diff src/tag.c @ 7:3fc0f57ecb91 v7.0001

updated for version 7.0001
author vimboss
date Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:20:40 +0000
children 125e80798a85
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3534 @@
+/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
+ *
+ * VIM - Vi IMproved	by Bram Moolenaar
+ *
+ * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
+ * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
+ * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
+ */
+ * Code to handle tags and the tag stack
+ */
+#if defined MSDOS || defined WIN32 || defined(_WIN64)
+# include <io.h>	/* for lseek(), must be before vim.h */
+#include "vim.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+# include <fcntl.h>	/* for lseek() */
+ * Structure to hold pointers to various items in a tag line.
+ */
+typedef struct tag_pointers
+    /* filled in by parse_tag_line(): */
+    char_u	*tagname;	/* start of tag name (skip "file:") */
+    char_u	*tagname_end;	/* char after tag name */
+    char_u	*fname;		/* first char of file name */
+    char_u	*fname_end;	/* char after file name */
+    char_u	*command;	/* first char of command */
+    /* filled in by parse_match(): */
+    char_u	*command_end;	/* first char after command */
+    char_u	*tag_fname;	/* file name of the tags file */
+    int		is_etag;	/* TRUE for emacs tag */
+    char_u	*tagkind;	/* "kind:" value */
+    char_u	*tagkind_end;	/* end of tagkind */
+} tagptrs_T;
+ * The matching tags are first stored in ga_match[].  In which one depends on
+ * the priority of the match.
+ * At the end, the matches from ga_match[] are concatenated, to make a list
+ * sorted on priority.
+ */
+#define MT_ST_CUR	0		/* static match in current file */
+#define MT_GL_CUR	1		/* global match in current file */
+#define MT_GL_OTH	2		/* global match in other file */
+#define MT_ST_OTH	3		/* static match in other file */
+#define MT_IC_ST_CUR	4		/* icase static match in current file */
+#define MT_IC_GL_CUR	5		/* icase global match in current file */
+#define MT_IC_GL_OTH	6		/* icase global match in other file */
+#define MT_IC_ST_OTH	7		/* icase static match in other file */
+#define MT_IC_OFF	4		/* add for icase match */
+#define MT_RE_OFF	8		/* add for regexp match */
+#define MT_MASK		7		/* mask for printing priority */
+#define MT_COUNT	16
+static char	*mt_names[MT_COUNT/2] =
+		{"FSC", "F C", "F  ", "FS ", " SC", "  C", "   ", " S "};
+#define NOTAGFILE	99		/* return value for jumpto_tag */
+static char_u	*nofile_fname = NULL;	/* fname for NOTAGFILE error */
+static void taglen_advance __ARGS((int l));
+static int get_tagfname __ARGS((int first, char_u *buf));
+static int jumpto_tag __ARGS((char_u *lbuf, int forceit, int keep_help));
+static int parse_tag_line __ARGS((char_u *lbuf, int is_etag, tagptrs_T *tagp));
+static int parse_tag_line __ARGS((char_u *lbuf, tagptrs_T *tagp));
+static int test_for_static __ARGS((tagptrs_T *));
+static int parse_match __ARGS((char_u *lbuf, tagptrs_T *tagp));
+static char_u *tag_full_fname __ARGS((tagptrs_T *tagp));
+static char_u *expand_tag_fname __ARGS((char_u *fname, char_u *tag_fname, int expand));
+static int test_for_current __ARGS((int, char_u *, char_u *, char_u *, char_u *));
+static int test_for_current __ARGS((char_u *, char_u *, char_u *, char_u *));
+static int find_extra __ARGS((char_u **pp));
+static char_u *bottommsg = (char_u *)N_("E555: at bottom of tag stack");
+static char_u *topmsg = (char_u *)N_("E556: at top of tag stack");
+static char_u	*tagmatchname = NULL;	/* name of last used tag */
+ * We use ftello() here, if available.  It returns off_t instead of long,
+ * which helps if long is 32 bit and off_t is 64 bit.
+ */
+# define ftell ftello
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+ * Tag for preview window is remembered separately, to avoid messing up the
+ * normal tagstack.
+ */
+static taggy_T ptag_entry = {NULL};
+ * Jump to tag; handling of tag commands and tag stack
+ *
+ * *tag != NUL: ":tag {tag}", jump to new tag, add to tag stack
+ *
+ * type == DT_TAG:	":tag [tag]", jump to newer position or same tag again
+ * type == DT_HELP:	like DT_TAG, but don't use regexp.
+ * type == DT_POP:	":pop" or CTRL-T, jump to old position
+ * type == DT_NEXT:	jump to next match of same tag
+ * type == DT_PREV:	jump to previous match of same tag
+ * type == DT_FIRST:	jump to first match of same tag
+ * type == DT_LAST:	jump to last match of same tag
+ * type == DT_SELECT:	":tselect [tag]", select tag from a list of all matches
+ * type == DT_JUMP:	":tjump [tag]", jump to tag or select tag from a list
+ * type == DT_CSCOPE:	use cscope to find the tag.
+ *
+ * for cscope, returns TRUE if we jumped to tag or aborted, FALSE otherwise
+ */
+    int
+do_tag(tag, type, count, forceit, verbose)
+    char_u	*tag;		/* tag (pattern) to jump to */
+    int		type;
+    int		count;
+    int		forceit;	/* :ta with ! */
+    int		verbose;	/* print "tag not found" message */
+    taggy_T	*tagstack = curwin->w_tagstack;
+    int		tagstackidx = curwin->w_tagstackidx;
+    int		tagstacklen = curwin->w_tagstacklen;
+    int		cur_match = 0;
+    int		cur_fnum = curbuf->b_fnum;
+    int		oldtagstackidx = tagstackidx;
+    int		prevtagstackidx = tagstackidx;
+    int		prev_num_matches;
+    int		new_tag = FALSE;
+    int		other_name;
+    int		i, j, k;
+    int		idx;
+    int		ic;
+    char_u	*p;
+    char_u	*name;
+    int		no_regexp = FALSE;
+    int		error_cur_match = 0;
+    char_u	*command_end;
+    int		save_pos = FALSE;
+    fmark_T	saved_fmark;
+    int		taglen;
+    int		jumped_to_tag = FALSE;
+    tagptrs_T	tagp, tagp2;
+    int		new_num_matches;
+    char_u	**new_matches;
+    int		attr;
+    int		use_tagstack;
+    int		skip_msg = FALSE;
+    char_u	*buf_ffname = curbuf->b_ffname;	    /* name to use for
+						       priority computation */
+    /* remember the matches for the last used tag */
+    static int		num_matches = 0;
+    static int		max_num_matches = 0;  /* limit used for match search */
+    static char_u	**matches = NULL;
+    static int		flags;
+    if (type == DT_HELP)
+    {
+	type = DT_TAG;
+	no_regexp = TRUE;
+    }
+    prev_num_matches = num_matches;
+    free_string_option(nofile_fname);
+    nofile_fname = NULL;
+    /*
+     * Don't add a tag to the tagstack if 'tagstack' has been reset.
+     */
+    if ((!p_tgst && *tag != NUL))
+    {
+	use_tagstack = FALSE;
+	new_tag = TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	if (g_do_tagpreview)
+	    use_tagstack = FALSE;
+	else
+	    use_tagstack = TRUE;
+	/* new pattern, add to the tag stack */
+	if (*tag && (type == DT_TAG || type == DT_SELECT || type == DT_JUMP
+		    || type == DT_CSCOPE
+		    ))
+	{
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	    if (g_do_tagpreview)
+	    {
+		if (ptag_entry.tagname != NULL
+			&& STRCMP(ptag_entry.tagname, tag) == 0)
+		{
+		    /* Jumping to same tag: keep the current match, so that
+		     * the CursorHold autocommand example works. */
+		    cur_match = ptag_entry.cur_match;
+		    cur_fnum = ptag_entry.cur_fnum;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    vim_free(ptag_entry.tagname);
+		    if ((ptag_entry.tagname = vim_strsave(tag)) == NULL)
+			goto end_do_tag;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		/*
+		 * If the last used entry is not at the top, delete all tag
+		 * stack entries above it.
+		 */
+		while (tagstackidx < tagstacklen)
+		    vim_free(tagstack[--tagstacklen].tagname);
+		/* if the tagstack is full: remove oldest entry */
+		if (++tagstacklen > TAGSTACKSIZE)
+		{
+		    tagstacklen = TAGSTACKSIZE;
+		    vim_free(tagstack[0].tagname);
+		    for (i = 1; i < tagstacklen; ++i)
+			tagstack[i - 1] = tagstack[i];
+		    --tagstackidx;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * put the tag name in the tag stack
+		 */
+		if ((tagstack[tagstackidx].tagname = vim_strsave(tag)) == NULL)
+		{
+		    curwin->w_tagstacklen = tagstacklen - 1;
+		    goto end_do_tag;
+		}
+		curwin->w_tagstacklen = tagstacklen;
+		save_pos = TRUE;	/* save the cursor position below */
+	    }
+	    new_tag = TRUE;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    if (
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+		    g_do_tagpreview ? ptag_entry.tagname == NULL :
+		    tagstacklen == 0)
+	    {
+		/* empty stack */
+		EMSG(_(e_tagstack));
+		goto end_do_tag;
+	    }
+	    if (type == DT_POP)		/* go to older position */
+	    {
+		int	old_KeyTyped = KeyTyped;
+		if ((tagstackidx -= count) < 0)
+		{
+		    EMSG(_(bottommsg));
+		    if (tagstackidx + count == 0)
+		    {
+			/* We did [num]^T from the bottom of the stack */
+			tagstackidx = 0;
+			goto end_do_tag;
+		    }
+		    /* We weren't at the bottom of the stack, so jump all the
+		     * way to the bottom now.
+		     */
+		    tagstackidx = 0;
+		}
+		else if (tagstackidx >= tagstacklen)    /* count == 0? */
+		{
+		    EMSG(_(topmsg));
+		    goto end_do_tag;
+		}
+		/* Make a copy of the fmark, autocommands may invalidate the
+		 * tagstack before it's used. */
+		saved_fmark = tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark;
+		if (saved_fmark.fnum != curbuf->b_fnum)
+		{
+		    /*
+		     * Jump to other file. If this fails (e.g. because the
+		     * file was changed) keep original position in tag stack.
+		     */
+		    if (buflist_getfile(saved_fmark.fnum, saved_fmark.mark.lnum,
+					       GETF_SETMARK, forceit) == FAIL)
+		    {
+			tagstackidx = oldtagstackidx;  /* back to old posn */
+			goto end_do_tag;
+		    }
+		    /* An BufReadPost autocommand may jump to the '" mark, but
+		     * we don't what that here. */
+		    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = saved_fmark.mark.lnum;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    setpcmark();
+		    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = saved_fmark.mark.lnum;
+		}
+		curwin->w_cursor.col = saved_fmark.mark.col;
+		curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+		check_cursor();
+		if ((fdo_flags & FDO_TAG) && old_KeyTyped)
+		    foldOpenCursor();
+		/* remove the old list of matches */
+		FreeWild(num_matches, matches);
+		cs_free_tags();
+		num_matches = 0;
+		goto end_do_tag;
+	    }
+	    if (type == DT_TAG)
+	    {
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+		if (g_do_tagpreview)
+		{
+		    cur_match = ptag_entry.cur_match;
+		    cur_fnum = ptag_entry.cur_fnum;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    /* ":tag" (no argument): go to newer pattern */
+		    save_pos = TRUE;	/* save the cursor position below */
+		    if ((tagstackidx += count - 1) >= tagstacklen)
+		    {
+			/*
+			 * Beyond the last one, just give an error message and
+			 * go to the last one.  Don't store the cursor
+			 * postition.
+			 */
+			tagstackidx = tagstacklen - 1;
+			EMSG(_(topmsg));
+			save_pos = FALSE;
+		    }
+		    else if (tagstackidx < 0)	/* must have been count == 0 */
+		    {
+			EMSG(_(bottommsg));
+			tagstackidx = 0;
+			goto end_do_tag;
+		    }
+		    cur_match = tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_match;
+		    cur_fnum = tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_fnum;
+		}
+		new_tag = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    else				/* go to other matching tag */
+	    {
+		/* Save index for when selection is cancelled. */
+		prevtagstackidx = tagstackidx;
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+		if (g_do_tagpreview)
+		{
+		    cur_match = ptag_entry.cur_match;
+		    cur_fnum = ptag_entry.cur_fnum;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    if (--tagstackidx < 0)
+			tagstackidx = 0;
+		    cur_match = tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_match;
+		    cur_fnum = tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_fnum;
+		}
+		switch (type)
+		{
+		    case DT_FIRST: cur_match = count - 1; break;
+		    case DT_SELECT:
+		    case DT_JUMP:
+		    case DT_CSCOPE:
+		    case DT_LAST:  cur_match = MAXCOL - 1; break;
+		    case DT_NEXT:  cur_match += count; break;
+		    case DT_PREV:  cur_match -= count; break;
+		}
+		if (cur_match >= MAXCOL)
+		    cur_match = MAXCOL - 1;
+		else if (cur_match < 0)
+		{
+		    EMSG(_("E425: Cannot go before first matching tag"));
+		    skip_msg = TRUE;
+		    cur_match = 0;
+		    cur_fnum = curbuf->b_fnum;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	if (g_do_tagpreview)
+	{
+	    if (type != DT_SELECT && type != DT_JUMP)
+	    {
+		ptag_entry.cur_match = cur_match;
+		ptag_entry.cur_fnum = cur_fnum;
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    /*
+	     * For ":tag [arg]" or ":tselect" remember position before the jump.
