changeset 558:7ccb59c211b7

updated for version 7.0159
author vimboss
date Fri, 25 Nov 2005 19:50:52 +0000
parents 862863033fdd
children 8ec588470508
files runtime/doc/quickref.txt runtime/syntax/cf.vim
diffstat 2 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*quickref.txt*  For Vim version 7.0aa.  Last change: 2005 Sep 13
+*quickref.txt*  For Vim version 7.0aa.  Last change: 2005 Nov 25
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -633,6 +633,7 @@ Short explanation of each option:		*opti
 |'compatible'|	  |'cp'|     behave Vi-compatible as much as possible
 |'complete'|	  |'cpt'|    specify how Insert mode completion works
 |'completefunc'|  |'cfu'|    function to be used for Insert mode completion
+|'completeopt'|   |'cot'|    options for Insert mode completion
 |'confirm'|	  |'cf'|     ask what to do about unsaved/read-only files
 |'conskey'|	  |'consk'|  get keys directly from console (MS-DOS only)
 |'copyindent'|    |'ci'|     make 'autoindent' use existing indent structure
--- a/runtime/syntax/cf.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/cf.vim
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-"    Language: ColdFusion
-"  Maintainer: Toby Woodwark (
-" Last Change: 2005-11-02
-"   Filenames: *.cfc *.cfm
-"     Version: Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7
-"       Usage: Note that ColdFusion has its own comment syntax
-"              i.e. <!--- --->
-" For version 5.x, clear all syntax items.
-" For version 6.x+, quit if a syntax file is already loaded.
-if version < 600
-  syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
-  finish
-" Use all the stuff from the HTML syntax file.
-" TODO remove this; CFML is not a superset of HTML
-if version < 600
-  source <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
-  runtime! syntax/html.vim
-syn sync fromstart
-syn sync maxlines=200
-syn case ignore
-" Scopes and keywords.
-syn keyword cfScope contained cgi cffile request caller this thistag cfcatch variables application server session client form url attributes arguments
-syn keyword cfBool contained yes no true false
-" Operator strings.
-" Not exhaustive, since there are longhand equivalents.
-syn keyword cfOperator contained xor eqv and or lt le lte gt ge gte eq neq not is mod contains
-syn match cfOperatorMatch contained "[\+\-\*\/\\\^\&][\+\-\*\/\\\^\&]\@!"
-syn cluster cfOperatorCluster contains=cfOperator,cfOperatorMatch
-" Tag names.
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfabort cfapplet cfapplication cfargument cfassociate cfbreak cfcache
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfcalendar cfcase cfcatch cfchart cfchartdata cfchartseries cfcol cfcollection
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfcomponent cfcontent cfcookie cfdefaultcase cfdirectory cfdocument
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfdocumentitem cfdocumentsection cfdump cfelse cfelseif cferror cfexecute
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfexit cffile cfflush cfform cfformgroup cfformitem cfftp cffunction cfgrid
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfgridcolumn cfgridrow cfgridupdate cfheader cfhtmlhead cfhttp cfhttpparam cfif
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfimport cfinclude cfindex cfinput cfinsert cfinvoke cfinvokeargument
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfldap cflocation cflock cflog cflogin cfloginuser cflogout cfloop cfmail
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfmailparam cfmailpart cfmodule cfNTauthenticate cfobject cfobjectcache
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfoutput cfparam cfpop cfprocessingdirective cfprocparam cfprocresult
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfproperty cfquery cfqueryparam cfregistry cfreport cfreportparam cfrethrow
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfreturn cfsavecontent cfschedule cfscript cfsearch cfselect cfset cfsetting
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cfsilent cfslider cfstoredproc cfswitch cftable cftextarea cfthrow cftimer
-syn keyword cfTagName contained cftrace cftransaction cftree cftreeitem cftry cfupdate cfwddx cfxml 
-" Tag parameters.
