diff src/mouse.c @ 18150:0ec6521e9d80 v8.1.2070

patch 8.1.2070: mouse code is spread out Commit: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/b8ff5c271ee5dcef6f63436b77e228e062ff9a0e Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Mon Sep 23 21:16:54 2019 +0200 patch 8.1.2070: mouse code is spread out Problem: Mouse code is spread out. Solution: Move mouse terminal code parsing to mouse.c. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #4966)
author Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
date Mon, 23 Sep 2019 21:30:04 +0200
parents 2cc67e54edf8
children 9f51d0cef8da
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/mouse.c
+++ b/src/mouse.c
@@ -2089,6 +2089,727 @@ nv_mouse(cmdarg_T *cap)
     (void)do_mouse(cap->oap, cap->cmdchar, BACKWARD, cap->count1, 0);
+ * Check if typebuf 'tp' contains a terminal mouse code and returns the
+ * modifiers found in typebuf in 'modifiers'.
+ */
+    int
+    char_u	*tp,
+    int		*slen,
+    char_u	*key_name,
+    char_u	*modifiers_start,
+    int		idx,
+    int		*modifiers)
+    int		j;
+    char_u	*p;
+# if !defined(UNIX) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_XTERM) || defined(FEAT_GUI) \
+    || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_GPM) || defined(FEAT_SYSMOUSE)
+    char_u	bytes[6];
+    int		num_bytes;
+# endif
+    int		mouse_code = 0;	    // init for GCC
+    int		is_click, is_drag;
+    int		wheel_code = 0;
+    int		current_button;
+    static int	held_button = MOUSE_RELEASE;
+    static int	orig_num_clicks = 1;
+    static int	orig_mouse_code = 0x0;
+    static int	orig_mouse_col = 0;
+    static int	orig_mouse_row = 0;
+    static struct timeval  orig_mouse_time = {0, 0};
+    // time of previous mouse click
+    struct timeval  mouse_time;		// time of current mouse click
+    long	timediff;		// elapsed time in msec
+# endif
+    is_click = is_drag = FALSE;
+# if !defined(UNIX) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_XTERM) || defined(FEAT_GUI) \
+    || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_GPM) || defined(FEAT_SYSMOUSE)
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_MOUSE
+#  ifdef FEAT_MOUSE_GPM
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_GPM_MOUSE
+#  endif
+       )
+    {
+	/*
+	 * For xterm we get "<t_mouse>scr", where
+	 *  s == encoded button state:
+	 *	   0x20 = left button down
+	 *	   0x21 = middle button down
+	 *	   0x22 = right button down
+	 *	   0x23 = any button release
+	 *	   0x60 = button 4 down (scroll wheel down)
+	 *	   0x61 = button 5 down (scroll wheel up)
+	 *	add 0x04 for SHIFT
+	 *	add 0x08 for ALT
+	 *	add 0x10 for CTRL
+	 *	add 0x20 for mouse drag (0x40 is drag with left button)
+	 *	add 0x40 for mouse move (0x80 is move, 0x81 too)
+	 *		 0x43 (drag + release) is also move
+	 *  c == column + ' ' + 1 == column + 33
+	 *  r == row + ' ' + 1 == row + 33
+	 *
+	 * The coordinates are passed on through global variables.
+	 * Ugly, but this avoids trouble with mouse clicks at an
+	 * unexpected moment and allows for mapping them.
+	 */
+	for (;;)
+	{
+#  ifdef FEAT_GUI
+	    if (gui.in_use)
+	    {
+		// GUI uses more bits for columns > 223
+		num_bytes = get_bytes_from_buf(tp + *slen, bytes, 5);
+		if (num_bytes == -1)	// not enough coordinates
+		    return -1;
+		mouse_code = bytes[0];
+		mouse_col = 128 * (bytes[1] - ' ' - 1)
+		    + bytes[2] - ' ' - 1;
+		mouse_row = 128 * (bytes[3] - ' ' - 1)
+		    + bytes[4] - ' ' - 1;
+	    }
+	    else
+#  endif
+	    {
+		num_bytes = get_bytes_from_buf(tp + *slen, bytes, 3);
+		if (num_bytes == -1)	// not enough coordinates
+		    return -1;
+		mouse_code = bytes[0];
+		mouse_col = bytes[1] - ' ' - 1;
+		mouse_row = bytes[2] - ' ' - 1;
+	    }
+	    *slen += num_bytes;
+	    // If the following bytes is also a mouse code and it has
+	    // the same code, dump this one and get the next.  This
+	    // makes dragging a whole lot faster.
