diff runtime/indent/systemverilog.vim @ 5663:1dea14d4c738

Update runtime files. Add support for systemverilog.
author Bram Moolenaar <bram@vim.org>
date Tue, 11 Feb 2014 19:15:50 +0100
children 63b0b7b79b25
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/systemverilog.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language:    SystemVerilog
+" Maintainer:  kocha <kocha.lsifrontend@gmail.com>
+" Last Change: 12-Aug-2013. 
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+  finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal indentexpr=SystemVerilogIndent()
+setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0),0},=begin,=end,=join,=endcase,=join_any,=join_none
+setlocal indentkeys+==endmodule,=endfunction,=endtask,=endspecify
+setlocal indentkeys+==endclass,=endpackage,=endsequence,=endclocking
+setlocal indentkeys+==endinterface,=endgroup,=endprogram,=endproperty,=endchecker
+setlocal indentkeys+==`else,=`endif
+" Only define the function once.
+if exists("*SystemVerilogIndent")
+  finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+function SystemVerilogIndent()
+  if exists('b:systemverilog_indent_width')
+    let offset = b:systemverilog_indent_width
+  else
+    let offset = &sw
+  endif
+  if exists('b:systemverilog_indent_modules')
+    let indent_modules = offset
+  else
+    let indent_modules = 0
+  endif
+  " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
+  let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+  " At the start of the file use zero indent.
+  if lnum == 0
+    return 0
+  endif
+  let lnum2 = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+  let curr_line  = getline(v:lnum)
+  let last_line  = getline(lnum)
+  let last_line2 = getline(lnum2)
+  let ind  = indent(lnum)
+  let ind2 = indent(lnum - 1)
+  let offset_comment1 = 1
+  " Define the condition of an open statement
+  "   Exclude the match of //, /* or */
+  let sv_openstat = '\(\<or\>\|\([*/]\)\@<![*(,{><+-/%^&|!=?:]\([*/]\)\@!\)'
+  " Define the condition when the statement ends with a one-line comment
+  let sv_comment = '\(//.*\|/\*.*\*/\s*\)'
+  if exists('b:verilog_indent_verbose')
+    let vverb_str = 'INDENT VERBOSE:'
+    let vverb = 1
+  else
+    let vverb = 0
+  endif
+  " Indent accoding to last line
+  " End of multiple-line comment
+  if last_line =~ '\*/\s*$' && last_line !~ '/\*.\{-}\*/'
+    let ind = ind - offset_comment1
+    if vverb
+      echo vverb_str "De-indent after a multiple-line comment."
+    endif
+  " Indent after if/else/for/case/always/initial/specify/fork blocks
+  elseif last_line =~ '`\@<!\<\(if\|else\)\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(for\|case\%[[zx]]\|do\|foreach\|randcase\)\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(always\|always_comb\|always_ff\|always_latch\)\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(initial\|specify\|fork\|final\)\>'
+    if last_line !~ '\(;\|\<end\>\)\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' ||
+      \ last_line =~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\(;\|\<end\>\)\s*' . sv_comment . '*$'
+      let ind = ind + offset
+      if vverb | echo vverb_str "Indent after a block statement." | endif
+    endif
+  " Indent after function/task/class/package/sequence/clocking/
+  " interface/covergroup/property/checkerprogram blocks
+  elseif last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(function\|task\|class\|package\)\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(sequence\|clocking\|interface\)\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '^\s*\(\w\+\s*:\)\=\s*\<covergroup\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '^\s*\<\(property\|checker\|program\)\>'
+    if last_line !~ '\<end\>\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' ||
+      \ last_line =~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\(;\|\<end\>\)\s*' . sv_comment . '*$'
+      let ind = ind + offset
+      if vverb
+	echo vverb_str "Indent after function/task/class block statement."
+      endif
+    endif
+  " Indent after module/function/task/specify/fork blocks
+  elseif last_line =~ '^\s*\(\<extern\>\s*\)\=\<module\>'
+    let ind = ind + indent_modules
+    if vverb && indent_modules
+      echo vverb_str "Indent after module statement."
+    endif
+    if last_line =~ '[(,]\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ last_line !~ '\(//\|/\*\).*[(,]\s*' . sv_comment . '*$'
+      let ind = ind + offset
+      if vverb
+	echo vverb_str "Indent after a multiple-line module statement."
