view runtime/optwin.vim @ 34790:1104d85c7dcc v9.1.0269

patch 9.1.0269: Test for TextChanged is still flaky with ASAN Commit: Author: zeertzjq <> Date: Fri Apr 5 20:07:39 2024 +0200 patch 9.1.0269: Test for TextChanged is still flaky with ASAN Problem: Test for TextChanged is still flaky with ASAN. Solution: Don't index the result of readfile(). (zeertzjq) It turns out that with ASAN the file may become empty during a write even if it's non-empty both before and after the write, in which case indexing the result of readfile() will error, so use join() instead. Also don't delete the file halfway the test, just in case it may cause errors on the next read. closes: #14421 Signed-off-by: zeertzjq <> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Fri, 05 Apr 2024 20:15:06 +0200
parents dd8f5311cee5
children 5c4e1b16db10
line wrap: on
line source

" These commands create the option window.
" Maintainer:	The Vim Project <>
" Last Change:	2023 Aug 31
" Former Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>

" If there already is an option window, jump to that one.
let buf = bufnr('option-window')
if buf >= 0
  let winids = win_findbuf(buf)
  if len(winids) > 0
    if win_gotoid(winids[0]) == 1

" Make sure the '<' flag is not included in 'cpoptions', otherwise <CR> would
" not be recognized.  See ":help 'cpoptions'".
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" function to be called when <CR> is hit in the option-window
func <SID>CR()

  " If on a continued comment line, go back to the first comment line
  let lnum = search("^[^\t]", 'bWcn')
  let line = getline(lnum)

  " <CR> on a "set" line executes the option line
  if match(line, "^ \tset ") >= 0

    " For a local option: go to the previous window
    " If this is a help window, go to the window below it
    let thiswin = winnr()
    let local = <SID>Find(lnum)
    if local >= 0
      exe line
      call <SID>Update(lnum, line, local, thiswin)

  " <CR> on a "option" line shows help for that option
  elseif match(line, "^[a-z]") >= 0
    let name = substitute(line, '\([^\t]*\).*', '\1', "")
    exe "help '" . name . "'"

  " <CR> on an index line jumps to the group
  elseif match(line, '^ \=[0-9]') >= 0
    exe "norm! /" . line . "\<CR>zt"

" function to be called when <Space> is hit in the option-window
func <SID>Space()

  let lnum = line(".")
  let line = getline(lnum)

  " <Space> on a "set" line refreshes the option line
  if match(line, "^ \tset ") >= 0

    " For a local option: go to the previous window
    " If this is a help window, go to the window below it
    let thiswin = winnr()
    let local = <SID>Find(lnum)
    if local >= 0
      call <SID>Update(lnum, line, local, thiswin)


let s:local_to_window = gettext('(local to window)')
let s:local_to_buffer = gettext('(local to buffer)')
let s:global_or_local = gettext('(global or local to buffer)')

" find the window in which the option applies
" returns 0 for global option, 1 for local option, -1 for error
func <SID>Find(lnum)
    let line = getline(a:lnum - 1)
    if line =~ s:local_to_window || line =~ s:local_to_buffer
      let local = 1
      let thiswin = winnr()
      wincmd p
      if exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "help"
	wincmd j
	if winnr() == thiswin
	  wincmd j
      let local = 0
    if local && (winnr() == thiswin || (exists("b:current_syntax")
	\ && b:current_syntax == "help"))
      echo "Don't know in which window"
      let local = -1
    return local

" Update a "set" line in the option window
func <SID>Update(lnum, line, local, thiswin)
  " get the new value of the option and update the option window line
  if match(a:line, "=") >= 0
    let name = substitute(a:line, '^ \tset \([^=]*\)=.*', '\1', "")
    let name = substitute(a:line, '^ \tset \(no\)\=\([a-z]*\).*', '\2', "")
  if name == "pt" && &pt =~ "\x80"
    let val = <SID>PTvalue()
    let val = escape(eval('&' . name), " \t\\\"|")
  if a:local
    exe a:thiswin . "wincmd w"
  if match(a:line, "=") >= 0 || (val != "0" && val != "1")
    call setline(a:lnum, " \tset " . name . "=" . val)
    if val
      call setline(a:lnum, " \tset " . name . "\tno" . name)
      call setline(a:lnum, " \tset no" . name . "\t" . name)
  set nomodified

" Reset 'title' and 'icon' to make it work faster.
" Reset 'undolevels' to avoid undo'ing until the buffer is empty.
let s:old_title = &title
let s:old_icon = &icon
let s:old_sc = &sc
let s:old_ru = &ru
let s:old_ul = &ul
set notitle noicon nosc noru ul=-1

" If the current window is a help window, try finding a non-help window.
" Relies on syntax highlighting to be switched on.
let s:thiswin = winnr()
while exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "help"
  wincmd w
  if s:thiswin == winnr()

" Open the window.  $OPTWIN_CMD is set to "tab" for ":tab options".
exe $OPTWIN_CMD . ' new option-window'
setlocal ts=15 tw=0 noro buftype=nofile

" Insert help and a "set" command for each option.
call append(0, gettext('" Each "set" line shows the current value of an option (on the left).'))
call append(1, gettext('" Hit <Enter> on a "set" line to execute it.'))
call append(2, gettext('"            A boolean option will be toggled.'))
call append(3, gettext('"            For other options you can edit the value before hitting <Enter>.'))
call append(4, gettext('" Hit <Enter> on a help line to open a help window on this option.'))
call append(5, gettext('" Hit <Enter> on an index line to jump there.'))
call append(6, gettext('" Hit <Space> on a "set" line to refresh it.'))

" These functions are called often below.  Keep them fast!

" Add an option name and explanation.  The text can contain "\n" characters
" where a line break is to be inserted.
func <SID>AddOption(name, text)
  let lines = split(a:text, "\n")
  call append("$", a:name .. "\t" .. lines[0])
  for line in lines[1:]
    call append("$", "\t" .. line)

" Init a local binary option
func <SID>BinOptionL(name)
  let val = getwinvar(winnr('#'), '&' . a:name)
  call append("$", substitute(substitute(" \tset " . val . a:name . "\t" .
	\!val . a:name, "0", "no", ""), "1", "", ""))

" Init a global binary option
func <SID>BinOptionG(name, val)
  call append("$", substitute(substitute(" \tset " . a:val . a:name . "\t" .
	\!a:val . a:name, "0", "no", ""), "1", "", ""))

" Init a local string option
func <SID>OptionL(name)
  let val = escape(getwinvar(winnr('#'), '&' . a:name), " \t\\\"|")
  call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . val)

" Init a global string option
func <SID>OptionG(name, val)
  call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . escape(a:val, " \t\\\"|"))

let s:idx = 1
let s:lnum = line("$")
call append("$", "")

func <SID>Header(text)
  let line = s:idx . " " . a:text
  if s:idx < 10
    let line = " " . line
  call append("$", "")
  call append("$", line)
  call append("$", "")
  call append(s:lnum, line)
  let s:idx = s:idx + 1
  let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1

" Get the value of 'pastetoggle'.  It could be a special key.
func <SID>PTvalue()
  redir @a
  silent set pt
  redir END
  return substitute(@a, '[^=]*=\(.*\)', '\1', "")

" Restore the previous value of 'cpoptions' here, it's used below.
let &cpo = s:cpo_save

" List of all options, organized by function.
" The text should be sufficient to know what the option is used for.

