diff src/testdir/test_vim9_class.vim @ 32670:695b50472e85

Fix line endings issue
author Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
date Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:13:12 +0200
parents 448aef880252
children d35204b890af
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/testdir/test_vim9_class.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_vim9_class.vim
@@ -1,1878 +1,1878 @@
-" Test Vim9 classes
-source check.vim
-import './vim9.vim' as v9
-def Test_class_basic()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      class NotWorking
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1316:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class notWorking
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1314:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Not@working
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1315:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      abstract noclass Something
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E475:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      abstract classy Something
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E475:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-      endcl
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1065:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-      endclass school's out
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E488:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-      endclass | echo 'done'
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E488:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this.
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this .count
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this. count
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this.count: number
-        that.count
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1318: Not a valid command in a class: that.count')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this.count
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1022:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        def new()
-          this.state = 0
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var obj = Something.new()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1089:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this.count : number
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1059:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this.count:number
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1069:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum: number
-        this.col: number
-        # make a nicely formatted string
-        def ToString(): string
-          return $'({this.lnum}, {this.col})'
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      # use the automatically generated new() method
-      var pos = TextPosition.new(2, 12)
-      assert_equal(2, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(12, pos.col)
-      # call an object method
-      assert_equal('(2, 12)', pos.ToString())
-      assert_equal(v:t_class, type(TextPosition))
-      assert_equal(v:t_object, type(pos))
-      assert_equal('class<TextPosition>', typename(TextPosition))
-      assert_equal('object<TextPosition>', typename(pos))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_defined_twice()
-  # class defined twice should fail
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class There
-      endclass
-      class There
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1041: Redefining script item: "There"')
-  # one class, reload same script twice is OK
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class There
-      endclass
-  END
-  writefile(lines, 'XclassTwice.vim', 'D')
-  source XclassTwice.vim
-  source XclassTwice.vim
-def Test_returning_null_object()
-  # this was causing an internal error
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class BufferList
-          def Current(): any
-              return null_object
-          enddef
-      endclass
-      var buffers = BufferList.new()
-      echo buffers.Current()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_using_null_class()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      @_ = null_class.member
-  END
-  v9.CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, ['E715:', 'E1363:'])
-def Test_class_interface_wrong_end()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      abstract class SomeName
-        this.member = 'text'
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E476: Invalid command: endinterface, expected endclass')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      export interface AnotherName
-        this.member: string
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E476: Invalid command: endclass, expected endinterface')
-def Test_object_not_set()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class State
-        this.value = 'xyz'
-      endclass
-      var state: State
-      var db = {'xyz': 789}
-      echo db[state.value]
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1360:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Class
-          this.id: string
-          def Method1()
-              echo 'Method1' .. this.id
-          enddef
-      endclass
-      var obj: Class
-      def Func()
-          obj.Method1()
-      enddef
-      Func()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1360:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Background
-        this.background = 'dark'
-      endclass
-      class Colorscheme
-        this._bg: Background
-        def GetBackground(): string
-          return this._bg.background
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var bg: Background           # UNINITIALIZED
-      echo Colorscheme.new(bg).GetBackground()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected object<Background> but got object<Unknown>')
-  # TODO: this should not give an error but be handled at runtime
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Class
-          this.id: string
-          def Method1()
-              echo 'Method1' .. this.id
-          enddef
-      endclass
-      var obj = null_object
-      def Func()
-          obj.Method1()
-      enddef
-      Func()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1363:')
-def Test_class_member_initializer()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum: number = 1
-        this.col: number = 1
-        # constructor with only the line number
-        def new(lnum: number)
-          this.lnum = lnum
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var pos = TextPosition.new(3)
-      assert_equal(3, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
-      var instr = execute('disassemble TextPosition.new')
-      assert_match('new\_s*' ..
-            '0 NEW TextPosition size \d\+\_s*' ..
-            '\d PUSHNR 1\_s*' ..
-            '\d STORE_THIS 0\_s*' ..
-            '\d PUSHNR 1\_s*' ..
-            '\d STORE_THIS 1\_s*' ..
-            'this.lnum = lnum\_s*' ..
-            '\d LOAD arg\[-1]\_s*' ..
-            '\d PUSHNR 0\_s*' ..
-            '\d LOAD $0\_s*' ..
-            '\d\+ STOREINDEX object\_s*' ..
-            '\d\+ RETURN object.*',
-            instr)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_member_any_used_as_object()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Inner
-        this.value: number = 0
-      endclass
-      class Outer
-        this.inner: any
-      endclass
-      def F(outer: Outer)
-        outer.inner.value = 1
-      enddef
-      var inner_obj = Inner.new(0)
-      var outer_obj = Outer.new(inner_obj)
-      F(outer_obj)
-      assert_equal(1, inner_obj.value)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Inner
-        this.value: number = 0
-      endclass
-      class Outer
-        this.inner: Inner
-      endclass
-      def F(outer: Outer)
-        outer.inner.value = 1
-      enddef
-      def Test_assign_to_nested_typed_member()
-        var inner = Inner.new(0)
-        var outer = Outer.new(inner)
-        F(outer)
-        assert_equal(1, inner.value)
-      enddef
-      Test_assign_to_nested_typed_member()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_assignment_with_operator()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Foo
-        this.x: number
-        def Add(n: number)
-          this.x += n
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var f =  Foo.new(3)
-      f.Add(17)
-      assert_equal(20, f.x)
-      def AddToFoo(obj: Foo)
-        obj.x += 3
-      enddef
-      AddToFoo(f)
-      assert_equal(23, f.x)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_list_of_objects()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Foo
-        def Add()
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      def ProcessList(fooList: list<Foo>)
-        for foo in fooList
-          foo.Add()
-        endfor
-      enddef
-      var l: list<Foo> = [Foo.new()]
-      ProcessList(l)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_expr_after_using_object()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Something
-        this.label: string = ''
-      endclass
-      def Foo(): Something
-        var v = Something.new()
-        echo 'in Foo(): ' .. typename(v)
-        return v
-      enddef
-      Foo()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_default_new()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum: number = 1
-        this.col: number = 1
-      endclass
-      var pos = TextPosition.new()
-      assert_equal(1, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
-      pos = TextPosition.new(v:none, v:none)
-      assert_equal(1, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
-      pos = TextPosition.new(3, 22)
-      assert_equal(3, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(22, pos.col)
