Mercurial > vim
comparison runtime/autoload/rust.vim @ 11229:146a1e213b60
Update runtime files. Add Rust support.
Author: Bram Moolenaar <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 19:18:29 2017 +0100
Update runtime files. Add Rust support.
author | Christian Brabandt <> |
date | Tue, 21 Mar 2017 19:30:06 +0100 |
parents | |
children | ef1c4fa8fc11 |
11228:641b98249145 | 11229:146a1e213b60 |
1 " Author: Kevin Ballard | |
2 " Description: Helper functions for Rust commands/mappings | |
3 " Last Modified: May 27, 2014 | |
4 " For bugs, patches and license go to | |
5 | |
6 " Jump {{{1 | |
7 | |
8 function! rust#Jump(mode, function) range | |
9 let cnt = v:count1 | |
10 normal! m' | |
11 if a:mode ==# 'v' | |
12 norm! gv | |
13 endif | |
14 let foldenable = &foldenable | |
15 set nofoldenable | |
16 while cnt > 0 | |
17 execute "call <SID>Jump_" . a:function . "()" | |
18 let cnt = cnt - 1 | |
19 endwhile | |
20 let &foldenable = foldenable | |
21 endfunction | |
22 | |
23 function! s:Jump_Back() | |
24 call search('{', 'b') | |
25 keepjumps normal! w99[{ | |
26 endfunction | |
27 | |
28 function! s:Jump_Forward() | |
29 normal! j0 | |
30 call search('{', 'b') | |
31 keepjumps normal! w99[{% | |
32 call search('{') | |
33 endfunction | |
34 | |
35 " Run {{{1 | |
36 | |
37 function! rust#Run(bang, args) | |
38 let args = s:ShellTokenize(a:args) | |
39 if a:bang | |
40 let idx = index(l:args, '--') | |
41 if idx != -1 | |
42 let rustc_args = idx == 0 ? [] : l:args[:idx-1] | |
43 let args = l:args[idx+1:] | |
44 else | |
45 let rustc_args = l:args | |
46 let args = [] | |
47 endif | |
48 else | |
49 let rustc_args = [] | |
50 endif | |
51 | |
52 let b:rust_last_rustc_args = l:rustc_args | |
53 let b:rust_last_args = l:args | |
54 | |
55 call s:WithPath(function("s:Run"), rustc_args, args) | |
56 endfunction | |
57 | |
58 function! s:Run(dict, rustc_args, args) | |
59 let exepath = a:dict.tmpdir.'/'.fnamemodify(a:dict.path, ':t:r') | |
60 if has('win32') | |
61 let exepath .= '.exe' | |
62 endif | |
63 | |
64 let relpath = get(a:dict, 'tmpdir_relpath', a:dict.path) | |
65 let rustc_args = [relpath, '-o', exepath] + a:rustc_args | |
66 | |
67 let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc" | |
68 | |
69 let pwd = a:dict.istemp ? a:dict.tmpdir : '' | |
70 let output = s:system(pwd, shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(rustc_args, 'shellescape(v:val)'))) | |
71 if output != '' | |
72 echohl WarningMsg | |
73 echo output | |
74 echohl None | |
75 endif | |
76 if !v:shell_error | |
77 exe '!' . shellescape(exepath) . " " . join(map(a:args, 'shellescape(v:val)')) | |
78 endif | |
79 endfunction | |
80 | |
81 " Expand {{{1 | |
82 | |
83 function! rust#Expand(bang, args) | |
84 let args = s:ShellTokenize(a:args) | |
85 if a:bang && !empty(l:args) | |
86 let pretty = remove(l:args, 0) | |
87 else | |
88 let pretty = "expanded" | |
89 endif | |
90 call s:WithPath(function("s:Expand"), pretty, args) | |
91 endfunction | |
92 | |
93 function! s:Expand(dict, pretty, args) | |
94 try | |
95 let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc" | |
96 | |
97 if a:pretty =~? '^\%(everybody_loops$\|flowgraph=\)' | |
98 let flag = '--xpretty' | |
99 else | |
100 let flag = '--pretty' | |
101 endif | |
