bw_caseword = vim_strsave(word + leadlen);
-	else
-	    /* use only up to the addition */
-	    bw->bw_caseword = vim_strnsave(word + leadlen,
-							 cp - word - leadlen);
-    }
-    bw->bw_flags = flags;
-    ga_init2(&bw->bw_prefix, sizeof(short_u), asize);
-    ga_init2(&bw->bw_suffix, sizeof(short_u), asize);
-    return bw;
- * Go through the list of words and combine the ones that are identical except
- * for the region.
- */
-    static void
-    hashtab_T	*newwords;
-    int		todo;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    basicword_T *bw, *nbw, *pbw;
-    /* Loop over all basic words in the words table. */
-    todo = newwords->ht_used;
-    for (hi = newwords->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	{
-	    --todo;
-	    /* Loop over the list of words for this basic word.  Compare with
-	     * each following word in the same list. */
-	    for (bw = HI2BW(hi); bw != NULL; bw = bw->bw_next)
-	    {
-		pbw = bw;
-		for (nbw = pbw->bw_next; nbw != NULL; nbw = pbw->bw_next)
-		{
-		    if (bw->bw_flags == nbw->bw_flags
-			    && (bw->bw_leadstring == NULL)
-					       == (nbw->bw_leadstring == NULL)
-			    && (bw->bw_addstring == NULL)
-						== (nbw->bw_addstring == NULL)
-			    && ((bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP) == 0
-				|| bw->bw_caseword == NULL
-				|| nbw->bw_caseword == NULL
-				|| STRCMP(bw->bw_caseword,
-						      nbw->bw_caseword) == 0)
-			    && (bw->bw_leadstring == NULL
-				|| STRCMP(bw->bw_leadstring,
-						    nbw->bw_leadstring) == 0)
-			    && (bw->bw_addstring == NULL
-				|| STRCMP(bw->bw_addstring,
-						     nbw->bw_addstring) == 0)
-			    && same_affixes(bw, nbw)
-			    )
-		    {
-			/* Match, combine regions and delete "nbw". */
-			pbw->bw_next = nbw->bw_next;
-			bw->bw_region |= nbw->bw_region;
-			free_basicword(nbw);
-		    }
-		    else
-			/* No match, continue with next one. */
-			pbw = nbw;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
- * Return TRUE when the prefixes and suffixes for "bw" and "nbw" are equal.
- */
-    static int
-same_affixes(bw, nbw)
-    basicword_T	*bw;
-    basicword_T	*nbw;
-    return (bw->bw_prefix.ga_len == nbw->bw_prefix.ga_len
-	    && bw->bw_suffix.ga_len == nbw->bw_suffix.ga_len
-	    && (bw->bw_prefix.ga_len == 0
-		|| vim_memcmp(bw->bw_prefix.ga_data,
-		    nbw->bw_prefix.ga_data,
-		    bw->bw_prefix.ga_len * sizeof(short_u)) == 0)
-	    && (bw->bw_suffix.ga_len == 0
-		|| vim_memcmp(bw->bw_suffix.ga_data,
-		    nbw->bw_suffix.ga_data,
-		    bw->bw_suffix.ga_len * sizeof(short_u)) == 0));
- * For each basic word with additions turn the suffixes into other additions
- * and/or new basic words.  For each basic word with a leadstring turn the
- * prefixes into other leadstrings and/or new basic words.
- * The result is that no affixes apply to the additions or leadstring of a
- * word.
- * This is also needed when a word with an addition has a prefix and the word
- * with prefix also exists.  E.g., "blurp's/D" (D is prefix "de") and
- * "deblurp".  "deblurp" would match and no prefix would be tried.
- *
+ * Add word "word" to a word tree at "root".
  * Returns FAIL when out of memory.
     static int
-expand_affixes(newwords, prefgap, suffgap)
-    hashtab_T	*newwords;
-    garray_T	*prefgap;
-    garray_T	*suffgap;
-    int		todo;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    basicword_T *bw;
-    int		pi, si;
-    affentry_T	*pae, *sae;
-    garray_T	add_words;
-    int		n;
-    char_u	message[MAXLINELEN + MAXWLEN];
-    int		retval = OK;
-    ga_init2(&add_words, sizeof(basicword_T *), 10);
-    todo = newwords->ht_used;
-    for (hi = newwords->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	{
-	    --todo;
-	    /* This takes time, print a message now and then. */
-	    if ((todo & 0x3ff) == 0 || todo == (int)newwords->ht_used - 1)
-	    {
-		sprintf((char *)message, _("%6d todo - %s"),
-						    todo, HI2BW(hi)->bw_word);
-		msg_start();
-		msg_outtrans_attr(message, 0);
-		msg_clr_eos();
-		msg_didout = FALSE;
-		msg_col = 0;
-		out_flush();
-		ui_breakcheck();
-		if (got_int)
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    for (bw = HI2BW(hi); bw != NULL; bw = bw->bw_next)
-	    {
-		/*
-		 * Need to fix affixes if there is a leader or addition and
-		 * there are prefixes or suffixes.
-		 */
-		if ((bw->bw_leadstring != NULL || bw->bw_addstring != NULL)
-			&& (bw->bw_prefix.ga_len != 0
-						|| bw->bw_suffix.ga_len != 0))
-		{
-		    /* Loop over all prefix numbers, but first without a
-		     * prefix. */
-		    for (pi = -1; pi < bw->bw_prefix.ga_len; ++pi)
-		    {
-			pae = NULL;
-			if (pi >= 0)
-			{
-			    n = ((short_u *)bw->bw_prefix.ga_data)[pi];
-			    pae = ((affheader_T *)prefgap->ga_data + n)
-								   ->ah_first;
-			}
-			/* Loop over all entries for prefix "pi".  Do it once
-			 * when there is no prefix (pi == -1). */
-			do
-			{
-			  /* Skip prewords, they don't need to be expanded. */
-			  if (pae == NULL || !pae->ae_preword)
-			  {
-			    /* Loop over all suffix numbers.  Do without a
-			     * suffix first when there is a prefix. */
-			    for (si = (pi == -1 ? 0 : -1);
-					      si < bw->bw_suffix.ga_len; ++si)
-			    {
-				sae = NULL;
-				if (si >= 0)
-				{
-				    n = ((short_u *)bw->bw_suffix.ga_data)[si];
-				    sae = ((affheader_T *)suffgap->ga_data + n)
-								   ->ah_first;
-				}
-				/* Loop over all entries for suffix "si".  Do
-				 * it once when there is no suffix (si == -1).
-				 */
-				do
-				{
-				    /* Expand the word for this combination of
-				     * prefixes and affixes. */
-				    if (expand_one_aff(bw, &add_words,
-							    pae, sae) == FAIL)
-				    {
-					retval = FAIL;
-					goto theend;
-				    }
-				    /* Advance to next suffix entry, if there
-				     * is one. */
-				    if (sae != NULL)
-					sae = sae->ae_next;
-				} while (sae != NULL);
-			    }
-			  }
-			  /* Advance to next prefix entry, if there is one. */
-			  if (pae != NULL)
-			      pae = pae->ae_next;
-			} while (pae != NULL);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Add the new words afterwards, can't change "newwords" while going over
-     * all its items.
