Mercurial > vim
annotate runtime/syntax/dtml.vim @ 22550:d61c22faf4be
Added tag v8.2.1823 for changeset 5055805908f5c493a05cd62d628f2363a131fac4
author | Bram Moolenaar <> |
date | Sat, 10 Oct 2020 17:00:04 +0200 |
parents | 46763b01cd9a |
children |
rev | line source |
7 | 1 " DTML syntax file |
2 " Language: Zope's Dynamic Template Markup Language | |
3 " Maintainer: Jean Jordaan <> (njj) | |
4 " Last change: 2001 Sep 02 | |
5 | |
6 " These are used with Claudio Fleiner's html.vim in the standard distribution. | |
7 " | |
8 " Still very hackish. The 'dtml attributes' and 'dtml methods' have been | |
9 " hacked out of the Zope Quick Reference in case someone finds something | |
10 " sensible to do with them. I certainly haven't. | |
11 | |
Christian Brabandt <>
12 " quit when a syntax file was already loaded |
Christian Brabandt <>
13 if exists("b:current_syntax") |
7 | 14 finish |
15 endif | |
16 | |
17 " First load the HTML syntax | |
Christian Brabandt <>
18 runtime! syntax/html.vim |
7 | 19 |
20 syn case match | |
21 | |
22 " This doesn't have any effect. Does it need to be moved to above/ | |
23 " if !exists("main_syntax") | |
24 " let main_syntax = 'dtml' | |
25 " endif | |
26 | |
27 " dtml attributes | |
28 syn keyword dtmlAttribute ac_inherited_permissions access_debug_info contained | |
29 syn keyword dtmlAttribute acquiredRolesAreUsedBy all_meta_types assume_children AUTH_TYPE contained | |
30 syn keyword dtmlAttribute AUTHENTICATED_USER AUTHENTICATION_PATH BASE0 batch-end-index batch-size contained | |
31 syn keyword dtmlAttribute batch-start-index bobobase_modification_time boundary branches contained | |
32 syn keyword dtmlAttribute branches_expr capitalize cb_dataItems cb_dataValid cb_isCopyable contained | |
33 syn keyword dtmlAttribute cb_isMoveable changeClassId classDefinedAndInheritedPermissions contained | |
34 syn keyword dtmlAttribute classDefinedPermissions classInheritedPermissions collapse-all column contained | |
35 syn keyword dtmlAttribute connected connectionIsValid CONTENT_LENGTH CONTENT_TYPE cook cookies contained | |
36 syn keyword dtmlAttribute COPY count- createInObjectManager da_has_single_argument dav__allprop contained | |
37 syn keyword dtmlAttribute dav__init dav__propnames dav__propstat dav__validate default contained | |
38 syn keyword dtmlAttribute delClassAttr DELETE Destination DestinationURL digits discard contained | |
39 syn keyword dtmlAttribute disposition document_src e encode enter etc expand-all expr File contained | |
40 syn keyword dtmlAttribute filtered_manage_options filtered_meta_types first- fmt footer form contained | |
41 syn keyword dtmlAttribute GATEWAY_INTERFACE get_local_roles get_local_roles_for_userid contained | |
42 syn keyword dtmlAttribute get_request_var_or_attr get_size get_size get_valid_userids getAttribute contained | |
43 syn keyword dtmlAttribute getAttributeNode getAttributes getChildNodes getClassAttr getContentType contained | |
44 syn keyword dtmlAttribute getData getDocType getDocumentElement getElementsByTagName getFirstChild contained | |
45 syn keyword dtmlAttribute getImplementation getLastChild getLength getName getNextSibling contained | |
46 syn keyword dtmlAttribute getNodeName getNodeType getNodeValue getOwnerDocument getParentNode contained | |
47 syn keyword dtmlAttribute getPreviousSibling getProperty getPropertyType getSize getSize getSize contained | |
48 syn keyword dtmlAttribute get_size getTagName getUser getUserName getUserNames getUsers contained | |
49 syn keyword dtmlAttribute has_local_roles hasChildNodes hasProperty HEAD header hexdigits HTML contained | |
50 syn keyword dtmlAttribute html_quote HTMLFile id index_html index_objects indexes contained | |
51 syn keyword dtmlAttribute inheritedAttribute items last- leave leave_another leaves letters LOCK contained | |