+	     */
+	    saved_fmark = tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark;
+	    if (save_pos)
+	    {
+		tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.mark = curwin->w_cursor;
+		tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.fnum = curbuf->b_fnum;
+	    }
+	    /* Curwin will change in the call to jumpto_tag() if ":stag" was
+	     * used or an autocommand jumps to another window; store value of
+	     * tagstackidx now. */
+	    curwin->w_tagstackidx = tagstackidx;
+	    if (type != DT_SELECT && type != DT_JUMP)
+	    {
+		curwin->w_tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_match = cur_match;
+		curwin->w_tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_fnum = cur_fnum;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* When not using the current buffer get the name of buffer "cur_fnum".
+     * Makes sure that the tag order doesn't change when using a remembered
+     * position for "cur_match". */
+    if (cur_fnum != curbuf->b_fnum)
+    {
+	buf_T *buf = buflist_findnr(cur_fnum);
+	if (buf != NULL)
+	    buf_ffname = buf->b_ffname;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Repeat searching for tags, when a file has not been found.
+     */
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	/*
+	 * When desired match not found yet, try to find it (and others).
+	 */
+	if (use_tagstack)
+	    name = tagstack[tagstackidx].tagname;
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	else if (g_do_tagpreview)
+	    name = ptag_entry.tagname;
+	else
+	    name = tag;
+	other_name = (tagmatchname == NULL || STRCMP(tagmatchname, name) != 0);
+	if (new_tag
+		|| (cur_match >= num_matches && max_num_matches != MAXCOL)
+		|| other_name)
+	{
+	    if (other_name)
+	    {
+		vim_free(tagmatchname);
+		tagmatchname = vim_strsave(name);
+	    }
+	    if (type == DT_SELECT || type == DT_JUMP)
+		cur_match = MAXCOL - 1;
+	    max_num_matches = cur_match + 1;
+	    /* when the argument starts with '/', use it as a regexp */
+	    if (!no_regexp && *name == '/')
+	    {
+		flags = TAG_REGEXP;
+		++name;
+	    }
+	    else
+		flags = TAG_NOIC;
+	    if (type == DT_CSCOPE)
+		flags = TAG_CSCOPE;
+	    if (verbose)
+		flags |= TAG_VERBOSE;
+	    if (find_tags(name, &new_num_matches, &new_matches, flags,
+					    max_num_matches, buf_ffname) == OK
+		    && new_num_matches < max_num_matches)
+		max_num_matches = MAXCOL; /* If less than max_num_matches
+					     found: all matches found. */
+	    /* If there already were some matches for the same name, move them
+	     * to the start.  Avoids that the order changes when using
+	     * ":tnext" and jumping to another file. */
+	    if (!new_tag && !other_name)
+	    {
+		/* Find the position of each old match in the new list.  Need
+		 * to use parse_match() to find the tag line. */
+		idx = 0;
+		for (j = 0; j < num_matches; ++j)
+		{
+		    parse_match(matches[j], &tagp);
+		    for (i = idx; i < new_num_matches; ++i)
+		    {
+			parse_match(new_matches[i], &tagp2);
+			if (STRCMP(tagp.tagname, tagp2.tagname) == 0)
+			{
+			    p = new_matches[i];
+			    for (k = i; k > idx; --k)
+				new_matches[k] = new_matches[k - 1];
+			    new_matches[idx++] = p;
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    FreeWild(num_matches, matches);
+	    num_matches = new_num_matches;
+	    matches = new_matches;
+	}
+	if (num_matches <= 0)
+	{
+	    if (verbose)
+		EMSG2(_("E426: tag not found: %s"), name);
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	    g_do_tagpreview = 0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    int ask_for_selection = FALSE;
+	    if (type == DT_CSCOPE && num_matches > 1)
+	    {
+		cs_print_tags();
+		ask_for_selection = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    if (type == DT_SELECT || (type == DT_JUMP && num_matches > 1))
+	    {
+		/*
+		 * List all the matching tags.
+		 * Assume that the first match indicates how long the tags can
+		 * be, and align the file names to that.
+		 */
+		parse_match(matches[0], &tagp);
+		taglen = (int)(tagp.tagname_end - tagp.tagname + 2);
+		if (taglen < 18)
+		    taglen = 18;
+		if (taglen > Columns - 25)
+		    taglen = MAXCOL;
+		if (msg_col == 0)
+		    msg_didout = FALSE;	/* overwrite previous message */
+		msg_start();
+		MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_("  # pri kind tag"), hl_attr(HLF_T));
+		msg_clr_eos();
+		taglen_advance(taglen);
+		MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_("file\n"), hl_attr(HLF_T));
+		for (i = 0; i < num_matches; ++i)
+		{
+		    parse_match(matches[i], &tagp);
+		    if (!new_tag && (
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+				(g_do_tagpreview
+				 && i == ptag_entry.cur_match) ||
+				(use_tagstack
+				 && i == tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_match)))
+			*IObuff = '>';
+		    else
+			*IObuff = ' ';
+		    sprintf((char *)IObuff + 1, "%2d %s ", i + 1,
+					   mt_names[matches[i][0] & MT_MASK]);
+		    msg_puts(IObuff);
+		    if (tagp.tagkind != NULL)
+			msg_outtrans_len(tagp.tagkind,
+				      (int)(tagp.tagkind_end - tagp.tagkind));
+		    msg_advance(13);
+		    msg_outtrans_len_attr(tagp.tagname,
+				       (int)(tagp.tagname_end - tagp.tagname),
+							      hl_attr(HLF_T));
+		    msg_putchar(' ');
+		    taglen_advance(taglen);
+		    /* Find out the actual file name. If it is long, truncate
+		     * it and put "..." in the middle */
+		    p = tag_full_fname(&tagp);
+		    if (p != NULL)
+		    {
+			msg_puts_long_attr(p, hl_attr(HLF_D));
+			vim_free(p);
+		    }
+		    if (msg_col > 0)
+			msg_putchar('\n');
+		    msg_advance(15);
+		    /* print any extra fields */
+		    command_end = tagp.command_end;
+		    if (command_end != NULL)
+		    {
+			p = command_end + 3;
+			while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n')
+			{
+			    while (*p == TAB)
+				++p;
+			    /* skip "file:" without a value (static tag) */
+			    if (STRNCMP(p, "file:", 5) == 0
+							 && vim_isspace(p[5]))
+			    {
+				p += 5;
+				continue;
+			    }
+			    /* skip "kind:<kind>" and "<kind>" */
+			    if (p == tagp.tagkind
+				    || (p + 5 == tagp.tagkind
+					    && STRNCMP(p, "kind:", 5) == 0))
+			    {
+				p = tagp.tagkind_end;
+				continue;
+			    }
+			    /* print all other extra fields */
+			    attr = hl_attr(HLF_CM);
+			    while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n')
+			    {
+				if (msg_col + ptr2cells(p) >= Columns)
+				{
+				    msg_putchar('\n');
+				    msg_advance(15);
+				}
+				p = msg_outtrans_one(p, attr);
+				if (*p == TAB)
+				{
+				    msg_puts_attr((char_u *)" ", attr);
+				    break;
+				}
+				if (*p == ':')
+				    attr = 0;
+			    }
+			}
+			if (msg_col > 15)
+			{
+			    msg_putchar('\n');
+			    msg_advance(15);
+			}
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			for (p = tagp.command;
+					  *p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'; ++p)
+			    ;
+			command_end = p;
+		    }
+		    /*
+		     * Put the info (in several lines) at column 15.
+		     * Don't display "/^" and "?^".
+		     */
+		    p = tagp.command;
+		    if (*p == '/' || *p == '?')
+		    {
+			++p;
+			if (*p == '^')
+			    ++p;
+		    }
+		    /* Remove leading whitespace from pattern */
+		    while (p != command_end && vim_isspace(*p))
+			++p;
+		    while (p != command_end)
+		    {
+			if (msg_col + (*p == TAB ? 1 : ptr2cells(p)) > Columns)
+			    msg_putchar('\n');
+			msg_advance(15);
+			/* skip backslash used for escaping command char */
+			if (*p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == *tagp.command)
+			    ++p;
+			if (*p == TAB)
+			{
+			    msg_putchar(' ');
+			    ++p;
+			}
+			else
+			    p = msg_outtrans_one(p, 0);
+			/* don't display the "$/;\"" and "$?;\"" */
+			if (p == command_end - 2 && *p == '$'
+						 && *(p + 1) == *tagp.command)
+			    break;
+			/* don't display matching '/' or '?' */
+			if (p == command_end - 1 && *p == *tagp.command
+						 && (*p == '/' || *p == '?'))
+			    break;
+		    }
+		    if (msg_col)
+			msg_putchar('\n');
+		    ui_breakcheck();
+		    if (got_int)
+		    {
+			got_int = FALSE;	/* only stop the listing */
+			break;
+		    }
+		}
+		ask_for_selection = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    if (ask_for_selection == TRUE)
+	    {
+		/*
+		 * Ask to select a tag from the list.
+		 * When using ":silent" assume that <CR> was entered.
+		 */
+		MSG_PUTS(_("Enter nr of choice (<CR> to abort): "));
+		i = get_number(TRUE);
+		if (KeyTyped)		/* don't call wait_return() now */
+		{
+		    msg_putchar('\n');
+		    cmdline_row = msg_row - 1;
+		    need_wait_return = FALSE;
+		    msg_didany = FALSE;
+		}
+		if (i <= 0 || i > num_matches || got_int)
+		{
+		    /* no valid choice: don't change anything */
+		    if (use_tagstack)
+		    {
+			tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark = saved_fmark;
+			tagstackidx = prevtagstackidx;
+		    }
+		    cs_free_tags();
+		    jumped_to_tag = TRUE;
+		    break;
+		}
+#if 0
+		/* avoid the need to hit <CR> when jumping to another file */
+		msg_scrolled = 0;
+		redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
+		cur_match = i - 1;
+	    }
+	    if (cur_match >= num_matches)
+	    {
+		/* Avoid giving this error when a file wasn't found and we're
+		 * looking for a match in another file, which wasn't found.
+		 * There will be an EMSG("file doesn't exist") below then. */
+		if ((type == DT_NEXT || type == DT_FIRST)
+						      && nofile_fname == NULL)
+		{
+		    if (num_matches == 1)
+			EMSG(_("E427: There is only one matching tag"));
+		    else
+			EMSG(_("E428: Cannot go beyond last matching tag"));
+		    skip_msg = TRUE;
+		}
+		cur_match = num_matches - 1;
+	    }
+	    if (use_tagstack)
+	    {
+		tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_match = cur_match;
+		tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_fnum = cur_fnum;
+		++tagstackidx;
+	    }
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	    else if (g_do_tagpreview)
+	    {
+		ptag_entry.cur_match = cur_match;
+		ptag_entry.cur_fnum = cur_fnum;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Only when going to try the next match, report that the previous
+	     * file didn't exist.  Otherwise an EMSG() is given below.
+	     */
+	    if (nofile_fname != NULL && error_cur_match != cur_match)
+		msg_str((char_u *)_("File \"%s\" does not exist"),
+								nofile_fname);
+	    ic = (matches[cur_match][0] & MT_IC_OFF);
+	    if (type != DT_SELECT && type != DT_JUMP
+		&& type != DT_CSCOPE
+		&& (num_matches > 1 || ic)
+		&& !skip_msg)
+	    {
+		/* Give an indication of the number of matching tags */
+		sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("tag %d of %d%s"),
+				cur_match + 1,
+				num_matches,
+				max_num_matches != MAXCOL ? _(" or more") : "");
+		if (ic)
+		    STRCAT(IObuff, _("  Using tag with different case!"));
+		if ((num_matches > prev_num_matches || new_tag)
+							   && num_matches > 1)
+		{
+		    if (ic)
+			msg_attr(IObuff, hl_attr(HLF_W));
+		    else
+			msg(IObuff);
+		    msg_scroll = TRUE;	/* don't overwrite this message */
+		}
+		else
+		    give_warning(IObuff, ic);
+		if (ic && !msg_scrolled && msg_silent == 0)
+		{
+		    out_flush();
+		    ui_delay(1000L, TRUE);
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Jump to the desired match.