-     */
-    for (pi = 0; pi < add_words.ga_len; ++pi)
-    {
-	retval = add_to_wordlist(newwords,
-				     ((basicword_T **)add_words.ga_data)[pi]);
-	if (retval == FAIL)
-	    break;
-    }
-    ga_clear(&add_words);
-    return retval;
- * Add one word to "add_words" for basic word "bw" with additions, adding
- * prefix "pae" and suffix "sae".  Either "pae" or "sae" can be NULL.
- * Don't do this when not necessary:
- * - no leadstring and adding prefix doesn't result in existing word.
- * Returns FAIL when out of memory.
- */
-    static int
-expand_one_aff(bw, add_words, pae, sae)
-    basicword_T	    *bw;
-    garray_T	    *add_words;
-    affentry_T	    *pae;
-    affentry_T	    *sae;
+tree_add_word(word, root, flags, region, blp)
+    char_u	*word;
+    wordnode_T	*root;
+    int		flags;
+    int		region;
+    sblock_T	**blp;
-    char_u	word[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    char_u	caseword[MAXWLEN + 1];
-    int		l = 0;
-    int		choplen = 0;
-    int		ll;
-    basicword_T	*nbw;
-    /* Prepend prefix to the basic word if there is a prefix and there is no
-     * leadstring. */
-    if (pae != NULL && bw->bw_leadstring == NULL)
-    {
-	if (pae->ae_add != NULL)
-	{
-	    l = STRLEN(pae->ae_add);
-	    mch_memmove(word, pae->ae_add, l);
-	}
-	if (pae->ae_chop != NULL)
-	    choplen = STRLEN(pae->ae_chop);
-    }
-    /* Copy the body of the word. */
-    STRCPY(word + l, bw->bw_word + choplen);
-    /* Do the same for bw_caseword, if it's there. */
-    if ((bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP) && bw->bw_caseword != NULL)
-    {
-	if (l > 0)
-	    mch_memmove(caseword, pae->ae_add, l);
-	STRCPY(caseword + l, bw->bw_caseword + choplen);
-    }
-    /* Append suffix to the basic word if there is a suffix and there is no
-     * addstring. */
-    if (sae != 0 && bw->bw_addstring == NULL)
-    {
-	l = STRLEN(word);
-	if (sae->ae_chop != NULL)
-	    l -= STRLEN(sae->ae_chop);
-	if (sae->ae_add == NULL)
-	    word[l] = NUL;
-	else
-	    STRCPY(word + l, sae->ae_add);
-	if (bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-	{
-	    /* Do the same for the caseword. */
-	    l = STRLEN(caseword);
-	    if (sae->ae_chop != NULL)
-		l -= STRLEN(sae->ae_chop);
-	    if (sae->ae_add == NULL)
-		caseword[l] = NUL;
-	    else
-		STRCPY(caseword + l, sae->ae_add);
-	}
-    }
-    nbw = (basicword_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)
-					  sizeof(basicword_T) + STRLEN(word));
-    if (nbw == NULL)
-	return FAIL;
-    /* Add the new word to the list of words to be added later. */
-    if (ga_grow(add_words, 1) == FAIL)
-    {
-	vim_free(nbw);
-	return FAIL;
-    }
-    ((basicword_T **)add_words->ga_data)[add_words->ga_len++] = nbw;
+    wordnode_T	*node = root;
+    wordnode_T	*np;
+    wordnode_T	**prev = NULL;
+    int		i;
-    /* Copy the (modified) basic word, flags and region. */
-    STRCPY(nbw->bw_word, word);
-    nbw->bw_flags = bw->bw_flags;
-    nbw->bw_region = bw->bw_region;
-    /* Set the (modified) caseword. */
-    if (bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-	nbw->bw_caseword = vim_strsave(caseword);
-    else
-	nbw->bw_caseword = NULL;
-    if (bw->bw_leadstring != NULL)
-    {
-	if (pae != NULL)
-	{
-	    /* Prepend prefix to leadstring. */
-	    ll = STRLEN(bw->bw_leadstring);
-	    l = choplen = 0;
-	    if (pae->ae_add != NULL)
-		l = STRLEN(pae->ae_add);
-	    if (pae->ae_chop != NULL)
-	    {
-		choplen = STRLEN(pae->ae_chop);
-		if (choplen > ll)	    /* TODO: error? */
-		    choplen = ll;
-	    }
-	    nbw->bw_leadstring = alloc((unsigned)(ll + l - choplen + 1));
-	    if (nbw->bw_leadstring != NULL)
-	    {
-		if (l > 0)
-		    mch_memmove(nbw->bw_leadstring, pae->ae_add, l);
-		STRCPY(nbw->bw_leadstring + l, bw->bw_leadstring + choplen);
-	    }
-	}
-	else
-	    nbw->bw_leadstring = vim_strsave(bw->bw_leadstring);
-    }
-    else if (bw->bw_prefix.ga_len > 0)
+    /* Add each byte of the word to the tree, including the NUL at the end. */
+    for (i = 0; ; ++i)
-	/* There is no leadstring, copy the list of possible prefixes. */
-	ga_init2(&nbw->bw_prefix, sizeof(short_u), 1);
-	if (ga_grow(&nbw->bw_prefix, bw->bw_prefix.ga_len) == OK)
+	/* Look for the sibling that has the same character.  They are sorted
+	 * on byte value, thus stop searching when a sibling is found with a
+	 * higher byte value.  For zero bytes (end of word) check that the
+	 * flags are equal, there is a separate zero byte for each flag value.
+	 */
+	while (node != NULL && (node->wn_byte < word[i]
+			  || (node->wn_byte == 0 && node->wn_flags != flags)))
-	    mch_memmove(nbw->bw_prefix.ga_data, bw->bw_prefix.ga_data,
-				  bw->bw_prefix.ga_len * sizeof(short_u));
-	    nbw->bw_prefix.ga_len = bw->bw_prefix.ga_len;
+	    prev = &node->wn_sibling;
+	    node = *prev;
-    }
-    if (bw->bw_addstring != NULL)
-    {
-	if (sae != NULL)
+	if (node == NULL || node->wn_byte != word[i])
-	    /* Append suffix to addstring. */
-	    l = STRLEN(bw->bw_addstring);
-	    if (sae->ae_chop != NULL)
-	    {
-		l -= STRLEN(sae->ae_chop);
-		if (l < 0)	    /* TODO: error? */
-		    l = 0;
-	    }
-	    if (sae->ae_add == NULL)
-		ll = 0;
-	    else
-		ll = STRLEN(sae->ae_add);
-	    nbw->bw_addstring = alloc((unsigned)(ll + l - choplen + 1));
-	    if (nbw->bw_addstring != NULL)
-	    {
-		STRCPY(nbw->bw_addstring, bw->bw_addstring);
-		if (sae->ae_add == NULL)
-		    nbw->bw_addstring[l] = NUL;
-		else
-		    STRCPY(nbw->bw_addstring + l, sae->ae_add);
-	    }
+	    /* Allocate a new node. */
+	    np = (wordnode_T *)getroom(blp, sizeof(wordnode_T));
+	    if (np == NULL)
+		return FAIL;
+	    np->wn_byte = word[i];
+	    *prev = np;
+	    np->wn_sibling = node;
+	    node = np;
-	else
-	    nbw->bw_addstring = vim_strsave(bw->bw_addstring);
+	if (word[i] == NUL)
+	{
+	    node->wn_flags = flags;
+	    node->wn_region |= region;
+	    break;
+	}
+	prev = &node->wn_child;
+	node = *prev;
     return OK;
- * Add basicword_T "*bw" to wordlist "newwords".
