diff src/testdir/test_recover.vim @ 32670:695b50472e85

Fix line endings issue
author Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
date Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:13:12 +0200
parents 448aef880252
children c41b1cac349b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/testdir/test_recover.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_recover.vim
@@ -1,474 +1,474 @@
-" Test :recover
-source check.vim
-func Test_recover_root_dir()
-  " This used to access invalid memory.
-  split Xtest
-  set dir=/
-  call assert_fails('recover', 'E305:')
-  close!
-  if has('win32') || filewritable('/') == 2
-    " can write in / directory on MS-Windows
-    set dir=/notexist/
-  endif
-  call assert_fails('split Xtest', 'E303:')
-  " No error with empty 'directory' setting.
-  set directory=
-  split XtestOK
-  close!
-  set dir&
-" Make a copy of the current swap file to "Xswap".
-" Return the name of the swap file.
-func CopySwapfile()
-  preserve
-  " get the name of the swap file
-  let swname = split(execute("swapname"))[0]
-  let swname = substitute(swname, '[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*\(.\{-}\)[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*$', '\1', '')
-  " make a copy of the swap file in Xswap
-  set binary
-  exe 'sp ' . swname
-  w! Xswap
-  set nobinary
-  return swname
-" Inserts 10000 lines with text to fill the swap file with two levels of pointer
-" blocks.  Then recovers from the swap file and checks all text is restored.
-" We need about 10000 lines of 100 characters to get two levels of pointer
-" blocks.
-func Test_swap_file()
-  set fileformat=unix undolevels=-1
-  edit! Xtest
-  let text = "\tabcdefghijklmnoparstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnoparstuvwxyz0123456789"
-  let i = 1
-  let linecount = 10000
-  while i <= linecount
-    call append(i - 1, i . text)
-    let i += 1
-  endwhile
-  $delete
-  let swname = CopySwapfile()
-  new
-  only!
-  bwipe! Xtest
-  call rename('Xswap', swname)
-  recover Xtest
-  call delete(swname)
-  let linedollar = line('$')
-  call assert_equal(linecount, linedollar)
-  if linedollar < linecount
-    let linecount = linedollar
-  endif
-  let i = 1
-  while i <= linecount
-    call assert_equal(i . text, getline(i))
-    let i += 1
-  endwhile
-  set undolevels&
-  enew! | only
-func Test_nocatch_process_still_running()
-  " sysinfo.uptime probably only works on Linux
-  if !has('linux')
-    let g:skipped_reason = 'only works on Linux'
-    return
-  endif
-  " the GUI dialog can't be handled
-  if has('gui_running')
-    let g:skipped_reason = 'only works in the terminal'
-    return
-  endif
-  " don't intercept existing swap file here
-  au! SwapExists
-  " Edit a file and grab its swapfile.
-  edit Xswaptest
-  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
-  let swname = CopySwapfile()
-  " Forget we edited this file
-  new
-  only!
-  bwipe! Xswaptest
-  call rename('Xswap', swname)
-  call feedkeys('e', 'tL')
-  redir => editOutput
-  edit Xswaptest
-  redir END
-  call assert_match('E325: ATTENTION', editOutput)
-  call assert_match('file name: .*Xswaptest', editOutput)
-  call assert_match('process ID: \d* (STILL RUNNING)', editOutput)
-  " Forget we edited this file
-  new
-  only!
-  bwipe! Xswaptest
-  " pretend we rebooted
-  call test_override("uptime", 0)
-  sleep 1
-  call feedkeys('e', 'tL')
-  redir => editOutput
-  edit Xswaptest
-  redir END
-  call assert_match('E325: ATTENTION', editOutput)
-  call assert_notmatch('(STILL RUNNING)', editOutput)
-  call test_override("ALL", 0)
-  call delete(swname)
-" Test for :recover with multiple swap files
-func Test_recover_multiple_swap_files()
-  CheckUnix
-  new Xfile1
-  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
-  preserve
-  let b = readblob(swapname(''))
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm', 'D')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swn', 'D')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swo', 'D')
-  %bw!