-syn keyword cfArg contained abort accept access accessible action addnewline addtoken addtoken agentname
-syn keyword cfArg contained align appendkey appletsource application applicationtimeout applicationtoken
-syn keyword cfArg contained archive argumentcollection arguments asciiextensionlist attachmentpath
-syn keyword cfArg contained attributecollection attributes attributes autowidth backgroundcolor
-syn keyword cfArg contained backgroundvisible basetag bcc bgcolor bind bindingname blockfactor body bold
-syn keyword cfArg contained border branch cachedafter cachedwithin casesensitive categories category
-syn keyword cfArg contained categorytree cc cfsqltype charset chartheight chartwidth checked class
-syn keyword cfArg contained clientmanagement clientstorage codebase colheaderalign colheaderbold
-syn keyword cfArg contained colheaderfont colheaderfontsize colheaderitalic colheaders colheadertextcolor
-syn keyword cfArg contained collection colorlist colspacing columns completepath component condition
-syn keyword cfArg contained connection contentid context contextbytes contexthighlightbegin
-syn keyword cfArg contained contexthighlightend contextpassages cookiedomain criteria custom1 custom2
-syn keyword cfArg contained custom3 custom4 data dataalign databackgroundcolor datacollection
-syn keyword cfArg contained datalabelstyle datasource date daynames dbname dbserver dbtype dbvarname debug
-syn keyword cfArg contained default delete deletebutton deletefile delimiter delimiters description
-syn keyword cfArg contained destination detail directory disabled display displayname disposition dn domain
-syn keyword cfArg contained enablecab enablecfoutputonly enabled encoded encryption enctype enddate
-syn keyword cfArg contained endrange endrow endtime entry errorcode exception existing expand expires
-syn keyword cfArg contained expireurl expression extendedinfo extends extensions external failifexists
-syn keyword cfArg contained failto file filefield filename filter firstdayofweek firstrowasheaders font
-syn keyword cfArg contained fontbold fontembed fontitalic fontsize foregroundcolor format formfields
-syn keyword cfArg contained formula from generateuniquefilenames getasbinary grid griddataalign gridlines
-syn keyword cfArg contained groovecolor group groupcasesensitive header headeralign headerbold headerfont
-syn keyword cfArg contained headerfontsize headeritalic headerlines headertextcolor height highlighthref
-syn keyword cfArg contained hint href hrefkey hscroll hspace htmltable id idletimeout img imgopen imgstyle
-syn keyword cfArg contained index inline input insert insertbutton interval isolation italic item
-syn keyword cfArg contained itemcolumn key keyonly label labelformat language list listgroups locale
-syn keyword cfArg contained localfile log loginstorage lookandfeel mailerid mailto marginbottom marginleft
-syn keyword cfArg contained marginright marginright margintop markersize markerstyle mask maxlength maxrows
-syn keyword cfArg contained message messagenumber method mimeattach mimetype mode modifytype monthnames
-syn keyword cfArg contained multipart multiple name namecomplict nameconflict namespace new newdirectory
-syn keyword cfArg contained notsupported null numberformat object omit onchange onclick onerror onkeydown
-syn keyword cfArg contained onkeyup onload onmousedown onmouseup onreset onsubmit onvalidate operation
-syn keyword cfArg contained orderby orientation output outputfile overwrite ownerpassword pageencoding
-syn keyword cfArg contained pageheight pagetype pagewidth paintstyle param_1 param_2 param_3 param_4
-syn keyword cfArg contained param_5 parent passive passthrough password path pattern permissions picturebar
-syn keyword cfArg contained pieslicestyle port porttypename prefix preloader preservedata previouscriteria
-syn keyword cfArg contained procedure protocol provider providerdsn proxybypass proxypassword proxyport
-syn keyword cfArg contained proxyserver proxyuser publish query queryasroot queryposition range rebind
-syn keyword cfArg contained recurse redirect referral refreshlabel remotefile replyto report requesttimeout
-syn keyword cfArg contained required reset resolveurl result resultset retrycount returnasbinary returncode
-syn keyword cfArg contained returntype returnvariable roles rowheaderalign rowheaderbold rowheaderfont
-syn keyword cfArg contained rowheaderfontsize rowheaderitalic rowheaders rowheadertextcolor rowheaderwidth
-syn keyword cfArg contained rowheight scale scalefrom scaleto scope scriptprotect scriptsrc secure
-syn keyword cfArg contained securitycontext select selectcolor selected selecteddate selectedindex
-syn keyword cfArg contained selectmode separator seriescolor serieslabel seriesplacement server serviceport
-syn keyword cfArg contained serviceportname sessionmanagement sessiontimeout setclientcookies setcookie
-syn keyword cfArg contained setdomaincookies show3d showborder showdebugoutput showerror showlegend
-syn keyword cfArg contained showmarkers showxgridlines showygridlines size skin sort sortascendingbutton
-syn keyword cfArg contained sortcontrol sortdescendingbutton sortxaxis source spoolenable sql src start
-syn keyword cfArg contained startdate startrange startrow starttime status statuscode statustext step
-syn keyword cfArg contained stoponerror style subject suggestions suppresswhitespace tablename tableowner
-syn keyword cfArg contained tablequalifier taglib target task template text textcolor textqualifier
-syn keyword cfArg contained thread throwonerror throwonfailure throwontimeout time timeout timespan tipbgcolor tipstyle
-syn keyword cfArg contained title to tooltip top toplevelvariable transfermode type uid unit url urlpath
-syn keyword cfArg contained useragent username userpassword usetimezoneinfo validate validateat value
-syn keyword cfArg contained valuecolumn values valuesdelimiter valuesdisplay var variable vertical visible
-syn keyword cfArg contained vscroll vspace webservice width wmode wraptext wsdlfile xaxistitle xaxistype
-syn keyword cfArg contained xoffset yaxistitle yaxistype yoffset
-" ColdFusion Functions.