+ * Compress a tree: find tails that are identical and can be shared.
+ */
+    static void
+    wordnode_T	    *root;
+    hashtab_T	    ht;
+    int		    n;
+    int		    tot = 0;
+    if (root != NULL)
+    {
+	hash_init(&ht);
+	n = node_compress(root, &ht, &tot);
+	smsg((char_u *)_("Compressed %d of %d nodes; %d%% remaining"),
+					       n, tot, (tot - n) * 100 / tot);
+	hash_clear(&ht);
+    }
+ * Compress a node, its siblings and its children, depth first.
+ * Returns the number of compressed nodes.
     static int
-add_to_wordlist(newwords, bw)
-    hashtab_T	*newwords;
-    basicword_T	*bw;
+node_compress(node, ht, tot)
+    wordnode_T	*node;
+    hashtab_T	*ht;
+    int		*tot;	    /* total count of nodes before compressing,
+			       incremented while going through the tree */
+    wordnode_T	*np;
+    wordnode_T	*tp;
+    wordnode_T	*child;
+    hash_T	hash;
     hashitem_T	*hi;
-    basicword_T *bw2;
-    int		retval = OK;
+    int		len = 0;
+    unsigned	nr, n;
+    int		compressed = 0;
-    hi = hash_find(newwords, bw->bw_word);
-    if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
+    /*
+     * Go through the list of siblings.  Compress each child and then try
+     * finding an identical child to replace it.
+     * Note that with "child" we mean not just the node that is pointed to,
+     * but the whole list of siblings, of which the node is the first.
+     */
+    for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
-	/* New entry, add to hashlist. */
-	retval = hash_add(newwords, bw->bw_word);
-	bw->bw_next = NULL;
+	++len;
+	if ((child = np->wn_child) != NULL)
+	{
+	    /* Compress the child.  This fills wn_hashkey. */
+	    compressed += node_compress(child, ht, tot);
+	    /* Try to find an identical child. */
+	    hash = hash_hash(child->wn_hashkey);
+	    hi = hash_lookup(ht, child->wn_hashkey, hash);
+	    tp = NULL;
+	    if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
+	    {
+		/* There are children with an identical hash value.  Now check
+		 * if there is one that is really identical. */
+		for (tp = HI2WN(hi); tp != NULL; tp = tp->wn_next)
+		    if (node_equal(child, tp))
+		    {
+			/* Found one!  Now use that child in place of the
+			 * current one.  This means the current child is
+			 * dropped from the tree. */
+			np->wn_child = tp;
+			++compressed;
+			break;
+		    }
+		if (tp == NULL)
+		{
+		    /* No other child with this hash value equals the child of
+		     * the node, add it to the linked list after the first
+		     * item. */
+		    tp = HI2WN(hi);
+		    child->wn_next = tp->wn_next;
+		    tp->wn_next = child;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+		/* No other child has this hash value, add it to the
+		 * hashtable. */
+		hash_add_item(ht, hi, child->wn_hashkey, hash);
+	}
-    else
+    *tot += len;
+    /*
+     * Make a hash key for the node and its siblings, so that we can quickly
+     * find a lookalike node.  This must be done after compressing the sibling
+     * list, otherwise the hash key would become invalid by the compression.
+     */
+    node->wn_hashkey[0] = len;
+    nr = 0;
+    for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
-	/* Existing entry, append to list of basic words. */
-	bw2 = HI2BW(hi);
-	bw->bw_next = bw2->bw_next;
-	bw2->bw_next = bw;
+	if (np->wn_byte == NUL)
+	    /* end node: only use wn_flags and wn_region */
+	    n = np->wn_flags + (np->wn_region << 8);
+	else
+	    /* byte node: use the byte value and the child pointer */
+	    n = np->wn_byte + ((long_u)np->wn_child << 8);
+	nr = nr * 101 + n;
-    return retval;
+    /* Avoid NUL bytes, it terminates the hash key. */
+    n = nr & 0xff;
+    node->wn_hashkey[1] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
+    n = (nr >> 8) & 0xff;
+    node->wn_hashkey[2] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
+    n = (nr >> 16) & 0xff;
+    node->wn_hashkey[3] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
+    n = (nr >> 24) & 0xff;
+    node->wn_hashkey[4] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
+    node->wn_hashkey[5] = NUL;
+    return compressed;
+ * Return TRUE when two nodes have identical siblings and children.
+ */
+    static int
+node_equal(n1, n2)
+    wordnode_T	*n1;
+    wordnode_T	*n2;
+    wordnode_T	*p1;
+    wordnode_T	*p2;
+    for (p1 = n1, p2 = n2; p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL;
+				     p1 = p1->wn_sibling, p2 = p2->wn_sibling)
+	if (p1->wn_byte != p2->wn_byte
+		|| (p1->wn_byte == NUL
+		    ? (p1->wn_flags != p2->wn_flags
+					    || p1->wn_region != p2->wn_region)
+		    : (p1->wn_child != p2->wn_child)))
+	    break;
+    return p1 == NULL && p2 == NULL;
@@ -4142,209 +2360,23 @@ put_bytes(fd, nr, len)
- * Write affix info.  <affitemcnt> <affitem> ...
- */
-    static void
-write_affix(fd, ah)
-    FILE	*fd;
-    affheader_T	*ah;
-    int		i = 0;
-    affentry_T	*ae;
-    char_u	*p;
-    int		round;
-    int		flags;
-    /* Count the number of entries. */
-    for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
-	++i;
-    put_bytes(fd, (long_u)i, 2);		/* <affitemcnt> */
-    /* <affitem>: <affflags> <affchoplen> <affchop> <affaddlen> <affadd> */
-    for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
-    {
-	flags = ah->ah_combine ? AFF_COMBINE : 0;
-	if (ae->ae_preword)
-	    flags |= AFF_PREWORD;
-	fputc(flags, fd);			/* <affflags> */
-	for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-	{
-	    p = round == 1 ? ae->ae_chop : ae->ae_add;
-	    if (p == NULL)
-		putc(0, fd);		/* <affchoplen> / <affaddlen> */
-	    else
-	    {
-		putc(STRLEN(p), fd);	/* <affchoplen> / <affaddlen> */
-					/* <affchop> / <affadd> */
-		fwrite(p, STRLEN(p), (size_t)1, fd);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
- * Write list of affix NRs: <affixcnt> <affixNR> ...
- */
-    static void
-write_affixlist(fd, aff, bytes)
-    FILE	*fd;
-    garray_T	*aff;
-    int		bytes;
-    int		i;
-    if (aff->ga_len > 0)
-    {
-	putc(aff->ga_len, fd);	    /* <affixcnt> */
-	for (i = 0; i < aff->ga_len; ++i)
-	    put_bytes(fd, (long_u )((short_u *)aff->ga_data)[i], bytes);
-    }
- * Vim spell file format:  <HEADER> <PREFIXLIST> <SUFFIXLIST>
- *						    <SUGGEST> <WORDLIST>
- *
- * <HEADER>: <fileID> <regioncnt> <regionname> ...
