diff runtime/syntax/euphoria4.vim @ 5692:80e5f9584b02

Update runtime files. Add Euphoria syntax files.
author Bram Moolenaar <bram@vim.org>
date Mon, 24 Feb 2014 02:51:51 +0100
children c2098c3095e7
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/euphoria4.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	Euphoria 4.0.5 (http://www.RapidEuphoria.com)
+" Maintainer:	Shian Lee  
+" Last Change:	2014 Feb 23 (for Vim 7.4)
+" Remark:       Using 'euphoria3.vim' if "$EUDIR\BIN\EX.EXE" or "$EUDIR/bin/exu" 
+"               file exist; else, using 'euphoria4.vim' for Euphoria 4.x.x.
+" Filetype:     *.e, *.eu, *.ew, *.ex, *.exu, *.exw (also in UPPER case).
+"               note: *.e|*.E are used by Eiffel; for solution see :help filetype. 
+" Quit if a (custom) syntax file was already loaded (compatible with Vim 5.8): 
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" Should suffice for very long strings and expressions:
+syn sync lines=40
+" Euphoria is a case-sensitive language (with only 4 builtin types):
+syntax case match 
+" Some keywords/Builtins for Debug - from $EUDIR/include/euphoria/keywords.e:
+syn keyword euphoria4Debug	with without trace profile batch check indirect 
+syn keyword euphoria4Debug	includes inline warning define
+" Keywords for conditional compilation - from $EUDIR/include/euphoria/keywords.e:
+syn keyword euphoria4PreProc	elsedef elsifdef ifdef 
+" Keywords (Statments) - from $EUDIR/include/euphoria/keywords.e:
+syn keyword euphoria4Keyword	and as break by case constant continue do else     
+syn keyword euphoria4Keyword	elsif end entry enum exit export
+syn keyword euphoria4Keyword	fallthru for function global goto if include
+syn keyword euphoria4Keyword	label loop namespace not or override procedure
+syn keyword euphoria4Keyword	public retry return routine switch then to type
+syn keyword euphoria4Keyword	until while xor
+" Builtins (Identifiers) - from $EUDIR/include/euphoria/keywords.e:
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	abort and_bits append arctan atom c_func c_proc 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	call call_func call_proc clear_screen close 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	command_line compare cos date delete delete_routine 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	equal find floor get_key getc getenv gets hash 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	head include_paths insert integer length log 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	machine_func machine_proc match mem_copy mem_set 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	not_bits object open option_switches or_bits peek 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	peek2s peek2u peek4s peek4u peek_string peeks pixel 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	platform poke poke2 poke4 position power prepend 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	print printf puts rand remainder remove repeat 
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	replace routine_id sequence sin splice sprintf
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	sqrt system system_exec tail tan task_clock_start
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	task_clock_stop task_create task_list task_schedule
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	task_self task_status task_suspend task_yield time
+syn keyword euphoria4Builtin	xor_bits
+" Builtins (Identifiers) shortcuts for length() and print():
+syn match   euphoria4Builtin	"\$" 
+syn match   euphoria4Builtin	"?"
