changeset 16971:e18b1c654d09

Update runtime files - Add typescript syntax and indent. commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Thu Jun 6 20:39:55 2019 +0200 Update runtime files - Add typescript syntax and indent.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Thu, 06 Jun 2019 20:45:06 +0200
parents db31eab2f32b
children 5493e31010e1
files runtime/doc/eval.txt runtime/doc/todo.txt runtime/indent/typescript.vim runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim runtime/syntax/typescript.vim
diffstat 5 files changed, 2680 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*eval.txt*	For Vim version 8.1.  Last change: 2019 Jun 04
+*eval.txt*	For Vim version 8.1.  Last change: 2019 Jun 06
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -13063,8 +13063,16 @@ missing: >
 	:  echo "You will _never_ see this message"
-To execute a command only when the |+eval| feature is disabled requires a trick,
-as this example shows: >
+To execute a command only when the |+eval| feature is disabled can be done in
+two ways.  The simplest is to exit the script (or Vim) prematurely: >
+	if 1
+	   echo "commands executed with +eval"
+	   finish
+	endif
+	args  " command executed without +eval
+If you do not want to abort loading the script you can use a trick, as this
+example shows: >
 	silent! while 0
 	  set history=111
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ Popup windows are being implemented, see
 Listener causes extra } to be inserted. (Paul Jolly, #4455)
-Patch to beautify the output of a test run. (Christian Brabandt, #4391)
-can be improved.
 Patch to fix session file when using multiple tabs. (Jason Franklin, 2019 May
 Also put :argadd commands at the start for all buffers, so that their order
@@ -54,14 +51,9 @@ remains equal?  Then %argdel to clean it
 Patch for Chinese translations for nsis. (#4407)  Comments handled?
-Add test that does ":set t_k1&" to cover add_termcap_entry().
 Patch to add v:searchstat. (Takuya Fujiwara, #4446)  Should be independent of
 'shortmess', filled on demand and cached until search changes.
-Problem with resolve() improvement. (Ken Takata, #4492)
-Yasuhiro will check it.
 listener callback is invoked while another is still busy? (Paul Jolly)
 Should not happen because of text lock.
@@ -175,9 +167,6 @@ Improve fallback for menu translations, 
 files that source the actual file.  E.g. menu_da_de -> menu_da
 Include part of #3242?
-Add typescript syntax, but as one file:
 When a terminal exit_cb closes the window, a following typed key is lost, if
 it's in a mapping. (2018 Oct 6, #2302, #3522)
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/typescript.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: TypeScript
+" Maintainer: See
+" Last Change: 2019 Jun 06
+" Acknowledgement: Based off of vim-ruby maintained by Nikolai Weibull
+" 0. Initialization {{{1
+" =================
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+  finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal nosmartindent
+" Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it.
+setlocal indentexpr=GetTypescriptIndent()
+setlocal formatexpr=Fixedgq(v:lnum,v:count)
+setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],0\,,!^F,o,O,e
+" Only define the function once.
+if exists("*GetTypescriptIndent")
+  finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" 1. Variables {{{1
+" ============
+let s:js_keywords = '^\s*\(break\|case\|catch\|continue\|debugger\|default\|delete\|do\|else\|finally\|for\|function\|if\|in\|instanceof\|new\|return\|switch\|this\|throw\|try\|typeof\|var\|void\|while\|with\)'
+" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments.
+let s:syng_strcom = 'string\|regex\|comment\c'
+" Regex of syntax group names that are strings.
+let s:syng_string = 'regex\c'
+" Regex of syntax group names that are strings or documentation.
+let s:syng_multiline = 'comment\c'
+" Regex of syntax group names that are line comment.
+let s:syng_linecom = 'linecomment\c'
+" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
+let s:skip_expr = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~ '".s:syng_strcom."'"
+let s:line_term = '\s*\%(\%(\/\/\).*\)\=$'
+" Regex that defines continuation lines, not including (, {, or [.
+let s:continuation_regex = '\%([\\*+/.:]\|\%(<%\)\@<![=-]\|\W[|&?]\|||\|&&\|[^=]=[^=].*,\)' . s:line_term
+" Regex that defines continuation lines.
+" TODO: this needs to deal with if ...: and so on
+let s:msl_regex = s:continuation_regex
+let s:one_line_scope_regex = '\<\%(if\|else\|for\|while\)\>[^{;]*' . s:line_term
+" Regex that defines blocks.
+let s:block_regex = '\%([{[]\)\s*\%(|\%([*@]\=\h\w*,\=\s*\)\%(,\s*[*@]\=\h\w*\)*|\)\=' . s:line_term
+let s:var_stmt = '^\s*var'
+let s:comma_first = '^\s*,'
+let s:comma_last = ',\s*$'
+let s:ternary = '^\s\+[?|:]'
+let s:ternary_q = '^\s\+?'
+" 2. Auxiliary Functions {{{1
+" ======================
+" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string, comment, or is ascii.
+function s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)
+  return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_strcom
+" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string.
+function s:IsInString(lnum, col)
+  return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_string
+" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a multi-line comment.
+function s:IsInMultilineComment(lnum, col)
+  return !s:IsLineComment(a:lnum, a:col) && synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_multiline
+" Check if the character at lnum:col is a line comment.
+function s:IsLineComment(lnum, col)
+  return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_linecom
+" Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty, in a comment, or in a string.
+function s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum)
+  let in_block = 0
+  let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
+  while lnum > 0
+    " Go in and out of blocks comments as necessary.
+    " If the line isn't empty (with opt. comment) or in a string, end search.
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    if line =~ '/\*'
+      if in_block
+        let in_block = 0
+      else
+        break
+      endif
+    elseif !in_block && line =~ '\*/'
+      let in_block = 1
+    elseif !in_block && line !~ '^\s*\%(//\).*$' && !(s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, 1) && s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, strlen(line)))
+      break
+    endif
+    let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+  endwhile
+  return lnum
+" Find line above 'lnum' that started the continuation 'lnum' may be part of.
+function s:GetMSL(lnum, in_one_line_scope)
+  " Start on the line we're at and use its indent.
+  let msl = a:lnum
+  let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1)
+  while lnum > 0
+    " If we have a continuation line, or we're in a string, use line as MSL.
+    " Otherwise, terminate search as we have found our MSL already.
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    let col = match(line, s:msl_regex) + 1
+    if (col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)) || s:IsInString(lnum, strlen(line))
+      let msl = lnum
+    else
+      " Don't use lines that are part of a one line scope as msl unless the
+      " flag in_one_line_scope is set to 1
+      "
+      if a:in_one_line_scope
+        break
+      end
+      let msl_one_line = s:Match(lnum, s:one_line_scope_regex)
+      if msl_one_line == 0
+        break
+      endif
+    endif
+    let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum - 1)
+  endwhile
+  return msl
+function s:RemoveTrailingComments(content)
+  let single = '\/\/\(.*\)\s*$'
+  let multi = '\/\*\(.*\)\*\/\s*$'
+  return substitute(substitute(a:content, single, '', ''), multi, '', '')
+" Find if the string is inside var statement (but not the first string)
+function s:InMultiVarStatement(lnum)
+  let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1)
+"  let type = synIDattr(synID(lnum, indent(lnum) + 1, 0), 'name')
+  " loop through previous expressions to find a var statement
+  while lnum > 0
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    " if the line is a js keyword
+    if (line =~ s:js_keywords)
+      " check if the line is a var stmt
+      " if the line has a comma first or comma last then we can assume that we
+      " are in a multiple var statement
+      if (line =~ s:var_stmt)
+        return lnum
+      endif
+      " other js keywords, not a var
+      return 0
+    endif
+    let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum - 1)
+  endwhile
+  " beginning of program, not a var
+  return 0
+" Find line above with beginning of the var statement or returns 0 if it's not
+" this statement
+function s:GetVarIndent(lnum)
+  let lvar = s:InMultiVarStatement(a:lnum)
+  let prev_lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1)
+  if lvar
+    let line = s:RemoveTrailingComments(getline(prev_lnum))
+    " if the previous line doesn't end in a comma, return to regular indent
+    if (line !~ s:comma_last)
+      return indent(prev_lnum) - shiftwidth()
+    else
+      return indent(lvar) + shiftwidth()
+    endif
+  endif
+  return -1
+" Check if line 'lnum' has more opening brackets than closing ones.
+function s:LineHasOpeningBrackets(lnum)
+  let open_0 = 0
+  let open_2 = 0
+  let open_4 = 0
+  let line = getline(a:lnum)
+  let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', 0)
+  while pos != -1
+    if !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos + 1)
+      let idx = stridx('(){}[]', line[pos])
+      if idx % 2 == 0
+        let open_{idx} = open_{idx} + 1
+      else
+        let open_{idx - 1} = open_{idx - 1} - 1
+      endif
+    endif
+    let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1)
+  endwhile
+  return (open_0 > 0) . (open_2 > 0) . (open_4 > 0)
+function s:Match(lnum, regex)
+  let col = match(getline(a:lnum), a:regex) + 1
+  return col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, col) ? col : 0
+function s:IndentWithContinuation(lnum, ind, width)
+  " Set up variables to use and search for MSL to the previous line.
+  let p_lnum = a:lnum
+  let lnum = s:GetMSL(a:lnum, 1)
+  let line = getline(lnum)
+  " If the previous line wasn't a MSL and is continuation return its indent.
+  " TODO: the || s:IsInString() thing worries me a bit.
+  if p_lnum != lnum
+    if s:Match(p_lnum,s:continuation_regex)||s:IsInString(p_lnum,strlen(line))
+      return a:ind
+    endif
+  endif
+  " Set up more variables now that we know we aren't continuation bound.
+  let msl_ind = indent(lnum)
+  " If the previous line ended with [*+/.-=], start a continuation that
+  " indents an extra level.
+  if s:Match(lnum, s:continuation_regex)
+    if lnum == p_lnum
+      return msl_ind + a:width
+    else
+      return msl_ind
+    endif
+  endif
+  return a:ind
+function s:InOneLineScope(lnum)
+  let msl = s:GetMSL(a:lnum, 1)
+  if msl > 0 && s:Match(msl, s:one_line_scope_regex)
+    return msl
+  endif
+  return 0
+function s:ExitingOneLineScope(lnum)
+  let msl = s:GetMSL(a:lnum, 1)
+  if msl > 0
+    " if the current line is in a one line scope ..
+    if s:Match(msl, s:one_line_scope_regex)
+      return 0
+    else
+      let prev_msl = s:GetMSL(msl - 1, 1)
+      if s:Match(prev_msl, s:one_line_scope_regex)
+        return prev_msl
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  return 0
+" 3. GetTypescriptIndent Function {{{1
+" =========================
+function GetTypescriptIndent()
+  " 3.1. Setup {{{2
+  " ----------
+  " Set up variables for restoring position in file.  Could use v:lnum here.
+  let vcol = col('.')
+  " 3.2. Work on the current line {{{2
+  " -----------------------------
+  let ind = -1
+  " Get the current line.
+  let line = getline(v:lnum)
+  " previous nonblank line number
+  let prevline = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+  " If we got a closing bracket on an empty line, find its match and indent
+  " according to it.  For parentheses we indent to its column - 1, for the
+  " others we indent to the containing line's MSL's level.  Return -1 if fail.