-  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>3\<CR>q", 'xt')
-  call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], getline(1, '$'))
-  " try using out-of-range number to select a swap file
-  bw!
-  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>4\<CR>q", 'xt')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>0\<CR>q", 'xt')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-" Test for :recover using an empty swap file
-func Test_recover_empty_swap_file()
-  CheckUnix
-  call writefile([], '.Xfile1.swp', 'D')
-  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
-  call assert_match('Unable to read block 0 from .Xfile1.swp', msg)
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  bw!
-  " make sure there are no old swap files laying around
-  for f in glob('.sw?', 0, 1)
-    call delete(f)
-  endfor
-  " :recover from an empty buffer
-  call assert_fails('recover', 'E305:')
-" Test for :recover using a corrupted swap file
-" Refer to the comments in the memline.c file for the swap file headers
-" definition.
-func Test_recover_corrupted_swap_file()
-  CheckUnix
-  " recover using a partial swap file
-  call writefile(0z1234, '.Xfile1.swp')
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E295:')
-  bw!
-  " recover using invalid content in the swap file
-  call writefile([repeat('1', 2*1024)], '.Xfile1.swp')
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E307:')
-  call delete('.Xfile1.swp')
-  " :recover using a swap file with a corrupted header
-  edit Xfile1
-  preserve
-  let sn = swapname('')
-  let b = readblob(sn)
-  let save_b = copy(b)
-  bw!
-  " Not all fields are written in a system-independent manner.  Detect whether
-  " the test is running on a little or big-endian system, so the correct
-  " corruption values can be set.
-  " The B0_MAGIC_LONG field may be 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the system,
-  " even though the value stored is only 32-bits.  Therefore, need to check
-  " both the high and low 32-bits to compute these values.
-  let little_endian = (b[1008:1011] == 0z33323130) || (b[1012:1015] == 0z33323130)
-  let system_64bit = little_endian ? (b[1012:1015] == 0z00000000) : (b[1008:1011] == 0z00000000)
-  " clear the B0_MAGIC_LONG field
-  if system_64bit
-    let b[1008:1015] = 0z00000000.00000000
-  else
-    let b[1008:1011] = 0z00000000
-  endif
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
-  call assert_match('the file has been damaged', msg)
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " reduce the page size
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  let b[12:15] = 0z00010000
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
-  call assert_match('page size is smaller than minimum value', msg)
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " clear the pointer ID
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  let b[4096:4097] = 0z0000
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E310:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " set the number of pointers in a pointer block to zero
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  let b[4098:4099] = 0z0000
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['???EMPTY BLOCK'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " set the number of pointers in a pointer block to a large value
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  let b[4098:4099] = 0zFFFF
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E1364:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  bw!
-  " set the block number in a pointer entry to a negative number
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  if system_64bit
-    let b[4104:4111] = little_endian ? 0z00000000.00000080 : 0z80000000.00000000
-  else
-    let b[4104:4107] = little_endian ? 0z00000080 : 0z80000000
-  endif
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['???LINES MISSING'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " clear the data block ID
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  let b[8192:8193] = 0z0000
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['???BLOCK MISSING'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " set the number of lines in the data block to zero
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  if system_64bit
-    let b[8208:8215] = 0z00000000.00000000
-  else
-    let b[8208:8211] = 0z00000000
-  endif
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted',
-        \ '???END'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " set the number of lines in the data block to a large value
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  if system_64bit
-    let b[8208:8215] = 0z00FFFFFF.FFFFFF00
-  else
-    let b[8208:8211] = 0z00FFFF00
-  endif
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted',
-        \ '', '???', '??? lines may be missing',
-        \ '???END'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " use an invalid text start for the lines in a data block
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  if system_64bit
-    let b[8216:8219] = 0z00000000
-  else
-    let b[8212:8215] = 0z00000000
-  endif
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['???'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " use an incorrect text end (db_txt_end) for the data block
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  let b[8204:8207] = little_endian ? 0z80000000 : 0z00000080
-  call writefile(b, sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['??? from here until ???END lines may be messed up', '',
-        \ '???END'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  " remove the data block
-  let b = copy(save_b)
-  call writefile(b[:8191], sn)
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
-  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
-  call assert_equal(['???MANY LINES MISSING'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  call delete(sn)
-" Test for :recover using an encrypted swap file
-func Test_recover_encrypted_swap_file()
-  CheckFeature cryptv
-  CheckUnix
-  " Recover an encrypted file from the swap file without the original file
-  new Xfile1
-  call feedkeys(":X\<CR>vim\<CR>vim\<CR>", 'xt')
-  call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
-  preserve
-  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm')
-  bw!