+      endif
+    endif
+  " Indent after a 'begin' statement
+  elseif last_line =~ '\(\<begin\>\)\(\s*:\s*\w\+\)*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+    \ last_line !~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\(\<begin\>\)' &&
+    \ ( last_line2 !~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' ||
+    \ last_line2 =~ '^\s*[^=!]\+\s*:\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' )
+    let ind = ind + offset
+    if vverb | echo vverb_str "Indent after begin statement." | endif
+  " Indent after a '{' or a '('
+  elseif last_line =~ '[{(]' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+    \ last_line !~ '\(//\|/\*\).*[{(]' &&
+    \ ( last_line2 !~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' ||
+    \ last_line2 =~ '^\s*[^=!]\+\s*:\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' )
+    let ind = ind + offset
+    if vverb | echo vverb_str "Indent after begin statement." | endif
+  " De-indent for the end of one-line block
+  elseif ( last_line !~ '\<begin\>' ||
+    \ last_line =~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\<begin\>' ) &&
+    \ last_line2 =~ '\<\(`\@<!if\|`\@<!else\|for\|always\|initial\|do\|foreach\|final\)\>.*' .
+      \ sv_comment . '*$' &&
+    \ last_line2 !~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\<\(`\@<!if\|`\@<!else\|for\|always\|initial\|do\|foreach\|final\)\>' &&
+    \ last_line2 !~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+    \ ( last_line2 !~ '\<begin\>' ||
+    \ last_line2 =~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\<begin\>' )
+    let ind = ind - offset
+    if vverb
+      echo vverb_str "De-indent after the end of one-line statement."
+    endif
+    " Multiple-line statement (including case statement)
+    " Open statement
+    "   Ident the first open line
+    elseif  last_line =~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ last_line !~ '\(//\|/\*\).*' . sv_openstat . '\s*$' &&
+      \ last_line2 !~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$'
+      let ind = ind + offset
+      if vverb | echo vverb_str "Indent after an open statement." | endif
+    " Close statement
+    "   De-indent for an optional close parenthesis and a semicolon, and only
+    "   if there exists precedent non-whitespace char
+    elseif last_line =~ ')*\s*;\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ last_line !~ '^\s*)*\s*;\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ last_line !~ '\(//\|/\*\).*\S)*\s*;\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ ( last_line2 =~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ last_line2 !~ ';\s*//.*$') &&
+      \ last_line2 !~ '^\s*' . sv_comment . '$'
+      let ind = ind - offset
+      if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent after a close statement." | endif
+  " `ifdef and `else
+  elseif last_line =~ '^\s*`\<\(ifdef\|else\)\>'
+    let ind = ind + offset
+    if vverb
+      echo vverb_str "Indent after a `ifdef or `else statement."
+    endif
+  endif
+  " Re-indent current line
+  " De-indent on the end of the block
+  " join/end/endcase/endfunction/endtask/endspecify
+  if curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(join\|join_any\|join_none\|\|end\|endcase\|while\)\>' ||
+      \ curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(endfunction\|endtask\|endspecify\|endclass\)\>' ||
+      \ curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(endpackage\|endsequence\|endclocking\|endinterface\)\>' ||
+      \ curr_line =~ '^\s*\<\(endgroup\|endproperty\|endchecker\|endprogram\)\>' ||
+      \ curr_line =~ '^\s*}'
+    let ind = ind - offset
+    if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent the end of a block." | endif
+  elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endmodule\>'
+    let ind = ind - indent_modules
+    if vverb && indent_modules
+      echo vverb_str "De-indent the end of a module."
+    endif
+  " De-indent on a stand-alone 'begin'
+  elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*\<begin\>'
+    if last_line !~ '^\s*\<\(function\|task\|specify\|module\|class\|package\)\>' ||
+      \ last_line !~ '^\s*\<\(sequence\|clocking\|interface\|covergroup\)\>' ||
+      \ last_line !~ '^\s*\<\(property\|checker\|program\)\>' &&
+      \ last_line !~ '^\s*\()*\s*;\|)\+\)\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+      \ ( last_line =~
+      \ '\<\(`\@<!if\|`\@<!else\|for\|case\%[[zx]]\|always\|initial\|do\|foreach\|randcase\|final\)\>' ||
+      \ last_line =~ ')\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' ||
+      \ last_line =~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' )
+      let ind = ind - offset
+      if vverb
+	echo vverb_str "De-indent a stand alone begin statement."
+      endif
+    endif
+  " De-indent after the end of multiple-line statement
+  elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*)' &&
+    \ ( last_line =~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' ||
+    \ last_line !~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' &&
+    \ last_line2 =~ sv_openstat . '\s*' . sv_comment . '*$' )
+    let ind = ind - offset
+    if vverb
+      echo vverb_str "De-indent the end of a multiple statement."
+    endif
+  " De-indent `else and `endif
+  elseif curr_line =~ '^\s*`\<\(else\|endif\)\>'
+    let ind = ind - offset
+    if vverb | echo vverb_str "De-indent `else and `endif statement." | endif
+  endif
+  " Return the indention
+  return ind
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim:sw=2