call <SID>Header(gettext("important"))
call <SID>AddOption("compatible", gettext("behave very Vi compatible (not advisable)"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("cp", &cp)
call <SID>AddOption("cpoptions", gettext("list of flags to specify Vi compatibility"))
call <SID>OptionG("cpo", &cpo)
call <SID>AddOption("insertmode", gettext("use Insert mode as the default mode"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("im", &im)
call <SID>AddOption("paste", gettext("paste mode, insert typed text literally"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("paste", &paste)
call <SID>AddOption("pastetoggle", gettext("key sequence to toggle paste mode"))
if &pt =~ "\x80"
  call append("$", " \tset pt=" . <SID>PTvalue())
  call <SID>OptionG("pt", &pt)
call <SID>AddOption("runtimepath", gettext("list of directories used for runtime files and plugins"))
call <SID>OptionG("rtp", &rtp)
call <SID>AddOption("packpath", gettext("list of directories used for plugin packages"))
call <SID>OptionG("pp", &pp)
call <SID>AddOption("helpfile", gettext("name of the main help file"))
call <SID>OptionG("hf", &hf)

call <SID>Header(gettext("moving around, searching and patterns"))
call <SID>AddOption("whichwrap", gettext("list of flags specifying which commands wrap to another line"))
call <SID>OptionG("ww", &ww)
call <SID>AddOption("startofline", gettext("many jump commands move the cursor to the first non-blank\ncharacter of a line"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sol", &sol)
call <SID>AddOption("paragraphs", gettext("nroff macro names that separate paragraphs"))
call <SID>OptionG("para", &para)
call <SID>AddOption("sections", gettext("nroff macro names that separate sections"))
call <SID>OptionG("sect", &sect)
call <SID>AddOption("path", gettext("list of directory names used for file searching"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call <SID>OptionG("pa", &pa)
call <SID>AddOption("cdhome", gettext(":cd without argument goes to the home directory"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("cdh", &cdh)
call <SID>AddOption("cdpath", gettext("list of directory names used for :cd"))
call <SID>OptionG("cd", &cd)
if exists("+autochdir")
  call <SID>AddOption("autochdir", gettext("change to directory of file in buffer"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("acd", &acd)
call <SID>AddOption("autoshelldir", gettext("change to pwd of shell in terminal buffer"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("asd", &asd)
call <SID>AddOption("wrapscan", gettext("search commands wrap around the end of the buffer"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ws", &ws)
call <SID>AddOption("incsearch", gettext("show match for partly typed search command"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("is", &is)
call <SID>AddOption("magic", gettext("change the way backslashes are used in search patterns"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("magic", &magic)
call <SID>AddOption("regexpengine", gettext("select the default regexp engine used"))
call <SID>OptionG("re", &re)
call <SID>AddOption("ignorecase", gettext("ignore case when using a search pattern"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ic", &ic)
call <SID>AddOption("smartcase", gettext("override 'ignorecase' when pattern has upper case characters"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("scs", &scs)
call <SID>AddOption("casemap", gettext("what method to use for changing case of letters"))
call <SID>OptionG("cmp", &cmp)
call <SID>AddOption("maxmempattern", gettext("maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for pattern matching"))
call append("$", " \tset mmp=" . &mmp)
call <SID>AddOption("define", gettext("pattern for a macro definition line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call <SID>OptionG("def", &def)
if has("find_in_path")
  call <SID>AddOption("include", gettext("pattern for an include-file line"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("inc")
  call <SID>AddOption("includeexpr", gettext("expression used to transform an include line to a file name"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("inex")

call <SID>Header(gettext("tags"))
call <SID>AddOption("tagbsearch", gettext("use binary searching in tags files"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tbs", &tbs)
call <SID>AddOption("taglength", gettext("number of significant characters in a tag name or zero"))
call append("$", " \tset tl=" . &tl)
call <SID>AddOption("tags", gettext("list of file names to search for tags"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call <SID>OptionG("tag", &tag)
call <SID>AddOption("tagcase", gettext("how to handle case when searching in tags files:\n\"followic\" to follow 'ignorecase', \"ignore\" or \"match\""))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call <SID>OptionG("tc", &tc)
call <SID>AddOption("tagrelative", gettext("file names in a tags file are relative to the tags file"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tr", &tr)
call <SID>AddOption("tagstack", gettext("a :tag command will use the tagstack"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tgst", &tgst)
call <SID>AddOption("showfulltag", gettext("when completing tags in Insert mode show more info"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sft", &sft)
if has("eval")
  call <SID>AddOption("tagfunc", gettext("a function to be used to perform tag searches"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("tfu")
if has("cscope")
  call <SID>AddOption("cscopeprg", gettext("command for executing cscope"))
  call <SID>OptionG("csprg", &csprg)
  call <SID>AddOption("cscopetag", gettext("use cscope for tag commands"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("cst", &cst)
  call <SID>AddOption("cscopetagorder", gettext("0 or 1; the order in which \":cstag\" performs a search"))
  call append("$", " \tset csto=" . &csto)
  call <SID>AddOption("cscopeverbose", gettext("give messages when adding a cscope database"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("csverb", &csverb)
  call <SID>AddOption("cscopepathcomp", gettext("how many components of the path to show"))
  call append("$", " \tset cspc=" . &cspc)
  call <SID>AddOption("cscopequickfix", gettext("when to open a quickfix window for cscope"))
  call <SID>OptionG("csqf", &csqf)
  call <SID>AddOption("cscoperelative", gettext("file names in a cscope file are relative to that file"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("csre", &csre)

call <SID>Header(gettext("displaying text"))
call <SID>AddOption("scroll", gettext("number of lines to scroll for CTRL-U and CTRL-D"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("scr")
call <SID>AddOption("smoothscroll", gettext("scroll by screen line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("sms")
call <SID>AddOption("scrolloff", gettext("number of screen lines to show around the cursor"))
call append("$", " \tset so=" . &so)
call <SID>AddOption("wrap", gettext("long lines wrap"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("wrap")
call <SID>AddOption("linebreak", gettext("wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat'"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("lbr")
call <SID>AddOption("breakindent", gettext("preserve indentation in wrapped text"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("bri")
call <SID>AddOption("breakindentopt", gettext("adjust breakindent behaviour"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("briopt")
call <SID>AddOption("breakat", gettext("which characters might cause a line break"))
call <SID>OptionG("brk", &brk)
call <SID>AddOption("showbreak", gettext("string to put before wrapped screen lines"))
call <SID>OptionG("sbr", &sbr)
call <SID>AddOption("sidescroll", gettext("minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally"))
call append("$", " \tset ss=" . &ss)
call <SID>AddOption("sidescrolloff", gettext("minimal number of columns to keep left and right of the cursor"))
call append("$", " \tset siso=" . &siso)
call <SID>AddOption("display", gettext("include \"lastline\" to show the last line even if it doesn't fit\ninclude \"uhex\" to show unprintable characters as a hex number"))
call <SID>OptionG("dy", &dy)
call <SID>AddOption("fillchars", gettext("characters to use for the status line, folds and filler lines"))
call <SID>OptionG("fcs", &fcs)
call <SID>AddOption("cmdheight", gettext("number of lines used for the command-line"))
call append("$", " \tset ch=" . &ch)
call <SID>AddOption("columns", gettext("width of the display"))
call append("$", " \tset co=" . &co)
call <SID>AddOption("lines", gettext("number of lines in the display"))
call append("$", " \tset lines=" . &lines)
call <SID>AddOption("window", gettext("number of lines to scroll for CTRL-F and CTRL-B"))
call append("$", " \tset window=" . &window)
call <SID>AddOption("lazyredraw", gettext("don't redraw while executing macros"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("lz", &lz)
if has("reltime")
  call <SID>AddOption("redrawtime", gettext("timeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting in msec"))
  call append("$", " \tset rdt=" . &rdt)
call <SID>AddOption("writedelay", gettext("delay in msec for each char written to the display\n(for debugging)"))
call append("$", " \tset wd=" . &wd)
call <SID>AddOption("list", gettext("show <Tab> as ^I and end-of-line as $"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("list")
call <SID>AddOption("listchars", gettext("list of strings used for list mode"))
call <SID>OptionG("lcs", &lcs)
call <SID>AddOption("number", gettext("show the line number for each line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("nu")
call <SID>AddOption("relativenumber", gettext("show the relative line number for each line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("rnu")
if has("linebreak")
  call <SID>AddOption("numberwidth", gettext("number of columns to use for the line number"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("nuw")
if has("conceal")
  call <SID>AddOption("conceallevel", gettext("controls whether concealable text is hidden"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("cole")
  call <SID>AddOption("concealcursor", gettext("modes in which text in the cursor line can be concealed"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("cocu")