-  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>vim\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
-  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
-  bw!
-  call delete('.Xfile1.swm')
-  " Recover an encrypted file from the swap file with the original file
-  new Xfile1
-  call feedkeys(":X\<CR>vim\<CR>vim\<CR>", 'xt')
-  call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
-  update
-  call setline(1, ['111', '222', '333'])
-  preserve
-  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm')
-  bw!
-  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>vim\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
-  call assert_equal(['111', '222', '333'], getline(1, '$'))
-  call assert_true(&modified)
-  bw!
-  call delete('.Xfile1.swm')
-  call delete('Xfile1')
-" Test for :recover using a unreadable swap file
-func Test_recover_unreadable_swap_file()
-  CheckUnix
-  CheckNotRoot
-  new Xfile1
-  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm', 'D')
-  bw!
-  call setfperm('.Xfile1.swm', '-w-------')
-  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E306:')
-" Test for using :recover when the original file and the swap file have the
-" same contents.
-func Test_recover_unmodified_file()
-  CheckUnix
-  call writefile(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'Xfile1')
-  edit Xfile1
-  preserve
-  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
-  %bw!
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swz', 'D')
-  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
-  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
-  call assert_false(&modified)
-  call assert_match('Buffer contents equals file contents', msg)
-  bw!
-  call delete('Xfile1')
-" Test for recovering a file when editing a symbolically linked file
-func Test_recover_symbolic_link()
-  CheckUnix
-  call writefile(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'Xfile1', 'D')
-  silent !ln -s Xfile1 Xfile2
-  edit Xfile2
-  call assert_equal('.Xfile1.swp', fnamemodify(swapname(''), ':t'))
-  preserve
-  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
-  %bw!
-  call writefile([], 'Xfile1')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swp')
-  silent! recover Xfile2
-  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
-  call assert_true(&modified)
-  update
-  %bw!
-  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], readfile('Xfile1'))
-  call delete('Xfile2')
-  call delete('.Xfile1.swp')
-" Test for recovering a file when an autocmd moves the cursor to an invalid
-" line. This used to result in an internal error (E315) which is fixed
-" by 8.2.2966.
-func Test_recover_invalid_cursor_pos()
-  call writefile([], 'Xfile1', 'D')
-  edit Xfile1
-  preserve
-  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
-  bw!
-  augroup Test
-    au!
-    au BufReadPost Xfile1 normal! 3G
-  augroup END
-  call writefile(range(1, 3), 'Xfile1')
-  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swp', 'D')
-  try
-    recover Xfile1
-  catch /E308:/
-    " this test is for the :E315 internal error.
-    " ignore the 'E308: Original file may have been changed' error
-  endtry
-  redraw!
-  augroup Test
-    au!
-  augroup END
-  augroup! Test
-" Test for recovering a buffer without a name
-func Test_noname_buffer()
-  new
-  call setline(1, ['one', 'two'])
-  preserve
-  let sn = swapname('')
-  let b = readblob(sn)
-  bw!