-      pos = TextPosition.new(v:none, 33)
-      assert_equal(1, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(33, pos.col)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Person
-        this.name: string
-        this.age: number = 42
-        this.education: string = "unknown"
-        def new(this.name, this.age = v:none, this.education = v:none)
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var piet = Person.new("Piet")
-      assert_equal("Piet", piet.name)
-      assert_equal(42, piet.age)
-      assert_equal("unknown", piet.education)
-      var chris = Person.new("Chris", 4, "none")
-      assert_equal("Chris", chris.name)
-      assert_equal(4, chris.age)
-      assert_equal("none", chris.education)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Person
-        this.name: string
-        this.age: number = 42
-        this.education: string = "unknown"
-        def new(this.name, this.age = v:none, this.education = v:none)
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var missing = Person.new()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E119:')
-def Test_class_object_member_inits()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum: number
-        this.col = 1
-        this.addcol: number = 2
-      endclass
-      var pos = TextPosition.new()
-      assert_equal(0, pos.lnum)
-      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
-      assert_equal(2, pos.addcol)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum
-        this.col = 1
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1022:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum = v:none
-        this.col = 1
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1330:')
-def Test_class_object_member_access()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Triple
-         this._one = 1
-         this.two = 2
-         public this.three = 3
-         def GetOne(): number
-           return this._one
-         enddef
-      endclass
-      var trip = Triple.new()
-      assert_equal(1, trip.GetOne())
-      assert_equal(2, trip.two)
-      assert_equal(3, trip.three)
-      assert_fails('echo trip._one', 'E1333')
-      assert_fails('trip._one = 11', 'E1333')
-      assert_fails('trip.two = 22', 'E1335')
-      trip.three = 33
-      assert_equal(33, trip.three)
-      assert_fails('trip.four = 4', 'E1334')
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class MyCar
-        this.make: string
-        this.age = 5
-        def new(make_arg: string)
-          this.make = make_arg
-        enddef
-        def GetMake(): string
-          return $"make = {this.make}"
-        enddef
-        def GetAge(): number
-          return this.age
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var c = MyCar.new("abc")
-      assert_equal('make = abc', c.GetMake())
-      c = MyCar.new("def")
-      assert_equal('make = def', c.GetMake())
-      var c2 = MyCar.new("123")
-      assert_equal('make = 123', c2.GetMake())
-      def CheckCar()
-        assert_equal("make = def", c.GetMake())
-        assert_equal(5, c.GetAge())
-      enddef
-      CheckCar()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class MyCar
-        this.make: string
-        def new(make_arg: string)
-            this.make = make_arg
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var c = MyCar.new("abc")
-      var c = MyCar.new("def")
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1041:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Foo
-        this.x: list<number> = []
-        def Add(n: number): any
-          this.x->add(n)
-          return this
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      echo Foo.new().Add(1).Add(2).x
-      echo Foo.new().Add(1).Add(2)
-            .x
-      echo Foo.new().Add(1)
-            .Add(2).x
-      echo Foo.new()
-            .Add(1).Add(2).x
-      echo Foo.new()
-            .Add(1) 
-            .Add(2)
-            .x
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_object_compare()
-  var class_lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Item
-        this.nr = 0
-        this.name = 'xx'
-      endclass
-  END
-  # used at the script level and in a compiled function
-  var test_lines =<< trim END
-      var i1 = Item.new()
-      assert_equal(i1, i1)
-      assert_true(i1 is i1)
-      var i2 = Item.new()
-      assert_equal(i1, i2)
-      assert_false(i1 is i2)
-      var i3 = Item.new(0, 'xx')
-      assert_equal(i1, i3)
-      var io1 = Item.new(1, 'xx')
-      assert_notequal(i1, io1)
-      var io2 = Item.new(0, 'yy')
-      assert_notequal(i1, io2)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(class_lines + test_lines)
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(
-      class_lines + ['def Test()'] + test_lines + ['enddef', 'Test()'])
-  for op in ['>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=~', '!~']
-    var op_lines = [
-          'var i1 = Item.new()',
-          'var i2 = Item.new()',
-          'echo i1 ' .. op .. ' i2',
-          ]
-    v9.CheckScriptFailure(class_lines + op_lines, 'E1153: Invalid operation for object')
-    v9.CheckScriptFailure(class_lines
-          + ['def Test()'] + op_lines + ['enddef', 'Test()'], 'E1153: Invalid operation for object')
-  endfor
-def Test_object_type()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class One
-        this.one = 1
-      endclass
-      class Two
-        this.two = 2
-      endclass
-      class TwoMore extends Two
-        this.more = 9
-      endclass
-      var o: One = One.new()
-      var t: Two = Two.new()
-      var m: TwoMore = TwoMore.new()
-      var tm: Two = TwoMore.new()
-      t = m
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class One
-        this.one = 1
-      endclass
-      class Two
-        this.two = 2
-      endclass
-      var o: One = Two.new()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected object<One> but got object<Two>')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface One
-        def GetMember(): number
-      endinterface
-      class Two implements One
-        this.one = 1
-        def GetMember(): number
-          return this.one
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var o: One = Two.new(5)
-      assert_equal(5, o.GetMember())
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Num
-        this.n: number = 0
-      endclass
-      def Ref(name: string): func(Num): Num
-        return (arg: Num): Num => {
-          return eval(name)(arg)
-        }
-      enddef
-      const Fn = Ref('Double')
-      var Double = (m: Num): Num => Num.new(m.n * 2)
-      echo Fn(Num.new(4))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_member()
-  # check access rules
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPos
-         this.lnum = 1
-         this.col = 1
-         static counter = 0
-         static _secret = 7
-         public static  anybody = 42
-         static def AddToCounter(nr: number)
-           counter += nr
-         enddef
-      endclass
-      assert_equal(0, TextPos.counter)
-      TextPos.AddToCounter(3)
-      assert_equal(3, TextPos.counter)
-      assert_fails('echo TextPos.noSuchMember', 'E1338:')
-      def GetCounter(): number
-        return TextPos.counter
-      enddef
-      assert_equal(3, GetCounter())
-      assert_fails('TextPos.noSuchMember = 2', 'E1337:')
-      assert_fails('TextPos.counter = 5', 'E1335:')
-      assert_fails('TextPos.counter += 5', 'E1335:')
-      assert_fails('echo TextPos._secret', 'E1333:')
-      assert_fails('TextPos._secret = 8', 'E1333:')
-      assert_equal(42, TextPos.anybody)
-      TextPos.anybody = 12
-      assert_equal(12, TextPos.anybody)
-      TextPos.anybody += 5
-      assert_equal(17, TextPos.anybody)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # example in the help
-  lines =<< trim END
-        vim9script
-	class OtherThing
-	   this.size: number
-	   static totalSize: number
-	   def new(this.size)
-	      totalSize += this.size
-	   enddef
-	endclass
-        assert_equal(0, OtherThing.totalSize)
-        var to3 = OtherThing.new(3)
-        assert_equal(3, OtherThing.totalSize)
-        var to7 = OtherThing.new(7)
-        assert_equal(10, OtherThing.totalSize)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # using static class member twice
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class HTML
-        static author: string = 'John Doe'
-        static def MacroSubstitute(s: string): string
-          return substitute(s, '{{author}}', author, 'gi')
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      assert_equal('some text', HTML.MacroSubstitute('some text'))
-      assert_equal('some text', HTML.MacroSubstitute('some text'))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # access private member in lambda
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Foo
-        this._x: number = 0
-        def Add(n: number): number
-          const F = (): number => this._x + n
-          return F()
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var foo = Foo.new()
-      assert_equal(5, foo.Add(5))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # access private member in lambda body
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Foo
-        this._x: number = 6
-        def Add(n: number): number
-          var Lam = () => {
-            this._x = this._x + n
-          }
-          Lam()
-          return this._x
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var foo = Foo.new()
-      assert_equal(13, foo.Add(7))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # check shadowing
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Some
-        static count = 0
-        def Method(count: number)
-          echo count
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var s = Some.new()
-      s.Method(7)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1340: Argument already declared in the class: count')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Some