call <SID>Header(gettext("syntax, highlighting and spelling"))
call <SID>AddOption("background", gettext("\"dark\" or \"light\"; the background color brightness"))
call <SID>OptionG("bg", &bg)
call <SID>AddOption("filetype", gettext("type of file; triggers the FileType event when set"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("ft")
if has("syntax")
  call <SID>AddOption("syntax", gettext("name of syntax highlighting used"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("syn")
  call <SID>AddOption("synmaxcol", gettext("maximum column to look for syntax items"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("smc")
call <SID>AddOption("highlight", gettext("which highlighting to use for various occasions"))
call <SID>OptionG("hl", &hl)
call <SID>AddOption("hlsearch", gettext("highlight all matches for the last used search pattern"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("hls", &hls)
call <SID>AddOption("wincolor", gettext("highlight group to use for the window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("wcr")
if has("termguicolors")
  call <SID>AddOption("termguicolors", gettext("use GUI colors for the terminal"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("tgc", &tgc)
if has("syntax")
  call <SID>AddOption("cursorcolumn", gettext("highlight the screen column of the cursor"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("cuc")
  call <SID>AddOption("cursorline", gettext("highlight the screen line of the cursor"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("cul")
  call <SID>AddOption("cursorlineopt", gettext("specifies which area 'cursorline' highlights"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("culopt")
  call <SID>AddOption("colorcolumn", gettext("columns to highlight"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("cc")
  call <SID>AddOption("spell", gettext("highlight spelling mistakes"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("spell")
  call <SID>AddOption("spelllang", gettext("list of accepted languages"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("spl")
  call <SID>AddOption("spellfile", gettext("file that \"zg\" adds good words to"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("spf")
  call <SID>AddOption("spellcapcheck", gettext("pattern to locate the end of a sentence"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("spc")
  call <SID>AddOption("spelloptions", gettext("flags to change how spell checking works"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("spo")
  call <SID>AddOption("spellsuggest", gettext("methods used to suggest corrections"))
  call <SID>OptionG("sps", &sps)
  call <SID>AddOption("mkspellmem", gettext("amount of memory used by :mkspell before compressing"))
  call <SID>OptionG("msm", &msm)

call <SID>Header(gettext("multiple windows"))
call <SID>AddOption("laststatus", gettext("0, 1 or 2; when to use a status line for the last window"))
call append("$", " \tset ls=" . &ls)
if has("statusline")
  call <SID>AddOption("statusline", gettext("alternate format to be used for a status line"))
  call <SID>OptionG("stl", &stl)
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>AddOption("equalalways", gettext("make all windows the same size when adding/removing windows"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ea", &ea)
call <SID>AddOption("eadirection", gettext("in which direction 'equalalways' works: \"ver\", \"hor\" or \"both\""))
call <SID>OptionG("ead", &ead)
call <SID>AddOption("winheight", gettext("minimal number of lines used for the current window"))
call append("$", " \tset wh=" . &wh)
call <SID>AddOption("winminheight", gettext("minimal number of lines used for any window"))
call append("$", " \tset wmh=" . &wmh)
call <SID>AddOption("winfixbuf", gettext("keep window focused on a single buffer"))
call <SID>OptionG("wfb", &wfb)
call <SID>AddOption("winfixheight", gettext("keep the height of the window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("wfh")
call <SID>AddOption("winfixwidth", gettext("keep the width of the window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("wfw")
call <SID>AddOption("winwidth", gettext("minimal number of columns used for the current window"))
call append("$", " \tset wiw=" . &wiw)
call <SID>AddOption("winminwidth", gettext("minimal number of columns used for any window"))
call append("$", " \tset wmw=" . &wmw)
call <SID>AddOption("helpheight", gettext("initial height of the help window"))
call append("$", " \tset hh=" . &hh)
if has("quickfix")
  call <SID>AddOption("previewpopup", gettext("use a popup window for preview"))
  call append("$", " \tset pvp=" . &pvp)
  call <SID>AddOption("previewheight", gettext("default height for the preview window"))
  call append("$", " \tset pvh=" . &pvh)
  call <SID>AddOption("previewwindow", gettext("identifies the preview window"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("pvw")
call <SID>AddOption("hidden", gettext("don't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("hid", &hid)
call <SID>AddOption("switchbuf", gettext("\"useopen\" and/or \"split\"; which window to use when jumping\nto a buffer"))
call <SID>OptionG("swb", &swb)
call <SID>AddOption("splitbelow", gettext("a new window is put below the current one"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sb", &sb)
call <SID>AddOption("splitkeep", gettext("determines scroll behavior for split windows"))
call <SID>OptionG("spk", &spk)
call <SID>AddOption("splitright", gettext("a new window is put right of the current one"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("spr", &spr)
call <SID>AddOption("scrollbind", gettext("this window scrolls together with other bound windows"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("scb")
call <SID>AddOption("scrollopt", gettext("\"ver\", \"hor\" and/or \"jump\"; list of options for 'scrollbind'"))
call <SID>OptionG("sbo", &sbo)
call <SID>AddOption("cursorbind", gettext("this window's cursor moves together with other bound windows"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("crb")
if has("terminal")
  call <SID>AddOption("termwinsize", gettext("size of a terminal window"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("tws")
  call <SID>AddOption("termwinkey", gettext("key that precedes Vim commands in a terminal window"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("twk")
  call <SID>AddOption("termwinscroll", gettext("max number of lines to keep for scrollback in a terminal window"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("twsl")
  if has('win32')
    call <SID>AddOption("termwintype", gettext("type of pty to use for a terminal window"))
    call <SID>OptionG("twt", &twt)
  if exists("&winptydll")
    call <SID>AddOption("winptydll", gettext("name of the winpty dynamic library"))
    call <SID>OptionG("winptydll", &winptydll)

call <SID>Header(gettext("multiple tab pages"))
call <SID>AddOption("showtabline", gettext("0, 1 or 2; when to use a tab pages line"))
call append("$", " \tset stal=" . &stal)
call <SID>AddOption("tabpagemax", gettext("maximum number of tab pages to open for -p and \"tab all\""))
call append("$", " \tset tpm=" . &tpm)
call <SID>AddOption("tabline", gettext("custom tab pages line"))
call <SID>OptionG("tal", &tal)
if has("gui")
  call <SID>AddOption("guitablabel", gettext("custom tab page label for the GUI"))
  call <SID>OptionG("gtl", &gtl)
  call <SID>AddOption("guitabtooltip", gettext("custom tab page tooltip for the GUI"))
  call <SID>OptionG("gtt", &gtt)

call <SID>Header(gettext("terminal"))
call <SID>AddOption("term", gettext("name of the used terminal"))
call <SID>OptionG("term", &term)

call <SID>AddOption("ttytype", gettext("alias for 'term'"))
call <SID>OptionG("tty", &tty)

call <SID>AddOption("ttybuiltin", gettext("check built-in termcaps first"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tbi", &tbi)

call <SID>AddOption("ttyfast", gettext("terminal connection is fast"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tf", &tf)

call <SID>AddOption("xtermcodes", gettext("request terminal key codes when an xterm is detected"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("xtermcodes", &xtermcodes)

call <SID>AddOption("weirdinvert", gettext("terminal that requires extra redrawing"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("wiv", &wiv)