+  let col = matchend(line, '^\s*[],})]')
+  if col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(v:lnum, col)
+    call cursor(v:lnum, col)
+    let lvar = s:InMultiVarStatement(v:lnum)
+    if lvar
+      let prevline_contents = s:RemoveTrailingComments(getline(prevline))
+      " check for comma first
+      if (line[col - 1] =~ ',')
+        " if the previous line ends in comma or semicolon don't indent
+        if (prevline_contents =~ '[;,]\s*$')
+          return indent(s:GetMSL(line('.'), 0))
+        " get previous line indent, if it's comma first return prevline indent
+        elseif (prevline_contents =~ s:comma_first)
+          return indent(prevline)
+        " otherwise we indent 1 level
+        else
+          return indent(lvar) + shiftwidth()
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    let bs = strpart('(){}[]', stridx(')}]', line[col - 1]) * 2, 2)
+    if searchpair(escape(bs[0], '\['), '', bs[1], 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0
+      if line[col-1]==')' && col('.') != col('$') - 1
+        let ind = virtcol('.')-1
+      else
+        let ind = indent(s:GetMSL(line('.'), 0))
+      endif
+    endif
+    return ind
+  endif
+  " If the line is comma first, dedent 1 level
+  if (getline(prevline) =~ s:comma_first)
+    return indent(prevline) - shiftwidth()
+  endif
+  if (line =~ s:ternary)
+    if (getline(prevline) =~ s:ternary_q)
+      return indent(prevline)
+    else
+      return indent(prevline) + shiftwidth()
+    endif
+  endif
+  " If we are in a multi-line comment, cindent does the right thing.
+  if s:IsInMultilineComment(v:lnum, 1) && !s:IsLineComment(v:lnum, 1)
+    return cindent(v:lnum)
+  endif
+  " Check for multiple var assignments
+"  let var_indent = s:GetVarIndent(v:lnum)
+"  if var_indent >= 0
+"    return var_indent
+"  endif
+  " 3.3. Work on the previous line. {{{2
+  " -------------------------------
+  " If the line is empty and the previous nonblank line was a multi-line
+  " comment, use that comment's indent. Deduct one char to account for the
+  " space in ' */'.
+  if line =~ '^\s*$' && s:IsInMultilineComment(prevline, 1)
+    return indent(prevline) - 1
+  endif
+  " Find a non-blank, non-multi-line string line above the current line.
+  let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(v:lnum - 1)
+  " If the line is empty and inside a string, use the previous line.
+  if line =~ '^\s*$' && lnum != prevline
+    return indent(prevnonblank(v:lnum))
+  endif
+  " At the start of the file use zero indent.
+  if lnum == 0
+    return 0
+  endif
+  " Set up variables for current line.
+  let line = getline(lnum)
+  let ind = indent(lnum)
+  " If the previous line ended with a block opening, add a level of indent.
+  if s:Match(lnum, s:block_regex)
+    return indent(s:GetMSL(lnum, 0)) + shiftwidth()
+  endif
+  " If the previous line contained an opening bracket, and we are still in it,
+  " add indent depending on the bracket type.
+  if line =~ '[[({]'
+    let counts = s:LineHasOpeningBrackets(lnum)
+    if counts[0] == '1' && searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0
+      if col('.') + 1 == col('$')
+        return ind + shiftwidth()
+      else
+        return virtcol('.')
+      endif
+    elseif counts[1] == '1' || counts[2] == '1'
+      return ind + shiftwidth()
+    else
+      call cursor(v:lnum, vcol)
+    end
+  endif
+  " 3.4. Work on the MSL line. {{{2
+  " --------------------------
+  let ind_con = ind
+  let ind = s:IndentWithContinuation(lnum, ind_con, shiftwidth())
+  " }}}2
+  "
+  "
+  let ols = s:InOneLineScope(lnum)
+  if ols > 0
+    let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
+  else
+    let ols = s:ExitingOneLineScope(lnum)
+    while ols > 0 && ind > 0
+      let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
+      let ols = s:InOneLineScope(ols - 1)
+    endwhile
+  endif
+  return ind
+" }}}1
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+function! Fixedgq(lnum, count)
+    let l:tw = &tw ? &tw : 80;
+    let l:count = a:count
+    let l:first_char = indent(a:lnum) + 1
+    if mode() == 'i' " gq was not pressed, but tw was set
+        return 1
+    endif
+    " This gq is only meant to do code with strings, not comments
+    if s:IsLineComment(a:lnum, l:first_char) || s:IsInMultilineComment(a:lnum, l:first_char)
+        return 1
+    endif
+    if len(getline(a:lnum)) < l:tw && l:count == 1 " No need for gq
+        return 1
+    endif
+    " Put all the lines on one line and do normal spliting after that
+    if l:count > 1
+        while l:count > 1
+            let l:count -= 1
+            normal J
+        endwhile
+    endif
+    let l:winview = winsaveview()
+    call cursor(a:lnum, l:tw + 1)
+    let orig_breakpoint = searchpairpos(' ', '', '\.', 'bcW', '', a:lnum)
+    call cursor(a:lnum, l:tw + 1)
+    let breakpoint = searchpairpos(' ', '', '\.', 'bcW', s:skip_expr, a:lnum)
+    " No need for special treatment, normal gq handles edgecases better
+    if breakpoint[1] == orig_breakpoint[1]
+        call winrestview(l:winview)
+        return 1
+    endif
+    " Try breaking after string
+    if breakpoint[1] <= indent(a:lnum)
+        call cursor(a:lnum, l:tw + 1)
+        let breakpoint = searchpairpos('\.', '', ' ', 'cW', s:skip_expr, a:lnum)
+    endif
+    if breakpoint[1] != 0
+        call feedkeys("r\<CR>")
+    else
+        let l:count = l:count - 1
+    endif
+    " run gq on new lines
+    if l:count == 1
+        call feedkeys("gqq")
+    endif
+    return 0
--- a/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim
@@ -5,9 +5,14 @@
 "               Karl-Heinz Sylla  <>
 "               Issac Trotts      <>
 " URL:
-" Last Change:  2012 May 12 - Added Dominique Pellé's spell checking patch (MM)
-"               2012 Feb 01 - Improved module path highlighting (MM)
-"               2010 Oct 11 - Added highlighting of lnot (MM, thanks to Erick Matsen)
+" Last Change:
+"               2018 Nov 08 - Improved highlighting of operators (Maëlan)
+"               2018 Apr 22 - Improved support for PPX (Andrey Popp)
+"               2018 Mar 16 - Remove raise, lnot and not from keywords (Étienne Millon, "copy")
+"               2017 Apr 11 - Improved matching of negative numbers (MM)
+"               2016 Mar 11 - Improved support for quoted strings (Glen Mével)
+"               2015 Aug 13 - Allow apostrophes in identifiers (Jonathan Chan, Einar Lielmanis)
+"               2015 Jun 17 - Added new "nonrec" keyword (MM)
 " A minor patch was applied to the official version so that object/end
 " can be distinguished from begin/end, which is used for indentation,
@@ -18,6 +23,9 @@ if exists("b:current_syntax") && b:curre
+" ' can be used in OCaml identifiers
+setlocal iskeyword+='
 " OCaml is case sensitive.
 syn case match
@@ -28,7 +36,7 @@ syn match    ocamlMethod       "#"
 syn match    ocamlComment   "^#!.*" contains=@Spell
 " Scripting directives
-syn match    ocamlScript "^#\<\(quit\|labels\|warnings\|directory\|cd\|load\|use\|install_printer\|remove_printer\|require\|thread\|trace\|untrace\|untrace_all\|print_depth\|print_length\|camlp4o\)\>"
+syn match    ocamlScript "^#\<\(quit\|labels\|warnings\|warn_error\|directory\|remove_directory\|cd\|load\|load_rec\|use\|mod_use\|install_printer\|remove_printer\|require\|list\|ppx\|principal\|predicates\|rectypes\|thread\|trace\|untrace\|untrace_all\|print_depth\|print_length\|camlp4o\|camlp4r\|topfind_log\|topfind_verbose\)\>"
 " lowercase identifier - the standard way to match
 syn match    ocamlLCIdentifier /\<\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*\>/
@@ -66,7 +74,7 @@ syn cluster  ocamlAllErrs contains=ocaml
 syn cluster  ocamlAENoParen contains=ocamlBraceErr,ocamlBrackErr,ocamlCommentErr,ocamlCountErr,ocamlDoErr,ocamlDoneErr,ocamlEndErr,ocamlThenErr
-syn cluster  ocamlContained contains=ocamlTodo,ocamlPreDef,ocamlModParam,ocamlModParam1,ocamlPreMPRestr,ocamlMPRestr,ocamlMPRestr1,ocamlMPRestr2,ocamlMPRestr3,ocamlModRHS,ocamlFuncWith,ocamlFuncStruct,ocamlModTypeRestr,ocamlModTRWith,ocamlWith,ocamlWithRest,ocamlModType,ocamlFullMod,ocamlVal
+syn cluster  ocamlContained contains=ocamlTodo,ocamlPreDef,ocamlModParam,ocamlModParam1,ocamlMPRestr,ocamlMPRestr1,ocamlMPRestr2,ocamlMPRestr3,ocamlModRHS,ocamlFuncWith,ocamlFuncStruct,ocamlModTypeRestr,ocamlModTRWith,ocamlWith,ocamlWithRest,ocamlModType,ocamlFullMod,ocamlVal
 " Enclosing delimiters
@@ -103,11 +111,15 @@ endif
 " "if"
 syn region   ocamlNone matchgroup=ocamlKeyword start="\<if\>" matchgroup=ocamlKeyword end="\<then\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlThenErr
+"" PPX nodes
+syn match ocamlPpxIdentifier /\(\[@\{1,3\}\)\@<=\w\+\(\.\w\+\)*/
+syn region ocamlPpx matchgroup=ocamlPpxEncl start="\[@\{1,3\}" contains=TOP end="\]"
 "" Modules
 " "sig"
-syn region   ocamlSig matchgroup=ocamlModule start="\<sig\>" matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr,ocamlModule
+syn region   ocamlSig matchgroup=ocamlSigEncl start="\<sig\>" matchgroup=ocamlSigEncl end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr,ocamlModule
 syn region   ocamlModSpec matchgroup=ocamlKeyword start="\<module\>" matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<\u\(\w\|'\)*\>" contained contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlModTRWith,ocamlMPRestr
 " "open"
@@ -118,15 +130,14 @@ syn match    ocamlKeyword "\<include\>" 
 " "module" - somewhat complicated stuff ;-)
 syn region   ocamlModule matchgroup=ocamlKeyword start="\<module\>" matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<\u\(\w\|'\)*\>" contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlPreDef
-syn region   ocamlPreDef start="."me=e-1 matchgroup=ocamlKeyword end="\l\|=\|)"me=e-1 contained contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment,ocamlModParam,ocamlModTypeRestr,ocamlModTRWith nextgroup=ocamlModPreRHS
-syn region   ocamlModParam start="([^*]" end=")" contained contains=@ocamlAENoParen,ocamlModParam1,ocamlVal
-syn match    ocamlModParam1 "\<\u\(\w\|'\)*\>" contained skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlPreMPRestr
-syn region   ocamlPreMPRestr start="."me=e-1 end=")"me=e-1 contained contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment,ocamlMPRestr,ocamlModTypeRestr
+syn region   ocamlPreDef start="."me=e-1 matchgroup=ocamlKeyword end="\l\|=\|)"me=e-1 contained contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment,ocamlModParam,ocamlGenMod,ocamlModTypeRestr,ocamlModTRWith nextgroup=ocamlModPreRHS
+syn region   ocamlModParam start="([^*]" end=")" contained contains=ocamlGenMod,ocamlModParam1,ocamlSig,ocamlVal
+syn match    ocamlModParam1 "\<\u\(\w\|'\)*\>" contained skipwhite skipempty
+syn match    ocamlGenMod "()" contained skipwhite skipempty
 syn region   ocamlMPRestr start=":" end="."me=e-1 contained contains=@ocamlComment skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlMPRestr1,ocamlMPRestr2,ocamlMPRestr3
-syn region   ocamlMPRestr1 matchgroup=ocamlModule start="\ssig\s\=" matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<end\>" contained contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr,ocamlModule
-syn region   ocamlMPRestr2 start="\sfunctor\(\s\|(\)\="me=e-1 matchgroup=ocamlKeyword end="->" contained contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment,ocamlModParam skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlFuncWith,ocamlMPRestr2
+syn region   ocamlMPRestr1 matchgroup=ocamlSigEncl start="\ssig\s\=" matchgroup=ocamlSigEncl end="\<end\>" contained contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr,ocamlModule
+syn region   ocamlMPRestr2 start="\sfunctor\(\s\|(\)\="me=e-1 matchgroup=ocamlKeyword end="->" contained contains=@ocamlAllErrs,ocamlComment,ocamlModParam,ocamlGenMod skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlFuncWith,ocamlMPRestr2
 syn match    ocamlMPRestr3 "\w\(\w\|'\)*\( *\. *\w\(\w\|'\)*\)*" contained
 syn match    ocamlModPreRHS "=" contained skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlModParam,ocamlFullMod
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword val
@@ -134,8 +145,8 @@ syn region   ocamlVal matchgroup=ocamlKe
 syn region   ocamlModRHS start="." end=". *\w\|([^*]"me=e-2 contained contains=ocamlComment skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlModParam,ocamlFullMod
 syn match    ocamlFullMod "\<\u\(\w\|'\)*\( *\. *\u\(\w\|'\)*\)*" contained skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlFuncWith
-syn region   ocamlFuncWith start="([^*]"me=e-1 end=")" contained contains=ocamlComment,ocamlWith,ocamlFuncStruct skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlFuncWith
-syn region   ocamlFuncStruct matchgroup=ocamlModule start="[^a-zA-Z]struct\>"hs=s+1 matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr
+syn region   ocamlFuncWith start="([^*)]"me=e-1 end=")" contained contains=ocamlComment,ocamlWith,ocamlFuncStruct skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlFuncWith
+syn region   ocamlFuncStruct matchgroup=ocamlStructEncl start="[^a-zA-Z]struct\>"hs=s+1 matchgroup=ocamlStructEncl end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr
 syn match    ocamlModTypeRestr "\<\w\(\w\|'\)*\( *\. *\w\(\w\|'\)*\)*\>" contained
 syn region   ocamlModTRWith start=":\s*("hs=s+1 end=")" contained contains=@ocamlAENoParen,ocamlWith
@@ -143,20 +154,23 @@ syn match    ocamlWith "\<\(\u\(\w\|'\)*
 syn region   ocamlWithRest start="[^)]" end=")"me=e-1 contained contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained
 " "struct"
-syn region   ocamlStruct matchgroup=ocamlModule start="\<\(module\s\+\)\=struct\>" matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr
+syn region   ocamlStruct matchgroup=ocamlStructEncl start="\<\(module\s\+\)\=struct\>" matchgroup=ocamlStructEncl end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr
 " "module type"
 syn region   ocamlKeyword start="\<module\>\s*\<type\>\(\s*\<of\>\)\=" matchgroup=ocamlModule end="\<\w\(\w\|'\)*\>" contains=ocamlComment skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlMTDef
 syn match    ocamlMTDef "=\s*\w\(\w\|'\)*\>"hs=s+1,me=s+1 skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=ocamlFullMod
+" Quoted strings
+syn region ocamlString matchgroup=ocamlQuotedStringDelim start="{\z\([a-z_]*\)|" end="|\z1}" contains=@Spell
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  and as assert class
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  constraint else
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  exception external fun
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  in inherit initializer
-syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  land lazy let match
-syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  method mutable new of
-syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  parser private raise rec
+syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  lazy let match
+syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  method mutable new nonrec of
+syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  parser private rec
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  try type
 syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  virtual when while with
@@ -166,14 +180,11 @@ if exists("ocaml_revised")
   syn keyword  ocamlKeyword  function
   syn keyword  ocamlBoolean  true false
-  syn match    ocamlKeyChar  "!"