+	     */
+	    if (jumpto_tag(matches[cur_match], forceit, type != DT_CSCOPE)
+								 == NOTAGFILE)
+	    {
+		/* File not found: try again with another matching tag */
+		if ((type == DT_PREV && cur_match > 0)
+			|| ((type == DT_TAG || type == DT_NEXT
+							  || type == DT_FIRST)
+			    && (max_num_matches != MAXCOL
+					     || cur_match < num_matches - 1)))
+		{
+		    error_cur_match = cur_match;
+		    if (use_tagstack)
+			--tagstackidx;
+		    if (type == DT_PREV)
+			--cur_match;
+		    else
+		    {
+			type = DT_NEXT;
+			++cur_match;
+		    }
+		    continue;
+		}
+		EMSG2(_("E429: File \"%s\" does not exist"), nofile_fname);
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		/* We may have jumped to another window, check that
+		 * tagstackidx is still valid. */
+		if (use_tagstack && tagstackidx > curwin->w_tagstacklen)
+		    tagstackidx = curwin->w_tagstackidx;
+		jumped_to_tag = TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+	break;
+    }
+    /* Only store the new index when using the tagstack and it's valid. */
+    if (use_tagstack && tagstackidx <= curwin->w_tagstacklen)
+	curwin->w_tagstackidx = tagstackidx;
+    postponed_split = 0;	/* don't split next time */
+    return jumped_to_tag;
+    return FALSE;
+ * Free cached tags.
+ */
+    void
+    vim_free(tagmatchname);
+    tagmatchname = NULL;
+    static void
+    int		l;
+    if (l == MAXCOL)
+    {
+	msg_putchar('\n');
+	msg_advance(24);
+    }
+    else
+	msg_advance(13 + l);
+ * Print the tag stack
+ */
+    void
+    exarg_T	*eap;
+    int		i;
+    char_u	*name;
+    taggy_T	*tagstack = curwin->w_tagstack;
+    int		tagstackidx = curwin->w_tagstackidx;
+    int		tagstacklen = curwin->w_tagstacklen;
+    /* Highlight title */
+    MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n  # TO tag         FROM line  in file/text"));
+    for (i = 0; i < tagstacklen; ++i)
+    {
+	if (tagstack[i].tagname != NULL)
+	{
+	    name = fm_getname(&(tagstack[i].fmark), 30);
+	    if (name == NULL)	    /* file name not available */
+		continue;
+	    msg_putchar('\n');
+	    sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%c%2d %2d %-15s %5ld  ",
+		i == tagstackidx ? '>' : ' ',
+		i + 1,
+		tagstack[i].cur_match + 1,
+		tagstack[i].tagname,
+		tagstack[i].fmark.mark.lnum);
+	    msg_outtrans(IObuff);
+	    msg_outtrans_attr(name, tagstack[i].fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum
+							? hl_attr(HLF_D) : 0);
+	    vim_free(name);
+	}
+	out_flush();		    /* show one line at a time */
+    }
+    if (tagstackidx == tagstacklen)	/* idx at top of stack */
+	MSG_PUTS("\n>");
+/* When not using a CR for line separator, use vim_fgets() to read tag lines.
+ * For the Mac use tag_fgets().  It can handle any line separator, but is much
+ * slower than vim_fgets().
+ */
+#ifndef USE_CR
+# define tag_fgets vim_fgets
+static int tag_strnicmp __ARGS((char_u *s1, char_u *s2, size_t len));
+ * Compare two strings, for length "len", ignoring case the ASCII way.
+ * return 0 for match, < 0 for smaller, > 0 for bigger
+ * Make sure case is folded to uppercase in comparison (like for 'sort -f')
+ */
+    static int
+tag_strnicmp(s1, s2, len)
+    char_u	*s1;
+    char_u	*s2;
+    size_t	len;
+    int		i;
+    while (len > 0)
+    {
+	i = (int)TOUPPER_ASC(*s1) - (int)TOUPPER_ASC(*s2);
+	if (i != 0)
+	    return i;			/* this character different */
+	if (*s1 == NUL)
+	    break;			/* strings match until NUL */
+	++s1;
+	++s2;
+	--len;
+    }
+    return 0;				/* strings match */
+ * Structure to hold info about the tag pattern being used.
+ */
+typedef struct
+    char_u	*pat;		/* the pattern */
+    int		len;		/* length of pat[] */
+    char_u	*head;		/* start of pattern head */
+    int		headlen;	/* length of head[] */
+    regmatch_T	regmatch;	/* regexp program, may be NULL */
+} pat_T;
+static void prepare_pats __ARGS((pat_T *pats, int has_re));
+ * Extract info from the tag search pattern "pats->pat".
+ */
+    static void
+prepare_pats(pats, has_re)
+    pat_T	*pats;
+    int		has_re;
+    pats->head = pats->pat;
+    pats->headlen = pats->len;
+    if (has_re)
+    {
+	/* When the pattern starts with '^' or "\\<", binary searching can be
+	 * used (much faster). */
+	if (pats->pat[0] == '^')
+	    pats->head = pats->pat + 1;
+	else if (pats->pat[0] == '\\' && pats->pat[1] == '<')
+	    pats->head = pats->pat + 2;
+	if (pats->head == pats->pat)
+	    pats->headlen = 0;
+	else
+	    for (pats->headlen = 0; pats->head[pats->headlen] != NUL;
+							      ++pats->headlen)
+		if (vim_strchr((char_u *)(p_magic ? ".[~*\\$" : "\\$"),
+					   pats->head[pats->headlen]) != NULL)
+		    break;
+	if (p_tl != 0 && pats->headlen > p_tl)	/* adjust for 'taglength' */
+	    pats->headlen = p_tl;
+    }
+    if (has_re)
+	pats->regmatch.regprog = vim_regcomp(pats->pat, p_magic ? RE_MAGIC : 0);
+    else
+	pats->regmatch.regprog = NULL;
+ * find_tags() - search for tags in tags files
+ *
+ * Return FAIL if search completely failed (*num_matches will be 0, *matchesp
+ * will be NULL), OK otherwise.
+ *
+ * There is a priority in which type of tag is recognized.
+ *
+ *  6.	A static or global tag with a full matching tag for the current file.
+ *  5.	A global tag with a full matching tag for another file.
+ *  4.	A static tag with a full matching tag for another file.
+ *  3.	A static or global tag with an ignore-case matching tag for the
+ *	current file.
+ *  2.	A global tag with an ignore-case matching tag for another file.
+ *  1.	A static tag with an ignore-case matching tag for another file.
+ *
+ * Tags in an emacs-style tags file are always global.
+ *
+ * flags:
+ * TAG_HELP	  only search for help tags
+ * TAG_NAMES	  only return name of tag
+ * TAG_REGEXP	  use "pat" as a regexp
+ * TAG_NOIC	  don't always ignore case
+ * TAG_KEEP_LANG  keep language
+ */
+    int
+find_tags(pat, num_matches, matchesp, flags, mincount, buf_ffname)
+    char_u	*pat;			/* pattern to search for */
+    int		*num_matches;		/* return: number of matches found */
+    char_u	***matchesp;		/* return: array of matches found */
+    int		flags;
+    int		mincount;		/*  MAXCOL: find all matches
+					     other: minimal number of matches */
+    char_u	*buf_ffname;		/* name of buffer for priority */
+    FILE       *fp;
+    char_u     *lbuf;			/* line buffer */
+    char_u     *tag_fname;		/* name of tag file */
+    int		first_file;		/* trying first tag file */
+    tagptrs_T	tagp;
+    int		did_open = FALSE;	/* did open a tag file */
+    int		stop_searching = FALSE;	/* stop when match found or error */
+    int		retval = FAIL;		/* return value */
+    int		is_static;		/* current tag line is static */
+    int		is_current;		/* file name matches */
+    int		eof = FALSE;		/* found end-of-file */
+    char_u	*p;
+    char_u	*s;
+    int		i;
+    struct tag_search_info	/* Binary search file offsets */
+    {
+	off_t	low_offset;	/* offset for first char of first line that
+				   could match */
+	off_t	high_offset;	/* offset of char after last line that could
+				   match */
+	off_t	curr_offset;	/* Current file offset in search range */
+	off_t	curr_offset_used; /* curr_offset used when skipping back */
+	off_t	match_offset;	/* Where the binary search found a tag */
+	int	low_char;	/* first char at low_offset */
+	int	high_char;	/* first char at high_offset */
+    } search_info;
+    off_t	filesize;
+    int		tagcmp;
+    off_t	offset;
+    int		round;
+    enum
+    {
+	TS_START,		/* at start of file */
+	TS_LINEAR		/* linear searching forward, till EOF */
+	, TS_BINARY,		/* binary searching */
+	TS_SKIP_BACK,		/* skipping backwards */
+	TS_STEP_FORWARD		/* stepping forwards */
+    }	state;			/* Current search state */
+    int		cmplen;
+    int		match;		/* matches */
+    int		match_no_ic = 0;/* matches with rm_ic == FALSE */
+    int		match_re;	/* match with regexp */
+    int		matchoff = 0;
+    /*
+     * Stack for included emacs-tags file.
+     * It has a fixed size, to truncate cyclic includes. jw
+     */
+# define INCSTACK_SIZE 42
+    struct
+    {
+	FILE	*fp;
+	char_u	*etag_fname;
+    } incstack[INCSTACK_SIZE];
+    int		incstack_idx = 0;	/* index in incstack */
+    char_u     *ebuf;			/* aditional buffer for etag fname */
+    int		is_etag;		/* current file is emaces style */
+    struct match_found
+    {
+	int	len;		/* nr of chars of match[] to be compared */
+	char_u	match[1];	/* actually longer */
+    } *mfp, *mfp2;
+    garray_T	ga_match[MT_COUNT];
+    int		match_count = 0;		/* number of matches found */
+    char_u	**matches;
+    int		mtt;
+    int		len;
+    int		help_save;
+    int		help_pri = 0;
+    char_u	*help_lang_find = NULL;		/* lang to be found */
+    char_u	help_lang[3];			/* lang of current tags file */
+    char_u	*saved_pat = NULL;		/* copy of pat[] */
+    /* Use two sets of variables for the pattern: "orgpat" holds the values
+     * for the original pattern and "convpat" converted from 'encoding' to
+     * encoding of the tags file.  "pats" point to either one of these. */
+    pat_T	*pats;
+    pat_T	orgpat;			/* holds unconverted pattern info */
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+    pat_T	convpat;		/* holds converted pattern info */
+    vimconv_T	vimconv;
+    int		findall = (mincount == MAXCOL || mincount == TAG_MANY);
+						/* find all matching tags */
+    int		sort_error = FALSE;		/* tags file not sorted */
+    int		linear;				/* do a linear search */
+    int		sortic = FALSE;			/* tag file sorted in nocase */
+    int		line_error = FALSE;		/* syntax error */
+    int		has_re = (flags & TAG_REGEXP);	/* regexp used */
+    int		help_only = (flags & TAG_HELP);
+    int		name_only = (flags & TAG_NAMES);
+    int		noic = (flags & TAG_NOIC);
+    int		get_it_again = FALSE;
+    int		use_cscope = (flags & TAG_CSCOPE);
+    int		verbose = (flags & TAG_VERBOSE);
+    help_save = curbuf->b_help;
+    orgpat.pat = pat;
+    pats = &orgpat;
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+    vimconv.vc_type = CONV_NONE;
+ * Allocate memory for the buffers that are used
+ */
+    lbuf = alloc(LSIZE);
+    tag_fname = alloc(MAXPATHL + 1);
+    ebuf = alloc(LSIZE);
+    for (mtt = 0; mtt < MT_COUNT; ++mtt)
+	ga_init2(&ga_match[mtt], (int)sizeof(struct match_found *), 100);
+    /* check for out of memory situation */
+    if (lbuf == NULL || tag_fname == NULL
+					 || ebuf == NULL
+							)
+	goto findtag_end;
+    STRCPY(tag_fname, "from cscope");		/* for error messages */
+    /*
+     * Initialize a few variables
+     */
+    if (help_only)				/* want tags from help file */
+	curbuf->b_help = TRUE;			/* will be restored later */
+    pats->len = (int)STRLEN(pat);
+    if (curbuf->b_help)
+    {
+	/* When "@ab" is specified use only the "ab" language, otherwise
+	 * search all languages. */
+	if (pats->len > 3 && pat[pats->len - 3] == '@'
+					  && ASCII_ISALPHA(pat[pats->len - 2])
+					 && ASCII_ISALPHA(pat[pats->len - 1]))
+	{
+	    saved_pat = vim_strnsave(pat, pats->len - 3);
+	    if (saved_pat != NULL)
+	    {
+		help_lang_find = &pat[pats->len - 2];
+		pats->pat = saved_pat;
+		pats->len -= 3;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (p_tl != 0 && pats->len > p_tl)		/* adjust for 'taglength' */
+	pats->len = p_tl;
+    prepare_pats(pats, has_re);
+    /* This is only to avoid a compiler warning for using search_info
+     * uninitialised. */
+    vim_memset(&search_info, 0, (size_t)1);
+ * When finding a specified number of matches, first try with matching case,
+ * so binary search can be used, and try ignore-case matches in a second loop.