52 syn keyword dtmlAttribute locked_in_version lower lowercase mailfrom mailhost mailhost_list mailto contained | |
53 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage manage_ methods manage_access manage_acquiredPermissions contained | |
54 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_addConferaTopic manage_addDocument manage_addDTMLDocument contained | |
55 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_addDTMLMethod manage_addFile manage_addFolder manage_addImage contained | |
56 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_addLocalRoles manage_addMailHost manage_addPermission contained | |
57 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_addPrincipiaFactory manage_addProduct manage_addProperty contained | |
58 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_addUserFolder manage_addZClass manage_addZGadflyConnection contained | |
59 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_addZGadflyConnectionForm manage_advanced manage_afterAdd contained | |
60 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_afterClone manage_beforeDelete manage_changePermissions contained | |
61 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_changeProperties manage_clone manage_CopyContainerFirstItem contained | |
62 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_copyObjects manage_cutObjects manage_defined_roles contained | |
63 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_delLocalRoles manage_delObjects manage_delProperties contained | |
64 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_distribute manage_edit manage_editedDialog manage_editProperties contained | |
65 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_editRoles manage_exportObject manage_FTPget manage_FTPlist contained | |
66 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_FTPstat manage_get_product_readme__ manage_getPermissionMapping contained | |
67 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_haveProxy manage_help manage_importObject manage_listLocalRoles contained | |
68 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_options manage_pasteObjects manage_permission contained | |
69 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_propertiesForm manage_proxy manage_renameObject manage_role contained | |
70 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_setLocalRoles manage_setPermissionMapping contained | |
71 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_subclassableClassNames manage_test manage_testForm contained | |
72 syn keyword dtmlAttribute manage_undo_transactions manage_upload manage_users manage_workspace contained | |
73 syn keyword dtmlAttribute management_interface mapping math max- mean- median- meta_type min- contained | |
74 syn keyword dtmlAttribute MKCOL modified_in_version MOVE multiple name navigate_filter new_version contained | |
75 syn keyword dtmlAttribute newline_to_br next next-batches next-sequence next-sequence-end-index contained | |
76 syn keyword dtmlAttribute next-sequence-size next-sequence-start-index no manage_access None contained | |
77 syn keyword dtmlAttribute nonempty normalize nowrap null Object Manager objectIds objectItems contained | |
78 syn keyword dtmlAttribute objectMap objectValues octdigits only optional OPTIONS orphan overlap contained | |
79 syn keyword dtmlAttribute PARENTS PATH_INFO PATH_TRANSLATED permission_settings contained | |
80 syn keyword dtmlAttribute permissionMappingPossibleValues permissionsOfRole pi port contained | |
81 syn keyword dtmlAttribute possible_permissions previous previous-batches previous-sequence contained | |
82 syn keyword dtmlAttribute previous-sequence-end-index previous-sequence-size contained | |
83 syn keyword dtmlAttribute previous-sequence-start-index PrincipiaFind PrincipiaSearchSource contained | |
84 syn keyword dtmlAttribute propdict propertyIds propertyItems propertyLabel propertyMap propertyMap contained | |