 syn keyword  ocamlType     array bool char exn float format format4
 syn keyword  ocamlType     int int32 int64 lazy_t list nativeint option
-syn keyword  ocamlType     string unit
-syn keyword  ocamlOperator asr lnot lor lsl lsr lxor mod not
+syn keyword  ocamlType     bytes string unit
 syn match    ocamlConstructor  "(\s*)"
 syn match    ocamlConstructor  "\[\s*\]"
@@ -193,39 +204,61 @@ syn match    ocamlCharErr      "'\\\d\d'
 syn match    ocamlCharErr      "'\\[^\'ntbr]'"
 syn region   ocamlString       start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell
-syn match    ocamlFunDef       "->"
-syn match    ocamlRefAssign    ":="
 syn match    ocamlTopStop      ";;"
-syn match    ocamlOperator     "\^"
-syn match    ocamlOperator     "::"
-syn match    ocamlOperator     "&&"
-syn match    ocamlOperator     "<"
-syn match    ocamlOperator     ">"
 syn match    ocamlAnyVar       "\<_\>"
 syn match    ocamlKeyChar      "|[^\]]"me=e-1
 syn match    ocamlKeyChar      ";"
 syn match    ocamlKeyChar      "\~"
 syn match    ocamlKeyChar      "?"
-syn match    ocamlKeyChar      "\*"
-syn match    ocamlKeyChar      "="
+"" Operators
+" The grammar of operators is found there:
+" =, *, < and > are both operator names and keywords, we let the user choose how
+" to display them (has to be declared before regular infix operators):
+syn match    ocamlEqual        "="
+syn match    ocamlStar         "*"
+syn match    ocamlAngle        "<"
+syn match    ocamlAngle        ">"
+" Custom indexing operators:
+syn match    ocamlIndexingOp   "\.[~?!:|&$%=>@^/*+-][~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]*\(()\|\[]\|{}\)\(<-\)\?"
+" Extension operators (has to be declared before regular infix operators):
+syn match    ocamlExtensionOp          "#[#~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\+"
+" Infix and prefix operators:
+syn match    ocamlPrefixOp              "![~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]*"
+syn match    ocamlPrefixOp           "[~?][~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\+"
+syn match    ocamlInfixOp      "[&$%@^/+-][~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]*"
+syn match    ocamlInfixOp         "[|<=>*][~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\+"
+syn match    ocamlInfixOp               "#[~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\+#\@!"
+syn match    ocamlInfixOp              "!=[~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\@!"
+syn keyword  ocamlInfixOpKeyword      asr land lor lsl lsr lxor mod or
+" := is technically an infix operator, but we may want to show it as a keyword
+" (somewhat analogously to = for let‐bindings and <- for assignations):
+syn match    ocamlRefAssign    ":="
+" :: is technically not an operator, but we may want to show it as such:
+syn match    ocamlCons         "::"
+" -> and <- are keywords, not operators (but can appear in longer operators):
+syn match    ocamlArrow        "->[~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\@!"
 if exists("ocaml_revised")
-  syn match    ocamlErr        "<-"
+  syn match    ocamlErr        "<-[~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\@!"
-  syn match    ocamlOperator   "<-"
+  syn match    ocamlKeyChar    "<-[~?!.:|&$%<=>@^*/+-]\@!"
-syn match    ocamlNumber        "\<-\=\d\(_\|\d\)*[l|L|n]\?\>"
-syn match    ocamlNumber        "\<-\=0[x|X]\(\x\|_\)\+[l|L|n]\?\>"
-syn match    ocamlNumber        "\<-\=0[o|O]\(\o\|_\)\+[l|L|n]\?\>"
-syn match    ocamlNumber        "\<-\=0[b|B]\([01]\|_\)\+[l|L|n]\?\>"
-syn match    ocamlFloat         "\<-\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\.\?\(_\|\d\)*\([eE][-+]\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\)\=\>"
+syn match    ocamlNumber        "-\=\<\d\(_\|\d\)*[l|L|n]\?\>"
+syn match    ocamlNumber        "-\=\<0[x|X]\(\x\|_\)\+[l|L|n]\?\>"
+syn match    ocamlNumber        "-\=\<0[o|O]\(\o\|_\)\+[l|L|n]\?\>"
+syn match    ocamlNumber        "-\=\<0[b|B]\([01]\|_\)\+[l|L|n]\?\>"
+syn match    ocamlFloat         "-\=\<\d\(_\|\d\)*\.\?\(_\|\d\)*\([eE][-+]\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\)\=\>"
 " Labels
 syn match    ocamlLabel        "\~\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=1
 syn match    ocamlLabel        "?\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=1
-syn region   ocamlLabel transparent matchgroup=ocamlLabel start="?(\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=2 end=")"me=e-1 contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlParenErr
+syn region   ocamlLabel transparent matchgroup=ocamlLabel start="[~?](\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=2 end=")"me=e-1 contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlParenErr
 " Synchronization
@@ -281,6 +314,8 @@ hi def link ocamlFullMod	   Include
 hi def link ocamlModTypeRestr Include
 hi def link ocamlWith	   Include
 hi def link ocamlMTDef	   Include
+hi def link ocamlSigEncl    ocamlModule
+hi def link ocamlStructEncl ocamlModule
 hi def link ocamlScript	   Include
@@ -291,18 +326,34 @@ hi def link ocamlModPreRHS    Keyword
 hi def link ocamlMPRestr2	   Keyword
 hi def link ocamlKeyword	   Keyword
 hi def link ocamlMethod	   Include
-hi def link ocamlFunDef	   Keyword
-hi def link ocamlRefAssign    Keyword
 hi def link ocamlKeyChar	   Keyword
 hi def link ocamlAnyVar	   Keyword
 hi def link ocamlTopStop	   Keyword
-hi def link ocamlOperator	   Keyword
+hi def link ocamlRefAssign  ocamlKeyChar
+hi def link ocamlEqual	    ocamlKeyChar
+hi def link ocamlStar	    ocamlInfixOp
+hi def link ocamlAngle	    ocamlInfixOp
+hi def link ocamlCons	    ocamlInfixOp
+hi def link ocamlPrefixOp	ocamlOperator
+hi def link ocamlInfixOp	ocamlOperator
+hi def link ocamlExtensionOp	ocamlOperator
+hi def link ocamlIndexingOp	ocamlOperator
+if exists("ocaml_highlight_operators")
+    hi def link ocamlInfixOpKeyword ocamlOperator
+    hi def link ocamlOperator	    Operator
+    hi def link ocamlInfixOpKeyword Keyword
 hi def link ocamlBoolean	   Boolean
 hi def link ocamlCharacter    Character
 hi def link ocamlNumber	   Number
 hi def link ocamlFloat	   Float
 hi def link ocamlString	   String
+hi def link ocamlQuotedStringDelim  Identifier
 hi def link ocamlLabel	   Identifier
@@ -312,6 +363,7 @@ hi def link ocamlTodo	   Todo
 hi def link ocamlEncl	   Keyword
+hi def link ocamlPpxEncl    ocamlEncl
 let b:current_syntax = "ocaml"
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/typescript.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,2071 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:     TypeScript
+" Maintainer:   Bram Moolenaar
+" Last Change:	2019 Jun 06
+" Based On:     Herrington Darkholme's yats.vim
+" Changes:      See
+" Credits:      See yats.vim
+" This is the same syntax that is in yats.vim, but:
+" - flattened into one file
+" - HiLink commands changed to "hi def link"
+" - Setting 'cpo' to the Vim value
+if !exists("main_syntax")
+  if exists("b:current_syntax")
+    finish
+  endif
+  let main_syntax = 'typescript'
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" nextgroup doesn't contain objectLiteral, let outer region contains it
+syntax region typescriptTypeCast matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/< \@!/ end=/>/
+  \ contains=@typescriptType
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression
+  \ contained skipwhite oneline
+" runtime syntax/common.vim
+" NOTE: this results in accurate highlighting, but can be slow.