+#  ifdef FEAT_GUI
+	    if (gui.in_use)
+		j = 3;
+	    else
+#  endif
+		j = get_termcode_len(idx);
+	    if (STRNCMP(tp, tp + *slen, (size_t)j) == 0
+		    && tp[*slen + j] == mouse_code
+		    && tp[*slen + j + 1] != NUL
+		    && tp[*slen + j + 2] != NUL
+#  ifdef FEAT_GUI
+		    && (!gui.in_use
+			|| (tp[*slen + j + 3] != NUL
+			    && tp[*slen + j + 4] != NUL))
+#  endif
+	       )
+		*slen += j;
+	    else
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_URXVT_MOUSE
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE_RELEASE)
+    {
+	// URXVT 1015 mouse reporting mode:
+	// Almost identical to xterm mouse mode, except the values
+	// are decimal instead of bytes.
+	//
+	// \033[%d;%d;%dM
+	//	       ^-- row
+	//	    ^----- column
+	//	 ^-------- code
+	//
+	// SGR 1006 mouse reporting mode:
+	// Almost identical to xterm mouse mode, except the values
+	// are decimal instead of bytes.
+	//
+	// \033[<%d;%d;%dM
+	//	       ^-- row
+	//	    ^----- column
+	//	 ^-------- code
+	//
+	// \033[<%d;%d;%dm        : mouse release event
+	//	       ^-- row
+	//	    ^----- column
+	//	 ^-------- code
+	p = modifiers_start;
+	if (p == NULL)
+	    return -1;
+	mouse_code = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	// when mouse reporting is SGR, add 32 to mouse code
+	if (key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE
+		|| key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE_RELEASE)
+	    mouse_code += 32;
+	if (key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE_RELEASE)
+	    mouse_code |= MOUSE_RELEASE;
+	mouse_col = getdigits(&p) - 1;
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	mouse_row = getdigits(&p) - 1;
+	// The modifiers were the mouse coordinates, not the
+	// modifier keys (alt/shift/ctrl/meta) state.
+	*modifiers = 0;
+    }
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_MOUSE
+#  ifdef FEAT_MOUSE_GPM
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_GPM_MOUSE
+#  endif
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_URXVT_MOUSE
+#  endif
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE
+	    || key_name[0] == KS_SGR_MOUSE_RELEASE)
+    {
+#  if !defined(MSWIN)
+	/*
+	 * Handle mouse events.
+	 * Recognize the xterm mouse wheel, but not in the GUI, the
+	 * Linux console with GPM and the MS-DOS or Win32 console
+	 * (multi-clicks use >= 0x60).
+	 */
+	if (mouse_code >= MOUSEWHEEL_LOW
+#   ifdef FEAT_GUI
+		&& !gui.in_use
+#   endif
+#   ifdef FEAT_MOUSE_GPM
+		&& key_name[0] != KS_GPM_MOUSE
+#   endif
+	   )
+	{
+#   if defined(UNIX) && defined(FEAT_MOUSE_TTY)
+	    if (use_xterm_mouse() > 1 && mouse_code >= 0x80)
+		// mouse-move event, using MOUSE_DRAG works
+		mouse_code = MOUSE_DRAG;
+	    else
+#   endif
+		// Keep the mouse_code before it's changed, so that we
+		// remember that it was a mouse wheel click.
+		wheel_code = mouse_code;
+	}
+	else if (held_button == MOUSE_RELEASE
+#    ifdef FEAT_GUI
+		&& !gui.in_use
+#    endif
+		&& (mouse_code == 0x23 || mouse_code == 0x24
+		    || mouse_code == 0x40 || mouse_code == 0x41))
+	{
+	    // Apparently 0x23 and 0x24 are used by rxvt scroll wheel.
+	    // And 0x40 and 0x41 are used by some xterm emulator.