102 let relpath = get(a:dict, 'tmpdir_relpath', a:dict.path) | |
103 let args = [relpath, '-Z', 'unstable-options', l:flag, a:pretty] + a:args | |
104 let pwd = a:dict.istemp ? a:dict.tmpdir : '' | |
105 let output = s:system(pwd, shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(args, 'shellescape(v:val)'))) | |
106 if v:shell_error | |
107 echohl WarningMsg | |
108 echo output | |
109 echohl None | |
110 else | |
111 new | |
112 silent put =output | |
113 1 | |
114 d | |
115 setl filetype=rust | |
116 setl buftype=nofile | |
117 setl bufhidden=hide | |
118 setl noswapfile | |
119 " give the buffer a nice name | |
120 let suffix = 1 | |
121 let basename = fnamemodify(a:dict.path, ':t:r') | |
122 while 1 | |
123 let bufname = basename | |
124 if suffix > 1 | let bufname .= ' ('.suffix.')' | endif | |
125 let bufname .= '' | |
126 if bufexists(bufname) | |
127 let suffix += 1 | |
128 continue | |
129 endif | |
130 exe 'silent noautocmd keepalt file' fnameescape(bufname) | |
131 break | |
132 endwhile | |
133 endif | |
134 endtry | |
135 endfunction | |
136 | |
137 function! rust#CompleteExpand(lead, line, pos) | |
138 if a:line[: a:pos-1] =~ '^RustExpand!\s*\S*$' | |
139 " first argument and it has a ! | |
140 let list = ["normal", "expanded", "typed", "expanded,identified", "flowgraph=", "everybody_loops"] | |
141 if !empty(a:lead) | |
142 call filter(list, "v:val[:len(a:lead)-1] == a:lead") | |
143 endif | |
144 return list | |
145 endif | |
146 | |
147 return glob(escape(a:lead, "*?[") . '*', 0, 1) | |
148 endfunction | |
149 | |
150 " Emit {{{1 | |
151 | |
152 function! rust#Emit(type, args) | |
153 let args = s:ShellTokenize(a:args) | |
154 call s:WithPath(function("s:Emit"), a:type, args) | |
155 endfunction | |
156 | |
157 function! s:Emit(dict, type, args) | |
158 try | |
159 let output_path = a:dict.tmpdir.'/output' | |
160 | |
161 let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc" | |
162 | |
163 let relpath = get(a:dict, 'tmpdir_relpath', a:dict.path) | |
164 let args = [relpath, '--emit', a:type, '-o', output_path] + a:args | |
165 let pwd = a:dict.istemp ? a:dict.tmpdir : '' | |
166 let output = s:system(pwd, shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(args, 'shellescape(v:val)'))) | |
167 if output != '' | |
168 echohl WarningMsg | |
169 echo output | |
170 echohl None | |
171 endif | |
172 if !v:shell_error | |
173 new | |
174 exe 'silent keepalt read' fnameescape(output_path) | |
175 1 | |
176 d | |
177 if a:type == "llvm-ir" | |
178 setl filetype=llvm | |
179 let extension = 'll' | |
180 elseif a:type == "asm" | |
181 setl filetype=asm | |
182 let extension = 's' | |
183 endif | |
184 setl buftype=nofile | |
185 setl bufhidden=hide | |
186 setl noswapfile | |
187 if exists('l:extension') | |
188 " give the buffer a nice name | |
189 let suffix = 1 | |
190 let basename = fnamemodify(a:dict.path, ':t:r') | |
191 while 1 | |
192 let bufname = basename | |
193 if suffix > 1 | let bufname .= ' ('.suffix.')' | endif | |
194 let bufname .= '.'.extension | |
195 if bufexists(bufname) | |
196 let suffix += 1 | |
197 continue | |
198 endif | |
199 exe 'silent noautocmd keepalt file' fnameescape(bufname) | |
200 break | |
201 endwhile | |
202 endif | |
203 endif | |
204 endtry | |
205 endfunction | |
206 | |
207 " Utility functions {{{1 | |
208 | |
209 " Invokes func(dict, ...) | |
210 " Where {dict} is a dictionary with the following keys: | |
211 " 'path' - The path to the file | |
212 " 'tmpdir' - The path to a temporary directory that will be deleted when the | |
213 " function returns. | |
214 " 'istemp' - 1 if the path is a file inside of {dict.tmpdir} or 0 otherwise. | |
215 " If {istemp} is 1 then an additional key is provided: | |
216 " 'tmpdir_relpath' - The {path} relative to the {tmpdir}. | |
217 " | |
218 " {dict.path} may be a path to a file inside of {dict.tmpdir} or it may be the | |
219 " existing path of the current buffer. If the path is inside of {dict.tmpdir} | |
220 " then it is guaranteed to have a '.rs' extension. | |
221 function! s:WithPath(func, ...) | |
222 let buf = bufnr('') | |
223 let saved = {} | |
224 let dict = {} | |
225 try | |
226 let saved.write = &write | |
227 set write | |
228 let dict.path = expand('%') | |
229 let pathisempty = empty(dict.path) | |
230 | |
231 " Always create a tmpdir in case the wrapped command wants it | |
232 let dict.tmpdir = tempname() | |
233 call mkdir(dict.tmpdir) | |
234 | |
235 if pathisempty || !saved.write | |
236 let dict.istemp = 1 | |
237 " if we're doing this because of nowrite, preserve the filename | |
238 if !pathisempty | |
239 let filename = expand('%:t:r').".rs" | |
240 else | |
241 let filename = '' | |
242 endif | |
243 let dict.tmpdir_relpath = filename | |
244 let dict.path = dict.tmpdir.'/'.filename | |
245 | |
246 let saved.mod = &mod | |
247 set nomod | |
248 | |
249 silent exe 'keepalt write! ' . fnameescape(dict.path) | |
250 if pathisempty | |
251 silent keepalt 0file | |
252 endif | |
253 else | |
254 let dict.istemp = 0 | |
255 update | |
256 endif | |
257 | |
258 call call(a:func, [dict] + a:000) | |
259 finally | |
260 if bufexists(buf) | |
261 for [opt, value] in items(saved) | |
262 silent call setbufvar(buf, '&'.opt, value) | |
263 unlet value " avoid variable type mismatches | |
264 endfor | |
265 endif | |
266 if has_key(dict, 'tmpdir') | silent call s:RmDir(dict.tmpdir) | endif | |
267 endtry | |
268 endfunction | |
269 | |
270 function! rust#AppendCmdLine(text) | |
271 call setcmdpos(getcmdpos()) | |
272 let cmd = getcmdline() . a:text | |
273 return cmd | |
274 endfunction | |
275 | |
276 " Tokenize the string according to sh parsing rules | |
277 function! s:ShellTokenize(text) | |
278 " states: | |
279 " 0: start of word | |
280 " 1: unquoted | |
281 " 2: unquoted backslash | |
282 " 3: double-quote | |
283 " 4: double-quoted backslash | |
284 " 5: single-quote | |
285 let l:state = 0 | |
286 let l:current = '' | |
287 let l:args = [] | |
288 for c in split(a:text, '\zs') | |
289 if l:state == 0 || l:state == 1 " unquoted | |
290 if l:c ==# ' ' | |
291 if l:state == 0 | continue | endif | |
292 call add(l:args, l:current) | |
293 let l:current = '' | |
294 let l:state = 0 | |
295 elseif l:c ==# '\' | |
296 let l:state = 2 | |
297 elseif l:c ==# '"' | |
298 let l:state = 3 | |
299 elseif l:c ==# "'" | |
300 let l:state = 5 | |
301 else | |
302 let l:current .= l:c | |
303 let l:state = 1 | |
304 endif | |
305 elseif l:state == 2 " unquoted backslash | |
306 if l:c !=# "\n" " can it even be \n? | |
307 let l:current .= l:c | |
308 endif | |
309 let l:state = 1 | |