+syntax sync fromstart
+"Dollar sign is permitted anywhere in an identifier
+setlocal iskeyword-=$
+if main_syntax == 'typescript' || main_syntax == 'typescript.tsx'
+  setlocal iskeyword+=$
+  " syntax cluster htmlJavaScript                 contains=TOP
+" lowest priority on least used feature
+syntax match   typescriptLabel                /[a-zA-Z_$]\k*:/he=e-1 contains=typescriptReserved nextgroup=@typescriptStatement skipwhite skipempty
+" other keywords like return,case,yield uses containedin
+syntax region  typescriptBlock                 matchgroup=typescriptBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=@typescriptStatement,@typescriptComments fold
+"runtime syntax/basic/identifiers.vim
+syntax cluster afterIdentifier contains=
+  \ typescriptDotNotation,
+  \ typescriptFuncCallArg,
+  \ typescriptTemplate,
+  \ typescriptIndexExpr,
+  \ @typescriptSymbols,
+  \ typescriptTypeArguments
+syntax match   typescriptIdentifierName        /\<\K\k*/
+  \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+  \ transparent
+  \ contains=@_semantic
+  \ skipnl skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptProp contained /\K\k*!\?/
+  \ transparent
+  \ contains=@props
+  \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region  typescriptIndexExpr      contained matchgroup=typescriptProperty start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/he=e-1 contains=@typescriptValue nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols,typescriptDotNotation,typescriptFuncCallArg skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptDotNotation           /\./ nextgroup=typescriptProp skipnl
+syntax match   typescriptDotStyleNotation      /\.style\./ nextgroup=typescriptDOMStyle transparent
+" syntax match   typescriptFuncCall              contained /[a-zA-Z]\k*\ze(/ nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+syntax region  typescriptParenExp              matchgroup=typescriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@typescriptComments,@typescriptValue,typescriptCastKeyword nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region  typescriptFuncCallArg           contained matchgroup=typescriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols,typescriptDotNotation skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax region  typescriptEventFuncCallArg      contained matchgroup=typescriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@typescriptEventExpression
+syntax region  typescriptEventString           contained start=/\z(["']\)/  skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/  end=/\z1\|$/ contains=typescriptASCII,@events
+"runtime syntax/basic/literal.vim
+"Syntax in the JavaScript code
+" String
+syntax match   typescriptASCII                 contained /\\\d\d\d/
+syntax region  typescriptTemplateSubstitution matchgroup=typescriptTemplateSB
+  \ start=/\${/ end=/}/
+  \ contains=@typescriptValue
+  \ contained
+syntax region  typescriptString 
+  \ start=+\z(["']\)+  skip=+\\\%(\z1\|$\)+  end=+\z1+ end=+$+
+  \ contains=typescriptSpecial,@Spell
+  \ extend
+syntax match   typescriptSpecial            contained "\v\\%(x\x\x|u%(\x{4}|\{\x{4,5}})|c\u|.)"
+" From vim runtime
+" <>
+syntax region  typescriptRegexpString          start=+/[^/*]+me=e-1 skip=+\\\\\|\\/+ end=+/[gimuy]\{0,5\}\s*$+ end=+/[gimuy]\{0,5\}\s*[;.,)\]}]+me=e-1 nextgroup=typescriptDotNotation oneline
+syntax region  typescriptTemplate
+  \ start=/`/  skip=/\\\\\|\\`\|\n/  end=/`\|$/
+  \ contains=typescriptTemplateSubstitution
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region  typescriptArray matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+  \ start=/\[/ end=/]/
+  \ contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols,typescriptDotNotation
+  \ skipwhite skipempty fold
+" Number
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<0[bB][01][01_]*\>/        nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*\>/       nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\>/ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\d[0-9_]*\.\d[0-9_]*\|\d[0-9_]*\|\.\d[0-9]*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptExponent,@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptExponent /[eE][+-]\=\d[0-9]*\>/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty contained
+" runtime syntax/basic/object.vim
+syntax region  typescriptObjectLiteral         matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+  \ start=/{/ end=/}/
+  \ contains=@typescriptComments,typescriptObjectLabel,typescriptStringProperty,typescriptComputedPropertyName
+  \ fold contained
+syntax match   typescriptObjectLabel  contained /\k\+\_s*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectColon,@typescriptCallImpl
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region  typescriptStringProperty   contained
+  \ start=/\z(["']\)/  skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/  end=/\z1/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectColon,@typescriptCallImpl
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+" syntax region  typescriptPropertyName    contained start=/\z(["']\)/  skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/  end=/\z1(/me=e-1 nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature skipwhite skipempty oneline
+syntax region  typescriptComputedPropertyName  contained matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+  \ start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/
+  \ contains=@typescriptValue
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectColon,@typescriptCallImpl
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+" syntax region  typescriptComputedPropertyName  contained matchgroup=typescriptPropertyName start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]\_s*:/he=e-1 contains=@typescriptValue nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" syntax region  typescriptComputedPropertyName  contained matchgroup=typescriptPropertyName start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]\_s*(/me=e-1 contains=@typescriptValue nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature skipwhite skipempty
+" Value for object, statement for label statement
+syntax match typescriptRestOrSpread /\.\.\./ contained
+syntax match typescriptObjectSpread /\.\.\./ contained containedin=typescriptObjectLiteral,typescriptArray nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+syntax match typescriptObjectColon contained /:/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+"runtime syntax/basic/symbols.vim
+" + - ^ ~
+syntax match typescriptUnaryOp /[+\-~!]/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptTernary matchgroup=typescriptTernaryOp start=/?/ end=/:/ contained contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptAssign  /=/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: ==, ===
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /===\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 6: >>>=, >>>, >>=, >>, >=, >
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained />\(>>=\|>>\|>=\|>\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 4: <<=, <<, <=, <
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /<\(<=\|<\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: ||, |=, |
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /|\(|\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: &&, &=, &
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /&\(&\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: *=, *
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /\*=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: %=, %
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /%=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: /=, /
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained +/\(=\|[^\*/]\@=\)+ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /!==\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: !=, !==
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /+\(+\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: +, ++, +=
+syntax match   typescriptBinaryOp contained /-\(-\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: -, --, -=
+" exponentiation operator
+" 2: **, **=
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /\*\*=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+syntax cluster typescriptSymbols               contains=typescriptBinaryOp,typescriptKeywordOp,typescriptTernary,typescriptAssign,typescriptCastKeyword
+"" runtime syntax/basic/reserved.vim
+"runtime syntax/basic/keyword.vim
+syntax keyword typescriptImport                from as import
+syntax keyword typescriptExport                export
+syntax keyword typescriptModule                namespace module
+"JavaScript Prototype
+syntax keyword typescriptPrototype             prototype
+  \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+syntax keyword typescriptCastKeyword           as
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ skipwhite
+"Program Keywords
+syntax keyword typescriptIdentifier            arguments this super
+  \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+syntax keyword typescriptVariable              let var
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptVariableDeclaration
+  \ skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptVariable const
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptEnum,typescriptVariableDeclaration
+  \ skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptVariableDeclaration /[A-Za-z_$]\k*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,typescriptAssign
+  \ contained skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax region typescriptEnum matchgroup=typescriptEnumKeyword start=/enum / end=/\ze{/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptKeywordOp
+  \ contained in instanceof nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+syntax keyword typescriptOperator              delete new typeof void
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptForOperator           contained in of
+syntax keyword typescriptBoolean               true false nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptNull                  null undefined nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptMessage               alert confirm prompt status
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptDotNotation,typescriptFuncCallArg
+syntax keyword typescriptGlobal                self top parent
+  \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+"Statement Keywords
+syntax keyword typescriptConditional           if else switch
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptConditionalParen
+  \ skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptConditionalElse       else
+syntax keyword typescriptRepeat                do while for nextgroup=typescriptLoopParen skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptRepeat                for nextgroup=typescriptLoopParen,typescriptAsyncFor skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptBranch                break continue containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptCase                  case nextgroup=@typescriptPrimitive skipwhite containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptDefault               default containedin=typescriptBlock nextgroup=@typescriptValue,typescriptClassKeyword,typescriptInterfaceKeyword skipwhite oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptStatementKeyword      with
+syntax keyword typescriptStatementKeyword      yield skipwhite nextgroup=@typescriptValue containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptStatementKeyword      return skipwhite contained nextgroup=@typescriptValue containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptTry                   try
+syntax keyword typescriptExceptions            catch throw finally
+syntax keyword typescriptDebugger              debugger
+syntax keyword typescriptAsyncFor              await nextgroup=typescriptLoopParen skipwhite skipempty contained
+syntax region  typescriptLoopParen             contained matchgroup=typescriptParens
+  \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+  \ contains=typescriptVariable,typescriptForOperator,typescriptEndColons,@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region  typescriptConditionalParen             contained matchgroup=typescriptParens
+  \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+  \ contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptEndColons             /[;,]/ contained
+syntax keyword typescriptAmbientDeclaration declare nextgroup=@typescriptAmbients
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptAmbients contains=
+  \ typescriptVariable,
+  \ typescriptFuncKeyword,
+  \ typescriptClassKeyword,
+  \ typescriptAbstract,
+  \ typescriptEnumKeyword,typescriptEnum,
+  \ typescriptModule
+"runtime syntax/basic/doc.vim
+"Syntax coloring for Node.js shebang line
+syntax match   shellbang "^#!.*node\>"
+syntax match   shellbang "^#!.*iojs\>"
+"JavaScript comments
+syntax keyword typescriptCommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD
+syntax match   typescriptLineComment "//.*"
+  \ contains=@Spell,typescriptCommentTodo,typescriptRef
+syntax region  typescriptComment
+  \ start="/\*"  end="\*/"
+  \ contains=@Spell,typescriptCommentTodo extend
+syntax cluster typescriptComments
+  \ contains=typescriptDocComment,typescriptComment,typescriptLineComment
+syntax match   typescriptRef  +///\s*<reference\s\+.*\/>$+
+  \ contains=typescriptString
+syntax match   typescriptRef  +///\s*<amd-dependency\s\+.*\/>$+
+  \ contains=typescriptString
+syntax match   typescriptRef  +///\s*<amd-module\s\+.*\/>$+
+  \ contains=typescriptString
+syntax case ignore
+syntax region  typescriptDocComment            matchgroup=typescriptComment
+  \ start="/\*\*"  end="\*/"
+  \ contains=typescriptDocNotation,typescriptCommentTodo,@Spell
+  \ fold keepend
+syntax match   typescriptDocNotation           contained /@/ nextgroup=typescriptDocTags
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained constant constructor constructs function ignore inner private public readonly static
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained const dict expose inheritDoc interface nosideeffects override protected struct internal
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained example global
+" syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained ngdoc nextgroup=typescriptDocNGDirective
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained ngdoc scope priority animations
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained ngdoc restrict methodOf propertyOf eventOf eventType nextgroup=typescriptDocParam skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocNGDirective        contained overview service object function method property event directive filter inputType error
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained abstract virtual access augments
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained arguments callback lends memberOf name type kind link mixes mixin tutorial nextgroup=typescriptDocParam skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained variation nextgroup=typescriptDocNumParam skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained author class classdesc copyright default defaultvalue nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained deprecated description external host nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained file fileOverview overview namespace requires since version nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained summary todo license preserve nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained borrows exports nextgroup=typescriptDocA skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained param arg argument property prop module nextgroup=typescriptDocNamedParamType,typescriptDocParamName skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained define enum extends implements this typedef nextgroup=typescriptDocParamType skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained return returns throws exception nextgroup=typescriptDocParamType,typescriptDocParamName skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained see nextgroup=typescriptDocRef skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained function func method nextgroup=typescriptDocName skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocName               contained /\h\w*/
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags               contained fires event nextgroup=typescriptDocEventRef skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocEventRef           contained /\h\w*#\(\h\w*\:\)\?\h\w*/
+syntax match   typescriptDocNamedParamType     contained /{.\+}/ nextgroup=typescriptDocParamName skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocParamName          contained /\[\?0-9a-zA-Z_\.]\+\]\?/ nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocParamType          contained /{.\+}/ nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocA                  contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/ nextgroup=typescriptDocAs skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocAs                 contained /\s*as\s*/ nextgroup=typescriptDocB skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptDocB                  contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/
+syntax match   typescriptDocParam              contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\|-\)\+/
+syntax match   typescriptDocNumParam           contained /\d\+/
+syntax match   typescriptDocRef                contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/
+syntax region  typescriptDocLinkTag            contained matchgroup=typescriptDocLinkTag start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=typescriptDocTags
+syntax cluster typescriptDocs                  contains=typescriptDocParamType,typescriptDocNamedParamType,typescriptDocParam
+if main_syntax == "typescript"
+  syntax sync clear
+  syntax sync ccomment typescriptComment minlines=200
+syntax case match
+"runtime syntax/basic/type.vim
+" Types
+syntax match typescriptOptionalMark /?/ contained
+syntax region typescriptTypeParameters matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/
+  \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+  \ contained
+syntax match typescriptTypeParameter /\K\k*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptConstraint,typescriptGenericDefault
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptConstraint extends
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptGenericDefault /=/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ contained skipwhite
+" class A extend B<T> {} // ClassBlock
+" func<T>() // FuncCallArg
+syntax region typescriptTypeArguments matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/\></ end=/>/
+  \ contains=@typescriptType
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg,@typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ contained skipwhite
+syntax cluster typescriptType contains=
+  \ @typescriptPrimaryType,
+  \ typescriptUnion,
+  \ @typescriptFunctionType,
+  \ typescriptConstructorType
+" array type: A[]
+" type indexing A['key']
+syntax region typescriptTypeBracket contained
+  \ start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+  \ contains=typescriptString,typescriptNumber
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptPrimaryType contains=
+  \ typescriptParenthesizedType,
+  \ typescriptPredefinedType,
+  \ typescriptTypeReference,
+  \ typescriptObjectType,
+  \ typescriptTupleType,
+  \ typescriptTypeQuery,
+  \ typescriptStringLiteralType,