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained Abs GetFunctionList Max ACos GetGatewayHelper Mid AddSOAPRequestHeader
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetHttpRequestData Min AddSOAPResponseHeader GetHttpTimeString Minute
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayAppend GetLocale Month ArrayAvg GetLocaleDisplayName MonthAsString
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayClear GetMetaData Now ArrayDeleteAt GetMetricData NumberFormat
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayInsertAt GetPageContext ParagraphFormat ArrayIsEmpty GetProfileSections
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ParseDateTime ArrayLen GetProfileString Pi ArrayMax GetSOAPRequest
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained PreserveSingleQuotes ArrayMin GetSOAPRequestHeader Quarter ArrayNew
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetSOAPResponse QueryAddColumn ArrayPrepend GetSOAPResponseHeader QueryAddRow
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayResize GetTempDirectory QueryNew ArraySet GetTempFile QuerySetCell
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArraySort GetTickCount QuotedValueList ArraySum GetTimeZoneInfo Rand ArraySwap
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetToken Randomize ArrayToList Hash RandRange Asc Hour REFind ASin
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained HTMLCodeFormat REFindNoCase Atn HTMLEditFormat ReleaseComObject BinaryDecode
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IIf RemoveChars BinaryEncode IncrementValue RepeatString BitAnd InputBaseN
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained Replace BitMaskClear Insert ReplaceList BitMaskRead Int ReplaceNoCase
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained BitMaskSet IsArray REReplace BitNot IsBinary REReplaceNoCase BitOr IsBoolean
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained Reverse BitSHLN IsCustomFunction Right BitSHRN IsDate RJustify BitXor
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsDebugMode Round Ceiling IsDefined RTrim CharsetDecode IsLeapYear Second
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CharsetEncode IsNumeric SendGatewayMessage Chr IsNumericDate SetEncoding
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CJustify IsObject SetLocale Compare IsQuery SetProfileString CompareNoCase
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsSimpleValue SetVariable Cos IsSOAPRequest Sgn CreateDate IsStruct Sin
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CreateDateTime IsUserInRole SpanExcluding CreateObject IsValid SpanIncluding
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CreateODBCDate IsWDDX Sqr CreateODBCDateTime IsXML StripCR CreateODBCTime
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsXmlAttribute StructAppend CreateTime IsXmlDoc StructClear CreateTimeSpan
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsXmlElem StructCopy CreateUUID IsXmlNode StructCount DateAdd IsXmlRoot
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained StructDelete DateCompare JavaCast StructFind DateConvert JSStringFormat
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained StructFindKey DateDiff LCase StructFindValue DateFormat Left StructGet
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained DatePart Len StructInsert Day ListAppend StructIsEmpty DayOfWeek
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListChangeDelims StructKeyArray DayOfWeekAsString ListContains StructKeyExists
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained DayOfYear ListContainsNoCase StructKeyList DaysInMonth ListDeleteAt StructNew
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained DaysInYear ListFind StructSort DE ListFindNoCase StructUpdate DecimalFormat
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListFirst Tan DecrementValue ListGetAt TimeFormat Decrypt ListInsertAt
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ToBase64 DeleteClientVariable ListLast ToBinary DirectoryExists ListLen
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ToScript DollarFormat ListPrepend ToString Duplicate ListQualify Trim Encrypt