+ * When finding all matches, 'tagbsearch' is off, or there is no fixed string
+ * to look for, ignore case right away to avoid going though the tags files
+ * twice.
+ * When the tag file is case-fold sorted, it is either one or the other.
+ * Only ignore case when TAG_NOIC not used or 'ignorecase' set.
+ */
+    pats->regmatch.rm_ic = ((p_ic || !noic)
+				   && (findall || pats->headlen == 0 || !p_tbs));
+    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
+    {
+      linear = (pats->headlen == 0 || !p_tbs || round == 2);
+      pats->regmatch.rm_ic = (p_ic || !noic);
+      /*
+       * Try tag file names from tags option one by one.
+       */
+      for (first_file = TRUE;
+	    use_cscope ||
+		get_tagfname(first_file, tag_fname) == OK; first_file = FALSE)
+      {
+	/*
+	 * A file that doesn't exist is silently ignored.  Only when not a
+	 * single file is found, an error message is given (further on).
+	 */
+	if (use_cscope)
+	    fp = NULL;	    /* avoid GCC warning */
+	else
+	{
+	    if (curbuf->b_help)
+	    {
+		/* Prefer help tags according to 'helplang'.  Put the
+		 * two-letter language name in help_lang[]. */
+		i = STRLEN(tag_fname);
+		if (i > 3 && tag_fname[i - 3] == '-')
+		    STRCPY(help_lang, tag_fname + i - 2);
+		else
+		    STRCPY(help_lang, "en");
+		/* When searching for a specific language skip tags files
+		 * for other languages. */
+		if (help_lang_find != NULL
+				   && STRICMP(help_lang, help_lang_find) != 0)
+		    continue;
+		/* For CTRL-] in a help file prefer a match with the same
+		 * language. */
+		if ((flags & TAG_KEEP_LANG)
+			&& help_lang_find == NULL
+			&& curbuf->b_fname != NULL
+			&& (i = STRLEN(curbuf->b_fname)) > 4
+			&& curbuf->b_fname[i - 1] == 'x'
+			&& curbuf->b_fname[i - 4] == '.'
+			&& STRNICMP(curbuf->b_fname + i - 3, help_lang, 2) == 0)
+		    help_pri = 0;
+		else
+		{
+		    help_pri = 1;
+		    for (s = p_hlg; *s != NUL; ++s)
+		    {
+			if (STRNICMP(s, help_lang, 2) == 0)
+			    break;
+			++help_pri;
+			if ((s = vim_strchr(s, ',')) == NULL)
+			    break;
+		    }
+		    if (s == NULL || *s == NUL)
+		    {
+			/* Language not in 'helplang': use last, prefer English,
+			 * unless found already. */
+			++help_pri;
+			if (STRICMP(help_lang, "en") != 0)
+			    ++help_pri;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if ((fp = mch_fopen((char *)tag_fname, "r")) == NULL)
+		continue;
+	    if (p_verbose >= 5)
+		msg_str((char_u *)_("Searching tags file %s"), tag_fname);
+	}
+	did_open = TRUE;    /* remember that we found at least one file */
+	state = TS_START;   /* we're at the start of the file */
+	is_etag = 0;	    /* default is: not emacs style */
+	/*
+	 * Read and parse the lines in the file one by one
+	 */
+	for (;;)
+	{
+	    line_breakcheck();	    /* check for CTRL-C typed */
+	    if ((flags & TAG_INS_COMP))	/* Double brackets for gcc */
+		ins_compl_check_keys();
+	    if (got_int || completion_interrupted)
+	    if (got_int)
+	    {
+		stop_searching = TRUE;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    /* When mincount is TAG_MANY, stop when enough matches have been
+	     * found (for completion). */
+	    if (mincount == TAG_MANY && match_count >= TAG_MANY)
+	    {
+		stop_searching = TRUE;
+		retval = OK;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (get_it_again)
+		goto line_read_in;
+	    /*
+	     * For binary search: compute the next offset to use.
+	     */
+	    if (state == TS_BINARY)
+	    {
+		offset = search_info.low_offset + ((search_info.high_offset
+					       - search_info.low_offset) / 2);
+		if (offset == search_info.curr_offset)
+		    break;	/* End the binary search without a match. */
+		else
+		    search_info.curr_offset = offset;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Skipping back (after a match during binary search).
+	     */
+	    else if (state == TS_SKIP_BACK)
+	    {
+		search_info.curr_offset -= LSIZE * 2;
+		if (search_info.curr_offset < 0)
+		{
+		    search_info.curr_offset = 0;
+		    rewind(fp);
+		    state = TS_STEP_FORWARD;
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * When jumping around in the file, first read a line to find the
+	     * start of the next line.
+	     */
+	    if (state == TS_BINARY || state == TS_SKIP_BACK)
+	    {
+		/* Adjust the search file offset to the correct position */
+		search_info.curr_offset_used = search_info.curr_offset;
+		fseeko(fp, search_info.curr_offset, SEEK_SET);
+		fseek(fp, (long)search_info.curr_offset, SEEK_SET);
+		eof = tag_fgets(lbuf, LSIZE, fp);
+		if (!eof && search_info.curr_offset != 0)
+		{
+		    search_info.curr_offset = ftell(fp);
+		    if (search_info.curr_offset == search_info.high_offset)
+		    {
+			/* oops, gone a bit too far; try from low offset */
+			fseeko(fp, search_info.low_offset, SEEK_SET);
+			fseek(fp, (long)search_info.low_offset, SEEK_SET);
+			search_info.curr_offset = search_info.low_offset;
+		    }
+		    eof = tag_fgets(lbuf, LSIZE, fp);
+		}
+		/* skip empty and blank lines */
+		while (!eof && vim_isblankline(lbuf))
+		{
+		    search_info.curr_offset = ftell(fp);
+		    eof = tag_fgets(lbuf, LSIZE, fp);
+		}
+		if (eof)
+		{
+		    /* Hit end of file.  Skip backwards. */
+		    state = TS_SKIP_BACK;
+		    search_info.match_offset = ftell(fp);
+		    search_info.curr_offset = search_info.curr_offset_used;
+		    continue;
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Not jumping around in the file: Read the next line.
+	     */
+	    else
+	    {
+		/* skip empty and blank lines */
+		do
+		{
+		    if (use_cscope)
+			eof = cs_fgets(lbuf, LSIZE);
+		    else
+			eof = tag_fgets(lbuf, LSIZE, fp);
+		} while (!eof && vim_isblankline(lbuf));
+		if (eof)
+		{
+		    if (incstack_idx)	/* this was an included file */
+		    {
+			--incstack_idx;
+			fclose(fp);	/* end of this file ... */
+			fp = incstack[incstack_idx].fp;
+			STRCPY(tag_fname, incstack[incstack_idx].etag_fname);
+			vim_free(incstack[incstack_idx].etag_fname);
+			is_etag = 1;	/* (only etags can include) */
+			continue;	/* ... continue with parent file */
+		    }
+		    else
+			break;			    /* end of file */
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Emacs tags line with CTRL-L: New file name on next line.
+	     * The file name is followed by a ','.
+	     */
+	    if (*lbuf == Ctrl_L)	/* remember etag file name in ebuf */
+	    {
+		is_etag = 1;		/* in case at the start */
+		state = TS_LINEAR;
+		if (!tag_fgets(ebuf, LSIZE, fp))
+		{
+		    for (p = ebuf; *p && *p != ','; p++)
+			;
+		    *p = NUL;
+		    /*
+		     * atoi(p+1) is the number of bytes before the next ^L
+		     * unless it is an include statement.
+		     */
+		    if (STRNCMP(p + 1, "include", 7) == 0
+					      && incstack_idx < INCSTACK_SIZE)
+		    {
+			/* Save current "fp" and "tag_fname" in the stack. */
+			if ((incstack[incstack_idx].etag_fname =
+					      vim_strsave(tag_fname)) != NULL)
+			{
+			    char_u *fullpath_ebuf;
+			    incstack[incstack_idx].fp = fp;
+			    fp = NULL;
+			    /* Figure out "tag_fname" and "fp" to use for
+			     * included file. */
+			    fullpath_ebuf = expand_tag_fname(ebuf,
+							    tag_fname, FALSE);
+			    if (fullpath_ebuf != NULL)
+			    {
+				fp = mch_fopen((char *)fullpath_ebuf, "r");
+				if (fp != NULL)
+				{
+				    if (STRLEN(fullpath_ebuf) > LSIZE)
+					  EMSG2(_("E430: Tag file path truncated for %s\n"), ebuf);
+				    STRNCPY(tag_fname, fullpath_ebuf, LSIZE);
+				    tag_fname[LSIZE] = NUL;
+				    ++incstack_idx;
+				    is_etag = 0; /* we can include anything */
+				}
+				vim_free(fullpath_ebuf);
+			    }
+			    if (fp == NULL)
+			    {
+				/* Can't open the included file, skip it and
+				 * restore old value of "fp". */
+				fp = incstack[incstack_idx].fp;
+				vim_free(incstack[incstack_idx].etag_fname);
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * When still at the start of the file, check for Emacs tags file
+	     * format, and for "not sorted" flag.
+	     */
+	    if (state == TS_START)
+	    {
+		/*
+		 * When there is no tag head, or ignoring case, need to do a
+		 * linear search.
+		 * When no "!_TAG_" is found, default to binary search.  If
+		 * the tag file isn't sorted, the second loop will find it.
+		 * When "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED" found: start binary search if
+		 * flag set.
+		 * For cscope, it's always linear.
+		 */
+# ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE
+		if (linear || use_cscope)
+# else
+		if (linear)
+# endif
+		    state = TS_LINEAR;
+		else if (STRNCMP(lbuf, "!_TAG_", 6) > 0)
+		    state = TS_BINARY;
+		else if (STRNCMP(lbuf, "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t", 18) == 0)
+		{
+		    /* Check sorted flag */
+		    if (lbuf[18] == '1')
+			state = TS_BINARY;
+		    else if (lbuf[18] == '2')
+		    {
+			state = TS_BINARY;
+			sortic = TRUE;
+			pats->regmatch.rm_ic = (p_ic || !noic);
+		    }
+		    else
+			state = TS_LINEAR;
+		}
+		if (state == TS_BINARY && pats->regmatch.rm_ic && !sortic)
+		{
+		    /* binary search won't work for ignoring case, use linear
+		     * search. */
+		    linear = TRUE;
+		    state = TS_LINEAR;
+		}
+		state = TS_LINEAR;
+		/*
+		 * When starting a binary search, get the size of the file and
+		 * compute the first offset.
+		 */
+		if (state == TS_BINARY)
+		{
+		    /* Get the tag file size (don't use mch_fstat(), it's not
+		     * portable). */
+		    if ((filesize = lseek(fileno(fp),
+						   (off_t)0L, SEEK_END)) <= 0)
+			state = TS_LINEAR;
+		    else
+		    {
+			lseek(fileno(fp), (off_t)0L, SEEK_SET);
+			/* Calculate the first read offset in the file.  Start
+			 * the search in the middle of the file. */
+			search_info.low_offset = 0;
+			search_info.low_char = 0;
+			search_info.high_offset = filesize;
+			search_info.curr_offset = 0;
+			search_info.high_char = 0xff;
+		    }
+		    continue;
+		}
+	    }
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+	    if (lbuf[0] == '!' && pats == &orgpat
+			   && STRNCMP(lbuf, "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\t", 20) == 0)
+	    {
+		/* Convert the search pattern from 'encoding' to the
+		 * specified encoding. */
+		for (p = lbuf + 20; *p > ' ' && *p < 127; ++p)
+		    ;
+		*p = NUL;
+		convert_setup(&vimconv, p_enc, lbuf + 20);
+		if (vimconv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+		{
+		    convpat.pat = string_convert(&vimconv, pats->pat, NULL);
+		    if (convpat.pat != NULL)
+		    {
+			pats = &convpat;
+			pats->len = (int)STRLEN(pats->pat);
+			prepare_pats(pats, has_re);
+			pats->regmatch.rm_ic = orgpat.regmatch.rm_ic;
+		    }
+		}
+		/* Prepare for converting a match the other way around. */
+		convert_setup(&vimconv, lbuf + 20, p_enc);
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Figure out where the different strings are in this line.
+	     * For "normal" tags: Do a quick check if the tag matches.