-        static count = 0
-        def Method(arg: number)
-          var count = 3
-          echo arg count
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var s = Some.new()
-      s.Method(7)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1341: Variable already declared in the class: count')
-func Test_class_garbagecollect()
-  let lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Point
-        this.p = [2, 3]
-        static pl = ['a', 'b']
-        static pd = {a: 'a', b: 'b'}
-      endclass
-      echo Point.pl Point.pd
-      call test_garbagecollect_now()
-      echo Point.pl Point.pd
-  END
-  call v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  let lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface View
-      endinterface
-      class Widget
-        this.view: View
-      endclass
-      class MyView implements View
-        this.widget: Widget
-        def new()
-          # this will result in a circular reference to this object
-          this.widget = Widget.new(this)
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var view = MyView.new()
-      # overwrite "view", will be garbage-collected next
-      view = MyView.new()
-      test_garbagecollect_now()
-  END
-  call v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_function()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Value
-        this.value = 0
-        static objects = 0
-        def new(v: number)
-          this.value = v
-          ++objects
-        enddef
-        static def GetCount(): number
-          return objects
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      assert_equal(0, Value.GetCount())
-      var v1 = Value.new(2)
-      assert_equal(1, Value.GetCount())
-      var v2 = Value.new(7)
-      assert_equal(2, Value.GetCount())
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_defcompile()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class C
-          def Fo(i: number): string
-              return i
-          enddef
-      endclass
-      defcompile C.Fo
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected string but got number')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class C
-          static def Fc(): number
-            return 'x'
-          enddef
-      endclass
-      defcompile C.Fc
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got string')
-def Test_class_object_to_string()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class TextPosition
-        this.lnum = 1
-        this.col = 22
-      endclass
-      assert_equal("class TextPosition", string(TextPosition))
-      var pos = TextPosition.new()
-      assert_equal("object of TextPosition {lnum: 1, col: 22}", string(pos))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_interface_basics()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Something
-        this.value: string
-        static count: number
-        def GetCount(): number
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      interface SomethingWrong
-        static count = 7
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1342:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        static count: number
-        def Method(count: number)
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1340: Argument already declared in the class: count', 5)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        this.value: number
-        def Method(value: number)
-      endinterface
-  END
-  # The argument name and the object member name are the same, but this is not a
-  # problem because object members are always accessed with the "this." prefix.
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface somethingWrong
-        static count = 7
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1343: Interface name must start with an uppercase letter: somethingWrong')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface SomethingWrong
-        this.value: string
-        static count = 7
-        def GetCount(): number
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1344:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface SomethingWrong
-        this.value: string
-        static count: number
-        def GetCount(): number
-          return 5
-        enddef
-      endinterface
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1345: Not a valid command in an interface: return 5')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      export interface EnterExit
-          def Enter(): void
-          def Exit(): void
-      endinterface
-  END
-  writefile(lines, 'XdefIntf.vim', 'D')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      import './XdefIntf.vim' as defIntf
-      export def With(ee: defIntf.EnterExit, F: func)
-          ee.Enter()
-          try
-              F()
-          finally
-              ee.Exit()
-          endtry
-      enddef
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  var imported =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      export abstract class EnterExit
-          def Enter(): void
-          enddef
-          def Exit(): void
-          enddef
-      endclass
-  END
-  writefile(imported, 'XdefIntf2.vim', 'D')
-  lines[1] = " import './XdefIntf2.vim' as defIntf"
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_implements_interface()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        static count: number
-        def Method(nr: number)
-      endinterface
-      class SomeImpl implements Some
-        static count: number
-        def Method(nr: number)
-          echo nr
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      interface Another
-        this.member: string
-      endinterface
-      class AnotherImpl implements Some, Another
-        this.member = 'abc'
-        static count: number
-        def Method(nr: number)
-          echo nr
-        enddef
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        static counter: number
-      endinterface
-      class SomeImpl implements Some implements Some
-        static count: number
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1350:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        static counter: number
-      endinterface
-      class SomeImpl implements Some, Some
-        static count: number
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1351: Duplicate interface after "implements": Some')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        static counter: number
-        def Method(nr: number)
-      endinterface
-      class SomeImpl implements Some
-        static count: number
-        def Method(nr: number)
-          echo nr
-        enddef
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1348: Member "counter" of interface "Some" not implemented')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Some
-        static count: number
-        def Methods(nr: number)
-      endinterface
-      class SomeImpl implements Some
-        static count: number
-        def Method(nr: number)
-          echo nr
-        enddef
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1349: Function "Methods" of interface "Some" not implemented')
-  # Check different order of members in class and interface works.
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface Result
-        public this.label: string
-        this.errpos: number
-      endinterface
-      # order of members is opposite of interface
-      class Failure implements Result
-        this.errpos: number = 42
-        public this.label: string = 'label'
-      endclass
-      def Test()
-        var result: Result = Failure.new()
-        assert_equal('label', result.label)
-        assert_equal(42, result.errpos)
-        result.label = 'different'
-        assert_equal('different', result.label)
-        assert_equal(42, result.errpos)
-      enddef
-      Test()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_call_interface_method()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-    vim9script
-    interface Base
-      def Enter(): void
-    endinterface
-    class Child implements Base
-      def Enter(): void
-        g:result ..= 'child'
-      enddef
-    endclass
-    def F(obj: Base)
-      obj.Enter()
-    enddef
-    g:result = ''
-    F(Child.new())
-    assert_equal('child', g:result)
-    unlet g:result
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-    vim9script
-    class Base
-      def Enter(): void
-        g:result ..= 'base'
-      enddef
-    endclass
-    class Child extends Base
-      def Enter(): void
-        g:result ..= 'child'
-      enddef
-    endclass
-    def F(obj: Base)
-      obj.Enter()
-    enddef
-    g:result = ''
-    F(Child.new())
-    assert_equal('child', g:result)
-    unlet g:result
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # method of interface returns a value
-  lines =<< trim END
-    vim9script
-    interface Base
-      def Enter(): string
-    endinterface
-    class Child implements Base
-      def Enter(): string
-        g:result ..= 'child'
-        return "/resource"
-      enddef
-    endclass
-    def F(obj: Base)
-      var r = obj.Enter()
-      g:result ..= r
-    enddef
-    g:result = ''
-    F(Child.new())
-    assert_equal('child/resource', g:result)
-    unlet g:result
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-    vim9script
-    class Base
-      def Enter(): string
-        return null_string
-      enddef
-    endclass
-    class Child extends Base
-      def Enter(): string
-        g:result ..= 'child'
-        return "/resource"
-      enddef
-    endclass
-    def F(obj: Base)
-      var r = obj.Enter()
-      g:result ..= r
-    enddef
-    g:result = ''
-    F(Child.new())
-    assert_equal('child/resource', g:result)
-    unlet g:result
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  # No class that implements the interface.
