diff runtime/indent/html.vim @ 7:3fc0f57ecb91 v7.0001

updated for version 7.0001
author vimboss
date Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:20:40 +0000
children 1cdd2661f34c
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/html.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+" Description:	html indenter
+" Author:	Johannes Zellner <johannes@zellner.org>
+" Last Change:	Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:28:39 CEST
+" Globals:	g:html_indent_tags	   -- indenting tags
+"		g:html_indent_strict	   -- inhibit 'O O' elements
+"		g:html_indent_strict_table -- inhibit 'O -' elements
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+    finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" [-- local settings (must come before aborting the script) --]
+setlocal indentexpr=HtmlIndentGet(v:lnum)
+setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,<>>,<bs>,{,}
+if exists('g:html_indent_tags')
+    unlet g:html_indent_tags
+" [-- helper function to assemble tag list --]
+fun! <SID>HtmlIndentPush(tag)
+    if exists('g:html_indent_tags')
+	let g:html_indent_tags = g:html_indent_tags.'\|'.a:tag
+    else
+	let g:html_indent_tags = a:tag
+    endif
+" [-- <ELEMENT ? - - ...> --]
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('a')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('abbr')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('acronym')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('address')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('b')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('bdo')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('big')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('blockquote')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('button')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('caption')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('center')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('cite')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('code')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('colgroup')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('del')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('dfn')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('dir')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('div')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('dl')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('em')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('fieldset')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('font')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('form')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('frameset')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h1')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h2')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h3')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h4')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h5')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h6')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('i')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('iframe')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('ins')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('kbd')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('label')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('legend')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('map')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('menu')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('noframes')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('noscript')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('object')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('ol')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('optgroup')
+" call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('pre')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('q')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('s')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('samp')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('script')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('select')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('small')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('span')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('strong')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('style')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('sub')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('sup')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('table')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('textarea')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('title')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tt')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('u')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('ul')
+call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('var')
+" [-- <ELEMENT ? O O ...> --]
+if !exists('g:html_indent_strict')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('body')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('head')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('html')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tbody')
+" [-- <ELEMENT ? O - ...> --]
+if !exists('g:html_indent_strict_table')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('th')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('td')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tr')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tfoot')
+    call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('thead')
+delfun <SID>HtmlIndentPush
+set cpo-=C
+" [-- count indent-increasing tags of line a:lnum --]
+fun! <SID>HtmlIndentOpen(lnum, pattern)
+    let s = substitute('x'.getline(a:lnum),
+    \ '.\{-}\(\(<\)\('.a:pattern.'\)\>\)', "\1", 'g')
+    let s = substitute(s, "[^\1].*$", '', '')
+    return strlen(s)
+" [-- count indent-decreasing tags of line a:lnum --]
+fun! <SID>HtmlIndentClose(lnum, pattern)
+    let s = substitute('x'.getline(a:lnum),
+    \ '.\{-}\(\(<\)/\('.a:pattern.'\)\>>\)', "\1", 'g')
+    let s = substitute(s, "[^\1].*$", '', '')
+    return strlen(s)
+" [-- count indent-increasing '{' of (java|css) line a:lnum --]
+fun! <SID>HtmlIndentOpenAlt(lnum)
+    return strlen(substitute(getline(a:lnum), '[^{]\+', '', 'g'))
+" [-- count indent-decreasing '}' of (java|css) line a:lnum --]
+fun! <SID>HtmlIndentCloseAlt(lnum)
+    return strlen(substitute(getline(a:lnum), '[^}]\+', '', 'g'))
+" [-- return the sum of indents respecting the syntax of a:lnum --]
+fun! <SID>HtmlIndentSum(lnum, style)
+    if a:style == match(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*</')
+	if a:style == match(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*</\<\('.g:html_indent_tags.'\)\>')
+	    let open = <SID>HtmlIndentOpen(a:lnum, g:html_indent_tags)
+	    let close = <SID>HtmlIndentClose(a:lnum, g:html_indent_tags)
+	    if 0 != open || 0 != close
+		return open - close
+	    endif
+	endif
+    endif
+    if '' != &syntax &&
+	\ synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 1), 'name') =~ '\(css\|java\).*' &&
+	\ synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, strlen(getline(a:lnum)), 1), 'name')
+	\ =~ '\(css\|java\).*'
+	if a:style == match(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*}')
+	    return <SID>HtmlIndentOpenAlt(a:lnum) - <SID>HtmlIndentCloseAlt(a:lnum)
+	endif
+    endif
+    return 0
+fun! HtmlIndentGet(lnum)
+    " Find a non-empty line above the current line.
+    let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
+    " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
+    if lnum == 0
+	return 0
+    endif
+    let restore_ic = &ic
+    setlocal ic " ignore case
+    " [-- special handling for <pre>: no indenting --]
+    if getline(a:lnum) =~ '\c</pre>'
+		\ || 0 < searchpair('\c<pre>', '', '\c</pre>', 'nWb')
+		\ || 0 < searchpair('\c<pre>', '', '\c</pre>', 'nW')
+	" we're in a line with </pre> or inside <pre> ... </pre>
+	return -1
+    endif
+    " [-- special handling for <javascript>: use cindent --]
+    let js = '<script.*type\s*=\s*.*java'
+    if   0 < searchpair(js, '', '</script>', 'nWb')
+    \ || 0 < searchpair(js, '', '</script>', 'nW')
+	" we're inside javascript
+	if getline(lnum) !~ js && getline(a:lnum) != '</script>'
+	    return cindent(a:lnum)
+	endif
+    endif
+    if getline(lnum) =~ '\c</pre>'
+	" line before the current line a:lnum contains
+	" a closing </pre>. --> search for line before
+	" starting <pre> to restore the indent.
+	let preline = prevnonblank(search('\c<pre>', 'bW') - 1)
+	if preline > 0
+	    return indent(preline)
+	endif
+    endif
+    let ind = <SID>HtmlIndentSum(lnum, -1)
+    let ind = ind + <SID>HtmlIndentSum(a:lnum, 0)
+    if restore_ic == 0
+	setlocal noic
+    endif
+    return indent(lnum) + (&sw * ind)
+" [-- EOF <runtime>/indent/html.vim --]