- *		 <charflagslen> <charflags> <fcharslen> <fchars>
- *
- * <fileID>     10 bytes    "VIMspell04"
- * <regioncnt>  1 byte	    number of regions following (8 supported)
- * <regionname>	2 bytes     Region name: ca, au, etc.
- *			    First <regionname> is region 1.
- *
- * <charflagslen> 1 byte    Number of bytes in <charflags> (should be 128).
- * <charflags>  N bytes     List of flags (first one is for character 128):
- *			    0x01  word character
- *			    0x01  upper-case character
- * <fcharslen>  2 bytes     Number of bytes in <fchars>.
- * <fchars>     N bytes	    Folded characters, first one is for character 128.
- *
- *
- * <PREFIXLIST>: <affcount> <affix> ...
- * <SUFFIXLIST>: <affcount> <affix> ...
- *		list of possible affixes: prefixes and suffixes.
- *
- * <affcount>	2 bytes	    Number of affixes (MSB comes first).
- *                          When more than 256 an affixNR is 2 bytes.
- *                          This is separate for prefixes and suffixes!
- *                          First affixNR is 0.
- *
- * <affix>: <affitemcnt> <affitem> ...
- *
- * <affitemcnt> 2 bytes	    Number of affixes with this affixNR (MSB first).
- *
- * <affitem>: <affflags> <affchoplen> <affchop> <affaddlen> <affadd>
- *
- * <affflags>	1 byte	    0x01: prefix combines with suffix, AFF_COMBINE
- *			    0x02: prefix includes word, AFF_PREWORD
- *			    0x04-0x80: unset
- * <affchoplen> 1 byte	    Length of <affchop> in bytes.
- * <affchop>    N bytes     To be removed from basic word.
- * <affaddlen>  1 byte	    Length of <affadd> in bytes.
- * <affadd>     N bytes     To be added to basic word.
- *
- *
- * <SUGGEST> : <suggestlen> <more> ...
- *
- * <suggestlen> 4 bytes	    Length of <SUGGEST> in bytes, excluding
- *			    <suggestlen>.  MSB first.
- * <more>		    To be defined.
- *
- *
- * <WORDLIST>: <wordcount> <worditem> ...
- *
- * <wordcount>	4 bytes	    Number of <worditem> following.  MSB first.
- *
- * <worditem>: <nr> <string> <flags> [<flags2>]
- *			  [<caselen> <caseword>]
- *			  [<affixcnt> <affixNR> ...]    (prefixes)
- *			  [<affixcnt> <affixNR> ...]	(suffixes)
- *			  [<region>]
- *			  [<addcnt> <add> ...]
- *
- * <nr>	i	1 byte	    Number of bytes copied from previous word.
- * <string>	N bytes	    Additional bytes for word, up to byte smaller than
- *			    0x20 (space).
- *			    Must only contain case-folded word characters.
- * <flags>	1 byte	    0x01: word is valid without addition, BWF_VALID
- *			    0x02: has region byte, BWF_REGION
- *			    0x04: first letter must be upper-case, BWF_ONECAP
- *			    0x08: has suffixes, <affixcnt> and <affixNR> follow
- *					BWF_SUFFIX
- *			    0x10: more flags, <flags2> follows next, BWF_SECOND
- *			    0x20-0x80: can't be used, unset
- * <flags2>	1 byte	    0x01: has additions, <addcnt> and <add> follow,
- *					BWF_ADDS
- *			    0x02: has prefixes, <affixcnt> and <affixNR> follow
- *					BWF_PREFIX
- *			    0x04: all letters must be upper-case, BWF_ALLCAP
- *			    0x08: case must match, BWF_KEEPCAP
- *			    0x10: has more than 255 additions, <addcnt> is two
- *				  bytes, BWF_ADDS_M
- *			    0x10-0x80: unset
- * <caselen>	1 byte	    Length of <caseword>.
- * <caseword>	N bytes	    Word with matching case.
- * <affixcnt>	1 byte	    Number of affix NRs following.
- * <affixNR>	1 or 2 byte Number of possible affix for this word.
- *			    When using 2 bytes MSB comes first.
- * <region>	1 byte	    Bitmask for regions in which word is valid.  When
- *			    omitted it's valid in all regions.
- *			    Lowest bit is for region 1.
- * <addcnt>	1 or 2 byte Number of <add> items following.
- *
- * <add>: <addflags> <addlen> [<leadlen>] [<copylen>] [<addstring>] [<region>]
- *
- * <addflags>	1 byte	    0x01: unset
- *			    0x02: has region byte, ADD_REGION
- *			    0x04: first letter must be upper-case, ADD_ONECAP
- *			    0x08: unset
- *			    0x10: has a <leadlen>, ADD_LEADLEN
- *			    0x20: has a <copylen>, ADD_COPYLEN
- *			    0x40: all letters must be upper-case, ADD_ALLCAP
- *			    0x80: fixed case, <addstring> is the whole word
- *				  with matching case, ADD_KEEPCAP.
- * <addlen>	1 byte	    Length of <addstring> in bytes.
- * <leadlen>	1 byte	    Number of bytes at start of <addstring> that must
- *			    come before the start of the basic word.
- * <copylen>	1 byte	    Number of bytes copied from previous <addstring>.
- * <addstring>	N bytes	    Word characters, before/in/after the word.
- *
- * All text characters are in 'encoding': <affchop>, <affadd>, <string>,
- * <caseword>> and <addstring>.
- * All other fields are ASCII: <regionname>
- * <string> is always case-folded.
- */
  * Write the Vim spell file "fname".
     static void
-write_vim_spell(fname, prefga, suffga, newwords, regcount, regchars, ascii)
+write_vim_spell(fname, spin, regcount, regchars)
     char_u	*fname;
-    garray_T	*prefga;	/* prefixes, affheader_T entries */
-    garray_T	*suffga;	/* suffixes, affheader_T entries */
-    hashtab_T	*newwords;	/* basic words, basicword_T entries */
+    spellinfo_T	*spin;
     int		regcount;	/* number of regions */
     char_u	*regchars;	/* region names */
-    int		ascii;		/* TRUE for ascii spell file */
-    winfo_T	wif;
-    garray_T	*gap;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    char_u	**wtab;
-    int		todo;
-    int		flags, aflags;
-    basicword_T	*bw, *bwf, *bw2 = NULL;
-    int		i;
+    FILE	*fd;
+    int		regionmask;
     int		round;
-    garray_T	bwga;
+    wordnode_T	*tree;
+    int		nodecount;
-    vim_memset(&wif, 0, sizeof(winfo_T));
-    wif.wif_fd = fopen((char *)fname, "w");
-    if (wif.wif_fd == NULL)
+    fd = fopen((char *)fname, "w");
+    if (fd == NULL)
 	EMSG2(_(e_notopen), fname);
@@ -4352,462 +2384,164 @@ write_vim_spell(fname, prefga, suffga, n
     /* <HEADER>: <fileID> <regioncnt> <regionname> ...