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListRest UCase Evaluate ListSetAt URLDecode Exp ListSort URLEncodedFormat
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ExpandPath ListToArray URLSessionFormat FileExists ListValueCount Val Find
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListValueCountNoCase ValueList FindNoCase LJustify Week FindOneOf Log Wrap
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained FirstDayOfMonth Log10 WriteOutput Fix LSCurrencyFormat XmlChildPos FormatBaseN
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained LSDateFormat XmlElemNew GetTempDirectory LSEuroCurrencyFormat XmlFormat
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetAuthUser LSIsCurrency XmlGetNodeType GetBaseTagData LSIsDate XmlNew
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetBaseTagList LSIsNumeric XmlParse GetBaseTemplatePath LSNumberFormat
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained XmlSearch GetClientVariablesList LSParseCurrency XmlTransform
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetCurrentTemplatePath LSParseDateTime XmlValidate GetDirectoryFromPath
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained LSParseEuroCurrency Year GetEncoding LSParseNumber YesNoFormat GetException
-syn keyword cfFunctionName contained LSTimeFormat GetFileFromPath LTrim 
-syn cluster htmlTagNameCluster add=cfTagName
-syn cluster htmlArgCluster add=cfArg,cfHashRegion,cfScope
-syn cluster htmlPreproc add=cfHashRegion
-syn cluster cfExpressionCluster contains=cfFunctionName,cfScope,@cfOperatorCluster,cfScriptStringD,cfScriptStringS,cfScriptNumber,cfBool
-" Evaluation; skip strings ( this helps with cases like nested IIf() )
-syn region cfHashRegion start=+#+ skip=+"[^"]*"\|'[^']*'+ end=+#+ contains=@cfExpressionCluster,cfScriptParenError
-" <cfset>, <cfif>, <cfelseif>, <cfreturn> are analogous to hashmarks (implicit evaluation) and has 'var'
-syn region cfSetRegion start="<cfset " start="<cfreturn " start="<cfelseif " start="<cfif " end='>' keepend contains=@cfExpressionCluster,cfSetLHSRegion,cfSetTagEnd,cfScriptType
-syn region cfSetLHSRegion contained start="<cfreturn" start="<cfelseif" start="<cfif" start="<cfset" end=" " keepend contains=cfTagName,htmlTag
-syn match  cfSetTagEnd contained '>'
-" CF comments: similar to SGML comments
-syn region  cfComment     start='<!---' end='--->' keepend contains=cfCommentTodo
-syn keyword cfCommentTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX TBD WTF 
-" CFscript 
-syn match   cfScriptLineComment      contained "\/\/.*$" contains=cfCommentTodo
-syn region  cfScriptComment	     contained start="/\*"  end="\*/" contains=cfCommentTodo
-" in CF, quotes are escaped by doubling
-syn region  cfScriptStringD	     contained start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|""+  end=+"+  extend contains=@htmlPreproc,cfHashRegion
-syn region  cfScriptStringS	     contained start=+'+  skip=+\\\\\|''+  end=+'+  extend contains=@htmlPreproc,cfHashRegion
-syn match   cfScriptNumber	     contained "-\=\<\d\+L\=\>"
-syn keyword cfScriptConditional      contained if else
-syn keyword cfScriptRepeat	     contained while for in
-syn keyword cfScriptBranch	     contained break switch case try catch continue
-syn keyword cfScriptFunction	     contained function
-syn keyword cfScriptType	     contained var
-syn match   cfScriptBraces	     contained "[{}]"
-syn keyword cfScriptStatement        contained return
-syn cluster cfScriptCluster contains=cfScriptParen,cfScriptLineComment,cfScriptComment,cfScriptStringD,cfScriptStringS,cfScriptFunction,cfScriptNumber,cfScriptRegexpString,cfScriptBoolean,cfScriptBraces,cfHashRegion,cfFunctionName,cfScope,@cfOperatorCluster,cfScriptConditional,cfScriptRepeat,cfScriptBranch,cfScriptType,@cfExpressionCluster,cfScriptStatement
-" Errors caused by wrong parenthesis; skip strings
-syn region  cfScriptParen       contained transparent skip=+"[^"]*"\|'[^']*'+ start=+(+ end=+)+ contains=@cfScriptCluster
-syn match   cfScrParenError 	contained +)+
-syn region cfscriptBlock matchgroup=NONE start="<cfscript>"  end="<\/cfscript>"me=s-1 keepend contains=@cfScriptCluster,cfscriptTag,cfScrParenError
-syn region  cfscriptTag contained start='<cfscript' end='>' keepend contains=cfTagName,htmlTag
-" Define the default highlighting.
