diff src/VisVim/README_VisVim.txt @ 7:3fc0f57ecb91 v7.0001

updated for version 7.0001
author vimboss
date Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:20:40 +0000
children f62b7845db87
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VisVim/README_VisVim.txt
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+Visual Studio - Vim Integration
+Copyright (C) 1997 Heiko Erhardt
+VisVim is a Visual Studio Add-In that allows Vim to be integrated
+as the default text editor. It will be used instead of the Visual
+Studio built-in editor when you double-click on a file or press F4
+after compiling (it will go to the proper line in the Vim buffer).
+The file can be loaded exclusively by Vim or additionally to the
+builtin Visual Studio editor (this option can be set in the VisVim
+configuration dialog inside Visual Studio).
+Vim does not replace the Visual Studio editor, it still runs in its
+own window.
+VisVim is based upon VisEmacs by Christopher Payne
+(Copyright (C) Christopher Payne 1997).
+Author: Heiko Erhardt <Heiko.Erhardt@munich.netsurf.de>
+Based upon: VisEmacs by Christopher Payne <payneca@sagian.com>
+Version: 1.0
+Created: 23 Oct 1997
+Date: 23 Oct 1997
+VisVim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+VisVim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+VisVim works with the *OLE-enabled* version of Vim version 5.0 and higher
+only!!!  You must download the extra archive containing the OLE-enabled
+executable from your Vim download site.  When building your own Vim
+executable, use the if_ole_vc.mak makefile (Vim 5.1 and higher).
+VisVim needs DevStudio 5.0 or higher. It does not work with DevStudio 4.2.
+1) Close running instances of DevStudio.
+2) Copy VisVim.dll into a convenient directory like \vim,
+   \vim\lib, or \vim\addin
+3) Register the DLL using regsvr32.exe ...  (Skip this on Windows 95/98)
+   Example:
+   > cd \vim\addin
+   > regsvr32 VisVim.dll
+   On NT, you should do this from an administrator account.
+   Before installing a new version of VisVim you should unregister
+   the old one using
+   > regsvr32 -unregister VisVim.dll
+   The batch files register.bat and unregister.bat can do that for you.
+3a) If you didn't do this yet: Register the OLE gvim:
+   > gvim -register
+4) Start Visual Studio and go to:
+      Tools
+	 Customize...
+	    Add-Ins and Macro Files
+5) Click on Browse, and point Visual Studio to your VisVim.dll file.
+6) Click the checkbox to indicate that you want to use the Add-In, and
+   Close the Customize dialog box.
+7) You should notice the VisVim Toolbar with the Vim Icon.
+   Click the first item of the toolbar to get to the options dialog.
+Compiling VisVim
+Two Options:
+1) Load the VisVim.mak file as a Workspace in Visual Studio and compile
+2) Use the MSVC command line compiler:
+	vcvars32
+	nmake -f VisVim.mak
+Using VisVim
+The VisVim DLL exposes several functions to the user. These functions are
+accessible using the toolbar or by assigning hotkeys to them (see below).
+The following functions are visible on the toolbar (from left to right):
+1. VisVim settings dialog
+   The settings you adjust here will be saved in the registry and
+   will be reloaded on program startup.
+2. Enable Vim
+   Enables Vim as Visual Studio editor. Control will be switched to Vim when:
+   - Clicking a file in the file view
+   - Clicking a compiler error message line
+   - Using the 'File-Open' Dialog
+   - Showing the current source line when encountering a debugger breakpoint.
+   - Using File-New
+3. Disable Vim
+   The internal Visual Studio editor will be used to edit files.
+4. Toggle enable state
+   Toggles the enable state of VisVim. Use this function if you want to have
+   one button only to activate/deactivate Vim.
+5. Load current file in Vim
+   Loads the file shown in the internal editor into Vim. Use this function if
+   you want the internal editor to stay active and just edit one file in Vim.
+   This command works always whether Vim is enabled as default editor or not.
+You cannot use DevStudio's debugger commands from inside Vim, so you should
+disable Vim before running the debugger.
+You can customize the Vim toolbar itself or add the Vim buttons to other
+To have fast access to the VisVim options dialog I suggest to create keyboard
+1) Choose
+      Tools
+	 Customize...
+	    Keyboard
+2) Choose Category:AddIns and Commands:VisVim.
+3) Choose 'Main' as editor, enter each hotkey and press the Assign button.
+   I suggest:
+       VisVimDialogCmd    Alt+Shift+V
+       VisVimEnableCmd    Alt+Shift+E
+       VisVimDisableCmd   Alt+Shift+D
+       VisVimToggleCmd    Alt+Shift+T
+       VisVimLoadCmd      Alt+Shift+G
+4) Close the dialog
+Now a typical debugging example:
+Using "Alt+Shift+d" you turn off Vim before starting the debugger.
+After hitting the breakpoint you single step through your application
+using the internal source code editor and examine variables.
+When you stumble across the line with the null pointer
+assignment, just press "Alt+Shift+g", and correct the error in Vim.
+Save the file, press Alt+Tab to return to DevStudio and press F7 to compile.
+That's it.
+1. When opening a file in DevStudio the file is opened in the DevStudio
+   editor and immediately vanishes. No Vim shows up.
+   Cause:       Probably you don't have the OLE-enabled Vim or you didn't
+		register it.
+   Explanation: VisVim is notified by DevStudio if an 'open document' event
+		occurs. It then closes the document in the internal editor
+		and tries to start Vim. If Vim isn't properly OLE-registered,
+		this won't work.
+   Workaround:  Download and install the OLE-enable version of Vim and
+		execute "gvim -register".
+2. Sometimes when clicking on a file, the file won't be opened by Vim but
+   instead the Visual Studio editor comes up.