+  \ typescriptReadonlyArrayKeyword
+syntax region  typescriptStringLiteralType contained
+  \ start=/\z(["']\)/  skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/  end=/\z1\|$/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptUnion
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptParenthesizedType matchgroup=typescriptParens
+  \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+  \ contains=@typescriptType
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ contained skipwhite skipempty fold
+syntax match typescriptTypeReference /\K\k*\(\.\K\k*\)*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeArguments,@typescriptTypeOperator,typescriptUserDefinedType
+  \ skipwhite contained skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptPredefinedType any number boolean string void never undefined null object unknown
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptPredefinedType /unique symbol/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptObjectType matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+  \ start=/{/ end=/}/
+  \ contains=@typescriptTypeMember,typescriptEndColons,@typescriptComments,typescriptAccessibilityModifier,typescriptReadonlyModifier
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ contained skipwhite fold
+syntax cluster typescriptTypeMember contains=
+  \ @typescriptCallSignature,
+  \ typescriptConstructSignature,
+  \ typescriptIndexSignature,
+  \ @typescriptMembers
+syntax region typescriptTupleType matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+  \ start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+  \ contains=@typescriptType
+  \ contained skipwhite oneline
+syntax cluster typescriptTypeOperator
+  \ contains=typescriptUnion,typescriptTypeBracket
+syntax match typescriptUnion /|\|&/ contained nextgroup=@typescriptPrimaryType skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptFunctionType contains=typescriptGenericFunc,typescriptFuncType
+syntax region typescriptGenericFunc matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/
+  \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncType
+  \ containedin=typescriptFunctionType
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptFuncType matchgroup=typescriptParens
+  \ start=/(/ end=/)\s*=>/me=e-2
+  \ contains=@typescriptParameterList
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncTypeArrow
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl oneline
+syntax match typescriptFuncTypeArrow /=>/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ containedin=typescriptFuncType
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptConstructorType new
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptFunctionType
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptUserDefinedType is
+  \ contained nextgroup=@typescriptType skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptTypeQuery typeof keyof
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeReference
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax cluster typescriptCallSignature contains=typescriptGenericCall,typescriptCall
+syntax region typescriptGenericCall matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/
+  \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptCall
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptCall matchgroup=typescriptParens
+  \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+  \ contains=typescriptDecorator,@typescriptParameterList,@typescriptComments
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,typescriptBlock
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptTypeAnnotation /:/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax cluster typescriptParameterList contains=
+  \ typescriptTypeAnnotation,
+  \ typescriptAccessibilityModifier,
+  \ typescriptOptionalMark,
+  \ typescriptRestOrSpread,
+  \ typescriptFuncComma,
+  \ typescriptDefaultParam
+syntax match typescriptFuncComma /,/ contained
+syntax match typescriptDefaultParam /=/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+  \ contained skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptConstructSignature new
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature
+  \ contained skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptIndexSignature matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+  \ start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+  \ contains=typescriptPredefinedType,typescriptMappedIn,typescriptString
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation
+  \ contained skipwhite oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptMappedIn in
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptAliasKeyword type
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptAliasDeclaration
+  \ skipwhite skipnl skipempty
+syntax region typescriptAliasDeclaration matchgroup=typescriptUnion
+  \ start=/ / end=/=/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+  \ contains=typescriptConstraint,typescriptTypeParameters
+  \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptReadonlyArrayKeyword readonly
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptPrimaryType
+  \ skipwhite
+" extension
+if get(g:, 'yats_host_keyword', 1)
+  "runtime syntax/yats.vim
+  "runtime syntax/yats/typescript.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Function Boolean
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Error EvalError
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName InternalError
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RangeError ReferenceError
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName StopIteration
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SyntaxError TypeError
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName URIError Date
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Float32Array
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Float64Array
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Int16Array Int32Array
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Int8Array Uint16Array
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Uint32Array Uint8Array
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Uint8ClampedArray
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ParallelArray
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ArrayBuffer DataView
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Iterator Generator
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Reflect Proxy
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName arguments
+  hi def link typescriptGlobal Structure
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName eval uneval nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName isFinite nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName isNaN parseFloat nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName parseInt nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName decodeURI nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName decodeURIComponent nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName encodeURI nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName encodeURIComponent nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptGlobalMethod
+  hi def link typescriptGlobalMethod Structure
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-number.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Number nextgroup=typescriptGlobalNumberDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalNumberDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptNumberStaticProp,typescriptNumberStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticProp contained EPSILON MAX_SAFE_INTEGER MAX_VALUE
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticProp contained MIN_SAFE_INTEGER MIN_VALUE NEGATIVE_INFINITY
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticProp contained NaN POSITIVE_INFINITY
+  hi def link typescriptNumberStaticProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticMethod contained isFinite isInteger isNaN isSafeInteger nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticMethod contained parseFloat parseInt nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptNumberStaticMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberMethod contained toExponential toFixed toLocaleString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptNumberMethod contained toPrecision toSource toString valueOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptNumberMethod
+  hi def link typescriptNumberMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-string.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName String nextgroup=typescriptGlobalStringDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalStringDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptStringStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringStaticMethod contained fromCharCode fromCodePoint raw nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptStringStaticMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained anchor charAt charCodeAt codePointAt nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained concat endsWith includes indexOf lastIndexOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained link localeCompare match normalize nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained padStart padEnd repeat replace search nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained slice split startsWith substr substring nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained toLocaleLowerCase toLocaleUpperCase nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained toLowerCase toString toUpperCase trim nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained valueOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptStringMethod
+  hi def link typescriptStringMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-array.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Array nextgroup=typescriptGlobalArrayDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalArrayDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptArrayStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayStaticMethod contained from isArray of nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptArrayStaticMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained concat copyWithin entries every fill nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained filter find findIndex forEach indexOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained includes join keys lastIndexOf map nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained pop push reduce reduceRight reverse nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained shift slice some sort splice toLocaleString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained toSource toString unshift nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptArrayMethod
+  hi def link typescriptArrayMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-object.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Object nextgroup=typescriptGlobalObjectDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalObjectDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptObjectStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained create defineProperties defineProperty nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained entries freeze getOwnPropertyDescriptors nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained getOwnPropertyDescriptor getOwnPropertyNames nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained getOwnPropertySymbols getPrototypeOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained is isExtensible isFrozen isSealed nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained keys preventExtensions values nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptObjectStaticMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained getOwnPropertyDescriptors hasOwnProperty nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained toLocaleString toString valueOf seal nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained setPrototypeOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptObjectMethod
+  hi def link typescriptObjectMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-symbol.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Symbol nextgroup=typescriptGlobalSymbolDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalSymbolDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptSymbolStaticProp,typescriptSymbolStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained length iterator match replace
+  syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained search split hasInstance isConcatSpreadable
+  syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained unscopables species toPrimitive
+  syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained toStringTag
+  hi def link typescriptSymbolStaticProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticMethod contained for keyFor nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptSymbolStaticMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-function.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Function
+  syntax keyword typescriptFunctionMethod contained apply bind call nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptFunctionMethod
+  hi def link typescriptFunctionMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-math.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Math nextgroup=typescriptGlobalMathDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalMathDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptMathStaticProp,typescriptMathStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticProp contained E LN10 LN2 LOG10E LOG2E PI SQRT1_2
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticProp contained SQRT2
+  hi def link typescriptMathStaticProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained abs acos acosh asin asinh atan nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained atan2 atanh cbrt ceil clz32 cos nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained cosh exp expm1 floor fround hypot nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained imul log log10 log1p log2 max nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained min pow random round sign sin nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained sinh sqrt tan tanh trunc nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptMathStaticMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-date.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Date nextgroup=typescriptGlobalDateDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalDateDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptDateStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateStaticMethod contained UTC now parse nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptDateStaticMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getDate getDay getFullYear getHours nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getUTCDate getUTCDay getUTCFullYear nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getUTCHours getUTCMilliseconds getUTCMinutes nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getUTCMonth getUTCSeconds setDate setFullYear nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setHours setMilliseconds setMinutes nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setMonth setSeconds setTime setUTCDate nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setUTCFullYear setUTCHours setUTCMilliseconds nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setUTCMinutes setUTCMonth setUTCSeconds nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained toDateString toISOString toJSON toLocaleDateString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained toLocaleFormat toLocaleString toLocaleTimeString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained toSource toString toTimeString toUTCString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained valueOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDateMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDateMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-json.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName JSON nextgroup=typescriptGlobalJSONDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalJSONDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptJSONStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptJSONStaticMethod contained parse stringify nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptJSONStaticMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-regexp.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RegExp nextgroup=typescriptGlobalRegExpDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalRegExpDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptRegExpStaticProp,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptRegExpStaticProp contained lastIndex
+  hi def link typescriptRegExpStaticProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptRegExpProp contained global ignoreCase multiline source sticky
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptRegExpProp
+  hi def link typescriptRegExpProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptRegExpMethod contained exec test nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptRegExpMethod
+  hi def link typescriptRegExpMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-map.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Map WeakMap
+  syntax keyword typescriptES6MapProp contained size
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6MapProp
+  hi def link typescriptES6MapProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptES6MapMethod contained clear delete entries forEach get has nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptES6MapMethod contained keys set values nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6MapMethod
+  hi def link typescriptES6MapMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-set.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Set WeakSet
+  syntax keyword typescriptES6SetProp contained size
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6SetProp
+  hi def link typescriptES6SetProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptES6SetMethod contained add clear delete entries forEach has nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptES6SetMethod contained values nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6SetMethod
+  hi def link typescriptES6SetMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-proxy.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Proxy
+  syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained getOwnPropertyDescriptor getOwnPropertyNames
+  syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained defineProperty deleteProperty freeze seal
+  syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained preventExtensions has hasOwn get set enumerate
+  syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained iterate ownKeys apply construct
+  hi def link typescriptProxyAPI Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-promise.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Promise nextgroup=typescriptGlobalPromiseDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalPromiseDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptPromiseStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptPromiseStaticMethod contained resolve reject all race nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptPromiseStaticMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPromiseMethod contained then catch finally nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPromiseMethod
+  hi def link typescriptPromiseMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/es6-reflect.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Reflect
+  syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained apply construct defineProperty deleteProperty nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained enumerate get getOwnPropertyDescriptor nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained getPrototypeOf has isExtensible ownKeys nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained preventExtensions set setPrototypeOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptReflectMethod
+  hi def link typescriptReflectMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/ecma-402.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Intl
+  syntax keyword typescriptIntlMethod contained Collator DateTimeFormat NumberFormat nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptIntlMethod contained PluralRules nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptIntlMethod
+  hi def link typescriptIntlMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/node.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName global process
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName console Buffer
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName module exports
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName setTimeout
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName clearTimeout
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName setInterval
+  syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName clearInterval
+  hi def link typescriptNodeGlobal Structure
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AbortController
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AbstractWorker AnalyserNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName App Apps ArrayBuffer
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ArrayBufferView
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Attr AudioBuffer
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioBufferSourceNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioContext AudioDestinationNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioListener AudioNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioParam BatteryManager
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BiquadFilterNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BlobEvent BluetoothAdapter
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BluetoothDevice
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BluetoothManager
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CameraCapabilities
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CameraControl CameraManager
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CanvasGradient CanvasImageSource
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CanvasPattern CanvasRenderingContext2D
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CaretPosition CDATASection
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ChannelMergerNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ChannelSplitterNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CharacterData ChildNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ChromeWorker Comment
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Connection Console
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ContactManager Contacts
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ConvolverNode Coordinates
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CSS CSSConditionRule
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CSSGroupingRule
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+  hi def link typescriptBOM Structure
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-window.vim
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+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-navigator.vim
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+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-location.vim
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+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-history.vim
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+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-console.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName console
+  syntax keyword typescriptConsoleMethod contained count dir error group groupCollapsed nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptConsoleMethod contained groupEnd info log time timeEnd trace nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptConsoleMethod contained warn nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptConsoleMethod
+  hi def link typescriptConsoleMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-xhr.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptXHRGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName XMLHttpRequest
+  hi def link typescriptXHRGlobal Structure
+  syntax keyword typescriptXHRProp contained onreadystatechange readyState response
+  syntax keyword typescriptXHRProp contained responseText responseType responseXML status
+  syntax keyword typescriptXHRProp contained statusText timeout ontimeout upload withCredentials
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptXHRProp
+  hi def link typescriptXHRProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptXHRMethod contained abort getAllResponseHeaders getResponseHeader nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptXHRMethod contained open overrideMimeType send setRequestHeader nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptXHRMethod
+  hi def link typescriptXHRMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-blob.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Blob BlobBuilder
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName File FileReader
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName FileReaderSync
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName URL nextgroup=typescriptGlobalURLDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match   typescriptGlobalURLDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptURLStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName URLUtils
+  syntax keyword typescriptFileMethod contained readAsArrayBuffer readAsBinaryString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptFileMethod contained readAsDataURL readAsText nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileMethod
+  hi def link typescriptFileMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptFileReaderProp contained error readyState result
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileReaderProp
+  hi def link typescriptFileReaderProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptFileReaderMethod contained abort readAsArrayBuffer readAsBinaryString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptFileReaderMethod contained readAsDataURL readAsText nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileReaderMethod
+  hi def link typescriptFileReaderMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptFileListMethod contained item nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileListMethod
+  hi def link typescriptFileListMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptBlobMethod contained append getBlob getFile nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptBlobMethod
+  hi def link typescriptBlobMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptURLUtilsProp contained hash host hostname href origin password
+  syntax keyword typescriptURLUtilsProp contained pathname port protocol search searchParams
+  syntax keyword typescriptURLUtilsProp contained username
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptURLUtilsProp
+  hi def link typescriptURLUtilsProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptURLStaticMethod contained createObjectURL revokeObjectURL nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  hi def link typescriptURLStaticMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-crypto.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptCryptoGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName crypto
+  hi def link typescriptCryptoGlobal Structure
+  syntax keyword typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod contained encrypt decrypt sign verify nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod contained digest nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod
+  hi def link typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptCryptoProp contained subtle
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptCryptoProp
+  hi def link typescriptCryptoProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptCryptoMethod contained getRandomValues nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptCryptoMethod
+  hi def link typescriptCryptoMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-fetch.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Headers Request
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Response
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName fetch nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptGlobalMethod
+  hi def link typescriptGlobalMethod Structure
+  syntax keyword typescriptHeadersMethod contained append delete get getAll has set nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptHeadersMethod
+  hi def link typescriptHeadersMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptRequestProp contained method url headers context referrer
+  syntax keyword typescriptRequestProp contained mode credentials cache
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptRequestProp
+  hi def link typescriptRequestProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptRequestMethod contained clone nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptRequestMethod
+  hi def link typescriptRequestMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptResponseProp contained type url status statusText headers
+  syntax keyword typescriptResponseProp contained redirected
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptResponseProp
+  hi def link typescriptResponseProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptResponseMethod contained clone nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptResponseMethod
+  hi def link typescriptResponseMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-service-worker.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptServiceWorkerProp contained controller ready
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptServiceWorkerProp
+  hi def link typescriptServiceWorkerProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptServiceWorkerMethod contained register getRegistration nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptServiceWorkerMethod
+  hi def link typescriptServiceWorkerMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Cache
+  syntax keyword typescriptCacheMethod contained match matchAll add addAll put delete nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptCacheMethod contained keys nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptCacheMethod
+  hi def link typescriptCacheMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-encoding.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptEncodingGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TextEncoder
+  syntax keyword typescriptEncodingGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TextDecoder
+  hi def link typescriptEncodingGlobal Structure
+  syntax keyword typescriptEncodingProp contained encoding fatal ignoreBOM
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptEncodingProp
+  hi def link typescriptEncodingProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptEncodingMethod contained encode decode nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptEncodingMethod
+  hi def link typescriptEncodingMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-geo.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Geolocation
+  syntax keyword typescriptGeolocationMethod contained getCurrentPosition watchPosition nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptGeolocationMethod contained clearWatch nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptGeolocationMethod
+  hi def link typescriptGeolocationMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-network.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName NetworkInformation
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOMNetworkProp contained downlink downlinkMax effectiveType
+  syntax keyword typescriptBOMNetworkProp contained rtt type
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptBOMNetworkProp
+  hi def link typescriptBOMNetworkProp Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/web-payment.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PaymentRequest
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentMethod contained show abort canMakePayment nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentMethod
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentProp contained shippingAddress shippingOption result
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentProp
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentEvent contained onshippingaddresschange onshippingoptionchange
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentEvent Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseMethod contained complete nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentResponseMethod
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentResponseMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseProp contained details methodName payerEmail
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseProp contained payerPhone shippingAddress
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseProp contained shippingOption
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentResponseProp
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentResponseProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained addressLine careOf city country
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained country dependentLocality languageCode
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained organization phone postalCode
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained recipient region sortingCode
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentAddressProp
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentAddressProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptPaymentShippingOptionProp contained id label amount selected
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentShippingOptionProp
+  hi def link typescriptPaymentShippingOptionProp Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/dom-node.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained attributes baseURI baseURIObject childNodes
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained firstChild lastChild localName namespaceURI
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained nextSibling nodeName nodePrincipal
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained nodeType nodeValue ownerDocument parentElement
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained parentNode prefix previousSibling textContent
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMNodeProp
+  hi def link typescriptDOMNodeProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained appendChild cloneNode compareDocumentPosition nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained getUserData hasAttributes hasChildNodes nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained insertBefore isDefaultNamespace isEqualNode nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained isSameNode isSupported lookupNamespaceURI nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained lookupPrefix normalize removeChild nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained replaceChild setUserData nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax match typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained /contains/
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMNodeMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDOMNodeMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained ELEMENT_NODE ATTRIBUTE_NODE TEXT_NODE
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained CDATA_SECTION_NODEN_NODE ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained ENTITY_NODE PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODEN_NODE
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained COMMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE NOTATION_NODE
+  hi def link typescriptDOMNodeType Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/dom-elem.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained accessKey clientHeight clientLeft
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained clientTop clientWidth id innerHTML
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained length onafterscriptexecute onbeforescriptexecute
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained oncopy oncut onpaste onwheel scrollHeight
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained scrollLeft scrollTop scrollWidth tagName
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained classList className name outerHTML
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained style
+  hi def link typescriptDOMElemAttrs Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getAttributeNS getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getBoundingClientRect getClientRects
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getElementsByTagNameNS hasAttribute
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained hasAttributeNS insertAdjacentHTML
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained matches querySelector querySelectorAll
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained removeAttribute removeAttributeNS
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained removeAttributeNode requestFullscreen
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained requestPointerLock scrollIntoView
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained setAttribute setAttributeNS setAttributeNode
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained setAttributeNodeNS setCapture supports
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getAttribute
+  hi def link typescriptDOMElemFuncs Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/dom-document.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained activeElement body cookie defaultView
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained designMode dir domain embeds forms head
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained images lastModified links location plugins
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained postMessage readyState referrer registerElement
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained scripts styleSheets title vlinkColor
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained xmlEncoding characterSet compatMode
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained contentType currentScript doctype documentElement
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained documentURI documentURIObject firstChild
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained implementation lastStyleSheetSet namespaceURI
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained nodePrincipal ononline pointerLockElement
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained popupNode preferredStyleSheetSet selectedStyleSheetSet
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained styleSheetSets textContent tooltipNode