-if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cf_syn_inits")
-  if version < 508
-    let did_cf_syn_inits = 1
-    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
-  else
-    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
-  endif
-  HiLink cfTagName 		Statement
-  HiLink cfArg 			Type
-  HiLink cfFunctionName 	Function
-  HiLink cfHashRegion 		PreProc
-  HiLink cfComment 		Comment
-  HiLink cfCommentTodo 		Todo
-  HiLink cfOperator		Operator
-  HiLink cfOperatorMatch	Operator
-  HiLink cfScope		Title
-  HiLink cfBool			Constant
-  HiLink cfscriptBlock 		Special
-  HiLink cfscriptTag 		htmlTag
-  HiLink cfSetRegion 		PreProc
-  HiLink cfSetLHSRegion 	htmlTag
-  HiLink cfSetTagEnd		htmlTag
-  HiLink cfScriptLineComment	Comment
-  HiLink cfScriptComment	Comment
-  HiLink cfScriptStringS	String
-  HiLink cfScriptStringD	String
-  HiLink cfScriptNumber	     	cfScriptValue
-  HiLink cfScriptConditional	Conditional
-  HiLink cfScriptRepeat	     	Repeat
-  HiLink cfScriptBranch	     	Conditional
-  HiLink cfScriptType		Type
-  HiLink cfScriptStatement	Statement
-  HiLink cfScriptBraces	     	Function
-  HiLink cfScriptFunction    	Function
-  HiLink cfScriptError	     	Error
-  HiLink cfScrParenError	cfScriptError
-  delcommand HiLink
-let b:current_syntax = "cf"
-" vim: ts=8 sw=2
+" Vim syntax file
+"    Language: ColdFusion
+"  Maintainer: Toby Woodwark (
+" Last Change: 2005 Nov 25
+"   Filenames: *.cfc *.cfm
+"     Version: Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7
+"       Usage: Note that ColdFusion has its own comment syntax
+"              i.e. <!--- --->
+" For version 5.x, clear all syntax items.
+" For version 6.x+, quit if a syntax file is already loaded.
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" Use all the stuff from the HTML syntax file.
+" TODO remove this; CFML is not a superset of HTML
+if version < 600
+  source <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
+  runtime! syntax/html.vim
+syn sync fromstart
+syn sync maxlines=200
+syn case ignore
+" Scopes and keywords.
+syn keyword cfScope contained cgi cffile request caller this thistag cfcatch variables application server session client form url attributes arguments
+syn keyword cfBool contained yes no true false
+" Operator strings.
+" Not exhaustive, since there are longhand equivalents.
+syn keyword cfOperator contained xor eqv and or lt le lte gt ge gte eq neq not is mod contains
+syn match cfOperatorMatch contained "[\+\-\*\/\\\^\&][\+\-\*\/\\\^\&]\@!"
+syn cluster cfOperatorCluster contains=cfOperator,cfOperatorMatch
+" Tag names.
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfabort cfapplet cfapplication cfargument cfassociate cfbreak cfcache
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfcalendar cfcase cfcatch cfchart cfchartdata cfchartseries cfcol cfcollection
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfcomponent cfcontent cfcookie cfdefaultcase cfdirectory cfdocument
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfdocumentitem cfdocumentsection cfdump cfelse cfelseif cferror cfexecute
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfexit cffile cfflush cfform cfformgroup cfformitem cfftp cffunction cfgrid
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfgridcolumn cfgridrow cfgridupdate cfheader cfhtmlhead cfhttp cfhttpparam cfif
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfimport cfinclude cfindex cfinput cfinsert cfinvoke cfinvokeargument
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfldap cflocation cflock cflog cflogin cfloginuser cflogout cfloop cfmail
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfmailparam cfmailpart cfmodule cfNTauthenticate cfobject cfobjectcache
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfoutput cfparam cfpop cfprocessingdirective cfprocparam cfprocresult
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfproperty cfquery cfqueryparam cfregistry cfreport cfreportparam cfrethrow
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfreturn cfsavecontent cfschedule cfscript cfsearch cfselect cfset cfsetting
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cfsilent cfslider cfstoredproc cfswitch cftable cftextarea cfthrow cftimer
+syn keyword cfTagName contained cftrace cftransaction cftree cftreeitem cftry cfupdate cfwddx cfxml 
+" Tag parameters.