-  call writefile(b, sn, 'D')
-  exe "recover " .. sn
-  call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], getline(1, '$'))
-" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
+" Test :recover
+source check.vim
+func Test_recover_root_dir()
+  " This used to access invalid memory.
+  split Xtest
+  set dir=/
+  call assert_fails('recover', 'E305:')
+  close!
+  if has('win32') || filewritable('/') == 2
+    " can write in / directory on MS-Windows
+    set dir=/notexist/
+  endif
+  call assert_fails('split Xtest', 'E303:')
+  " No error with empty 'directory' setting.
+  set directory=
+  split XtestOK
+  close!
+  set dir&
+" Make a copy of the current swap file to "Xswap".
+" Return the name of the swap file.
+func CopySwapfile()
+  preserve
+  " get the name of the swap file
+  let swname = split(execute("swapname"))[0]
+  let swname = substitute(swname, '[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*\(.\{-}\)[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*$', '\1', '')
+  " make a copy of the swap file in Xswap
+  set binary
+  exe 'sp ' . swname
+  w! Xswap
+  set nobinary
+  return swname
+" Inserts 10000 lines with text to fill the swap file with two levels of pointer
+" blocks.  Then recovers from the swap file and checks all text is restored.
+" We need about 10000 lines of 100 characters to get two levels of pointer
+" blocks.
+func Test_swap_file()
+  set fileformat=unix undolevels=-1
+  edit! Xtest
+  let text = "\tabcdefghijklmnoparstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnoparstuvwxyz0123456789"
+  let i = 1
+  let linecount = 10000
+  while i <= linecount
+    call append(i - 1, i . text)
+    let i += 1
+  endwhile
+  $delete
+  let swname = CopySwapfile()
+  new
+  only!
+  bwipe! Xtest
+  call rename('Xswap', swname)
+  recover Xtest
+  call delete(swname)
+  let linedollar = line('$')
+  call assert_equal(linecount, linedollar)
+  if linedollar < linecount
+    let linecount = linedollar
+  endif
+  let i = 1
+  while i <= linecount
+    call assert_equal(i . text, getline(i))
+    let i += 1
+  endwhile
+  set undolevels&
+  enew! | only
+func Test_nocatch_process_still_running()
+  " sysinfo.uptime probably only works on Linux
+  if !has('linux')
+    let g:skipped_reason = 'only works on Linux'
+    return
+  endif
+  " the GUI dialog can't be handled
+  if has('gui_running')
+    let g:skipped_reason = 'only works in the terminal'
+    return
+  endif
+  " don't intercept existing swap file here
+  au! SwapExists
+  " Edit a file and grab its swapfile.
+  edit Xswaptest
+  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+  let swname = CopySwapfile()
+  " Forget we edited this file
+  new
+  only!
+  bwipe! Xswaptest
+  call rename('Xswap', swname)
+  call feedkeys('e', 'tL')
+  redir => editOutput
+  edit Xswaptest
+  redir END
+  call assert_match('E325: ATTENTION', editOutput)
+  call assert_match('file name: .*Xswaptest', editOutput)
+  call assert_match('process ID: \d* (STILL RUNNING)', editOutput)
+  " Forget we edited this file
+  new
+  only!
+  bwipe! Xswaptest
+  " pretend we rebooted
+  call test_override("uptime", 0)
+  sleep 1
+  call feedkeys('e', 'tL')
+  redir => editOutput
+  edit Xswaptest
+  redir END
+  call assert_match('E325: ATTENTION', editOutput)
+  call assert_notmatch('(STILL RUNNING)', editOutput)
+  call test_override("ALL", 0)
+  call delete(swname)
+" Test for :recover with multiple swap files
+func Test_recover_multiple_swap_files()
+  CheckUnix
+  new Xfile1
+  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+  preserve
+  let b = readblob(swapname(''))
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm', 'D')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swn', 'D')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swo', 'D')
+  %bw!
+  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>3\<CR>q", 'xt')
+  call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], getline(1, '$'))
+  " try using out-of-range number to select a swap file
+  bw!