call <SID>AddOption("keyprotocol", gettext("what keyboard protocol to use for which terminal"))
call <SID>OptionG("kpc", &kpc)
call <SID>AddOption("esckeys", gettext("recognize keys that start with <Esc> in Insert mode"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ek", &ek)
call <SID>AddOption("scrolljump", gettext("minimal number of lines to scroll at a time"))
call append("$", " \tset sj=" . &sj)
call <SID>AddOption("ttyscroll", gettext("maximum number of lines to use scrolling instead of redrawing"))
call append("$", " \tset tsl=" . &tsl)
if has("gui") || has("win32")
  call <SID>AddOption("guicursor", gettext("specifies what the cursor looks like in different modes"))
  call <SID>OptionG("gcr", &gcr)
if has("title")
  let &title = s:old_title
  call <SID>AddOption("title", gettext("show info in the window title"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("title", &title)
  set notitle
  call <SID>AddOption("titlelen", gettext("percentage of 'columns' used for the window title"))
  call append("$", " \tset titlelen=" . &titlelen)
  call <SID>AddOption("titlestring", gettext("when not empty, string to be used for the window title"))
  call <SID>OptionG("titlestring", &titlestring)
  call <SID>AddOption("titleold", gettext("string to restore the title to when exiting Vim"))
  call <SID>OptionG("titleold", &titleold)
  let &icon = s:old_icon
  call <SID>AddOption("icon", gettext("set the text of the icon for this window"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("icon", &icon)
  set noicon
  call <SID>AddOption("iconstring", gettext("when not empty, text for the icon of this window"))
  call <SID>OptionG("iconstring", &iconstring)
if has("win32")
  call <SID>AddOption("restorescreen", gettext("restore the screen contents when exiting Vim"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("rs", &rs)

call <SID>Header(gettext("using the mouse"))
call <SID>AddOption("mouse", gettext("list of flags for using the mouse"))
call <SID>OptionG("mouse", &mouse)
if has("gui")
  call <SID>AddOption("mousefocus", gettext("the window with the mouse pointer becomes the current one"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("mousef", &mousef)
call <SID>AddOption("scrollfocus", gettext("the window with the mouse pointer scrolls with the mouse wheel"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("scf", &scf)
if has("gui")
  call <SID>AddOption("mousehide", gettext("hide the mouse pointer while typing"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("mh", &mh)
  call <SID>AddOption("mousemoveevent", gettext("report mouse movement events"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("mousemev", &mousemev)
call <SID>AddOption("mousemodel", gettext("\"extend\", \"popup\" or \"popup_setpos\"; what the right\nmouse button is used for"))
call <SID>OptionG("mousem", &mousem)
call <SID>AddOption("mousetime", gettext("maximum time in msec to recognize a double-click"))
call append("$", " \tset mouset=" . &mouset)
call <SID>AddOption("ttymouse", gettext("\"xterm\", \"xterm2\", \"sgr\", etc.; type of mouse"))
call <SID>OptionG("ttym", &ttym)
if has("mouseshape")
  call <SID>AddOption("mouseshape", gettext("what the mouse pointer looks like in different modes"))
  call <SID>OptionG("mouses", &mouses)

if has("gui")
  call <SID>Header(gettext("GUI"))
  call <SID>AddOption("guifont", gettext("list of font names to be used in the GUI"))
  call <SID>OptionG("gfn", &gfn)
  if has("xfontset")
    call <SID>AddOption("guifontset", gettext("pair of fonts to be used, for multibyte editing"))
    call <SID>OptionG("gfs", &gfs)
  call <SID>AddOption("guifontwide", gettext("list of font names to be used for double-wide characters"))
  call <SID>OptionG("gfw", &gfw)
  if has("mac")
    call <SID>AddOption("antialias", gettext("use smooth, antialiased fonts"))
    call <SID>BinOptionG("anti", &anti)
  call <SID>AddOption("guioptions", gettext("list of flags that specify how the GUI works"))
  call <SID>OptionG("go", &go)
  if has("gui_gtk")
    call <SID>AddOption("toolbar", gettext("\"icons\", \"text\" and/or \"tooltips\"; how to show the toolbar"))
    call <SID>OptionG("tb", &tb)
    if has("gui_gtk2")
      call <SID>AddOption("toolbariconsize", gettext("size of toolbar icons"))
      call <SID>OptionG("tbis", &tbis)
    call <SID>AddOption("guiheadroom", gettext("room (in pixels) left above/below the window"))
    call append("$", " \tset ghr=" . &ghr)
    call <SID>AddOption("guiligatures", gettext("list of ASCII characters that can be combined into complex shapes"))
    call <SID>OptionG("gli", &gli)
  if has("directx")
    call <SID>AddOption("renderoptions", gettext("options for text rendering"))
    call <SID>OptionG("rop", &rop)
  call <SID>AddOption("guipty", gettext("use a pseudo-tty for I/O to external commands"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("guipty", &guipty)
  if has("browse")
    call <SID>AddOption("browsedir", gettext("\"last\", \"buffer\" or \"current\": which directory used for the file browser"))
    call <SID>OptionG("bsdir", &bsdir)
  if has("multi_lang")
    call <SID>AddOption("langmenu", gettext("language to be used for the menus"))
    call <SID>OptionG("langmenu", &lm)
  call <SID>AddOption("menuitems", gettext("maximum number of items in one menu"))
  call append("$", " \tset mis=" . &mis)
  if has("winaltkeys")
    call <SID>AddOption("winaltkeys", gettext("\"no\", \"yes\" or \"menu\"; how to use the ALT key"))
    call <SID>OptionG("wak", &wak)
  call <SID>AddOption("linespace", gettext("number of pixel lines to use between characters"))
  call append("$", " \tset lsp=" . &lsp)
  if has("balloon_eval") || has("balloon_eval_term")
    call <SID>AddOption("balloondelay", gettext("delay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up"))
    call append("$", " \tset bdlay=" . &bdlay)
    if has("balloon_eval")
      call <SID>AddOption("ballooneval", gettext("use balloon evaluation in the GUI"))
      call <SID>BinOptionG("beval", &beval)
    if has("balloon_eval_term")
      call <SID>AddOption("balloonevalterm", gettext("use balloon evaluation in the terminal"))
      call <SID>BinOptionG("bevalterm", &beval)
    if has("eval")
      call <SID>AddOption("balloonexpr", gettext("expression to show in balloon eval"))
      call append("$", " \tset bexpr=" . &bexpr)

if has("printer")
  call <SID>Header(gettext("printing"))
  call <SID>AddOption("printoptions", gettext("list of items that control the format of :hardcopy output"))
  call <SID>OptionG("popt", &popt)
  call <SID>AddOption("printdevice", gettext("name of the printer to be used for :hardcopy"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pdev", &pdev)
  if has("postscript")
    call <SID>AddOption("printexpr", gettext("expression used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy"))
    call <SID>OptionG("pexpr", &pexpr)
  call <SID>AddOption("printfont", gettext("name of the font to be used for :hardcopy"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pfn", &pfn)
  call <SID>AddOption("printheader", gettext("format of the header used for :hardcopy"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pheader", &pheader)
  if has("postscript")
    call <SID>AddOption("printencoding", gettext("encoding used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy"))
    call <SID>OptionG("penc", &penc)
  call <SID>AddOption("printmbcharset", gettext("the CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pmbcs", &pmbcs)
  call <SID>AddOption("printmbfont", gettext("list of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pmbfn", &pmbfn)