310 elseif l:state == 3 " double-quote | |
311 if l:c ==# '\' | |
312 let l:state = 4 | |
313 elseif l:c ==# '"' | |
314 let l:state = 1 | |
315 else | |
316 let l:current .= l:c | |
317 endif | |
318 elseif l:state == 4 " double-quoted backslash | |
319 if stridx('$`"\', l:c) >= 0 | |
320 let l:current .= l:c | |
321 elseif l:c ==# "\n" " is this even possible? | |
322 " skip it | |
323 else | |
324 let l:current .= '\'.l:c | |
325 endif | |
326 let l:state = 3 | |
327 elseif l:state == 5 " single-quoted | |
328 if l:c == "'" | |
329 let l:state = 1 | |
330 else | |
331 let l:current .= l:c | |
332 endif | |
333 endif | |
334 endfor | |
335 if l:state != 0 | |
336 call add(l:args, l:current) | |
337 endif | |
338 return l:args | |
339 endfunction | |
340 | |
341 function! s:RmDir(path) | |
342 " sanity check; make sure it's not empty, /, or $HOME | |
343 if empty(a:path) | |
344 echoerr 'Attempted to delete empty path' | |
345 return 0 | |
346 elseif a:path == '/' || a:path == $HOME | |
347 echoerr 'Attempted to delete protected path: ' . a:path | |
348 return 0 | |
349 endif | |
350 return system("rm -rf " . shellescape(a:path)) | |
351 endfunction | |
352 | |
353 " Executes {cmd} with the cwd set to {pwd}, without changing Vim's cwd. | |
354 " If {pwd} is the empty string then it doesn't change the cwd. | |
355 function! s:system(pwd, cmd) | |
356 let cmd = a:cmd | |
357 if !empty(a:pwd) | |
358 let cmd = 'cd ' . shellescape(a:pwd) . ' && ' . cmd | |
359 endif | |
360 return system(cmd) | |
361 endfunction | |
362 | |
363 " Playpen Support {{{1 | |
364 " Parts of gist.vim by Yasuhiro Matsumoto <> reused | |
365 " gist.vim available under the BSD license, available at | |
366 " | |
367 function! s:has_webapi() | |
368 if !exists("*webapi#http#post") | |
369 try | |
370 call webapi#http#post() | |
371 catch | |
372 endtry | |
373 endif | |
374 return exists("*webapi#http#post") | |
375 endfunction | |
376 | |
377 function! rust#Play(count, line1, line2, ...) abort | |
378 redraw | |
379 | |
380 let l:rust_playpen_url = get(g:, 'rust_playpen_url', '') | |
381 let l:rust_shortener_url = get(g:, 'rust_shortener_url', '') | |
382 | |
383 if !s:has_webapi() | |
384 echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg ':RustPlay depends on webapi.vim (' | echohl None | |
385 return | |
386 endif | |
387 | |
388 let bufname = bufname('%') | |
389 if a:count < 1 | |
390 let content = join(getline(a:line1, a:line2), "\n") | |
391 else | |
392 let save_regcont = @" | |
393 let save_regtype = getregtype('"') | |
394 silent! normal! gvy | |
395 let content = @" | |
396 call setreg('"', save_regcont, save_regtype) | |
397 endif | |
398 | |
399 let body = l:rust_playpen_url."?code=".webapi#http#encodeURI(content) | |
400 | |
401 if strlen(body) > 5000 | |
402 echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg 'Buffer too large, max 5000 encoded characters ('.strlen(body).')' | echohl None | |
403 return | |
404 endif | |
405 | |
406 let payload = "format=simple&url=".webapi#http#encodeURI(body) | |
407 let res = webapi#http#post(l:rust_shortener_url.'create.php', payload, {}) | |
408 let url = res.content | |
409 | |
410 redraw | echomsg 'Done: '.url | |
411 endfunction | |
412 | |
413 " }}}1 | |
414 | |
415 " vim: set noet sw=8 ts=8: |