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface IWithEE
-          def Enter(): any
-          def Exit(): void
-      endinterface
-      def With1(ee: IWithEE, F: func)
-          var r = ee.Enter()
-      enddef
-      defcompile
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_used_as_type()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Point
-        this.x = 0
-        this.y = 0
-      endclass
-      var p: Point
-      p = Point.new(2, 33)
-      assert_equal(2, p.x)
-      assert_equal(33, p.y)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      interface HasX
-        this.x: number
-      endinterface
-      class Point implements HasX
-        this.x = 0
-        this.y = 0
-      endclass
-      var p: Point
-      p = Point.new(2, 33)
-      var hx = p
-      assert_equal(2, hx.x)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Point
-        this.x = 0
-        this.y = 0
-      endclass
-      var p: Point
-      p = 'text'
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected object<Point> but got string')
-def Test_class_extends()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.one = 1
-        def GetOne(): number
-          return this.one
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      class Child extends Base
-        this.two = 2
-        def GetTotal(): number
-          return this.one + this.two
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var o = Child.new()
-      assert_equal(1, o.one)
-      assert_equal(2, o.two)
-      assert_equal(1, o.GetOne())
-      assert_equal(3, o.GetTotal())
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.one = 1
-      endclass
-      class Child extends Base
-        this.two = 2
-      endclass
-      var o = Child.new(3, 44)
-      assert_equal(3, o.one)
-      assert_equal(44, o.two)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.one = 1
-      endclass
-      class Child extends Base extends Base
-        this.two = 2
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1352: Duplicate "extends"')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Child extends BaseClass
-        this.two = 2
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1353: Class name not found: BaseClass')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      var SomeVar = 99
-      class Child extends SomeVar
-        this.two = 2
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1354: Cannot extend SomeVar')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.name: string
-        def ToString(): string
-          return this.name
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      class Child extends Base
-        this.age: number
-        def ToString(): string
-          return super.ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var o = Child.new('John', 42)
-      assert_equal('John: 42', o.ToString())
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Child
-        this.age: number
-        def ToString(): number
-          return this.age
-        enddef
-        def ToString(): string
-          return this.age
-        enddef
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1355: Duplicate function: ToString')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Child
-        this.age: number
-        def ToString(): string
-          return super .ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var o = Child.new(42)
-      echo o.ToString()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1356:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.name: string
-        def ToString(): string
-          return this.name
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var age = 42
-      def ToString(): string
-        return super.ToString() .. ': ' .. age
-      enddef
-      echo ToString()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1357:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Child
-        this.age: number
-        def ToString(): string
-          return super.ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var o = Child.new(42)
-      echo o.ToString()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1358:')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.name: string
-        static def ToString(): string
-          return 'Base class'
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      class Child extends Base
-        this.age: number
-        def ToString(): string
-          return Base.ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var o = Child.new('John', 42)
-      assert_equal('Base class: 42', o.ToString())
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Base
-        this.value = 1
-        def new(init: number)
-          this.value = number + 1
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      class Child extends Base
-        def new()
-          this.new(3)
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var c = Child.new()
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1325: Method not found on class "Child": new(')
-  # base class with more than one object member
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Result
-        this.success: bool
-        this.value: any = null
-      endclass
-      class Success extends Result
-        def new(this.value = v:none)
-          this.success = true
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      var v = Success.new('asdf')
-      assert_equal("object of Success {success: true, value: 'asdf'}", string(v))
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_using_base_class()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-    vim9script
-    class BaseEE
-        def Enter(): any
-            return null
-        enddef
-        def Exit(resource: any): void
-        enddef
-    endclass
-    class ChildEE extends BaseEE
-        def Enter(): any
-            return 42
-        enddef
-        def Exit(resource: number): void
-            g:result ..= '/exit'
-        enddef
-    endclass
-    def With(ee: BaseEE)
-        var r = ee.Enter()
-        try
-            g:result ..= r
-        finally
-            g:result ..= '/finally'
-            ee.Exit(r)
-        endtry
-    enddef
-    g:result = ''
-    With(ChildEE.new())
-    assert_equal('42/finally/exit', g:result)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  unlet g:result
-  # Using super, Child invokes Base method which has optional arg. #12471
-  lines =<< trim END
-    vim9script
-    class Base
-        this.success: bool = false
-        def Method(arg = 0)
-            this.success = true
-        enddef
-    endclass
-    class Child extends Base
-        def new()
-            super.Method()
-        enddef
-    endclass
-    var obj = Child.new()
-    assert_equal(true, obj.success)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_class_import()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      export class Animal
-        this.kind: string
-        this.name: string
-      endclass
-  END
-  writefile(lines, 'Xanimal.vim', 'D')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      import './Xanimal.vim' as animal
-      var a: animal.Animal
-      a = animal.Animal.new('fish', 'Eric')
-      assert_equal('fish', a.kind)
-      assert_equal('Eric', a.name)
-      var b: animal.Animal = animal.Animal.new('cat', 'Garfield')
-      assert_equal('cat', b.kind)
-      assert_equal('Garfield', b.name)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_abstract_class()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      abstract class Base
-        this.name: string
-      endclass
-      class Person extends Base
-        this.age: number
-      endclass
-      var p: Base = Person.new('Peter', 42)
-      assert_equal('Peter', p.name)
-      assert_equal(42, p.age)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      abstract class Base
-        this.name: string
-      endclass
-      class Person extends Base
-        this.age: number
-      endclass
-      var p = Base.new('Peter')
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1325: Method not found on class "Base": new(')
-  lines =<< trim END
-      abstract class Base
-        this.name: string
-      endclass
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1316:')
-def Test_closure_in_class()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class Foo
-        this.y: list<string> = ['B']
-        def new()
-          g:result = filter(['A', 'B'], (_, v) => index(this.y, v) == -1)
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      Foo.new()
-      assert_equal(['A'], g:result)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_call_constructor_from_legacy()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      var newCalled = 'false'
-      class A
-        def new()
-          newCalled = 'true'
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      export def F(options = {}): any
-        return A
-      enddef
-      g:p = F()
-      legacy call p.new()
-      assert_equal('true', newCalled)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-def Test_defer_with_object()
-  var lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class CWithEE
-        def Enter()
-          g:result ..= "entered/"
-        enddef
-        def Exit()
-          g:result ..= "exited"
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      def With(ee: CWithEE, F: func)
-        ee.Enter()
-        defer ee.Exit()
-        F()
-      enddef
-      g:result = ''
-      var obj = CWithEE.new()
-      obj->With(() => {
-        g:result ..= "called/"
-      })
-      assert_equal('entered/called/exited', g:result)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  unlet g:result
-  lines =<< trim END
-      vim9script
-      class BaseWithEE
-        def Enter()
-          g:result ..= "entered-base/"
-        enddef
-        def Exit()
-          g:result ..= "exited-base"
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      class CWithEE extends BaseWithEE
-        def Enter()
-          g:result ..= "entered-child/"
-        enddef
-        def Exit()
-          g:result ..= "exited-child"
-        enddef
-      endclass
-      def With(ee: BaseWithEE, F: func)
-        ee.Enter()
-        defer ee.Exit()
-        F()
-      enddef
-      g:result = ''
-      var obj = CWithEE.new()
-      obj->With(() => {
-        g:result ..= "called/"
-      })
-      assert_equal('entered-child/called/exited-child', g:result)
-  END
-  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
-  unlet g:result
-" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker
+" Test Vim9 classes
+source check.vim
+import './vim9.vim' as v9
+def Test_class_basic()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      class NotWorking
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1316:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class notWorking
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1314:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Not@working
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1315:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      abstract noclass Something
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E475:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      abstract classy Something
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E475:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+      endcl
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1065:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+      endclass school's out
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E488:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+      endclass | echo 'done'
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E488:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this.