      *		 <charflagslen> <charflags> <fcharslen> <fchars> */
-    fwrite(VIMSPELLMAGIC, VIMSPELLMAGICL, (size_t)1, wif.wif_fd); /* <fileID> */
+							    /* <fileID> */
+    if (fwrite(VIMSPELLMAGIC, VIMSPELLMAGICL, (size_t)1, fd) != 1)
+	EMSG(_(e_write));
     /* write the region names if there is more than one */
     if (regcount > 1)
-	putc(regcount, wif.wif_fd);	    /* <regioncnt> <regionname> ... */
-	fwrite(regchars, (size_t)(regcount * 2), (size_t)1, wif.wif_fd);
-	wif.wif_regionmask = (1 << regcount) - 1;
+	putc(regcount, fd);	    /* <regioncnt> <regionname> ... */
+	fwrite(regchars, (size_t)(regcount * 2), (size_t)1, fd);
+	regionmask = (1 << regcount) - 1;
-	putc(0, wif.wif_fd);
-	wif.wif_regionmask = 0;
+	putc(0, fd);
+	regionmask = 0;
     /* Write the table with character flags and table for case folding.
      * <charflagslen> <charflags>  <fcharlen> <fchars>
      * Skip this for ASCII, the table may conflict with the one used for
      * 'encoding'. */
-    if (ascii)
+    if (spin->si_ascii)
-	putc(0, wif.wif_fd);
-	putc(0, wif.wif_fd);
-	putc(0, wif.wif_fd);
+	putc(0, fd);
+	putc(0, fd);
+	putc(0, fd);
-	write_spell_chartab(wif.wif_fd);
+	write_spell_chartab(fd);
-    /* <PREFIXLIST>: <affcount> <affix> ...
-     * <SUFFIXLIST>: <affcount> <affix> ... */
-    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-    {
-	gap = round == 1 ? prefga : suffga;
-	put_bytes(wif.wif_fd, (long_u)gap->ga_len, 2);	    /* <affcount> */
-	for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
-	    write_affix(wif.wif_fd, (affheader_T *)gap->ga_data + i);
-    }
-    /* Number of bytes used for affix NR depends on affix count. */
-    wif.wif_prefm = (prefga->ga_len > 256) ? 2 : 1;
-    wif.wif_suffm = (suffga->ga_len > 256) ? 2 : 1;
     /* <SUGGEST> : <suggestlen> <more> ...
      *  TODO.  Only write a zero length for now. */
-    put_bytes(wif.wif_fd, 0L, 4);			    /* <suggestlen> */
-    /*
-     * <WORDLIST>: <wordcount> <worditem> ...
-     */
-    /* number of basic words in 4 bytes */
-    put_bytes(wif.wif_fd, newwords->ht_used, 4);	    /* <wordcount> */
+    put_bytes(fd, 0L, 4);			/* <suggestlen> */
-     * Sort the word list, so that we can copy as many bytes as possible from
-     * the previous word.
-    wtab = (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(char_u *) * newwords->ht_used));
-    if (wtab != NULL)
+    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-	/* Make a table with pointers to each word. */
-	todo = newwords->ht_used;
-	for (hi = newwords->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
-	    if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-		wtab[--todo] = hi->hi_key;
-	/* Sort. */
-	sort_strings(wtab, (int)newwords->ht_used);
-	/* Now write each basic word to the spell file. */
-	ga_init2(&bwga, sizeof(basicword_T *), 10);
-	for (todo = 0; (long_u)todo < newwords->ht_used; ++todo)
-	{
-	    bwf = KEY2BW(wtab[todo]);
-	    /*
-	     * Reorder the list of basicword_T words: make a list for words
-	     * with the same case-folded word.  Put them together for same
-	     * caps (ONECAP, ALLCAP and various KEEPCAP words) and same
-	     * affixes.  Each list will then be put as a basic word with
-	     * additions.
-	     * This won't take much space, since the basic word is the same
-	     * every time, only its length is written.
-	     */
-	    bwga.ga_len = 0;
-	    for (bw = bwf; bw != NULL; bw = bw->bw_next)
-	    {
-		flags = bw->bw_flags & (BWF_ONECAP | BWF_KEEPCAP | BWF_ALLCAP);
+	tree = (round == 1) ? spin->si_foldroot : spin->si_keeproot;
-		/* Go through the lists we found so far.  Break when the case
-		 * matches. */
-		for (i = 0; i < bwga.ga_len; ++i)
-		{
-		    bw2 = ((basicword_T **)bwga.ga_data)[i];
-		    aflags = bw2->bw_flags & (BWF_ONECAP | BWF_KEEPCAP
-								| BWF_ALLCAP);
-		    if (flags == aflags
-			    && ((flags & BWF_KEEPCAP) == 0
-				|| bw->bw_caseword == NULL
-				|| bw2->bw_caseword == NULL
-				|| STRCMP(bw->bw_caseword,
-						       bw2->bw_caseword) == 0)
-			    && same_affixes(bw, bw2))
-			break;
-		}
-		if (i == bwga.ga_len)
-		{
-		    /* No word with similar caps, make a new list. */
-		    if (ga_grow(&bwga, 1) == FAIL)
-			break;
-		    ((basicword_T **)bwga.ga_data)[i] = bw;
-		    bw->bw_cnext = NULL;
-		    ++bwga.ga_len;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* Add to list of words with similar caps. */
-		    bw->bw_cnext = bw2->bw_cnext;
-		    bw2->bw_cnext = bw;
-		}
-	    }
+	/* Count the number of nodes.  Needed to be able to allocate the
+	 * memory when reading the nodes.  Also fills in the index for shared
+	 * nodes. */
+	nodecount = put_tree(NULL, tree, 0, regionmask);
-	    /* Prefer the word with no caps to use as the first basic word.
-	     * At least one without KEEPCAP. */
-	    bw = NULL;
-	    for (i = 0; i < bwga.ga_len; ++i)
-	    {
-		bw2 = ((basicword_T **)bwga.ga_data)[i];
-		if (bw == NULL
-			|| (bw2->bw_flags & (BWF_ONECAP | BWF_KEEPCAP
-							  | BWF_ALLCAP)) == 0
-			|| (bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP))
-		    bw = bw2;
-	    }
+	/* number of nodes in 4 bytes */
+	put_bytes(fd, (long_u)nodecount, 4);	/* <nodecount> */
-	    /* Write first basic word.  If it's KEEPCAP then we need a word
-	     * without VALID flag first (makes it easier to read the list back
-	     * in). */
-	    if (bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-		write_bword(&wif, bw, TRUE);
-	    write_bword(&wif, bw, FALSE);
-	    /* Write other basic words, with different caps. */
-	    for (i = 0; i < bwga.ga_len; ++i)
-	    {
-		bw2 = ((basicword_T **)bwga.ga_data)[i];
-		if (bw2 != bw)
-		    write_bword(&wif, bw2, FALSE);
-	    }
-	}
-	ga_clear(&bwga);
-	vim_free(wtab);
+	/* Write the nodes. */
+	(void)put_tree(fd, tree, 0, regionmask);
-    fclose(wif.wif_fd);
-    /* Print a few statistics. */
-    if (wif.wif_addmaxw == NULL)
-	wif.wif_addmaxw = (char_u *)"";
-    smsg((char_u *)_("Maximum number of adds on a word: %ld (%s)"),
-					     wif.wif_addmax, wif.wif_addmaxw);
-    smsg((char_u *)_("Average number of adds on a word: %f"),
-			       (float)wif.wif_acount / (float)wif.wif_wcount);
- * Compare two basic words for their <addstring>.