+   Cause:       The file was already loaded by the DevStudio editor.
+   Explanation: VisVim works by hooks exposed by Visual Studio.
+		Most of the functionality works from the OpenDocument hook.
+		If a document is already loaded in the Visual Studio editor,
+		no 'open document' event will be generated when clicking the
+		file in the file list.
+   Workaround:  Close the document in Visual Studio first.
+3. I can't get VisVim to work. Either the Vim toolbar does not appear at all
+   or weird crashes happen.
+   Cause:       The Visual Studio installation is messed up.
+   Explanation: I can't give you one. Ask M$.
+   Workaround:  Reinstall DevStudio (I know this is brute, but in some cases
+		it helped). There was one case where the service pack 1 had
+		to be installed, too.
+4. If an instance of Vim is already running, VisVim will use that instance
+   and not start a new one.
+   Cause:	 This is proper OLE behaviour
+   Explanation:  Some call it a bug, some a feature. That's just the way OLE
+		 works.
+5. When being in insert mode in Vim and selecting a file in Visual Studio,
+   the Vim command :e ... is inserted as text instead of being executed.
+   Cause:	 You probably know...
+   Explanation:  The Vim OLE automation interface interpretes the VisVim
+		 commands as if they were typed in by the user.
+		 So if you're in insert mode Vim considers it to be text.
+		 I decided against sending an ESC before the command because
+		 it may cause a beep or at least a screen flash when noeb is
+		 set.
+   Workaround:	 Get used to press ESC before switching to DevStudio.
+6. I'm tired of VisVim but I can't get rid of it. I can't delete it in
+   Tools-Customize-Add-Ins.
+   Cause:	 You can't delete an item you once added to the add-ins
+		 list box.
+   Explanation:  M$ just didn't put a 'delete' button in the dialog box.
+		 Unfortunately there is no DEL key accellerator as well...
+   Workaround:	 You can't kill it, but you can knock it out:
+		 1. Uncheck the check box in front of 'Vim Developer Studio
+		    Add-in'.
+		 2. Close Visual Studio.
+		 3. Delete VisVim.dll or move it somewhere it can't be found.
+		 4. Run Visual Studio.
+		 5. Tools -> Cursomize ->Add-ins and Macro-Files.
+		 6. A message appears:
+		    ".../VisVim.dll" "This add-in no longer exists.  It will
+		    no longer be displayed."
+		 That's it!
+Change history
+1.0a to 1.0
+- All settings in the VisVim dialog are remembered between DevStudio sessions
+  by keeping them in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vim\VisVim).
+- Added an option to do a :cd before opening the file (having a file opened
+  by clicking it but finding out to be still in C:\Windows\system when trying to
+  open another file by ":e" can be annoying). Change directory can be
+  done to the source file's directory or it's parent directory.
+- Added some explanations to the error message for the CO_E_CLASSSTRING error
+  ("Use OLE Vim and make sure to register...").
+1.0 to 1.1a
+- The VisVim toolbar button now shows the new Vim icon instead of the old one.
+- Made some changes to the documentation, added the troubleshooting chapter
+  and ToDo list.
+- File-New-* now invokes Vim instead of the builtin editor if enabled.
+1.1 to 1.1b
+- Extended the VisVim toolbar to have multiple buttons instead of one.
+- Moved the enable/disable commands from the settings dialog to the toolbar.
+- Added the toggle enable/disable command
+- Added the 'load current file' command.
+1.1b to 1.2
+No new features, just some fine tuning:
+- Changed the GUID of the VisVim OLE interface to avoid conflicts with a
+  version of VisEmacs or VisVile on the same computer (Guy Gascoigne)
+- Fixed a bug caused by a bug in the Developer Studio add-in code generator
+  (Clark Morgan)
+- Fixed a memory leak (Clark Morgan)
+- Added an option in the VisVim dialog to prepend ESC before the first command
+  that is sent to Vim. This will avoid inserting the command as text when Vim
+  is still in insert mode.
+- An :update command is sent to Vim before any other command to update the
+  current file if it is modified, or else the following :cd or :e command will fail.
+1.2 to 1.3a
+- Fixed a bug caused by a missing EnableModeless() function call in VimLoad().
+  This seems to reduce VisVim crashing DevStudio on some systems (it
+  occasionally still seems to happen, but it's more stable now).
+  (Vince Negri)
+- Added support for the new CTRL-\ CTRL-N command of Vim 5.4a.
+  This prevents Vim from beeping when a VisVim command is executed an Vim is
+  not in insert mode.
+ToDo List
+P1 is highest priority, P10 lowest
+P9  Switching to DevStudio using ALT-TAB may get annoying. Would be nice to
+    have the option to map ActivateApplication("Visual Studio") in Vim.
+    Vim DLLs would solve that problem.
+P8  Execute :tag command in Vim for word under cursor in DevStudio
+P7  Controlling the Visual Studio Debugger from inside Vim
+    See message above. Also a 'Debug' highligh group and a
+    command to highlight a certain line would be necessary.
+P6  Provide an option to open the current file in VisVim in
+    Visual Studio editor
+    Same as above message. A kind of two way OLE automation would have to be
+    established between VisVim and Vim. Also a 'Debug' highlight group and a
+    command to highlight a certain line would be necessary.
+Known Problems
+- Occasional memory corruptions in DevStudio may appear on some systems.
+  Reinstalling DevStudio helped in some cases.
+  The cause of these crashes is unclear; there is no way to debug this.
+  Recompiling VisVim with DevStudio SP3 didn't help.
+  I assume it's a problem deep inside the DevStudio add-in OLE interfaces.
+  This will hopefully be fixed with DevStudio 6.
+Have fun!
+Heiko Erhardt