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this .count
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this. count
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1317:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this.count: number
+        that.count
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1318: Not a valid command in a class: that.count')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this.count
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1022:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        def new()
+          this.state = 0
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var obj = Something.new()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1089:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this.count : number
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1059:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this.count:number
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1069:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum: number
+        this.col: number
+        # make a nicely formatted string
+        def ToString(): string
+          return $'({this.lnum}, {this.col})'
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      # use the automatically generated new() method
+      var pos = TextPosition.new(2, 12)
+      assert_equal(2, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(12, pos.col)
+      # call an object method
+      assert_equal('(2, 12)', pos.ToString())
+      assert_equal(v:t_class, type(TextPosition))
+      assert_equal(v:t_object, type(pos))
+      assert_equal('class<TextPosition>', typename(TextPosition))
+      assert_equal('object<TextPosition>', typename(pos))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_defined_twice()
+  # class defined twice should fail
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class There
+      endclass
+      class There
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1041: Redefining script item: "There"')
+  # one class, reload same script twice is OK
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class There
+      endclass
+  END
+  writefile(lines, 'XclassTwice.vim', 'D')
+  source XclassTwice.vim
+  source XclassTwice.vim
+def Test_returning_null_object()
+  # this was causing an internal error
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class BufferList
+          def Current(): any
+              return null_object
+          enddef
+      endclass
+      var buffers = BufferList.new()
+      echo buffers.Current()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_using_null_class()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      @_ = null_class.member
+  END
+  v9.CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, ['E715:', 'E1363:'])
+def Test_class_interface_wrong_end()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      abstract class SomeName
+        this.member = 'text'
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E476: Invalid command: endinterface, expected endclass')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      export interface AnotherName
+        this.member: string
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E476: Invalid command: endclass, expected endinterface')
+def Test_object_not_set()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class State
+        this.value = 'xyz'
+      endclass
+      var state: State
+      var db = {'xyz': 789}
+      echo db[state.value]
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1360:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Class
+          this.id: string
+          def Method1()
+              echo 'Method1' .. this.id
+          enddef
+      endclass
+      var obj: Class
+      def Func()
+          obj.Method1()
+      enddef
+      Func()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1360:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Background
+        this.background = 'dark'
+      endclass
+      class Colorscheme
+        this._bg: Background
+        def GetBackground(): string
+          return this._bg.background
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var bg: Background           # UNINITIALIZED
+      echo Colorscheme.new(bg).GetBackground()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected object<Background> but got object<Unknown>')
+  # TODO: this should not give an error but be handled at runtime
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Class
+          this.id: string
+          def Method1()
+              echo 'Method1' .. this.id
+          enddef
+      endclass
+      var obj = null_object
+      def Func()
+          obj.Method1()
+      enddef
+      Func()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1363:')
+def Test_class_member_initializer()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum: number = 1
+        this.col: number = 1
+        # constructor with only the line number
+        def new(lnum: number)
+          this.lnum = lnum
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var pos = TextPosition.new(3)
+      assert_equal(3, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
+      var instr = execute('disassemble TextPosition.new')
+      assert_match('new\_s*' ..
+            '0 NEW TextPosition size \d\+\_s*' ..
+            '\d PUSHNR 1\_s*' ..
+            '\d STORE_THIS 0\_s*' ..
+            '\d PUSHNR 1\_s*' ..
+            '\d STORE_THIS 1\_s*' ..
+            'this.lnum = lnum\_s*' ..
+            '\d LOAD arg\[-1]\_s*' ..
+            '\d PUSHNR 0\_s*' ..
+            '\d LOAD $0\_s*' ..
+            '\d\+ STOREINDEX object\_s*' ..
+            '\d\+ RETURN object.*',
+            instr)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_member_any_used_as_object()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Inner
+        this.value: number = 0
+      endclass
+      class Outer
+        this.inner: any
+      endclass
+      def F(outer: Outer)
+        outer.inner.value = 1
+      enddef
+      var inner_obj = Inner.new(0)
+      var outer_obj = Outer.new(inner_obj)
+      F(outer_obj)
+      assert_equal(1, inner_obj.value)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Inner
+        this.value: number = 0
+      endclass
+      class Outer
+        this.inner: Inner
+      endclass
+      def F(outer: Outer)
+        outer.inner.value = 1
+      enddef
+      def Test_assign_to_nested_typed_member()
+        var inner = Inner.new(0)
+        var outer = Outer.new(inner)
+        F(outer)
+        assert_equal(1, inner.value)
+      enddef
+      Test_assign_to_nested_typed_member()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_assignment_with_operator()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Foo
+        this.x: number
+        def Add(n: number)
+          this.x += n
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var f =  Foo.new(3)
+      f.Add(17)
+      assert_equal(20, f.x)
+      def AddToFoo(obj: Foo)
+        obj.x += 3
+      enddef
+      AddToFoo(f)
+      assert_equal(23, f.x)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_list_of_objects()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Foo
+        def Add()
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      def ProcessList(fooList: list<Foo>)
+        for foo in fooList
+          foo.Add()
+        endfor
+      enddef
+      var l: list<Foo> = [Foo.new()]
+      ProcessList(l)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_expr_after_using_object()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Something
+        this.label: string = ''
+      endclass
+      def Foo(): Something
+        var v = Something.new()
+        echo 'in Foo(): ' .. typename(v)
+        return v
+      enddef
+      Foo()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_default_new()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum: number = 1
+        this.col: number = 1
+      endclass
+      var pos = TextPosition.new()
+      assert_equal(1, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
+      pos = TextPosition.new(v:none, v:none)
+      assert_equal(1, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
+      pos = TextPosition.new(3, 22)
+      assert_equal(3, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(22, pos.col)
+      pos = TextPosition.new(v:none, 33)
+      assert_equal(1, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(33, pos.col)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Person
+        this.name: string
+        this.age: number = 42
+        this.education: string = "unknown"
+        def new(this.name, this.age = v:none, this.education = v:none)
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var piet = Person.new("Piet")
+      assert_equal("Piet", piet.name)
+      assert_equal(42, piet.age)
+      assert_equal("unknown", piet.education)
+      var chris = Person.new("Chris", 4, "none")
+      assert_equal("Chris", chris.name)
+      assert_equal(4, chris.age)
+      assert_equal("none", chris.education)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Person
+        this.name: string
+        this.age: number = 42
+        this.education: string = "unknown"
+        def new(this.name, this.age = v:none, this.education = v:none)
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var missing = Person.new()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E119:')