- */
-static int
-#ifdef __BORLANDC__
-bw_compare __ARGS((const void *s1, const void *s2));
-    static int
-#ifdef __BORLANDC__
-bw_compare(s1, s2)
-    const void	*s1;
-    const void	*s2;
-    basicword_T *bw1 = *(basicword_T **)s1;
-    basicword_T *bw2 = *(basicword_T **)s2;
-    int		i = 0;
-    /* compare the leadstrings */
-    if (bw1->bw_leadstring == NULL)
-    {
-	if (bw2->bw_leadstring != NULL)
-	    return 1;
-    }
-    else if (bw2->bw_leadstring == NULL)
-	return -1;
-    else
-	i = STRCMP(bw1->bw_leadstring, bw2->bw_leadstring);
-    if (i == 0)
-    {
-	/* leadstrings are identical, compare the addstrings */
-	if (bw1->bw_addstring == NULL)
-	{
-	    if (bw2->bw_addstring != NULL)
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else if (bw2->bw_addstring == NULL)
-	    return -1;
-	else
-	    i = STRCMP(bw1->bw_addstring, bw2->bw_addstring);
-    }
-    return i;
+    fclose(fd);
- * Write basic word, followed by any additions.
+ * Dump a word tree at node "node".
+ *
+ * This first writes the list of possible bytes (siblings).  Then for each
+ * byte recursively write the children.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The code here must match the code in read_tree(), since assumptions
+ * are made about the indexes (so that we don't have to write them in the
+ * file).
- * <worditem>: <nr> <string> <flags> [<flags2>]
- *			  [<caselen> <caseword>]
- *			  [<affixcnt> <affixNR> ...]    (prefixes)
- *			  [<affixcnt> <affixNR> ...]	(suffixes)
- *			  [<region>]
- *			  [<addcnt> <add> ...]
+ * Returns the number of nodes used.
-    static void
-write_bword(wif, bwf, lowcap)
-    winfo_T	*wif;		/* info for writing */
-    basicword_T	*bwf;
-    int		lowcap;		/* write KEEPKAP word as not-valid */
+    static int
+put_tree(fd, node, index, regionmask)
+    FILE	*fd;	    /* NULL when only counting */
+    wordnode_T	*node;
+    int		index;
+    int		regionmask;
-    FILE	*fd = wif->wif_fd;
+    int		newindex = index;
+    int		siblingcount = 0;
+    wordnode_T	*np;
     int		flags;
-    int		aflags;
-    int		len;
-    int		leadlen, addlen;
-    int		copylen;
-    int		clen;
-    int		adds = 0;
-    int		i;
-    int		idx;
-    basicword_T *bw, *bw2;
-    basicword_T **wtab;
-    int		count;
-    int		l;
+    /* If "node" is zero the tree is empty. */
+    if (node == NULL)
+	return 0;
+    /* Store the index where this node is written. */
+    node->wn_index = index;
-    /* Check how many bytes can be copied from the previous word. */
-    len = STRLEN(bwf->bw_word);
-    if (wif->wif_prevbw == NULL)
-	clen = 0;
-    else
-	for (clen = 0; clen < len
-		&& wif->wif_prevbw->bw_word[clen] == bwf->bw_word[clen]; ++clen)
-	    ;
-    putc(clen, fd);				/* <nr> */
-    wif->wif_prevbw = bwf;
-						/* <string> */
-    if (len > clen)
-	fwrite(bwf->bw_word + clen, (size_t)(len - clen), (size_t)1, fd);
+    /* Count the number of siblings. */
+    for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
+	++siblingcount;
-    /* Try to find a word without additions to use first. */
-    bw = bwf;
-    for (bw2 = bwf; bw2 != NULL; bw2 = bw2->bw_cnext)
-    {
-	if (bw2->bw_addstring != NULL || bw2->bw_leadstring != NULL)
-	    ++adds;
-	else
-	    bw = bw2;
-    }
+    /* Write the sibling count. */
+    if (fd != NULL)
+	putc(siblingcount, fd);				/* <siblingcount> */
-    /* Flags: If there is no leadstring and no addstring the basic word is
-     * valid, may have prefixes, suffixes and region. */
-    flags = bw->bw_flags;
-    if (bw->bw_addstring == NULL && bw->bw_leadstring == NULL)
+    /* Write each sibling byte and optionally extra info. */
+    for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
-	flags |= BWF_VALID;
-	/* Flags: add the region byte if the word isn't valid in all
-	 * regions. */
-	if (wif->wif_regionmask != 0 && (bw->bw_region & wif->wif_regionmask)
-						       != wif->wif_regionmask)
-	    flags |= BWF_REGION;
-    }
-    /* Add the prefix/suffix list if there are prefixes/suffixes. */
-    if (bw->bw_leadstring == NULL && bw->bw_prefix.ga_len > 0)
-	flags |= BWF_PREFIX;
-    if (bw->bw_addstring == NULL && bw->bw_suffix.ga_len > 0)
-	flags |= BWF_SUFFIX;
-    /* Flags: may have additions. */
-    if (adds > 0)
-    {
-	flags |= BWF_ADDS;
-	if (adds >= 256)
-	    flags |= BWF_ADDS_M;
-    }
+	if (np->wn_byte == 0)
+	{
+	    if (fd != NULL)
+	    {
+		/* For a NUL byte (end of word) instead of the byte itself
+		 * we write the flag/region items. */
+		flags = np->wn_flags;
+		if (regionmask != 0 && np->wn_region != regionmask)
+		    flags |= WF_REGION;
+		if (flags == 0)
+		{
+		    /* word without flags or region */
+		    putc(BY_NOFLAGS, fd);		/* <byte> */
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    putc(BY_FLAGS, fd);		/* <byte> */
+		    putc(flags, fd);		/* <flags> */
+		    if (flags & WF_REGION)
+			putc(np->wn_region, fd);	/* <regionmask> */
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    if (np->wn_child->wn_index != 0 && np->wn_child->wn_wnode != node)
+	    {
+		/* The child is written elsewhere, write the reference. */
+		if (fd != NULL)
+		{
+		    putc(BY_INDEX, fd);			/* <byte> */
+							/* <nodeidx> */
+		    put_bytes(fd, (long_u)np->wn_child->wn_index, 3);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else if (np->wn_child->wn_wnode == NULL)
+		/* We will write the child below and give it an index. */
+		np->wn_child->wn_wnode = node;
-    /* The dummy word before a KEEPCAP word doesn't have any flags, they are
-     * in the actual word that follows. */
-    if (lowcap)
-	flags = 0;
-    /* Flags: when the upper byte is not used we only write one flags
-     * byte, if it's used then set an extra flag in the first byte and
-     * also write the second byte. */
-    if ((flags & 0xff00) == 0)
-	putc(flags, fd);			/* <flags> */
-    else
-    {
-	putc(flags | BWF_SECOND, fd);		/* <flags> */
-	putc((int)((unsigned)flags >> 8), fd);	/* <flags2> */
-    }
-    /* First dummy word doesn't need anything but flags. */
-    if (lowcap)
-	return;
-    if ((flags & BWF_KEEPCAP) && bw->bw_caseword != NULL)
-    {
-	len = STRLEN(bw->bw_caseword);
-	putc(len, fd);			/* <caselen> */
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-	    putc(bw->bw_caseword[i], fd);	/* <caseword> */
+	    if (fd != NULL)
+		if (putc(np->wn_byte, fd) == EOF) /* <byte> or <xbyte> */
+		{
+		    EMSG(_(e_write));
+		    return 0;
+		}
+	}
-    /* write prefix and suffix lists: <affixcnt> <affixNR> ... */
-    if (flags & BWF_PREFIX)
-	write_affixlist(fd, &bw->bw_prefix, wif->wif_prefm);
-    if (flags & BWF_SUFFIX)
-	write_affixlist(fd, &bw->bw_suffix, wif->wif_suffm);
-    if (flags & BWF_REGION)
-	putc(bw->bw_region, fd);		/* <region> */
-    ++wif->wif_wcount;
-    /*
-     * Additions.