+	    wheel_code = mouse_code - (mouse_code >= 0x40 ? 0x40 : 0x23)
+	}
+#   endif
+#   if defined(UNIX) && defined(FEAT_MOUSE_TTY)
+	else if (use_xterm_mouse() > 1)
+	{
+	    if (mouse_code & MOUSE_DRAG_XTERM)
+		mouse_code |= MOUSE_DRAG;
+	}
+#   endif
+	else if (!(mouse_code & MOUSE_DRAG & ~MOUSE_CLICK_MASK))
+	{
+	    if ((mouse_code & MOUSE_RELEASE) == MOUSE_RELEASE)
+		stop_xterm_trace();
+	    else
+		start_xterm_trace(mouse_code);
+	}
+#   endif
+#  endif
+    }
+# endif // !UNIX || FEAT_MOUSE_XTERM
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_NETTERM_MOUSE)
+    {
+	int mc, mr;
+	// expect a rather limited sequence like: balancing {
+	// \033}6,45\r
+	// '6' is the row, 45 is the column
+	p = tp + *slen;
+	mr = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ',')
+	    return -1;
+	mc = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != '\r')
+	    return -1;
+	mouse_col = mc - 1;
+	mouse_row = mr - 1;
+	mouse_code = MOUSE_LEFT;
+	*slen += (int)(p - (tp + *slen));
+    }
+# endif	// FEAT_MOUSE_NET
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_JSBTERM_MOUSE)
+    {
+	int mult, val, iter, button, status;
+	/*
+	 * JSBTERM Input Model
+	 * \033[0~zw uniq escape sequence
+	 * (L-x)  Left button pressed - not pressed x not reporting
+	 * (M-x)  Middle button pressed - not pressed x not reporting
+	 * (R-x)  Right button pressed - not pressed x not reporting
+	 * (SDmdu)  Single , Double click, m mouse move d button down
+	 *						   u button up
+	 *  ###   X cursor position padded to 3 digits
+	 *  ###   Y cursor position padded to 3 digits
+	 * (s-x)  SHIFT key pressed - not pressed x not reporting
+	 * (c-x)  CTRL key pressed - not pressed x not reporting
+	 * \033\\ terminating sequence
+	 */
+	p = tp + *slen;
+	button = mouse_code = 0;
+	switch (*p++)
+	{
+	    case 'L': button = 1; break;
+	    case '-': break;
+	    case 'x': break; // ignore sequence
+	    default:  return -1; // Unknown Result
+	}
+	switch (*p++)
+	{
+	    case 'M': button |= 2; break;
+	    case '-': break;
+	    case 'x': break; // ignore sequence
+	    default:  return -1; // Unknown Result
+	}
+	switch (*p++)
+	{
+	    case 'R': button |= 4; break;
+	    case '-': break;
+	    case 'x': break; // ignore sequence
+	    default:  return -1; // Unknown Result
+	}
+	status = *p++;
+	for (val = 0, mult = 100, iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++,
+		mult /= 10, p++)
+	    if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
+		val += (*p - '0') * mult;
+	    else
+		return -1;
+	mouse_col = val;
+	for (val = 0, mult = 100, iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++,
+		mult /= 10, p++)
+	    if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
+		val += (*p - '0') * mult;
+	    else
+		return -1;
+	mouse_row = val;
+	switch (*p++)
+	{
+	    case 's': button |= 8; break;  // SHIFT key Pressed
+	    case '-': break;  // Not Pressed
+	    case 'x': break;  // Not Reporting
+	    default:  return -1; // Unknown Result
+	}
+	switch (*p++)
+	{
+	    case 'c': button |= 16; break;  // CTRL key Pressed
+	    case '-': break;  // Not Pressed
+	    case 'x': break;  // Not Reporting
+	    default:  return -1; // Unknown Result
+	}
+	if (*p++ != '\033')
+	    return -1;
+	if (*p++ != '\\')
+	    return -1;
+	switch (status)
+	{
+	    case 'D': // Double Click
+	    case 'S': // Single Click
+		if (button & 1) mouse_code |= MOUSE_LEFT;