+def Test_class_object_member_inits()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum: number
+        this.col = 1
+        this.addcol: number = 2
+      endclass
+      var pos = TextPosition.new()
+      assert_equal(0, pos.lnum)
+      assert_equal(1, pos.col)
+      assert_equal(2, pos.addcol)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum
+        this.col = 1
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1022:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum = v:none
+        this.col = 1
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1330:')
+def Test_class_object_member_access()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Triple
+         this._one = 1
+         this.two = 2
+         public this.three = 3
+         def GetOne(): number
+           return this._one
+         enddef
+      endclass
+      var trip = Triple.new()
+      assert_equal(1, trip.GetOne())
+      assert_equal(2, trip.two)
+      assert_equal(3, trip.three)
+      assert_fails('echo trip._one', 'E1333')
+      assert_fails('trip._one = 11', 'E1333')
+      assert_fails('trip.two = 22', 'E1335')
+      trip.three = 33
+      assert_equal(33, trip.three)
+      assert_fails('trip.four = 4', 'E1334')
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class MyCar
+        this.make: string
+        this.age = 5
+        def new(make_arg: string)
+          this.make = make_arg
+        enddef
+        def GetMake(): string
+          return $"make = {this.make}"
+        enddef
+        def GetAge(): number
+          return this.age
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var c = MyCar.new("abc")
+      assert_equal('make = abc', c.GetMake())
+      c = MyCar.new("def")
+      assert_equal('make = def', c.GetMake())
+      var c2 = MyCar.new("123")
+      assert_equal('make = 123', c2.GetMake())
+      def CheckCar()
+        assert_equal("make = def", c.GetMake())
+        assert_equal(5, c.GetAge())
+      enddef
+      CheckCar()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class MyCar
+        this.make: string
+        def new(make_arg: string)
+            this.make = make_arg
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var c = MyCar.new("abc")
+      var c = MyCar.new("def")
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1041:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Foo
+        this.x: list<number> = []
+        def Add(n: number): any
+          this.x->add(n)
+          return this
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      echo Foo.new().Add(1).Add(2).x
+      echo Foo.new().Add(1).Add(2)
+            .x
+      echo Foo.new().Add(1)
+            .Add(2).x
+      echo Foo.new()
+            .Add(1).Add(2).x
+      echo Foo.new()
+            .Add(1) 
+            .Add(2)
+            .x
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_object_compare()
+  var class_lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Item
+        this.nr = 0
+        this.name = 'xx'
+      endclass
+  END
+  # used at the script level and in a compiled function
+  var test_lines =<< trim END
+      var i1 = Item.new()
+      assert_equal(i1, i1)
+      assert_true(i1 is i1)
+      var i2 = Item.new()
+      assert_equal(i1, i2)
+      assert_false(i1 is i2)
+      var i3 = Item.new(0, 'xx')
+      assert_equal(i1, i3)
+      var io1 = Item.new(1, 'xx')
+      assert_notequal(i1, io1)
+      var io2 = Item.new(0, 'yy')
+      assert_notequal(i1, io2)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(class_lines + test_lines)
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(
+      class_lines + ['def Test()'] + test_lines + ['enddef', 'Test()'])
+  for op in ['>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=~', '!~']
+    var op_lines = [
+          'var i1 = Item.new()',
+          'var i2 = Item.new()',
+          'echo i1 ' .. op .. ' i2',
+          ]
+    v9.CheckScriptFailure(class_lines + op_lines, 'E1153: Invalid operation for object')
+    v9.CheckScriptFailure(class_lines
+          + ['def Test()'] + op_lines + ['enddef', 'Test()'], 'E1153: Invalid operation for object')
+  endfor
+def Test_object_type()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class One
+        this.one = 1
+      endclass
+      class Two
+        this.two = 2
+      endclass
+      class TwoMore extends Two
+        this.more = 9
+      endclass
+      var o: One = One.new()
+      var t: Two = Two.new()
+      var m: TwoMore = TwoMore.new()
+      var tm: Two = TwoMore.new()
+      t = m
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class One
+        this.one = 1
+      endclass
+      class Two
+        this.two = 2
+      endclass
+      var o: One = Two.new()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected object<One> but got object<Two>')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface One
+        def GetMember(): number
+      endinterface
+      class Two implements One
+        this.one = 1
+        def GetMember(): number
+          return this.one
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var o: One = Two.new(5)
+      assert_equal(5, o.GetMember())
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Num
+        this.n: number = 0
+      endclass
+      def Ref(name: string): func(Num): Num
+        return (arg: Num): Num => {
+          return eval(name)(arg)
+        }
+      enddef
+      const Fn = Ref('Double')
+      var Double = (m: Num): Num => Num.new(m.n * 2)
+      echo Fn(Num.new(4))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_member()
+  # check access rules
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPos
+         this.lnum = 1
+         this.col = 1
+         static counter = 0
+         static _secret = 7
+         public static  anybody = 42
+         static def AddToCounter(nr: number)
+           counter += nr
+         enddef
+      endclass
+      assert_equal(0, TextPos.counter)
+      TextPos.AddToCounter(3)
+      assert_equal(3, TextPos.counter)
+      assert_fails('echo TextPos.noSuchMember', 'E1338:')
+      def GetCounter(): number
+        return TextPos.counter
+      enddef
+      assert_equal(3, GetCounter())
+      assert_fails('TextPos.noSuchMember = 2', 'E1337:')
+      assert_fails('TextPos.counter = 5', 'E1335:')
+      assert_fails('TextPos.counter += 5', 'E1335:')
+      assert_fails('echo TextPos._secret', 'E1333:')
+      assert_fails('TextPos._secret = 8', 'E1333:')
+      assert_equal(42, TextPos.anybody)
+      TextPos.anybody = 12
+      assert_equal(12, TextPos.anybody)
+      TextPos.anybody += 5
+      assert_equal(17, TextPos.anybody)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # example in the help
+  lines =<< trim END
+        vim9script
+	class OtherThing
+	   this.size: number
+	   static totalSize: number
+	   def new(this.size)
+	      totalSize += this.size
+	   enddef
+	endclass
+        assert_equal(0, OtherThing.totalSize)
+        var to3 = OtherThing.new(3)
+        assert_equal(3, OtherThing.totalSize)
+        var to7 = OtherThing.new(7)
+        assert_equal(10, OtherThing.totalSize)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # using static class member twice
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class HTML
+        static author: string = 'John Doe'
+        static def MacroSubstitute(s: string): string
+          return substitute(s, '{{author}}', author, 'gi')
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      assert_equal('some text', HTML.MacroSubstitute('some text'))
+      assert_equal('some text', HTML.MacroSubstitute('some text'))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # access private member in lambda
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Foo
+        this._x: number = 0
+        def Add(n: number): number
+          const F = (): number => this._x + n
+          return F()
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var foo = Foo.new()
+      assert_equal(5, foo.Add(5))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # access private member in lambda body
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Foo
+        this._x: number = 6
+        def Add(n: number): number
+          var Lam = () => {
+            this._x = this._x + n
+          }
+          Lam()
+          return this._x
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var foo = Foo.new()
+      assert_equal(13, foo.Add(7))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # check shadowing
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Some
+        static count = 0
+        def Method(count: number)
+          echo count
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var s = Some.new()
+      s.Method(7)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1340: Argument already declared in the class: count')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Some
+        static count = 0
+        def Method(arg: number)
+          var count = 3
+          echo arg count
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var s = Some.new()
+      s.Method(7)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1341: Variable already declared in the class: count')
+func Test_class_garbagecollect()
+  let lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Point
+        this.p = [2, 3]
+        static pl = ['a', 'b']