+	     * This speeds up tag searching a lot!
+	     */
+	    if (pats->headlen
+			    && !is_etag
+					)
+	    {
+		tagp.tagname = lbuf;
+		tagp.tagname_end = skiptowhite(lbuf);
+		if (*tagp.tagname_end == NUL)	    /* corrupted tag line */
+		tagp.tagname_end = vim_strchr(lbuf, TAB);
+		if (tagp.tagname_end == NULL)	    /* corrupted tag line */
+		{
+		    line_error = TRUE;
+		    break;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Check for old style static tag: "file:tag file .."
+		 */
+		tagp.fname = NULL;
+		for (p = lbuf; p < tagp.tagname_end; ++p)
+		{
+		    if (*p == ':')
+		    {
+			if (tagp.fname == NULL)
+			    tagp.fname = skipwhite(tagp.tagname_end);
+			    tagp.fname = tagp.tagname_end + 1;
+			if (	   fnamencmp(lbuf, tagp.fname, p - lbuf) == 0
+				&& vim_iswhite(tagp.fname[p - lbuf])
+				&& tagp.fname[p - lbuf] == TAB
+				    )
+			{
+			    /* found one */
+			    tagp.tagname = p + 1;
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Skip this line if the length of the tag is different and
+		 * there is no regexp, or the tag is too short.
+		 */
+		cmplen = (int)(tagp.tagname_end - tagp.tagname);
+		if (p_tl != 0 && cmplen > p_tl)	    /* adjust for 'taglength' */
+		    cmplen = p_tl;
+		if (has_re && pats->headlen < cmplen)
+		    cmplen = pats->headlen;
+		else if (state == TS_LINEAR && pats->headlen != cmplen)
+		    continue;
+		if (state == TS_BINARY)
+		{
+		    /*
+		     * Simplistic check for unsorted tags file.
+		     */
+		    i = (int)tagp.tagname[0];
+		    if (sortic)
+			i = (int)TOUPPER_ASC(tagp.tagname[0]);
+		    if (i < search_info.low_char || i > search_info.high_char)
+			sort_error = TRUE;
+		    /*
+		     * Compare the current tag with the searched tag.
+		     */
+		    if (sortic)
+			tagcmp = tag_strnicmp(tagp.tagname, pats->head,
+							      (size_t)cmplen);
+		    else
+			tagcmp = STRNCMP(tagp.tagname, pats->head, cmplen);
+		    /*
+		     * A match with a shorter tag means to search forward.
+		     * A match with a longer tag means to search backward.
+		     */
+		    if (tagcmp == 0)
+		    {
+			if (cmplen < pats->headlen)
+			    tagcmp = -1;
+			else if (cmplen > pats->headlen)
+			    tagcmp = 1;
+		    }
+		    if (tagcmp == 0)
+		    {
+			/* We've located the tag, now skip back and search
+			 * forward until the first matching tag is found.
+			 */
+			state = TS_SKIP_BACK;
+			search_info.match_offset = search_info.curr_offset;
+			continue;
+		    }
+		    if (tagcmp < 0)
+		    {
+			search_info.curr_offset = ftell(fp);
+			if (search_info.curr_offset < search_info.high_offset)
+			{
+			    search_info.low_offset = search_info.curr_offset;
+			    if (sortic)
+				search_info.low_char =
+						 TOUPPER_ASC(tagp.tagname[0]);
+			    else
+				search_info.low_char = tagp.tagname[0];
+			    continue;
+			}
+		    }
+		    if (tagcmp > 0
+			&& search_info.curr_offset != search_info.high_offset)
+		    {
+			search_info.high_offset = search_info.curr_offset;
+			if (sortic)
+			    search_info.high_char =
+						 TOUPPER_ASC(tagp.tagname[0]);
+			else
+			    search_info.high_char = tagp.tagname[0];
+			continue;
+		    }
+		    /* No match yet and are at the end of the binary search. */
+		    break;
+		}
+		else if (state == TS_SKIP_BACK)
+		{
+		    if (MB_STRNICMP(tagp.tagname, pats->head, cmplen) != 0)
+			state = TS_STEP_FORWARD;
+		    else
+			/* Have to skip back more.  Restore the curr_offset
+			 * used, otherwise we get stuck at a long line. */
+			search_info.curr_offset = search_info.curr_offset_used;
+		    continue;
+		}
+		else if (state == TS_STEP_FORWARD)
+		{
+		    if (MB_STRNICMP(tagp.tagname, pats->head, cmplen) != 0)
+		    {
+			if ((off_t)ftell(fp) > search_info.match_offset)
+			    break;	/* past last match */
+			else
+			    continue;	/* before first match */
+		    }
+		}
+		else
+		    /* skip this match if it can't match */
+		    if (MB_STRNICMP(tagp.tagname, pats->head, cmplen) != 0)
+		    continue;
+		/*
+		 * Can be a matching tag, isolate the file name and command.
+		 */
+		if (tagp.fname == NULL)
+		    tagp.fname = skipwhite(tagp.tagname_end);
+		    tagp.fname = tagp.tagname_end + 1;
+		tagp.fname_end = skiptowhite(tagp.fname);
+		tagp.command = skipwhite(tagp.fname_end);
+		if (*tagp.command == NUL)
+		tagp.fname_end = vim_strchr(tagp.fname, TAB);
+		tagp.command = tagp.fname_end + 1;
+		if (tagp.fname_end == NULL)
+		    i = FAIL;
+		else
+		    i = OK;
+	    }
+	    else
+		i = parse_tag_line(lbuf,
+				       is_etag,
+					       &tagp);
+	    if (i == FAIL)
+	    {
+		line_error = TRUE;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (is_etag)
+		tagp.fname = ebuf;
+	    /*
+	     * First try matching with the pattern literally (also when it is
+	     * a regexp).
+	     */
+	    cmplen = (int)(tagp.tagname_end - tagp.tagname);
+	    if (p_tl != 0 && cmplen > p_tl)	    /* adjust for 'taglength' */
+		cmplen = p_tl;
+	    /* if tag length does not match, don't try comparing */
+	    if (pats->len != cmplen)
+		match = FALSE;
+	    else
+	    {
+		if (pats->regmatch.rm_ic)
+		{
+		    match = (MB_STRNICMP(tagp.tagname, pats->pat, cmplen) == 0);
+		    if (match)
+			match_no_ic = (STRNCMP(tagp.tagname, pats->pat,
+								cmplen) == 0);
+		}
+		else
+		    match = (STRNCMP(tagp.tagname, pats->pat, cmplen) == 0);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Has a regexp: Also find tags matching regexp.
+	     */
+	    match_re = FALSE;
+	    if (!match && pats->regmatch.regprog != NULL)
+	    {
+		int	cc;
+		cc = *tagp.tagname_end;
+		*tagp.tagname_end = NUL;
+		match = vim_regexec(&pats->regmatch, tagp.tagname, (colnr_T)0);
+		if (match)
+		{
+		    matchoff = (int)(pats->regmatch.startp[0] - tagp.tagname);
+		    if (pats->regmatch.rm_ic)
+		    {
+			pats->regmatch.rm_ic = FALSE;
+			match_no_ic = vim_regexec(&pats->regmatch, tagp.tagname,
+								  (colnr_T)0);
+			pats->regmatch.rm_ic = TRUE;
+		    }
+		}
+		*tagp.tagname_end = cc;
+		match_re = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * If a match is found, add it to ga_match[].
+	     */
+	    if (match)
+	    {
+		if (use_cscope)
+		{
+		    /* Don't change the ordering, always use the same table. */
+		    mtt = MT_GL_OTH;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    /* Decide in which array to store this match. */
+		    is_current = test_for_current(
+			    is_etag,
+				     tagp.fname, tagp.fname_end, tag_fname,
+				     buf_ffname);
+		    is_static = FALSE;
+		    if (!is_etag)	/* emacs tags are never static */
+		    {
+			if (tagp.tagname != lbuf)
+			    is_static = TRUE;	/* detected static tag before */
+			else
+			    is_static = test_for_static(&tagp);
+		    }
+		    /* decide in which of the sixteen tables to store this
+		     * match */
+		    if (is_static)
+		    {
+			if (is_current)
+			    mtt = MT_ST_CUR;
+			else
+			    mtt = MT_ST_OTH;
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			if (is_current)
+			    mtt = MT_GL_CUR;
+			else
+			    mtt = MT_GL_OTH;
+		    }
+		    if (pats->regmatch.rm_ic && !match_no_ic)
+			mtt += MT_IC_OFF;
+		    if (match_re)
+			mtt += MT_RE_OFF;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Add the found match in ga_match[mtt], avoiding duplicates.
+		 * Store the info we need later, which depends on the kind of
+		 * tags we are dealing with.
+		 */
+		if (ga_grow(&ga_match[mtt], 1) == OK)
+		{
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+		    char_u	*conv_line = NULL;
+		    char_u	*lbuf_line = lbuf;
+		    if (vimconv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+		    {
+			/* Convert the tag line from the encoding of the tags
+			 * file to 'encoding'.  Then parse the line again. */
+			conv_line = string_convert(&vimconv, lbuf, NULL);
+			if (conv_line != NULL)
+			{
+			    if (parse_tag_line(conv_line,
+					is_etag,
+					&tagp) == OK)
+				lbuf_line = conv_line;
+			    else
+				/* doesn't work, go back to unconverted line. */
+				(void)parse_tag_line(lbuf,
+						     is_etag,
+						     &tagp);
+			}
+		    }
+# define lbuf_line lbuf
+		    if (help_only)
+		    {
+# define ML_EXTRA 3
+# define ML_EXTRA 0
+			/*
+			 * Append the help-heuristic number after the
+			 * tagname, for sorting it later.
+			 */
+			*tagp.tagname_end = NUL;
+			len = (int)(tagp.tagname_end - tagp.tagname);
+			mfp = (struct match_found *)
+				 alloc((int)sizeof(struct match_found) + len
+							     + 10 + ML_EXTRA);
+			if (mfp != NULL)
+			{
+			    /* "len" includes the language and the NUL, but
+			     * not the priority. */
+			    mfp->len = len + ML_EXTRA + 1;
+#define ML_HELP_LEN 6
+			    p = mfp->match;
+			    STRCPY(p, tagp.tagname);
+			    p[len] = '@';
+			    STRCPY(p + len + 1, help_lang);
+			    sprintf((char *)p + len + 1 + ML_EXTRA, "%06d",
+				    help_heuristic(tagp.tagname,
+					match_re ? matchoff : 0, !match_no_ic)
+				    + help_pri
+				    );
+			}
+			*tagp.tagname_end = TAB;
+		    }
+		    else if (name_only)
+		    {
+			if (get_it_again)
+			{
+			    char_u *temp_end = tagp.command;
+			    if (*temp_end == '/')
+				while (*temp_end && *temp_end != '\r'
+					&& *temp_end != '\n'
+					&& *temp_end != '$')
+				    temp_end++;
+			    if (tagp.command + 2 < temp_end)
+			    {
+				len = (int)(temp_end - tagp.command - 2);
+				mfp = (struct match_found *)alloc(
+					(int)sizeof(struct match_found) + len);
+				if (mfp != NULL)
+				{
+				    mfp->len = len + 1; /* include the NUL */
+				    p = mfp->match;
+				    STRNCPY(p, tagp.command + 2, len);
+				    p[len] = NUL;
+				}
+			    }
+			    else
+				mfp = NULL;
+			    get_it_again = FALSE;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			    len = (int)(tagp.tagname_end - tagp.tagname);
+			    mfp = (struct match_found *)alloc(
+				       (int)sizeof(struct match_found) + len);
+			    if (mfp != NULL)
+			    {
+				mfp->len = len + 1; /* include the NUL */
+				p = mfp->match;
+				STRNCPY(p, tagp.tagname, len);
+				p[len] = NUL;
+			    }
+			    /* if wanted, re-read line to get long form too */
+			    if (State & INSERT)
+				get_it_again = p_sft;
+			}
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			/* Save the tag in a buffer.
+			 * Emacs tag: <mtt><tag_fname><NUL><ebuf><NUL><lbuf>
+			 * other tag: <mtt><tag_fname><NUL><NUL><lbuf>
+			 * without Emacs tags: <mtt><tag_fname><NUL><lbuf>
+			 */
+			len = (int)STRLEN(tag_fname) + (int)STRLEN(lbuf_line) + 3;
+			if (is_etag)
+			    len += (int)STRLEN(ebuf) + 1;
+			else
+			    ++len;
+			mfp = (struct match_found *)alloc(
+				       (int)sizeof(struct match_found) + len);
+			if (mfp != NULL)
+			{
+			    mfp->len = len;
+			    p = mfp->match;
+			    p[0] = mtt;
+			    STRCPY(p + 1, tag_fname);
+			    /* Ignore differences in slashes, avoid adding
+			     * both path/file and path\file. */
+			    slash_adjust(p + 1);
+			    s = p + 1 + STRLEN(tag_fname) + 1;
+			    if (is_etag)
+			    {
+				STRCPY(s, ebuf);
+				s += STRLEN(ebuf) + 1;
+			    }
+			    else
+				*s++ = NUL;
+			    STRCPY(s, lbuf_line);
+			}
+		    }
+		    if (mfp != NULL)
+		    {
+			/*
+			 * Don't add identical matches.