-     */
-    if (adds > 0)
-    {
-	if (adds >= 256)
-	    put_bytes(fd, (long_u)adds, 2);	/* 2 byte <addcnt> */
-	else
-	    putc(adds, fd);			/* 1 byte <addcnt> */
-	/* statistics */
-	wif->wif_acount += adds;
-	if (wif->wif_addmax < adds)
-	{
-	    wif->wif_addmax = adds;
-	    wif->wif_addmaxw = bw->bw_word;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Sort the list of additions, so that we can copy as many bytes as
-	 * possible from the previous addstring.
-	 */
-	/* Make a table with pointers to each basic word that has additions. */
-	wtab = (basicword_T **)alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(basicword_T *) * adds));
-	if (wtab == NULL)
-	    return;
-	count = 0;
-	for (bw = bwf; bw != NULL; bw = bw->bw_cnext)
-	    if (bw->bw_leadstring != NULL || bw->bw_addstring != NULL)
-		wtab[count++] = bw;
-	/* Sort. */
-	qsort((void *)wtab, (size_t)count, sizeof(basicword_T *), bw_compare);
-	/* Now write each basic word to the spell file.  Copy bytes from the
-	 * previous leadstring/addstring if possible. */
-	bw2 = NULL;
-	for (idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
-	{
-	    bw = wtab[idx];
+    /* Space used in the array when reading: one for each sibling and one for
+     * the count. */
+    newindex += siblingcount + 1;
-	    /* <add>: <addflags> <addlen> [<leadlen>] [<copylen>]
-	     *				[<addstring>] [<region>] */
-	    copylen = 0;
-	    if (bw->bw_leadstring == NULL)
-		leadlen = 0;
-	    else
-	    {
-		leadlen = STRLEN(bw->bw_leadstring);
-		if (bw2 != NULL && bw2->bw_leadstring != NULL)
-		    for ( ; copylen < leadlen; ++copylen)
-			if (bw->bw_leadstring[copylen]
-					   != bw2->bw_leadstring[copylen])
-			    break;
-	    }
-	    if (bw->bw_addstring == NULL)
-		addlen = 0;
-	    else
-	    {
-		addlen = STRLEN(bw->bw_addstring);
-		if (bw2 != NULL && copylen == leadlen
-					     && bw2->bw_addstring != NULL)
-		{
-		    for (i = 0; i < addlen; ++i)
-			if (bw->bw_addstring[i] != bw2->bw_addstring[i])
-			    break;
-		    copylen += i;
-		}
-	    }
-	    aflags = 0;
-	    /* Only copy bytes when it's more than one, the length itself
-	     * takes an extra byte. */
-	    if (copylen > 1)
-		aflags |= ADD_COPYLEN;
-	    else
-		copylen = 0;
+    /* Recursively dump the children of each sibling. */
+    for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
+	if (np->wn_byte != 0 && np->wn_child->wn_wnode == node)
+	    newindex = put_tree(fd, np->wn_child, newindex, regionmask);
-	    if (bw->bw_flags & BWF_ONECAP)
-		aflags |= ADD_ONECAP;
-	    if (bw->bw_flags & BWF_ALLCAP)
-		aflags |= ADD_ALLCAP;
-	    if (bw->bw_flags & BWF_KEEPCAP)
-		aflags |= ADD_KEEPCAP;
-	    if (wif->wif_regionmask != 0 && (bw->bw_region
-			    & wif->wif_regionmask) != wif->wif_regionmask)
-		aflags |= ADD_REGION;
-	    if (leadlen > 0)
-		aflags |= ADD_LEADLEN;
-	    putc(aflags, fd);		    /* <addflags> */
-	    putc(leadlen + addlen, fd);			/* <addlen> */
-	    if (aflags & ADD_LEADLEN)
-		putc(leadlen, fd);			/* <leadlen> */
-	    if (aflags & ADD_COPYLEN)
-		putc(copylen, fd);			/* <copylen> */
-							/* <addstring> */
-	    if (leadlen > copylen && bw->bw_leadstring != NULL)
-		fwrite(bw->bw_leadstring + copylen,
-				  (size_t)(leadlen - copylen), (size_t)1, fd);
-	    if (leadlen + addlen > copylen && bw->bw_addstring != NULL)
-	    {
-		if (copylen >= leadlen)
-		    l = copylen - leadlen;
-		else
-		    l = 0;
-		fwrite(bw->bw_addstring + l,
-					 (size_t)(addlen - l), (size_t)1, fd);
-	    }
-	    if (aflags & ADD_REGION)
-		putc(bw->bw_region, fd);		/* <region> */
-	    bw2 = bw;
-	}
-	vim_free(wtab);
-    }
+    return newindex;
@@ -4823,20 +2557,19 @@ ex_mkspell(eap)
     char_u	fname[MAXPATHL];
     char_u	wfname[MAXPATHL];
     afffile_T	*(afile[8]);
-    hashtab_T	dfile[8];
     int		i;
     int		len;
     char_u	region_name[16];
     struct stat	st;
-    int		round;
-    vimconv_T	conv;
-    int		ascii = FALSE;
     char_u	*arg = eap->arg;
     int		error = FALSE;
+    spellinfo_T spin;
+    vim_memset(&spin, 0, sizeof(spin));
     if (STRNCMP(arg, "-ascii", 6) == 0)
-	ascii = TRUE;
+	spin.si_ascii = TRUE;
 	arg = skipwhite(arg + 6);
@@ -4852,7 +2585,7 @@ ex_mkspell(eap)
 	/* Check for overwriting before doing things that may take a lot of
 	 * time. */
 	vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, sizeof(wfname), "%s.%s.spl", fnames[0],
-					   ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : p_enc);
+				   spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : p_enc);
 	if (!eap->forceit && mch_stat((char *)wfname, &st) >= 0)
@@ -4871,7 +2604,7 @@ ex_mkspell(eap)
 	for (i = 1; i < fcount; ++i)
 	    afile[i - 1] = NULL;
-	    hash_init(&dfile[i - 1]);
 	    if (fcount > 2)
 		len = STRLEN(fnames[i]);
@@ -4893,192 +2626,96 @@ ex_mkspell(eap)
 	 * used spell properties. */
+	spin.si_foldroot = wordtree_alloc(&spin.si_blocks);
+	spin.si_keeproot = wordtree_alloc(&spin.si_blocks);
+	if (spin.si_foldroot == NULL || spin.si_keeproot == NULL)
+	{
+	    error = TRUE;
+	    goto theend;
+	}
 	 * Read all the .aff and .dic files.