85 syn keyword dtmlAttribute propertyValues PROPFIND PROPPATCH PUT query_day query_month QUERY_STRING contained | |
86 syn keyword dtmlAttribute query_year quoted_input quoted_report raise_standardErrorMessage random contained | |
87 syn keyword dtmlAttribute read read_raw REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_IDENT REMOTE_USER REQUEST contained | |
88 syn keyword dtmlAttribute REQUESTED_METHOD required RESPONSE reverse rolesOfPermission save schema contained | |
89 syn keyword dtmlAttribute SCRIPT_NAME sequence-end sequence-even sequence-index contained | |
90 syn keyword dtmlAttribute sequence-index-var- sequence-item sequence-key sequence-Letter contained | |
91 syn keyword dtmlAttribute sequence-letter sequence-number sequence-odd sequence-query contained | |
92 syn keyword dtmlAttribute sequence-roman sequence-Roman sequence-start sequence-step-end-index contained | |
93 syn keyword dtmlAttribute sequence-step-size sequence-step-start-index sequence-var- SERVER_NAME contained | |
94 syn keyword dtmlAttribute SERVER_PORT SERVER_PROTOCOL SERVER_SOFTWARE setClassAttr setName single contained | |
95 syn keyword dtmlAttribute size skip_unauthorized smtphost sort spacify sql_quote SQLConnectionIDs contained | |
96 syn keyword dtmlAttribute standard-deviation- standard-deviation-n- standard_html_footer contained | |
97 syn keyword dtmlAttribute standard_html_header start String string subject SubTemplate superValues contained | |
98 syn keyword dtmlAttribute tabs_path_info tag test_url_ text_content this thousands_commas title contained | |
99 syn keyword dtmlAttribute title_and_id title_or_id total- tpURL tpValues TRACE translate tree-c contained | |
100 syn keyword dtmlAttribute tree-colspan tree-e tree-item-expanded tree-item-url tree-level contained | |
101 syn keyword dtmlAttribute tree-root-url tree-s tree-state type undoable_transactions UNLOCK contained | |
102 syn keyword dtmlAttribute update_data upper uppercase url url_quote URLn user_names contained | |
103 syn keyword dtmlAttribute userdefined_roles valid_property_id valid_roles validate_roles contained | |
104 syn keyword dtmlAttribute validClipData validRoles values variance- variance-n- view_image_or_file contained | |
105 syn keyword dtmlAttribute where whitespace whrandom xml_namespace zclass_candidate_view_actions contained | |
106 syn keyword dtmlAttribute ZClassBaseClassNames ziconImage ZopeFind ZQueryIds contained | |
107 | |
108 syn keyword dtmlMethod abs absolute_url ac_inherited_permissions aCommon contained | |
109 syn keyword dtmlMethod aCommonZ acos acquiredRolesAreUsedBy aDay addPropertySheet aMonth AMPM contained | |
110 syn keyword dtmlMethod ampm AMPMMinutes appendChild appendData appendHeader asin atan atan2 contained | |
111 syn keyword dtmlMethod atof atoi betavariate capatilize capwords catalog_object ceil center contained | |
112 syn keyword dtmlMethod choice chr cloneNode COPY cos cosh count createInObjectManager contained | |
113 syn keyword dtmlMethod createSQLInput cunifvariate Date DateTime Day day dayOfYear dd default contained | |
114 syn keyword dtmlMethod DELETE deleteData delPropertySheet divmod document_id document_title dow contained | |
115 syn keyword dtmlMethod earliestTime enter equalTo exp expireCookie expovariate fabs fCommon contained | |
116 syn keyword dtmlMethod fCommonZ filtered_manage_options filtered_meta_types find float floor contained | |
117 syn keyword dtmlMethod fmod frexp gamma gauss get get_local_roles_for_userid get_size getattr contained | |
118 syn keyword dtmlMethod getAttribute getAttributeNode getClassAttr getDomains contained | |
119 syn keyword dtmlMethod getElementsByTagName getHeader getitem getNamedItem getobject contained | |
120 syn keyword dtmlMethod getObjectsInfo getpath getProperty getRoles getStatus getUser contained | |
121 syn keyword dtmlMethod getUserName greaterThan greaterThanEqualTo h_12 h_24 has_key contained | |
122 syn keyword dtmlMethod has_permission has_role hasattr hasFeature hash hasProperty HEAD hex contained | |
123 syn keyword dtmlMethod hour hypot index index_html inheritedAttribute insertBefore insertData contained | |
124 syn keyword dtmlMethod int isCurrentDay isCurrentHour isCurrentMinute isCurrentMonth contained | |
125 syn keyword dtmlMethod isCurrentYear isFuture isLeadYear isPast item join latestTime ldexp contained | |
126 syn keyword dtmlMethod leave leave_another len lessThan lessThanEqualTo ljust log log10 contained | |
127 syn keyword dtmlMethod lognormvariate lower lstrip maketrans manage manage_access contained | |
128 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_acquiredPermissions manage_addColumn manage_addDocument contained | |
129 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_addDTMLDocument manage_addDTMLMethod manage_addFile contained | |
130 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_addFolder manage_addImage manage_addIndex manage_addLocalRoles contained | |
131 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_addMailHost manage_addPermission manage_addPrincipiaFactory contained | |
132 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_addProduct manage_addProperty manage_addPropertySheet contained | |
133 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_addUserFolder manage_addZCatalog manage_addZClass contained | |
134 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_addZGadflyConnection manage_addZGadflyConnectionForm contained | |
135 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_advanced manage_catalogClear manage_catalogFoundItems contained | |
136 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_catalogObject manage_catalogReindex manage_changePermissions contained | |
137 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_changeProperties manage_clone manage_CopyContainerFirstItem contained | |
138 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_copyObjects manage_createEditor manage_createView contained | |
139 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_cutObjects manage_defined_roles manage_delColumns contained | |
140 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_delIndexes manage_delLocalRoles manage_delObjects contained | |
141 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_delProperties manage_Discard__draft__ manage_distribute contained | |
142 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_edit manage_edit manage_editedDialog manage_editProperties contained | |
143 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_editRoles manage_exportObject manage_importObject contained | |
144 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_makeChanges manage_pasteObjects manage_permission contained | |
145 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_propertiesForm manage_proxy manage_renameObject manage_role contained | |
146 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_Save__draft__ manage_setLocalRoles manage_setPermissionMapping contained | |
147 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_test manage_testForm manage_uncatalogObject contained | |
148 syn keyword dtmlMethod manage_undo_transactions manage_upload manage_users manage_workspace contained | |
149 syn keyword dtmlMethod mange_createWizard max min minute MKCOL mm modf month Month MOVE contained | |
150 syn keyword dtmlMethod namespace new_version nextObject normalvariate notEqualTo objectIds contained | |
151 syn keyword dtmlMethod objectItems objectValues oct OPTIONS ord paretovariate parts pCommon contained | |
152 syn keyword dtmlMethod pCommonZ pDay permissionsOfRole pMonth pow PreciseAMPM PreciseTime contained | |
153 syn keyword dtmlMethod previousObject propertyInfo propertyLabel PROPFIND PROPPATCH PUT quit contained | |
154 syn keyword dtmlMethod raise_standardErrorMessage randint random read read_raw redirect contained | |
155 syn keyword dtmlMethod removeAttribute removeAttributeNode removeChild replace replaceChild contained | |
156 syn keyword dtmlMethod replaceData rfc822 rfind rindex rjust rolesOfPermission round rstrip contained | |
157 syn keyword dtmlMethod save searchResults second seed set setAttribute setAttributeNode setBase contained | |
158 syn keyword dtmlMethod setCookie setHeader setStatus sin sinh split splitText sqrt str strip contained | |
159 syn keyword dtmlMethod substringData superValues swapcase tabs_path_info tan tanh Time contained | |
160 syn keyword dtmlMethod TimeMinutes timeTime timezone title title_and_id title_or_id toXML contained | |
161 syn keyword dtmlMethod toZone uncatalog_object undoable_transactions uniform uniqueValuesFor contained | |
162 syn keyword dtmlMethod update_data upper valid_property_id validate_roles vonmisesvariate contained | |
163 syn keyword dtmlMethod weibullvariate year yy zfill ZopeFind contained | |
164 | |
165 " DTML tags | |
166 syn keyword dtmlTagName var if elif else unless in with let call raise try except tag comment tree sqlvar sqltest sqlgroup sendmail mime transparent contained | |
167 | |
168 syn keyword dtmlEndTagName if unless in with let raise try tree sendmail transparent contained | |
169 | |
170 " Own additions | |
171 syn keyword dtmlTODO TODO FIXME contained | |
172 | |
173 syn region dtmlComment start=+<dtml-comment>+ end=+</dtml-comment>+ contains=dtmlTODO | |
174 | |
175 " All dtmlTagNames are contained by dtmlIsTag. | |
176 syn match dtmlIsTag "dtml-[A-Za-z]\+" contains=dtmlTagName | |
177 | |
178 " 'var' tag entity syntax: &dtml-variableName; | |
179 " - with attributes: &dtml.attribute1[.attribute2]...-variableName; | |
180 syn match dtmlSpecialChar "&dtml[.0-9A-Za-z_]\{-}-[0-9A-Za-z_.]\+;" | |
181 | |
182 " Redefine to allow inclusion of DTML within HTML strings. | |
183 syn cluster htmlTop contains=@Spell,htmlTag,htmlEndTag,dtmlSpecialChar,htmlSpecialChar,htmlPreProc,htmlComment,htmlLink,javaScript,@htmlPreproc | |
184 syn region htmlLink start="<a\>[^>]*href\>" end="</a>"me=e-4 contains=@Spell,htmlTag,htmlEndTag,dtmlSpecialChar,htmlSpecialChar,htmlPreProc,htmlComment,javaScript,@htmlPreproc | |
185 syn region htmlHead start="<head\>" end="</head>"me=e-7 end="<body\>"me=e-5 end="<h[1-6]\>"me=e-3 contains=htmlTag,htmlEndTag,dtmlSpecialChar,htmlSpecialChar,htmlPreProc,htmlComment,htmlLink,htmlTitle,javaScript,cssStyle,@htmlPreproc | |
186 syn region htmlTitle start="<title\>" end="</title>"me=e-8 contains=htmlTag,htmlEndTag,dtmlSpecialChar,htmlSpecialChar,htmlPreProc,htmlComment,javaScript,@htmlPreproc | |
187 syn region htmlString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=dtmlSpecialChar,htmlSpecialChar,javaScriptExpression,dtmlIsTag,dtmlAttribute,dtmlMethod,@htmlPreproc | |
188 syn match htmlTagN contained +<\s*[-a-zA-Z0-9]\++hs=s+1 contains=htmlTagName,htmlSpecialTagName,dtmlIsTag,dtmlAttribute,dtmlMethod,@htmlTagNameCluster | |
189 syn match htmlTagN contained +</\s*[-a-zA-Z0-9]\++hs=s+2 contains=htmlTagName,htmlSpecialTagName,dtmlIsTag,dtmlAttribute,dtmlMethod,@htmlTagNameCluster | |
190 | |
191 " Define the default highlighting. | |
Christian Brabandt <>
192 " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet |
7 | 193 |
Christian Brabandt <>
194 hi def link dtmlIsTag PreProc |
Christian Brabandt <>
195 hi def link dtmlAttribute Identifier |
Christian Brabandt <>
196 hi def link dtmlMethod Function |
Christian Brabandt <>
197 hi def link dtmlComment Comment |
Christian Brabandt <>
198 hi def link dtmlTODO Todo |
Christian Brabandt <>
199 hi def link dtmlSpecialChar Special |
7 | 200 |
201 | |
202 let b:current_syntax = "dtml" | |
203 | |
204 " if main_syntax == 'dtml' | |
205 " unlet main_syntax | |
206 " endif | |
207 | |
208 " vim: ts=4 |