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMDocProp
+  hi def link typescriptDOMDocProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained caretPositionFromPoint close createNodeIterator nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createRange createTreeWalker elementFromPoint nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByName adoptNode createAttribute nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createCDATASection createComment createDocumentFragment nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createElement createElementNS createEvent nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createExpression createNSResolver nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createProcessingInstruction createTextNode nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained enableStyleSheetsForSet evaluate execCommand nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained exitPointerLock getBoxObjectFor getElementById nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByTagNameNS getSelection nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained hasFocus importNode loadOverlay open nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained queryCommandSupported querySelector nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained querySelectorAll write writeln nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMDocMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDOMDocMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/dom-event.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod contained addEventListener removeEventListener nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod contained dispatchEvent waitUntil nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AnimationEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioProcessingEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BeforeInputEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BeforeUnloadEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BlobEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ClipboardEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CloseEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CompositionEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CSSFontFaceLoadEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CustomEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceLightEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceMotionEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceOrientationEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceProximityEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DOMTransactionEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DragEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName EditingBeforeInputEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ErrorEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName FocusEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName GamepadEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName HashChangeEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName IDBVersionChangeEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName KeyboardEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MediaStreamEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MessageEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MouseEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MutationEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PageTransitionEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PointerEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PopStateEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ProgressEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RelatedEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SensorEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName StorageEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SVGEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SVGZoomEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TimeEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TouchEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TrackEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TransitionEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName UIEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName UserProximityEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName WheelEvent
+  hi def link typescriptDOMEventCons Structure
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventProp contained bubbles cancelable currentTarget defaultPrevented
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventProp contained eventPhase target timeStamp type isTrusted
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventProp contained isReload
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMEventProp
+  hi def link typescriptDOMEventProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventMethod contained initEvent preventDefault stopImmediatePropagation nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventMethod contained stopPropagation respondWith default nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMEventMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDOMEventMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/dom-storage.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorage contained sessionStorage localStorage
+  hi def link typescriptDOMStorage Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorageProp contained length
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMStorageProp
+  hi def link typescriptDOMStorageProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorageMethod contained getItem key setItem removeItem nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorageMethod contained clear nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMStorageMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDOMStorageMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/dom-form.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMFormProp contained acceptCharset action elements encoding
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMFormProp contained enctype length method name target
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMFormProp
+  hi def link typescriptDOMFormProp Keyword
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMFormMethod contained reportValidity reset submit nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+  syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMFormMethod
+  hi def link typescriptDOMFormMethod Keyword
+  "runtime syntax/yats/css.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained alignContent alignItems alignSelf animation
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained animationDelay animationDirection animationDuration
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained animationFillMode animationIterationCount
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained animationName animationPlayState animationTimingFunction
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained appearance backfaceVisibility background
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundAttachment backgroundBlendMode
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundClip backgroundColor backgroundImage
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundOrigin backgroundPosition backgroundRepeat
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundSize border borderBottom borderBottomColor
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderBottomLeftRadius borderBottomRightRadius
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderBottomStyle borderBottomWidth borderCollapse
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderColor borderImage borderImageOutset
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderImageRepeat borderImageSlice borderImageSource
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderImageWidth borderLeft borderLeftColor
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth borderRadius
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderRight borderRightColor borderRightStyle
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderRightWidth borderSpacing borderStyle
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderTop borderTopColor borderTopLeftRadius
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderTopRightRadius borderTopStyle borderTopWidth
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderWidth bottom boxDecorationBreak
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained boxShadow boxSizing breakAfter breakBefore
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained breakInside captionSide caretColor caretShape
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained caret clear clip clipPath color columns
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained columnCount columnFill columnGap columnRule
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained columnRuleColor columnRuleStyle columnRuleWidth
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained columnSpan columnWidth content counterIncrement
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained counterReset cursor direction display
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained emptyCells flex flexBasis flexDirection
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained flexFlow flexGrow flexShrink flexWrap
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained float font fontFamily fontFeatureSettings
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontKerning fontLanguageOverride fontSize
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontSizeAdjust fontStretch fontStyle fontSynthesis
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontVariant fontVariantAlternates fontVariantCaps
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontVariantEastAsian fontVariantLigatures
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontVariantNumeric fontVariantPosition
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontWeight grad grid gridArea gridAutoColumns
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridAutoFlow gridAutoPosition gridAutoRows
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridColumn gridColumnStart gridColumnEnd
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridRow gridRowStart gridRowEnd gridTemplate
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridTemplateAreas gridTemplateRows gridTemplateColumns
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained height hyphens imageRendering imageResolution
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained imageOrientation imeMode inherit justifyContent
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained left letterSpacing lineBreak lineHeight
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained listStyle listStyleImage listStylePosition
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained listStyleType margin marginBottom marginLeft
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained marginRight marginTop marks mask maskType
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained maxHeight maxWidth minHeight minWidth
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained mixBlendMode objectFit objectPosition
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained opacity order orphans outline outlineColor
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained outlineOffset outlineStyle outlineWidth
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained overflow overflowWrap overflowX overflowY
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained overflowClipBox padding paddingBottom
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop pageBreakAfter
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained pageBreakBefore pageBreakInside perspective
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained perspectiveOrigin pointerEvents position
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained quotes resize right shapeImageThreshold
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained shapeMargin shapeOutside tableLayout tabSize
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textAlign textAlignLast textCombineHorizontal
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textDecoration textDecorationColor textDecorationLine
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textDecorationStyle textIndent textOrientation
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textOverflow textRendering textShadow
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textTransform textUnderlinePosition top
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained touchAction transform transformOrigin
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained transformStyle transition transitionDelay
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained transitionDuration transitionProperty
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained transitionTimingFunction unicodeBidi unicodeRange
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained userSelect userZoom verticalAlign visibility
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained whiteSpace width willChange wordBreak
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained wordSpacing wordWrap writingMode zIndex
+  hi def link typescriptDOMStyle Keyword
+  let typescript_props = 1
+  "runtime syntax/yats/event.vim
+  syntax keyword typescriptAnimationEvent contained animationend animationiteration
+  syntax keyword typescriptAnimationEvent contained animationstart beginEvent endEvent
+  syntax keyword typescriptAnimationEvent contained repeatEvent
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptAnimationEvent
+  hi def link typescriptAnimationEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptCSSEvent contained CssRuleViewRefreshed CssRuleViewChanged
+  syntax keyword typescriptCSSEvent contained CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked transitionend
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptCSSEvent
+  hi def link typescriptCSSEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptDatabaseEvent contained blocked complete error success upgradeneeded
+  syntax keyword typescriptDatabaseEvent contained versionchange
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptDatabaseEvent
+  hi def link typescriptDatabaseEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptDocumentEvent contained DOMLinkAdded DOMLinkRemoved DOMMetaAdded
+  syntax keyword typescriptDocumentEvent contained DOMMetaRemoved DOMWillOpenModalDialog
+  syntax keyword typescriptDocumentEvent contained DOMModalDialogClosed unload
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptDocumentEvent
+  hi def link typescriptDocumentEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMAttributeNameChanged DOMAttrModified
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMCharacterDataModified DOMContentLoaded
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMElementNameChanged DOMNodeInserted
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOMNodeRemoved
+  syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOMSubtreeModified
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptDOMMutationEvent
+  hi def link typescriptDOMMutationEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptDragEvent contained drag dragdrop dragend dragenter dragexit
+  syntax keyword typescriptDragEvent contained draggesture dragleave dragover dragstart
+  syntax keyword typescriptDragEvent contained drop
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptDragEvent
+  hi def link typescriptDragEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptElementEvent contained invalid overflow underflow DOMAutoComplete
+  syntax keyword typescriptElementEvent contained command commandupdate
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptElementEvent
+  hi def link typescriptElementEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptFocusEvent contained blur change DOMFocusIn DOMFocusOut focus
+  syntax keyword typescriptFocusEvent contained focusin focusout
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptFocusEvent
+  hi def link typescriptFocusEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptFormEvent contained reset submit
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptFormEvent
+  hi def link typescriptFormEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptFrameEvent contained DOMFrameContentLoaded
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptFrameEvent
+  hi def link typescriptFrameEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained click contextmenu DOMMouseScroll
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained dblclick gamepadconnected gamepaddisconnected
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained keydown keypress keyup MozGamepadButtonDown
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained MozGamepadButtonUp mousedown mouseenter
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained mouseleave mousemove mouseout
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained mouseover mouseup mousewheel MozMousePixelScroll
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained pointerlockchange pointerlockerror
+  syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained wheel
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptInputDeviceEvent
+  hi def link typescriptInputDeviceEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained audioprocess canplay canplaythrough
+  syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained durationchange emptied ended ended loadeddata
+  syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained loadedmetadata MozAudioAvailable pause
+  syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained play playing ratechange seeked seeking
+  syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange
+  syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained waiting complete
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptMediaEvent
+  hi def link typescriptMediaEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptMenuEvent contained DOMMenuItemActive DOMMenuItemInactive
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptMenuEvent
+  hi def link typescriptMenuEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptNetworkEvent contained datachange dataerror disabled enabled
+  syntax keyword typescriptNetworkEvent contained offline online statuschange connectionInfoUpdate
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptNetworkEvent
+  hi def link typescriptNetworkEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptProgressEvent contained abort error load loadend loadstart
+  syntax keyword typescriptProgressEvent contained progress timeout uploadprogress
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptProgressEvent
+  hi def link typescriptProgressEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptResourceEvent contained cached error load
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptResourceEvent
+  hi def link typescriptResourceEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptScriptEvent contained afterscriptexecute beforescriptexecute
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptScriptEvent
+  hi def link typescriptScriptEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptSensorEvent contained compassneedscalibration devicelight
+  syntax keyword typescriptSensorEvent contained devicemotion deviceorientation deviceproximity
+  syntax keyword typescriptSensorEvent contained orientationchange userproximity
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptSensorEvent
+  hi def link typescriptSensorEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptSessionHistoryEvent contained pagehide pageshow popstate
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptSessionHistoryEvent
+  hi def link typescriptSessionHistoryEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptStorageEvent contained change storage
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptStorageEvent
+  hi def link typescriptStorageEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptSVGEvent contained SVGAbort SVGError SVGLoad SVGResize SVGScroll
+  syntax keyword typescriptSVGEvent contained SVGUnload SVGZoom
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptSVGEvent
+  hi def link typescriptSVGEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptTabEvent contained visibilitychange
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptTabEvent
+  hi def link typescriptTabEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptTextEvent contained compositionend compositionstart compositionupdate
+  syntax keyword typescriptTextEvent contained copy cut paste select text
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptTextEvent
+  hi def link typescriptTextEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptTouchEvent contained touchcancel touchend touchenter touchleave
+  syntax keyword typescriptTouchEvent contained touchmove touchstart
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptTouchEvent
+  hi def link typescriptTouchEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptUpdateEvent contained checking downloading error noupdate
+  syntax keyword typescriptUpdateEvent contained obsolete updateready
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptUpdateEvent
+  hi def link typescriptUpdateEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptValueChangeEvent contained hashchange input readystatechange
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptValueChangeEvent
+  hi def link typescriptValueChangeEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptViewEvent contained fullscreen fullscreenchange fullscreenerror
+  syntax keyword typescriptViewEvent contained resize scroll
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptViewEvent
+  hi def link typescriptViewEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptWebsocketEvent contained close error message open
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptWebsocketEvent
+  hi def link typescriptWebsocketEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptWindowEvent contained DOMWindowCreated DOMWindowClose DOMTitleChanged
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptWindowEvent
+  hi def link typescriptWindowEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptUncategorizedEvent contained beforeunload message open show
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptUncategorizedEvent
+  hi def link typescriptUncategorizedEvent Title
+  syntax keyword typescriptServiceWorkerEvent contained install activate fetch
+  syntax cluster events add=typescriptServiceWorkerEvent
+  hi def link typescriptServiceWorkerEvent Title
+" patch
+"runtime syntax/basic/patch.vim
+" patch for generated code
+syntax keyword typescriptGlobal Promise
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptGlobalPromiseDot,typescriptFuncCallArg,typescriptTypeArguments oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptGlobal Map WeakMap
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptGlobalPromiseDot,typescriptFuncCallArg,typescriptTypeArguments oneline
+"runtime syntax/basic/members.vim
+syntax keyword typescriptConstructor           contained constructor
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster memberNextGroup contains=typescriptMemberOptionality,typescriptTypeAnnotation,@typescriptCallSignature
+syntax match typescriptMember /\K\k*/
+  \ nextgroup=@memberNextGroup
+  \ contained skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptMethodAccessor contained /\v(get|set)\s\K/me=e-1
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptMembers
+syntax cluster typescriptPropertyMemberDeclaration contains=
+  \ typescriptClassStatic,
+  \ typescriptAccessibilityModifier,
+  \ typescriptReadonlyModifier,
+  \ typescriptMethodAccessor,
+  \ @typescriptMembers
+  " \ typescriptMemberVariableDeclaration
+syntax match typescriptMemberOptionality /?\|!/ contained
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,@typescriptCallSignature
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptMembers contains=typescriptMember,typescriptStringMember,typescriptComputedMember
+syntax keyword typescriptClassStatic static
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptMembers,typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword,typescriptReadonlyModifier
+  \ skipwhite contained
+syntax keyword typescriptAccessibilityModifier public private protected contained
+syntax keyword typescriptReadonlyModifier readonly contained
+syntax region  typescriptStringMember   contained
+  \ start=/\z(["']\)/  skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/  end=/\z1/
+  \ nextgroup=@memberNextGroup
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region  typescriptComputedMember   contained matchgroup=typescriptProperty
+  \ start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/
+  \ contains=@typescriptValue,typescriptMember,typescriptMappedIn
+  \ nextgroup=@memberNextGroup
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+"runtime syntax/basic/class.vim
+"don't add typescriptMembers to nextgroup, let outer scope match it
+" so we won't match abstract method outside abstract class
+syntax keyword typescriptAbstract              abstract
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptClassKeyword
+  \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptClassKeyword          class
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptClassName,typescriptClassExtends,typescriptClassBlock
+  \ skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptClassName             contained /\K\k*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptClassBlock,typescriptClassExtends,typescriptClassTypeParameter
+  \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptClassTypeParameter
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/
+  \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptClassBlock,typescriptClassExtends
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptClassExtends          contained extends implements nextgroup=typescriptClassHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match   typescriptClassHeritage         contained /\v(\k|\.|\(|\))+/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptClassBlock,typescriptClassExtends,typescriptMixinComma,typescriptClassTypeArguments
+  \ contains=@typescriptValue
+  \ skipwhite skipnl
+  \ contained
+syntax region typescriptClassTypeArguments matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/
+  \ contains=@typescriptType
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptClassExtends,typescriptClassBlock,typescriptMixinComma
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptMixinComma /,/ contained nextgroup=typescriptClassHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+" we need add arrowFunc to class block for high order arrow func
+" see test case
+syntax region  typescriptClassBlock matchgroup=typescriptBraces start=/{/ end=/}/
+  \ contains=@typescriptPropertyMemberDeclaration,typescriptAbstract,@typescriptComments,typescriptBlock,typescriptAssign,typescriptDecorator,typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword,typescriptArrowFunc
+  \ contained fold
+syntax keyword typescriptInterfaceKeyword          interface nextgroup=typescriptInterfaceName skipwhite
+syntax match   typescriptInterfaceName             contained /\k\+/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceExtends,typescriptInterfaceTypeParameter
+  \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptInterfaceTypeParameter
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/
+  \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceExtends
+  \ contained
+  \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptInterfaceExtends          contained extends nextgroup=typescriptInterfaceHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptInterfaceHeritage contained /\v(\k|\.)+/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceComma,typescriptInterfaceTypeArguments
+  \ skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptInterfaceTypeArguments matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/ skip=/\s*,\s*/
+  \ contains=@typescriptType
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceComma
+  \ contained skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptInterfaceComma /,/ contained nextgroup=typescriptInterfaceHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+"runtime syntax/basic/cluster.vim
+"Block VariableStatement EmptyStatement ExpressionStatement IfStatement IterationStatement ContinueStatement BreakStatement ReturnStatement WithStatement LabelledStatement SwitchStatement ThrowStatement TryStatement DebuggerStatement
+syntax cluster typescriptStatement
+  \ contains=typescriptBlock,typescriptVariable,
+  \ @typescriptTopExpression,typescriptAssign,
+  \ typescriptConditional,typescriptRepeat,typescriptBranch,
+  \ typescriptLabel,typescriptStatementKeyword,
+  \ typescriptFuncKeyword,
+  \ typescriptTry,typescriptExceptions,typescriptDebugger,
+  \ typescriptExport,typescriptInterfaceKeyword,typescriptEnum,
+  \ typescriptModule,typescriptAliasKeyword,typescriptImport
+syntax cluster typescriptPrimitive  contains=typescriptString,typescriptTemplate,typescriptRegexpString,typescriptNumber,typescriptBoolean,typescriptNull,typescriptArray
+syntax cluster typescriptEventTypes            contains=typescriptEventString,typescriptTemplate,typescriptNumber,typescriptBoolean,typescriptNull
+" top level expression: no arrow func
+" also no func keyword. funcKeyword is contained in statement
+" funcKeyword allows overloading (func without body)
+" funcImpl requires body
+syntax cluster typescriptTopExpression
+  \ contains=@typescriptPrimitive,
+  \ typescriptIdentifier,typescriptIdentifierName,
+  \ typescriptOperator,typescriptUnaryOp,
+  \ typescriptParenExp,typescriptRegexpString,
+  \ typescriptGlobal,typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword,
+  \ typescriptClassKeyword,typescriptTypeCast
+" no object literal, used in type cast and arrow func
+" TODO: change func keyword to funcImpl
+syntax cluster typescriptExpression
+  \ contains=@typescriptTopExpression,
+  \ typescriptArrowFuncDef,
+  \ typescriptFuncImpl
+syntax cluster typescriptValue
+  \ contains=@typescriptExpression,typescriptObjectLiteral
+syntax cluster typescriptEventExpression       contains=typescriptArrowFuncDef,typescriptParenExp,@typescriptValue,typescriptRegexpString,@typescriptEventTypes,typescriptOperator,typescriptGlobal,jsxRegion
+"runtime syntax/basic/function.vim
+syntax keyword typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword      async
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncKeyword,typescriptArrowFuncDef
+  \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword      await
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+  \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptFuncKeyword           function
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptAsyncFunc,typescriptFuncName,@typescriptCallSignature
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptAsyncFunc             contained /*/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncName,@typescriptCallSignature
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptFuncName              contained /\K\k*/
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature
+  \ skipwhite
+" destructuring ({ a: ee }) =>
+syntax match   typescriptArrowFuncDef          contained /({\_[^}]*}\(:\_[^)]\)\?)\s*=>/
+  \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+" matches `(a) =>` or `([a]) =>` or
+" `(
+"  a) =>`
+syntax match   typescriptArrowFuncDef          contained /(\(\_s*[a-zA-Z\$_\[]\_[^)]*\)*)\s*=>/
+  \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match   typescriptArrowFuncDef          contained /\K\k*\s*=>/
+  \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite skipempty
+" TODO: optimize this pattern
+syntax region   typescriptArrowFuncDef          contained start=/(\_[^)]*):/ end=/=>/
+  \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc,typescriptTypeAnnotation
+  \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+  \ skipwhite skipempty keepend
+syntax match   typescriptArrowFunc             /=>/
+syntax match   typescriptArrowFuncArg          contained /\K\k*/
+syntax region  typescriptArrowFuncArg          contained start=/<\|(/ end=/\ze=>/ contains=@typescriptCallSignature
+syntax region typescriptReturnAnnotation contained start=/:/ end=/{/me=e-1 contains=@typescriptType nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+syntax region typescriptFuncImpl contained start=/function/ end=/{/me=e-1
+  \ contains=typescriptFuncKeyword
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+syntax cluster typescriptCallImpl contains=typescriptGenericImpl,typescriptParamImpl
+syntax region typescriptGenericImpl matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+  \ start=/</ end=/>/ skip=/\s*,\s*/
+  \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptParamImpl
+  \ contained skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptParamImpl matchgroup=typescriptParens
+  \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+  \ contains=typescriptDecorator,@typescriptParameterList,@typescriptComments
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptReturnAnnotation,typescriptBlock
+  \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+"runtime syntax/basic/decorator.vim
+syntax match typescriptDecorator /@\([_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*\.\)*[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*\>/
+  \ nextgroup=typescriptArgumentList
+  \ contains=@_semantic,typescriptDotNotation
+" Define the default highlighting.
+hi def link typescriptReserved             Error
+hi def link typescriptEndColons            Exception
+hi def link typescriptSymbols              Normal
+hi def link typescriptBraces               Function
+hi def link typescriptParens               Normal
+hi def link typescriptComment              Comment
+hi def link typescriptLineComment          Comment
+hi def link typescriptDocComment           Comment
+hi def link typescriptCommentTodo          Todo
+hi def link typescriptRef                  Include
+hi def link typescriptDocNotation          SpecialComment
+hi def link typescriptDocTags              SpecialComment
+hi def link typescriptDocNGParam           typescriptDocParam
+hi def link typescriptDocParam             Function
+hi def link typescriptDocNumParam          Function
+hi def link typescriptDocEventRef          Function
+hi def link typescriptDocNamedParamType    Type
+hi def link typescriptDocParamName         Type
+hi def link typescriptDocParamType         Type
+hi def link typescriptString               String
+hi def link typescriptSpecial              Special
+hi def link typescriptStringLiteralType    String
+hi def link typescriptStringMember         String
+hi def link typescriptTemplate             String
+hi def link typescriptEventString          String
+hi def link typescriptASCII                Special
+hi def link typescriptTemplateSB           Label
+hi def link typescriptRegexpString         String
+hi def link typescriptGlobal               Constant
+hi def link typescriptPrototype            Type
+hi def link typescriptConditional          Conditional
+hi def link typescriptConditionalElse      Conditional
+hi def link typescriptCase                 Conditional
+hi def link typescriptDefault              typescriptCase
+hi def link typescriptBranch               Conditional
+hi def link typescriptIdentifier           Structure
+hi def link typescriptVariable             Identifier
+hi def link typescriptEnumKeyword          Identifier
+hi def link typescriptRepeat               Repeat
+hi def link typescriptForOperator          Repeat
+hi def link typescriptStatementKeyword     Statement
+hi def link typescriptMessage              Keyword
+hi def link typescriptOperator             Identifier
+hi def link typescriptKeywordOp            Identifier
+hi def link typescriptCastKeyword          Special
+hi def link typescriptType                 Type
+hi def link typescriptNull                 Boolean
+hi def link typescriptNumber               Number
+hi def link typescriptExponent             Number
+hi def link typescriptBoolean              Boolean
+hi def link typescriptObjectLabel          typescriptLabel
+hi def link typescriptLabel                Label
+hi def link typescriptStringProperty       String
+hi def link typescriptImport               Special
+hi def link typescriptAmbientDeclaration   Special
+hi def link typescriptExport               Special
+hi def link typescriptModule               Special
+hi def link typescriptTry                  Special
+hi def link typescriptExceptions           Special
+hi def link typescriptMember              Function
+hi def link typescriptMethodAccessor       Operator
+hi def link typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword     Keyword
+hi def link typescriptAsyncFor             Keyword
+hi def link typescriptFuncKeyword          Keyword
+hi def link typescriptAsyncFunc            Keyword
+hi def link typescriptArrowFunc            Type
+hi def link typescriptFuncName             Function
+hi def link typescriptFuncArg              PreProc
+hi def link typescriptArrowFuncArg         PreProc
+hi def link typescriptFuncComma            Operator
+hi def link typescriptClassKeyword         Keyword
+hi def link typescriptClassExtends         Keyword
+" hi def link typescriptClassName            Function
+hi def link typescriptAbstract             Special
+" hi def link typescriptClassHeritage        Function
+" hi def link typescriptInterfaceHeritage    Function
+hi def link typescriptClassStatic          StorageClass
+hi def link typescriptReadonlyModifier     Keyword
+hi def link typescriptInterfaceKeyword     Keyword
+hi def link typescriptInterfaceExtends     Keyword
+hi def link typescriptInterfaceName        Function
+hi def link shellbang                      Comment
+hi def link typescriptTypeParameter         Identifier
+hi def link typescriptConstraint            Keyword
+hi def link typescriptPredefinedType        Type
+hi def link typescriptReadonlyArrayKeyword  Keyword
+hi def link typescriptUnion                 Operator
+hi def link typescriptFuncTypeArrow         Function
+hi def link typescriptConstructorType       Function
+hi def link typescriptTypeQuery             Keyword
+hi def link typescriptAccessibilityModifier Keyword
+hi def link typescriptOptionalMark          PreProc
+hi def link typescriptFuncType              Special
+hi def link typescriptMappedIn              Special
+hi def link typescriptCall                  PreProc
+hi def link typescriptParamImpl             PreProc
+hi def link typescriptConstructSignature    Identifier
+hi def link typescriptAliasDeclaration      Identifier
+hi def link typescriptAliasKeyword          Keyword
+hi def link typescriptUserDefinedType       Keyword
+hi def link typescriptTypeReference         Identifier
+hi def link typescriptConstructor           Keyword
+hi def link typescriptDecorator             Special
+hi link typeScript             NONE
+let b:current_syntax = "typescript"
+if main_syntax == 'typescript'
+  unlet main_syntax
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save