call <SID>Header(gettext("messages and info"))
call <SID>AddOption("terse", gettext("add 's' flag in 'shortmess' (don't show search message)"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("terse", &terse)
call <SID>AddOption("shortmess", gettext("list of flags to make messages shorter"))
call <SID>OptionG("shm", &shm)
call <SID>AddOption("showcmd", gettext("show (partial) command keys in location given by 'showcmdloc'"))
let &sc = s:old_sc
call <SID>BinOptionG("sc", &sc)
set nosc
call <SID>AddOption("showcmdloc", gettext("location where to show the (partial) command keys for 'showcmd'"))
  call <SID>OptionG("sloc", &sloc)
call <SID>AddOption("showmode", gettext("display the current mode in the status line"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("smd", &smd)
call <SID>AddOption("ruler", gettext("show cursor position below each window"))
let &ru = s:old_ru
call <SID>BinOptionG("ru", &ru)
set noru
if has("statusline")
  call <SID>AddOption("rulerformat", gettext("alternate format to be used for the ruler"))
  call <SID>OptionG("ruf", &ruf)
call <SID>AddOption("report", gettext("threshold for reporting number of changed lines"))
call append("$", " \tset report=" . &report)
call <SID>AddOption("verbose", gettext("the higher the more messages are given"))
call append("$", " \tset vbs=" . &vbs)
call <SID>AddOption("verbosefile", gettext("file to write messages in"))
call <SID>OptionG("vfile", &vfile)
call <SID>AddOption("more", gettext("pause listings when the screen is full"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("more", &more)
if has("dialog_con") || has("dialog_gui")
  call <SID>AddOption("confirm", gettext("start a dialog when a command fails"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("cf", &cf)
call <SID>AddOption("errorbells", gettext("ring the bell for error messages"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("eb", &eb)
call <SID>AddOption("visualbell", gettext("use a visual bell instead of beeping"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("vb", &vb)
call <SID>AddOption("belloff", gettext("do not ring the bell for these reasons"))
call <SID>OptionG("belloff", &belloff)
if has("multi_lang")
  call <SID>AddOption("helplang", gettext("list of preferred languages for finding help"))
  call <SID>OptionG("hlg", &hlg)

call <SID>Header(gettext("selecting text"))
call <SID>AddOption("selection", gettext("\"old\", \"inclusive\" or \"exclusive\"; how selecting text behaves"))
call <SID>OptionG("sel", &sel)
call <SID>AddOption("selectmode", gettext("\"mouse\", \"key\" and/or \"cmd\"; when to start Select mode\ninstead of Visual mode"))
call <SID>OptionG("slm", &slm)
if has("clipboard")
  call <SID>AddOption("clipboard", gettext("\"unnamed\" to use the * register like unnamed register\n\"autoselect\" to always put selected text on the clipboard"))
  call <SID>OptionG("cb", &cb)
call <SID>AddOption("keymodel", gettext("\"startsel\" and/or \"stopsel\"; what special keys can do"))
call <SID>OptionG("km", &km)

call <SID>Header(gettext("editing text"))
call <SID>AddOption("undolevels", gettext("maximum number of changes that can be undone"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call append("$", " \tset ul=" . s:old_ul)
call <SID>AddOption("undofile", gettext("automatically save and restore undo history"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("udf", &udf)
call <SID>AddOption("undodir", gettext("list of directories for undo files"))
call <SID>OptionG("udir", &udir)
call <SID>AddOption("undoreload", gettext("maximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload"))
call append("$", " \tset ur=" . &ur)
call <SID>AddOption("modified", gettext("changes have been made and not written to a file"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("mod")
call <SID>AddOption("readonly", gettext("buffer is not to be written"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("ro")
call <SID>AddOption("modifiable", gettext("changes to the text are possible"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("ma")
call <SID>AddOption("textwidth", gettext("line length above which to break a line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("tw")
call <SID>AddOption("wrapmargin", gettext("margin from the right in which to break a line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("wm")
call <SID>AddOption("backspace", gettext("specifies what <BS>, CTRL-W, etc. can do in Insert mode"))
call append("$", " \tset bs=" . &bs)
call <SID>AddOption("comments", gettext("definition of what comment lines look like"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("com")
call <SID>AddOption("formatoptions", gettext("list of flags that tell how automatic formatting works"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("fo")
call <SID>AddOption("formatlistpat", gettext("pattern to recognize a numbered list"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("flp")
if has("eval")
  call <SID>AddOption("formatexpr", gettext("expression used for \"gq\" to format lines"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("fex")
if has("insert_expand")
  call <SID>AddOption("complete", gettext("specifies how Insert mode completion works for CTRL-N and CTRL-P"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("cpt")
  call <SID>AddOption("completeopt", gettext("whether to use a popup menu for Insert mode completion"))
  call <SID>OptionG("cot", &cot)
  if exists("+completepopup")
    call <SID>AddOption("completepopup", gettext("options for the Insert mode completion info popup"))
    call <SID>OptionG("cpp", &cpp)
  call <SID>AddOption("pumheight", gettext("maximum height of the popup menu"))
  call <SID>OptionG("ph", &ph)
  call <SID>AddOption("pumwidth", gettext("minimum width of the popup menu"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pw", &pw)
  call <SID>AddOption("completefunc", gettext("user defined function for Insert mode completion"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("cfu")
  call <SID>AddOption("omnifunc", gettext("function for filetype-specific Insert mode completion"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("ofu")
  call <SID>AddOption("dictionary", gettext("list of dictionary files for keyword completion"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("dict", &dict)
  call <SID>AddOption("thesaurus", gettext("list of thesaurus files for keyword completion"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("tsr", &tsr)
  call <SID>AddOption("thesaurusfunc", gettext("function used for thesaurus completion"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("tsrfu", &tsrfu)
call <SID>AddOption("infercase", gettext("adjust case of a keyword completion match"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("inf")
if has("digraphs")
  call <SID>AddOption("digraph", gettext("enable entering digraphs with c1 <BS> c2"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("dg", &dg)
call <SID>AddOption("tildeop", gettext("the \"~\" command behaves like an operator"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("top", &top)
call <SID>AddOption("operatorfunc", gettext("function called for the \"g@\" operator"))
call <SID>OptionG("opfunc", &opfunc)
call <SID>AddOption("showmatch", gettext("when inserting a bracket, briefly jump to its match"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sm", &sm)
call <SID>AddOption("matchtime", gettext("tenth of a second to show a match for 'showmatch'"))
call append("$", " \tset mat=" . &mat)
call <SID>AddOption("matchpairs", gettext("list of pairs that match for the \"%\" command"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("mps")
call <SID>AddOption("joinspaces", gettext("use two spaces after '.' when joining a line"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("js", &js)
call <SID>AddOption("nrformats", gettext("\"alpha\", \"octal\", \"hex\", \"bin\" and/or \"unsigned\"; number formats\nrecognized for CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("nf")

call <SID>Header(gettext("tabs and indenting"))
call <SID>AddOption("tabstop", gettext("number of spaces a <Tab> in the text stands for"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("ts")
call <SID>AddOption("shiftwidth", gettext("number of spaces used for each step of (auto)indent"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("sw")
if has("vartabs")
  call <SID>AddOption("vartabstop", gettext("list of number of spaces a tab counts for"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("vts")
  call <SID>AddOption("varsofttabstop", gettext("list of number of spaces a soft tabsstop counts for"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("vsts")
call <SID>AddOption("smarttab", gettext("a <Tab> in an indent inserts 'shiftwidth' spaces"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sta", &sta)
call <SID>AddOption("softtabstop", gettext("if non-zero, number of spaces to insert for a <Tab>"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("sts")
call <SID>AddOption("shiftround", gettext("round to 'shiftwidth' for \"<<\" and \">>\""))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sr", &sr)
call <SID>AddOption("expandtab", gettext("expand <Tab> to spaces in Insert mode"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("et")
call <SID>AddOption("autoindent", gettext("automatically set the indent of a new line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("ai")
if has("smartindent")
  call <SID>AddOption("smartindent", gettext("do clever autoindenting"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("si")
if has("cindent")
  call <SID>AddOption("cindent", gettext("enable specific indenting for C code"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("cin")
  call <SID>AddOption("cinoptions", gettext("options for C-indenting"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("cino")
  call <SID>AddOption("cinkeys", gettext("keys that trigger C-indenting in Insert mode"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("cink")
  call <SID>AddOption("cinwords", gettext("list of words that cause more C-indent"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("cinw")
  call <SID>AddOption("cinscopedecls", gettext("list of scope declaration names used by cino-g"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("cinsd")
  call <SID>AddOption("indentexpr", gettext("expression used to obtain the indent of a line"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("inde")
  call <SID>AddOption("indentkeys", gettext("keys that trigger indenting with 'indentexpr' in Insert mode"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("indk")
call <SID>AddOption("copyindent", gettext("copy whitespace for indenting from previous line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("ci")
call <SID>AddOption("preserveindent", gettext("preserve kind of whitespace when changing indent"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("pi")
if has("lispindent")
  call <SID>AddOption("lisp", gettext("enable lisp mode"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("lisp")
  call <SID>AddOption("lispwords", gettext("words that change how lisp indenting works"))
  call <SID>OptionL("lw")
  call <SID>AddOption("lispoptions", gettext("options for Lisp indenting"))
  call <SID>OptionL("lop")