+" Library Identifiers (Function) - grep from $EUDIR/include/*:
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	DEP_on SyntaxColor abbreviate_path abs absolute_path
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	accept add add_item all_copyrights all_matches
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	allocate allocate_code allocate_data allocate_low
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	allocate_pointer_array allocate_protect
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	allocate_string allocate_string_pointer_array
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	allocate_wstring allocations allow_break any_key
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	append_lines apply approx arccos arccosh arcsin
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	arcsinh arctanh assert at atan2 atom_to_float32
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	atom_to_float64 attr_to_colors avedev average
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	begins binary_search bind binop_ok bits_to_int
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	bk_color breakup build_commandline build_list
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	bytes_to_int calc_hash calc_primes call_back
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	canon2win canonical canonical_path ceil
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	central_moment chance char_test chdir
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	check_all_blocks check_break check_free_list
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	checksum clear clear_directory close cmd_parse
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	colors_to_attr columnize combine connect
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	console_colors copy copy_file cosh count crash
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	crash_file crash_message crash_routine create
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	create_directory create_file curdir current_dir
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	cursor custom_sort datetime days_in_month
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	days_in_year db_cache_clear db_clear_table db_close
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	db_compress db_connect db_create db_create_table
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	db_current db_current_table db_delete_record
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	db_delete_table db_dump db_fetch_record db_find_key
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	db_get_errors db_get_recid db_insert db_open
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	db_record_data db_record_key db_record_recid
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	db_rename_table db_replace_data db_replace_recid
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	db_select db_select_table db_set_caching
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	db_table_list db_table_size deallocate decanonical
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	decode defaulted_value defaultext define_c_func
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	define_c_proc define_c_var deg2rad delete_file
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	dep_works dequote deserialize diff dir dir_size
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	dirname disk_metrics disk_size display
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	display_text_image dnsquery driveid dump dup emovavg
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	encode ends ensure_in_list ensure_in_range
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	error_code error_message error_no error_string
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	error_to_string escape euphoria_copyright exec
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	exp extract fetch fib file_exists file_length
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	file_timestamp file_type filebase fileext filename
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	filter find_all find_all_but find_any find_each
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	find_nested find_replace find_replace_callback
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	find_replace_limit flags_to_string flatten
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	float32_to_atom float64_to_atom flush for_each
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	format frac free free_code free_console free_low
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	free_pointer_array from_date from_unix gcd geomean
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	get get_bytes get_charsets get_def_lang
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	get_display_page get_dstring get_encoding_properties
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	get_integer16 get_integer32 get_lang_path get_lcid
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	get_mouse get_option get_ovector_size get_pid
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	get_position get_rand get_screen_char get_text
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	get_vector getaddrinfo getmxrr getnsrr graphics_mode
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	harmean has has_console has_match hex_text
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	host_by_addr host_by_name http_get http_post iff
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	iif info init_class init_curdir insertion_sort
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	instance int_to_bits int_to_bytes intdiv
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	is_DEP_supported is_empty is_even is_even_obj
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	is_in_list is_in_range is_inetaddr is_leap_year
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	is_match is_using_DEP is_win_nt join join_path
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	keep_comments keep_newlines key_codes keys keyvalues
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	kill kurtosis lang_load larger_of largest last
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	listen load load_map locate_file lock_file
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	lock_memory log10 lookup lower malloc mapping
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	match_all match_any match_replace matches max
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	maybe_any_key median memory_used merge message_box
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	mid min minsize mod mode money mouse_events
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	mouse_pointer movavg move_file nested_get
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	nested_put new new_extra new_from_kvpairs
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	new_from_string new_time next_prime now now_gmt
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	number open_dll optimize option_spec_to_string
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	or_all	pad_head pad_tail pairs parse
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	parse_commandline parse_ip_address parse_querystring