+			 * This can take a lot of time when finding many
+			 * matches, check for CTRL-C now and then.
+			 * Add all cscope tags, because they are all listed.
+			 */
+			if (use_cscope)
+			    i = -1;
+			else
+			  for (i = ga_match[mtt].ga_len; --i >= 0 && !got_int; )
+			  {
+			      mfp2 = ((struct match_found **)
+						  (ga_match[mtt].ga_data))[i];
+			      if (mfp2->len == mfp->len
+				      && vim_memcmp(mfp2->match, mfp->match,
+						       (size_t)mfp->len) == 0)
+				  break;
+			      line_breakcheck();
+			  }
+			if (i < 0)
+			{
+			    ((struct match_found **)(ga_match[mtt].ga_data))
+					       [ga_match[mtt].ga_len++] = mfp;
+			    ga_match[mtt].ga_room--;
+			    ++match_count;
+			}
+			else
+			    vim_free(mfp);
+		    }
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+		    /* Note: this makes the values in "tagp" invalid! */
+		    vim_free(conv_line);
+		}
+		else    /* Out of memory! Just forget about the rest. */
+		{
+		    retval = OK;
+		    stop_searching = TRUE;
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (use_cscope && eof)
+		break;
+	} /* forever */
+	if (line_error)
+	{
+	    EMSG2(_("E431: Format error in tags file \"%s\""), tag_fname);
+	    if (!use_cscope)
+		EMSGN(_("Before byte %ld"), (long)ftell(fp));
+	    stop_searching = TRUE;
+	    line_error = FALSE;
+	}
+	if (!use_cscope)
+	    fclose(fp);
+	while (incstack_idx)
+	{
+	    --incstack_idx;
+	    fclose(incstack[incstack_idx].fp);
+	    vim_free(incstack[incstack_idx].etag_fname);
+	}
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+	if (pats == &convpat)
+	{
+	    /* Go back from converted pattern to original pattern. */
+	    vim_free(pats->pat);
+	    vim_free(pats->regmatch.regprog);
+	    orgpat.regmatch.rm_ic = pats->regmatch.rm_ic;
+	    pats = &orgpat;
+	}
+	if (vimconv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
+	    convert_setup(&vimconv, NULL, NULL);
+	if (sort_error)
+	{
+	    EMSG2(_("E432: Tags file not sorted: %s"), tag_fname);
+	    sort_error = FALSE;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Stop searching if sufficient tags have been found.
+	 */
+	if (match_count >= mincount)
+	{
+	    retval = OK;
+	    stop_searching = TRUE;
+	}
+	if (stop_searching || use_cscope)
+	if (stop_searching)
+	    break;
+      } /* end of for-each-file loop */
+      /* stop searching when already did a linear search, or when
+       * TAG_NOIC used, and 'ignorecase' not set
+       * or already did case-ignore search */
+      if (stop_searching || linear || (!p_ic && noic) || pats->regmatch.rm_ic)
+	  break;
+# ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE
+      if (use_cscope)
+	  break;
+# endif
+      pats->regmatch.rm_ic = TRUE;	/* try another time while ignoring case */
+    }
+    if (!stop_searching)
+    {
+	if (!did_open && verbose)	/* never opened any tags file */
+	    EMSG(_("E433: No tags file"));
+	retval = OK;		/* It's OK even when no tag found */
+    }
+    vim_free(lbuf);
+    vim_free(pats->regmatch.regprog);
+    vim_free(tag_fname);
+    vim_free(ebuf);
+    /*
+     * Move the matches from the ga_match[] arrays into one list of
+     * matches.  When retval == FAIL, free the matches.
+     */
+    if (retval == FAIL)
+	match_count = 0;
+    if (match_count > 0)
+	matches = (char_u **)lalloc((long_u)(match_count * sizeof(char_u *)),
+									TRUE);
+    else
+	matches = NULL;
+    match_count = 0;
+    for (mtt = 0; mtt < MT_COUNT; ++mtt)
+    {
+	for (i = 0; i < ga_match[mtt].ga_len; ++i)
+	{
+	    mfp = ((struct match_found **)(ga_match[mtt].ga_data))[i];
+	    if (matches == NULL)
+		vim_free(mfp);
+	    else
+	    {
+		/* To avoid allocating memory again we turn the struct
+		 * match_found into a string.  For help the priority was not
+		 * included in the length. */
+		mch_memmove(mfp, mfp->match,
+			 (size_t)(mfp->len + (help_only ? ML_HELP_LEN : 0)));
+		matches[match_count++] = (char_u *)mfp;
+	    }
+	}
+	ga_clear(&ga_match[mtt]);
+    }
+    *matchesp = matches;
+    *num_matches = match_count;
+    curbuf->b_help = help_save;
+    vim_free(saved_pat);
+    return retval;
+static garray_T tag_fnames = GA_EMPTY;
+static void found_tagfile_cb __ARGS((char_u *fname));
+ * Callback function for finding all "tags" and "tags-??" files in
+ * 'runtimepath' doc directories.
+ */
+    static void
+    char_u	*fname;
+    if (ga_grow(&tag_fnames, 1) == OK)
+    {
+	((char_u **)(tag_fnames.ga_data))[tag_fnames.ga_len++] =
+							   vim_strsave(fname);
+	--tag_fnames.ga_room;
+    }
+ * Get the next name of a tag file from the tag file list.
+ * For help files, use "tags" file only.
+ *
+ * Return FAIL if no more tag file names, OK otherwise.
+ */
+    static int
+get_tagfname(first, buf)
+    int		first;	/* TRUE when first file name is wanted */
+    char_u	*buf;	/* pointer to buffer of MAXPATHL chars */
+    static void		*search_ctx = NULL;
+    static char_u	*np = NULL;
+    static int		did_filefind_init;
+    static int		hf_idx = 0;
+    char_u		*fname = NULL;
+    char_u		*r_ptr;
+    if (first)
+    {
+	if (curbuf->b_help)
+	{
+	    /*
+	     * For a help window find "doc/tags" and "doc/tags-??" in all
+	     * directories in 'runtimepath'.
+	     */
+	    ga_clear_strings(&tag_fnames);
+	    ga_init2(&tag_fnames, (int)sizeof(char_u *), 10);
+	    do_in_runtimepath((char_u *)
+		    "doc/tags doc/tags-??"
+		    "doc/tags"
+						    , TRUE, found_tagfile_cb);
+	    hf_idx = 0;
+	}
+	else if (*curbuf->b_p_tags != NUL)
+	    np = curbuf->b_p_tags;
+	else
+	    np = p_tags;
+	vim_findfile_free_visited(search_ctx);
+	did_filefind_init = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (curbuf->b_help)
+    {
+	if (hf_idx >= tag_fnames.ga_len)
+	{
+	    /* Not found in 'runtimepath', use 'helpfile', if it exists and
+	     * wasn't used yet, replacing "help.txt" with "tags". */
+	    if (hf_idx > tag_fnames.ga_len || *p_hf == NUL)
+		return FAIL;
+	    ++hf_idx;
+	    STRCPY(buf, p_hf);
+	    STRCPY(gettail(buf), "tags");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    STRNCPY(buf, ((char_u **)(tag_fnames.ga_data))[hf_idx++], MAXPATHL);
+	    buf[MAXPATHL - 1] = NUL;
+	}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	/* tried already (or bogus call) */
+	if (np == NULL)
+	    return FAIL;
+	/*
+	 * Loop until we have found a file name that can be used.
+	 * There are two states:
+	 * did_filefind_init == FALSE: setup for next part in 'tags'.
+	 * did_filefind_init == TRUE: find next file in this part.
+	 */
+	for (;;)
+	{
+	    if (did_filefind_init)
+	    {
+		fname = vim_findfile(search_ctx);
+		if (fname != NULL)
+		    break;
+		did_filefind_init = FALSE;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		char_u  *filename = NULL;
+		/* Stop when used all parts of 'tags'. */
+		if (*np == NUL)
+		{
+		    vim_findfile_cleanup(search_ctx);
+		    search_ctx = NULL;
+		    return FAIL;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Copy next file name into buf.
+		 */
+		buf[0] = NUL;
+		(void)copy_option_part(&np, buf, MAXPATHL - 1, " ,");
+		r_ptr = vim_findfile_stopdir(buf);
+		r_ptr = NULL;
+		/* move the filename one char forward and truncate the
+		 * filepath with a NUL */
+		filename = gettail(buf);
+		mch_memmove(filename + 1, filename, STRLEN(filename) + 1);
+		*filename++ = NUL;
+		search_ctx = vim_findfile_init(buf, filename, r_ptr, 100,
+			FALSE, /* don't free visited list */
+			FALSE, /* we search for a file */
+			search_ctx, TRUE, curbuf->b_ffname);
+		if (search_ctx != NULL)
+		    did_filefind_init = TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+	STRCPY(buf, fname);
+	vim_free(fname);
+    }
+    return OK;
+ * Parse one line from the tags file. Find start/end of tag name, start/end of
+ * file name and start of search pattern.
+ *
+ * If is_etag is TRUE, tagp->fname and tagp->fname_end are not set.
+ *
+ * Return FAIL if there is a format error in this line, OK otherwise.
+ */
+    static int
+		    is_etag,
+			      tagp)
+    char_u	*lbuf;		/* line to be parsed */
+    int		is_etag;
+    tagptrs_T	*tagp;
+    char_u	*p;
+    char_u	*p_7f;
+    if (is_etag)
+    {
+	/*
+	 * There are two formats for an emacs tag line:
+	 * 1:  struct EnvBase ^?EnvBase^A139,4627
+	 * 2: #define	ARPB_WILD_WORLD ^?153,5194
+	 */
+	p_7f = vim_strchr(lbuf, 0x7f);
+	if (p_7f == NULL)
+	    return FAIL;
+	/* Find ^A.  If not found the line number is after the 0x7f */
+	p = vim_strchr(p_7f, Ctrl_A);
+	if (p == NULL)
+	    p = p_7f + 1;
+	else
+	    ++p;
+	if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*p))	    /* check for start of line number */
+	    return FAIL;
+	tagp->command = p;
+	if (p[-1] == Ctrl_A)	    /* first format: explicit tagname given */
+	{
+	    tagp->tagname = p_7f + 1;
+	    tagp->tagname_end = p - 1;
+	}
+	else			    /* second format: isolate tagname */
+	{
+	    /* find end of tagname */
+	    for (p = p_7f - 1; !vim_iswordc(*p); --p)
+		if (p == lbuf)
+		    return FAIL;
+	    tagp->tagname_end = p + 1;
+	    while (p >= lbuf && vim_iswordc(*p))
+		--p;
+	    tagp->tagname = p + 1;
+	}
+    }
+    else	/* not an Emacs tag */
+    {
+	/* Isolate the tagname, from lbuf up to the first white */
+	tagp->tagname = lbuf;
+	p = skiptowhite(lbuf);
+	p = vim_strchr(lbuf, TAB);
+	if (p == NULL)
+	    return FAIL;
+	tagp->tagname_end = p;
+	/* Isolate file name, from first to second white space */
+	p = skipwhite(p);
+	if (*p != NUL)
+	    ++p;
+	tagp->fname = p;
+	p = skiptowhite(p);
+	p = vim_strchr(p, TAB);
+	if (p == NULL)
+	    return FAIL;
+	tagp->fname_end = p;
+	/* find start of search command, after second white space */
+	p = skipwhite(p);
+	if (*p != NUL)
+	    ++p;
+	if (*p == NUL)
+	    return FAIL;
+	tagp->command = p;
+    }
+    return OK;
+ * Check if tagname is a static tag
+ *
+ * Static tags produced by the older ctags program have the format:
+ *	'file:tag  file  /pattern'.
+ * This is only recognized when both occurences of 'file' are the same, to
+ * avoid recognizing "string::string" or ":exit".
+ *
+ * Static tags produced by the new ctags program have the format:
+ *	'tag  file  /pattern/;"<Tab>file:'	    "
+ *
+ * Return TRUE if it is a static tag and adjust *tagname to the real tag.
+ * Return FALSE if it is not a static tag.
+ */
+    static int
+    tagptrs_T	*tagp;
+    char_u	*p;
+    int		len;
+    /*
+     * Check for old style static tag: "file:tag file .."