+syn keyword cfArg contained abort accept access accessible action addnewline addtoken addtoken agentname
+syn keyword cfArg contained align appendkey appletsource application applicationtimeout applicationtoken
+syn keyword cfArg contained archive argumentcollection arguments asciiextensionlist attachmentpath
+syn keyword cfArg contained attributecollection attributes attributes autowidth backgroundcolor
+syn keyword cfArg contained backgroundvisible basetag bcc bgcolor bind bindingname blockfactor body bold
+syn keyword cfArg contained border branch cachedafter cachedwithin casesensitive categories category
+syn keyword cfArg contained categorytree cc cfsqltype charset chartheight chartwidth checked class
+syn keyword cfArg contained clientmanagement clientstorage codebase colheaderalign colheaderbold
+syn keyword cfArg contained colheaderfont colheaderfontsize colheaderitalic colheaders colheadertextcolor
+syn keyword cfArg contained collection colorlist colspacing columns completepath component condition
+syn keyword cfArg contained connection contentid context contextbytes contexthighlightbegin
+syn keyword cfArg contained contexthighlightend contextpassages cookiedomain criteria custom1 custom2
+syn keyword cfArg contained custom3 custom4 data dataalign databackgroundcolor datacollection
+syn keyword cfArg contained datalabelstyle datasource date daynames dbname dbserver dbtype dbvarname debug
+syn keyword cfArg contained default delete deletebutton deletefile delimiter delimiters description
+syn keyword cfArg contained destination detail directory disabled display displayname disposition dn domain
+syn keyword cfArg contained enablecab enablecfoutputonly enabled encoded encryption enctype enddate
+syn keyword cfArg contained endrange endrow endtime entry errorcode exception existing expand expires
+syn keyword cfArg contained expireurl expression extendedinfo extends extensions external failifexists
+syn keyword cfArg contained failto file filefield filename filter firstdayofweek firstrowasheaders font
+syn keyword cfArg contained fontbold fontembed fontitalic fontsize foregroundcolor format formfields
+syn keyword cfArg contained formula from generateuniquefilenames getasbinary grid griddataalign gridlines
+syn keyword cfArg contained groovecolor group groupcasesensitive header headeralign headerbold headerfont
+syn keyword cfArg contained headerfontsize headeritalic headerlines headertextcolor height highlighthref
+syn keyword cfArg contained hint href hrefkey hscroll hspace htmltable id idletimeout img imgopen imgstyle
+syn keyword cfArg contained index inline input insert insertbutton interval isolation italic item
+syn keyword cfArg contained itemcolumn key keyonly label labelformat language list listgroups locale
+syn keyword cfArg contained localfile log loginstorage lookandfeel mailerid mailto marginbottom marginleft
+syn keyword cfArg contained marginright marginright margintop markersize markerstyle mask maxlength maxrows
+syn keyword cfArg contained message messagenumber method mimeattach mimetype mode modifytype monthnames
+syn keyword cfArg contained multipart multiple name namecomplict nameconflict namespace new newdirectory
+syn keyword cfArg contained notsupported null numberformat object omit onchange onclick onerror onkeydown
+syn keyword cfArg contained onkeyup onload onmousedown onmouseup onreset onsubmit onvalidate operation
+syn keyword cfArg contained orderby orientation output outputfile overwrite ownerpassword pageencoding
+syn keyword cfArg contained pageheight pagetype pagewidth paintstyle param_1 param_2 param_3 param_4
+syn keyword cfArg contained param_5 parent passive passthrough password path pattern permissions picturebar
+syn keyword cfArg contained pieslicestyle port porttypename prefix preloader preservedata previouscriteria
+syn keyword cfArg contained procedure protocol provider providerdsn proxybypass proxypassword proxyport
+syn keyword cfArg contained proxyserver proxyuser publish query queryasroot queryposition range rebind
+syn keyword cfArg contained recurse redirect referral refreshlabel remotefile replyto report requesttimeout
+syn keyword cfArg contained required reset resolveurl result resultset retrycount returnasbinary returncode
+syn keyword cfArg contained returntype returnvariable roles rowheaderalign rowheaderbold rowheaderfont
+syn keyword cfArg contained rowheaderfontsize rowheaderitalic rowheaders rowheadertextcolor rowheaderwidth
+syn keyword cfArg contained rowheight scale scalefrom scaleto scope scriptprotect scriptsrc secure
+syn keyword cfArg contained securitycontext select selectcolor selected selecteddate selectedindex
+syn keyword cfArg contained selectmode separator seriescolor serieslabel seriesplacement server serviceport
+syn keyword cfArg contained serviceportname sessionmanagement sessiontimeout setclientcookies setcookie
+syn keyword cfArg contained setdomaincookies show3d showborder showdebugoutput showerror showlegend
+syn keyword cfArg contained showmarkers showxgridlines showygridlines size skin sort sortascendingbutton
+syn keyword cfArg contained sortcontrol sortdescendingbutton sortxaxis source spoolenable sql src start
+syn keyword cfArg contained startdate startrange startrow starttime status statuscode statustext step
+syn keyword cfArg contained stoponerror style subject suggestions suppresswhitespace tablename tableowner
+syn keyword cfArg contained tablequalifier taglib target task template text textcolor textqualifier
+syn keyword cfArg contained thread throwonerror throwonfailure throwontimeout time timeout timespan tipbgcolor tipstyle
+syn keyword cfArg contained title to tooltip top toplevelvariable transfermode type uid unit url urlpath
+syn keyword cfArg contained useragent username userpassword usetimezoneinfo validate validateat value
+syn keyword cfArg contained valuecolumn values valuesdelimiter valuesdisplay var variable vertical visible
+syn keyword cfArg contained vscroll vspace webservice width wmode wraptext wsdlfile xaxistitle xaxistype
+syn keyword cfArg contained xoffset yaxistitle yaxistype yoffset
+" ColdFusion Functions.