+  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>4\<CR>q", 'xt')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>0\<CR>q", 'xt')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+" Test for :recover using an empty swap file
+func Test_recover_empty_swap_file()
+  CheckUnix
+  call writefile([], '.Xfile1.swp', 'D')
+  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
+  call assert_match('Unable to read block 0 from .Xfile1.swp', msg)
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  bw!
+  " make sure there are no old swap files laying around
+  for f in glob('.sw?', 0, 1)
+    call delete(f)
+  endfor
+  " :recover from an empty buffer
+  call assert_fails('recover', 'E305:')
+" Test for :recover using a corrupted swap file
+" Refer to the comments in the memline.c file for the swap file headers
+" definition.
+func Test_recover_corrupted_swap_file()
+  CheckUnix
+  " recover using a partial swap file
+  call writefile(0z1234, '.Xfile1.swp')
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E295:')
+  bw!
+  " recover using invalid content in the swap file
+  call writefile([repeat('1', 2*1024)], '.Xfile1.swp')
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E307:')
+  call delete('.Xfile1.swp')
+  " :recover using a swap file with a corrupted header
+  edit Xfile1
+  preserve
+  let sn = swapname('')
+  let b = readblob(sn)
+  let save_b = copy(b)
+  bw!
+  " Not all fields are written in a system-independent manner.  Detect whether
+  " the test is running on a little or big-endian system, so the correct
+  " corruption values can be set.
+  " The B0_MAGIC_LONG field may be 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the system,
+  " even though the value stored is only 32-bits.  Therefore, need to check
+  " both the high and low 32-bits to compute these values.
+  let little_endian = (b[1008:1011] == 0z33323130) || (b[1012:1015] == 0z33323130)
+  let system_64bit = little_endian ? (b[1012:1015] == 0z00000000) : (b[1008:1011] == 0z00000000)
+  " clear the B0_MAGIC_LONG field
+  if system_64bit
+    let b[1008:1015] = 0z00000000.00000000
+  else
+    let b[1008:1011] = 0z00000000
+  endif
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
+  call assert_match('the file has been damaged', msg)
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " reduce the page size
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  let b[12:15] = 0z00010000
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
+  call assert_match('page size is smaller than minimum value', msg)
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " clear the pointer ID
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  let b[4096:4097] = 0z0000
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E310:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " set the number of pointers in a pointer block to zero
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  let b[4098:4099] = 0z0000
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['???EMPTY BLOCK'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " set the number of pointers in a pointer block to a large value
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  let b[4098:4099] = 0zFFFF
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E1364:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  bw!
+  " set the block number in a pointer entry to a negative number
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  if system_64bit
+    let b[4104:4111] = little_endian ? 0z00000000.00000080 : 0z80000000.00000000
+  else
+    let b[4104:4107] = little_endian ? 0z00000080 : 0z80000000
+  endif
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['???LINES MISSING'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " clear the data block ID
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  let b[8192:8193] = 0z0000
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['???BLOCK MISSING'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " set the number of lines in the data block to zero
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  if system_64bit
+    let b[8208:8215] = 0z00000000.00000000
+  else
+    let b[8208:8211] = 0z00000000
+  endif
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted',
+        \ '???END'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " set the number of lines in the data block to a large value
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  if system_64bit
+    let b[8208:8215] = 0z00FFFFFF.FFFFFF00
+  else
+    let b[8208:8211] = 0z00FFFF00
+  endif
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted',
+        \ '', '???', '??? lines may be missing',
+        \ '???END'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " use an invalid text start for the lines in a data block
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  if system_64bit
+    let b[8216:8219] = 0z00000000
+  else
+    let b[8212:8215] = 0z00000000
+  endif
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['???'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " use an incorrect text end (db_txt_end) for the data block
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  let b[8204:8207] = little_endian ? 0z80000000 : 0z00000080
+  call writefile(b, sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['??? from here until ???END lines may be messed up', '',
+        \ '???END'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  " remove the data block
+  let b = copy(save_b)
+  call writefile(b[:8191], sn)
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E312:')
+  call assert_equal('Xfile1', @%)
+  call assert_equal(['???MANY LINES MISSING'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  call delete(sn)
+" Test for :recover using an encrypted swap file
+func Test_recover_encrypted_swap_file()
+  CheckFeature cryptv
+  CheckUnix
+  " Recover an encrypted file from the swap file without the original file
+  new Xfile1
+  call feedkeys(":X\<CR>vim\<CR>vim\<CR>", 'xt')
+  call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
+  preserve
+  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm')
+  bw!
