1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: OPL
3 " Maintainer: Czo <Olivier.Sirol@lip6.fr>
4 " Last Change: 2012 Feb 03 by Thilo Six
5 " $Id: opl.vim,v 1.1 2004/06/13 17:34:11 vimboss Exp $
7 " Open Psion Language... (EPOC16/EPOC32)
9 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
10 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
11 if version < 600
12 syntax clear
13 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
14 finish
15 endif
17 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
18 set cpo&vim
20 " case is not significant
21 syn case ignore
23 " A bunch of useful OPL keywords
24 syn keyword OPLStatement proc endp abs acos addr adjustalloc alert alloc app
25 syn keyword OPLStatement append appendsprite asc asin at atan back beep
26 syn keyword OPLStatement begintrans bookmark break busy byref cache
27 syn keyword OPLStatement cachehdr cacherec cachetidy call cancel caption
28 syn keyword OPLStatement changesprite chr$ clearflags close closesprite cls
29 syn keyword OPLStatement cmd$ committrans compact compress const continue
30 syn keyword OPLStatement copy cos count create createsprite cursor
31 syn keyword OPLStatement datetosecs datim$ day dayname$ days daystodate
32 syn keyword OPLStatement dbuttons dcheckbox dchoice ddate declare dedit
33 syn keyword OPLStatement deditmulti defaultwin deg delete dfile dfloat
34 syn keyword OPLStatement dialog diaminit diampos dinit dir$ dlong do dow
35 syn keyword OPLStatement dposition drawsprite dtext dtime dxinput edit else
36 syn keyword OPLStatement elseif enda endif endv endwh entersend entersend0
37 syn keyword OPLStatement eof erase err err$ errx$ escape eval exist exp ext
38 syn keyword OPLStatement external find findfield findlib first fix$ flags
39 syn keyword OPLStatement flt font freealloc gat gborder gbox gbutton
40 syn keyword OPLStatement gcircle gclock gclose gcls gcolor gcopy gcreate
41 syn keyword OPLStatement gcreatebit gdrawobject gellipse gen$ get get$
42 syn keyword OPLStatement getcmd$ getdoc$ getevent getevent32 geteventa32
43 syn keyword OPLStatement geteventc getlibh gfill gfont ggmode ggrey gheight
44 syn keyword OPLStatement gidentity ginfo ginfo32 ginvert giprint glineby
45 syn keyword OPLStatement glineto gloadbit gloadfont global gmove gorder
46 syn keyword OPLStatement goriginx goriginy goto gotomark gpatt gpeekline
47 syn keyword OPLStatement gpoly gprint gprintb gprintclip grank gsavebit
48 syn keyword OPLStatement gscroll gsetpenwidth gsetwin gstyle gtmode gtwidth
49 syn keyword OPLStatement gunloadfont gupdate guse gvisible gwidth gx
50 syn keyword OPLStatement gxborder gxprint gy hex$ hour iabs icon if include
51 syn keyword OPLStatement input insert int intf intrans key key$ keya keyc
52 syn keyword OPLStatement killmark kmod last lclose left$ len lenalloc
53 syn keyword OPLStatement linklib ln loadlib loadm loc local lock log lopen
54 syn keyword OPLStatement lower$ lprint max mcard mcasc mean menu mid$ min
55 syn keyword OPLStatement minit minute mkdir modify month month$ mpopup
56 syn keyword OPLStatement newobj newobjh next notes num$ odbinfo off onerr
57 syn keyword OPLStatement open openr opx os parse$ path pause peek pi
58 syn keyword OPLStatement pointerfilter poke pos position possprite print
59 syn keyword OPLStatement put rad raise randomize realloc recsize rename
60 syn keyword OPLStatement rept$ return right$ rmdir rnd rollback sci$ screen
61 syn keyword OPLStatement screeninfo second secstodate send setdoc setflags
62 syn keyword OPLStatement setname setpath sin space sqr statuswin
63 syn keyword OPLStatement statwininfo std stop style sum tan testevent trap
64 syn keyword OPLStatement type uadd unloadlib unloadm until update upper$
65 syn keyword OPLStatement use usr usr$ usub val var vector week while year
66 " syn keyword OPLStatement rem
69 syn match OPLNumber "\<\d\+\>"
70 syn match OPLNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\>"
71 syn match OPLNumber "\.\d\+\>"
73 syn region OPLString start=+"+ end=+"+
74 syn region OPLComment start="REM[\t ]" end="$"
75 syn match OPLMathsOperator "-\|=\|[:<>+\*^/\\]"
77 " Define the default highlighting.
78 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
79 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
80 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_OPL_syntax_inits")
81 if version < 508
82 let did_OPL_syntax_inits = 1
83 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
84 else
85 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
86 endif
88 HiLink OPLStatement Statement
89 HiLink OPLNumber Number
90 HiLink OPLString String
91 HiLink OPLComment Comment
92 HiLink OPLMathsOperator Conditional
93 " HiLink OPLError Error
95 delcommand HiLink
96 endif
98 let b:current_syntax = "opl"
100 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
101 unlet s:cpo_save
102 " vim: ts=8