+		if (button & 2) mouse_code |= MOUSE_MIDDLE;
+		if (button & 4) mouse_code |= MOUSE_RIGHT;
+		if (button & 8) mouse_code |= MOUSE_SHIFT;
+		if (button & 16) mouse_code |= MOUSE_CTRL;
+		break;
+	    case 'm': // Mouse move
+		if (button & 1) mouse_code |= MOUSE_LEFT;
+		if (button & 2) mouse_code |= MOUSE_MIDDLE;
+		if (button & 4) mouse_code |= MOUSE_RIGHT;
+		if (button & 8) mouse_code |= MOUSE_SHIFT;
+		if (button & 16) mouse_code |= MOUSE_CTRL;
+		if ((button & 7) != 0)
+		{
+		    held_button = mouse_code;
+		    mouse_code |= MOUSE_DRAG;
+		}
+		is_drag = TRUE;
+		showmode();
+		break;
+	    case 'd': // Button Down
+		if (button & 1) mouse_code |= MOUSE_LEFT;
+		if (button & 2) mouse_code |= MOUSE_MIDDLE;
+		if (button & 4) mouse_code |= MOUSE_RIGHT;
+		if (button & 8) mouse_code |= MOUSE_SHIFT;
+		if (button & 16) mouse_code |= MOUSE_CTRL;
+		break;
+	    case 'u': // Button Up
+		if (button & 1)
+		    mouse_code |= MOUSE_LEFT | MOUSE_RELEASE;
+		if (button & 2)
+		    mouse_code |= MOUSE_MIDDLE | MOUSE_RELEASE;
+		if (button & 4)
+		    mouse_code |= MOUSE_RIGHT | MOUSE_RELEASE;
+		if (button & 8)
+		    mouse_code |= MOUSE_SHIFT;
+		if (button & 16)
+		    mouse_code |= MOUSE_CTRL;
+		break;
+	    default: return -1; // Unknown Result
+	}
+	*slen += (p - (tp + *slen));
+    }
+# endif // FEAT_MOUSE_JSB
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_DEC_MOUSE)
+    {
+	/*
+	 * The DEC Locator Input Model
+	 * Netterm delivers the code sequence:
+	 *  \033[2;4;24;80&w  (left button down)
+	 *  \033[3;0;24;80&w  (left button up)
+	 *  \033[6;1;24;80&w  (right button down)
+	 *  \033[7;0;24;80&w  (right button up)
+	 * CSI Pe ; Pb ; Pr ; Pc ; Pp & w
+	 * Pe is the event code
+	 * Pb is the button code
+	 * Pr is the row coordinate
+	 * Pc is the column coordinate
+	 * Pp is the third coordinate (page number)
+	 * Pe, the event code indicates what event caused this report
+	 *    The following event codes are defined:
+	 *    0 - request, the terminal received an explicit request
+	 *	 for a locator report, but the locator is unavailable
+	 *    1 - request, the terminal received an explicit request
+	 *	 for a locator report
+	 *    2 - left button down
+	 *    3 - left button up
+	 *    4 - middle button down
+	 *    5 - middle button up
+	 *    6 - right button down
+	 *    7 - right button up
+	 *    8 - fourth button down
+	 *    9 - fourth button up
+	 *    10 - locator outside filter rectangle
+	 * Pb, the button code, ASCII decimal 0-15 indicating which
+	 *   buttons are down if any. The state of the four buttons
+	 *   on the locator correspond to the low four bits of the
+	 *   decimal value,
+	 *   "1" means button depressed
+	 *   0 - no buttons down,
+	 *   1 - right,
+	 *   2 - middle,
+	 *   4 - left,
+	 *   8 - fourth
+	 * Pr is the row coordinate of the locator position in the page,
+	 *   encoded as an ASCII decimal value.
+	 *   If Pr is omitted, the locator position is undefined
+	 *   (outside the terminal window for example).
+	 * Pc is the column coordinate of the locator position in the
+	 *   page, encoded as an ASCII decimal value.
+	 *   If Pc is omitted, the locator position is undefined
+	 *   (outside the terminal window for example).
+	 * Pp is the page coordinate of the locator position
+	 *   encoded as an ASCII decimal value.
+	 *   The page coordinate may be omitted if the locator is on
+	 *   page one (the default).  We ignore it anyway.