+  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>vim\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
+  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
+  bw!
+  call delete('.Xfile1.swm')
+  " Recover an encrypted file from the swap file with the original file
+  new Xfile1
+  call feedkeys(":X\<CR>vim\<CR>vim\<CR>", 'xt')
+  call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
+  update
+  call setline(1, ['111', '222', '333'])
+  preserve
+  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm')
+  bw!
+  call feedkeys(":recover Xfile1\<CR>vim\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
+  call assert_equal(['111', '222', '333'], getline(1, '$'))
+  call assert_true(&modified)
+  bw!
+  call delete('.Xfile1.swm')
+  call delete('Xfile1')
+" Test for :recover using a unreadable swap file
+func Test_recover_unreadable_swap_file()
+  CheckUnix
+  CheckNotRoot
+  new Xfile1
+  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swm', 'D')
+  bw!
+  call setfperm('.Xfile1.swm', '-w-------')
+  call assert_fails('recover Xfile1', 'E306:')
+" Test for using :recover when the original file and the swap file have the
+" same contents.
+func Test_recover_unmodified_file()
+  CheckUnix
+  call writefile(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'Xfile1')
+  edit Xfile1
+  preserve
+  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
+  %bw!
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swz', 'D')
+  let msg = execute('recover Xfile1')
+  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
+  call assert_false(&modified)
+  call assert_match('Buffer contents equals file contents', msg)
+  bw!
+  call delete('Xfile1')
+" Test for recovering a file when editing a symbolically linked file
+func Test_recover_symbolic_link()
+  CheckUnix
+  call writefile(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'Xfile1', 'D')
+  silent !ln -s Xfile1 Xfile2
+  edit Xfile2
+  call assert_equal('.Xfile1.swp', fnamemodify(swapname(''), ':t'))
+  preserve
+  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
+  %bw!
+  call writefile([], 'Xfile1')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swp')
+  silent! recover Xfile2
+  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
+  call assert_true(&modified)
+  update
+  %bw!
+  call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], readfile('Xfile1'))
+  call delete('Xfile2')
+  call delete('.Xfile1.swp')
+" Test for recovering a file when an autocmd moves the cursor to an invalid
+" line. This used to result in an internal error (E315) which is fixed
+" by 8.2.2966.
+func Test_recover_invalid_cursor_pos()
+  call writefile([], 'Xfile1', 'D')
+  edit Xfile1
+  preserve
+  let b = readblob('.Xfile1.swp')
+  bw!
+  augroup Test
+    au!
+    au BufReadPost Xfile1 normal! 3G
+  augroup END
+  call writefile(range(1, 3), 'Xfile1')
+  call writefile(b, '.Xfile1.swp', 'D')
+  try
+    recover Xfile1
+  catch /E308:/
+    " this test is for the :E315 internal error.
+    " ignore the 'E308: Original file may have been changed' error
+  endtry
+  redraw!
+  augroup Test
+    au!
+  augroup END
+  augroup! Test
+" Test for recovering a buffer without a name
+func Test_noname_buffer()
+  new
+  call setline(1, ['one', 'two'])
+  preserve
+  let sn = swapname('')
+  let b = readblob(sn)
+  bw!
+  call writefile(b, sn, 'D')
+  exe "recover " .. sn
+  call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], getline(1, '$'))
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab