1 " Vim script to fix duplicate words in a .dic file vim: set ft=vim:
2 "
3 " Usage: Edit the .dic file and source this script.
5 let deleted = 0
7 " Start below the word count.
8 let lnum = 2
9 while lnum <= line('$')
10 let word = getline(lnum)
11 if word !~ '/'
12 if search('^' . word . '/', 'w') != 0
13 let deleted += 1
14 exe lnum . "d"
15 continue " don't increment lnum, it's already at the next word
16 endif
17 endif
18 let lnum += 1
19 endwhile
21 if deleted == 0
22 echomsg "No duplicate words found"
23 elseif deleted == 1
24 echomsg "Deleted 1 duplicate word"
25 else
26 echomsg printf("Deleted %d duplicate words", deleted)
27 endif