+	 */
+	int Pe, Pb, Pr, Pc;
+	p = tp + *slen;
+	// get event status
+	Pe = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	// get button status
+	Pb = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	// get row status
+	Pr = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	// get column status
+	Pc = getdigits(&p);
+	// the page parameter is optional
+	if (*p == ';')
+	{
+	    p++;
+	    (void)getdigits(&p);
+	}
+	if (*p++ != '&')
+	    return -1;
+	if (*p++ != 'w')
+	    return -1;
+	mouse_code = 0;
+	switch (Pe)
+	{
+	    case  0: return -1; // position request while unavailable
+	    case  1: // a response to a locator position request includes
+		     //	the status of all buttons
+		     Pb &= 7;   // mask off and ignore fourth button
+		     if (Pb & 4)
+			 mouse_code  = MOUSE_LEFT;
+		     if (Pb & 2)
+			 mouse_code  = MOUSE_MIDDLE;
+		     if (Pb & 1)
+			 mouse_code  = MOUSE_RIGHT;
+		     if (Pb)
+		     {
+			 held_button = mouse_code;
+			 mouse_code |= MOUSE_DRAG;
+			 WantQueryMouse = TRUE;
+		     }
+		     is_drag = TRUE;
+		     showmode();
+		     break;
+	    case  2: mouse_code = MOUSE_LEFT;
+		     WantQueryMouse = TRUE;
+		     break;
+	    case  3: mouse_code = MOUSE_RELEASE | MOUSE_LEFT;
+		     break;
+	    case  4: mouse_code = MOUSE_MIDDLE;
+		     WantQueryMouse = TRUE;
+		     break;
+	    case  5: mouse_code = MOUSE_RELEASE | MOUSE_MIDDLE;
+		     break;
+	    case  6: mouse_code = MOUSE_RIGHT;
+		     WantQueryMouse = TRUE;
+		     break;
+	    case  7: mouse_code = MOUSE_RELEASE | MOUSE_RIGHT;
+		     break;
+	    case  8: return -1; // fourth button down
+	    case  9: return -1; // fourth button up
+	    case 10: return -1; // mouse outside of filter rectangle
+	    default: return -1; // should never occur
+	}
+	mouse_col = Pc - 1;
+	mouse_row = Pr - 1;
+	*slen += (int)(p - (tp + *slen));
+    }
+# endif // FEAT_MOUSE_DEC
+    if (key_name[0] == KS_PTERM_MOUSE)
+    {
+	int button, num_clicks, action;
+	p = tp + *slen;
+	action = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	mouse_row = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	mouse_col = getdigits(&p);
+	if (*p++ != ';')
+	    return -1;
+	button = getdigits(&p);
+	mouse_code = 0;
+	switch (button)
+	{
+	    case 4: mouse_code = MOUSE_LEFT; break;
+	    case 1: mouse_code = MOUSE_RIGHT; break;
+	    case 2: mouse_code = MOUSE_MIDDLE; break;
+	    default: return -1;
+	}
+	switch (action)
+	{
+	    case 31: // Initial press
+		if (*p++ != ';')
+		    return -1;
+		num_clicks = getdigits(&p); // Not used
+		break;
+	    case 32: // Release
+		mouse_code |= MOUSE_RELEASE;
+		break;
+	    case 33: // Drag
+		held_button = mouse_code;
+		mouse_code |= MOUSE_DRAG;
+		break;
+	    default:
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (*p++ != 't')
+	    return -1;
+	*slen += (p - (tp + *slen));
+    }
+# endif // FEAT_MOUSE_PTERM
+    // Interpret the mouse code
+    current_button = (mouse_code & MOUSE_CLICK_MASK);
+    if (current_button == MOUSE_RELEASE
+	    && wheel_code == 0
+# endif
+       )
+    {
+	/*
+	 * If we get a mouse drag or release event when
+	 * there is no mouse button held down (held_button ==
+	 * MOUSE_RELEASE), produce a K_IGNORE below.
+	 * (can happen when you hold down two buttons
+	 * and then let them go, or click in the menu bar, but not
+	 * on a menu, and drag into the text).
+	 */
+	if ((mouse_code & MOUSE_DRAG) == MOUSE_DRAG)
+	    is_drag = TRUE;
+	current_button = held_button;
+    }
+    else if (wheel_code == 0)
+    {
+#  ifdef FEAT_MOUSE_GPM
+	/*
+	 * Only for Unix, when GUI not active, we handle
+	 * multi-clicks here, but not for GPM mouse events.