+     */
+    len = (int)(tagp->fname_end - tagp->fname);
+    p = tagp->tagname + len;
+    if (       p < tagp->tagname_end
+	    && *p == ':'
+	    && fnamencmp(tagp->tagname, tagp->fname, len) == 0)
+    {
+	tagp->tagname = p + 1;
+	return TRUE;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Check for new style static tag ":...<Tab>file:[<Tab>...]"
+     */
+    p = tagp->command;
+    while ((p = vim_strchr(p, '\t')) != NULL)
+    {
+	++p;
+	if (STRNCMP(p, "file:", 5) == 0)
+	    return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+ * Parse a line from a matching tag.  Does not change the line itself.
+ *
+ * The line that we get looks like this:
+ * Emacs tag: <mtt><tag_fname><NUL><ebuf><NUL><lbuf>
+ * other tag: <mtt><tag_fname><NUL><NUL><lbuf>
+ * without Emacs tags: <mtt><tag_fname><NUL><lbuf>
+ *
+ * Return OK or FAIL.
+ */
+    static int
+parse_match(lbuf, tagp)
+    char_u	*lbuf;	    /* input: matching line */
+    tagptrs_T	*tagp;	    /* output: pointers into the line */
+    int		retval;
+    char_u	*p;
+    char_u	*pc, *pt;
+    tagp->tag_fname = lbuf + 1;
+    lbuf += STRLEN(tagp->tag_fname) + 2;
+    if (*lbuf)
+    {
+	tagp->is_etag = TRUE;
+	tagp->fname = lbuf;
+	lbuf += STRLEN(lbuf);
+	tagp->fname_end = lbuf++;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	tagp->is_etag = FALSE;
+	++lbuf;
+    }
+    /* Find search pattern and the file name for non-etags. */
+    retval = parse_tag_line(lbuf,
+			tagp->is_etag,
+			tagp);
+    tagp->tagkind = NULL;
+    tagp->command_end = NULL;
+    if (retval == OK)
+    {
+	/* Try to find a kind field: "kind:<kind>" or just "<kind>"*/
+	p = tagp->command;
+	if (find_extra(&p) == OK)
+	{
+	    tagp->command_end = p;
+	    p += 2;	/* skip ";\"" */
+	    if (*p++ == TAB)
+		while (ASCII_ISALPHA(*p))
+		{
+		    if (STRNCMP(p, "kind:", 5) == 0)
+		    {
+			tagp->tagkind = p + 5;
+			break;
+		    }
+		    pc = vim_strchr(p, ':');
+		    pt = vim_strchr(p, '\t');
+		    if (pc == NULL || (pt != NULL && pc > pt))
+		    {
+			tagp->tagkind = p;
+			break;
+		    }
+		    if (pt == NULL)
+			break;
+		    p = pt + 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (tagp->tagkind != NULL)
+	{
+	    for (p = tagp->tagkind;
+			    *p && *p != '\t' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'; ++p)
+		;
+	    tagp->tagkind_end = p;
+	}
+    }
+    return retval;
+ * Find out the actual file name of a tag.  Concatenate the tags file name
+ * with the matching tag file name.
+ * Returns an allocated string or NULL (out of memory).
+ */
+    static char_u *
+    tagptrs_T	*tagp;
+    char_u	*fullname;
+    int		c;
+    if (tagp->is_etag)
+	c = 0;	    /* to shut up GCC */
+    else
+    {
+	c = *tagp->fname_end;
+	*tagp->fname_end = NUL;
+    }
+    fullname = expand_tag_fname(tagp->fname, tagp->tag_fname, FALSE);
+    if (!tagp->is_etag)
+	*tagp->fname_end = c;
+    return fullname;
+ * Jump to a tag that has been found in one of the tag files
+ *
+ * returns OK for success, NOTAGFILE when file not found, FAIL otherwise.
+ */
+    static int
+jumpto_tag(lbuf, forceit, keep_help)
+    char_u	*lbuf;		/* line from the tags file for this tag */
+    int		forceit;	/* :ta with ! */
+    int		keep_help;	/* keep help flag (FALSE for cscope) */
+    int		save_secure;
+    int		save_magic;
+    int		save_p_ws, save_p_scs, save_p_ic;
+    linenr_T	save_lnum;
+    int		csave = 0;
+    char_u	*str;
+    char_u	*pbuf;			/* search pattern buffer */
+    char_u	*pbuf_end;
+    char_u	*tofree_fname = NULL;
+    char_u	*fname;
+    tagptrs_T	tagp;
+    int		retval = FAIL;
+    int		getfile_result;
+    int		search_options;
+    int		save_no_hlsearch;
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+    win_T	*curwin_save = NULL;
+    char_u	*full_fname = NULL;
+    int		old_KeyTyped = KeyTyped;    /* getting the file may reset it */
+    pbuf = alloc(LSIZE);
+    /* parse the match line into the tagp structure */
+    if (pbuf == NULL || parse_match(lbuf, &tagp) == FAIL)
+    {
+	tagp.fname_end = NULL;
+	goto erret;
+    }
+    /* truncate the file name, so it can be used as a string */
+    csave = *tagp.fname_end;
+    *tagp.fname_end = NUL;
+    fname = tagp.fname;
+    /* copy the command to pbuf[], remove trailing CR/NL */
+    str = tagp.command;
+    for (pbuf_end = pbuf; *str && *str != '\n' && *str != '\r'; )
+    {
+	if (tagp.is_etag && *str == ',')/* stop at ',' after line number */
+	    break;
+	*pbuf_end++ = *str++;
+    }
+    *pbuf_end = NUL;
+    if (!tagp.is_etag)
+    {
+	/*
+	 * Remove the "<Tab>fieldname:value" stuff; we don't need it here.
+	 */
+	str = pbuf;
+	if (find_extra(&str) == OK)
+	{
+	    pbuf_end = str;
+	    *pbuf_end = NUL;
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+     * Expand file name, when needed (for environment variables).
+     * If 'tagrelative' option set, may change file name.
+     */
+    fname = expand_tag_fname(fname, tagp.tag_fname, TRUE);
+    if (fname == NULL)
+	goto erret;
+    tofree_fname = fname;	/* free() it later */
+    /*
+     * Check if the file with the tag exists before abandoning the current
+     * file.  Also accept a file name for which there is a matching BufReadCmd
+     * autocommand event (e.g., http://sys/file).
+     */
+    if (mch_getperm(fname) < 0
+	    && !has_autocmd(EVENT_BUFREADCMD, fname)
+       )
+    {
+	retval = NOTAGFILE;
+	vim_free(nofile_fname);
+	nofile_fname = vim_strsave(fname);
+	if (nofile_fname == NULL)
+	    nofile_fname = empty_option;
+	goto erret;
+    }
+    ++RedrawingDisabled;
+#ifdef FEAT_GUI
+    need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+    if (g_do_tagpreview)
+    {
+	/* don't split again below */
+	postponed_split = 0;
+	/* Save current window */
+	curwin_save = curwin;
+	/*
+	 * If we are reusing a window, we may change dir when
+	 * entering it (autocommands) so turn the tag filename
+	 * into a fullpath
+	 */
+	if (!curwin->w_p_pvw)
+	{
+	    full_fname = FullName_save(fname, FALSE);
+	    fname = full_fname;
+	    /*
+	     * Make the preview window the current window.
+	     * Open a preview window when needed.
+	     */
+	    prepare_tagpreview();
+	}
+    }
+    /* if it was a CTRL-W CTRL-] command split window now */
+    if (postponed_split)
+    {
+	win_split(postponed_split > 0 ? postponed_split : 0,
+						       postponed_split_flags);
+	curwin->w_p_scb = FALSE;
+# endif
+    }
+    if (keep_help)
+    {
+	/* A :ta from a help file will keep the b_help flag set.  For ":ptag"
+	 * we need to use the flag from the window where we came from. */
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	if (g_do_tagpreview)
+	    keep_help_flag = curwin_save->w_buffer->b_help;
+	else
+	    keep_help_flag = curbuf->b_help;
+    }
+    getfile_result = getfile(0, fname, NULL, TRUE, (linenr_T)0, forceit);
+    keep_help_flag = FALSE;
+    if (getfile_result <= 0)		/* got to the right file */
+    {
+	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+	postponed_split = 0;
+	save_secure = secure;
+	secure = 1;
+	++sandbox;
+	save_magic = p_magic;
+	p_magic = FALSE;	/* always execute with 'nomagic' */
+	/* Save value of no_hlsearch, jumping to a tag is not a real search */
+	save_no_hlsearch = no_hlsearch;
+	/*
+	 * If 'cpoptions' contains 't', store the search pattern for the "n"
+	 * command.  If 'cpoptions' does not contain 't', the search pattern
+	 * is not stored.
+	 */
+	if (vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_TAGPAT) != NULL)
+	    search_options = 0;
+	else
+	    search_options = SEARCH_KEEP;
+	/*
+	 * If the command is a search, try here.
+	 *
+	 * Reset 'smartcase' for the search, since the search pattern was not
+	 * typed by the user.
+	 * Only use do_search() when there is a full search command, without
+	 * anything following.
+	 */
+	str = pbuf;
+	if (pbuf[0] == '/' || pbuf[0] == '?')
+	    str = skip_regexp(pbuf + 1, pbuf[0], FALSE, NULL) + 1;
+	if (str > pbuf_end - 1)	/* search command with nothing following */
+	{
+	    save_p_ws = p_ws;
+	    save_p_ic = p_ic;
+	    save_p_scs = p_scs;
+	    p_ws = TRUE;	/* need 'wrapscan' for backward searches */
+	    p_ic = FALSE;	/* don't ignore case now */
+	    p_scs = FALSE;
+#if 0	/* disabled for now */
+	    /* put pattern in search history */
+	    add_to_history(HIST_SEARCH, pbuf + 1, TRUE, pbuf[0]);
+	    save_lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+	    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 0;	/* start search before first line */
+	    if (do_search(NULL, pbuf[0], pbuf + 1, (long)1, search_options))
+		retval = OK;
+	    else
+	    {
+		int	found = 1;
+		int	cc;
+		/*
+		 * try again, ignore case now
+		 */
+		p_ic = TRUE;
+		if (!do_search(NULL, pbuf[0], pbuf + 1, (long)1,
+							      search_options))
+		{
+		    /*
+		     * Failed to find pattern, take a guess: "^func  ("
+		     */
+		    found = 2;
+		    (void)test_for_static(&tagp);
+		    cc = *tagp.tagname_end;
+		    *tagp.tagname_end = NUL;
+		    sprintf((char *)pbuf, "^%s\\s\\*(", tagp.tagname);
+		    if (!do_search(NULL, '/', pbuf, (long)1, search_options))
+		    {
+			/* Guess again: "^char * \<func  (" */
+			sprintf((char *)pbuf, "^\\[#a-zA-Z_]\\.\\*\\<%s\\s\\*(",
+								tagp.tagname);
+			if (!do_search(NULL, '/', pbuf, (long)1,
+							      search_options))
+			    found = 0;
+		    }
+		    *tagp.tagname_end = cc;
+		}
+		if (found == 0)
+		{
+		    EMSG(_("E434: Can't find tag pattern"));
+		    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = save_lnum;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    /*
+		     * Only give a message when really guessed, not when 'ic'
+		     * is set and match found while ignoring case.
+		     */
+		    if (found == 2 || !save_p_ic)
+		    {
+			MSG(_("E435: Couldn't find tag, just guessing!"));
+			if (!msg_scrolled && msg_silent == 0)
+			{
+			    out_flush();
+			    ui_delay(1000L, TRUE);
+			}
+		    }
+		    retval = OK;
+		}
+	    }
+	    p_ws = save_p_ws;
+	    p_ic = save_p_ic;
+	    p_scs = save_p_scs;
+	    /* A search command may have positioned the cursor beyond the end
+	     * of the line.  May need to correct that here. */
+	    check_cursor();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;		/* start command in line 1 */
+	    do_cmdline_cmd(pbuf);
+	    retval = OK;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * When the command has done something that is not allowed make sure
+	 * the error message can be seen.
+	 */
+	if (secure == 2)
+	    wait_return(TRUE);
+	secure = save_secure;
+	p_magic = save_magic;
+	--sandbox;
+	/* restore no_hlsearch when keeping the old search pattern */
+	if (search_options)
+	    no_hlsearch = save_no_hlsearch;
+	/* Return OK if jumped to another file (at least we found the file!). */
+	if (getfile_result == -1)
+	    retval = OK;
+	if (retval == OK)
+	{
+	    /*
+	     * For a help buffer: Put the cursor line at the top of the window,
+	     * the help subject will be below it.