if has("folding")
  call <SID>Header(gettext("folding"))
  call <SID>AddOption("foldenable", gettext("unset to display all folds open"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("fen")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldlevel", gettext("folds with a level higher than this number will be closed"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fdl")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldlevelstart", gettext("value for 'foldlevel' when starting to edit a file"))
  call append("$", " \tset fdls=" . &fdls)
  call <SID>AddOption("foldcolumn", gettext("width of the column used to indicate folds"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fdc")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldtext", gettext("expression used to display the text of a closed fold"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fdt")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldclose", gettext("set to \"all\" to close a fold when the cursor leaves it"))
  call <SID>OptionG("fcl", &fcl)
  call <SID>AddOption("foldopen", gettext("specifies for which commands a fold will be opened"))
  call <SID>OptionG("fdo", &fdo)
  call <SID>AddOption("foldminlines", gettext("minimum number of screen lines for a fold to be closed"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fml")
  call <SID>AddOption("commentstring", gettext("template for comments; used to put the marker in"))
  call <SID>OptionL("cms")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldmethod", gettext("folding type: \"manual\", \"indent\", \"expr\", \"marker\",\n\"syntax\" or \"diff\""))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fdm")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldexpr", gettext("expression used when 'foldmethod' is \"expr\""))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fde")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldignore", gettext("used to ignore lines when 'foldmethod' is \"indent\""))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fdi")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldmarker", gettext("markers used when 'foldmethod' is \"marker\""))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fmr")
  call <SID>AddOption("foldnestmax", gettext("maximum fold depth for when 'foldmethod' is \"indent\" or \"syntax\""))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("fdn")

if has("diff")
  call <SID>Header(gettext("diff mode"))
  call <SID>AddOption("diff", gettext("use diff mode for the current window"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("diff")
  call <SID>AddOption("diffopt", gettext("options for using diff mode"))
  call <SID>OptionG("dip", &dip)
  call <SID>AddOption("diffexpr", gettext("expression used to obtain a diff file"))
  call <SID>OptionG("dex", &dex)
  call <SID>AddOption("patchexpr", gettext("expression used to patch a file"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pex", &pex)

call <SID>Header(gettext("mapping"))
call <SID>AddOption("maxmapdepth", gettext("maximum depth of mapping"))
call append("$", " \tset mmd=" . &mmd)
call <SID>AddOption("remap", gettext("recognize mappings in mapped keys"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("remap", &remap)
call <SID>AddOption("timeout", gettext("allow timing out halfway into a mapping"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("to", &to)
call <SID>AddOption("ttimeout", gettext("allow timing out halfway into a key code"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ttimeout", &ttimeout)
call <SID>AddOption("timeoutlen", gettext("time in msec for 'timeout'"))
call append("$", " \tset tm=" . &tm)
call <SID>AddOption("ttimeoutlen", gettext("time in msec for 'ttimeout'"))
call append("$", " \tset ttm=" . &ttm)

call <SID>Header(gettext("reading and writing files"))
call <SID>AddOption("modeline", gettext("enable using settings from modelines when reading a file"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("ml")
call <SID>AddOption("modelineexpr", gettext("allow setting expression options from a modeline"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("mle", &mle)
call <SID>AddOption("modelines", gettext("number of lines to check for modelines"))
call append("$", " \tset mls=" . &mls)
call <SID>AddOption("binary", gettext("binary file editing"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("bin")
call <SID>AddOption("endofline", gettext("last line in the file has an end-of-line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("eol")
call <SID>AddOption("endoffile", gettext("last line in the file followed by CTRL-Z"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("eof")
call <SID>AddOption("fixendofline", gettext("fixes missing end-of-line at end of text file"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("fixeol")
call <SID>AddOption("bomb", gettext("prepend a Byte Order Mark to the file"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("bomb")
call <SID>AddOption("fileformat", gettext("end-of-line format: \"dos\", \"unix\" or \"mac\""))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("ff")
call <SID>AddOption("fileformats", gettext("list of file formats to look for when editing a file"))
call <SID>OptionG("ffs", &ffs)
call <SID>AddOption("textmode", gettext("obsolete, use 'fileformat'"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("tx")
call <SID>AddOption("textauto", gettext("obsolete, use 'fileformats'"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ta", &ta)
call <SID>AddOption("write", gettext("writing files is allowed"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("write", &write)
call <SID>AddOption("writebackup", gettext("write a backup file before overwriting a file"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("wb", &wb)
call <SID>AddOption("backup", gettext("keep a backup after overwriting a file"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("bk", &bk)
call <SID>AddOption("backupskip", gettext("patterns that specify for which files a backup is not made"))
call append("$", " \tset bsk=" . &bsk)
call <SID>AddOption("backupcopy", gettext("whether to make the backup as a copy or rename the existing file"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call append("$", " \tset bkc=" . &bkc)
call <SID>AddOption("backupdir", gettext("list of directories to put backup files in"))
call <SID>OptionG("bdir", &bdir)
call <SID>AddOption("backupext", gettext("file name extension for the backup file"))
call <SID>OptionG("bex", &bex)
call <SID>AddOption("autowrite", gettext("automatically write a file when leaving a modified buffer"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("aw", &aw)
call <SID>AddOption("autowriteall", gettext("as 'autowrite', but works with more commands"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("awa", &awa)
call <SID>AddOption("writeany", gettext("always write without asking for confirmation"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("wa", &wa)
call <SID>AddOption("autoread", gettext("automatically read a file when it was modified outside of Vim"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call <SID>BinOptionG("ar", &ar)
call <SID>AddOption("patchmode", gettext("keep oldest version of a file; specifies file name extension"))
call <SID>OptionG("pm", &pm)
call <SID>AddOption("fsync", gettext("forcibly sync the file to disk after writing it"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("fs", &fs)
call <SID>AddOption("shortname", gettext("use 8.3 file names"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("sn")
call <SID>AddOption("cryptmethod", gettext("encryption method for file writing: zip, blowfish or blowfish2"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("cm")

call <SID>Header(gettext("the swap file"))
call <SID>AddOption("directory", gettext("list of directories for the swap file"))
call <SID>OptionG("dir", &dir)
call <SID>AddOption("swapfile", gettext("use a swap file for this buffer"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("swf")
call <SID>AddOption("swapsync", gettext("\"sync\", \"fsync\" or empty; how to flush a swap file to disk"))
call <SID>OptionG("sws", &sws)
call <SID>AddOption("updatecount", gettext("number of characters typed to cause a swap file update"))
call append("$", " \tset uc=" . &uc)
call <SID>AddOption("updatetime", gettext("time in msec after which the swap file will be updated"))
call append("$", " \tset ut=" . &ut)
call <SID>AddOption("maxmem", gettext("maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for one buffer"))
call append("$", " \tset mm=" . &mm)
call <SID>AddOption("maxmemtot", gettext("maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for all buffers"))
call append("$", " \tset mmt=" . &mmt)

call <SID>Header(gettext("command line editing"))
call <SID>AddOption("history", gettext("how many command lines are remembered"))
call append("$", " \tset hi=" . &hi)
call <SID>AddOption("wildchar", gettext("key that triggers command-line expansion"))
call append("$", " \tset wc=" . &wc)
call <SID>AddOption("wildcharm", gettext("like 'wildchar' but can also be used in a mapping"))
call append("$", " \tset wcm=" . &wcm)
call <SID>AddOption("wildmode", gettext("specifies how command line completion works"))
call <SID>OptionG("wim", &wim)
if has("wildoptions")
  call <SID>AddOption("wildoptions", gettext("empty or \"tagfile\" to list file name of matching tags"))
  call <SID>OptionG("wop", &wop)
call <SID>AddOption("suffixes", gettext("list of file name extensions that have a lower priority"))
call <SID>OptionG("su", &su)
if has("file_in_path")
  call <SID>AddOption("suffixesadd", gettext("list of file name extensions added when searching for a file"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("sua")
if has("wildignore")
  call <SID>AddOption("wildignore", gettext("list of patterns to ignore files for file name completion"))
  call <SID>OptionG("wig", &wig)
call <SID>AddOption("fileignorecase", gettext("ignore case when using file names"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("fic", &fic)
call <SID>AddOption("wildignorecase", gettext("ignore case when completing file names"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("wic", &wic)
if has("wildmenu")
  call <SID>AddOption("wildmenu", gettext("command-line completion shows a list of matches"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("wmnu", &wmnu)
call <SID>AddOption("cedit", gettext("key used to open the command-line window"))
call <SID>OptionG("cedit", &cedit)
call <SID>AddOption("cmdwinheight", gettext("height of the command-line window"))
call <SID>OptionG("cwh", &cwh)

call <SID>Header(gettext("executing external commands"))
call <SID>AddOption("shell", gettext("name of the shell program used for external commands"))
call <SID>OptionG("sh", &sh)
if has("amiga")
  call <SID>AddOption("shelltype", gettext("when to use the shell or directly execute a command"))
  call append("$", " \tset st=" . &st)
call <SID>AddOption("shellquote", gettext("character(s) to enclose a shell command in"))
call <SID>OptionG("shq", &shq)
call <SID>AddOption("shellxquote", gettext("like 'shellquote' but include the redirection"))
call <SID>OptionG("sxq", &sxq)
call <SID>AddOption("shellxescape", gettext("characters to escape when 'shellxquote' is ("))
call <SID>OptionG("sxe", &sxe)
call <SID>AddOption("shellcmdflag", gettext("argument for 'shell' to execute a command"))
call <SID>OptionG("shcf", &shcf)
call <SID>AddOption("shellredir", gettext("used to redirect command output to a file"))
call <SID>OptionG("srr", &srr)
call <SID>AddOption("shelltemp", gettext("use a temp file for shell commands instead of using a pipe"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("stmp", &stmp)
call <SID>AddOption("equalprg", gettext("program used for \"=\" command"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
call <SID>OptionG("ep", &ep)
call <SID>AddOption("formatprg", gettext("program used to format lines with \"gq\" command"))
call <SID>OptionG("fp", &fp)
call <SID>AddOption("keywordprg", gettext("program used for the \"K\" command"))
call <SID>OptionG("kp", &kp)
call <SID>AddOption("warn", gettext("warn when using a shell command and a buffer has changes"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("warn", &warn)

if has("quickfix")
  call <SID>Header(gettext("running make and jumping to errors (quickfix)"))
  call <SID>AddOption("errorfile", gettext("name of the file that contains error messages"))
  call <SID>OptionG("ef", &ef)
  call <SID>AddOption("errorformat", gettext("list of formats for error messages"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("efm", &efm)
  call <SID>AddOption("makeprg", gettext("program used for the \":make\" command"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("mp", &mp)
  call <SID>AddOption("shellpipe", gettext("string used to put the output of \":make\" in the error file"))
  call <SID>OptionG("sp", &sp)
  call <SID>AddOption("makeef", gettext("name of the errorfile for the 'makeprg' command"))
  call <SID>OptionG("mef", &mef)
  call <SID>AddOption("grepprg", gettext("program used for the \":grep\" command"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("gp", &gp)
  call <SID>AddOption("grepformat", gettext("list of formats for output of 'grepprg'"))
  call <SID>OptionG("gfm", &gfm)
  call <SID>AddOption("makeencoding", gettext("encoding of the \":make\" and \":grep\" output"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:global_or_local)
  call <SID>OptionG("menc", &menc)
  call <SID>AddOption("quickfixtextfunc", gettext("function to display text in the quickfix window"))
  call <SID>OptionG("qftf", &qftf)

if has("win32")
  call <SID>Header(gettext("system specific"))
  call <SID>AddOption("shellslash", gettext("use forward slashes in file names; for Unix-like shells"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("ssl", &ssl)
  call <SID>AddOption("completeslash", gettext("specifies slash/backslash used for completion"))
  call <SID>OptionG("csl", &csl)

call <SID>Header(gettext("language specific"))
call <SID>AddOption("isfname", gettext("specifies the characters in a file name"))
call <SID>OptionG("isf", &isf)
call <SID>AddOption("isident", gettext("specifies the characters in an identifier"))
call <SID>OptionG("isi", &isi)
call <SID>AddOption("iskeyword", gettext("specifies the characters in a keyword"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("isk")
call <SID>AddOption("isprint", gettext("specifies printable characters"))
call <SID>OptionG("isp", &isp)
if has("textobjects")
  call <SID>AddOption("quoteescape", gettext("specifies escape characters in a string"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("qe")
if has("rightleft")
  call <SID>AddOption("rightleft", gettext("display the buffer right-to-left"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("rl")
  call <SID>AddOption("rightleftcmd", gettext("when to edit the command-line right-to-left"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("rlc")
  call <SID>AddOption("revins", gettext("insert characters backwards"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("ri", &ri)
  call <SID>AddOption("allowrevins", gettext("allow CTRL-_ in Insert and Command-line mode to toggle 'revins'"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("ari", &ari)
  call <SID>AddOption("aleph", gettext("the ASCII code for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet"))
  call append("$", " \tset al=" . &al)
  call <SID>AddOption("hkmap", gettext("use Hebrew keyboard mapping"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("hk", &hk)
  call <SID>AddOption("hkmapp", gettext("use phonetic Hebrew keyboard mapping"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("hkp", &hkp)
if has("arabic")
  call <SID>AddOption("arabic", gettext("prepare for editing Arabic text"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>BinOptionL("arab")
  call <SID>AddOption("arabicshape", gettext("perform shaping of Arabic characters"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("arshape", &arshape)
  call <SID>AddOption("termbidi", gettext("terminal will perform bidi handling"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("tbidi", &tbidi)
if has("keymap")
  call <SID>AddOption("keymap", gettext("name of a keyboard mapping"))
  call <SID>OptionL("kmp")
if has("langmap")
  call <SID>AddOption("langmap", gettext("list of characters that are translated in Normal mode"))
  call <SID>OptionG("lmap", &lmap)
  call <SID>AddOption("langremap", gettext("apply 'langmap' to mapped characters"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("lrm", &lrm)
if has("xim")
  call <SID>AddOption("imdisable", gettext("when set never use IM; overrules following IM options"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("imd", &imd)
call <SID>AddOption("iminsert", gettext("in Insert mode: 1: use :lmap; 2: use IM; 0: neither"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("imi")
call <SID>AddOption("imstyle", gettext("input method style, 0: on-the-spot, 1: over-the-spot"))
call <SID>OptionG("imst", &imst)
call <SID>AddOption("imsearch", gettext("entering a search pattern: 1: use :lmap; 2: use IM; 0: neither"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("ims")
if has("xim")
  call <SID>AddOption("imcmdline", gettext("when set always use IM when starting to edit a command line"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("imc", &imc)
  call <SID>AddOption("imstatusfunc", gettext("function to obtain IME status"))
  call <SID>OptionG("imsf", &imsf)
  call <SID>AddOption("imactivatefunc", gettext("function to enable/disable IME"))
  call <SID>OptionG("imaf", &imaf)

call <SID>Header(gettext("multi-byte characters"))
call <SID>AddOption("encoding", gettext("character encoding used in Vim: \"latin1\", \"utf-8\",\n\"euc-jp\", \"big5\", etc."))
call <SID>OptionG("enc", &enc)
call <SID>AddOption("fileencoding", gettext("character encoding for the current file"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("fenc")
call <SID>AddOption("fileencodings", gettext("automatically detected character encodings"))
call <SID>OptionG("fencs", &fencs)
call <SID>AddOption("termencoding", gettext("character encoding used by the terminal"))
call <SID>OptionG("tenc", &tenc)
call <SID>AddOption("charconvert", gettext("expression used for character encoding conversion"))
call <SID>OptionG("ccv", &ccv)
call <SID>AddOption("delcombine", gettext("delete combining (composing) characters on their own"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("deco", &deco)
call <SID>AddOption("maxcombine", gettext("maximum number of combining (composing) characters displayed"))
call <SID>OptionG("mco", &mco)
if has("xim") && has("gui_gtk")
  call <SID>AddOption("imactivatekey", gettext("key that activates the X input method"))
  call <SID>OptionG("imak", &imak)
call <SID>AddOption("ambiwidth", gettext("width of ambiguous width characters"))
call <SID>OptionG("ambw", &ambw)
call <SID>AddOption("emoji", gettext("emoji characters are full width"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("emo", &emo)

call <SID>Header(gettext("various"))
call <SID>AddOption("virtualedit", gettext("when to use virtual editing: \"block\", \"insert\", \"all\"\nand/or \"onemore\""))
call <SID>OptionG("ve", &ve)
call <SID>AddOption("eventignore", gettext("list of autocommand events which are to be ignored"))
call <SID>OptionG("ei", &ei)
call <SID>AddOption("loadplugins", gettext("load plugin scripts when starting up"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("lpl", &lpl)
call <SID>AddOption("exrc", gettext("enable reading .vimrc/.exrc/.gvimrc in the current directory"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ex", &ex)
call <SID>AddOption("secure", gettext("safer working with script files in the current directory"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("secure", &secure)
call <SID>AddOption("gdefault", gettext("use the 'g' flag for \":substitute\""))
call <SID>BinOptionG("gd", &gd)
call <SID>AddOption("edcompatible", gettext("'g' and 'c' flags of \":substitute\" toggle"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ed", &ed)
if exists("+opendevice")
  call <SID>AddOption("opendevice", gettext("allow reading/writing devices"))
  call <SID>BinOptionG("odev", &odev)
if exists("+maxfuncdepth")
  call <SID>AddOption("maxfuncdepth", gettext("maximum depth of function calls"))
  call append("$", " \tset mfd=" . &mfd)
if has("mksession")
  call <SID>AddOption("sessionoptions", gettext("list of words that specifies what to put in a session file"))
  call <SID>OptionG("ssop", &ssop)
  call <SID>AddOption("viewoptions", gettext("list of words that specifies what to save for :mkview"))
  call <SID>OptionG("vop", &vop)
  call <SID>AddOption("viewdir", gettext("directory where to store files with :mkview"))
  call <SID>OptionG("vdir", &vdir)
if has("viminfo")
  call <SID>AddOption("viminfo", gettext("list that specifies what to write in the viminfo file"))
  call <SID>OptionG("vi", &vi)
  call <SID>AddOption("viminfofile", gettext("file name used for the viminfo file"))
  call <SID>OptionG("vif", &vif)
if has("quickfix")
  call <SID>AddOption("bufhidden", gettext("what happens with a buffer when it's no longer in a window"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("bh")
  call <SID>AddOption("buftype", gettext("empty, \"nofile\", \"nowrite\", \"quickfix\", etc.: type of buffer"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
  call <SID>OptionL("bt")
call <SID>AddOption("buflisted", gettext("whether the buffer shows up in the buffer list"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>BinOptionL("bl")
call <SID>AddOption("debug", gettext("set to \"msg\" to see all error messages"))
call append("$", " \tset debug=" . &debug)
if has("signs")
  call <SID>AddOption("signcolumn", gettext("whether to show the signcolumn"))
  call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
  call <SID>OptionL("scl")
if has("mzscheme")
  call <SID>AddOption("mzquantum", gettext("interval in milliseconds between polls for MzScheme threads"))
  call append("$", " \tset mzq=" . &mzq)
if exists("&luadll")
  call <SID>AddOption("luadll", gettext("name of the Lua dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("luadll", &luadll)
if exists("&perldll")
  call <SID>AddOption("perldll", gettext("name of the Perl dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("perldll", &perldll)
if has('pythonx')
  call <SID>AddOption("pyxversion", gettext("whether to use Python 2 or 3"))
  call append("$", " \tset pyx=" . &wd)
if exists("&pythondll")
  call <SID>AddOption("pythondll", gettext("name of the Python 2 dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pythondll", &pythondll)
if exists("&pythonhome")
  call <SID>AddOption("pythonhome", gettext("name of the Python 2 home directory"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pythonhome", &pythonhome)
if exists("&pythonthreedll")
  call <SID>AddOption("pythonthreedll", gettext("name of the Python 3 dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pythonthreedll", &pythonthreedll)
if exists("&pythonthreehome")
  call <SID>AddOption("pythonthreehome", gettext("name of the Python 3 home directory"))
  call <SID>OptionG("pythonthreehome", &pythonthreehome)
if exists("&rubydll")
  call <SID>AddOption("rubydll", gettext("name of the Ruby dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("rubydll", &rubydll)
if exists("&tcldll")
  call <SID>AddOption("tcldll", gettext("name of the Tcl dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("tcldll", &tcldll)
if exists("&mzschemedll")
  call <SID>AddOption("mzschemedll", gettext("name of the MzScheme dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("mzschemedll", &mzschemedll)
  call <SID>AddOption("mzschemegcdll", gettext("name of the MzScheme GC dynamic library"))
  call <SID>OptionG("mzschemegcdll", &mzschemegcdll)

set cpo&vim

" go to first line

" reset 'modified', so that ":q" can be used to close the window
setlocal nomodified

if has("syntax")
  " Use Vim highlighting, with some additional stuff
  setlocal ft=vim
  syn match optwinHeader "^ \=[0-9].*"
  syn match optwinName "^[a-z]*\t" nextgroup=optwinComment
  syn match optwinComment ".*" contained
  syn match optwinComment "^\t.*"
  if !exists("did_optwin_syntax_inits")
    let did_optwin_syntax_inits = 1
    hi link optwinHeader Title
    hi link optwinName Identifier
    hi link optwinComment Comment

" Install autocommands to enable mappings in option-window
noremap <silent> <buffer> <CR> <C-\><C-N>:call <SID>CR()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <buffer> <CR> <Esc>:call <SID>CR()<CR>
noremap <silent> <buffer> <Space> :call <SID>Space()<CR>

" Make the buffer be deleted when the window is closed.
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=delete noswapfile

augroup optwin
  au! BufUnload,BufHidden option-window nested
	\ call <SID>unload() | delfun <SID>unload
augroup END

func <SID>unload()
  delfun <SID>CR
  delfun <SID>Space
  delfun <SID>Find
  delfun <SID>Update
  delfun <SID>OptionL
  delfun <SID>OptionG
  delfun <SID>BinOptionL
  delfun <SID>BinOptionG
  delfun <SID>Header
  au! optwin

" Restore the previous value of 'title' and 'icon'.
let &title = s:old_title
let &icon = s:old_icon
let &ru = s:old_ru
let &sc = s:old_sc
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
let &ul = s:old_ul
unlet s:old_title s:old_icon s:old_ru s:old_sc s:cpo_save s:idx s:lnum s:old_ul

" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2