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained Abs GetFunctionList Max ACos GetGatewayHelper Mid AddSOAPRequestHeader
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetHttpRequestData Min AddSOAPResponseHeader GetHttpTimeString Minute
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayAppend GetLocale Month ArrayAvg GetLocaleDisplayName MonthAsString
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayClear GetMetaData Now ArrayDeleteAt GetMetricData NumberFormat
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayInsertAt GetPageContext ParagraphFormat ArrayIsEmpty GetProfileSections
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ParseDateTime ArrayLen GetProfileString Pi ArrayMax GetSOAPRequest
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained PreserveSingleQuotes ArrayMin GetSOAPRequestHeader Quarter ArrayNew
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetSOAPResponse QueryAddColumn ArrayPrepend GetSOAPResponseHeader QueryAddRow
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArrayResize GetTempDirectory QueryNew ArraySet GetTempFile QuerySetCell
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ArraySort GetTickCount QuotedValueList ArraySum GetTimeZoneInfo Rand ArraySwap
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetToken Randomize ArrayToList Hash RandRange Asc Hour REFind ASin
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained HTMLCodeFormat REFindNoCase Atn HTMLEditFormat ReleaseComObject BinaryDecode
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IIf RemoveChars BinaryEncode IncrementValue RepeatString BitAnd InputBaseN
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained Replace BitMaskClear Insert ReplaceList BitMaskRead Int ReplaceNoCase
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained BitMaskSet IsArray REReplace BitNot IsBinary REReplaceNoCase BitOr IsBoolean
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained Reverse BitSHLN IsCustomFunction Right BitSHRN IsDate RJustify BitXor
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsDebugMode Round Ceiling IsDefined RTrim CharsetDecode IsLeapYear Second
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CharsetEncode IsNumeric SendGatewayMessage Chr IsNumericDate SetEncoding
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CJustify IsObject SetLocale Compare IsQuery SetProfileString CompareNoCase
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsSimpleValue SetVariable Cos IsSOAPRequest Sgn CreateDate IsStruct Sin
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CreateDateTime IsUserInRole SpanExcluding CreateObject IsValid SpanIncluding
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained CreateODBCDate IsWDDX Sqr CreateODBCDateTime IsXML StripCR CreateODBCTime
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsXmlAttribute StructAppend CreateTime IsXmlDoc StructClear CreateTimeSpan
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained IsXmlElem StructCopy CreateUUID IsXmlNode StructCount DateAdd IsXmlRoot
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained StructDelete DateCompare JavaCast StructFind DateConvert JSStringFormat
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained StructFindKey DateDiff LCase StructFindValue DateFormat Left StructGet
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained DatePart Len StructInsert Day ListAppend StructIsEmpty DayOfWeek
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListChangeDelims StructKeyArray DayOfWeekAsString ListContains StructKeyExists
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained DayOfYear ListContainsNoCase StructKeyList DaysInMonth ListDeleteAt StructNew
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained DaysInYear ListFind StructSort DE ListFindNoCase StructUpdate DecimalFormat
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListFirst Tan DecrementValue ListGetAt TimeFormat Decrypt ListInsertAt
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ToBase64 DeleteClientVariable ListLast ToBinary DirectoryExists ListLen
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ToScript DollarFormat ListPrepend ToString Duplicate ListQualify Trim Encrypt
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListRest UCase Evaluate ListSetAt URLDecode Exp ListSort URLEncodedFormat
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ExpandPath ListToArray URLSessionFormat FileExists ListValueCount Val Find
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained ListValueCountNoCase ValueList FindNoCase LJustify Week FindOneOf Log Wrap
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained FirstDayOfMonth Log10 WriteOutput Fix LSCurrencyFormat XmlChildPos FormatBaseN
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained LSDateFormat XmlElemNew GetTempDirectory LSEuroCurrencyFormat XmlFormat