+	     */
+	    if (curbuf->b_help)
+		set_topline(curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
+	    if ((fdo_flags & FDO_TAG) && old_KeyTyped)
+		foldOpenCursor();
+	}
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+	if (g_do_tagpreview && curwin != curwin_save && win_valid(curwin_save))
+	{
+	    /* Return cursor to where we were */
+	    validate_cursor();
+	    redraw_later(VALID);
+	    win_enter(curwin_save, TRUE);
+	}
+	--RedrawingDisabled;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	--RedrawingDisabled;
+	if (postponed_split)		/* close the window */
+	{
+	    win_close(curwin, FALSE);
+	    postponed_split = 0;
+	}
+    }
+#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
+    g_do_tagpreview = 0; /* For next time */
+    if (tagp.fname_end != NULL)
+	*tagp.fname_end = csave;
+    vim_free(pbuf);
+    vim_free(tofree_fname);
+    vim_free(full_fname);
+    return retval;
+ * If "expand" is TRUE, expand wildcards in fname.
+ * If 'tagrelative' option set, change fname (name of file containing tag)
+ * according to tag_fname (name of tag file containing fname).
+ * Returns a pointer to allocated memory (or NULL when out of memory).
+ */
+    static char_u *
+expand_tag_fname(fname, tag_fname, expand)
+    char_u	*fname;
+    char_u	*tag_fname;
+    int		expand;
+    char_u	*p;
+    char_u	*retval;
+    char_u	*expanded_fname = NULL;
+    expand_T	xpc;
+    /*
+     * Expand file name (for environment variables) when needed.
+     */
+    if (expand && mch_has_wildcard(fname))
+    {
+	ExpandInit(&xpc);
+	xpc.xp_context = EXPAND_FILES;
+	expanded_fname = ExpandOne(&xpc, (char_u *)fname, NULL,
+	ExpandCleanup(&xpc);
+	if (expanded_fname != NULL)
+	    fname = expanded_fname;
+    }
+    if ((p_tr || curbuf->b_help)
+	    && !vim_isAbsName(fname)
+	    && (p = gettail(tag_fname)) != tag_fname)
+    {
+	retval = alloc(MAXPATHL);
+	if (retval != NULL)
+	{
+	    STRCPY(retval, tag_fname);
+	    STRNCPY(retval + (p - tag_fname), fname,
+						  MAXPATHL - (p - tag_fname));
+	    /*
+	     * Translate names like "src/a/../b/file.c" into "src/b/file.c".
+	     */
+	    simplify_filename(retval);
+	}
+    }
+    else
+	retval = vim_strsave(fname);
+    vim_free(expanded_fname);
+    return retval;
+ * Moves the tail part of the path (including the terminating NUL) pointed to
+ * by "tail" to the new location pointed to by "here". This should accomodate
+ * an overlapping move.
+ */
+#define movetail(here, tail)  mch_memmove(here, tail, STRLEN(tail) + (size_t)1)
+ * Converts a file name into a canonical form. It simplifies a file name into
+ * its simplest form by stripping out unneeded components, if any.  The
+ * resulting file name is simplified in place and will either be the same
+ * length as that supplied, or shorter.
+ */
+    void
+    char_u	*filename;
+#ifndef AMIGA	    /* Amiga doesn't have "..", it uses "/" */
+    int		components = 0;
+    char_u	*p, *tail, *start;
+    int		stripping_disabled = FALSE;
+    int		relative = TRUE;
+    p = filename;
+    if (p[1] == ':')	    /* skip "x:" */
+	p += 2;
+    if (vim_ispathsep(*p))
+    {
+	relative = FALSE;
+	do
+	    ++p;
+	while (vim_ispathsep(*p));
+    }
+    start = p;	    /* remember start after "c:/" or "/" or "///" */
+    do
+    {
+	/* At this point "p" is pointing to the char following a single "/"
+	 * or "p" is at the "start" of the (absolute or relative) path name. */
+#ifdef VMS
+	/* VMS allows device:[path] - don't strip the [ in directory  */
+	if ((*p == '[' || *p == '<') && p > filename && p[-1] == ':')
+	{
+	    /* :[ or :< composition: vms directory component */
+	    ++components;
+	    p = getnextcomp(p + 1);
+	}
+	/* allow remote calls as host"user passwd"::device:[path] */
+	else if (p[0] == ':' && p[1] == ':' && p > filename && p[-1] == '"' )
+	{
+	    /* ":: composition: vms host/passwd component */
+	    ++components;
+	    p = getnextcomp(p + 2);
+	}
+	else
+	  if (vim_ispathsep(*p))
+	    movetail(p, p + 1);		/* remove duplicate "/" */
+	else if (p[0] == '.' && (vim_ispathsep(p[1]) || p[1] == NUL))
+	{
+	    if (p == start && relative)
+		p += 1 + (p[1] != NUL);	/* keep single "." or leading "./" */
+	    else
+	    {
+		/* Strip "./" or ".///".  If we are at the end of the file name
+		 * and there is no trailing path separator, either strip "/." if
+		 * we are after "start", or strip "." if we are at the beginning
+		 * of an absolute path name . */
+		tail = p + 1;
+		if (p[1] != NUL)
+		    while (vim_ispathsep(*tail))
+			++tail;
+		else if (p > start)
+		    --p;		/* strip preceding path separator */
+		movetail(p, tail);
+	    }
+	}
+	else if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '.' &&
+	    (vim_ispathsep(p[2]) || p[2] == NUL))
+	{
+	    /* Skip to after ".." or "../" or "..///". */
+	    tail = p + 2;
+	    while (vim_ispathsep(*tail))
+		++tail;
+	    if (components > 0)		/* strip one preceding component */
+	    {
+		int		do_strip = FALSE;
+		char_u		saved_char;
+		struct stat	st;
+		/* Don't strip for an erroneous file name. */
+		if (!stripping_disabled)
+		{
+		    /* If the preceding component does not exist in the file
+		     * system, we strip it.  On Unix, we don't accept a symbolic
+		     * link that refers to a non-existent file. */
+		    saved_char = p[-1];
+		    p[-1] = NUL;
+#ifdef UNIX
+		    if (mch_lstat((char *)filename, &st) < 0)
+			if (mch_stat((char *)filename, &st) < 0)
+			    do_strip = TRUE;
+		    p[-1] = saved_char;
+		    --p;
+		    /* Skip back to after previous '/'. */
+		    while (p > start && !vim_ispathsep(p[-1]))
+			--p;
+		    if (!do_strip)
+		    {
+			/* If the component exists in the file system, check
+			 * that stripping it won't change the meaning of the
+			 * file name.  First get information about the
+			 * unstripped file name.  This may fail if the component
+			 * to strip is not a searchable directory (but a regular
+			 * file, for instance), since the trailing "/.." cannot
+			 * be applied then.  We don't strip it then since we
+			 * don't want to replace an erroneous file name by
+			 * a valid one, and we disable stripping of later
+			 * components. */
+			saved_char = *tail;
+			*tail = NUL;
+			if (mch_stat((char *)filename, &st) >= 0)
+			    do_strip = TRUE;
+			else
+			    stripping_disabled = TRUE;
+			*tail = saved_char;
+#ifdef UNIX
+			if (do_strip)
+			{
+			    struct stat	new_st;
+			    /* On Unix, the check for the unstripped file name
+			     * above works also for a symbolic link pointing to
+			     * a searchable directory.  But then the parent of
+			     * the directory pointed to by the link must be the
+			     * same as the stripped file name.  (The latter
+			     * exists in the file system since it is the
+			     * component's parent directory.) */
+			    if (p == start && relative)
+				(void)mch_stat(".", &new_st);
+			    else
+			    {
+				saved_char = *p;
+				*p = NUL;
+				(void)mch_stat((char *)filename, &new_st);
+				*p = saved_char;
+			    }
+			    if (new_st.st_ino != st.st_ino ||
+				new_st.st_dev != st.st_dev)
+			    {
+				do_strip = FALSE;
+				/* We don't disable stripping of later
+				 * components since the unstripped path name is
+				 * still valid. */
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		if (!do_strip)
+		{
+		    /* Skip the ".." or "../" and reset the counter for the
+		     * components that might be stripped later on. */
+		    p = tail;
+		    components = 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    /* Strip previous component.  If the result would get empty
+		     * and there is no trailing path separator, leave a single
+		     * "." instead.  If we are at the end of the file name and
+		     * there is no trailing path separator and a preceding
+		     * component is left after stripping, strip its trailing
+		     * path separator as well. */
+		    if (p == start && relative && tail[-1] == '.')
+		    {
+			*p++ = '.';
+			*p = NUL;
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			if (p > start && tail[-1] == '.')
+			    --p;
+			movetail(p, tail);	/* strip previous component */
+		    }
+		    --components;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else if (p == start && !relative)	/* leading "/.." or "/../" */
+		movetail(p, tail);		/* strip ".." or "../" */
+	    else
+	    {
+		if (p == start + 2 && p[-2] == '.')	/* leading "./../" */
+		{
+		    movetail(p - 2, p);			/* strip leading "./" */
+		    tail -= 2;
+		}
+		p = tail;		/* skip to char after ".." or "../" */
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    ++components;		/* simple path component */
+	    p = getnextcomp(p);
+	}
+    } while (*p != NUL);
+#endif /* !AMIGA */
+ * Check if we have a tag for the buffer with name "buf_ffname".
+ * This is a bit slow, because of the full path compare in fullpathcmp().
+ * Return TRUE if tag for file "fname" if tag file "tag_fname" is for current
+ * file.
+ */
+    static int
+test_for_current(is_etag, fname, fname_end, tag_fname, buf_ffname)
+    int	    is_etag;
+test_for_current(fname, fname_end, tag_fname, buf_ffname)
+    char_u  *fname;
+    char_u  *fname_end;
+    char_u  *tag_fname;
+    char_u  *buf_ffname;
+    int	    c;
+    int	    retval = FALSE;
+    char_u  *fullname;
+    if (buf_ffname != NULL)	/* if the buffer has a name */
+    {
+	if (is_etag)
+	    c = 0;	    /* to shut up GCC */
+	else
+	{
+	    c = *fname_end;
+	    *fname_end = NUL;
+	}
+	fullname = expand_tag_fname(fname, tag_fname, TRUE);
+	if (fullname != NULL)
+	{
+	    retval = (fullpathcmp(fullname, buf_ffname, TRUE) & FPC_SAME);
+	    vim_free(fullname);
+	}
+	if (!is_etag)
+	    *fname_end = c;
+    }
+    return retval;
+ * Find the end of the tagaddress.
+ * Return OK if ";\"" is following, FAIL otherwise.
+ */
+    static int
+    char_u	**pp;
+    char_u	*str = *pp;
+    /* Repeat for addresses separated with ';' */
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*str))
+	    str = skipdigits(str);
+	else if (*str == '/' || *str == '?')
+	{
+	    str = skip_regexp(str + 1, *str, FALSE, NULL);
+	    if (*str != **pp)
+		str = NULL;
+	    else
+		++str;
+	}
+	else
+	    str = NULL;
+	if (str == NULL || *str != ';'
+		  || !(VIM_ISDIGIT(str[1]) || str[1] == '/' || str[1] == '?'))
+	    break;
+	++str;	/* skip ';' */
+    }
+    if (str != NULL && STRNCMP(str, ";\"", 2) == 0)
+    {
+	*pp = str;
+	return OK;
+    }
+    return FAIL;
+#if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || defined(PROTO)
+    int
+expand_tags(tagnames, pat, num_file, file)
+    int		tagnames;	/* expand tag names */
+    char_u	*pat;
+    int		*num_file;
+    char_u	***file;
+    int		i;
+    int		c;
+    int		tagnmflag;
+    char_u      tagnm[100];
+    tagptrs_T	t_p;
+    int		ret;
+    if (tagnames)
+	tagnmflag = TAG_NAMES;
+    else
+	tagnmflag = 0;
+    if (pat[0] == '/')
+	ret = find_tags(pat + 1, num_file, file,
+		TAG_REGEXP | tagnmflag | TAG_VERBOSE,
+		TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname);
+    else
+	ret = find_tags(pat, num_file, file,
+		TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname);
+    if (ret == OK && !tagnames)
+    {
+	 /* Reorganize the tags for display and matching as strings of:
+	  * "<tagname>\0<kind>\0<filename>\0"
+	  */
+	 for (i = 0; i < *num_file; i++)
+	 {
+	     parse_match((*file)[i], &t_p);
+	     c = (int)(t_p.tagname_end - t_p.tagname);
+	     mch_memmove(tagnm, t_p.tagname, (size_t)c);
+	     tagnm[c++] = 0;
+	     tagnm[c++] = (t_p.tagkind != NULL && *t_p.tagkind)
+							 ? *t_p.tagkind : 'f';
+	     tagnm[c++] = 0;
+	     mch_memmove((*file)[i] + c, t_p.fname, t_p.fname_end - t_p.fname);
+	     (*file)[i][c + (t_p.fname_end - t_p.fname)] = 0;
+	     mch_memmove((*file)[i], tagnm, (size_t)c);
+	}
+    }
+    return ret;