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	parse_url patch pathinfo pathname pcre_copyright
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	peek_end peek_top peek_wstring pivot platform_name
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	poke_string poke_wstring pop powof2 prepare_block
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	pretty_print pretty_sprint prime_list process_lines
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	product project prompt_number prompt_string proper
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	push put put_integer16 put_integer32 put_screen_char
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	quote rad2deg rand_range range raw_frequency read
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	read_bitmap read_file read_lines receive receive_from
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	register_block rehash remove_all remove_directory
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	remove_dups remove_item remove_subseq rename_file
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	repeat_pattern reset retain_all reverse rfind rmatch
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	rnd rnd_1 roll rotate rotate_bits round safe_address
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	sample save_bitmap save_map save_text_image scroll
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	seek select send send_to serialize series
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	service_by_name service_by_port set
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	set_accumulate_summary set_charsets set_colors
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	set_decimal_mark set_def_lang set_default_charsets
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	set_encoding_properties set_keycodes set_lang_path
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	set_option set_rand set_test_abort set_test_verbosity
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	set_vector set_wait_on_summary setenv shift_bits
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	show_block show_help show_tokens shuffle shutdown
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	sign sim_index sinh size skewness sleep slice small
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	smaller_of smallest sort sort_columns sound split
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	split_any split_limit split_path sprint start_time
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	statistics stdev store string_numbers subtract sum
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	sum_central_moments swap tanh task_delay temp_file
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	test_equal test_exec test_fail test_false
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	test_not_equal test_pass test_read test_report
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	test_true test_write text_color text_rows threshold
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	tick_rate to_integer to_number to_string to_unix
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	tokenize_file tokenize_string top transform translate
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	transmute trim trim_head trim_tail trsprintf trunc
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	type_of uname unlock_file unregister_block unsetenv
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	upper use_vesa valid valid_index value values version
+syn keyword euphoria4Library	version_date version_major version_minor version_node
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	version_patch version_revision version_string
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	version_string_long version_string_short version_type
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	video_config vlookup vslice wait_key walk_dir
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	warning_file weeks_day where which_bit wildcard_file
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	wildcard_match wrap write write_file write_lines
+syn keyword euphoria4Library 	writef writefln years_day
+" Library Identifiers (Type) - grep from $EUDIR/include/*:
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	ascii_string boolean bordered_address byte_range
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	case_flagset_type color cstring datetime
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	file_number file_position graphics_point
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	integer_array lcid lock_type machine_addr map 
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	mixture number_array option_spec
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	page_aligned_address positive_int process regex
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	sequence_array socket stack std_library_address
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	string t_alnum t_alpha t_ascii t_boolean
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	t_bytearray t_cntrl t_consonant t_digit t_display
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	t_graph t_identifier t_lower t_print t_punct
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	t_space t_specword t_text t_upper t_vowel t_xdigit
+syn keyword euphoria4Type	valid_memory_protection_constant valid_wordsize
+" Linux shell comment (#!...):
+syn match   euphoria4Comment	"\%^#!.*$"
+" Single and multilines comments: 
+syn region  euphoria4Comment 	start=/--/ end=/$/ 
+syn region  euphoria4Comment 	start="/\*" end="\*/" 
+" Delimiters and brackets:
+syn match   euphoria4Delimit	"[([\])]"
+syn match   euphoria4Delimit	"\.\."
+syn match   euphoria4Delimit	":"
+syn match   euphoria4Operator	"[{}]"
+" Character constant:
+syn region  euphoria4Char	start=/'/ skip=/\\'\|\\\\/ end=/'/ oneline
+" Single and multiline string constant: 
+syn region  euphoria4String	start=/"\|b"\|x"/ skip=/\\"\|\\\\/ end=/"/ oneline
+syn region  euphoria4String	start=/`/ end=/`/
+syn region  euphoria4String	start=/"""/ end=/"""/
+" Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hexadecimal integer:
+syn match   euphoria4Number 	"\<0b[01_]\+\>"
+syn match   euphoria4Number 	"\<0t[0-7_]\+\>"
+syn match   euphoria4Number 	"\<0d[0-9_]\+\>"
+syn match   euphoria4Number 	"\<0x[0-9A-Fa-f_]\+\>"
+syn match   euphoria4Number 	"#[0-9A-Fa-f_]\+\>"
+" Integer/Floating point without a dot:
+syn match   euphoria4Number	"\<\d\+\>"
+" Floating point with dot:
+syn match   euphoria4Number	"\<\d\+\.\d*\>"
+" Floating point starting with a dot:
+syn match   euphoria4Number	"\.\d\+\>"
+" Boolean constants: 
+syn keyword euphoria4Boolean	true TRUE false FALSE
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only used when an item doesn't have highlighting yet:
+hi def link euphoria4Comment	Comment
+hi def link euphoria4String	String
+hi def link euphoria4Char	Character
+hi def link euphoria4Number	Number	
+hi def link euphoria4Boolean	Boolean	
+hi def link euphoria4Builtin	Identifier	
+hi def link euphoria4Library 	Function	
+hi def link euphoria4Type 	Type	
+hi def link euphoria4Keyword	Statement	
+hi def link euphoria4Operator	Statement		
+hi def link euphoria4Debug	Debug	
+hi def link euphoria4Delimit	Delimiter	
+hi def link euphoria4PreProc	PreProc	
+let b:current_syntax = "euphoria4"