+        static pd = {a: 'a', b: 'b'}
+      endclass
+      echo Point.pl Point.pd
+      call test_garbagecollect_now()
+      echo Point.pl Point.pd
+  END
+  call v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  let lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface View
+      endinterface
+      class Widget
+        this.view: View
+      endclass
+      class MyView implements View
+        this.widget: Widget
+        def new()
+          # this will result in a circular reference to this object
+          this.widget = Widget.new(this)
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var view = MyView.new()
+      # overwrite "view", will be garbage-collected next
+      view = MyView.new()
+      test_garbagecollect_now()
+  END
+  call v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_function()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Value
+        this.value = 0
+        static objects = 0
+        def new(v: number)
+          this.value = v
+          ++objects
+        enddef
+        static def GetCount(): number
+          return objects
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      assert_equal(0, Value.GetCount())
+      var v1 = Value.new(2)
+      assert_equal(1, Value.GetCount())
+      var v2 = Value.new(7)
+      assert_equal(2, Value.GetCount())
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_defcompile()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class C
+          def Fo(i: number): string
+              return i
+          enddef
+      endclass
+      defcompile C.Fo
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected string but got number')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class C
+          static def Fc(): number
+            return 'x'
+          enddef
+      endclass
+      defcompile C.Fc
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got string')
+def Test_class_object_to_string()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class TextPosition
+        this.lnum = 1
+        this.col = 22
+      endclass
+      assert_equal("class TextPosition", string(TextPosition))
+      var pos = TextPosition.new()
+      assert_equal("object of TextPosition {lnum: 1, col: 22}", string(pos))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_interface_basics()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Something
+        this.value: string
+        static count: number
+        def GetCount(): number
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      interface SomethingWrong
+        static count = 7
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1342:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        static count: number
+        def Method(count: number)
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1340: Argument already declared in the class: count', 5)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        this.value: number
+        def Method(value: number)
+      endinterface
+  END
+  # The argument name and the object member name are the same, but this is not a
+  # problem because object members are always accessed with the "this." prefix.
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface somethingWrong
+        static count = 7
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1343: Interface name must start with an uppercase letter: somethingWrong')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface SomethingWrong
+        this.value: string
+        static count = 7
+        def GetCount(): number
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1344:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface SomethingWrong
+        this.value: string
+        static count: number
+        def GetCount(): number
+          return 5
+        enddef
+      endinterface
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1345: Not a valid command in an interface: return 5')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      export interface EnterExit
+          def Enter(): void
+          def Exit(): void
+      endinterface
+  END
+  writefile(lines, 'XdefIntf.vim', 'D')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      import './XdefIntf.vim' as defIntf
+      export def With(ee: defIntf.EnterExit, F: func)
+          ee.Enter()
+          try
+              F()
+          finally
+              ee.Exit()
+          endtry
+      enddef
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  var imported =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      export abstract class EnterExit
+          def Enter(): void
+          enddef
+          def Exit(): void
+          enddef
+      endclass
+  END
+  writefile(imported, 'XdefIntf2.vim', 'D')
+  lines[1] = " import './XdefIntf2.vim' as defIntf"
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_implements_interface()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        static count: number
+        def Method(nr: number)
+      endinterface
+      class SomeImpl implements Some
+        static count: number
+        def Method(nr: number)
+          echo nr
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      interface Another
+        this.member: string
+      endinterface
+      class AnotherImpl implements Some, Another
+        this.member = 'abc'
+        static count: number
+        def Method(nr: number)
+          echo nr
+        enddef
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        static counter: number
+      endinterface
+      class SomeImpl implements Some implements Some
+        static count: number
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1350:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        static counter: number
+      endinterface
+      class SomeImpl implements Some, Some
+        static count: number
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1351: Duplicate interface after "implements": Some')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        static counter: number
+        def Method(nr: number)
+      endinterface
+      class SomeImpl implements Some
+        static count: number
+        def Method(nr: number)
+          echo nr
+        enddef
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1348: Member "counter" of interface "Some" not implemented')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Some
+        static count: number
+        def Methods(nr: number)
+      endinterface
+      class SomeImpl implements Some
+        static count: number
+        def Method(nr: number)
+          echo nr
+        enddef
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1349: Function "Methods" of interface "Some" not implemented')
+  # Check different order of members in class and interface works.
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface Result
+        public this.label: string
+        this.errpos: number
+      endinterface
+      # order of members is opposite of interface
+      class Failure implements Result
+        this.errpos: number = 42
+        public this.label: string = 'label'
+      endclass
+      def Test()
+        var result: Result = Failure.new()
+        assert_equal('label', result.label)
+        assert_equal(42, result.errpos)
+        result.label = 'different'
+        assert_equal('different', result.label)
+        assert_equal(42, result.errpos)
+      enddef
+      Test()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_call_interface_method()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+    vim9script
+    interface Base
+      def Enter(): void
+    endinterface
+    class Child implements Base
+      def Enter(): void
+        g:result ..= 'child'
+      enddef
+    endclass
+    def F(obj: Base)
+      obj.Enter()
+    enddef
+    g:result = ''
+    F(Child.new())
+    assert_equal('child', g:result)
+    unlet g:result
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+    vim9script
+    class Base
+      def Enter(): void
+        g:result ..= 'base'
+      enddef
+    endclass
+    class Child extends Base
+      def Enter(): void
+        g:result ..= 'child'
+      enddef
+    endclass
+    def F(obj: Base)
+      obj.Enter()
+    enddef
+    g:result = ''
+    F(Child.new())
+    assert_equal('child', g:result)
+    unlet g:result
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # method of interface returns a value
+  lines =<< trim END
+    vim9script
+    interface Base
+      def Enter(): string
+    endinterface
+    class Child implements Base
+      def Enter(): string
+        g:result ..= 'child'
+        return "/resource"
+      enddef
+    endclass
+    def F(obj: Base)
+      var r = obj.Enter()
+      g:result ..= r
+    enddef
+    g:result = ''
+    F(Child.new())
+    assert_equal('child/resource', g:result)
+    unlet g:result
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+    vim9script
+    class Base
+      def Enter(): string
+        return null_string
+      enddef
+    endclass
+    class Child extends Base
+      def Enter(): string
+        g:result ..= 'child'
+        return "/resource"
+      enddef
+    endclass
+    def F(obj: Base)
+      var r = obj.Enter()
+      g:result ..= r
+    enddef
+    g:result = ''
+    F(Child.new())
+    assert_equal('child/resource', g:result)
+    unlet g:result
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  # No class that implements the interface.