+	 */
+#   ifdef FEAT_GUI
+	if (key_name[0] != KS_GPM_MOUSE && !gui.in_use)
+#   else
+	    if (key_name[0] != KS_GPM_MOUSE)
+#   endif
+#  else
+#   ifdef FEAT_GUI
+		if (!gui.in_use)
+#   endif
+#  endif
+		{
+		    /*
+		     * Compute the time elapsed since the previous mouse click.
+		     */
+		    gettimeofday(&mouse_time, NULL);
+		    if (orig_mouse_time.tv_sec == 0)
+		    {
+			/*
+			 * Avoid computing the difference between mouse_time
+			 * and orig_mouse_time for the first click, as the
+			 * difference would be huge and would cause
+			 * multiplication overflow.
+			 */
+			timediff = p_mouset;
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			timediff = (mouse_time.tv_usec
+				- orig_mouse_time.tv_usec) / 1000;
+			if (timediff < 0)
+			    --orig_mouse_time.tv_sec;
+			timediff += (mouse_time.tv_sec
+				- orig_mouse_time.tv_sec) * 1000;
+		    }
+		    orig_mouse_time = mouse_time;
+		    if (mouse_code == orig_mouse_code
+			    && timediff < p_mouset
+			    && orig_num_clicks != 4
+			    && orig_mouse_col == mouse_col
+			    && orig_mouse_row == mouse_row
+			    && (is_mouse_topline(curwin)
+				// Double click in tab pages line also works
+				// when window contents changes.
+				|| (mouse_row == 0 && firstwin->w_winrow > 0))
+		       )
+			++orig_num_clicks;
+		    else
+			orig_num_clicks = 1;
+		    orig_mouse_col = mouse_col;
+		    orig_mouse_row = mouse_row;
+		    set_mouse_topline(curwin);
+		}
+#  if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_GPM)
+		else
+		    orig_num_clicks = NUM_MOUSE_CLICKS(mouse_code);
+#  endif
+# else
+	orig_num_clicks = NUM_MOUSE_CLICKS(mouse_code);
+# endif
+	is_click = TRUE;
+	orig_mouse_code = mouse_code;
+    }
+    if (!is_drag)
+	held_button = mouse_code & MOUSE_CLICK_MASK;
+    /*
+     * Translate the actual mouse event into a pseudo mouse event.
+     * First work out what modifiers are to be used.
+     */
+    if (orig_mouse_code & MOUSE_SHIFT)
+	*modifiers |= MOD_MASK_SHIFT;
+    if (orig_mouse_code & MOUSE_CTRL)
+	*modifiers |= MOD_MASK_CTRL;
+    if (orig_mouse_code & MOUSE_ALT)
+	*modifiers |= MOD_MASK_ALT;
+    if (orig_num_clicks == 2)
+	*modifiers |= MOD_MASK_2CLICK;
+    else if (orig_num_clicks == 3)
+	*modifiers |= MOD_MASK_3CLICK;
+    else if (orig_num_clicks == 4)
+	*modifiers |= MOD_MASK_4CLICK;
+    // Work out our pseudo mouse event. Note that MOUSE_RELEASE gets
+    // added, then it's not mouse up/down.
+    key_name[0] = KS_EXTRA;
+    if (wheel_code != 0
+	    && (wheel_code & MOUSE_RELEASE) != MOUSE_RELEASE)
+    {
+	if (wheel_code & MOUSE_CTRL)
+	    *modifiers |= MOD_MASK_CTRL;
+	if (wheel_code & MOUSE_ALT)
+	    *modifiers |= MOD_MASK_ALT;
+	key_name[1] = (wheel_code & 1)
+	    ? (int)KE_MOUSEUP : (int)KE_MOUSEDOWN;
+	held_button = MOUSE_RELEASE;
+    }
+    else
+	key_name[1] = get_pseudo_mouse_code(current_button,
+		is_click, is_drag);
+    // Make sure the mouse position is valid.  Some terminals may
+    // return weird values.
+    if (mouse_col >= Columns)
+	mouse_col = Columns - 1;
+    if (mouse_row >= Rows)
+	mouse_row = Rows - 1;
+    return 0;
 #endif // FEAT_MOUSE
 // Functions also used for popup windows.