 	 * Text is converted to 'encoding'.
+	 * Words are stored in the case-folded and keep-case trees.
-	for (i = 1; i < fcount; ++i)
+	for (i = 1; i < fcount && !error; ++i)
-	    /* Read the .aff file.  Will init "conv" based on the "SET" line. */
-	    conv.vc_type = CONV_NONE;
+	    spin.si_conv.vc_type = CONV_NONE;
+	    spin.si_region = 1 << (i - 1);
 	    vim_snprintf((char *)fname, sizeof(fname), "%s.aff", fnames[i]);
-	    if ((afile[i - 1] = spell_read_aff(fname, &conv, ascii)) == NULL)
-		break;
-	    /* Read the .dic file. */
-	    vim_snprintf((char *)fname, sizeof(fname), "%s.dic", fnames[i]);
-	    if (spell_read_dic(&dfile[i - 1], fname, &conv, ascii) == FAIL)
-		break;
+	    if (mch_stat((char *)fname, &st) >= 0)
+	    {
+		/* Read the .aff file.  Will init "spin->si_conv" based on the
+		 * "SET" line. */
+		afile[i - 1] = spell_read_aff(fname, &spin);
+		if (afile[i - 1] == NULL)
+		    error = TRUE;
+		else
+		{
+		    /* Read the .dic file and store the words in the trees. */
+		    vim_snprintf((char *)fname, sizeof(fname), "%s.dic",
+								   fnames[i]);
+		    if (spell_read_dic(fname, &spin, afile[i - 1]) == FAIL)
+			error = TRUE;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		/* No .aff file, try reading the file as a word list.  Store
+		 * the words in the trees. */
+		if (spell_read_wordfile(fnames[i], &spin) == FAIL)
+		    error = TRUE;
+	    }
 	    /* Free any conversion stuff. */
-	    convert_setup(&conv, NULL, NULL);
+	    convert_setup(&spin.si_conv, NULL, NULL);
-	/* Process the data when all the files could be read. */
-	if (i == fcount)
+	if (!error)
-	    garray_T	prefga;
-	    garray_T	suffga;
-	    garray_T	*gap;
-	    hashtab_T	newwords;
-	     * Combine all the affixes into one new affix list.  This is done
-	     * for prefixes and suffixes separately.
-	     * We need to do this for each region, try to re-use the same
-	     * affixes.
-	     * Since we number the new affix entries, a growarray will do.  In
-	     * the affheader_T the ah_key is unused.
+	     * Remove the dummy NUL from the start of the tree root.
-	    MSG(_("Combining affixes..."));
-	    out_flush();
-	    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-	    {
-		gap = round == 1 ? &prefga : &suffga;
-		ga_init2(gap, sizeof(affheader_T), 50);
-		for (i = 1; i < fcount; ++i)
-		    get_new_aff(round == 1 ? &afile[i - 1]->af_pref
-					   : &afile[i - 1]->af_suff,
-					   gap, round == 1);
-	    }
+	    spin.si_foldroot = spin.si_foldroot->wn_sibling;
+	    spin.si_keeproot = spin.si_keeproot->wn_sibling;
-	     * Go over all words and:
-	     * - change the old affix names to the new affix numbers
-	     * - check the conditions
-	     * - fold case
-	     * - extract the basic word and additions.
-	     * Do this for each region.
+	     * Combine tails in the tree.
-	    MSG(_("Building word list..."));
+	    MSG(_("Compressing word tree..."));
-	    hash_init(&newwords);
-	    for (i = 1; i < fcount; ++i)
-		build_wordlist(&newwords, &dfile[i - 1], afile[i - 1],
-								1 << (i - 1));
-	    if (fcount > 2)
-	    {
-		/* Combine words for the different regions into one. */
-		MSG(_("Combining regions..."));
-		out_flush();
-		combine_regions(&newwords);
-	    }
-	    /*
-	     * Affixes on a word with additions are clumsy, would require
-	     * inefficient searching.  Turn the affixes into additions and/or
-	     * the expanded word.
-	     */
-	    MSG(_("Processing words..."));
-	    out_flush();
-	    error = expand_affixes(&newwords, &prefga, &suffga) == FAIL;
-	    if (!error)
-	    {
-		/* Write the info in the spell file. */
-		smsg((char_u *)_("Writing spell file %s..."), wfname);
-		out_flush();
-		write_vim_spell(wfname, &prefga, &suffga, &newwords,
-					      fcount - 1, region_name, ascii);
-		MSG(_("Done!"));
-		out_flush();
-	    }
-	    /* Free the allocated stuff. */
-	    free_wordtable(&newwords);
-	    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
-	    {
-		gap = round == 1 ? &prefga: &suffga;
-		for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
-		    free_affixentries(((affheader_T *)gap->ga_data + i)
-								  ->ah_first);
-		ga_clear(gap);
-	    }
+	    wordtree_compress(spin.si_foldroot);
+	    wordtree_compress(spin.si_keeproot);
-	/* Free the .aff and .dic file structures. */
+	if (!error)
+	{
+	    /*
+	     * Write the info in the spell file.
+	     */
+	    smsg((char_u *)_("Writing spell file %s..."), wfname);
+	    out_flush();
+	    write_vim_spell(wfname, &spin, fcount - 1, region_name);
+	    MSG(_("Done!"));
+	    out_flush();
+	}
+	/* Free the allocated memory. */
+	free_blocks(spin.si_blocks);
+	/* Free the .aff file structures. */
 	for (i = 1; i < fcount; ++i)
-	{
 	    if (afile[i - 1] != NULL)
 		spell_free_aff(afile[i - 1]);
-	    spell_free_dic(&dfile[i - 1]);
-	}
     FreeWild(fcount, fnames);
-    static void
-    hashtab_T	*ht;
-    int		todo;
-    basicword_T	*bw, *nbw;
-    hashitem_T	*hi;
-    todo = ht->ht_used;
-    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
-    {
-	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
-	{
-	    --todo;
-	    for (bw = HI2BW(hi); bw != NULL; bw = nbw)
-	    {
-		nbw = bw->bw_next;
-		free_basicword(bw);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
- * Free a basicword_T and what it contains.
- */
-    static void
-    basicword_T	*bw;
-    ga_clear(&bw->bw_prefix);
-    ga_clear(&bw->bw_suffix);
-    vim_free(bw->bw_caseword);
-    vim_free(bw->bw_leadstring);
-    vim_free(bw->bw_addstring);
-    vim_free(bw);
- * Free a list of affentry_T and what they contain.
- */
-    static void
-    affentry_T	*first;
-    affentry_T	*ap, *an;
-    for (ap = first; ap != NULL; ap = an)
-    {
-	an = ap->ae_next;
-	free_affix_entry(ap);
-    }
- * Free one affentry_T and what it contains.
- */
-    static void
-    affentry_T *ap;
-    vim_free(ap->ae_chop);
-    vim_free(ap->ae_add);
-    vim_free(ap->ae_cond);
-    vim_free(ap->ae_prog);
-    vim_free(ap);
 #endif  /* FEAT_MBYTE */
 #endif  /* FEAT_SYN_HL */