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetAuthUser LSIsCurrency XmlGetNodeType GetBaseTagData LSIsDate XmlNew
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetBaseTagList LSIsNumeric XmlParse GetBaseTemplatePath LSNumberFormat
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained XmlSearch GetClientVariablesList LSParseCurrency XmlTransform
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained GetCurrentTemplatePath LSParseDateTime XmlValidate GetDirectoryFromPath
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained LSParseEuroCurrency Year GetEncoding LSParseNumber YesNoFormat GetException
+syn keyword cfFunctionName contained LSTimeFormat GetFileFromPath LTrim 
+syn cluster htmlTagNameCluster add=cfTagName
+syn cluster htmlArgCluster add=cfArg,cfHashRegion,cfScope
+syn cluster htmlPreproc add=cfHashRegion
+syn cluster cfExpressionCluster contains=cfFunctionName,cfScope,@cfOperatorCluster,cfScriptStringD,cfScriptStringS,cfScriptNumber,cfBool
+" Evaluation; skip strings ( this helps with cases like nested IIf() )
+syn region cfHashRegion start=+#+ skip=+"[^"]*"\|'[^']*'+ end=+#+ contains=@cfExpressionCluster,cfScriptParenError
+" <cfset>, <cfif>, <cfelseif>, <cfreturn> are analogous to hashmarks (implicit evaluation) and has 'var'
+syn region cfSetRegion start="<cfset " start="<cfreturn " start="<cfelseif " start="<cfif " end='>' keepend contains=@cfExpressionCluster,cfSetLHSRegion,cfSetTagEnd,cfScriptType
+syn region cfSetLHSRegion contained start="<cfreturn" start="<cfelseif" start="<cfif" start="<cfset" end=" " keepend contains=cfTagName,htmlTag
+syn match  cfSetTagEnd contained '>'
+" CF comments: similar to SGML comments
+syn region  cfComment     start='<!---' end='--->' keepend contains=cfCommentTodo
+syn keyword cfCommentTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX TBD WTF 
+" CFscript 
+syn match   cfScriptLineComment      contained "\/\/.*$" contains=cfCommentTodo
+syn region  cfScriptComment	     contained start="/\*"  end="\*/" contains=cfCommentTodo
+" in CF, quotes are escaped by doubling
+syn region  cfScriptStringD	     contained start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|""+  end=+"+  extend contains=@htmlPreproc,cfHashRegion
+syn region  cfScriptStringS	     contained start=+'+  skip=+\\\\\|''+  end=+'+  extend contains=@htmlPreproc,cfHashRegion
+syn match   cfScriptNumber	     contained "-\=\<\d\+L\=\>"
+syn keyword cfScriptConditional      contained if else
+syn keyword cfScriptRepeat	     contained while for in
+syn keyword cfScriptBranch	     contained break switch case try catch continue
+syn keyword cfScriptFunction	     contained function
+syn keyword cfScriptType	     contained var
+syn match   cfScriptBraces	     contained "[{}]"
+syn keyword cfScriptStatement        contained return
+syn cluster cfScriptCluster contains=cfScriptParen,cfScriptLineComment,cfScriptComment,cfScriptStringD,cfScriptStringS,cfScriptFunction,cfScriptNumber,cfScriptRegexpString,cfScriptBoolean,cfScriptBraces,cfHashRegion,cfFunctionName,cfScope,@cfOperatorCluster,cfScriptConditional,cfScriptRepeat,cfScriptBranch,cfScriptType,@cfExpressionCluster,cfScriptStatement
+" Errors caused by wrong parenthesis; skip strings
+syn region  cfScriptParen       contained transparent skip=+"[^"]*"\|'[^']*'+ start=+(+ end=+)+ contains=@cfScriptCluster
+syn match   cfScrParenError 	contained +)+
+syn region cfscriptBlock matchgroup=NONE start="<cfscript>"  end="<\/cfscript>"me=s-1 keepend contains=@cfScriptCluster,cfscriptTag,cfScrParenError
+syn region  cfscriptTag contained start='<cfscript' end='>' keepend contains=cfTagName,htmlTag
+" Define the default highlighting.
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cf_syn_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_cf_syn_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  HiLink cfTagName 		Statement
+  HiLink cfArg 			Type
+  HiLink cfFunctionName 	Function
+  HiLink cfHashRegion 		PreProc
+  HiLink cfComment 		Comment
+  HiLink cfCommentTodo 		Todo
+  HiLink cfOperator		Operator
+  HiLink cfOperatorMatch	Operator
+  HiLink cfScope		Title
+  HiLink cfBool			Constant
+  HiLink cfscriptBlock 		Special
+  HiLink cfscriptTag 		htmlTag
+  HiLink cfSetRegion 		PreProc
+  HiLink cfSetLHSRegion 	htmlTag
+  HiLink cfSetTagEnd		htmlTag
+  HiLink cfScriptLineComment	Comment
+  HiLink cfScriptComment	Comment
+  HiLink cfScriptStringS	String
+  HiLink cfScriptStringD	String
+  HiLink cfScriptNumber	     	cfScriptValue
+  HiLink cfScriptConditional	Conditional
+  HiLink cfScriptRepeat	     	Repeat
+  HiLink cfScriptBranch	     	Conditional
+  HiLink cfScriptType		Type
+  HiLink cfScriptStatement	Statement
+  HiLink cfScriptBraces	     	Function
+  HiLink cfScriptFunction    	Function
+  HiLink cfScriptError	     	Error
+  HiLink cfScrParenError	cfScriptError
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "cf"
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2