1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: LifeLines (v 3.0.50) http://lifelines.sourceforge.net
3 " Maintainer: Patrick Texier <p.texier@genindre.org>
4 " Location: http://www.genindre.org/ftp/lifelines/lifelines.vim
5 " Last Change: 2005 Dec 22.
7 " option to highlight error obsolete statements
8 " add the following line to your .vimrc file or here :
9 " (level2 is for baptism)
11 " let lifelines_deprecated=1
12 " let lifelines_deprecated_level2=1
14 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
15 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
17 if version < 600
18 syntax clear
19 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
20 finish
21 endif
23 " A bunch of useful lifelines keywords 3.0.50
25 syn keyword lifelinesStatement set
26 syn keyword lifelinesUser getindi geindiset getfam getint getstr choosechild
27 syn keyword lifelinesUser chooseindi choosespouse choosesubset menuchoose
28 syn keyword lifelinesUser choosefam
29 syn keyword lifelinesProc proc func return call
30 syn keyword lifelinesInclude include
31 syn keyword lifelinesDef global
32 syn keyword lifelinesConditional if else elsif switch
33 syn keyword lifelinesRepeat continue break while
34 syn keyword lifelinesLogical and or not eq ne lt gt le ge strcmp eqstr nestr
35 syn keyword lifelinesArithm add sub mul div mod exp neg incr decr
36 syn keyword lifelinesArithm cos sin tan arccos arcsin arctan
37 syn keyword lifelinesArithm deg2dms dms2deg spdist
38 syn keyword lifelinesIndi name fullname surname givens trimname birth
39 syn keyword lifelinesIndi death burial
40 syn keyword lifelinesIndi father mother nextsib prevsib sex male female
41 syn keyword lifelinesIndi pn nspouses nfamilies parents title key
42 syn keyword lifelinesIndi soundex inode root indi firstindi nextindi
43 syn keyword lifelinesIndi previndi spouses families forindi indiset
44 syn keyword lifelinesIndi addtoset deletefromset union intersect
45 syn keyword lifelinesIndi difference parentset childset spouseset siblingset
46 syn keyword lifelinesIndi ancestorset descendentset descendantset uniqueset
47 syn keyword lifelinesIndi namesort keysort valuesort genindiset getindiset
48 syn keyword lifelinesIndi forindiset lastindi writeindi
49 syn keyword lifelinesIndi inset
50 syn keyword lifelinesFam marriage husband wife nchildren firstchild
51 syn keyword lifelinesFam lastchild fnode fam firstfam nextfam lastfam
52 syn keyword lifelinesFam prevfam children forfam writefam
53 syn keyword lifelinesFam fathers mothers Parents
54 syn keyword lifelinesList list empty length enqueue dequeue requeue
55 syn keyword lifelinesList push pop setel getel forlist inlist dup clear
56 syn keyword lifelinesTable table insert lookup
57 syn keyword lifelinesGedcom xref tag value parent child sibling savenode
58 syn keyword lifelinesGedcom fornodes traverse createnode addnode
59 syn keyword lifelinesGedcom detachnode foreven fornotes forothr forsour
60 syn keyword lifelinesGedcom reference dereference getrecord
61 syn keyword lifelinesFunct date place year long short gettoday dayformat
62 syn keyword lifelinesFunct monthformat dateformat extractdate eraformat
63 syn keyword lifelinesFunct complexdate complexformat complexpic datepic
64 syn keyword lifelinesFunct extractnames extractplaces extracttokens lower
65 syn keyword lifelinesFunct yearformat
66 syn keyword lifelinesFunct upper capitalize trim rjustify
67 syn keyword lifelinesFunct concat strconcat strlen substring index
68 syn keyword lifelinesFunct titlecase gettext
69 syn keyword lifelinesFunct d card ord alpha roman strsoundex strtoint
70 syn keyword lifelinesFunct atoi linemode pagemod col row pos pageout nl
71 syn keyword lifelinesFunct sp qt newfile outfile copyfile print lock unlock test
72 syn keyword lifelinesFunct database version system stddate program
73 syn keyword lifelinesFunct pvalue pagemode level extractdatestr debug
74 syn keyword lifelinesFunct f float int free getcol getproperty heapused
75 syn keyword lifelinesFunct sort rsort
76 syn keyword lifelinesFunct deleteel
77 syn keyword lifelinesFunct bytecode convertcode setlocale
79 " option to highlight error obsolete statements
80 " please read ll-reportmanual
82 if exists("lifelines_deprecated")
83 syn keyword lifelinesError getintmsg getindimsg getstrmsg
84 syn keyword lifelinesError gengedcom gengedcomstrong gengedcomweak deletenode
85 syn keyword lifelinesError save strsave
86 syn keyword lifelinesError lengthset
87 else
88 syn keyword lifelinesUser getintmsg getindimsg getstrmsg
89 syn keyword lifelinesGedcom gengedcom gengedcomstrong gengedcomweak deletenode
90 syn keyword lifelinesFunct save strsave
91 syn keyword lifelinesIndi lengthset
92 endif
93 if exists("lifelines_deprecated_level2")
94 syn keyword lifelinesError baptism
95 else
96 syn keyword lifelinesIndi baptism
97 endif
99 syn region lifelinesString start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=lifelinesSpecial
101 syn match lifelinesSpecial "\\\(\\\|\(n\|t\)\)" contained
103 syn region lifelinesComment start="/\*" end="\*/"
105 " integers
106 syn match lifelinesNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>"
107 "floats, with dot
108 syn match lifelinesNumber "-\=\<\d\+\.\d*\>"
109 "floats, starting with a dot
110 syn match lifelinesNumber "-\=\.\d\+\>"
112 "catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
113 "adapted from original c.vim written by Bram Moolenaar
115 syn cluster lifelinesParenGroup contains=lifelinesParenError
116 syn region lifelinesParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,@lifelinesParenGroup
117 syn match lifelinesParenError ")"
118 syn match lifelinesErrInParen contained "[{}]"
120 " Define the default highlighting.
121 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
122 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
124 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lifelines_syn_inits")
125 if version < 508
126 let did_lifelines_syn_inits = 1
127 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
128 else
129 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
130 endif
132 HiLink lifelinesConditional Conditional
133 HiLink lifelinesArithm Operator
134 HiLink lifelinesLogical Conditional
135 HiLink lifelinesInclude Include
136 HiLink lifelinesComment Comment
137 HiLink lifelinesStatement Statement
138 HiLink lifelinesUser Statement
139 HiLink lifelinesFunct Statement
140 HiLink lifelinesTable Statement
141 HiLink lifelinesGedcom Statement
142 HiLink lifelinesList Statement
143 HiLink lifelinesRepeat Repeat
144 HiLink lifelinesFam Statement
145 HiLink lifelinesIndi Statement
146 HiLink lifelinesProc Statement
147 HiLink lifelinesDef Statement
148 HiLink lifelinesString String
149 HiLink lifelinesSpecial Special
150 HiLink lifelinesNumber Number
151 HiLink lifelinesParenError Error
152 HiLink lifelinesErrInParen Error
153 HiLink lifelinesError Error
155 delcommand HiLink
156 endif
158 let b:current_syntax = "lifelines"
160 " vim: ts=8