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface IWithEE
+          def Enter(): any
+          def Exit(): void
+      endinterface
+      def With1(ee: IWithEE, F: func)
+          var r = ee.Enter()
+      enddef
+      defcompile
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_used_as_type()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Point
+        this.x = 0
+        this.y = 0
+      endclass
+      var p: Point
+      p = Point.new(2, 33)
+      assert_equal(2, p.x)
+      assert_equal(33, p.y)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      interface HasX
+        this.x: number
+      endinterface
+      class Point implements HasX
+        this.x = 0
+        this.y = 0
+      endclass
+      var p: Point
+      p = Point.new(2, 33)
+      var hx = p
+      assert_equal(2, hx.x)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Point
+        this.x = 0
+        this.y = 0
+      endclass
+      var p: Point
+      p = 'text'
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected object<Point> but got string')
+def Test_class_extends()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.one = 1
+        def GetOne(): number
+          return this.one
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      class Child extends Base
+        this.two = 2
+        def GetTotal(): number
+          return this.one + this.two
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var o = Child.new()
+      assert_equal(1, o.one)
+      assert_equal(2, o.two)
+      assert_equal(1, o.GetOne())
+      assert_equal(3, o.GetTotal())
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.one = 1
+      endclass
+      class Child extends Base
+        this.two = 2
+      endclass
+      var o = Child.new(3, 44)
+      assert_equal(3, o.one)
+      assert_equal(44, o.two)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.one = 1
+      endclass
+      class Child extends Base extends Base
+        this.two = 2
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1352: Duplicate "extends"')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Child extends BaseClass
+        this.two = 2
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1353: Class name not found: BaseClass')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      var SomeVar = 99
+      class Child extends SomeVar
+        this.two = 2
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1354: Cannot extend SomeVar')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.name: string
+        def ToString(): string
+          return this.name
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      class Child extends Base
+        this.age: number
+        def ToString(): string
+          return super.ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var o = Child.new('John', 42)
+      assert_equal('John: 42', o.ToString())
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Child
+        this.age: number
+        def ToString(): number
+          return this.age
+        enddef
+        def ToString(): string
+          return this.age
+        enddef
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1355: Duplicate function: ToString')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Child
+        this.age: number
+        def ToString(): string
+          return super .ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var o = Child.new(42)
+      echo o.ToString()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1356:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.name: string
+        def ToString(): string
+          return this.name
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var age = 42
+      def ToString(): string
+        return super.ToString() .. ': ' .. age
+      enddef
+      echo ToString()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1357:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Child
+        this.age: number
+        def ToString(): string
+          return super.ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var o = Child.new(42)
+      echo o.ToString()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1358:')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.name: string
+        static def ToString(): string
+          return 'Base class'
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      class Child extends Base
+        this.age: number
+        def ToString(): string
+          return Base.ToString() .. ': ' .. this.age
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var o = Child.new('John', 42)
+      assert_equal('Base class: 42', o.ToString())
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Base
+        this.value = 1
+        def new(init: number)
+          this.value = number + 1
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      class Child extends Base
+        def new()
+          this.new(3)
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var c = Child.new()
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1325: Method not found on class "Child": new(')
+  # base class with more than one object member
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Result
+        this.success: bool
+        this.value: any = null
+      endclass
+      class Success extends Result
+        def new(this.value = v:none)
+          this.success = true
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      var v = Success.new('asdf')
+      assert_equal("object of Success {success: true, value: 'asdf'}", string(v))
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_using_base_class()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+    vim9script
+    class BaseEE
+        def Enter(): any
+            return null
+        enddef
+        def Exit(resource: any): void
+        enddef
+    endclass
+    class ChildEE extends BaseEE
+        def Enter(): any
+            return 42
+        enddef
+        def Exit(resource: number): void
+            g:result ..= '/exit'
+        enddef
+    endclass
+    def With(ee: BaseEE)
+        var r = ee.Enter()
+        try
+            g:result ..= r
+        finally
+            g:result ..= '/finally'
+            ee.Exit(r)
+        endtry
+    enddef
+    g:result = ''
+    With(ChildEE.new())
+    assert_equal('42/finally/exit', g:result)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  unlet g:result
+  # Using super, Child invokes Base method which has optional arg. #12471
+  lines =<< trim END
+    vim9script
+    class Base
+        this.success: bool = false
+        def Method(arg = 0)
+            this.success = true
+        enddef
+    endclass
+    class Child extends Base
+        def new()
+            super.Method()
+        enddef
+    endclass
+    var obj = Child.new()
+    assert_equal(true, obj.success)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_class_import()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      export class Animal
+        this.kind: string
+        this.name: string
+      endclass
+  END
+  writefile(lines, 'Xanimal.vim', 'D')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      import './Xanimal.vim' as animal
+      var a: animal.Animal
+      a = animal.Animal.new('fish', 'Eric')
+      assert_equal('fish', a.kind)
+      assert_equal('Eric', a.name)
+      var b: animal.Animal = animal.Animal.new('cat', 'Garfield')
+      assert_equal('cat', b.kind)
+      assert_equal('Garfield', b.name)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_abstract_class()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      abstract class Base
+        this.name: string
+      endclass
+      class Person extends Base
+        this.age: number
+      endclass
+      var p: Base = Person.new('Peter', 42)
+      assert_equal('Peter', p.name)
+      assert_equal(42, p.age)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      abstract class Base
+        this.name: string
+      endclass
+      class Person extends Base
+        this.age: number
+      endclass
+      var p = Base.new('Peter')
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1325: Method not found on class "Base": new(')
+  lines =<< trim END
+      abstract class Base
+        this.name: string
+      endclass
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1316:')
+def Test_closure_in_class()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class Foo
+        this.y: list<string> = ['B']
+        def new()
+          g:result = filter(['A', 'B'], (_, v) => index(this.y, v) == -1)
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      Foo.new()
+      assert_equal(['A'], g:result)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_call_constructor_from_legacy()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      var newCalled = 'false'
+      class A
+        def new()
+          newCalled = 'true'
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      export def F(options = {}): any
+        return A
+      enddef
+      g:p = F()
+      legacy call p.new()
+      assert_equal('true', newCalled)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+def Test_defer_with_object()
+  var lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class CWithEE
+        def Enter()
+          g:result ..= "entered/"
+        enddef
+        def Exit()
+          g:result ..= "exited"
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      def With(ee: CWithEE, F: func)
+        ee.Enter()
+        defer ee.Exit()
+        F()
+      enddef
+      g:result = ''
+      var obj = CWithEE.new()
+      obj->With(() => {
+        g:result ..= "called/"
+      })
+      assert_equal('entered/called/exited', g:result)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  unlet g:result
+  lines =<< trim END
+      vim9script
+      class BaseWithEE
+        def Enter()
+          g:result ..= "entered-base/"
+        enddef
+        def Exit()
+          g:result ..= "exited-base"
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      class CWithEE extends BaseWithEE
+        def Enter()
+          g:result ..= "entered-child/"
+        enddef
+        def Exit()
+          g:result ..= "exited-child"
+        enddef
+      endclass
+      def With(ee: BaseWithEE, F: func)
+        ee.Enter()
+        defer ee.Exit()
+        F()
+      enddef
+      g:result = ''
+      var obj = CWithEE.new()
+      obj->With(() => {
+        g:result ..= "called/"
+      })
+      assert_equal('entered-child/called/exited-child', g:result)
+  END
+  v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+  unlet g:result
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker